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Calcutta Bops' School Rehearsal Examination 2022-2023 Cl:X

Time: 2 Hrs. HISTORY Marks: 80
ReadingTime: 15 Minutes
(i) In a federal system of government, the administrative powers are divided between the Central
government and
(a) Panchayat
(b) Municipal Corporation
)State government
(d) Civil servants

(i) The Presiding Officer of the Rajya Sabha is:

(a) Speaker
(6) The President
k)The Vice President
(d) Prime Minister

Lok Sabha 25 years

Rajya Sabha

(a) 35 years
Ab) 30 years
(c) 40 years
(d) 20 years

(iv) The President of India is elected by the

a) Electoral College
(b) Election Commission
(c) Lok Sabha
(d) State Legislative Assembly

(V) The President of India, if found misusing his/her office, can be removed through the procedure of

(a) Vote of no-confidence

(b) Censure motion
(c) Cut motion
(g) Impeachment

(vi) The highest court of justice in a state:

(a) Civil Court
(b) Criminal Court
(c) Revenue Court
() High Court

(vii) Which of the following is NOT an advantage of the Lok Adalats:

(a) It helps speedy settlement of disputes
(b) It helps to reduce the workload of regular courts
(c) It provides a conciliatory atmosphere for negotiation
It can overturn Supreme Court verdicts

(vii) Lord Dalhouise annexed Awadh on what pretext?

(a) Embezzling East India Company's money
(b) Rebelling against the East India Company
)Misgovernance of Awadh
(d) Refusal to pay due revenue
was the President of the first session of the Indian National congress.
(ix) Cl:X
(a) Dadabhai Naoroji 80
(b) Allan Octavian Hume
(c), Motilal Nehru
(d)w.C. Bonnerjee
)Early nationalist: Surendranath Banerjee: ASsertive nationalist:
aBal Gangadhar Tilak
(b) Subhas Chandra Bose
(c) Raja Rammohan Roy
(d) Bhagat Singh
(xi) ordered his troops to fire at an unarmed crowd at Jallianwala Bagh without any
(a) General Havelock
(b) General Montgomery
Ae) General Dyer
(d) General Patton

xi) Mahatrma Gandhi gave the call for "Do or Die" in relation to_
(ay Quit India Movement
(b) Civil Disobedience Movement
(c) Non-Cooperation Movement
(d) Rowlatt Satyagraha

xiti) Germany had to pay how much war indemnity to the Allies after World War I?
(a) 4 billion dollars
(b) 40 billion dollars
( e 33 billion dollars
(d) 13 billion dollars

(xiv) Whom did Hitler blame for Germany's ruined economy and defeat in the First World War?
(a) Americans
(5) Jews
(c) British
(d) League of Nations

(xv) Which organ of the United Nations makes recommendation to the General Assembly for the appointment of the
Secretary General?
(a) Economic and Social Council
(b) Trusteeship Council
(c) International Court of Justice
Security Council

(xvi) Which countries were the main participants of the Non-Aligned Movement?
(a) First World countries
(b) Second World countries
kThird World countries
(d) None of the above

Q2. Answer the following questions: (7x2)

What is the normal term of the Lok Sabha members? When can it be extended?
ii What is Lok Adalat?

i)y What was the grievance of Nana Sahib against the East India Company?
Mention two repressive policies of Lord Curzon.
y) What is the significance of Lucknow Pact of 1916?
Write any two similarities between Fascism and
v Name any two architects of NAM.
PART-II (50 Ma
SECTION (20 Marks
(Attempt any two questions from this
Q3. With Section)
reference the Union
. What is the Legislature, answer the following questions: (3+3+4)
ii. What are the
composition of Lok Sabha?
ii. necessary qualifications for membership of Lok Sabha?
Describe any four functions of the
Q4. With reference to the Union
i. Why
Executive, answer the following questions: (3+3+4)
is the President of India
Describe the procedure for indirectly
ii. elected?
ii. What is the role of the PrimeImpeachment
of the President.
Minister as the Leader of the Nation?
Q5. With reference to the Judiciary, discuss the
1. What is the
following: (3+3+4)
of the Supreme Court? How are the
judges of the Supreme Court
ii. What is Original Jurisdiction of the appointed?
il. How are the
Supreme Court?
judges of the High Courts appointed? What is the Appellate Jurisdiction of a
High Courts?

(Attemptany three). (10x3=30)
Q6. With reference to the growth of Indian Nationalism explain the relevance of each of the following.

i) Repressive policies of Lord Lytton.

ii) Role of Press.
each of them.
reformers and write two contributions of
in) ldentify the above social
answer the following (3+3+4)
Q7. With reference to Quit India movement,
i) Reasons for Launching the
ii) Quit India resolution
in) Significance of the movement.
party within the congress in 1939. In
foundation of a radical and progressive
Q8. Subhash Chandra Bose laid the
this context answer the following. (3+3+4) of the party that
Subhash Chandra Bose. State any two objectives
i) Name the political party formed by
he founded.
Mention three contributions
of Subhash Chandra Bose.
in) that Subhash founded.
the military organization
in) Mention any 4 objectives of
Qs. In the picture below, following the defeat of the Axis Powers, the Russian soldiers raised
the flag above the
Reichstag in Berlin on 2 May, 1945. In this
context, answer the following:

i. Identify the War with which this picture is associated with. Name any two Axis countries that were

defeated. [3]
ii. Examine how the dissatisfaction with the Treaty of Versailles led to the War. [3]
ii. Discuss the 'Cold War that developed after the War. [4]

are to maintain
Q10. The United Nations (UN) is intergovernmental organisation whose stated purposes
achieve international cooperation,
relations among nations,
international peace and security, develop friendly answer the
actions of nations. In the context of the United Nations,
and be a centre for harmonising the
i. State any three functions of the General Assembly. [3] [3]
Council of the UN. What is veto power?
ii. Discuss the composition of the Security
ii. Discuss four functions of the UNICEF. [4]


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