Overtime Policy _ Latest Version.docx

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Overtime Policy


Table of Contents

1. Introduction 4
2. Purpose 4
3. Eligibility 4
4. Overtime Requests 5
5. Approval Process 5
6. Compensation 6
7. Grievances 6
8. Discipline 7
9. Conclusion 7
10. Review 8
1. Introduction

In the pursuit of operational excellence and meeting the evolving demands of our industry, TWC
International recognizes the occasional necessity for overtime. Our commitment to fostering a
productive and supportive work environment necessitates a comprehensive policy to govern
overtime usage. This policy aims to provide clear guidelines and procedures for requesting,
approving, and compensating overtime hours, while also addressing grievances and disciplinary
actions associated with overtime utilization.

2. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to:

▪ Ensure that overtime is utilized only when there is a clear business need.
▪ Establish transparent and efficient procedures for requesting and approving overtime,
enhancing operational clarity and effectiveness.
▪ Aims to promote fair and responsible utilization of overtime hours to maximize
operational efficiency and productivity, while also ensuring employee well-being through
maintaining a healthy work-life balance and providing fair compensation for extra effort.
▪ It emphasizes the concept of equitable compensation for employees' extra efforts, by
reinforcing a culture of appreciation and motivation within the organization.

3. Eligibility

All employees at TWC International may request overtime, provided they meet certain criteria:
they must be non-exempt employees according to applicable labor laws, the requested
overtime must align with the operational requirements of the business, and approval must be
granted by their immediate supervisor. Requests for overtime should be submitted in advance,
following specified procedures.
4. Overtime Requests

The employee will submit the overtime request 24 hours prior to proceeding for overtime along
with a justification of the business needs. Any requests for overtime must be submitted by the
employee to their immediate supervisor.

The request should include the following information:

▪ Date and time of the requested overtime.

▪ Duration of the overtime (in hours or specific timeframe).
▪ Clear explanation and justification for the overtime necessity, detailing the business
▪ Any anticipated impact on project deadlines or operational goals.
▪ Pre-approval from relevant stakeholders, if applicable.

5. Approval Process

Only the manager and Team Lead / line supervisors are authorized to submit the OT requests
for employees. Upon submission, the line manager must forward all requests to the People
Services team at least 48 hours in advance. The People Services team will then review and
respond with approval or disapproval within 24 hours of submission.

Supervisors are tasked with assessing overtime requests based on defined criteria:

● Evaluation of the business justification provided for clarity and validity.

● Alignment of the requested overtime with departmental or organizational objectives.
● Consideration of budgetary implications, particularly regarding additional costs incurred.
● Examination of the employee's recent workload and overall work-life balance.

Additionally, for employees utilizing Zoho user accounts:

● Overtime productivity will be verified through Zoho Cliq check-in and check-out records
for the relevant day.
● Review of hours logged in Zoho Desk/Projects will be conducted.

For employees without Zoho accounts, the following process will be followed:

● Use of Zoho Form OT Check-in to record the start of the overtime work.
● Utilization of Zoho OT Form Check-out & Tasks Report to document the end of the shift
and tasks completed on the day.
● This process must be completed and submitted by the conclusion of the overtime day.

6. Compensation

Overtime compensation will be calculated at a rate of 1.5 times the employee's regular hourly
rate. This systematic approach ensures fairness and consistency in compensating overtime
hours for all employees, promoting transparency and equity within the organization.

7. Grievances

Any grievances related to overtime must be communicated via email to

people.connect@basecampdata.com or by contacting the People Service Team. The grievance
process is as follows:
▪ The People Service Team, in conjunction with the HR Business Partner (HRBP) team, will
investigate the grievance.
▪ If necessary, the case will be forwarded to the Discipline Action Committee as per the
disciplinary action policy and procedure.

8. Violation/Non Compliance Clause

Deliberate misuse or exploitation of this policy for personal gain, whether monetary or
otherwise, will result in strict disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Violations of this policy include but are not limited to:

● Misuse of company resources.

● Harassment or discrimination.
● Falsification of records or information.
● Falsifying overtime hours or engaging in time theft.
● Submitting fraudulent overtime requests or manipulating records.
● Coercing or pressuring colleagues to cover for unperformed work.
● Intentionally misrepresenting the nature or necessity of overtime work.
● Failure to follow established procedures for overtime approval and documentation.

Any employee found in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary measures as per the
company policy, which may include written warnings, loss of privileges, suspension, or
termination of employment, depending on the severity of the offense and the individual's
disciplinary history.

It is recommended that all employees familiarize themselves with this policy and seek
clarification from their supervisor or People Excellence Team if they have any questions or
concerns regarding its interpretation or application.

8. Discipline

Employees are expected to adhere to all policies, including the overtime policy. Violations will
be reported to the Discipline Action Committee, which will initiate disciplinary proceedings in
accordance with the disciplinary action policy and procedure.

9. Conclusion

TWC International is committed to maintaining a fair and transparent approach to overtime

utilization, ensuring that it is utilized only when necessary to meet the demands of our business
operations. By adhering to this policy, we aim to promote employee well-being, optimize
productivity, and achieve our organizational objectives effectively.


This policy will be subject to thorough review and updates every 6 months, with the flexibility to
adjust the review period based on evolving business needs. These revisions are essential to
ensure the policy remains effective, relevant, and compliant with all applicable labour laws and
regulations. By conducting regular reviews, we aim to uphold the highest standards of
operational excellence and prioritize the well-being of our employees.

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