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The Importance of Sustainable Consumption and Production Pattern in Indonesia

As of 2015, the Sustainable Development Agenda was launched to end environmental

challenges. There are 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) approved in this Agenda.
One of the most importance goals is in number 12. According to the United Nations, SDGs
number 12 aims to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. There are 193
countries who have signed for SDGs, one of them is Indonesia. Because of that, Indonesia
should realise the importance of consumption and production pattern to fulfill the SDGs.
Therefore, this text will elaborates the importance of SDGs to Indonesia. This text consists of
5 paragraph, which explain about SDGs, the way and implementation of SDGs in Indonesia
tourism destination.

Humans bring the massive pressure on earth that could drives this planet into
destruction. This strongest creatures gives so many crisis because of wasting consumption
and production. Therefore, SDGs number 12 was launched to help humans to reduce their
consumption and production. One of the countries that should pay they atenttion to this idea
is Indonesia. According to Badan Pusat Statistika, total consumption in Indonesia reached Rp
16,97 quadrillion. Moreover, there are 31,3 millon tons of rice, which is Indonesia’s most
widely produced goods. This is a very huge number. A huge number of consumption and
production means there are a huge of waste too (plastic trash, air pollution, and water
pollution). Because of the massive amount of waste in Indonesia, the government and each
individual should realise the importance of SDGs number 12 for the environment. This is
proven by the important role SDGs played in National Medium-Term Development. SDGs
help Indonesia to improve human development, achieve environmental sustainability,
encourage “Green Lifestyle”, and reduce plastic trash. By reducing number of consumption
and production, the number of waste will decrease along with it. If Indonesia can equalize
and reduce the number of consumption and production, the sustainable development can be
achieved. Not only by reducing the waste, SDGs can help Indonesia to ensure sustain
development by increasing the quality of life and growing the economies.

It also needs big actions to help Indonesia achieve this sustainable development goals.
There are so many actions that has been implemented. For instance, government should
engage and raise consumer awareness through an education about sustainable consumption
lifestyle. Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development (IBCSD) encouraged a
“Green Lifestyle” on 2017. IBCDS held a meeting with various private sectors back then.
This activity held with the purpose to introduce sustainable consumption and production
pattern. IBCDS invited so many market investors who begin to implement “Green Lifestyle”
for the development. According to WWF-Indonesia and Nielsen survey, there were 63%
Indonesian consumers who want to start collecting the eco-friendly products at the higher
price. The reason of their decision is because they want to balance the sustainability of
environment and social aspects. The other things that Indoesian people can do to reduce trash
and waste is bringing their own tumbler. In 2020, Dede Nurdiansyah made an invention
called “Refill Station Mas Eco”. This invention look like a water dispenser. This smart
machine can be found at some point the the crowded. This machine can help people to reduce
the plastic trash. It is because this machine serves a drink water. Therefore, human do not
need to buy a new water in plastic bottle. They only have to bring their own tumbler then
refill it in this refill station. Bringing their own tumbler will reduce the plastic trash they
waste all this time.

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