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Assistant Professor cum Research Scholar
Contact No. 9620925899
Average Question: 4 to 8 questions = 8 to 16 marks
Type of questions: Concept, memory and current affairs
Most important topic:
• Education in Ancient period, Medieval India & modern period
• Higher education in India – pre & post independence period
• Structure of Higher education in India
• Regulatory Framework governing higher education in India
• Educational bodies – UGC, NTA, NCERT & UPSC
• Major Universities and colleges
• Value education
• Rajyasabha, Loksabha, President, Prime minister, Supreme court,
Fundamental rights & duties
ABHI TUTORIAL - 9620925899
Meaning of governance
In 1989 World Bank study “Sub-Saharan Africa-from Crisis to Sustainable Growth”, the
term “Governance‟ was first used to describe the need for institutional reform and a better
and more efficient public sector in Sub-Saharan countries. It defined governance as “the
exercise of political power to manage a Nation’s affairs.
The term “good governance‟, referring to it as a “public service that is efficient, a judicial
system that is reliable and an administration that is accountable to its public.
According to U.N Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
(UNESPACP) Good Governance has eight characteristics:
1) Transparency
2) Equity and Inclusiveness
3) Effectiveness and Efficiency
4) Accountability
5) Participation
6) Rule of law
7) Responsiveness
8) Consensus oriented
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• Vice-Chancellor : Directors
• The Court : University Act
• Dean: Registrar
• Executive Council : Calender • Dean Academic Affairs : Chair person
Vol-II (The Ordinances) • Proctor: Uncharged
• Academic Council : Calender • Chief Warden : Officer
Vol-III (The Ordinances) • Dean of Students Welfare: pubic
• Finance Committee : information officer
University Policy • Dean of Colleges : public relation officer
• Planning Board : Incumbency • Controller of Examinations : Director of
distance education
Board Officers
• Librarian: organisational chart
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UNIVERSITY COURT : The Court is the supreme authority of the University and has
the power to review the acts of the Executive Council and the Academic Council.

➢The Executive Council shall be the principal executive body of the University.
➢The constitution of the Executive Council, the term of office of its members and its
powers and functions shall be such as may be prescribed by the Statutes.

➢The Academic Council shall be the principal academic body of the University and
shall subject to the provisions of this Act, the Statutes and Ordinances, co-ordinate
and exercise general supervision over all academic policies of the University.
➢The constitution of the Academic Council, the term of office of its members and
its powers and functions shall be such as may be prescribed by the Statutes.

NOTE: A. Vice CHANCELLOR is chairman for all the council but for university court,
the chairman is CHANCELLOR
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➢The Finance Committee shall examine the accounts and scrutinize the proposals for
expenditures and shall submit the annual budget to the Executive Council for approval.
➢No expenditure in the budget shall be incurred by the University without the prior approval
of the Finance Committee which shall fix limits for the total recurring and nonrecurring
expenditure for the year based on the resources and the income of the University. No
expenditure shall be incurred by the University in excess of the limits so fixed.
➢ It shall examine and recommend to the Executive Council the creation of teaching and
other posts.
➢The annual accounts and the official estimates of the university shall be laid before the
Finance Committee for its consideration and comments thereon and thereafter submitted to
the Executive Council for approval.


chancellor for 3 years on recommendation of government)

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Indian constitution

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• The Constitution of India is the supreme law of India. It lays down the framework
defining fundamental political principles, establishes the structure, procedures, powers
and duties of government institutions and sets out fundamental rights, directive
principles and the duties of citizens. It is the longest written constitution of any
sovereign country in the world.
• The nation is governed on the basis of this Constitution. B. R. Ambedkar is regarded as
the chief architect of the Indian Constitution.
• The Indian Constitution is the longest in the world
• It has 448 articles, 12 schedules and 98 amendments. On the other hand, the American
constitution is the shortest.
• The Constituent Assembly had 284 members, out of which 15 were women. The
Drafting Committee submitted the draft in November 1949, after which they took three
more years to complete it
• Most importantly, the law on which the Supreme Court works was taken from Japan.
There are many other concepts that have been borrowed from other countries.
• The Indian Constitution came into force on January 26, 1950.
• R. Ambedkar had a major role to play in the formulation of the Indian Constitution.
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• Currently, Mr. Ram Nath Kovind is serving as the President of India.

• The President is the first citizen of India who is elected indirectly by an Electoral College comprising
of the Parliament of India (Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha) and the states legislatures (Vidhan Sabha).
• He is the Head of the State and the nominal executive authority.
• He serves for a term of 5 years. He can be removed before the expiry of the term through
• He exercises executive, legislative and other powers.

Executive Functions and Powers of Indian President

• The President is the head of the Union Executive and the Supreme Commander of Indian Armed
• He appoints Judges of the Supreme Court and the High Courts, Governors of States, the Auditor
General of India the members of Finance Commission, Election commission, Union Public
commission etc.
• He appoints the Prime Minister. He is duty bound to appoint the leader of the majority party as the
Prime Minister and with his advice, the other Ministers of the Union Council of Ministers are
• He can also dissolve the Lok Sabha.
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• President is an integral part of the Union Legislature or Parliament. (Union Legislature

consists of the President, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha).
• He can summon the houses of Parliament either separately or jointly.
• He can discontinue (prorogue) the Houses of Parliament.
• He can address the Parliament at the beginning of the first session after each general election
and the first joint session of each year.
• He nominates 12 members of the Rajya Sabha possessing special knowledge or practical
skills in literature, art, science and social service.
• All the bills passed by the Parliament can become laws only after receiving the assent of
President. He can return a bill for reconsideration to the Parliament if it is not a Money Bill.
But after reconsideration, if the bill is passed in the parliament and presented to the
President, he is obliged to give the assent to the bill. Money Bill cannot be introduced
without his consent.
• The President has the power to declare three kinds of Emergencies- National, State and
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• The Vice President is the second highest ranking official after the President.
• He is elected by the Electoral College consisting of members of both houses but does not include
members of state legislative assemblies as in case of President.
• The qualifications are the same as those for President.
• He holds the office for 5 years. He can be removed before the expiry of his term through a resolution
passed by a Rajya Sabha with an absolute majority. No formal impeachment is required.
• If the post falls vacant in case of death, resignation or otherwise, the Deputy Chairman of the Rajya
Sabha takes charge until a new Vice-President is elected.


• The Vice President has the legislative function of acting as the Chairman of Rajya Sabha.
• He enjoys powers and functions similar to those of the Speaker of Lok Sabha.
• He has the power to act as President in case this post falls vacant due to death, resignation or
otherwise for a maximum period of 6 months only, within which new President is appointed.
• When acting as President, he does not perform the duties of chairman of Rajya Sabha.
• If both the posts of President and Vice President falls vacant, then the Chief Justice of India or in his
absence, the senior most judge of Supreme Court takes the charge as President
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• The Prime Minister is known to be Head of the government whereas the President is the Head of the State. The
Prime Minister is the Real Executive authority whereas the President is the Nominal Executive authority.
• He is appointed by the President. The leader of the majority party in Lok Sabha is appointed as the Prime
Minister by the President. In case of no clear majority, then the President can use his powers in appointing the
Prime Minister. The term is not fixed. Prime Minister holds the office during the pleasure of the President. He is
the Head of execution, head of government, representative of nation, head of council minister


• He acts as the chairman of the NITI Aayog, National Integration Council, National Development Council,
National Water Resources Council and Inter-State Council.
• He suggests the names of persons who can be appointed or can be removed as ministers by the President. He
can suggest dissolution of the Lok Sabha to the President.
• He can suggest the President in case of appointing Comptroller and Auditor General of India, Attorney General
of India, Advocate General of India, Chairman and members of UPSC, Selection of Election Commissioners
and Members and chairman of Finance Commission.
• He is the speaker of the ruling government & acts as the political head of all the forces.
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• In the Indian Parliamentary system, there is a Council of Ministers headed by the Prime
• These Ministers are appointed by the President on the recommendation of Prime
• The total number of ministers including Prime Minister shall not exceed 15% of total
members of Lok Sabha.
• The Ministers hold their offices during the pleasure of the President.
• The Council of Ministers is classified into three categories:
• Cabinet Ministers: They head the important ministries of the Central government like
Defense, Home, Finance, Railway, Human Resource Development and External affairs
• Ministers of State: They can either assist the cabinet ministers or can be given
independent charge of ministries/departments
• Deputy Ministers: They always assist the Cabinet or State Minister or both. They are
never given independent charge of ministries. They are not members of Cabinet.

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• Governors exist in the states while Lieutenant-Governors exist in union territories and Delhi.
• Governor is the Nominal Head of the Government of the State while Chief Minister is the Real Head
of the Government.
• He enjoys same powers at the state level as that of President at Union level.
• He is appointed by the President and holds the office during the pleasure of the President.
• He generally holds the office for the term of 5 years.

Powers and Functions

• He appoints the Chief Minister (Leader of the majority party) and with the latter’s advice appoints
Council of Ministers.
• In case of no clear majority, he can use his discretionary powers in appointing Chief Minister.
• He can summon, dissolve or prorogue (discontinue) the State Legislative Assembly.
• All the bills passed by State Legislature must receive the assent of Governor to finally become law.
• The Governor appoints the Advocate General, Chairman and members of the State Public Service
Commission and State Election Commissioner.
• The Governor by virtue of his office is the Chancellor of most of the Universities in the State.
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ABHI TUTORIAL - 9620925899
ABHI TUTORIAL - 9620925899
1. The University Grants Commission was constituted on the
recommendation of
A) Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Commission
B) Mudaliar Commission
C) Sargent Commission
D) Kothari Commission

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2. Which of the following institutions are empowered to confer or grant
degrees under the UGC Act, 1956 ?
1. A university established by an Act of Parliament.

2. A university established by an Act of Legislature.

3. A university / institution established by a linguistic minority.

4. An institution which is a deemed to be university.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below :

A) 1 and 2
(B) 1,2 and 3
(C) 1.2 and 4
(D) 1, 2, 3 and 4

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3. The President of India takes oath
A) to uphold the sovereignty and integrity of India.
B) to bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of India.
C) to uphold the Constitution and Laws of the country.
D) to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and the law of the country.

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4. The President of India is
A) the Head of State
B) the Head of Government
C) both Head of the State and the Head of the Government
D) None of the above

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5. Most of the Universities in India
(A)conduct teaching and research only
(B)affiliate colleges and conduct examinations
(C)conduct teaching/research and examinations
(D)promote research only

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6. The Kothari Commission’s report was entitled on :
A) Education and National Development
B) Learning to be adventure
C) Diversification of Education
D) Education and socialization in democracy

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7. NAAC is an autonomous institution under :

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8. Autonomy in higher education implies freedom in :
D) Curriculum development

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9. Value education makes a student :
A) Good citizen
(B)Successful businessman
(C)Popular teacher
(D)Efficient manager

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10. Head of the university is _________.
a) chancellor
b) Vice chancellor
c) Chair person
d) Registrar

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11. The Parliament in India is composed of
A) Lok Sabha & Rajya Sabha

B) Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha & Vice President

C) Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha & President

D) Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha with their Secretariats

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12. The Fundamental Duties of a citizen include
1. Respect for the Constitution, the National Flag and the National Anthem

2. To develop the scientific temper.

3. Respect for the Government.

4. To protect Wildlife.

Choose the correct answer from the codes given below : Codes :
(A)1, 2 and 3
(B)1, 2 and 4
(C) 2, 3 and 4
(D) 1, 3, 4 and 2

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13. Which of the following rights was considered
the “Heart and Soul” of the Indian Constitution by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar ?
a) Freedom of Speech
b) Right to Equality
c) Right to Freedom of Religion
d) Right to Constitutional Remedies

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14. Which of the following statements are correct about the National
Assessment and Accreditation Council ?
1. It is an autonomous institution.

2. It is tasked with the responsibility of assessing and accrediting institutions of

higher education.
3. It is located in Delhi.

4. It has regional offices.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

Codes :
(A)l and 3
B) l and 2
(C) l,2 and 4
(D) 2,3 and 4
ABHI TUTORIAL - 9620925899
15. Which of the following are Central Universities ?
1. Pondicherry University

2. Vishwa Bharati

3. H.N.B. Garhwal University

4. Kurukshetra University

Select the correct answer from the code given below :

Codes :
A) 1,2 and 3
B) 1,3 and 4
C) 2, 3 and 4
D) 1,2 and 4

ABHI TUTORIAL - 9620925899

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