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Poor Eating

Habbits Photovoice
Sosial Isolation Reflection on
The Negative
Impacts of

This is about examining the adverse effects of

excessive viewing. In this project, I used a series of
images to illustrate how binge-watching can affect
our daily lives. For instance, there’s a picture
depicting our social isolation when we’re too
engrossed in the TV screen. I also highlighted how it
can disrupt our sleep patterns and lead us to
procrastinate on important responsibilities. Beside
that, there are images showing poor eating habits
often associated with excessive viewing. Apart from
physical effects, there are psychological impacts like
difficulty in thinking and the loss of valuable personal
time. By using these images, I hope to raise
awareness of the dangers of this habit and encourage
us to strive for a better balance in our lives.

Lost of Personal
Time Dinimished
Emotional Resilience

Impact on

Procrastination at Thinking
Work Problems

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