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On a stormy night, while rain poured down ceaselessly, Julia stood in the kitchen, busily preparing a

tasty beefsteak for their special dinner. The enticing smell filled the air, creating an atmosphere of
excitement. Suddenly, the sound of the doorbell pierced through the stormy surroundings. Julia's heart
skipped a beat. It must be Robert, she thought with a smile. Eager to welcome him, Julia called upon
Anna, her devoted maid, to open the door.

Little did they know that the darkness outside was a sign of the horrors to come. As the door creaked
open, a chilling scene unfolded before their eyes. A wicked dagger was ruthlessly thrust across Anna's
delicate throat, cutting through the night with a sickening "Whack..." Blood sprayed from the wound,
staining the room with its red color. Anna's desperate attempts to stop the bleeding were in vain as the
dagger, like a malevolent force, found its way to her head, silencing her forever. Anna's life slipped
away, her blood forming a tragic pool on the floor.

Stunned into silence, Julia's heart raced with fear. The sight of the gory knife gripped by Robert's hand
and the lifeless body of her maid was more than she could bear. A blood-curdling scream escaped her
trembling lips, echoing through the house, carrying her anguish and terror.

Robert, his face showing no remorse, approached her with deliberate steps. Panic consumed Julia, and
in a surge of survival instinct, she sprinted up the stairs, her legs betraying her with each unsteady
stride. Desperation guided her to a room, where she sought refuge from the nightmare unfolding
around her. She locked the door behind her, collapsing onto the floor, her sobs merging with the storm's
anguished symphony.

Once a wealthy businessman whose indulgences knew no limits, Robert had been transformed by Julia's
love. Her gentle affection and unwavering support had gradually broken down the barriers around his
heart, revealing the vulnerability beneath. In an effort to redeem himself, Robert entered a
rehabilitation center, battling his addictions and emerging as a changed man. Their subsequent marriage
was a testament to their shared happiness and newfound harmony.

Trembling from the horrors she had witnessed, Julia dared to look out of the room's window. The sight
that greeted her eyes intensified her fear. The gardener's lifeless body lay below, its existence marked
by numerous stab wounds. The blood-soaked scene heightened her dread, further entangling her in this
web of terror.

In the midst of her turmoil, Julia heard Robert's voice, his tone laced with an eerie mix of concern and
intoxication. "Darling?! Where are you? Don't be afraid, please..." Once filled with tenderness, the
words now dripped with a sinister edge. The realization that Robert was drunk sent chills down Julia's
spine. Why was he acting this way? What had caused this descent into madness? Questions flooded her
mind, intensifying her fear and agitation.

In her desperate search for help, Julia reached out to Sam, a trusted friend and manager at Robert's
company. Fear-laden words spilled from her lips as she desperately tried to make sense of the chaos.
"Hi... Is everything all right?!” “No! Robert... He will kill me... I don't know what happened to him..." Her
voice trembled with desperation, seeking comfort and a glimmer of hope.

But as fate would have it, the very phone that connected Julia to Sam betrayed her, slipping from her
trembling hands and shattering against the floor. Panic tightened its grip on her as the connection was
abruptly severed. Sam, burdened by his concern, couldn't fully comprehend the danger Julia faced. With
a growing sense of urgency, he resolved to reach Julia's house as quickly as possible, muttering to
himself, "That was my fault..."

Meanwhile, Robert's anger escalated, his fists pounding on the door with a terrifying force. With each
strike, the barrier weakened until it finally gave in to his fury, splintering into pieces. Robert's eyes
burned with a mix of anger and heartbreak as he confronted Julia, his voice trembling with raw emotion.

"Why did you cheat on me?! Why?!" he cried out, tears streaming down his face. The world seemed to
crumble around them as accusations hung in the air, shrouded in pain and betrayal.

Julia, her own heart breaking, desperately sought to bridge the growing divide between them. "No,
Robert. I loved you. How could you believe such a thing? I would never betray you," she pleaded, her
voice quivering with sincerity and love.

But Robert, consumed by his anguish, refused to listen. His tears mingled with his anger, a volatile mix of
emotions clouding his judgment. Step by step, he moved closer to Julia, the dagger gleaming ominously
in his hand. Panic surged through her veins as she realized the imminent danger. With a surge of
adrenaline, she darted around the room, searching for an escape from the clutches of her once-beloved

In a twist of fate, Sam arrived at the house, his heart pounding with apprehension. The sight that
greeted him, the lifeless body of Anna, and the tense atmosphere sent shivers down his spine. Sensing
the urgency, he rushed up the stairs, determined to intervene.

"Robert, calm down!" Sam pleaded, desperately trying to defuse the escalating crisis. "What's

"How dare you come here?!" Robert bellowed, his voice shaking with anger. "You met Julia in a hotel
last week. You were having an affair with my wife!!"

Sam, though fearful, managed to calm down. "Ah, Robert. I am in debt, so I called Julia as an old friend
to ask for some money."

Julia, who had been standing behind Robert, stepped forward. "It's true, Robert. How could you even
think such a thing about us?"

But Robert, consumed by a mix of jealousy and despair, turned his rage towards Sam. Once again, the
dagger became an instrument of violence, as Robert repeatedly stabbed Sam's chest until he died. Sam's
life was extinguished in the blink of an eye, leaving behind a void of anguish and disbelief.

Horrified by the unfolding tragedy, Julia could no longer contain her cries. "Robert, no!" she wailed, her
voice strained with a heart-wrenching mix of grief and desperation.

Robert, teetering on the edge of madness, could no longer distinguish reality from the shadows that
consumed him. Gripping the dagger tightly, he advanced towards Julia, his intentions clear. She had
nowhere left to run, her pleas for mercy falling on deaf ears. "Robert, I love you. Please listen to me,"
she implored, her voice a fragile thread of hope in the face of impending doom.

Yet, fate intervened, preventing Robert from carrying out his final act of vengeance. In a final twist of
destiny, Julia's survival instincts kicked in. She grabbed a nearby vase and swung it with all her might,
striking Robert's head with a resounding impact. His tumultuous journey came to an end in chilling
silence. Julia was trembling with fear, her mind overwhelmed by what she had endured.

After all, the police came, marking the beginning of a thorough investigation. Julia, haunted by the
memories of that fateful night, endured weeks of trauma. Eventually, the authorities deemed her
actions as self-defense, granting her freedom from the clutches of the past.

Life moved on for Julia, though the scars remained etched upon her soul. Unfamiliar to her, she was
conceiving at that time. Months later, a ray of hope emerged in the form of a precious gift—a newborn
baby. The bittersweet joy mingled with sorrow as Julia whispered in a voice laden with longing, "Ah,
Sam, I wish you were alive to see your son."

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