Train the Trainer V2.0 Assessment overview_2

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Assessment overview

the Trainer
Assessment overview

As part of the IOSH Train the Trainer course, you must complete the following assessment tasks and submit the
appropriate evidence for marking and verification.
To ensure that a high standard is set for IOSH trainers the assessment for this course asks you to build and deliver
a training session on a subject of your choosing. The session will need to have at least one learning outcome
outlined at the start of the course and the training content delivered should meet the learning outcome.
This document will give you an overview of each section you are required to complete. An assessment guide is
available for you to use when completing the assessment and to help ensure that all evidence is submitted to the
correct standards for marking.

The assessment for IOSH’s Trainer the Trainer course is split into 3 sections:

• Section one: Pre-delivery skills

• Section two: Delivery of a training session
• Section three: Evaluating and reflecting

Section one: Pre-delivery skills

LO1: Learner will be able to explain how to research effectively for a course.
LO2: Learner will be able to relate learning principles to the assessment of learner types and their needs and
demonstrate these in the course they have created.

The first section on this assessment requires you to research and prepare a 15-minute classroom session on a
subject of your choosing.

You must identify and create one learning outcome that you will outline to learners at the start of the session.
The training content you create should meet this learning outcome.

As a part of section one you will need to create a slide deck presentation, your trainer notes, a lesson plan.
These items will form the evidence required to demonstrate completion of section one. More information on the
evidence can be found in the Assessment Guide document.

IOSH – The Grange – Highfield Drive – Wigston – Leicestershire LE18 1NN – UK t +44 (0)116 257 3100 – 1
Train the Trainer Assessment overview

Section two: Delivery of a training session

LO3: Learners will be able to deliver the training in an effective manner.
LO4: Learner will be able to demonstrate how to establish a positive learning environment.
LO5: Learner will apply delivery techniques to create a productive learning environment using a range of skills
outlined in the train the trainer course.

Once you have researched, created, and prepared for your delivery you now need to implement your training
course. You will need to record yourself delivering your training course. This recording will enable IOSH to review
your performance and ensure that it meets the standard required for this course.

You should demonstrate what you have learnt through completion of this course. It is important that IOSH see
these skills put into practice. You must also create a feedback form to accompany your session.

Following delivery of your training session you will need to give learners the feedback form to get their real time
feedback. You will need to gather these forms back from the learners so that you can use them as evidence for
IOSH and to contribute to section three of this assessment.

More information on the delivery and recording of your session can be found in the Assessment Guide document
along with more information on the feedback form.

Section three: Evaluating and Reflecting

LO6: course participants will be able to identify ways to evaluate the learning experience both from a learner’s
perspective and for their own personal development.

Now you have completed your session and gathered your learners feedback, section three asks you to evaluate
this feedback and reflect on your performance.

In the Assessment Guide document you will find a reflection table template for you to complete. A completed
version of this template is required to complete this section of the assessment. You will need to identify two
areas that you felt were strong in your delivery and provide information on why you feel these were strengths.

You will also need to identify two areas of weakness that you can improve on, how you’re going to improve, and
why you felt that these were your areas of weakness.

IOSH – The Grange – Highfield Drive – Wigston – Leicestershire LE18 1NN – UK t +44 (0)116 257 3100 – 2
The Grange
Highfield Drive
LE18 1NN

t +44 (0)116 257 3100

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V2.0 – February 2023

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