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THREE YEAR B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., B.B.A., B.C.A.

(2-08(7)-R20 (Regulation 2020-21)
Time : 1½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 50

SECTION – A (4  5 = 20 Marks)
Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries 5 marks.
1. What is business communication? [Q.No. 18, Pg No. 37]
2. Discuss the barriers to effective communication.
[Q.No. 14, Pg No. 29]
3. What are the different types of business communication?
[Q.No. 1, Pg No. 46]
4. Write a note on organizational hierarchy. [Q.No. 25, Pg No. 103]
5. What is a collocation? Mention a few business collocations.
[Q.No. 7, Pg No. 64]
6. Explain the importance of filing and processing. [Q.No. 4, Pg No. 116]
7. Define 'minutes' of a meeting. [Q.No. 17, Pg No. 141]
8. How does 'Agenda' help in regulating the proceedings of a
meeting? [Q.No. 18, Pg No. 141]

SECTION – B (3  10 = 30 Marks)
Answer any THREE questions. Each question carries 10 marks.
9. Discuss the process of communication. [Q.No. 2, Pg No. 3]
10. Explain the various levels of communication in an organization.
[Q.No. 9, Pg No. 69]
11. What are the advantages and disadvantages of online
communication? [Q.No. 20, Pg No. 96]
12. Discuss the characteristics of a good written communication.
[Q.No. 9, Pg No. 126]
13. How do you draft the minutes of a Board Meeting of a company?
[Q.No. 12, Pg No. 133]



OCT./NOV. - 2021
Part – III : Life Skill Course 4
(LSC 204) (w.e.f. 2020-2021 Admitted Batch)
Time : 2 Hours] [Max. Marks 50

SECTION – A (4  5 = 20 Marks)
Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries 5 marks.
1. What is business Communication? Explain its process of
Communication. [Q.No. 18, 2, Pg No. 37, 3]
2. What is noise and feedback? [Pg No. 29, 32]
3. Explain the organizational Hierarchy. [Q.No. 8, Pg No. 67]
4. What is functions of Top level management in the business
Ans. Top management is a team consisting of managers from various
operational levels, managing marketing, finance, etc., For instance, Chief Finance
Officer (CFO), Vice President (marketing) whose primary task is to combine
various components and regulate the actions of different units according to the
overall objectives of the company.
Functions performed at top level of management are :
 Making strategies and goals for the organisation.
 Taking decisions regarding activities to be performed.
 Framing policies for the organisation.
 Responsible for welfare and survival of the organisation.
5. What is non-verbal Communication? [Q.No. 31, Pg No. 45]
6. Explain the Routine cycle of Communication process.
[Q.No. 6, Pg No. 120]
7. What is Agenda and minutes? [Q.No. 18, 17, Pg No. 142, 141]
8. What is business report? [Q.No. 14, Pg No. 80]
SECTION – B (3  10 = 30 Marks)
Answer any THREE questions. Each question carries 10 marks.
9. What is importance of Communication? What are the barriers of
Communication? [Q.No. 5, 14, Pg No. 8, 29]
10. What are the various levels of Communication in the organization?
[Q.No. 9, Pg No. 69]
11. What are the various methods of business communication?
[Q.No. 3, Pg No. 51]
12. Explain the process of receiving business Communication.
[Q.No. 7, Pg No. 122]
13. What are the characteristics of good business communication?
[Q.No. 1, Pg No. 1]
B.A./B.Sc./B.Com./B.B.A./B.C.A. (Three Year)
(20C2118-D) (With effect from 2020-2021)
Time : 2 Hours] [Max. Marks : 50

SECTION – A (4  5 = 20 Marks)
Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries 5 marks.
1. What are the characteristics of communication? [Q.No. 1, Pg No. 1]
2. What is the nature of communication? [Q.No. 1, Pg No. 1]
3. What is a Business report? [Q.No. 14, Pg No. 80]
4. What is a business presentation? [Q.No. 18, Pg No. 92]
5. Briefly explain minutes of meeting. [Q.No. 12, Pg No. 133]
6. Write short report on agenda notes. [Q.No. 18, Pg No. 141]
7. Explain the need for communication. [Q.No. 20, Pg No. 38]
8. What are the different levels of communication?
[Q.No. 9, Pg No. 69]
SECTION – B (3  10 = 30 Marks)
Answer any THREE questions. Each question carries 10 marks.
9. Explain the meaning and definition of communication.
[Q.No. 1, Pg No. 1]
10. Explain the importance of communication. [Q.No. 5, Pg No. 8]
11. What are the formats of Business Communication? [Q.No. 4, Pg No. 55]
12. What is group communication? What are its advantages and
Ans. Groups communication is interaction and exchange of information
between culturally, geographically or linguistically alike people who are a member
of a group. In an organization, it may be defined as the mode by which the
employees and employers, team members communicate with each other.
The primary purpose of group communication is to share information. The
information can vary from person to person, depending upon his role. For
example, the group leader may present the idea, and present relevant information
and the other group members may give feedback.
Advantages of group communication: Group communication has many
benefits in the workplace, including:
1. Diverse perspectives: The first benefit is that it allows for more diverse
perspectives. When multiple people work together on a project, they each bring
their unique perspectives to the table. This can result in a more well-rounded final product.
2. Improve decision-making: Another benefit is that it can lead to better
decision-making. With so many different thoughts and opinions, reaching a
consensus cannot be easy. However, group interaction allows everyone to have a
say in the decision-making process. This can help to ensure that the best possible
decision is made.
3. Promotes creativity: The third benefit is that it promotes creativity.
When people work together, they often develop new and innovative ideas. This is
because they can bounce ideas off of each other and build on their thoughts.
4. Builds relationships: A fourth benefit is that it builds relationships.
While people are communicating with each other, they have the opportunity to
build strong relationships. This is especially true if the communication is open and
5. Transparency about goals and expectations: The fifth benefit is that
it creates transparency about goals and expectations. When everyone is on the
same page, it’s easier to work towards a common goal. There is also a greater
understanding of what is expected from each individual.
6. Promote Learning: Finally, group communication can help to promote
learning. This is because people have the opportunity to share their knowledge
with others. When people can learn from each other, it can lead to a more well-
rounded education.
Disadvantages of group communication: While group communication
provides plenty of benefits, there are specific challenges and barriers to be mindful
of when working towards improving group communication.
1. Physical barriers: When group members don’t occupy the same
physical space, it can pose a potential challenge to group communication.
Moreover, inadequate communication tools, poor internet or phone connections
can also hinder communication quality.
2. Perceptual barriers: Personality types and the general outlook on life
of the group members play an important role in how each individual group member
will perceive the work tasks and messages in group communication.
3. Emotional barriers: The current emotional state of the participants in
the group communication affects how they will formulate and interpret messages.
An individual going through a rough time can change the group communication
4. Interpersonal barriers: Group communication is also largely affected
by how individual group members perceive themselves. Overly confident
individuals will interact in a completely different manner than group members who
are more insecure.
5. Cultural barriers: Assumptions, stereotypes, and nonverbal
misinterpretations are some of the most common obstacles to successful
intercultural communication, as identified by LaRay M. Barna. As the number of
international teams increases, organizations need to put more emphasis on
overcoming these barriers to perfect cross-cultural communication across their
6. Language barriers: Although formally considered as a cultural barrier,
language barriers in group communication can occur even when all members
speak the same language. Specific technical terminology, or industry jargon can
also cause misunderstandings.
13. Discuss characteristics of a good communication. What are the
essentials of good communication? [Q.No. 1, 6, Pg No. 1, 13]
(NS2 - 176) (New Regulation 2020-21)
Time : 2 Hours] [Max. Marks: 50
SECTION – A (4  5 = 20 Marks)
Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries 5 marks.
1. Define Business Communication. Explain the meaning.
[Q.No. 18, Pg No. 37]
2. Explain process of Communication. [Q.No. 2, Pg No. 3]
3. Explain Types of Business Communication. [Q.No. 1, Pg No. 46]
4. Write about Online Communication. [Q.No. 31, Pg No. 107]
5. Write about various levels communication in an organization.
[Q.No. 9, Pg No. 69]
6. Write about Written Communication. [Pg No. 53]
7. Explain Preparation of Meeting Agenda. [Q.No. 11, Pg No. 130]
8. Explain the filing and processing of Business Communication.
[Q.No. 2, Pg No. 112]

SECTION – B (3  10 = 30 Marks)
Answer any THREE questions. Each question carries 10 marks.
9. Write a note on importance of Communication. [Q.No. 5, Pg No. 8]
10. Explain the concept of Organizational hierarchy in detail.
[Q.No. 8, Pg No. 67]
11. What are the essential of a good Business Report. [Q.No. 17, Pg No. 89]
12. Explain the Characteristics of a good Business Communication.
[Q.No. 17, Pg No. 89]
13. Explain the presentation of Communication using various methods.
[Q.No. 3, Pg No. 51]
Part – III : Skill Development - II
Time : 2 Hours] [Max. Marks : 50
SECTION – A (4  5 = 20 Marks)
Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries 5 marks.
1. Explain the importance of communication in a business
organisation. [Q.No. 20, Pg No. 38]
2. What are the elements of communication? [Q.No. 6, Pg No. 10]
3. Describe the importance of online communication.
[Q.No. 20, Pg No. 96]
4. What are the different types of business communications?
[Q.No. 1, Pg No. 46]
5. Explain the structure of downward communication.
[Q.No. 11, Pg No. 72]
6. Explain the routine cycle of communication. [Q.No. 6, Pg No. 120]
7. Define agenda and explain its contents. [Q.No. 11, Pg No. 130]
8. What are the advantages of written communication?
Ans. A ‘Written Communication’ means the sending of messages, orders or
instructions in writing through letters, circulars, manuals, reports, telegrams, office
memos, bulletins, etc.
Advantages of Written Communication:
The advantages of Written Communication are stated below:
1. It is suitable for long distance communication and repetitive standing orders.
2. It creates permanent record of evidence. It can be used for future reference.
3. It gives the receiver sufficient time to think, act and react.
4. It can be used as legal document.
5. It can be sent to many persons at a time.
6. It is suitable for sending statistical data, chart, diagram, pictures, etc.
7. Order, allocation of work, job distribution, etc. in written form reduce
ambiguity and help in fixation of responsibility.

SECTION – B (3  10 = 30 Marks)
Answer any THREE questions. Each question carries 10 marks.
9. Define communication and explain its characteristics.
[Q.No. 1, Pg No. 1]
10. What are the barriers of Organisational communication?
[Q.No. 14, Pg No. 29]
11. What are the different levels of communication in an organisation?
[Q.No. 9, Pg No. 69]
12. Explain the various methods used for presentation of
communication. [Q.No. 18, Pg No. 93]
13. What is business report? Explain its contents. [Q.No. 17, Pg No. 89]


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