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Complaint Management System

शिकायत प्रबंध प्रणाली

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Complainant Details

: Thanigaiku Complaint
: 09/02/2023
Name maran Date

: Individual Age : 35

: thanigai333
Gender : Male E-mail @hotmail.c

State : TAMIL NAD District : ERODE


: 50 Muruga
n koil stree
Address t, kuppichip Pincode : 638311
alayam, Bh

Details of Complaint

Has your complaint already been dealt : No

with or is under process on the same
ground with the Ombudsman??

Is complaint from the staff of a regulated : No

entity and involves employer employee

Information related to the Regulated Entity

against which the complaint is being

Is your complaint : No
related to Credit card?

State : District :

Branch : Branch Address :

Have you filed a : Yes

written/electronic complaint
with the Regulated Entity?

Date on which the complaint : 09/02/2023

was first filed with the
Regulated Entity

Attachment : SOA_merged_

Have you received any reply : Yes

from the Entity?

Date of reply : 02/09/2023

Attachment : Mail - thanigai k

umaran - Outlo

Have you sent any reminder to : Yes

the Regulated Entity?

Date of reminder : 09/11/2023

Attachment : 2Mail - thanigai

kumaran - Outl

Is your complaint against the : No

wallet of the Regulated Entity?

Name of wallet :

Transaction/ Reference Number :

Is your complaint against a : No

Business Correspondent ?

Complaint category and other details

Complaint Category : Loans and Advances

Complaint Sub- : Repayment / EMI / Closure

category 1

Complaint Sub- : Discrepancy in statement of a

category 2 ccount

Facts of the : Dear sir Can you check with

complaint my statement and screen shot
of customer login page As per
the statement On 11May2018
900 Rs added stating as proc
essing fee but the when I buyi
ng TV they informed that no c
ost EMI and there would be n
o hidden charges 1st EMI am
ount I have paid cash on hand
to that a tata capital guy in tha
t shop but that is not reflected
in statement They informed th
at Every month 9th your EMIs
will get auto debited from my
axis bank account On 13Jun2
018 Bounce charges added in
my account Option I selected f
or loan due payment when I si
gned is ECS But they have tri
ed my cheque without my con
cern Incase of any banking rel
ated issues could have inform
ed this prior but not then I ask
ed them for delay on emi dedu
ction they asked me to pay thi
s time through neft so I have
made payment on 19Jun2018
Rs 1199 as per the statement
they have splited the amount i
n to 2 payments Rs 749 and R
s 450 749 is for EMI and 450 i
s adjusted with bounce charge
s That is the highlight of that A
gain this is happening on July
month too They are adding pe
nalties like playing games till n
ow My question is why it is ma
rketed as no cost EMI Why th
ey didnt inform prior about the
payment issues with my axis b
ank Why they are splitting my
EMI payment amount with out
my concern How the Tata capi
tal is allowing employees to th
reaten the customer and spea
k with customer rudely with ba
d words I have recorded the c
alls I will pay the amount what
you need right now any how It
was all tricky charges but the
shame i faced and heard the b
ad words from tatacapital colle
ction employee what is the res
olution for that If I file a consu
mer case regarding that you w
ould have to pay penalty So I
need a penalty for the proble
m I faced after that I will pay t
he amount Thank you Thanig

Date of the : 11/05/2018


Disputed Amount : 11990


Compensation : 4455
sought for dispute,
if any (in Rupees)

Compensation : 50000
sought for
expenses incurred,
harassment and
mental anguish, if
any (in Rupees)

Additional Attachment
Attachment 1 : 2Mail - thanigai kumaran -

Attachment 2 : SOA_merged_merged.pdf

Attachment 3 : SOA_merged.pdf

Attachment 4 : SOA_0000000002050XXXX_11092023_1694415024077

Attachment 5 : Axis bank statement.jpg

Attachment 6 : statement report (1).pdf

(i) I/ We, the complainant/s herein declare that:
a) the information furnished herein above is true and correct; and
b) I/We have not concealed or misrepresented any fact stated above and in the
documents submitted herewith.
(ii) The complaint is made before the expiry of the period of limitation prescribed under

the Limitation Act, 1963

Accepted : Yes

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