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4A’s Detailed

Lesson Plan In
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
1. Discuss characterization as an important element of short fiction;
2. Create a sketch to infer character through feelings, motives, drives, intentions, moods,
statements, or appearance;
3. Appreciate the theme of love and sacrifice as depicted in the story ―How My Brother
Leon Brought Home Wife.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: How My Brother Leon Brought Home A Wife By: Manuel E. Arguilla
b. Teaching Materials: Laptop, Instructional Materials, Lesson Kit
c. Reference: English Learner’s Manual, page 18-25 and Teachers Guide in English

III. Procedure


`Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer/Greetings/Attendance/Reminders

Teacher: Okay Class, Let us all stand for the John: Are you ready classmates? Bow our
opening prayer. John, please lead the prayer. heads and let us pray. Oh God ...
Teacher: Good morning class!
Teacher: Before taking your seat, All: Good morning Sir! Good morning
kindly pick up pieces of papers classmates!
scattered on the floor and arrange
seats properly.
Teacher: Crystal, have you checked the
attendance? All: Thank you Sir!
Teacher: Thank you Crystal. Crystal: Yes sir, and everybody is present.
Teacher: Before we go on to our new lesson for
today, I want us to have an agreement for us to
have a harmonious and organized flow of
What is our first rule? Yes Xia.

Xia: Raise your right hand when you want

Teacher: Very good Xia. Thank you. to ask a question or when you want to
Our second rule is? Yes Peter. speak to the class.

Well done Peter. Peter: Listen and be quiet when someone

is talking in the front or sharing his/her
And our third rule? Angie? idea about the lesson.

Nice one Angie. Angie: Use positive language and positive

Last but not the least? Yes Andrew? attitude; avoid swearing.

Andrew: Be respectful of others ideas;

PROPEL: Group Reading respect one another.
2. Review: (Reviewing previous lesson)
3. Unlocking difficulties:
But before we read the story, lets first be familiar
with new words.
Direction: Match Column A with the correct
meaning in column B.

1. C
2. J
3. B
4. I
5. G
6. K
7. E
8. H
9. A

(The teacher will show two images about the life in
province and city)
Possible answers:
From the images on the screen, what have you
noticed? Aleerah: "I noticed a lot of differences
Aleerah? between life in the province and life in the
city. In the province, the houses seem farther
apart and there's more nature. In the city, the
buildings are closer together and there's more
Thank you for that answer.
Yes Ronabel? Ronabel: "Even though there are differences
between the province and the city, I also
noticed some similarities. People in both
places seem to have families and jobs, and
they enjoy spending time with loved ones."
Thank you.
The life in barrio is much different in the city. But
in some ways, there are also similarities. That is
very good to hear from you dear students.

(Video Presentation)

(The teacher will let the learners watch the video

“How My Brother Leon Brought Home A Wife by
Manuel E. Arguilla”.)

Here is the link:
“How My Brother Leon Brought Home A Wife”
(American Colonial Literature)
By Manuel E. Arguilla

“Class before we watch the video, what are the “Sit properly and watch the video carefully”
first things we need to do?”

“Very good, now class as you watch the video try

to take note of those important details happen in
the story, because later I will ask you questions
about the video and you need to answer those
questions for you to earn points because the one “Yes Sir”
who will get the highest points will have a prize.”
Is that clear? (The learners will be watching the video)


(After watching the video, the teacher will ask

questions with the correspondent points to the
learners regarding to the video they have watched.)
“Who are the characters in the story?” “Baldo-younger brother of Leon, fetched
Leon and Maria from the rod to

“Leon-older brother of Baldo who studied in

Manila where he met his wife.”
“Maria-the beautiful and stunning wife of
Leon from manila.”

“Labang-the buffalo whom Baldo considers

as his favourite “pet”.

“Mother and Father-parents of Leon and


“Aurella-the sister of Baldo and Leon.”

“Very good answers everyone!

Now, what could be the purpose of Leon and

Maria in coming to Nagrebcan?” “Sir, to introduce Maria to Leon’s family as
his wife.”
“Exactly! And now, anyone, who can describe the
setting of the story?” “Sir, the setting of the story was in
Nagrebcan Bauag La Union. It was a farm
where Leon and his family lived.”
“Very good!” How about others, any idea or
description about the setting of the story? “Sir, the setting is a barrio which is different
from Manila or City. The air was clean, free
“Nice answer!” of dust and smoke.
So from the story you’ve watched, what was
Baldo’s impression to Maria?”
“According to Baldo, Maria was lovely and
tall. She was fragrant like morning when
papayas are in bloom. He was amazed by
her beauty as narrates their journey to their
home in Nagrebcan.”
“Very good!”
Now, what who to asked Baldo to meet his brother “His father was the one who tasked Baldo to
and Maria? test Maria.”

So, what was his father’s purpose in asking Baldo
to pass through the Waig instead of the Camino
Real? “Sir, the father wanted to test Maria to find
out if she was worthy to be Leon’s wife.”
“That’s right!”
Now, why do you think it is important to Leon to
introduce Maria to his family?” “It is important for Leon to introduce Maria
to his family because they love each other
and his family have the right to meet his
“Very good!”
And from that, do you think that family members
who are getting married should do the same? Why
or why not? (Learners will give their opinion)

“Yes of course, because their family need to

meet and know better the wife/husband of
their family member to determine if he/she
is appropriate to become a new member of
the family.”
“Very nice Answer”

“Now, how could you feel if your brother/sister

comes home with wife/husband?” “Mix emotion of course, especially when
they are not yet ready or not in the right age
to have a wife or husband.”
“Very well said!”
Now class as we watched the video we noticed the
difference between Leon’s place and the place
where his wife Maria came from.

Now, I have prepared here an activity that will test

your idea about the two different places mentioned
in the story.


(The teacher will let the students group themselves

according to the group of the daily cleaners. Each (The learners were go to their respective
group will be given a piece of cartolina and a group and participate to the activity)

Direction: Put on the table the words that could

describes a barrio or a city. The group who will (Learner’s possible answer)
win this activity will have a prize.

BARRIO CITY Polluted Fresh air

Free from dust Many vehicles
Simple peaceful life

For you to win this activity, the criteria are:

After five minutes, the teacher will ask the group

to present their work.

(The group who finish first will be the first to

present their work)

D. APPLICATION “Yes Sir! It gave us the idea of the

“Now, from that activity, does it give us the idea between barrio and city.”
of the two different kind of setting?

(The learners will give their idea)

“If that so, where will you prefer to live, in the
barrio? City? And why?
“Nice Answers!”

Remember class, it is not about the place where

we live in, but it is about us who will create our
own improvement, and of course, wherever
anyone live either in barrio or in the city, well
acceptance is truly the most important.
-“ Sir, I learned that social status is not a
“Now, from that activity, and from the story hindrance if you truly love each other.”
“How My Brother Leon Brought Home A Wife”
what was the lesson you’ve got? “Yes Sir”

“That’s right!” is there any situation in every life “For an example Sir we have a new
where we can apply the moral in the story? classmate from barrio and we are from the
city, we must not bully her or even tease her
Kindly give an example. rather show acceptance and make her feel

-“If you are aiming for something you need

to be determined and somehow learned to
Is there another lesson you’ve got from the story?

“Very well said”, to achieved your goal one must

be determined and know how to sacrifice, because
we all know that everything is not instant. “Yes Sir”

Now class, did you understand the story of “How

My Brother Leon Brought Home A Wife”?

“Very Good!” “No Sir, because she is just enjoying being

“After Maria realizing that the life in the place with his husband Leon ridding in the cart.
where his husband Leon live is different from the
place where she lives, did Maria complain?” “Maria passed the test because she shows her
determination and patient.”

“Did Maria pass the test?”

“Very well said” Maria passed the test by showing

her determination and patient just to prove to the
father of Leon that she is worth to be Leon’s wife.”

Direction: Answer the following questions. Choose and write only the letter of the correct

1.) What is the title of the story?

a.) The Pardoner’s Tale
b.) The Tale of Tony the Brave
c.) How My Brother Leon Brought Home A Wife
2.) Who is the author of the story?
a.) Jose Rizal
b.) William Shakespeare
c.) Manuel E. Arguilla
3.) Where did the story happened?
a.) Sta.Cruz
b.) Canada street
c.) Barrio of Nagrebcan
4) Who is the wife of Leon?
a.) Marcing
b.) Marie
c.) Maria
5.) Why did they have to go to Waig instead of Camino Real?
a.) Because his father wanted to test Maria if she is worthy to be Leon’s wife.
b.) Because they wanted to see the beautiful views in the
c.) Because they wanted to meet the relatives of Leon that lived there.

1. C
2. C
3. C
4. C
5. A

V. Assignment

Teacher: Have an advanced study about the next topic. Am I clear? All: Crystal!
Teacher: Everybody stand. Sandy, please lead the closing prayer. Sandy: Amen.
Teacher: Goodbye Class! All: Goodbye Sir!

Prepared by:

Isaiah M. Testa
Student Intern
Kipit-Agro Fisheries High School

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