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lnternational Journal of Systematic Bacteriology (1998), 48, 1 153-1 169 Printed in Great Britain

Revised classification scheme of phytoplasmas

based on RFLP analyses of 16s rRNA and
ribosomal protein gene sequences
Ing-Ming Lee,' Dawn E. Gundersen-Rindal,' Robert E. Davis'
and lrena M. Bartoszyk'

Author for correspondence: Ing-Ming Lee. Tel: + 1 301 504 6024. Fax: + 1 301 504 5449.
e-mail : iinleeiir asrr.arsusda.gov

Molecular Plant RFLP analyses of 16s rDNA nested PCR products from 34 phytoplasma strains
Pathology Laboratory', with 17 restriction enzymes delineated distinct pattern types. Based on
Bldg 01 1A, Rm 252, BARC
West, and Insect similarity coefficients derived from RFLP analyses, the 34 representative
Biocontrol Laboratoryz, phytoplasma strains were differentiated into 14 major groups (termed 16Sr
USDAf ARSi Beltsville* MD groups) and 32 sub-groups. The similarity coefficients of RFLP patterns
20705, USA
between distinct groups were 90% or below. By including additional groups
and sub-groups from which RFLP analyses were not performed but for which
16s rDNA sequence data were available to predict restriction sites, a total of
14 groups and 41 sub-groups were proposed. By combined RFLP analyses of
165 rRNA and ribosomal protein gene sequences, thus far, a total of 46 sub-
groups have been recognized. The phytoplasma 16Sr groups were consistent
with the phylogenetic groups (subclades) defined b y phylogenetic analysis of
near-full-length 16s rRNA gene sequences, indicating that the RFLP-based
groups are phylogenetically valid. The approach using RFLP analyses of PCR-
amplified 16s rDNA (and ribosomal protein gene sequences) provides a simple,
reliable and rapid means for differentiation and classification of unknown

Keywords: phytoplasma classification, RFLP, 16s rRNA, ribosomal protein,
mycoplasma-like organism

INTRODUCTION phytoplasma-specific cloned DNA and monoclonal

antibodies have made it possible to classify phyto-
Phytoplasmas, formerly called mycoplasma-like plasmas on the basis of DNA-DNA homology and
organisms, are associated with diseases in several serological data (6, 11-14, 19,20,25-27,30, 32, 34, 53,
hundred plant species (101, 126). Thus far, none has 56,57,64,67,69,72,76-81,91, 100, 103, 120, 122). For
been cultured in vitro (77). Until the last decade, example, based on dot- and Southern-hybridization
differentiation and classification of uncultured phyto- analyses using cloned phytoplasma DNA probes,
plasmas relied primarily on their biological properties, several distinct phytoplasma strain clusters have been
such as specificity of plant and insect hosts, and recognized (32, 53, 56, 67-69, 72, 76, 78-81, 100, 103).
symptomatology of affected plants (1 5-1 8, 35, 39, 43, However, the sensitivity of these types of molecular
70). The determination of biological properties has probes was insufficient for many phytoplasmas
often been time-consuming, laborious and sometimes associated with woody plants, in which phytoplasma
unreliable (77, 78). The less laborious molecular-based concentrations are relatively low. The development of
analyses introduced in the last decade have proved to PCR assays using specific primers based on cloned
be more accurate and reliable for identification of phytoplasma DNA sequences allowed a more sensitive
phytoplasmas (13, 77). The use of molecular probes, means for phytoplasma detection (3 1 , 34, 36, 44, 52,
54, 55, 60, 78, 80, 92, 110, 1 13).
Recently, phylogenetic analyses based on 16s rRNA
Abbreviations: 16Sr, 165 rRNA, rp, ribosomal protein, ICSB, lnternational and ribosomal protein gene sequences have revealed
Committee on Systematic Bacteriology that the uncultured phytoplasmas form a large discrete

00765 0 1998 IUMS 1153

I.-M. Lee and others

Table 7. Classificationof phytoplasmas based on RFLP (or putative restriction site) analyses of 165 rRNA and ribosomal
protein gene sequences

16Sr Strain Original source 16Sr-rp subgroup Accession no. Accession no. Reference
group (16Sr)
16SrI (Aster yellows group)
I-A Tomato big bud BB Tomato : Arkansas I6Srl-A(rp-A) L33760 L27004 23,78
I-A New Jersey aster yellows NJAY Lettuce: New Jersey IhSrl-A(rp-A) 78. 91
I-A Aster yellows AY27 Aster: Canada 16Srl-A(rp-A) 78
I-A Eastern aster yellows NAY Lettuce: Canada 16Srl-A(rp-A) 78
I-A Periwinkle little leaf C N 1 Periwinkle: Connecticut 16Srl-A(rp-A) 30, 78
I-A Oklahoma aster yellows OKAY I Lettuce: Oklahoma 16Srl-A(rp-A) 35. 78
1-B Michigan aster yellows MIAY Evening primrose: Michigan 16Srl-B(rp-B) M30970 M77470 88. 8')
I-B Maryland aster yellows AY 1 Periwinkle: Maryland 16Srl-B(rp-B) L33767 78
I-B American aster yellows AAY Periwinkle: Florida X68373 121
I-B Dwarf aster yellows DAY Clover: California 78
I-B Western aster yellows SAY Celery: California 16Srl-B(rp-B) M86340 78
1-B Aster yellows OKAY3 Carrot: Okalahotna 16SrI-B(rp-B) 35,7x
I-B Western aster yellows TLAY Potato: California 78
I-B Hydrangea phyllody HyPH 1 Hydrangea: Italy 16Srl-B(rp-K) 134
I-B Chrysanthemum yellows CY Chrysanthemum: Italy 6, 78
I-B Onion yellows OAY (OA) Onion: Japan D I2569 I05
I-B European aster yellows EAY Aster: Gemany 134
1-8 Aster yellows-Koolsard K D Cabbage: UK I34
1-B Aster yellows-Cactus CC Cactus: UK 134
1-B Priinula yellows PY Primula: Germany 134
I-B Gladiolus yellows GLY Gladiolus: UK 134
I-B Hydrangea virescence Hydrangea: Belgium I34
I-B Mitsuba witches'-broom JHW Cryptoraeniu: Japan I07
I-B Garland chrysanthemum WB G C W Chrysanthemum cororiuriuni : Japan 107
I-B Eggplant dwarf E D Eggplant : Japan 107
I-B Tomato yellows TY Tomato: Japan 107
I-B Marguerite yellows MY Chrysanthemum frutescens: Japan 107
I-B lpomoea witches'-broom 1 0 B Ipomoea sp. : Taiwan 16Srl-B(rp-F) 83
I-B Maize bushy stunt MBS Corn: Ohio, Mexico 16Srl-B(rp-L) 26 52, 83
I-B Mulberry dwarf M D Mulberry: Japan, China 105
I-C Clover phyllody CPh Clover: Canada I6Srl-C(rp-C) L33762 78
I-C Strawberry green petal SGP Strawberry : Canada I6SrI-C(rp-C) 78
I-C Ranunculus phyllody RPh Ranunculus: Italy 16Srl-C(rp-C) 48
I-D Paulownia witches'-broom PaWB Paulownia: Taiwan IhSrl-D(rp-D) 78
I-E Blueberry stunt BBSl BBS3 Blueberry: Michigan, Arkansas 16% I-E(rp-E) 78
I-F Apricot chlorotic leaf roll ACLR-AY Apricot : Spain X68383 114
1 Grey dogwood witches'-broom G D l Grey dogwood: USA 16Srl(rp-M) 46
16SrIl (Peanut WB group)
11-A Peanut witches'-broom PnWB Peanut: Taiwan L33765 83
11-A Sweet potato witches'-broom SPWB Sweet potato: Taiwan L33770 83
11-A Sunhemp witches'-broom S U N H P Sunhemp: Thailand X76433 115
Il-B Witches'-broom of lime WBDL Lime: Arabic Peninsula U 1 5442 145
' Ccrclidutus Phytoplasma aurantifolia '
II-C Faba bean phyllody FBP Faba bean: Sudan X83432 115
11-D Sweet potato little leaf SPLL Sweet potato: Australia 41
16Sr111 (X-disease group)
Ill-A X-disease C X Peach : Canada 16SrlII-A(rp-A) L33733 L270 16 81. 83
111-A X-disease WX Peach: California 16SrIlI-A(rp-B) LO4682 L27047 81, 83
111-A Peach yellow leaf roll PYLR Peach : California 16Srlll-A(rp-B) 48
Ill-A )<-disease CCX Choke cherry: New York 16SrllI-A(rp-B) 48
111-B Clover yellow edge CYE Clover: Canada 16SrlIl-B(rp-C) L33766 L270 19 81, 83
Ill-B Vaccinium witches'-broom VAC Vaccinium: Germany X76430 114. 121
111-B Tsuwabuki witches'-broom TW Farfugium: Japan D12580 107
111-8 Gentian witches'-broom G W Gentian : Japan 107
Ill-C Pecan bunch PB Pecan : Georgia 16SrIII-C(rp-G) 48
Ill-D Goldenrod yellows C R Y ( G R I ) Goldenrod: New York 16SrlII-D(rp-E) 45. 48
I11-E Spiraea Stunt s P 1 Spiraea: New York 16SrI11-E(rp-F) 45,48
111-F Milkweed yellows MWY ( M W I ) Milkweed: New york 1bSrIlI-F(rp-D) 45. 48
Ill-G Walnut witches'-broom WWB Walnut: Georgia 1 6SrI 1I-G(rp-B) 12.45
Ill-H Poinsettia branch-inducing PoiBl Poinsettia: US 84
I6SrIV (Coconut lethal yellows group)
IV-A Coconut lethal yellows LY. LY3 Palm: Florida U 18747 53-55
IV-B Yucatan coconut lethal decline LDY Palm: Mexico U18753 54
IV-C Tanzanian coconut lethal decline LDT Palm: Africa X80117 54
16SrV (Elm' yellows group)
V-A Elin yellows EY 1 Elm: New York 16SrV-A(rp-A) L33763 L27022 80
V-A Elm yellows 1taEY Elm: Italy 75, 80
V-A Elm witches'-broom ULW Elm: France X68376 100. 121
V-B Cherry lethal yellows CLY Cherry : China 16SrV-B(rp-B) 86, 144
V-B Jujube witches'-broom JWB Jujube: China IhSrV-B(rp-C) 144
V-C Rubus stunt RS Rubus: Italy 75
V-C Alder yellows AIY Alder: Germany I00

1154 International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 48

Classification scheme of phytoplasmas

Table 1. (cont.)

16Sr Strain Original source 16Sr-rp suh-group Accession no. Accession no. Reference
group (16Sr)

V-C Sp;irtium witches’-broom (EY) Spartium: Italy 97

V-C Euc,tlqptus little leaf Eucalyptus: Italy 97
V-C Fla\ escence doree F D Grapevine: France 16SrV-C(rp-D) X76560 2c22
16SrVI (Clover proliferation group)
VI-A Clo\cr proliferation C P Clover: Canada L33761 L27011 34, 79
VI-A Periu iiikle virescence VR, BLTVA Periwinkle: California 79, 122
VI-A roiiiato big bud TBB Tomato’ California 122
VI-A Pot.tto witches‘-broom PWB Potato: Canada 34, 79
VI-A Pot.ito yellows Potato: North Dakota This study
16SrVII (Ash ycllows group)
VII-A Ash yellows A s h y Ash: New York X68339 L26999 32, 127
VII-A Lila; witches’-broom LiWB Lilac: New York 57
16SrVIII (Loofah witches’-broom group)
VIII-A Lmrt‘ah witches’-broom LfWB Loofah: Taiwan L33764 L27021 83
I6SrIX (Pigeon pea witches’-broom group)
IX-A Pigeon pea witches’-broom PPWB Pigeon pea: Florida U 18763 L27036 56
16SrX (Apple proliferation group)
X-A .4pple proliferation AT. AP-A Apple: Germany, Italy X68375 L27994 37, 68, 93
X-B Apricot chlorotic leaf roll ACLR ( I k ) Apricot: Italy 7, 74
X-B Pluin leptonecrosis PLN Japanese plum: Italy 74
X-B European stone fruit yellows PPER Peach: Germany X68374 114
X-C Pea: decline P D Pear: Italy, U K 7, 24. 74
X-D Spai.titim witches’-broom SPAR Spartium: Italy X92869 97
X-E B l a ~k alder witches’-broom BAWB Black alder (Buckthorn): Germany X7643 1 121
(Buckthorn witches’-broom BWB)
16SrXI (Rice yellow dwarf group)
XI-A RICCq r l l o ~dwarf R Y D Rice: Japan, India D12581 85, 103, 105
XI-B Sug.ircane white leaf SCWL Sugarcane: Thailand X76432 85, 103. 105
XI-B Sugxcane grassy shoot SCGS Sugarcane: India 85
XI-C Lea!hopper-borne BVK Psuninio tet t i.\- cc~phalotes : Germany X76429 121
16SrXII (Stolbur group)
XII-A Stolhur STOL Cupcricunz unnutn : Serbia X76427 121
XII-A Grapcwne yellows Grapevine: Germany X76428 94. 121
XII-A Celcq yellows CelY Celery: Italy 134
XII-B Australian grapevine yellows AUSGY Grapevine: Australia L76865 28. 109
’Cmit/rtluru.s Phytoplasma australiense’
XII-B I’hotmium yellow leaf PYL New Zealand flax: New Zealand U43570 87
I6SrXIII (Mexican periwinkle virescence group)
XIII-A Mc\ican periwinkle virescence MPV Periwinkle: Mexico 48
XIII-B Strawherry green petal (Florida) Strawberry: Florida 61. 62
16SrXIV (Bermudagrass white leaf group)
XIV-A Bermudagrass white leaf BGWL Bermudagrass : Thailand 85
XIV-A .41itiual blue grass white leaf ABGWL Puu utiriuu: Italy 85

monophyletic clade within the class Mollicutes (49, 64, tively short period of time. However, in some cases, the
65, 71, 88-90, 105, 115, 119, 121, 130). The phylo- phytoplasma groups classified on the basis of RFLP
genetic interrelationships among representative phyto- analyses using few restriction enzymes were not always
plasmas provide a basis for establishing a phylo- consistent with groups based on phylogenetic analysis
genetically valid classification (49, 105, 121). PCR of 16s rRNA gene sequences (1 14, 121).
using phyt oplasma group-specific or universal primers
derived from conserved 16s rRNA gene sequences has Our objective was to develop a comprehensive classi-
provided, for the first time, a sensitive means for fication scheme based on RFLP analysis of phyto-
detection of a broad array of phytoplasmas from plasma 16s rDNA sequences that is phylogenetically
infected plants or insect vectors (1-3,24,29, 33,46,47, valid. On the basis of similarity coefficients of collective
51, 74, 83, 93, 104, 114, 128). By direct sequence RFLP patterns derived by extensive RFLP analyses of
analysis or RFLP analysis of PCR-amplified 16s PCR-amplified 16s rDNA with 15 restriction enzymes,
rDNA, the phytoplasmas detected can be differen- we have previously proposed a classification scheme
tiated and classified (83, 114, 118). Several classi- that comprises nine distinct phytoplasma groups (83).
fication sq stems have been proposed either directly, The grouping is consistent with the strain clusters
based on sequence analysis or indirectly, by RFLP previously identified, based on DNA-DNA homology
analysis of PCR-amplified 1 6s rDNA. Classification and serological data (32, 53,56,67-69,72,78-81, 100).
by RFLP analysis has provided a simple and rapid Sub-groups within each group were determined, based
method that can be used to differentiate and identify a on the dissimilarity of restriction sites identified by
large number of unclarified phytoplasmas in a rela- RFLP analyses of 16s rDNA. Fourteen sub-groups
In terna tiona I Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 48 1155
I.-M. Lee and others

were preliminarily identified. The classification scheme for 1 min (2 min with AmpliTaq or 12 min with AmpliTay
was later expanded to include one additional group Gold for the first cycle), annealing for 2 min at 60 “C (55 “C
and six new sub-groups (28, 45, 48-50, 61, 62, 134). for second amplification in nested PCR) and primer ex-
Moreover, combined RFLP analyses of 16s rDNA tension for 3 min (10 min in the final cycle) at 72 “C. One
microlitre of diluted ( I :30) PCR products from the first
and ribosomal protein gene sequences were proposed amplification was used as the template in the second-round
for finer sub-group differentiation (48. 50). The sub- PCR. The PCR products (5-10 pl) were analysed by electro-
groups delineated by this combined approach are more phoresis on a 1 % agarose gel followed by staining with
consistent with the subclusters identified based on ethidium bromide and visualization of the DNA bands with
DNA-DNA homology. a U V transilluminator.
As many new phytoplasma strains have been identified Phylogenetic analysis. Complete or nearly complete 16s
in the last four years (7-9, 12, 14,21-22,27, 28,40-42, rRNA gene sequences from 42 phytoplasmas, three
54, 57, 61, 62, 8 4 8 7 , 93-100, 107, 109, 110, 115, 116, AchoIeplasn?aspp. and three Anaeroplasma spp. were aligned
133-135, 142,144,145), it has been necessary to update separately by using CLUSTAL, version 5, using DNASTAR’s
and expand the current scheme. The objectives of this LaserGene software (DNASTAR, Madison, W1, USA) and,
if necessary, visually inspected for logical placement of gaps
study were to revise and further expand the current and manually adjusted (49). Cladistic analyses were per-
RFLP-based classification scheme into a comprehen- formed with the computer program PAUP (phylogenetic
sive classification system in which representative analysis using parsimony), version 3.1, written by D. L.
strains of known phytoplasmas were included and to Swofford (University of Illinois), on a Power Macintosh
validate the phytoplasma classification by parallel model 8 100. Uninformative characters were excluded from
phylogenetic analysis using full-length 16s r RNA gene analyses. A phylogenetic tree was constructed by a heuristic
sequences. search via random stepwise addition implementing the tree
bisection and reconnection branch-swapping algorithm to
find the optimal phylogenetic tree(s). Anaoroplasnza ahacto-
METHODS clasticum was selected as the out-group to root the tree. The
Sources of phytoplasma strains. Phytoplasma strains used in
analysis was replicated 100 times. Bootstrapping was per-
formed to estimate the stability and support for the inferred
this study are listed in Table 1. Total nucleic acid was
extracted from freshly collected or oven-dried tissues ac- clades.
cording to a previously described procedure (80). RFLP analysis of PCR products. 16s rDNA fragments from
Primers and PCR conditions. The two universal primer pairs,
the putative phytoplasmas amplified by PCR with the primer
R 16mF2/ R 16mR 1 and Rl6F2n/R 16R2, were previously pair R16F2n/Rl6R2, and ribosomal protein sequences
amplified with the primer pair rpF 1/rpR 1 or rp(V)F2/rpR 1
designed based on 16s rRNA gene sequences and used for
were analysed by restriction endonuclease digestion. Each
amplification of phytoplasma 16s rDNA (47, 83). Nested
PCR product (3-5 pl, 100-200 ng DNA) was digested
PCR with the primer pair R16mF2/R16mR1, followed by
separately with some of the following restriction enzymes
R16F2n/R16R2, was used to detect putative phytoplasmas
according to the instructions of the manufacturer: AluI,
from each of the nucleic acid preparations. Nested PCR can
also be performed by using the universal primer pair P1/P7 BamHI, BfcrI, DraI, EcoRI, HaeIII, Hhal, HinfI, HiiaI,
( 1 18) followed by R16F2n/R16R2. The primer pair rpF 1 / HpaII, Kpnl, RsaI, SspI, TayI, ThaI and Tsp509I (used only
for the ribosomal protein gene)(Gibco-BRL), and Msc.1 and
rpR1, designed by Lim & Sears (90) was used to amplify a
Sau3A I (New England Biolabs) (50,83). To ensure the PCR
segment of the ribosomal protein gene operon from members
products were fully digested, digestions were performed for
of phytoplasma 16s rRNA (1 6Sr) group I (aster yellows and
a longer time than recommended by manufacturer (up to
related phytoplasmas) and group I11 (X-disease and related
48 h for AluI). The restriction products were then separated
phytoplasmas). Two primer pairs, rp(V)FI/rpR 1 and
rp(V)F2/rpR 1 were used to amplify ribosomal protein gene by electrophoresis through a 5 or 12 ‘/o (for some restriction
sequences from members of 16Sr group V (elm yellows and products of ribosomal protein DNA sequences) polyacryl-
related phytoplasmas). The oligonucleotide sequences of the amide gel and stained in ethidium bromide. DNA bands
were visualized with a UV transilluminator (50).
primers used in this study are: R16mF2, 5’-CATGCAAG-
TCGAACGA-3’; R 16mR1, 5’-CTTAACCCCAATCA- For constructing a dendrogram, the R16F2n/R16R2 PCR
TCGAC-3’; R16F2n, 5’-GAAACGACTGCTAAGACT- products from 34 representative phytoplasma strains were
GG-3’; R 16R2, 5’-TGACGGGCGGTGTGTACAAACC- first digested with each of the 17 restriction endonucleases
CCG-3’; rpF 1, 5’-GGACATAAGTTAGGTGAATTT-3’; listed above. The RFLP patterns (the sum result of 17
rpR 1, 5’-ACGATATTTAGTTCTTTTTGG-3’; rp(V)F 1, enzymes) of 34 phytoplasmas were compared and analysed
5‘-TCGCGGTCATGCAAAAGGCG-3’; rp(V)F2, 5’-TT- by the method of Nei & Li (106). The similarity coefficient
GCCTCGTTTATTTCCGAGAGCTA-3’. Semi-nested (1“)of strains x and y was calculated as F= 2N, J ( N J + N l ), in
PCR with rp(V)Fl/rpRl followed by rp(V)F2/rpRl was which N, and N , are the number of fragments resulting f h m
used to amplify ribosomal protein gene sequences from digestions by 17 enzymes in strains x and y , respectively, and
members of 16Sr group V. N , , is the number of fragments shared by the two strains. A
For PCR amplification, 35 cycles were conducted in an dendrogram was derived from a cluster analysis by using the
automated thermocycler (Perkin Elmer DNA Thermal Sahn clustering method (NTSYS-pcprogram, Exeter Pub-
lishing, Setauket, NY).
Cycler 480) with AmpliTaq or AmpliTaq Gold polymerase.
PCR was performed as described previously (82) in mixtures Putative restriction site analysis of 165 rDNA. Putative
containing 1 p1 of diluted nucleic acid preparations ( I : 30 in restriction site maps of 16s rRNA gene sequences for
sterile water), 200 pM each dNTP and 0.4 pM each primer. phytoplasmas from which RFLP analyses were not per-
The following conditions were used: denaturation at 94 “C formed in this study were generated by using the DNASTAR

1I C C International Journal of Svsternatic Bacterioloav 48

Classification scheme of phytoplasmas

program MapDraw option (DNASTAR) (50). Sequences FBP; 11-D, sweet potato little leaf SPLL; 111-G,
acquired from the GenBank database were analysed to walnut witches’-broom WWB ; 111-H, poinsettia
identify the restriction recognition sequences for 17 re- branch-inducing PoiBI ; IV-B, Yucatan coconut lethal
striction enzymes. decline LDY; IV-C, Tanzanian coconut lethal decline
LDT; V-B, cherry lethal yellows CLY and jujube
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION witches’-broom JWB; V-C, rubus stunt RS, alder
yellows AIY, spartium witches’-broom (EY type),
RFLP and phylogenetic analyses of 16s rDNA eucalyptus little leaf, and flavescence dorie F D ; X-C,
pear decline PD ; X-D spartium witches’-broom SPAR
RFLP analyses of the 34 phytoplasma 16s rDNAs (AP type); X-E, black alder witches’-broom BAWB
(R16F2n/R16R2 nested PCR products) with 17 re- (new term, buckthorn witches’-broom BWB) ; XII-A,
striction enzymes identified distinct pattern types. stolbur STOL and celery yellows CelY; XII-B,
Representative patterns of the 34 phytoplasma 16s Australian grapevine yellows AUSGY and phormium
rDNAs are shown in Fig. 1 and Table 2. By using clean yellow leaf PYL; XIII-A, Mexican periwinkle
and specific nested-PCR products for RFLP analyses, virescence MPV; and XIV-A, bermudagrass white leaf
the RFLP patterns of each representative phytoplasma BGWL and annual blue grass white leaf ABGWL, and
strain analysed with various restriction enzymes have five new 16Sr-rp [formerly called 16Sr-(rr-rp)] sub-
been shown to be consistent and absolutely repro- groups : 16SrI-B(rp-K), hydrangea phyllody HyPH1;
ducible. Based on similarity coefficients derived from 16SrV-A(rp-A), elm yellows EY1 and elm yellows
RFLP analyses, the 34 representative phytoplasma ItaEY ; 16SrV-B(rp-B), cherry lethal yellows CLY;
strains were divided into 14 major groups (termed 16Sr 16SrV-B(rp-C), jujube witches’-broom JWB ; 16SrV-
groups) and 32 sub-groups (Fig. 3, Table 2). The C(rp-D), flavescence dorie FD based on combined
similarity coefficients of RFLP patterns between two analyses of rr and ribosomal protein gene sequences
distinct groups were 9 0 % or below (Table 3). By (Table 1). A new coding system (16Sr-rp) to indicate
including the additional groups and sub-groups sub-groups derived from combined analyses was used
identified. based on analysis of phylogeny and putative in this study. Both rRNA and ribosomal protein
restriction sites of 16s rDNAs (data not shown) from RFLP pattern types of a given strain were incor-
the phytoplasmas of which RFLP analyses were not porated. The phytoplasma strains whose group or sub-
performed, a total of 14 groups and 41 sub-groups group affiliations were revised and reassigned were :
were proposed. By combined RFLP analyses of 16s 16SrI-C(rp-C), ranunculus phyllody RPh [formerly I-
rRNA and ribosomal protein gene sequences, thus far, G( 16Sr-rp)] ; XII-A, stolbur STOL (formerly I-G) and
a total of 46 sub-groups [16Sr and 16Sr-rp (rp, celery yellows CelY (formerly I-G) ; XII-B, Australian
ribosomal protein)] have been recognized. Phylogen- grapevine yellows AUSGY (formerly I-J) ; 111-F, milk-
etic analysis of near-full-length 16s rRNA gene weed yellows MW 1 (formerly 111-B); 111-G, walnut
sequences from 42 diverse phytoplasmas and rep- witches’-broom WWB (formerly 111-E); X-C, pear
resentative Acholeplasma species and Anaeroplasma decline PD (formerly X-A) ; XIII-A, Mexican peri-
species yield 10 trees that are equally the most winkle virescence MPV (formerly 1-1); and XIV-A,
parsimonious, minor differences occurring only at bermudagrass white leaf BGWL (formerly XI-C) and
outermost branching taxa, one of which is shown in annual blue grass white leaf ABGWL (formerly XI-C).
Fig. 4. As shown in previous studies (49, 1 18, 121, 130), To avoid the potential confusion, sub-groups I-G, 1-1,
phytoplasmas formed a large phylogenetic group more I-J and XI-C will not be used for assigning new
closely related to Acholeplasma palmae and Achole- phytoplasma strains.
plasma n?odic.um. Within the phytoplasma clade, a
total of 13 distinct phytoplasma monophyletic groups Parallel phylogenetic analysis of near-full-length 16s
or taxa, which we designate as subclades (using rRNA gene sequences from most of the representative
lowercase Roman numerals) were recognized. Two phytoplasma strains indicated that the RFLP-based
new subclades (xii and xiii) were identified in this and groups are phylogenetically valid ; groups based on
previous studies (28, 87). extensive RFLP analyses were consistent with phylo-
genetic groups (subclades) (Fig. 4). The extensive
Revision and expansion of the phytoplasma RFLP analyses using 17 restriction enzymes provides
classification scheme sufficient characters (restriction sites) for comparison
among phytoplasmas. Each group and sub-group can
In this study, on the basis of comprehensive RFLP or be defined on the basis of RFLP-pattern type (Fig. 1
putative-restriction-site analyses of 16s rDNAs (from and Table 2). The approach, using RFLP analyses of
representatives of the known phytoplasma strains), we PCR-amplified 16srDNAs, has provided a simple and
have expanded the previous classification scheme (49, reliable means of differentiation and classification of
50, 82) to include three new major phytoplasma 16Sr many unknown phytoplasmas in a relatively short
groups (XI I, stolbur group ; XIII, Mexican periwinkle period of time. An uncharacterized phytoplasma can
virescence group ; and XIV, bermudagrass white leaf be identified and classified preliminarily by comparison
group) and 16 new 16Sr sub-groups (11-B, strain of its RFLP pattern type with known pattern types of
witches’-broom WBDL ; 11-C, faba bean phyllody designated phytoplasma groups and sub-groups. In

International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 48 1157

h n
s z s g s e
AY 1 AY 1 AY1
p CPh CPh CPh
CelY CelY CelY
ID cx cx cx
% SP1 SP1 SP1
”.2 LY 3 LY? LY3
m S S S
-0 EY 1 EY 1 EY 1
Ashy Ashy Ashy
ACLR(lta) ACLR(lta) ACLR(lta)
8853 BBS3 BBS3
Po:BI PoiBl PoiBl
s z s c 5 S E
AY 1 AY 1 AY 1
CelY CelY CelY
cx cx cx
Ashy Ashy Ashy
ACLR(lta) ACLR(lta) ACLR( Ita)
PoiBl PoiBl

Fig. 1. RFLP analyses of 34 phytoplasma 165 rDNAs (R16FZn/R16R2 nested PCR products). DNA products were digested with Msel (a), Alul (b), Rsal (c),
Hhal (d), Haelll (e), Hpall (f), Taql (g), Hinfl (h), Sau3Al (i), Kpnl (j),Thal (k) or Bfal (I) and separated by electrophoresis through a 5 % polyacrylamide
gel. The presence of upper t w o bands seen in lanes PB and PoiBl in (I) were due t o incomplete digestion. Lane 5, 4x174 RFI DNA Haelll digest,
fragment sizes (bp) from t o p t o bottom: 1353, 1078, 872, 603, 310, 281, 271, 234, 194, 118, 72. Other abbreviations are defined in Table 1.

1.-M. Lee and others
__ ~~ ~ - ~-

Tab/e 2. Summary of pattern groups produced by RFLP analysis o f 165 rDNA f r o m representative type strains of

The numbers in each column represent the number of distinct RFLP types obtained with each restriction endonuclease.

Strain* 16Sr groupt No. RFLP types obtained with restriction enzyme:

Mtvl 41ul Rtul Hhal HacIIl Hpall TuqI Hinfl Sau3Al Kpnl ThaI BumHl Dral EcoRI Hpal S'pl Bjd

RR I-A I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I 1 I
I I 1
A\ 1 I-B 1 I I 7
1 I I 1 1 I 1 I I 1
MIA\ I-B I 1 1 7
I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 7

MRS I-B I I I 3 I 1 I I I I I 1 I I 1 I -I

M I'Y I-B I I I 3
I 1 I 4'? I I I 1 1 I 1 I 3

C Ph I-c 3 7 I 1 7
I I 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I 3

PaWB I-D 1 I 1 7 I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 3

RBS 1 I-E 1 3 I I I 3 I I 1 I I 1 I I I I 7

RBFi I-E 1 1 I 1 I 3 I I I I I 1 1 I 1 I 3

(ACLR-A\) I-F d I 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 I 1 I I 1 3

-~ . ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
_ _ __
_ __
_ __
___ _ ~ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____-
PnW% Il-A 6 4 2 3 7 1 2 3 7 3 1 1 I I I I >
(M BDI,) 11-n 7 4 2 3 3 4 I 3 3 3 I 1 I I I I >
II-c I 4 2 3 3 1 I 7 3 1 I 1 I I 1 I 3
11-D 6 5 2 3
~ ~ ~ _ _ _ _ _-_ _ _ _~_
Ill-A 8 6 2 I 4 5 I 3 7 1 1 I I 1 I I I
Ill-B 9 6 2 I 4 6 I 7 4 3 1 I I 1 I I I
Ill-c 10 6 7 4 4 6 I 3 4 3 4 I I I I 1 4
Ill-D 11 6 2 4 4 6 I 3 4 3 5 I I I I I I
Ill-E 9 6 2 5 4 5 I 3 3 7 3 I 1 I I I I
111-k 9 6 2 4 4 6 I 3 4 i 4 1 I 1 I I I
Ill-ci 9 6 3 1 4 5 I 3 7 7 I 1 7 I 1 1 I
Ill-H 9 6 2 I 4 5 1 1 3 i I 1 3 1 I I 4
__________ ____________~ ~~ _____ __________________~_______~ ~ ~

IV-A I? 7 4 6 4 5 1 1 4 7 7 3 I I I I 3

IV-R 17 x 4 6 4 5 I -4 4 7 1 2 I I I 1 7

IV-c I4 7 4 4 7 5 I 3 4 3 1 3 I I I I 3

E\ 1 V-A 14 9 5 3 5 7 I 7
4 > 1 I I I I I 1
CLY V- B I4 9 6 7 5 X I 3 4 3 3 1 I 1 I I l
nvn V-B 14 0 6 3 'I X 1 3 4 3 3 1 I I I I I
RS v -c 14 9 5 9 > 7 1 2 4 3 3 I I 1 I I 5

GVY V-c 14 9 5 3 5 7 1 7 4 -4 3 I 1 I I I 5
FD v-c 14 9 5 7 5 7 I 3 4 1 1 I I I I I \

PPWB IX-A 17 12 4 9 6 7 4 4 4 7 I 1 7 I I I I
- -~~_____ ____________________ ~ _ ~ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4P-A )<-A IX 17 6 I 7 7 1 3 1 3 3 I I I I 1 5
AC'LK(lta) X-B 19 17 4 I 7 7 5 1 1 -3 3 1 1 I 1 1 5
PD X-c 1x I3 6 1 I 7 I 3 I 3 3 1 I 1 1 I 5
(SPAR) Y-D 20 17 6 I I 7 1 3 I 1 4 I I I I I h
(BAUB) X-E 21 14 6 I 5 9 3 7 1 1 3 I I I I I >
~ ~ _ _ _ _ . _ ~ _____ ______ -
~~ ~ ~~ ~~

R\ D XI-A 77 7 6 I 4 7 6 3 5 1 I I I I I I I
SC wL XI-B 23 7 6 I 4 7 I 7 5 3 1 I I I I 1 I
(B\ K ) XI-c IX 7 6 I 4 7 7 7 5 3 1 I I I 1 I I
-~ ~ _ _ _ _ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~

STOL XII-A 24 1 I 1 I 1 7 I I I I 1 1 I I I -7

c el? XII-A 24 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I I 7

AC sc\ x1i-n 25 15 I I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I -I

M P\. XIII-A 26 16 7 7 7 I 8 'I 6 7 1 I I I I I >

~- ~ _ _ _ _ _ ________ _ _ _ _ _ ~ -~_ _ _ _ ~
BGWL XIV-A 27 7 6 I 5 7 6 3 5 3 3 1 I I I I 5
- ~ _ _ _

* See Table 1 for descriptions of phytoplasma strains. Strains in bold represent type species for sub-groups. RFLP patterns of strains
in parentheses were based on putative restriction sites. Patterns of strains MIAY, CLY, STOL, SPLL and AUSGY were based on
previously published (28, 41, 82) and unpublished (I.-M. Lee) data.
-i- Letters (A-H) represent sub-groups. Sub-group assignments for strains BBS3 and MPY are tentative.

1160 International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 48

Classification scheme of phytoplasmas
~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~

Fig. 2. RFLP analyses of ribosomal protein gene operon sequences amplified by PCR with primers rpFl and rpRl from
representative phytoplasma strains belonging to aster yellows group (16Srl). The PCR products were digested with
restriction enzymes Alul (a), Tsp5091 (b) or Msel (c). Lane S contained size markers as described in the legend t o Fig 1.
~ ~~~ ~~ ~-

Table 3. Similarity coefficients derived f r o m RFLP analysis of 165 rDNA o f representative type strains of phytoplasmas
. . . .. . .. .. . . . . . .. . ... ... .. ... .... .. . .. .. . ... . .. . .. . .. .. . . .. . . .. ..... , ... .. , .. .... ... .. .. . ....... .. . , ., ... .., .. . , . , ., . . ., ., . . . ... . . . .. .. , ... , ... .. ... ...., ,, ., ., . ,.. .. .. . .. .. . . ... . . . .. ... .... . ... .. . .. . . ... . .. ... .. .... . ... . .. .. ..... . .. ... .. . ... , ..... ... ..... .. . . .. . .

Each similarity coefficient is based on analyses of RFLP patterns generated by separate digestion of amplified 16s rDNA with 17
different restriction enzymes.

2 4Y1
3 CPIl
1 PdWR
5 BBSl
in M P ~
11 PiiWB
12 cx
13 C Y E
14 PB
15 GUY
16 SPI
17 U N B
18 V h l
19 POlBl
zn 1\7
21 EYI
22 J W B
23 R S
24 G L \
25 C P
26 ArhY
27 L r n B
28 P P W B
29 A P

practice, several of the most useful restriction enzymes, Delineation of phytoplasma groups and sub-groups
such as M,wI, A M , RscrI, HhaI, HpaIT and TagI,
should be included for preliminary classification of The comprehensive classification scheme corn bined
p hy to plasmas. with parallel phylogenetic analyses has formed a basis
__ -~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~

In ternationa I Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 48 1161

I.-M. Lee and others

0.50 0-75 1.00
BB 7h
‘ 2 viii
MBS I I L f w B 3 xi
PaWB ] vii

k C E 1.
MPY 3 vi

qz!T J
r CX
CelY 100 , CYE
- 13 iii



- - WWB

. . 1 xiii
GR1 *

MW1 70

RYD 100

BGWL A. Zaidlawii
RS LL~ n-urn
An. bactoclasticum

JWB Fig. 4. Phylogenetic tree constructed by parsimony analysis of
full 165 rRNA sequences from 42 phytoplasmas, three
Acholeplasma (A.) spp. and three Anaeroplasma (An.) spp.,
Ashy employing Anaeroplasma abactoclasticum as the out g ro up .
Branch lengths are proportional t o the number of inferred
PPWB character state transformations. Phylogenetic su bclades
identified are shown on the right. Bootstrap values (measures
of support for the inferred subclades) are shown on branches.
AAY, American aster yellow collected from Florida by R. E.
ACLR(Ita) McCoy. APS, Apple proliferation phytoplasma was collected
from Spain (121). Other abbreviations are defined in Table 1.

Fig. 3. Dendrogram obtained by cluster analysis of similarity

coefficients derived from RFLP analysis of 165 rDNA of the 34
representative phytoplasmas. The scale refers t o the similarity The sub-groups within a given 16Sr group were
index. Phytoplasma strain descriptions are as in Table 1. differentiated based on restriction sites. A new sub-
group was assigned if the phytoplasma strain had one
or more restriction sites different from those in all the
existing members of the given group. While two 16s
for establishing a formal phytoplasma taxonomy. Each rRNA gene operons have been reported in phyto-
16Sr group, which corresponded to a subclade, based plasma (83, 87, 88, 117), in some cases (this work and
on cladistic phylogenetic analysis of 16s rRNA gene R. Jomantiene & R. E. Davis, unpublished) differences
sequences was proposed to represent at least one between phytoplasmas have been detected in only one
species (49). At the 10th International Congress of the of the two 16s rRNA genes (e.g. strains CPh, WWB
International Organization for Mycoplasmology, the and SP1; see Fig. lb-d). Sub-group designations for
trivial name ‘phytoplasma’ was officially adopted as strains WWB and SP1 were based on combined
the Candidatus genus name to replace ‘ mycoplasma- patterns from both operons and will be considered to
like organism’ and it has been proposed that within the be only tentative until more substantial evidence
putative genus phytoplasma, each phylogenetic sub- indicates that the two operons in these strains are
clade represents a Candidatus species. Thus far, two different. Most of the sub-groups identified were
phytoplasma Candidatus species, ‘ Candidatus Phyto- consistent with genomic subclusters previously de-
plasma aurantifolia ’ (associated with the witches’- termined based on dot- and Southern-hybridization
broom disease of lime) (145) and ‘ Candidatus Phyto- assays of total genomic DNA (45, 78, 81). However,
plasma australiense’ (associated with Australian some previously identified subclusters based on partial
grapevine yellows) (28) have been proposed. DNA homology were not readily differentiated by

1162 International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 48

Classification scheme of phytoplasmas

RFLP analysis of the highly conserved 16s rRNA gene each proposed Candidatus species. However, for some
sequence (81). Therefore, combined RFLP analyses of sub-groups, for example 111-A(rp-A) and 111-A(rp-B),
16s rRN'4 and/or ribosomal protein operon gene which share similar ecological niches, assignment of
sequences (50) were applied for a finer sub-group differential taxonomic ranks may require additional
differentiation. In general, sub-group delineation genomic information.
based on RFLP analysis of the 16s rRNA gene was
consistent with that based on ribosomal protein gene
sequence. Some members within a given 16Sr sub- Rationale for proposed taxonomic ranks of RFLP
group can be further differentiated, based on ribo- groups and sub-groups
somal protein gene sequences. For example, among The extensive knowledge accumulated in the last
members of 16SrI-B, phytoplasma strains HyPH 1, decade on the molecular biology and phylogeny of
IOB and MBS represent additional sub-groups based bacteria has changed the traditional concept of
on combined RFLP analyses of 16s rRNA and Mollicutes taxonomy (4, 5 , 10, 38, 58, 102, 11 1, 129,
ribosomal protein gene sequences (Fig. 2) where 136-141). Polyphasic taxonomy, which aims to in-
ribosomal protein RFLP patterns are identified by tegrate different kinds of information (phenotypic,
comparison only to the members of the 16Sr sub- genotypic and phylogenetic) on micro-organisms in
group. Several members of 16Sr sub-groups 111-A, B their classification, has become a consensus approach
and V-A also represented additional sub-groups based to modern bacterial systematics (38, 58, 131). It is
on analyses of 16s rRNA and ribosomal protein gene generally accepted that bacterial classification should
sequences (Table 1). Other less-conserved gene reflect the phylogenetic relationship, deduced by
sequences (e.g. 23s-16s rRNA intergenic spacer re- analysis of 16s or 23s rRNA sequences. Because of the
gion) or monoclonal antibodies can also be useful for deficiencies in the traditional phenotypically oriented
finer sub-group differentiation (63, 66, 98). system, the International Committee on Systematic
Bacteriology (ICSB) Subcommittee on the taxonomy
While there was consensus in designation of a tem- of Mollicutes has agreed to, and adopted the policy of,
porary taxonomic unit, ' Candidatus Phytoplasma ' basing bacterial taxonomy on phylogeny (38, 58). For
species. for each of the major phytoplasma groups uncultured phytoplasmas, basing taxonomy on phy-
(phylogenetic subclades or corresponding 16Sr logeny is inevitable because the phenotypic criteria are
groups), no consensus has been reached for assigning not attainable. A decision was also made that the
an appropriate taxonomic rank to each of the sub- complete sequence of the bacterial genome would be
groups recognized. It is evident that the majority of the the basis for assignment of the basic taxonomic unit,
designated sub-groups within a given 16Sr group the species. According to the ICSB's recommended
represent distinct phytoplasma subclusters, which have criteria, the phylogenetic definition of a species would
unique ecological niches in nature. For example, apple include strains with at least 7 0 % DNA homology,
proliferat ion phytoplasma (sub-group 16Sr X-A), pear while a subspecies would include strains with
decline phytoplasma (sub-group 16SrX-C), and plum 70-85 % DNA homology. For uncultured phyto-
leptonecrosis and European stone fruit phytoplasmas plasmas, species differentiation based on DNA-DNA
(sub-group 16SrX-B) were associated with their pref- homology has not been attempted because pure
erential hosts (plants and/or insect vectors) in nature; phytoplasma DNA is difficult to obtain. However,
mutual cross-infections among various hosts by these based on their review of data in the literature,
phytoplasmas have not been reported. Likewise, Stackebrandt & Goebel (129) recently noted that
paulownia witches'-broom phytoplasma (sub-group organisms sharing less than 97 % 16s rRNA sequence
16SrI-D). blueberry stunt phytoplasma (sub-group homology will not give a DNA reassociation of more
16SrI-E), maize bushy stunt phytoplasma [sub-group than 60% regardless of which DNA-DNA hybridi-
16SrI-B(rp-L)], pecan bunch phytoplasma (sub-group zation methods are used. This indicates the potential
16SrIII-C), spiraea stunt phytoplasma (sub-group of replacing DNA-DNA hybridization with 16s
16SrIII-E), walnut witches'-broom phytoplasma (sub- rRNA sequence homology in the description of new
group 16SrIII-G), cherry lethal yellows phytoplasma species, provided that rRNA sequences are available
[sub-group 16SrV-B(rp-B)]and jujube witches'-broom and the sequences are accurately determined.
phytoplasma [sub-group 16SrV-B(rp-C)] all have their
own ecological niches (specific or relatively narrow 16s rRNA sequence homologies are 88-94 YObetween
host range). Many sub-groups are geographically two distinct phytoplasma 16s rRNA groups, and
isolated. For example, sub-group 16SrI-A phyto- 95-98 % between two sub-groups within a given group
plasmas have only been reported in North America. (49, and this study). Based on the criteria proposed by
Sub-group 16SrI-D phytoplasma is present only in Stackebrandt & Goebel (129), each phytoplasma 16s
eastern Asia (143). A taxonomic rank of at least rRNA group and some 16Sr sub-group phytoplasma
subspecies level was previously proposed for affiliating strains can be assigned as a taxon at the species level.
each sub-group that was defined on the basis of RFLP Because of the highly conserved nature of 16s rRNA
analysis of 16s rRNA and/or ribosomal protein gene gene sequences, there is no defined threshhold of
sequences (50). It is necessary and practical to identify sequence homology for assigning a species. Therefore,
the range of genomic heterogeneity among members of the taxonomic rank of the phytoplasma sub-groups

International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 48 1163

I.-M. Lee and others

which share 97% or more 16s rRNA sequence from other sub-groups in the aster yellows group
homologies are uncertain. For example, in a com- (1 6SrI).
parative study of the relationship between 16s rRNA
sequence homology and DNA-DNA homologies Concluding remarks
among species in the genus Bacillus, Fox et al. (38)
noted that although 16s rRNA sequence identity can Biological properties such as symptomatology, range
be used effectively to establish relationships between of susceptible plant hosts and relationships to insect
genera and well-resolved species, 16s rRNA sequence vectors had been the major criteria for diagnosing the
identity alone may not be sufficient to guarantee phytoplasmal diseases and the associated phyto-
species identity. Two Bacillus species with 23-50 YO plasma1 strains before molecular-based methods be-
DNA-DNA homology shared 99.8% 16s rRNA came available (18, 35, 39, 77, 101, 123, 124, 132). In
sequence similarity. In contrast, they did not find any practice, they remain important tools for preliminary
instances of strains that were well resolved by 16s identification of putative phytoplasmal diseases. The
rRNA sequence analysis which could not also be identities of the putative causal agents can now be
differentiated on the basis of DNA-DNA accurately identified and defined on the basis of
hybridization. phylogenetic criteria. It is clear that a given disease of
the same plant host based on similar symptomatology
The inability to obtain pure cultures of phytoplasmas can be associated with two or more distinct phyto-
makes conventional DNA-DNA homology studies plasmas in different geographical regions, and that a
difficult. DNA-DNA homology data do not exist to given type of phytoplasma (e.g. 16SrI-B) can po-
verify the taxonomic ranks assigned to each phyto- tentially inflict various diseases in different plant hosts.
plasma 16Sr group or sub-group in this study. Our The traditional one disease-one phytoplasma concept
approach, using 16s rRNA gene sequence to is changing. Although, in many cases, characteristic
differentiate major phytoplasma groups and using the biological properties are found to be linked with each
16s rRNA gene supplemented with less conserved of the putative taxonomic units (phytoplasma 16Sr
sequences (e.g. ribosomal protein gene clusters) to groups or sub-groups) based on phylogenetic criteria,
differentiate sub-groups within each group, should these biological properties can only be used as sec-
give a classification of phytoplasma strains that reflects ondary criteria to define a given presumed causal agent
the true genomic variation. Based on partial DNA (listed in Table 1).
homology data gathered in the last decade, the
proposed designation of ‘ Cnndidutus Phytoplasma ’
species or subspecies on the basis of phylogenetic
relatedness determined by RFLP analyses of 16s We thank all of the individuals who provided phytoplasiiia
rRNA (and ribosomal protein) gene sequences seems strains used in this study and Lisa Lukaesko for excellent
appropriate. The sub-groups identified by combined technical assistance.
RFLP analyses of these conserved gene sequences
were consistent with the subclusters identified by REFERENCES
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International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 48 1169

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