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A Hybrid Algorithm to Dual Sparse Sampling

Measurement in Time-Resolved Electromagnetic

Near-Field Scanning

Abstract—Time-resolved electromagnetic near-field scanning is ning to enhance the analysis of transient electromagnetic phe-
vital for antenna measurement and addressing complex elec- nomena [9], [10]. Unlike traditional frequency-domain mea-
tromagnetic interference and compatibility issues. However, the surements, this approach involves acquiring electrical signals
swift acquisition of high-resolution spatiotemporal data remains
challenging due to physical constraints, such as moving the through high-speed oscilloscopes and deducing time-varying
probe position and allowing sufficient time for sampling. This field signals through basic computational processes [11], [12].
paper introduces a novel hybrid approach that combines Kriging Herein, effectively capturing time-varying near-field distribu-
for sparse spatial measurement, compressed sensing (CS) for tions requires simultaneous sampling of both temporal and
sparse temporal sampling, and dynamic mode decomposition spatial dimensions, introducing complexities in high-speed
(DMD) for a comprehensive analysis of dual-sparse sampling
electromagnetic near-field data. CS optimizes sparse sampling in near-field scanning. Accurate characterization of transient
the time domain, capitalizing on the inherent sparsity within elec- electromagnetic phenomena necessitates synchronization and
tromagnetic radiated signals, resulting in reliable representation coordination of temporal and spatial sampling methodologies.
of time-domain signals and reducing the required time samples. In this study, we introduce a novel hybrid method named
Latin hypercube sampling guides the probe position, facilitat- Kriging-CS-DMD to effectively tackle the challenges associat-
ing sparse measurement in the space domain. DMD extracts
meaningful insights from the resulting sparse spatiotemporal ed with temporal and spatial sampling in near-field scanning.
data, producing sparse dynamic modes and temporal evolution Our approach combines Kriging, compressed sensing (CS),
information. Subsequently, Kriging is employed to infer missing and dynamic mode decomposition (DMD). Specifically, we
spatial measurements for each sparse dynamic mode. Finally, leverage CS to attain temporal sparsity in data acquisition,
the entire spatiotemporal signals are reconstructed based on and Latin hypercube sampling enables spatial sparse sampling.
interpolated dynamic modes and temporal evolution information.
Validation of the proposed method is demonstrated with an The resulting spatiotemporal dual-sparse data undergoes DMD
example using crossed dipole antennas as the device under test. analysis, allowing the extraction of sparse dynamic modes
The Kriging-CS-DMD framework effectively reconstructs elec- and corresponding frequency information. Subsequently, we
tromagnetic fields with precision while concurrently reducing the apply the Kriging method to recover the full dynamic modes
measurement workload in both the time and space domains. This from the sparse dynamic modes. Finally, our hybrid approach
methodology holds promise for various applications, including
space-time-modulated electronic devices. reconstructs the original spatiotemporal field distributions
Index Terms—Time-resolved electromagnetic near-field scan- based on the full dynamic modes and corresponding frequency
ning, compressed sensing, Kriging, dynamic mode decomposition. information.
Electromagnetic near-field scanning is crucial for antenna Fig. 1 outlines the proposed Kriging-CS-DMD method for
measurement and investigating electromagnetic interference electromagnetic near-field scanning, specifically addressing
(EMI) and compatibility (EMC) phenomena [1]. However, ob- situations with sparse spatial and temporal sampling. The
taining radiation distribution in this scanning process remains method aims to provide a comprehensive representation of the
time-consuming [2]. The traditional approach involves physi- electromagnetic field through a multi-step process:
cally moving sensing probes to different positions during near- Step 1): The initial step involves a sparse sampling
field scanning, making data collection from numerous pixels process yielding limited spatial data points (Z) and discrete
notably time-intensive [3], [4]. To address this challenge, time samples (n). Spatial points are selected based on the
accelerated data acquisition methods have been developed, Latin hypercube sampling strategy, and temporal samples are
such as sequential sampling [2], compressed sensing [5], obtained randomly at these locations. The resulting sparse
equilateral-triangular-spaced samples [6], Kriging method [7], spatiotemporal data is denoted as QnZ ∈ RZ×n .
and wide-mesh scanning [8]. These methods primarily focus Step 2): To enhance temporal resolution, compressed sens-
on spatially sparse sampling in the frequency domain to ing matching pursuit [13] is used, increasing the number of
reconstruct global spatial distributions. time samples (n) by generating m contiguous time samples at
Recently, there has been an introduction of time-domain each of the Z spatial points. The result is a denser and more
distribution measurements in electromagnetic near-field scan- informative temporal dataset, denoted as Qm Z ∈R
Fig. 1. Schematic of the proposed Kriging-compressed sensing-dynamic mode decomposition for near-field scanning with dual sparse sampling in both time
and space domains.

Step 3): The dataset Qm

Z with Z × m data points undergoes III. R ESULTS
DMD analysis, extracting sparse dynamic modes and corre-
sponding frequency information. DMD models Qm Z as [14]–


qZ (t) = xl exp(ηl t)αl = xl exp(ηlreal t + jηlimag t)αl .
l=1 l=1
(1) z
where qZ (t) represents the time-varying state in the sparse
spatial domain.
Step 4): The Kriging method is then applied to recover y
complete global dynamic modes from the sparse dynamic
modes. Kriging increases the representation from sparse Z
spatial dimensions, i.e., xl ∈ RZ , to complete R spatial v2(t) An
dimensions, i.e., xKri ∈ RR . v1(t) t#
Step 5): The recovered xKri replaces xl in (1), modeling 1
the entire spatial-temporal radiated fields as
X Fig. 2. Crossed dipole antenna with two different exciting signal
qR (t) = xKri
l exp(ηl t)αl
l=1 To validate the proposed method, we conducted a simulation
XL experiment using a crossed dipole antenna configuration [17]
= xKri
l exp(ηlreal t + jηlimag t)αl . as the DUT, visually depicted in Fig. 2. Both antennas are
l=1 designed as half-wave dipole antennas. Antenna 1 operates
The Kriging-CS-DMD approach constructs a data-driven mod- at the 2.4 GHz frequency band with λ1 = 0.125 m, while
el for time-resolved near-field scanning based on doubly sparse Antenna 2 is tailored for the 5 GHz frequency band (λ2 = 0.06
data. This enables the reconstruction of entire distributions, the m). Sinusoidal waves v1 (t) and v2 (t), operating at 2.4 GHz
identification of frequency components, and the determination and 5 GHz, respectively, are used to excite Antenna 1 and
of corresponding spatial distributions. The method proves Antenna 2.
valuable for gaining insights into time-varying electromagnetic Herein, we first illustrate sparse sampling in the time
field behavior, especially in scenarios with limited and sparse domain, starting with an initial sampling of 1000 data points.
sampling in both spatial and temporal dimensions. Through the application of Compressed Sensing (CS), this
(a) (b)

Fig. 3. (a) The DMD spectrum acquired through the utilization of DMD for the analysis of the original dataset. (b) The DMD spectrum obtained by employing
the Kriging-CS-DMD for the analysis of spatial-temporal dual sparse data.

quantity is efficiently reduced to 128 data points, resulting in and (e) depict the raw radiated field at these time instances
a temporal sparse sampling factor of approximately 7.8 times. with a resolution of 256 × 256 pixels. Fig. 5 (b), (d), and
Simultaneously, in the spatial domain, the original pixel count (f) show the Kriging-CS-DMD reconstruction results achieved
for sampling is 256 × 256. By employing the Kriging method, with temporally and spatially doubly sparse sampled data,
we select 500 pixels for subsequent reconstruction, leading to involving 128 temporal points and 500 spatial pixels. The
a spatial sparse sampling factor of approximately 131. The comparison between raw and reconstructed fields demonstrates
combination of temporal and spatial sparse sampling not only the effectiveness of the Kriging-CS-DMD approach in captur-
significantly reduces data dimensionality but also enhances the ing the dynamic evolution of the electric field over time with
overall efficiency of the data acquisition process. reduced data points.
Next, we analyze data acquired through dual sparse sam-
pling using the Kriging-CS-DMD framework. The DMD spec- IV. C ONCLUSION
trum obtained through Kriging-CS-DMD analysis of doubly In summary, we presented the Kriging-CS-DMD approach
sparse sampled data is depicted in Fig. 3 (b). For comparison, to overcome the challenges posed by dual temporal and spatial
we also calculate the DMD spectrum obtained via raw data sampling in near-field scanning. Our method optimizes data
analysis, shown in Fig. 3 (a). The results show successful acquisition by employing Kriging for spatial sparse sam-
extraction of two distinct frequency components, 2.4 GHz and pling and compressed sensing for achieving temporal sparsity,
5.0 GHz, aligning closely with the actual scenario. This con- preserving data fidelity. The application of dynamic mode
cordance underscores the Kriging-CS-DMD method’s ability decomposition to the resulting spatiotemporal dual-sparse data
to extract frequency information using temporally and spatially enables the extraction of valuable insights, encompassing
doubly sparse sampled data. frequency information and global spatial distributions for each
Furthermore, Fig. 4 visualizes the corresponding dynamic frequency. Our numerical case study effectively demonstrated
modes alongside the representation of the original modes for the method’s efficiency and accuracy in reconstructing electro-
comparison. Taking the 2.4 GHz dynamic mode as an example magnetic fields while simultaneously reducing measurement
(Fig. 4 (b)), we observe consistency between the reconstructed overhead. The versatility of this methodology makes it appli-
field data based on 500 sampling points and the actual radia- cable in various scenarios, especially in space-time-modulated
tion mode shown in Fig. 4 (a). Similar findings are observed electronic devices.
for the 5.0 GHz frequency, as depicted in Fig. 4 (c) and
(d). The Kriging-CS-DMD method effectively derives spatial ACKNOWLEDGMENT
radiation patterns for each frequency based on temporally and This work is supported in part by the Research Grants
spatially doubly sparse sampled data. These results highlight Council of Hong Kong under Grant GRF 14210623 and in
the method’s efficacy in extracting essential frequency infor- part by ITF Grant ITP/007/23LP.
mation and elucidating associated spatial distributions.
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