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Hospital, you’ll have antibiotic injections and you may also be given fluids and nutrients directly

into a vein through an intravenous drip. Surgery may be needed if you develop life-threatening
complications of typhoid fever, such as internal bleeding or a section of your digestive system
You can drink milk during typhoid. However, it is recommended to drink only boiled milk. You
can drink low-fat milk and have dairy products that are easy to digest. Avoid having raw milk
during typhoid.
You can consume dairy products in high quantities during typhoid. However, if you’re milk
intolerant, you can include paneer and yoghurt.
The only effective treatment for typhoid is antibiotics. Doctors most commonly use ciprofloxacin
(Cipro) for nonpregnant people. Other antibiotics a doctor may use are: chloramphenicol
Typhoid fever can last for approximately 3-4 weeks with an incubation period of around 1-2
weeks. According to the National Health Society (NHS), if typhoid fever is diagnosed early and
antibiotic treatment is started immediately, you may recover in 7 – 14 days.

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