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“The Impact of Modular Learning on the Academic Performance of BSEDENG3 Students”

-Modular Learning uses learning modules that facilitate student learning. Modular is a form of
distance learning that uses Self- Learning Modules /(SLM).Based on the most essential
competencies(MELCS)developed by the teachers by the aid of curriculum developers. Modular
approach to teaching enables the learner to have control over his/her learning and accepts greater
responsibility for learning. It demands greater maturity on the part of the learner, the modules is more
appropriate for more mature students. In this, we the researchers wanted to find out WHAT are the
impacts of Modular/ Self- Learning AND HOW IT AFFECTS to their Academic Performances of
BSEDENG3 Students. We have come up to these 3(three) questions in this research. First, how does
Modular Learning affect the academic performance of students? Second, what are the impacts of
Modular Learning to the Academic Performance of BSEDENG3 students? Third, what are the
advantages and disadvantages of modular learning?

KEY WORDS: Modular Learning, Academic Achievement/Performance

“The Effects of Distance Learning to the Mental Health of BSED-ENG3 Students”

-Distance learning, also called “distance education”, it is a method of studying in which

lectures are broadcast, or classes are conducted by correspondence or over the internet, without the
student’s needing to attend a school or college. As Covid-19 pandemic upsurge, this greatly impacts a
student’s mental health. The lack of social interaction in modular learning leads to the feeling of
loneliness, lack of motivation and isolation. Investigations pointed out, that students have experience
an increase in stress, anxiety and depression, and have felt some negative feelings intensified, such as
fear, worry or boredom. In this study, we aim to highlight the potential effects of distance learning to
the mental health of BSED English 3rd year students. Distance learning programs can be a very
convenient and effective way to acquire more education. This may seem difficult without students and
teachers interacting in a classroom, but people enrolled in distance learning programs can learn just as
much away from a classroom as in one. Distance learning and educational are interchangeable terms.
Distance learning is a recent phenomenon. The origins of distance learning can be traced back to the
advent of the modern postal system and the mass production of printed publications, which made it
possible to spread information rapidly throughout the world.

KEYWORD: Distance Learning, Mental Health

“The Effectiveness Of Modular Learning In Improving English Language Skills Of BSEDENG3 Students”

-The aim of this research is to find out the effectiveness of a modular approach in teaching and learning to asses
student’s performance, achievement and motivation, and to decide if the modular approach is more effective than traditional
method while performing and experiment. A module is considered to be a set of learning opportunities organized around a
well-defined topic which contains element of instruction, specific objectives, learning activities and self-assessment and
evaluation using criteria – reference measurement. This research method is created to address the impact of modular teaching
learning and assessment on BSED ENGLISH 3 students about English Proficiency. This is to show that students of modular
syllabuses find it useful and motivating, and say that it encourage them to do better on the next modules. At the same time,
modular learning and assessment about English Proficiency does not remove the stress and workload. Teachers in the
modular system appreciate the better planning opportunity around the exams and the clarity of the focus of their teaching
requirements. Overall, the target of this study is to teach BSED English 3 students to use English Language to communicate
with those who speak and uses other language, either in written or spoken context while completing their program of study
through the use of modular approach.

KEYWORDS: Modular Learning, English Skills

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