Importance of education

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Level 8

Oneli Wayanija Gunawardhana

Importance of Education
There is a saying “Education is the not the learning of facts, but training of the mind
Education is a process of receiving or giving systematic instruction especially at a
school or university. Education is usually in school, where a person may learn basic,
academic or trade skills.
There are three types of education,
Formal education
Informal education
None formal education
Education can stimulate economic growth less directly by increasing innovation,
productivity, and human capital. By educating yourself, the chance to change your better.
Education develops critical thinking and also it makes a person an able decision-
maker. Value education also helps the students to become more responsible and sensible.
Education allows us to grow intellectually. The main purpose of education is the integral
development of person.
The importance of education is that helps people to become better citizens, get a
better paid job, shows the different between good and bad. A good education adds to the
communication skills of a person and helps them to express themselves more effectively.
Those who get an education have higher incomes, have more opportunities in their
lives and tend to be healthier.
There are some reasons why education is considered vital they are,
Develop self-Dependency
Fulfil dreams and ambitions
Build confidence
Make a fairer world
The importance of education is increasing day by day. Education is a human right
therefore every human being needs to have equal access to educate themselves.

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