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© PHYSics NOTES Nut Shell Nates|PRySics -L CSS 4PmS written. Sagfneer Rowan Ayshacl Cell: 0300-0333737 JP gon moval vealed a e + PMS pind, whal) me on cM: CO300-0333734 2o!7 css fo per Q: whalts the cross product of Two Veclors ? Why the cross preducl é callecl Pseudo eck? SMorks 9n malhemalics amol . ics the cross ot two vectors fs a bineng fe tahion in tree climensional Space. St vesulls in a. veckor quank 7 $0 it is alse coulled ols ‘ veclorfedadk Of has licalion in weg TP ond Om 10 veclors Mallonnesbies , tneening. For B amd B we howe- Bx6 = -6xA -th or in cope a BxG= [Allslsmo” wher 7 is normal plame AxB. lie ace * ve ta_levms spot handed orclunae a we explamed avhn i Bxb Puysics—4 ~€SS— NUT SHELLNOTES Doron DL. *3 eC IS; Gross Proctuct fs 3070 while for hie cular veder fls value [ maximum. Mabix Notakion of Cross Pacuct For two vechrs A and B wo fig é@ AxB=] va, pa, As 6, B. Ss To terms 4 Umit Vectors *fe Jaxb |= Aven Toque Veeloy Preduct SL 7x Shows Torque. (oo Mechamiss w Computational Geomebeg Cell: 0300-0333 735 # Fre a! = pared By = M. Rizwan ARSHAD = 2018 PI-DI-O1 225 Why Cross Prochuct (Shi Beude Vector ? A veckw that does nd change sign wnder tiverslon & va a Prowl Vecker. Considey the following example Gap = (0) «(B= Vp So tnuersion 4 each Troli- viduel vec the cross Procluct df two veckas has no effect on the proeluct So Cross Procuich fs Cotllecl Poeu- do vector, e Q: hal fs Div valor Fld al 6 pst Stomihic ( | div = eat - ah — | dive P : NUT SHELL NOTES — Doma, Divergence 5 vach mi move as Shown Bn Fal Macha Di ence mea T} tie net plow Sf Aida yom. ob ink. A es wh rip ding is Shem cowstdered as Socrte while point uflt | “egative livergone fs lonsidereol as ‘Sink. Jn Elechromagueliot of Bis ‘he moet ffetol thon | V-B=0 | shows That - is pe jew ie through. no al = ‘ So theve fs Yann “Sout ab} magnetic cel Flow 5 mognelie fe Q: What fs line integral ? a4 Undlor whak tondifons it ts ured to Cali the werk: Line fn Ise as sale fs out cCuves Irak Covrve oul” below written 2g zR sefenea useol to fn & surface Ais Shown ¥ Une ‘integral “ A Line int el wold help fo clebermsna the emo nt 5f work alone in mIVINAA om point bo inf B rat tne 52 B. Engin Riau Preshac \,03c0.03Coleulation wok Done ta t-b woth = Meno ie (<@,4(0) « aya a ~ (4 (43) 2 atiat at A= -31 439 +aK Ba -at-aF yan ~- 4 & aa C = ar +3g 4d Bind iy Be (Bae) Ccs$-2at1-$ avs) pared By=.M. Rizwan ARSHAD-= 2018 /2-b1-< ghe Lune ink line tak c 4, 3 veckor a veckor See aed sa the closeal Suspoce is be sofas pete Tie cak Ja ve that suxfoce 7? 1 Prost I Botts shhe theorem. | & ten fewn a Oeie ty sah | Hene the &ume | 4 the fig i ABCD ay ! Ua paid 0 be! a & dol the hale ser} ce fs diviled sato small ened enol cueeek 5E cne mesh, i “ole. a worl Yeds 2 ine voll fpr at call Ai = The asp (iz, B)+t * w) a oor] s[out} fess = Ans. 2 (0-2 200) -§ (or449) + re a) +309) =3 (-6)-7 (0) +8 (4 +9) |] ©) Ditorgonce = x-q Pins - (@) Curl 5 0 Ver &) Gracliont SEO en ve¥ BEE ied8).( ial - = (38) 9 = (-4)4+() +O = Gage Aas, can ee ‘i lerField SeollarFidd a ma passe “i dheoeom? ak pe “ce “Gonstle a swell element 5f Volume me. mete . dy ual be ie nea ve fa ie 3 4 + 3p) ey dg Six Vay ={{f Vx dxdy ds + SS Rees +f] R055 a =f2%f fc + (2 34s ff faa? + Be a4 th » Pre, S = pared By = MRizwan ARSHAD = 2018 1-01-07 if gly "( died if day J cenemtam fs A DP amd Me dad -—O above wert “b” As “ te fs defered as reike Jf Chama 4 momenkum “ve Wh a ofl, 1 = Ya sy 4 Wy fey 0% fy ante a = {f (wacky 1 Vy Vd) | “= tede zg if Veale eu a 7 at -t sat Spee nm ane “at ] 2fowek ‘ dere Terque” er om becls is Gero fon a) ata de <0 sl de ntuctltoe ohn momentum ts 3b He His proved That Pritt. Momen 1S conserved. ronce tt cam Shaked 0%? bce be \ puysies-4 -ess--nurs ‘Constoloy the jeter cose Fie a Fa =- Fax —O _ AP ' Fao > dps Fdt AP= Fdk Fat Here As or Sih Fore Fe hl ty to &, he Fs cam be ef thhowell t ee a the change A=, | fade o£ o& vcimlam |% * rg Be = : m1 Fa ot Foe force. Fas 8 In the absconce df eabnal| Dh, = | Fads Q [Pr tre vole of change . i = § 9 is > b= Oh “by APL gi Momnentime * Grsewedl Above. relation shows that tne cobsence Ef tn the absence of eb Fore. 1-2 fant | Otternal once. te foball Momtexthun= P= Cons entium & Ihe salem Momortin | teymains constanb. by Keples. HELLNOTES _Downin. mg Hime, Plane z ‘ils 24st Law P— Periods» 3rd law here owe lhvee laws of Molton Fal were jo Paystes-4 - 66. nH he planels in the Solo syslem move vA OM *, ical, oul akownel the Samak one Af tao fo Consider Flowing Moon plamed (say Cont) thee % ep Sum =Chsest i Piz Rort-Helin ft EY and e 5 P= FaAthest Plan: from eadth to Sun? Pas Ap.Hellon qu Hsyy: nvmaziy “py -Ro pe g10z— ~ ¢s5-'NUT SH! etl NOTEs — sw00P out *4 Cath, fs quer a as=(D() 70 Now capno= SE Kron 09 fs very srl Teme becomes 9 | 9Fslates whore peal T= Time Ported df. planel Set eS ¥= Mean ctislanee 5f planet : trom the Sun, Pods wiilenby ame Bs re mer oo -0333, oe! a = at y GM T =| 4x*y? —6 aM where Y= Rth = 63lom + adokm G= 661x160" = 6.60x10 m Me 6xidteg Pur oll values in equd T= | ue@ wa) x (6-6ox1b9) ee ae C.6Tx16" x 6x10" > Pre va = pared By=.M.Rizwan ARSHAD-= 2018 Pi—-vt-1 Topic=#__ Speefal theory 64 Relaliily ¢ 4. What is thang Relalfity Ot consists 4 Be (a) Special 1! sity — Peed a us i ©) General, 4 Rela’ - vied it 196. So Albert Einsheun epics 2 Kinemabies ° Galiles ah aly 2+ Une Scope of Classical —_— PUYsiesa4.. _¢ss nur suett NOTES — Dermniy Topic -ft_— Q. IMS-L0l6 Derlue Einsheuin -_ | , ~ relalion ee ee hale | ths tm ce in Prete: Fores + Oms Parsies- res Wriltensey Engineer Rizxomn prskacl CGICLB 0300 0333739 For fncompyessible, inion vis . lon'- VISCO Fluid - “Tine Samal. vewains tome Pag Bh = hah pve tiah A nN hy aa ah a—-M Dm As e Prt [Bets wim] —@ Naw Wie Bost) =(Fi)b2 wr =(PrAX6%)) 2 PoE Wie (PAN(VIE) ya yk Wie RCAM)E vet Arye | We PY —t) writtenty a Soa = PLY Ait) ineor Riahsom As © =[dw= Pv- PY Jeo: 0300-03334 PNB = (L"Mr~ LV) a he PrVelume - “ghy (A-P)v 2 2 ) Cm ee 0 “ ht ah awl e-tn) efoah f -mght (R-®) =p[ ew wl So proved: ‘i Radke Pale Py = Poti Pia gh ‘Applicalion 6} Bernaulid theorem + | uy 3 loner Here Speech Vi C6VL- © selzo) © (oh xB ont. Tet gah, Rk put Ash pr wee amd oR =P P+ovfghaPshsy, igh. A+ Pai afr Pvt Pgh fan 5 fab = 4 PV 2 Au = palri-h) BY ve = aq (nha) cerce wal] —= oes peecl Vice Ve Bervoulli © As se. dhesrem. Prepared By = M. Rizwan ArsnaD - 2018 Pi D2-37 Po Bsa S gm =? eB pe py A piesih Pr ty fui fight = hag Roy Pi+0 470 =R+dpy +0 2) Venturi Relation f& [A-P=edsryr () Ring Mi Ee @ Tap Volume MéIwd ©) Capi Melted y i tnlemad behveon the a Ccretol 99 Dhais Ns vi = Pas A.Dekinilion ; Biff tes) Teal Fluid = Tet i Steadyy- ye [pHysics—4. - css—nur-snewenores Va wha fs LASER a istics LASER @Monochromalte (Single Single Gk) @ hasnt AS lad uncle ® Schonal wal (dbvethincl not 3, sda A LASER Over Orolinary ean » Excplain/ Com ies swf Aon tke ordi homore inter ) ao wy Ot] ‘pias | OMe g OL LASER 4. Types Of eel Ly Gas. sors 85% Hee asen she He-Ne LASER (Lees ™ oF S. Heat Energy 9 Bal LASER ¢ pe () Absoxplion TM E, > slat _Dipwonird 23. E Here Ex£,2h0 } &-1.=h? AY zcalion OL LASER, uw) To sw) Cuting Purpose e (3) Cancer Freabment (9 aS age Sunvegyy, 2» Loot - (6) Hel a. Waat fs Inher evemee 5 thon dL hue esouses SE ald te zr in Some cfr... a. Yeunks Setid s Slit Experiment T.! Prepared By 2 M- Rizwan or = 2018 PI- 03-91 TUHSYY: wy w © Biot — For Const Talexf Fasthiok ie = Integral A( ) =ma qm = mad ws Oph 2y By Ly Condition fpr Deshchive er’ Takerfove Fath = oad mat 3 2 foam ayo be 3 Geog oni) vile Sr a —@ AO= Nd cos d am BA ~A{4 _ (2m4i) 4 ae Fo, : dSinQ@=mA dm = (241) aa en d=4 “i 3 Oi ction Gratti i aa i 3 Hess fower | ' a R= A amN Pe “Resin fpwer\___DA Ly ie Edi chen Gra ma i nanealies meget |=ut) y 0 ’ bf ggg fad eg ; dSinO= ma mzoin © net aie Path, att a ‘Fdsing) = (nd) sprase DIFfEere ad CEereace si d (G36) = nda a 5 xia orf de phase Hiff =" piysics—4 -css_nursueunores — pmsl 22, 4 ne 12 ANA IVI, A= AN. a Co Rnenytemans B 2 Path dif = OL =*- feat ao Constr f - hs Path diff = Asin 50, ii aegis A Sin $9, = 4 Set) = rn sin (x -vot) oT Strrilaxdey along fe x-amis- po) = ge Shh (ux pat) Superposition : Slowing 0 dbo) 2th (at)+ pple) So Gest) =24m Stafec-t > Sin (ux 4 (aut)= Attn Sin von yo oH Wewes — : Sata: Gite) alo, ( Popressi = Ae De| foppressiu BOO = 2p Stn sie a = & the Callechion Jf nodes 2): (=) Ce Fok Necles fs cald] get) = 24m Sin (Re): C40 . cos 2. Analytical Treatment [supose . GAsE) = Aeon Sin 104) -Coscat Ge When buo woes ea = en oppesite clivection » meet . at a ink en Noe. + Node Ba pl on Sut ts algebric Slandurg wave wbere any Sees | econ ot Node 3. Supertpesition 6 anes seal - => enh, % i 4 me Aniinsdes eo eee Potnt on $ hq Wewe wawess | where etd poe B monte, | sees Cos wat phash) ws Pre, = = pared By = M-RizwAn ARSHAD = 2018 Pi- D3— 03 el] o 00-3887 5y PUYSIes-4 | — éss nur sHeit NoTeS — Dar A. Repti 6 A wae mae wierd dant A Called 99 se vonse onsen th ‘af Leo aunt of bine ®) a-vb= “4 dk, _ vy dyt) = Alcon! x dt) =e) cs Ais chow | ~vi) =? || whem Rabse vnoues ws alo ive XOMISS ov _ Conch f= Cons! xavb = was! * [G-~| PRS) Croup velocity % estate cn Velacihes a sree frase) =) ihewel O ware, ie ee cago te gallica wel wt = t eat x= coh + Se see 0+ EO) “dee oh =e ee, enter) aoe, So ee arine ees AS Mhase= = excseat = wtawt ot ne Gy cides mt Py veumdin® ok AS go 2h = Dt. 2 @ 2 oe dE as { PHysics—4. -css— nur suctenores —Dponin 2," eG : —" y Vf: ” 3. Relattenship bho 4 Le Talorfeorlers( Vy velocity anal Phase velbd “Device vied Wo fim F 7. OO -O333 1841 Alberk Abr ; Tnventect Wis [Prachica! ry HoT he receluad nabie- a SB = Cells o Prepared By = M.Rizwan ARSHAD — 2018 PI- 5-5 Here 06 = R (As A’tsusmall) ona? Ord ie NoTeS: — Domai PRVSics..4. _éss_nur suet Nove ae ae viteing! . er 2) Rath af = 7 M=0A 2, % ae fv one As Pealh fret Put Oo) : ee de ee “ d= R (& ") ya WR U3 ~ a yt mn =0,13, | d= R- a(i-E) Gee), Ahis poe re stg 3. Types sifresnel Di Lion ; SB ‘i. FrowmboFrex iffeaction coo Fresnel Diffraction, 1 i Aperahuve suits ' k— Finthe Dislane —! (8) Fraumheffer DPfrachion . ' For geroral text 1 (© Condiion fox Minivna. ASG = nd , Mee) 2337-~ as J _é | where “We Sin ° (8) Condition er Maxima Ahone entsh minima on on SXCEN.... Shows mina. OP: Frepaned By = M- Rizwan ARSHAD = 2018 P'-> OH Port O a consider | forks Past SE Above Wave ay EIN: eddy WY \ FER =0 tor (eke a) Gédi = Eas de0y 5.44 “4 fed = de sy» ® As orelenow Macoiels thivd Eq S@.dt= - Age pede = - 4 (BA) = -Ad8 at ak 5]. - iy GE de = = “dixag dP 4) E/ conpauig ewr6) ond 46) 3 de by’= ada of AP or - 38 % sel debe Pan wee C a 7 rl PRYSI¢s-4. . _ ess nur sneit NoTES — Demnin—-__, ia | Pot (ons Ta greta Adxy UE: ho a fe7 , d: che 4 Zz 3 Aveo. Sey, wo S.duc oot (-) (Bel) 8 ») Uap * BOL Sibclt = 8-04 +9) fbud0 = - d804 —© As we Know Manullts Fourth €a, Fide = Mee fe 2 Metadl (6 at at SS en lee Fb.dd = Motor XE Fbda= YoGo(dx 05) SE (D Compan 4, © ond ® es sles de JB Of = Yee chigh ce -dB= MoCodx de ae da = —dy a ee On Partial dervahive For - BB = —MeCo DE Dt ot “Fol law oa UZ Laws, oLe 9+ Applicben FTauy vib * Fei Hasty RETA Statement : stor tuo Syshem 4 a amd“? ame fi Terma! equi- tibriom unt a third omy eo tay (Aand 8) cue “in ther | mal equititorivm utth each other 99S “Modhovnali Fi (PM )=0 —w Fa (PV) =0—12) Combination fy beth - F(A), &,\.)=0=0 —0) Applicahions ptt wee hire Shermal Reel t a. 2 Siad Lew lsat aus Q= (ug-ui)+W hone ie Boca som added to Yeule ae intwkornal energy 5 System. We wee done by Spstem. Shloment: ¢¢ React neva com be conerted tal en coer ape x 4 my uy. wat u + W=o0 when pislon ts is Pinel. Fixed Se, Q= (Ug-Ui) +0 Q = Up-Uj fsa anges day= du shat“ a dyanCydt —) So fn ei cose we Com that tutemal en 2 hohe of Temperature ml premume at const asl) Tsao Scan be wl On u=uUu ct, >) Applications wrBsothennal recess (du=0) @ Adiabatic e5S (6Q 20) 3) Gsobame Process (sw = P¢av)) wu) Tsochorte (SW=0) 1) Tsothonal Process :eduso 66 Ta which Temporature of the sysh i tant 6 cam be heal a etal camoun A Second Accordung First law tee i eyen 1 25 3 @ =WUp— us) 4 differential Form. 4Q = du +64—Y) Fox tsothowmal process dA =0 Me $= SW —O) Now §u] 27 nz F dx 6N = (PA) Ax 5W = p (Adx) We °y ideal Gas “equalion Py =AT = aRT palineqyy Ye w)> we Jatav a "Ve We net [dy s Ze ae), Wa mar ( Gog va ogy] W= RAT fy Va. ven “Rg posodon) Me HSBY. NYA! “MI g10t~ | 55 NUT SHELL NOTES — Dorman. =| ( Adtabalte Process $04 Tn ulich mo heat enters 4 Rocwes Ihe $4stew As By Fixst Low) $Q = du+4w For Adiakahic Precers 640 =» O= wW+dW -du= SW Ym abo eau. Give sin aly clecveane in inlemerl energy. and deovene ‘m intevnel | Gnengg coures dlecrecvre in value ts. decreanivy Pt Tot constant. So Bods, a, fs not liceuala. s PY = conshant : * Fetlewing relation hoQels pv conshant. (2) Teobane. Process. F553 In which pressure Syciem sven? ~~. eA ape ean) Pes eae i ‘ Pacey Vv Ye bQsduy OW MQ aduiFdx Q = du + PAX 6Q du + Pdy SQedut POY) Plysics-4 -css—nursHeunores —tproni W) Tsochoric Boros 4Weo | . 26) Stakemext “In which volume othe | & Henk com not jew by thsel Sysion tomains const 9 colol fo Kok bolt » volume const 5 SW =0 we hawe fe do work to make $4 =dus Sw This foo SQ=duto that rnecuns Perl Refrigenedow is impossible .9 can oe proved on. Second lan 6 toned perms = Desired output in tewns of Enho py Wat Desired Tapat- 66 dhe Covel Qc Kelvin Stabement fhis Guy slades that: Reversible tunel Bree 66x wworkuing ga heat eng or a ine there onmat erst two rewersile Process , bodies ak-cifferent lempe Prepared 875 M-RizwAaNn ARSHAD = 2018 PI- D405 Enhopys ipa’ eres bao Ss recess teu F 2 ee st =. ae Hot Reservely | Cape iapale a4 ; ©, main — 04 _PRYStes4.. _éss_nursneit NoTES - Damsin etn “Erp 0) Enhoy niin . 10. area term meres Ibis mearwre Bf clisorcloy HA mole anlar mohion 5 molecules. (Ht fs a veal physical quail Balers in Reversible Procesd Remains Consleunt ape a reversible ab shown eee ae. nae g0zt~ Sac= Sp- St the quay °° ts Caled va ae | rei cect el ce awa Process Tnoseanes cee St Should be voted ak enbopy - ee, ee nate envi a HN 4k. Q: write Short Note on. © Brownian Motion was pst | obseruecl by Robert Broun in 1827 eRe = lock Hough Minyoscope Ae obseredl this melon calleot © Broumian Mohn” o is not possible lo see indiviclual molecules od They mee rapiclly usth wall Of the container cnel with etch. other. © Houoner tt badge to see ditect effects Sy such. motion. 2 Robert Brcwn cbserved that the mel s “danced around 7? ina Yandom wo. Basic Feahures 4} Brownian. Molten @) dhe motion fs Gubinuonts amd takes place ferever. |@) dhe melion is completely | “tn wundem amd fnequlay. @) Twe pourticles Sf the same | Ske amcl same weight meve | wit, same speccl. |g? No fwo peutieles exeaube puysics-4 ~€55— NUT SHELLNOTES —DirrwniniL. 7} # os : ticles move mee rapidly as Compcure fo er anes. (© When femperalure i trerewed lhe wohion oh molecules become us. S (28) P wore vis Brunian Metion6} Sige Fark Broumian Molion fora sir le particle suspended fm and viewed tingly ® mfore- Scope is shoun below: 201g P4-D4- 05 (Fig. Grounion taetion) | Ih ven-slep amd random motion 6} particle 1 catlecl Semurlan lon. Volume in a vertical column Given as ~("9fegp) (2-2) e€ M. Rizwan ARSHAD — Peonarrecl Bur N= sd amass Sf Single melecule. = Aig. Ne-d} rnelecul, anit . guest orn per Z = Kept Ee Ke = Boltgman Corslant es a Absatdle Temperaline te ae * 08 2 3 PRYSies-4. | _éss_nur.snett NoTeS: — Dome Consider 4 yneleeules fa omy environment as Shawn below Yor Vaye Yrs fort Mean Square Velocity Veloct ‘robable velocity Yy bere Vems = Vaue = A Vp = Mask —! W/ For= 4% (= ave? RT 7 ) Ch = =) wy ¢ =tfer —©) ear) becomes - joae a -oNe pane (we Cac”) + en (2¢1) Simpeipery above. R107 ~ the clishibubion of velecitg Fo = 3 -C.V ~aanave + ay acve FV)z2 ac e""[-av's1] To Fin Mev a) = pat Fs = on aave'f-eav's!] d= 0 )V4 I cove! vie cr Va {eo —) pak valine Sf C2 Frome) ils Ye \ x Ver sy ‘ TO Vina out fo) | o dn this Come Now Areva vali Conside. allewing fe 2 Yay" oe Fron ded 2. PHYSICS —4 ~¢35- nur sue norEs —Bpwnid—,? Vinee fv Forde —s) Math psy uP ui eo 019 a v fo) = le ev" ier Yone = «(By (aU 4) fe) Yowes an (4) (208) Calls 0 300 - 0333734 # 7 20 Se—hays (7) prema Wied an Sy | See | = 1h 7 ant} 7 ped volboe A 1 From ts) oh. 4 Woe = (Far) (42) Cell: d300-08338 739 Poe Wave = a (LJ (28h) 1 Vow. = 2/ art Aw Vow = | ot aM Voue = | OKT 7M Wyilten Sy Exgineey Rfzwnn Arshad Prepared By M. Rizwan ARSHAD | 2018 ; wv PHYSICS—Paper-1 ~ 7°°°" | Domain Topic a2 Soolpee ion SIDE “| Dare _65 - Tuly _ 207 . FF + Shork Nole (loMMersks) | Production. and Measurement 5 Low femperalure oducli S| low Temperature : + Low Temperalure + Sn every clay Cfo, femporalne. below. oy arourd 0% et imed vas Con _| _Temperahure. be - AS _& Cryo: sot Low temperate PI sics. : the byamch. an ies which seals with 1 jk C pew hve is called ~Grgosemies of “low . aaa i , ce + Produchion “Sh. Tempera ef _procuceel a ry at ves _ _lenmperctriere | Dare _0S- Sul: Domnin v- PHYSICS -Paren— 1” eS Topic_02_ pc X Se O3 Youre... above...toown.. 003.’ 7 S02, ama NH3 oa Thena_ the recl-eol to high — aa Cike Ho. ,Or prowune. — the? ta cle Soe ndites Saba ic + 4 This technique. Heliina Cun be_| _ eo | thawrmod Rizwan Arsuap (saan) 03 Cell: © B00 O33373F bate Oe Domnin_l_ Topic 62 . FIV SICS-Paen— 1 - ee uid tel and My oc _®& aig pat ~Caloric effec” gt When 4 . Powamagmelte Substounce ) dle maqrahted odes ed _odislaly fer a a fal in perahune _* Ht_planomeson gay Huo te. veame ok oot 0 fnualues oo & this melbed was ued * ve atc down tp_0,.005-, tr nea Re esanen Medanement of Low Tn bu Sie # Cov wie | law : ey er Mesto re ‘ ee oben Cunie?s © Caw? - whch — Shales | shia tt” Prepared By: Mohammad Rizwan Aasuan Gann) PHYSICS—Paper— L.. SOR | penn sae KS —23_ Ras Dare. _0S- Tal Rea _ __M= Calle « Mat coeljolins = Cunie’s Covstamt Hs eae Mor ae eld T= Absolute Tem Morel Ste Suese a om Sheunee. i fs deh rad ay Pm Ss plana, sub. J 5 ate aS = =e = HY: Toric 22 Dare 05 - Luly. 207 a - . _ hich. 9 ves the ay evottune.... With ma. _Scole “temp. Eengeati below AK ¢ be. meakum

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