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The internet is a global network of interconnected computers and devices that allows for
communication, information sharing, and access to various services and resources. It's one of the most
transformative inventions in human history, revolutionizing how we connect, work, learn, and entertain

2.Social Networks

Social networks are online platforms that facilitate social interaction and networking among users. They
allow people to connect, share content, communicate, and build relationships with others. Examples
include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Snapchat. Social networks have become integral
parts of modern life, influencing communication patterns, social behaviors, and even aspects of culture
and politics.

3.Functions of Computer

Computers serve a multitude of functions, including:

1. Processing: They can perform complex calculations and execute instructions quickly.

2. Storage: Computers can store vast amounts of data in various forms, from text and images to videos
and software.

3. Communication: They enable communication through email, messaging apps, video conferencing,
and social media platforms.

4. Information retrieval: Computers allow users to access and retrieve information from the internet,
databases, and local storage.

5. Creation: They empower users to create content such as documents, presentations, graphics, music,
and videos.

6. Entertainment: Computers provide access to a wide range of entertainment options, including

streaming movies and music, playing video games, and browsing online content.

7. Automation: They can automate repetitive tasks through scripting, macros, and software automation

8. Analysis: Computers can analyze data to identify patterns, trends, and insights, making them
invaluable in fields such as data science, finance, and research.

9. Control: They can control external devices and systems through interfaces such as USB, Bluetooth,
and Wi-Fi, enabling automation and remote operation.

10. Education: Computers are used extensively in education for research, learning management systems,
interactive tutorials, and digital textbooks.

Overall, computers play essential roles in nearly every aspect of modern life, enhancing productivity,
communication, and creativity.

4.System Software

System software refers to the foundational programs that manage and control computer hardware,
providing a platform for running application software. Key components of system software include:

1. Operating System (OS): The primary system software that manages hardware resources, provides
user interfaces, and supports application software. Examples include Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and

2. Device Drivers: Software that allows the operating system to communicate with hardware devices
such as printers, graphics cards, and network adapters.

3. Utilities: Tools and programs that perform system maintenance tasks, such as disk cleanup, antivirus
scanning, backup and recovery, and performance optimization.

4. Firmware: Low-level software stored in read-only memory (ROM) or flash memory that controls the
basic functions of hardware components, such as BIOS/UEFI for booting the computer and firmware for
peripherals like keyboards and mice.

5. Middleware: Software that connects different software applications or components, facilitating

communication and data exchange. Examples include database management systems, web servers, and
enterprise application integration tools.

System software is essential for the proper functioning of computers and provides a foundation for
running application software, enabling users to perform tasks and utilize the full capabilities of their

5.ICT in our daily life

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become deeply integrated into our daily lives,
influencing various aspects such as:

1. Communication: ICT enables instant communication through email, messaging apps, social media
platforms, and video conferencing, allowing people to stay connected globally.

2. Information Access: The internet provides easy access to vast amounts of information on virtually any
topic, empowering users to learn, research, and stay informed.

3. Work and Business: ICT facilitates remote work, online collaboration, virtual meetings, and e-
commerce, transforming the way businesses operate and people work.

4. Education: ICT enhances education through e-learning platforms, online courses, digital textbooks,
interactive educational apps, and virtual classrooms, making learning more accessible and engaging.

5. Entertainment: ICT offers a wide range of entertainment options, including streaming services for
movies, music, and games, social media for sharing content and connecting with others, and virtual
reality experiences.

6. Healthcare: ICT plays a crucial role in healthcare through electronic medical records, telemedicine
services, medical imaging technologies, wearable health devices, and health monitoring apps, improving
patient care and accessibility to medical services.

7. Transportation: ICT enhances transportation systems through GPS navigation, real-time traffic
updates, ride-sharing apps, online booking services for flights and trains, and autonomous vehicle
technologies, improving efficiency and safety.

8. Finance: ICT enables online banking, mobile payment apps, digital wallets, and cryptocurrency
transactions, offering convenient and secure financial services to individuals and businesses.

9. Smart Homes: ICT powers smart home devices such as smart thermostats, security cameras, voice-
activated assistants, and home automation systems, enhancing comfort, convenience, and energy

10. Social Impact: ICT can empower communities through access to information, online activism,
crowdfunding platforms for social causes, and initiatives for digital inclusion, bridging socioeconomic
gaps and promoting social change.

Overall, ICT has become an indispensable part of modern life, shaping how we communicate, work,
learn, entertain, and interact with the world around us.

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