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Test Bank for Lifespan Development in

Context A Topical Approach 1st Edition

Tara L. Kuther
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Kuther, Lifespan Development Instructor Resource
Chapter 01: Test Bank

Test Bank for Lifespan Development in

Context A Topical Approach 1st Edition
Tara L. Kuther
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Chapter 01: Test Bank

Understanding Human Development: Approaches and Theories

Multiple Choice
1. The ways in which people grow, change, and stay the same throughout their lives, from birth to death,
is known as _________ development.
a. child
b. lifespan human
c. normative human
d. contemporary
Ans: b
Learning Objective: 1.1
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: What Is Lifespan Human Development?
Question Type: MC

2. ____ is the most obvious indicator of development.

a. Change
b. Stability
c. Adulthood
d. Brain lateralization
Ans: a
Learning Objective: 1.1
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: What is Lifespan Human Development?
Question Type: MC

3. Throughout the lifespan, we change physically, cognitively, and psychosocially. This illustrates the
notion that development is _____.
a. static
b. multidisciplinary
c. plastic
d. multidimensional
Ans: d
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Chapter 01: Test Bank

Learning Objective: 1.1

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Development Is Multidimensional
Question Type: MC

4. Dr. Yang studies cross-cultural differences in body maturation and growth, including differences in
body size, proportion, appearance, health, and perceptual abilities. Dr. Yang is interested in _____
a. physical
b. cognitive
c. psychosocial
d. interdisciplinary
Ans: a
Learning Objective: 1.1
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Development Is Multidimensional
Question Type: MC

5. _____ development includes the maturation of our thought processes and the tools that we use to
obtain knowledge, become aware of the world around us, and solve problems.
a. Physical
b. Cognitive
c. Psychosocial
d. Lifespan
Ans: b
Learning Objective: 1.1
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Development Is Multidimensional
Question Type: MC

6. Changes in personality, emotions, views of oneself, social skills, and interpersonal relationships with
family and friends are called _____ development.
a. physical
b. cognitive
c. psychosocial
d. lifespan
Ans: c
Learning Objective: 1.1
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Development Is Multidimensional
Question Type: MC

7. As baby Sanjay’s physical development improves, he is able to crawl around and explore his
environment. This advances his cognitive development, as he learns about the size and shape of objects,
as well as how they function. His newfound crawling skills also contribute to changes in Sanjay’s
psychosocial development. For example, he may experience anger when he picks up a breakable object,
only to have one of his parents take it away. In addition, Sanjay experiences happiness when his parents
encourage his motor efforts and frustration when they remove him from an unsafe area, such as the
stairs. This example shows that the three areas of development ________.
a. confuse the infant
b. are independent
c. follow a single course
d. overlap and interact
Ans: d
Learning Objective: 1.1
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Chapter 01: Test Bank

Cognitive Domain: Application

Answer Location: Development Is Multidimensional
Question Type: MC

8. Research illustrates that development consists of both gains and losses, as well as growth and decline,
throughout the lifespan. This means that development is _____.
a. multidimensional
b. plastic
c. multidisciplinary
d. multidirectional
Ans: d
Learning Objective: 1.1
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Development Is Multidirectional
Question Type: MC

9. Allison is approaching her 60th birthday. She realizes that her eyesight and hearing are not as good as
they used to be, and when visiting her daughter in graduate school, climbing the stairs to the fourth floor
has become more difficult. However, Allison has also become more patient over the years, is better at
solving difficult problems, and has a more confident and favorable view of herself than she had in her 20s
and 30s. This example shows that development is _____.
a. multidimensional
b. multidisciplinary
c. multidirectional
d. plastic
Ans: c
Learning Objective: 1.1
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Development Is Multidirectional
Question Type: MC

10. Because development is multidirectional, at all ages, individuals can compensate for losses by:
a. accepting the inevitability of growing older.
b. improving existing skills and developing new ones.
c. seeking out developmentally supportive contexts.
d. avoiding talking about them.
Ans: b
Learning Objective: 1.1
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Development Is Multidirectional
Question Type: MC

11. The malleability or changeability of development is called ______.

a. plasticity
b. neuroscience
c. lateralization
d. specialization
Ans: a
Learning Objective: 1.1
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Development Is Plastic
Question Type: MC
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Chapter 01: Test Bank

12. Following a stroke that affected his balance and muscle strength, Jose participated in three months of
physical therapy. Today, Jose feels as strong as he did before the stroke and walks at least ten miles a
week for exercise. Jose’s ability to overcome his physical limitations after his stroke is an example of:
a. lateralization.
b. plasticity.
c. neuroscience.
d. specialization.
Ans: b
Learning Objective: 1.1
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Development Is Plastic
Question Type: MC

13. According to research, which individual will likely show the greatest amount of plasticity following a
brain injury?
a. Janessa, who is 6
b. Derick, who is 25
c. Barb, who is 48
d. Able, who is 70
Ans: a
Learning Objective: 1.1
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Development Is Plastic
Question Type: MC

14. _____ refers to where and when a person develops.

a. Plasticity
b. Exosystem
c. Microsystem
d. Context
Ans: d
Learning Objective: 1.1
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Development Is Influenced by Multiple Contexts
Question Type: MC

15. Millennials, or young people reaching adulthood around the year 2000, are a generation born around
the same time. Millennials are an example of a _______.
a. subculture
b. developmental domain
c. cultural group
d. cohort
Ans: d
Learning Objective: 1.1
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Development Is Influenced by Multiple Contexts
Question Type: MC

16. Experts and professionals with a diverse range of expertise contribute to our understanding of
lifespan human development. This indicates that developmental science is:
a. plastic.
b. multidisciplinary.
c. multidirectional.
d. multidimensional.
Ans: b
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Chapter 01: Test Bank

Learning Objective: 1.1

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Development Is Multidisciplinary
Question Type: MC

17. Bailey is a graduate student in clinical psychology. As part of her training, Bailey works with children
and families affected by autism. Each week, Bailey participates in a team meeting that consists of a
school psychologist, social worker, speech and language therapist, and nursing students. The group
discusses the various families with whom they work, as well as progress with individual clients. This
example illustrates the importance of a ______ approach to understanding how people grow, think, and
interact with their world.
a. multidisciplinary
b. contextual
c. cultural
d. multidirectional
Ans: a
Learning Objective: 1.1
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Development Is Multidisciplinary
Question Type: MC

18. _____ development is characterized by slow and gradual change, whereas _____ development is
characterized by abrupt change.
a. Continuous; discontinuous
b. Discontinuous; continuous
c. Multidimensional; multidirectional
d. Multidirectional; multidimensional
Ans: a
Learning Objective: 1.2
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Continuities and Discontinuities in Development
Question Type: MC

19. Contemporary developmental scientists agree that development:

a. cannot be characterized by either continuity or discontinuity.
b. is primarily characterized by discontinuity.
c. is primarily characterized by continuity.
d. includes both continuity and discontinuity.
Ans: d
Learning Objective: 1.2
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Continuities and Discontinuities in Development
Question Type: MC

20. Baby Li is participating in a research study in which his physical growth is measured once a day. Li’s
parents were surprised to find out that monthly measurements of height showed gradual increases, but
daily measurements revealed growth spurts that sometimes lasted up to 24 hours. This example supports
the assertion that physical growth is:
a. primarily characterized by continuity.
b. primarily characterized by discontinuity.
c. both continuous and discontinuous.
d. characterized neither by continuity nor discontinuity.
Ans: c
Learning Objective: 1.2
Cognitive Domain: Application
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Chapter 01: Test Bank

Answer Location: Continuities and Discontinuities in Development

Question Type: MC

21. Today, most developmental scientists believe that people are __________ their own development.
a. active contributors to
b. unaware of
c. often confused by
d. indifferent toward
Ans: a
Learning Objective: 1.2
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Individuals Are Active in Development
Question Type: MC

22. Neva believes that most people are mainly products of their environment. For example, if a child
grows up in a warm, stimulating home, he or she will become a successful adult. If the same child grows
up in poverty and experiences ineffective child-rearing, he or she will likely repeat those patterns in
adulthood. Is Neva’s belief correct?
a. Yes. Most researchers believe that children are passive recipients of their environment and rarely
contribute to their own development.
b. Yes. Parenting and socioeconomic status play a greater role in development than children’s attempts
to engage the world around them.
c. No. Although people are influenced by the physical and psychosocial contexts in which they live, they
also take an active role in shaping who they become.
d. No. Physical and psychosocial contexts play only a minor role in long-term developmental outcomes.
Ans: c
Learning Objective: 1.2
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Individuals Are Active in Development
Question Type: MC

23. At the beginning of her first human development course in college, Vi wondered, “Am I the person I
am today because of heredity, or did I become who I am because of my environment?” Vi’s question
reflects the ________ issue in lifespan development.
a. psychoanalytic-behaviorist
b. active-passive
c. continuities-discontinuities
d. nature-nurture
Ans: d
Learning Objective: 1.2
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Nature and Nurture Influence Development
Question Type: MC

24. Explanations that rely on ______ indicate that inborn genetic endowments or heredity, maturational
processes, and evolution are causes of developmental change. In contrast, explanations that point to
______ suggest that individuals are molded by the physical and social environment in which they are
a. nurture; nature
b. nature; nurture
c. continuities; discontinuities
d. discontinuities; continuities
Ans: b
Learning Objective: 1.2
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
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Chapter 01: Test Bank

Answer Location: Nature and Nurture Influence Development

Question Type: MC

25. Regarding the nature-nurture issue, today’s developmental scientists agree that _______.
a. nature is more influential than nurture
b. nurture is more influential than nature
c. both nature and nurture are important
d. neither nature nor nurture are significant
Ans: c
Learning Objective: 1.2
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Nature and Nurture Influence Development
Question Type: MC

26. A _____ is a way of organizing a set of observations or facts into comprehensive explanations of how
something works.
a. theory
b. hypothesis
c. cohort
d. research question
Ans: a
Learning Objective: 1.3
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Theoretical Perspectives on Human Development
Question Type: MC

27. Scientists generate _____, or proposed explanations for a given phenomenon, that can be tested by
a. theories
b. hypotheses
c. cohorts
d. subjective opinions
Ans: b
Learning Objective: 1.3
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Theoretical Perspectives on Human Development
Question Type: MC

28. Professor Deloney is teaching a research methods class. In his lecture on how theories are
generated, he points out that a good theory is ______ and can potentially be refuted.
a. flawless
b. similar to a hypothesis
c. subjective
d. falsifiable
Ans: d
Learning Objective: 1.3
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Theoretical Perspectives on Human Development
Question Type: MC

29. _____ theories describe development and behavior as a result of the interplay of inner drives,
memories, and conflicts of which we are unaware and cannot control.
a. Psychoanalytic
b. Behaviorist
c. Social learning
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Chapter 01: Test Bank

d. Information processing
Ans: a
Learning Objective: 1.3
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Psychoanalytic Theories
Question Type: MC

30. Which of the following theorists is credited as the father of the psychoanalytic perspective?
a. Lev Vygotsky
b. Erik Erikson
c. Sigmund Freud
d. Charles Darwin
Ans: c
Learning Objective: 1.3
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Psychoanalytic Theories
Question Type: MC

31. According to Freud’s theory, humans progress through a series of ______, or periods in which
unconscious drives are focused on different parts of the body, making stimulation to those parts a source
of pleasure.
a. emotional conflicts
b. psychosexual stages
c. social crises
d. personal dilemmas
Ans: b
Learning Objective: 1.3
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Psychoanalytic Theories
Question Type: MC

32. One of the most important criticisms of Freud’s theory is that it:
a. overlooks the importance of the early parent-child relationship.
b. emphasizes nature over nurture.
c. focuses primarily on early child development.
d. cannot be directly tested.
Ans: d
Learning Objective: 1.3
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Psychoanalytic Theories
Question Type: MC

33. In contrast to Freud’s theory, Erikson focused on the role of ___________ in shaping development.
a. the nuclear and extended family
b. the social world, society, and culture
c. unconscious motivations and drives
d. gender and sexuality
Ans: b
Learning Objective: 1.3
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Psychoanalytic Theories
Question Type: MC
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Chapter 01: Test Bank

34. Erikson expanded upon Freud’s theory and proposed ____ stages of psychosocial development that
include changes in how people understand and interact with others, as well as changes in how they
understand themselves and their roles as members of society.
a. 4
b. 6
c. 8
d. 10
Ans: c
Learning Objective: 1.3
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Psychoanalytic Theories
Question Type: MC

35. In each of Erikson’s psychosocial stages, an individual faces a(n) ______ that must be resolved.
a. crisis or conflict
b. unconscious obstacle
c. significant life stressor
d. moral dilemma
Ans: a
Learning Objective: 1.3
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Psychoanalytic Theories
Question Type: MC

36. _______ theory is regarded as one of the first lifespan views of development.
a. Freud’s
b. Erikson’s
c. Skinner’s
d. Vygotsky’s
Ans: b
Learning Objective: 1.3
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Psychoanalytic Theories
Question Type: MC

37. Tara is a four-year-old girl who is very polite. Ever since she was able to talk, her mother expected her
to say please and thank you. When Tara would behave politely, her mother would praise her. Tara’s
behavior was shaped through:
a. Operant conditioning.
b. Classical conditioning.
c. Genetics.
d. Modeling.
Ans: a
Learning Objective: 1.4.
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Operant Conditioning
Question Type: MC

38. According to _____, observational learning is one of the most powerful ways in which we learn.
a. Operant conditioning.
b. Social learning theory.
c. The bioecological model.
d. Evolutionary theory.
Ans: b
Learning Objective: 1.4.
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Chapter 01: Test Bank

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Social Learning Theory
Question Type: MC

39. ______, which emerged as an alternative to psychoanalytic theories, focuses only on behavior that
can be observed and objectively verified.
a. Behaviorism
b. Cognitive-developmental theory
c. Sociocultural theory
d. Ethology
Ans: a
Learning Objective: 1.4
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Behaviorist and Social Learning Theories
Question Type: MC

40. Behaviorist theory is also known as ______ theory.

a. sociocultural
b. cognitive-developmental
c. evolutionary developmental
d. learning
Ans: d
Learning Objective: 1.4
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Behaviorist and Social Learning Theories
Question Type: MC

41. Each time Isabella sits down to feed her baby a bottle, she gently strokes the baby’s head. One day,
Isabella began stroking her daughter’s head and noticed that the baby started sucking, even though it
wasn’t feeding time. The baby’s association between having her head stroked and the presentation of
food is an example of _______.
a. operant conditioning
b. classical conditioning
c. reinforcement
d. social learning
Ans: b
Learning Objective: 1.4
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Behaviorist and Social Learning Theories
Question Type: MC

42. ______ applies to physiological and emotional responses only.

a. Classical conditioning
b. Operant conditioning
c. Reinforcement
d. Punishment
Ans: a
Learning Objective: 1.4
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Behaviorist and Social Learning Theories
Question Type: MC

43. According to the concept of ________, behavior is more likely to recur in the future if it is reinforced
but less likely to recur if it is punished.
a. classical conditioning
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Chapter 01: Test Bank

b. operant conditioning
c. social learning
d. ethology
Ans: b
Learning Objective: 1.4
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Behaviorist and Social Learning Theories
Question Type: MC

44. Each time 3-year-old Maddy uses her potty chair, her father puts a sticker on a chart. After earning
five stickers, Maddy gets to pick out a small toy at the store. Maddy’s father is using ______ to increase
the likelihood that Maddy will continue to use the potty chair.
a. bribery
b. classical conditioning
c. reinforcement
d. social learning
Ans: c
Learning Objective: 1.4
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Behaviorist and Social Learning Theories
Question Type: MC

45. According to ______ theory, people actively process information and their thoughts and feelings
influence their behavior.
a. psychoanalytic
b. behaviorist
c. evolutionary developmental
d. social learning
Ans: d
Learning Objective: 1.4
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Behaviorist and Social Learning Theories
Question Type: MC

46. At preschool, Jace frequently watches Keagan hit other children and take their toys. Jace notices that
each time Keagan engages in this behavior, the teacher makes him give the toy back and sit in a time
out. Because Jace does not want to get in trouble with his teacher, he patiently waits his turn for toys.
Jace is demonstrating the concept of:
a. observational learning.
b. operant conditioning.
c. negative reinforcement.
d. reciprocal determinism.
Ans: a
Learning Objective: 1.4
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Behaviorist and Social Learning Theories
Question Type: MC

47. Ten-month-old Tauji is a happy, laid-back baby. He often smiles and laughs and is rarely cranky
unless he is hungry or tired. Due to his easy temperament, Tauji’s parents and other adults enjoy
interacting with him. He receives frequent hugs and kisses which, in turn, results in more positive
interactions. The interaction between Tauji’s behavior and the supportive environment in which he is
being raised is an example of:
a. reciprocal determinism.
b. operant conditioning.
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Chapter 01: Test Bank

c. classical conditioning.
d. reinforcement.
Ans: a
Learning Objective: 1.4
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Behaviorist and Social Learning Theories
Question Type: MC

48. ______ founded the cognitive-developmental perspective on child development.

a. Albert Bandura
b. Jean Piaget
c. B.F. Skinner
d. Lev Vygotsky
Ans: b
Learning Objective: 1.5
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Cognitive Theories
Question Type: MC

49. According to Piaget, children and adults learn by interacting with their environments and organizing
what they learn into _________.
a. stages
b. conceptual webs
c. cognitive schemas
d. categorical dimensions
Ans: c
Learning Objective: 1.5
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Cognitive Theories
Question Type: MC

50. ______ theory was the first to consider how infants and children think, as well as their active
contributions to their own development.
a. Bandura’s
b. Piaget’s
c. Vygotsky’s
d. Bronfenbrenner’s
Ans: b
Learning Objective: 1.5
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Cognitive Theories
Question Type: MC

51. Which of the following is a criticism of Piaget’s cognitive-developmental theory?

a. Piaget underestimated children’s contributions to their own development.
b. Piaget assumed that all cognitive-developmental stages are universal.
c. Piaget focused too much on unconscious drives and motivations.
d. Piaget focused too heavily on emotional and social factors that influence development.
Ans: b
Learning Objective: 1.5
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Cognitive Theories
Question Type: MC

52. According to ________ theory, the mind works in ways similar to a computer.
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Chapter 01: Test Bank

a. psychoanalytic
b. sociocultural
c. information processing
d. bioecological
Ans: C
Learning Objective: 1.5
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Information Processing Theory
Question Type: MC

53. From an information processing perspective, development is ______ and entails changes in the
efficiency and speed with which we think.
a. continuous
b. discontinuous
c. abrupt
d. irregular
Ans: A
Learning Objective: 1.5
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Information Processing Theory
Question Type: MC

54. Which of the following is a criticism of the information processing perspective ?

a. It fails to explain age-related changes in thinking.
b. It does not take into consideration maturation of the brain and nervous system.
c. Computer models cannot capture the complexity of the human mind.
d. There is little empirical support for this theory.
Ans: C
Learning Objective: 1.5
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Information Processing Theory
Question Type: MC

55. _______ sociocultural theory focuses on how culture is transmitted from one generation to the next
through social interaction.
a. Piaget’s
b. Vygotsky’s
c. Bronfenbrenner’s
d. Darwin’s
Ans: b
Learning Objective: 1.6
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Sociocultural Systems Theory
Question Type: MC

56. The beliefs, values, customs, and skills of a group are referred to as ______.
a. microsystems
b. socialization
c. schemas
d. culture
Ans: D
Learning Objective: 1.6
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory
Question Type: MC
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Chapter 01: Test Bank

57. Professor Norris is interested in how children from different cultures acquire the cognitive skills
necessary to be productive members of society. His research focuses on how adults and peers
communicate culturally relevant knowledge, as well as the emphasis different cultures place on play and
work. Professor Norris’s research is consistent with ______ theory.
a. Bronfenbrenner’s
b. Bandura’s
c. Piaget’s
d. Vygtosky’s
Ans: d
Learning Objective: 1.6
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Sociocultural Systems Theory
Question Type: MC

58. Both Piaget and Vygotsky emphasized that children:

a. primarily learn through reinforcement and punishment.
b. are active in their own development.
c. face crises or conflicts at each stage of development.
d. process information much like a computer.
Ans: b
Learning Objective: 1.6
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Sociocultural Systems Theory
Question Type: MC

59. Critics have argued that Vygotsky’s theory places too little emphasis on:
a. the role of context.
b. cultural factors.
c. genetic and biological factors.
d. early socialization.
Ans: c
Learning Objective: 1.6
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Sociocultural Systems Theory
Question Type: MC

60. According to ________ theory, development results from the ongoing interactions among biological,
cognitive, and psychological changes within the individual and his or her changing context.
a. Piaget’s cognitive-developmental
b. Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological
c. information processing
d. evolutionary developmental
Ans: b
Learning Objective: 1.6
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological Theory
Question Type: MC

61. At the center of the bioecological model is the _____.

a. individual
b. family
c. community
d. cultural context
Ans: a
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Chapter 01: Test Bank

Learning Objective: 1.6

Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological Theory
Question Type: MC

62. According to Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological model, your family, peers, and school represent your:
a. microsystem.
b. mesosystem.
c. macrosystem.
d. exosystem.
Ans: a
Learning Objective: 1.6
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological Theory
Question Type: MC

63. The _______ consists of relations and interactions among microsystems.

a. macrosystem
b. mesosystem
c. exosystem
d. chronosystem
Ans: b
Learning Objective: 1.6
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological Theory
Question Type: MC

64. Travis has worked for the same company for almost ten years. He dislikes his boss, often works
overtime without pay, and sees little opportunity for advancement. Travis’s work stress has started to
affect his personal life. He frequently argues with his wife and has little patience for his 2-year-old son.
Travis is easily irritated when his son whines or makes a mess, which creates even more stress in the
household. According to Bronfenbrenner’s theory, the influence of Travis’s work stress on his son’s
development falls within the _____.
a. microsystem
b. macrosystem
c. exosystem
d. chronosystem
Ans: c
Learning Objective: 1.6
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological Theory
Question Type: MC

65. In Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological model, cultural values, legal and political practices, and other
elements of the society at large fall within the ______.
a. microsystem
b. macrosystem
c. exosystem
d. mesosystem
Ans: b
Learning Objective: 1.6
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological Theory
Question Type: MC
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Chapter 01: Test Bank

66. The timing of important life events—such as marriage, birth of a child, starting a career, and
retirement—fall within the ______.
a. microsystem
b. mesosystem
c. macrosystem
d. chronosystem
Ans: d
Learning Objective: 1.6
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological Theory
Question Type: MC

67. “What is the purpose or adaptive value of infant-parent attachment?” would best be answered by:
a. Piaget’s cognitive-developmental theory.
b. behaviorism.
c. evolutionary developmental theory.
d. the information processing perspective.
Ans: c
Learning Objective: 1.6
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Ethology and Evolutionary Developmental Theory
Question Type: MC

68. The fact that humans, like many animal species, display biologically preprogrammed behaviors that
have survival value and promote development provides support for _____ theory.
a. sociocultural
b. bioecological
c. ethological
d. social learning
Ans: c
Learning Objective: 1.6
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Ethology and Evolutionary Developmental Theory
Question Type: MC

69. Dr. Stein is an expert in human development. When conducting research, Dr. Stein will utilize:
a. subjective observation techniques.
b. the scientific method.
c. tools and resources that have never been used before.
d. hypothetical models of human behavior.
Ans: b
Learning Objective: 1.7
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: The Scientific Method
Question Type: MC

70. The second step of the scientific method is:

a. identifying the research question.
b. formulating a hypothesis.
c. gathering information to address the research question.
d. interpreting and summarizing information.
Ans: c
Learning Objective: 1.7
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
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Chapter 01: Test Bank

Answer Location: The Scientific Method

Question Type: MC

71. Scientists use the term ______ to refer to the information that they collect when they conduct
a. data
b. IRB
c. hypothesis
d. theory
Ans: a
Learning Objective: 1.7
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Methods of Data Collection
Question Type: MC

72. D.J. is working on a research team that is gathering information on how freshmen students view their
first year of college. D.J.’s team wants to use a flexible conversational style that allows for follow-up
questions in order to gather as much information as possible. Which technique is best suited for this type
of study?
a. Structured observations
b. A structured interview
c. An open-ended interview
d. Naturalistic observations
Ans: c
Learning Objective: 1.7
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Methods of Data Collection
Question Type: MC

73. When using _______interviews, all participants are given the same set of questions in the exact same
a. open-ended
b. clinical
c. structured
d. quasi
Ans: c
Learning Objective: 1.7
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Methods of Data Collection
Question Type: MC

74. _______, or surveys, are sets of questions, typically multiple choice, that scientists compile and use
to collect data from large samples of people.
a. Structured interviews
b. Open-ended interviews
c. Rating scales
d. Questionnaires
Ans: d
Learning Objective: 1.7
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Methods of Data Collection
Question Type: MC

75. Vernessa is working on her master’s degree in behavioral health. She is interested in adolescents
who are most likely to engage in risky behaviors, such as unprotected sex and alcohol and drug use. She
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Chapter 01: Test Bank

plans to conduct a study of 20,000 teenagers across the country to identify trends in high-risk behaviors.
Which method of data collection would be best suited for this type of study?
a. Questionnaires
b. Clinical interviews
c. Naturalistic observations
d. Structured observations
Ans: a
Learning Objective: 1.7
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Methods of Data Collection
Question Type: MC

76. Which of the following is a limitation associated with self-report data?

a. It is very expensive and time consuming.
b. Answers may not reflect participants’ true attitudes and behavior.
c. It is difficult to ensure anonymity of participant responses.
d. They can only be used for small samples of people.
Ans: b
Learning Objective: 1.7
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Methods of Data Collection
Question Type: MC

77. Farrah is taking a child development course in which she must practice conducting naturalistic
observations. Which of the following is an example of a naturalistic observation?
a. Playing a card game with her cousins and writing down who has the most points at the end of each
b. Interviewing a parent about her beliefs on corporal punishment.
c. Watching a television program about children with autism.
d. Observing preschoolers during recess and writing down instances of peer aggression.
Ans: d
Learning Objective: 1.7
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Methods of Data Collection
Question Type: MC

78. When conducting a naturalistic observation, one must first decide on:
a. which participants will be easiest to observe.
b. an operational definition of the behavior of interest.
c. a coding system to use during the observation.
d. which statistical program to use to analyze the data.
Ans: b
Learning Objective: 1.7
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Methods of Data Collection
Question Type: MC

79. In some instances, the presence of an observer can cause the person to behave in unnatural ways or
ways that are not typical for him or her. This is known as ________.
a. observation bias
b. bidirectional influence
c. a cohort effect
d. participant reactivity
Ans: d
Learning Objective: 1.7
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Cognitive Domain: Knowledge

Answer Location: Methods of Data Collection
Question Type: MC

80. An important strength of naturalistic observation is that it allows researchers to:

a. implement their own coding system.
b. draw conclusions about behavior without analyzing data.
c. observe behaviors in real-world settings.
d. exercise control over the environment.
Ans: c
Learning Objective: 1.7
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Methods of Data Collection
Question Type: MC

81. _____ involve observing and recording behaviors that are displayed in a controlled environment.
a. Naturalistic observations
b. Structured observations
c. Clinical interviews
d. Questionnaires
Ans: b
Learning Objective: 1.7
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Methods of Data Collection
Question Type: MC

82. Researchers have found that reading to infants and toddlers leads to gains in language development,
as well as enhanced school readiness skills. The relationship between reading to infants and toddlers and
favorable developmental outcomes is:
a. correlational.
b. causal.
c. experimental.
d. observational.
Ans: a
Learning Objective: 1.8
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Research Methodology
Question Type: MC

83. ______ research permits researchers to examine relations among measured characteristics,
behaviors, and events.
a. Experimental
b. Correlational
c. Cross-sectional
d. Quasi-experimental
Ans: b
Learning Objective: 1.8
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Research Methodology
Question Type: MC

84. Causal relationships between variables can only be determined through ______ research.
a. correlational
b. experimental
c. longitudinal
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Chapter 01: Test Bank

d. cross-sectional
Ans: b
Learning Objective: 1.8
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Research Methodology
Question Type: MC

85. In experimental research, the ____ variable is manipulated or varied systematically by the researcher
during the experiment, whereas the _____ variable is the behavior under study.
a. dependent; independent
b. independent; dependent
c. control; extraneous
d. extraneous; control
Ans: b
Learning Objective: 1.8
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Research Methodology
Question Type: MC

86. When conducting experimental research, the _____ group is treated in every way like the
experimental group but does not receive the independent variable in order to compare the effect of the
a. control
b. treatment
c. dependent
d. cohort
Ans: a
Learning Objective: 1.8
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Research Methodology
Question Type: MC

87. ______ is the procedure in which every participant has an equal chance of being assigned to the
experimental or control group and is essential for ensuring that the groups are equal in all preexisting
characteristics, such as age, ethnicity, and gender.
a. Manipulation of the dependent variable
b. Correlational assignment
c. Standardization
d. Random assignment
Ans: d
Learning Objective: 1.8
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Research Methodology
Question Type: MC

88. The _______ research design compares groups of people at different ages, at one time.
a. correlational
b. experimental
c. cross-sectional
d. longitudinal
Ans: c
Learning Objective: 1.9
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Developmental Research Designs
Question Type: MC
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Chapter 01: Test Bank

89. Professor Ming studies the effects of trauma on mental health across the lifespan. She plans to
conduct a study that includes participants from the following age ranges: 6–12, 13–19, 20–40, and 50–70.
All of her participants will be from an area that experienced a natural disaster, such as a deadly hurricane
or earthquake. Professor Ming will then look at symptoms of depression and anxiety in each of the age
groups to draw conclusions about age-related differences in the processing of traumatic events. Which
research design is best suited for this study?
a. Experimental
b. Cross-sectional
c. Longitudinal
d. Sequential
Ans: b
Learning Objective: 1.9
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Developmental Research Designs
Question Type: MC

90. Investigators use the _______ research design when studying the same group of participants at many
points in time.
a. cross-sectional
b. longitudinal
c. sequential
d. experimental
Ans: b
Learning Objective: 1.9
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Developmental Research Designs
Question Type: MC

91. An important strength of longitudinal research is that it provides information about ______ over time.
a. non-age-related changes
b. cohort effects
c. age-related changes
d. control groups
Ans: c
Learning Objective: 1.9
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Developmental Research Designs
Question Type: MC

92. A weakness associated with longitudinal research is that experiences or events affecting one
generation of participants may be very different than those affecting another generation. This is known as:
a. cohort effects.
b. research bias.
c. participant reactivity.
d. longitudinal variability.
Ans: a
Learning Objective: 1.9
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Developmental Research Designs
Question Type: MC

93. Sequential research designs combine the best features of _______ and ______ research.
a. correlational; experimental
b. observational; laboratory
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Chapter 01: Test Bank

c. naturalistic observation; experimental

d. cross-sectional; longitudinal
Ans: d
Learning Objective: 1.9
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Developmental Research Designs
Question Type: MC

94. The sequential research design provides information about _____.

a. age-related changes only
b. age and gender
c. age, cohort, and age-related change
d. cause and effect
Ans: c
Learning Objective: 1.9
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Developmental Research Designs
Question Type: MC

95. When conducting research, investigators are bound by _____, or the determination of what is right
and wrong.
a. ethics
b. previous theories
c. morals
d. sentiment
Ans: a
Learning Objective: 1.10
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Ethical Issues in Research
Question Type: MC

96. Beneficence and ______ are the dual responsibilities to do good and not do harm when conducting
a. responsibility
b. integrity
c. justice
d. nonmaleficence
Ans: d
Learning Objective: 1.10
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Ethical Issues in Research
Question Type: MC

97. The ethical principle of _____ requires scientists to be accurate, honest, and truthful in their work.
a. integrity
b. responsibility
c. justice
d. beneficence
Ans: a
Learning Objective: 1.10
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Ethical Issues in Research
Question Type: MC
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Chapter 01: Test Bank

98. Prior to beginning any study, Professor Cleutter’s research team carefully explains the research to
potential participants, answers questions, and helps them to determine if the study is right for them.
Professor Cleutter and his team are showing respect for participants’ ______.
a. integrity
b. autonomy
c. beneficence
d. justice
Ans: b
Learning Objective: 1.10
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Ethical Issues in Research
Question Type: MC

99. When conducting research, scientists must balance ______ against the ______.
a. time; resources available
b. goals of the IRB; desired results from the research
c. the benefits; possible harm
d. rights of participants; rights of the researchers
Ans: c
Learning Objective: 1.10
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Responsibilities to Participants
Question Type: MC

100. Ethical codes of conduct state that researchers must obtain ______ consent from each participant,
which states their informed, rational, and voluntary agreement to participate.
a. informal
b. informed
c. IRB
d. verbal but not written
Ans: b
Learning Objective: 1.10
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Responsibilities to Participants
Question Type: MC

101. When conducting research with younger children, Dr. Willard seeks ____, which is the child’s
agreement to participate.
a. parental approval
b. IRB approval
c. informal consent
d. assent
Ans: d
Learning Objective: 1.10
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Responsibilities to Participants
Question Type: MC

1. Researchers agree that development ends in adulthood.
Ans: False
Learning Objective: 1.1
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
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Chapter 01: Test Bank

Answer Location: What is Lifespan Human Development?

Question Type: TF

2. The physical and social environment, including family, neighborhood, country, culture, and historical
time period, is referred to as context.
Ans: True
Learning Objective: 1.1
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Development is Multidimensional
Question Type: TF

3. Many existing theories and research on human development are based on Western samples.
Ans: True
Learning Objective: 1.1
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Development is Influenced by Multiple Contexts
Question Type: TF

4. A continuous view of development emphasizes gradual and steady changes.

Ans: True
Learning Objective: 1.2
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Continuities and Discontinuities in Development
Question Type: TF

5. A researcher who believes that heredity, maturational processes, and evolution are primarily
responsible for development emphasizes nurture over nature.
Ans: False
Learning Objective: 1.2
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Nature and Nurture Influence Development
Question Type: TF

6. One reason that Freud’s theory has declined in popularity is that certain concepts, such as
unconscious drives, cannot be directly tested.
Ans: True
Learning Objective: 1.3
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Psychoanalytic Theories
Question Type: TF

7. Unlike Freud, Erikson believed that personality development occurs throughout the lifespan.
Ans: True
Learning Objective: 1.3
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Psychoanalytic Theories
Question Type: TF

8. Bandura’s social learning theory maintains that children are passive learners and are primarily shaped
by the environments in which they grow and develop.
Ans: False
Learning Objective: 1.4.
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Behaviorist and Social Learning Theories
Question Type: TF
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Chapter 01: Test Bank

9. Piaget believed that children and adults actively learn about their environments by interacting with the
world around them.
Ans: True
Learning Objective: 1.5
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Cognitive Theories
Question Type: TF

10. In contrast to information processing theory, Piaget believed that the mind works in ways similar to a
Ans: False
Learning Objective: 1.5:
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Information Processing Theory
Question Type: TF

11. Unlike Piaget, Vygotsky believed that children are active in their development by engaging with the
world around them.
Ans: False
Learning Objective: 1.6
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory
Question Type: TF

12. Vygotsky’s theory emphasizes the importance of culture in children’s cognitive development.
Ans: True
Learning Objective: 1.6
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory
Question Type: TF

13. According to Bronfenbrenner’s theory, one’s family, peers, and school are part of the microsystem.
Ans: True
Learning Objective: 1.6
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological Theory
Question Type: TF

14. Ethological theory is the scientific study of the evolutionary basis of behavior and its survival value.
Ans: True
Learning Objective: 1.6
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Ethology and Evolutionary Developmental Theory
Question Type: TF

15. In scientific research, interviews and questionnaires are types of self-report measures.
Ans: True
Learning Objective: 1.7
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Methods of Data Collection
Question Type: TF

16. A structured interview is using a flexible, conversational style of information gathering.

Ans: False
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Learning Objective: 1.7

Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Methods of Data Collection
Question Type: TF

17. Watching school-age children play at recess and noting instances of aggressive behavior for later
analysis is called naturalistic observation.
Ans: True
Learning Objective: 1.7
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Methods of Data Collection
Question Type: TF

18. An important strength of correlational research is that it allows researchers to determine if one
variable causes changes in another variable.
Ans: False
Learning Objective: 1.8
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Research Methodology
Question Type: TF

19. In experimental research, the independent variable is manipulated or varied systematically during the
Ans: True
Learning Objective: 1.8
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Research Methodology
Question Type: TF

20. In the cross-sectional research design, information is gathered from people of several ages at one
time, which permits age comparisons.
Ans: True
Learning Objective: 1.9
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Developmental Research Designs
Question Type: TF

21. A limitation of longitudinal research is that it does not permit inferences about age-related changes
over time.
Ans: False
Learning Objective: 1.9
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Developmental Research Designs
Question Type: TF

22. The sequential research design combines both longitudinal and cross-sectional comparisons.
Ans: True
Learning Objective: 1.9
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Developmental Research Designs
Question Type: TF

23. One ethical guideline that a researcher must adhere to is respect for his participants’ autonomy, or
ability to make and implement their own decisions.
Ans: True
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Learning Objective: 1.10

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Ethical Issues in Research
Question Type: TF

24. The United States is the only country in the world that regulates the conduct of research through
institutional review boards (IRBs).
Ans: False
Learning Objective: 1.10
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Responsibilities to Participants
Question Type: TF

25. When conducting research, investigators are responsible only to their participants, not to society at
Ans: False
Learning Objective: 1.10
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Responsibilities to Society
Question Type: TF

Short Answer
1. List the nine life stages of human development.
Ans: Human development includes the following stages: prenatal, infancy and toddlerhood, early
childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, emerging adulthood, early adulthood, middle adulthood, and
late adulthood.
Learning Objective: 1.1
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: What Is Lifespan Human Development?
Question Type: SA

2. Provide an example of how your current cohort (or generation) differs from that of your parents or
Ans: Multiple answers will work for this question. Changes in access to college, changes in technology
and/or social media, and historical events are among the examples that students can provide for this
Learning Objective: 1.1
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Development Is Influenced by Multiple Contexts
Question Type: SA

3. Assume that you are conducting a study on the effectiveness of various weight loss methods. You
randomly assign 120 participants to one of the following groups: (1) Weight Watchers, (2) a six-week
exercise and nutrition camp, or (3) a free subscription to an online application that tracks calories,
exercise, and provides daily feedback about nutrition and physical activity. What is the independent
variable? What is a possible dependent variable?
Ans: Independent variable: Group or group assignment. Dependent variable: Weight loss or changes in
Learning Objective: 1.8
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Research Methodology
Question Type: SA
Kuther, Lifespan Development Instructor Resource
Chapter 01: Test Bank

4. Decades of research show a relationship between viewing media violence and aggressive behavior in
children. Why can we not say that viewing media violence causes aggression in children?
Ans: Research on media violence and aggression is correlational. That is, it tells us there is a relationship
between the variables. However, we cannot say that this relationship is causal because there may be
other factors that contribute to this relationship. In addition, we can only determine causal relationships
through carefully controlled experimental research.
Learning Objective: 1.8
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Research Methodology
Question Type: SA

5. List five ethical principles that guide developmental scientists’ work.

Ans: Developmental scientists’ work is guided by the following ethical principles: (1) beneficence and
nonmaleficence; (2) responsibility; (3) integrity; (4) justice; and (5) respect for autonomy.
Learning Objective: 1.10
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Ethical Issues in Research
Question Type: SA

1. Researchers in lifespan development recognize that development is multidimensional. List three areas
of development that illustrate this concept. How do these areas relate to one another?
Ans: Development is multidimensional and entails changes in many areas of development. For example,
physical development refers to body maturation and growth, including body size, proportion, appearance,
health, and perceptual abilities. Cognitive development refers to the maturation of thought processes and
the tools that we use to obtain knowledge, become aware of the world around us, and solve problems.
Psychosocial development includes changes in personality, emotions, views of oneself, social skills, and
interpersonal relationships with family and friends. Each of these areas of development overlap and
interact with one another.
Learning Objective: 1.1
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Development Is Multidimensional
Question Type: ESS

2. Each time Marissa takes her 3-year-old son, Javier, to the grocery store, he asks for candy or a toy.
When Marissa tells Javier “no,” he throws a tantrum until she gives in and lets him have the requested
item. Using the concept of operant conditioning, explain why Marissa is actually increasing the likelihood
that Javier will continue to throw tantrums on future trips to the store.
Ans: (May vary slightly): Although she likely does not realize it, Marissa is actually rewarding Javier’s
behavior through both positive and negative reinforcement. Javier has learned that tantrums are a
method of getting what he wants. Each time Marissa gives in, she is positively reinforcing the tantrum. At
the same time, the desired item stops the tantrum, which is negatively reinforcing to Javier. As a result,
Marissa is increasing the likelihood that Javier will continue to throw tantrums at the store when told that
he cannot have candy or a toy.
Learning Objective: 1.4
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Behaviorist and Social Learning Theories
Question Type: ESS

3. Your textbook provides an overview of the most influential theories of human development. Think about
your own developmental experiences to this point. Which theory or theories do you most agree with, and
why? Which theory or theories do you find less appealing, and why? Provide several examples from your
own development to explain why you selected one theory (or several theories) over the others.
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Chapter 01: Test Bank

Ans: Answers to this question will vary. To adequately address this question, students must list and
describe a theory or several theories to which they relate, as well as a theory or several theories that they
find less useful. They should list some of the strengths and limitations, as well as provide several clear
examples from their own developmental experiences.
Learning Objective: Multiple objectives may apply, depending on which theories students select: 1.3, 1.4,
1.5, 1.6
Cognitive Domain: Application; Analysis
Answer Location: Theoretical Perspectives on Human Development
Question Type: ESS

4. Describe the four steps used in the scientific method.

Ans: The scientific method includes the following steps:
1. Identify the research question or problem to be studied and formulate the hypothesis, or proposed
explanation, to be tested.
2. Gather information to address the research question.
3. Use statistical analysis to summarize the information gathered and determine whether the
hypothesis is refuted, or shown to be false.
4. Interpret the summarized information, consider the findings in light of prior research studies, and
share findings with the scientific community and world at large.
Learning Objective: 1.7
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: The Scientific Method
Question Type: ESS

5. Think about an interesting topic related to the study of lifespan human development. Assume that you
wanted to know more about this topic and were going to plan a research study. First, identify your topic.
Next, describe your method or methods of data collection. Be sure to mention the strengths and
limitations associated with the method(s) that you chose. Would your study fall under the category of
correlational or experimental research? If you’re looking at age or developmental differences, which
research design would best fit your proposed topic, and why? What ethical concerns would you need to
consider for your study?
Ans: Multiple answers will work for this question. Students must clearly identify a topic, describe their data
collection (including strengths and weaknesses of their chosen method(s)), and indicate whether or not
their study is correlational or experimental, and if they chose a developmental design, it should be clear
why their topic fits with that design. Ethical concerns should also be addressed in the answer.
Learning Objective: Multiple objectives may apply: 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10
Cognitive Domain: Application; Analysis
Answer Location: Research in Human Development; Ethical Issues in Research
Question Type: ESS
Another random document with
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carrying the rifle with him—not an easy feat by any means even for a
It seemed to me that the fierce dog only took a couple of
prodigious bounds, and then sprang deliberately at Ned, utterly
regardless of the deadly sword blade. Like a man-eating tiger, he
evidently relied upon his weight and the suddenness of his attack.
I saw my coxswain aim a blow at the huge brute as it rushed in
upon him; but the next instant I saw him borne backwards to the
ground as the animal closed with him. At the same instant I caught
sight of the gunner raising his rifle to his shoulder as if with the
intention of blowing out the bloodhound’s brains.
It was no longer a dream, but a living tragical reality; and there
was I, safely ensconced in a tree, while my daring shipmates were
fighting for their lives with what was practically a savage wild beast!
Of course I saw now that Ned had unselfishly wished to place us in
safety before confronting the bloodhound single-handed. Recalled to
myself, and anxious to lend any assistance that lay in my power, I
hastily commenced to descend the tree; but as ill-luck would have it,
I grasped a rotten branch, which came away in my hand, and I was
precipitated to the ground—fortunately from no great height. As I fell,
I fancied I heard loud snarling and a deep moan. The next instant I
was on my feet again, feeling rather confused, but having suffered
nothing but one or two bruises. I was immensely relieved by the sight
that met my gaze, which made an impressive tableau.
The bloodhound lay stretched out on the ground, stone-dead, with
a puncture in the region of the heart. Ned was kneeling on the
ground close to the body of his assailant, and holding a gory sword
in his right hand. Leaning upon his rifle, and gazing down at the
defunct beast, stood Mr. Triggs.
“’Tis a good job, Ned,” the latter was saying, “that I didn’t let fly at
the beast. The report of my rifle would have brought a nest of
hornets about our ears, I’m thinking.”
“That it would,” answered my coxswain, wiping his sword in a
tussock of long grass; “but how it is them swabs have got separated
from their dog beats me.”
“Well, it’s the fortune of war,” said the gunner grimly, “and we must
be thankful for it. At the same time, mind you, they may not be a
hundred miles away, and we had better make ourselves scarce, and
steer for the sea-shore with steam up in all boilers.”
Ned sprang to his feet, and after inquiring of me whether I was
hurt by my fall out of the tree, he proposed that we should secrete
the bloodhound’s body for fear it should be discovered by the
This was good advice, and we proceeded to act upon it. The dog’s
body was cumbrous and heavy, but by our united exertions we
dragged it to the edge of a neighbouring ravine and cast it down. As
this particular chasm was fringed with bushes and underwood, it
would not have been an easy matter to detect anything lying among
the rocks at the bottom of it.
I told my shipmates that I felt sure that if the other bloodhound was
still at large, it would be certain, sooner or later, to scent out Ned’s
The latter, we knew, was the pirate chief’s bloodhound, as we had
instantly recognized it by its mutilated ear.
“Flaying alive would be too good for me now if ever I’m nobbled,”
said Ned, as we once more set out at a sharp run; “leastways if that
cut-throat head of the gang knew that I’d settled the hash of his
highly prized bow-wow.”
“How did you manage to kill the brute?” I asked. “It was an awful
sight to see it fly at you, and I thought I saw it knock you over.”
“Well, it just did bowl me over and no mistake, sir, but I fancied
that something better was in store for me than to be popped off by a
furriner’s dog, and so I kept as cool as a cowcumber, and let drive
with the sword just as the beast was on top of me, as it were. My
killing it was a bit of a fluke, there’s no denying that, for I didn’t know
the bearings of his heart in the least.”
“You’ve rid us of our worst foe, Ned,” I said, “and given us a much
better chance of escape.”
“That was in my mind, of course,” said the seaman. “Thinks I to
myself, ‘Here’s that blooming dog close astarn of us, and somehow
got separated from his mate and his owners. What a chance to put
him out of the way on the quiet! Jiggered if I don’t slit his weasand
for him.’ Well, I did something more effectual than that, Mr. Darcy;
and here we are, with a fair start again, and I hopes as how we’ll
stick to it.”
It certainly seemed like a turning-point in our fortunes; for though
we even now heard some occasional shouts, they seemed to be at a
considerable distance, and we could not detect any baying from the
other bloodhound. I do not know whether I mentioned the fact
before, but I had been rather sceptical as to this latter animal being
upon our trail at all—at any rate during the last half-hour.
We still suffered a great deal of discomfort from our wet clothes
and boots, but we ran gamely on, knowing that everything depended
on our speed.
At length, without further misadventure, we emerged from the
jungle, and found ourselves on a rather extensive expanse of
sandhills, beyond which lay the blue sea, still darkened by the dun
volcanic clouds which hung in mid-air.
“Is that a boat?” asked Ned, excitedly.

I T was a boat of some kind; there could be no doubt about that. A

somewhat large, unwieldy-looking craft she appeared to be, but
apparently there were only a couple of oarsmen on board, who were
slowly propelling her seawards with a species of long paddle. The
ocean was still in a more or less agitated state, which must have
been owing to the seismic disturbances to which the island and its
surrounding waters had so lately been subjected, for the atmosphere
was just as stagnant as it had been all the morning. This motion
made the boat bob about in a strange unnatural manner, as if she
had a trawl down. She was about half a mile from the shore, as near
as we could judge; and besides the two oarsmen there appeared to
be a third person occupying the stern-sheets.
“We must try to signal that craft,” said Mr. Triggs, emphatically; “’tis
our only chance of escape.”
“But suppose those men on board her are pirates,” said Ned; “we
should just be jumping from the frying-pan into the fire.”
I had been gazing intently at the boat all this time. My sight was
naturally very keen, and I felt almost confident that the occupants of
the boat were negroes. I hurriedly communicated my suspicions to
my shipmates.
“I’m jiggered if I don’t think you’re right, sir,” said Ned, slapping his
thigh vigorously, and peering intently at the unwieldy craft. “Now I
wouldn’t mind wagering a plug o’ baccy that those are the niggers
we saw working in the garden of their shanty, and that figure in the
starn-sheets is the old ‘Mother Bunch’ that lost the run of her legs
and went a cropper on her nose.”
“If it is, can we persuade ’em to take us off?” asked the gunner;
“that’s the question. The boat would hold us all; but as the niggers
are probably the slaves of the pirate chief, they might be afraid to
take us on board.”
“And if they did take us on board,” said I, “it might only be to pull
us round to the creek on the other side of the island, and give us up
to their masters, the pirates.”
“Once on board we might overpower ’em,” said Ned, musingly. “I
only wish—”
A musket shot!
We started in alarm. It appeared to come from somewhere
amongst the sandhills on our extreme right. Anxiously we looked for
the puff of smoke, but could detect nothing.
The echoes of the discharge had hardly died away amongst the
hills, when our ears were saluted with a second and exactly similar
No bullets or shot fell near us.
I glanced at the boat to see if any firing was taking place on board.
The oarsmen had ceased rowing, and appeared to be gazing
shorewards; but no tell-tale smoke was wreathing itself above their
“This is a queer business, and I don’t like the looks of it,” remarked
Ned. “I’d get up a tree and have a squint round, if I wasn’t afraid of
being spotted by Miguel or some lynx-eyed swab of his kidney.”
At this moment I caught sight of some thin vapoury smoke drifting
slowly over the sandhills at a distance of about a mile on our
extreme right, and drew my companions’ attention to it.
We strained our eyes to the utmost, but could detect no human
“’Tis a signal to the craft yonder, or I’m a Dutchman!” exclaimed
Ned. “They’re not firing at us, that’s sartin.”
We all turned our eyes upon the boat. Her head was slowly
swinging round towards the shore owing to the efforts of the rowers,
who had resumed their oars.
“There’s no doubt about it,” said the gunner, angrily, “and I don’t
vote we remain passive spectators of it. If we don’t manage to get
hold of that boat, by hook or by crook, we may as well throw up the
sponge altogether.”
“I’m game for a shindy with the lubbers!” cried Ned; “and I agree
with you, Mr. Gunner, that it’s about our only chance of getting off
this plaguy island. But we’ll have pretty tidy odds against us, and are
middling short of ammunition. Now, if I had a few rounds of ball-
cartridge in my pocket, I’d play Old Harry with some of the pirates
before they could come to close quarters!”
There was no time to be lost. We had to traverse the sandhills,
which would be heavy ground to run over; but it did not appear to be
more than half a mile or so to the actual shore.
Ned had resumed his rifle and returned the sword to the gunner.
We had taken especial care to keep our pistols dry when wading
down the stream, and they appeared to be in good order and ready
for use if required.
We carefully noted the direction the boat was heading for, and
then set off at our best pace to try to intercept her. It seemed to me a
forlorn hope; but still I could not help agreeing with my companions
that it would be foolish to throw away such a chance, feeble as it
was. Had we chosen to hide away in the jungle instead, we should
have been unearthed to a dead certainty sooner or later; and then
there would have been a nice kettle of fish to fry. My theory with
regard to the invisible persons who had fired the muskets was, that
they were members of the party that had been pursuing us through
the forest, and that they had reached the sandhills by some short
cut, and were anxious to communicate the fact of our escape to the
negroes, in order that the latter might keep a look-out for us and bar
our escape on that side of the island.
This seemed the most plausible explanation of the mysterious
And if the negroes combined to assist their masters—as there was
every reason to suppose they would—how terribly the odds against
us would be increased, especially if the black fellows were provided
with weapons.
These thoughts passed quickly through my mind as we sped
across the sandhills. There was a very determined look on the
gunner’s face and on Ned’s. They felt, I am sure, that the supreme
crisis was at hand, and that in a few moments a decisive blow would
be struck which would mean to us victory or death.
“Ha!” said my coxswain in a savage tone, “there’s the whole gang
of villains!”
As he spoke I caught sight of a body of men running with great
speed across the sandhills, as if in an effort to intercept us. They
were then about a quarter of a mile distant, and had evidently just
perceived us. As we were both making for the same point on the
beach, it was only natural, of course, that we should converge on
one another.
A terrible yell arose from the pirate ranks—a yell which rang with
vindictive and spiteful malice.
“Ay! shout away, my hearties!” muttered Ned; “it’ll play the doose
with yer wind.”
“We’re ahead of ’em!” cried the gunner, breathlessly. “Now for a
spurt, lads!—Can you keep up, Mr. Darcy?”
“Rather!” I replied. I was terribly excited, and felt no fatigue or
breathlessness. My feet scarcely seemed to touch the ground. It was
a race for life, and I knew it.
Hurriedly I glanced at the boat. She was still some distance from
the shore, and the rowers did not seem to be exerting themselves in
the least.
We had left the sandhills behind us, and were racing across a
broad expanse of tawny, hard sand.
What would the blacks do? That was the torturing question.
The band of pirates were pouring over the sandhills, yelling as
they came and brandishing their weapons with fierce gestures. They
were, however, a hundred yards in the rear and to the right of us.
Every moment I expected them to open fire on us; but I suppose
they were anxious to capture us alive, and I felt sure that we were
caught in a trap—hemmed in between them and their allies the
Oh, how slowly that boat came lumbering along over the waves! I
eyed her with astonishment.
We had recognized the chief and Miguel as heading the pursuing
band. There was no mistaking them. Thank God, they had not the
other bloodhound with them. What could have become of the brute?
I fingered my pistol, ready for a scrimmage at close quarters. It
seemed inevitable.

N ED turned to us suddenly, and I thought there was a wild look in

his eyes. The beads of perspiration clustered thick on his
forehead, and his cheeks were burning.
“We’ll escape ’em yet!” he cried in excited tones, which
nevertheless had a ring of triumph in them. “Let’s swim out to the
boat, scramble on board, and take possession of her!”
Here was an audacious idea with a vengeance!
“It’s all very fine to say ‘scramble on board,’” exclaimed Mr. Triggs;
“but do you suppose the negroes will allow us calmly to do such a
thing? Why, they’ll knock us on the head the instant we get
“There’s no time to argify!” cried Ned in loud emphatic tones. “If we
stay here to fight it out with those swabs in our rear, we’ll all be killed
to a dead sartinly or taken prisoners. There are eight of ’em at least,
and all armed to the teeth.”
“Right you are then,” answered the gunner; “let’s take to the water.
’Tis a desperate venture, but you may depend upon me to back you
up through thick and thin.”
“Can you swim?” asked Ned, turning hurriedly to me.
“Yes, very well,” I answered.
The boat was slowly approaching the shore, being now distant
about fifty yards or so. It would have been easy for her to land, for
there was not much surf.
The pirates were redoubling their efforts to catch us up; though I
do not suppose that it entered their heads for a moment that we
were about to put into execution any such desperate plan as that
proposed by Ned Burton.
We had halted for a brief moment on the margin of the waves. The
pirates were now of course bearing swiftly down on us. There were
eight or ten of them altogether, and they were near enough for me to
see the expression of gratified revenge which was overspreading
their countenances as they felt the conviction that their prey was at
length within their grasp.
But there is many a slip between the cup and the lip.
“We must chuck away our weapons!” shouted Ned; “but I’m blest if
I don’t empty my barrel fust.” And so saying he hurriedly dropped on
one knee, and levelling his piece with the utmost coolness and
precision fired.
Truly sped the bullet. Miguel gave one spasmodic leap into the air,
and then fell with a thud on the sands—a lifeless corpse.
I had already thrown my pistol into the sea, stripped off my jacket,
and got rid of my shoes. The gunner had done the same.
Ned rose swiftly to his feet without a word, and we all rushed into
the water with the utmost celerity.
The fiendish yells to which our pursuers gave vent on seeing
Miguel fall beggar description; and they were renewed again and
again as they saw that we were trying to evade them by swimming
out to the boat.
One or two of their number opened fire upon us as soon as they
could collect themselves sufficiently; and the others shouted in a
warning manner to the negroes in the boat, evidently directing their
attention to our ruse, and ordering them to repel any attempt we
might make on their craft.
The bullets, fortunately, did not hit us, for we were already in deep
water, and a very small portion of our persons was visible to the
What we had to dread was a hostile attitude on the part of the
negroes; and already I saw that the latter had ceased rowing, and
were standing up in the boat brandishing their long paddles. In their
belts I fancied I detected knives. As Ned had prophesied, the bulky
form occupying the stern-sheets was that of the negress we had
formerly seen at the shanty, so there was little doubt as to the
identity of the two oarsmen.
As the shore shelved rapidly, we very soon got out of our depth,
and began to swim vigorously in the direction of the boat. The latter
had not yet lost her way, and was gliding slowly toward us. I think,
too, that the tide must have been ebbing, for it appeared to me that
we cleft the waters at a great pace.
The negroes looked very determined as we approached, and I
now saw that one of them had a pistol in one hand and his paddle in
the other.
A volley from the shore was now fired at us by the enemy. Some
bullets whistled over our heads and splashed into the water ahead of
us, one or two of them very nearly striking the boat.
I glanced fearfully over my shoulder in the direction of the shore,
and saw that the pirates were reloading their rifles. None of them
had attempted to follow us into the sea, much to my surprise. Either
they could not swim, or they thought it less trouble to rely on the co-
operation of the negroes, to whom they continued to yell orders in
loud and threatening tones.
When we got within easy speaking distance, Mr. Triggs addressed
the negroes in English.
“If you take us on board, Johnny,” he said, “and convey us safely
away from the island, we’ll give you fifty pounds.”
Ned also jabbered something to them in his smattering of Spanish,
as he thought they might be ignorant of English.
Meanwhile we did not relax our efforts to gain the boat’s side.
I saw the negro who was grasping the pistol begin to slowly raise
his arm. Both men looked savage and determined. The fat negress
still sat in the stern-sheets with a bewildered expression on her
bloated face and her blubber lips widely parted.
My heart sank within me, and I was beginning to feel terribly
fatigued. A scrimmage on board the boat would be, I felt, quite
beyond my powers. It was a question whether I should even have
sufficient strength left to clamber on board. Even the negress could
easily keep me at bay if she chose. I knew that. But as yet she
showed no disposition to join in the impending fray.
“Look out! the swab’s going to shoot,” came from Ned in warning
The next moment a dart of flame issued from the boat, and a bullet
whizzed away harmlessly somewhere.
In spite of my rapidly failing powers, I could not help giving a shout
of astonishment, for I had particularly noticed that the negro had
deliberately aimed a long way above our heads.
The mystery was quickly solved. The negro leaned forward, and in
a vile lingo of broken English told us that he and his mate were
willing to save us, but that they must pretend to defend their boat
from our attack, and that we must go through the pantomime of
capturing it and utterly defeating them.
At first we were all suspicious that this was a trap, but the negroes
assured us that they would not hurt a hair of our heads, and implored
us to scramble on board as quickly as possible, as they were just as
eager to leave the island as we were.
What a blessed relief it was to hear this, and moreover to find that
it was a bonâ fide and genuine ruse on the negroes’ part! Never in
our wildest dreams had we expected such good-fortune as this.
The sham fight was really carried out admirably. The negroes and
the negress kept up a really awful succession of war-cries as they
rushed from one side to the other—at the imminent risk of capsizing
the boat—brandishing their paddles, and bringing them down with
resounding blows upon the gunwale, varying this procedure with
firing an occasional pistol, and making imaginary stabs with knives.
If I had not felt so done up, I should have enjoyed the fun.
At length we had scrambled in over the gunwale, and after a short
and apparently desperate encounter, had worsted the negroes, who
lay shamming death in the bottom of the boat; whilst old “Mother
Bunch,” clasping her pickaninny to her breast, had fallen back in the
stern-sheets in an apparently fainting condition.
The pirates seemed crazy at the turn affairs had taken. Some of
them rushed into the sea and began swimming out in our direction,
whilst others opened a withering fire upon us.
Mr. Triggs and Ned, chuckling to themselves, seized the oars, and
commenced pulling the boat out to sea. It was out of my power to
assist them.

O NE or two bullets struck the boat, but most fortunately none of

us got hit. A brisk fire, however, was kept up for some minutes,
and many of the deadly little missiles flew about us with their
ominous pings, and then buried themselves harmlessly in the sea.
The pirates must have been thunderstruck at our apparently
successful attack upon the armed negroes, and the game way in
which we walked off with the boat under their very noses. It was of
course extremely tantalizing for them, especially as they had felt so
sure of capturing us.
However, we were not out of the wood yet, as we were presently
to discover.
For some minutes I lay in the bows of the boat, feeling wretchedly
ill and thoroughly done up. How I wished I could get rid of my
saturated clothes and don dry ones, for I began to feel chilled to the
The gunner and Ned Burton were well to the fore at this crisis in
our fortunes. Luckily, they both had iron constitutions, with plenty of
stamina and reserve of force; in proof of which they rowed like
madmen, so as to get the boat out of range of the musketry fire
which was being continuously kept up from the shore.
One of the negroes, seeing that I was rather in a collapsed state,
crawled along the bottom of the boat to me, carrying in his hand a
green cocoa-nut, of which there was a supply in the stern-sheets.
With his knife he cut off the top, and handed me the brimming nut.
“Drink him, massa,” he whispered; “plenty mosh good.”
I needed no second invitation, but drank the contents in one long
delicious draught. That dusky negro was like a ministering angel,
and I told him so with as much emphasis as I could muster up.
I now began to feel more myself again, and by great good-fortune
we began to move out of the dense volcanic atmosphere into the
bright sunlight which reigned beyond. I rejoiced greatly at this, for it
meant dry clothes for us all.
A spent bullet or slug struck the boat near the water-line. I raised
myself and glanced over the gunwale.
The pirate chief and his myrmidons were still on the beach, and
occasionally fired a shot at us; but I perceived that we were fast
gliding out of range. Not far from the spot where the desperadoes
stood was a dark object, which I knew must be the corpse of Miguel.
As I gazed at the group, they suddenly ceased firing, and with a
parting volley of angry shouts which came but faintly over the waters,
they turned their backs on us, and started off at a sharp run across
the sandhills in the direction of the interior.
I instantly drew my companions’ attention to this fact.
“We haven’t done with the rascals yet, I’m afraid,” said the gunner,
glancing anxiously at their retiring forms. “They’re making for the
creek on t’other side of the island, and will pursue us in the brig.”
“That will be their little game, no doubt,” observed Ned
thoughtfully, “and we must do our level best to circumvent ’em.
Having had the good-fortune, under Divine providence, to escape
from the island, we may fairly hope that another little spell of good-
fortune is in store for us.”
Ned was always very sanguine, and consequently was often
disappointed; but his courage was indomitable.
I now felt so much better that I seized a spare oar—of which there
were several in the boat—and began to pull, begging the negroes to
give my shipmates each a cocoa-nut, as I felt sure that they must be
suffering intensely from thirst.
“Good idea of yours, Mr. Darcy,” said Ned, who had overheard my
remark. “I just about feel as if I could drink a brewery dry at this
moment. I tell you what, though; I wish that there shegro warn’t in the
starn-sheets. I reckon she’d turn the scale at sixteen stone!”
I glanced at “Mother Bunch.” Now that the pirates had turned tail,
she no longer deemed it necessary to masquerade, and was sitting
bolt upright, with one podgy hand grasping the tiller, and her full
moonlike visage expansive with smiles, her blubber lips being so
widely parted that you could see every tooth in her head. At her feet
the pickaninny lay crowing and kicking, as if it thought there was
something very comical in the whole adventure.
The negroes were now as busy as bees. One of them handed up
cocoa-nuts to Mr. Triggs and Ned, while the other seized an oar and
backed up my efforts to improve the speed of the craft.
We were steering straight out to sea. The surface of the water was
less disturbed than it had been, owing to the cessation of the
earthquakes, and light draughts of air seemed to be working their
way up from the offing. It was probable that a sea-breeze would
soon set in, and this might be of great benefit to us, as there was a
mast and sail in the boat.
“We’re awfully grateful to you Johnnies,” observed the gunner, as
he threw his empty cocoa-nut shell overboard. “If it hadn’t been for
you, we should probably have had our throats cut by those villains
ashore. Now I want to know if this boat belongs to you, and whether
you will stick to us and do your best to land us in the island of Cuba.
The day we get back to our ship the Rattler you shall have your fifty
pounds—that I can promise you on the word of an Englishman.”
The negro who had been handing up the nuts grinned, and
scratched his head. He evidently did not half understand Mr. Triggs’s
long speech. However, after a good deal of trouble and numerous
misunderstandings, we managed to extract the following information
from them. As we had supposed, they were the slaves of the pirates,
and were employed by them to raise garden produce, and to assist
in unloading vessels which had been captured and brought into the
creek. Being skilful fishermen, they were allowed to make use of a
boat; and as finny spoils were to be more plentifully obtained in the
waters on the west side of the island, they usually kept their craft
upon the beach above high-water mark—the creek being on the
eastern seaboard. On this eventful morning, they had started very
early on a fishing excursion, and were actually afloat when the
terrible seismic disturbances commenced. Frightened out of their
wits, and almost swamped by the tidal waves which swept the sea,
they pulled about in various directions, hardly knowing where to go
for safety. At length they determined to land, as they were much
afraid of being upset and drowned. No sooner had they drawn their
boat up on the beach than the volcanic outburst commenced, and
added infinitely to their terror. It was the last straw, and they
determined to quit the island for ever, fully believing that it had been
taken possession of by evil spirits; but it was a long time before they
could muster up enough courage to launch their boat afresh and
start on their perilous journey. It must have been just after they had
done so that we appeared upon the scene. Having in their early days
lived in some of the British West India islands, they felt disposed to
be friendly towards Englishmen in distress; and as they were much
afraid that the pirates would force them to return to the island
whether they liked it or not, it was hurriedly decided to assist us if
possible in our evident determination to escape, and then sail away
to other climes. The reward of fifty pounds they ignored—so we
understood them to say. That is the gist of what the darkies told us.
We now held a brief council of war, as it was necessary to decide
upon some plan of action, and that quickly.
We were unanimously of opinion that we should pull straight out to
sea and trust to meeting a favourable breeze, or, better still, a
friendly vessel.
My shipmates tried to insist on my taking a complete rest, and
allowing them and the negroes to pull; but I could not consent to this
plan, tempting as it was, for I was feeling much stronger, and knew
full well that we should have to strain every nerve to escape, as the
pirates were hardly likely to sit down quietly and twirl their thumbs
while they had one or perhaps two vessels in the roadstead on the
other side of the island.
That we should be chased was a dead certainty, especially as it
was evident that the volcanic outbursts were now diminishing in
violence. The pirates would naturally be anxious for the safety of any
property they might have upon the island; but still our escape was of
much more serious import to them, for, of course, they knew only too
well that we should denounce them to the authorities and betray the
whereabouts of their island.
We pulled vigorously, therefore, often casting anxious glances
towards the jutting capes which marked the extremities of the
pirates’ lair. A thick curtain of smoke hung over the centre of the
island and obscured the view.
“Ha!” cried Ned, “yonder comes the brig, or one of their blooming

R OUND the southernmost point of the island a small vessel was

creeping stealthily. Owing to the lack of wind she could set no
canvas, but was evidently being propelled by a number of sweeps.
Undoubtedly it was the brig. I recognized her at once.
Naturally her progress was slow, but our boat was unwieldy and
had no great turn of speed. The draughts of air were the merest
catspaws, and scarcely ruffled the surface of the water. Flying-fish
sprang about us, and occasionally a bonito. The sun was mounting
high in the heavens and casting down rays of burning heat. A track
of molten gold stretched over the deep, the glare from which was
almost intolerable.
“Mother Bunch” shut her jaws with a snap when her dark, round
eyes fell on the shadowy vessel. It was as if a crocodile had closed
with some succulent morsel. The pickaninny began to roar lustily as
if it had a dim presentiment of coming evil. The two negroes
jabbered excitedly in some strange and guttural dialect.
“The brig can’t make much way,” said Ned, fixing his eyes intently
upon her. “I reckon we can outstrip her as things go at present. If a
favourable breeze springs up, however, she’ll overhaul us hand-
over-fist, and then we may look out for squalls.”
“The worst of it is, she’s got guns aboard,” observed Mr. Triggs
anxiously. “Now, if she could creep up within range, she might
pepper us in a mighty unpleasant manner—there’s no question
about that.”
“I wonder if she has any boats with her,” exclaimed I. “It might be
equally unpleasant if she sent some of them in chase of us.”
Ned looked intently across the sea, shading his eyes with his
“Boats they have, sure enough,” he said after a long survey. “Why,
two of ’em is atowin’ of her!”
“That’s what the sharks are up to, is it?” observed the gunner. “I
tell you what, that’ll make ’em slip along a bit faster than we
“What arms are there in the boat?” asked Ned, lying on his oar for
a moment.
The negroes produced their store of weapons, and laid them down
for our inspection. It was a sorry enough lot.
Two extremely old-fashioned pistols, one fairly effective cutlass
(used by the negroes for cutting their way through the dense
jungles), and two rusty and jagged daggers. These constituted our
As we were gazing at them rather hopelessly, and demanding
ammunition for the pistols, “Mother Bunch” produced a weighty-
looking club, armed with metal spikes, from some corner of the
stern-sheets, and with many grins and exclamations of satisfaction,
whirled it around her head in a bellicose fashion.
“Bravo, my shegro brave and true!” shouted Ned in great delight.
“We’ll let you go for some of them swabs and brain ’em by-and-by,
jiggered if we don’t. Amazons aren’t in the running when you’re out
on the war-path, I reckon!”
“She is more likely to capsize the boat than anything else if it
comes to a scrimmage,” said the gunner grimly.
It was fortunate that “Mother Bunch” did not understand this
ungallant remark, or Mr. Triggs’s head might have made
acquaintance with the Amazonian club!
How we longed for a little breeze to help us on our way and cool
the air! Our saturated clothes had dried in the hot sun; but our
exertions made us perspire so freely that it seemed probable that
before long they would be in much the same state again.

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