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Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Best ChatGPT
Prompts for
Job Seekers
Version 1.0

By Jan Tegze, 2023

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Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Table of Contents

ChatGPT Prompts: A Guide for Job Seekers ....................................................... 4

ChatGPT Prompt Anatomy ..................................................................................... 6

ChatGPT Prompts: Personal Coach ...................................................................... 8

ChatGPT Prompts: Interview Questions ............................................................ 13

ChatGPT Prompts: Tone of Voice ........................................................................ 17

ChatGPT Prompts: LinkedIn ................................................................................. 21

ChatGPT Prompts: Resume .................................................................................. 27

ChatGPT Prompts: Cover Letter ......................................................................... 44

ChatGPT Prompts: For Your Job Search ........................................................... 51

How to Make the Most of ChatGPT Prompts .................................................... 62
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

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About Author

The accomplished author of the bestseller "Full Stack Recruiter" and

author of "Job Search Guide: Be Your Own Career Coach," Jan has
extensive experience in talent acquisition and has demonstrated
expertise in managing international teams and establishing successful
recruitment processes. With a deep understanding of full lifecycle
recruiting and innovative sourcing techniques, Jan is a sourcing trainer,
recruitment expert, blogger, speaker, LinkedIn Top Voice, and career
coach with a passion for helping others succeed in their careers.

LinkedIn: Medium:

Blog: Book:

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All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, redistributed, or transmitted in any form or
by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the
prior written permission of the author, Jan Tegze, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical
reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Any unauthorized distribution or reproduction of this document, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited and
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Any references or mentions to specific individuals, products, or organizations within this document are
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To request permission to reproduce or distribute this document, please contact Jan Tegze at the following
email address:
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

ChatGPT Prompts:
A Guide for Job Seekers
In the modern job market, staying updated with the latest tools and technologies is essential
for success. One such cutting-edge technology is ChatGPT, an advanced language model
developed by OpenAI. This article aims to simplify ChatGPT prompts and how they work, so
that job seekers from all backgrounds can understand and benefit from this technology.

What is ChatGPT

ChatGPT, or Chatbot Generalized Pre-trained Transformer, is an artificial intelligence (AI)

language model. It is designed to understand human language and generate human-like
responses. It can be used in various applications, such as chatbots, content generation, and
data analysis. The key component of ChatGPT is its use of prompts, which help guide the
ChatGPT in generating meaningful and relevant responses.

What are ChatGPT Prompts

Prompts are instructions or questions that you provide to ChatGPT. They are the input that
the AI needs to understand what you want and give a suitable response. Think of prompts as
the conversation starters that help guide the AI.

For example, when interacting with a chatbot, you might type in a question like, "What is the
weather like today?" This question serves as the prompt, guiding the AI to provide a relevant

How Do ChatGPT Prompts Work

1. Understanding the prompt: When you provide a prompt, ChatGPT processes the text and
tries to understand the context and intent behind it. This is achieved through its extensive
training on diverse data sets, which enables the AI to recognize patterns and identify the
meaning of the prompt.

2. Generating a response: Once ChatGPT understands the prompt, it starts generating a

response based on the context and the knowledge it has acquired during its training. The AI
model looks for the most relevant and accurate information to form a response that
addresses the prompt effectively.

3. Refining the response: ChatGPT may go through several iterations to refine its response,
ensuring that it is coherent, relevant, and matches the tone and style of the prompt. This
process involves selecting the most appropriate words and phrases while maintaining a
natural, human-like flow in the response.

4. Output: The final step is presenting the generated response to the user. The AI outputs
the response in a format that is easily readable and comprehensible.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Benefits of using ChatGPT as a Job Seeker

Understanding and using ChatGPT prompts effectively can benefit job seekers in
numerous ways:

1. Resume writing: ChatGPT can help you generate impressive resume content by
providing it with specific prompts related to your skills, experiences, and achievements.

2. Interview preparation: You can use ChatGPT to practice answering common interview
questions or seek guidance on how to tackle specific job-related scenarios.

3. Language improvement: Interacting with ChatGPT can help improve your language
skills, enabling you to communicate more effectively during interviews and in
professional settings.

ChatGPT prompts are a powerful tool for job seekers to understand and leverage in their
job search journey. By providing the right prompts, you can use this AI technology to your
advantage, improving your resume, interview skills, and overall communication abilities.
Embrace the power of ChatGPT and enhance your job-seeking experience.

Keep In Mind

ChatGPT's responses will be more accurate if you provide detailed and specific
information. Keep in mind that ChatGPT cannot create your entire work history from
scratch, but it will do its best to generate relevant content based on the information you
provide. As these AI applications are constantly evolving, the prompts that work today
might not necessarily be working in the same way tomorrow!

When providing prompts for ChatGPT, being specific about the details is crucial to
obtaining quality and accurate content for your job search. Clear and comprehensive
instructions assist AI in generating targeted content for your resume.

For instance, instead of requesting a generic "sample cover letter," ask for a "sample
cover letter for an entry-level customer service role in the hospitality industry." This way,
the AI will provide you with a tailored sample specific to your requirements.

Another example could be requesting a "list of top skills for a business analyst in the IT
industry," rather than simply asking for "business analyst skills." Such precise prompts
allow ChatGPT to produce more relevant, customized content suitable for your job

By providing specific prompts, you can receive relevant, tailored information that
effectively improves your job search prospects!
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

ChatGPT Prompt Anatomy

Understanding ChatGPT's prompt structure is important for obtaining the desired output.
This article delves into the anatomy of ChatGPT prompts, explaining how to craft them for
optimal results. Let's cover the importance of context, specificity, and formatting,
providing real-life examples to illustrate key concepts.

I. Context Matters
The context of a prompt is essential for shaping the ChatGPT's response. By providing
relevant background information, you can guide the AI model to generate a more
coherent and accurate output.

A. Poor context: "Who won the award?"
B. Good context: "Who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2020?"

In example A, the lack of context will lead to an ambiguous or generic response, while
example B is more specific, allowing ChatGPT to provide an accurate and meaningful

II. Specificity is Key

Being specific with your prompts helps ChatGPT generate a focused and relevant
response. Avoid using vague or open-ended questions, as they can result in unclear or
overly broad answers.

A. Vague prompt: "Tell me about food."
B. Specific prompt: "Explain the benefits of a plant-based diet."

Example A is too broad, which can result in an unfocused and unhelpful response.
Conversely, example B is more precise, guiding ChatGPT to produce a detailed and
relevant answer.

III. Formatting your Prompt

Well-formatted prompts can elicit a more structured and organized response from
ChatGPT. You can use bullet points, numbers, or even step-by-step instructions to ensure

A. Unformatted prompt: "Give me tips on how to write a good resume."
B. Formatted prompt: "Provide five tips for writing an effective resume:"

In example A, the unformatted prompt may generate a less organized response. In

contrast, example B sets a clear expectation for the response format, encouraging
ChatGPT to provide a structured and coherent answer.
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Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

IV. Instruct the Model

Using explicit instructions in your prompt can significantly impact the quality of the
output. Be clear about what you want the model to do or the type of information you're
looking for.

A. Implicit instruction: "Computers"
B. Explicit instruction: "Summarize the history of personal computers in three sentences."
Example A will likely generate a random or unrelated response. In contrast, example B
clearly instructs the model to provide a concise summary, resulting in a more focused and
relevant answer.

Last Thoughts

To obtain the best results from ChatGPT, it is important to understand the anatomy of an
effective prompt. By providing context, being specific, formatting your prompt, and giving
clear instructions, you can greatly enhance the quality of the AI-generated responses.

Mastering the art of crafting prompts will help you unlock the full potential of ChatGPT
and its wide-ranging applications.

ChatGPT should not be relied upon for important or critical decisions. It is provided for
informational purposes, and its responses are generated based on its training data prior
to 2021. Always use discretion when necessary!
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

ChatGPT Prompts
Personal Coach
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Interview Coach


This prompt guides you through a mock interview experience with an AI interview coach,
providing feedback on your responses and helping you prepare for an upcoming job


Add a specific job title you are applying for and your industry. Then, answer the interview
questions provided by the AI interview coach, and receive feedback on your responses.

ChatGPT prompt

Act as an interview coach for job seekers, whether you are using GPT-3.5 or GPT-4, I'm
here to help you prepare for your upcoming interview in your desired role. To begin,
please share the job title and main responsibilities of the job you're applying for. Once
you provide the relevant job title and industry, I will ask you questions similar to those
you might encounter in your interview. For each question, I'll evaluate your response,
offering immediate feedback on your strengths and areas for improvement. We'll cover
one question at a time, focusing on your ability to demonstrate your suitability for the
role, articulate your experiences clearly and effectively, and showcase how you can make
a valuable contribution. As an interview coach, I will rate every answer from 1 to 5, with 5
being the best score. If the score is 3 or higher, I will ask another question. If it’s below 3, I
will ask you to provide another answer. If you want to skip that question, you can write
"skip." Expect to gain insights into the required competency level, specific knowledge, and
skill sets for the job, as well as how to present yourself accordingly. By the end of this
exercise, you'll feel more at ease and confident in your communication abilities during
any potential interview, regardless of the AI model you are using.

Extra tip

If you wish to alter this prompt, feel free to customize it as per your needs. For instance,
you can remove the section where a score is assigned for the response or change the
numerical value to adjust the level of difficulty. By replacing the number 3 with 2, you can
simplify the process of answering, while replacing it with 4 can enhance the complexity.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Career Coach


This prompt generates a personalized step-by-step guide for transitioning into a new
career path based on your resume, skills, interests, and past experiences.


To tailor this prompt to your needs, replace [Your resume summary here] with a brief
summary of your past experiences, skills, and interests (your resume).

ChatGPT prompt

Act as a career coach. You'll need to create a step-by-step guide for me based on my
resume. Begin by analyzing my skills, interests, and past experiences. Determine if there
are any gaps in my qualifications and identify any areas of study that I may need to
address. Next, create a roadmap for transitioning into a new career path that will leverage
my strong foundation. Provide insight into new industries or sectors that are demanding
professionals with such diverse skills. Create a job search and application strategy, while
also highlighting specific training, certification, or education programs that I may benefit
from. Encourage me to network and build connections in order to facilitate the transition.

My resume: [Your resume summary here]
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Career Path Roadmap Creation


This prompt guides the ChatGPT to act as a career coach and create a personalized step-
by-step roadmap for you based on your resume. It includes an analysis of skills, interests,
experiences, gaps identification, industry insight, job search strategy, and networking


Replace the placeholder text with a new job title and resume, and customize the prompt
according to your career goals and interests.

ChatGPT prompt

Act as a career coach for the user. Based on the following resume, create a step-by-step
guide that includes analyzing skills, interests, and past experiences; identifying
qualification gaps; suggesting a new career path; providing industry insight; creating a job
search and application strategy; and recommending specific training, certification, or
education programs. Encourage the user to network and build connections to facilitate
the transition. My new role is: [Insert your new job title]

Resume: [Insert your resume here]
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Career Path Suggestions


This prompt is designed to generate personalized career path suggestions based on your
resume, skills, interests, and experience.


To properly use this prompt, you need to replace the placeholder text with your resume
or a summary of your skills, interests, and work experiences.

ChatGPT prompt

Act as a career coach. Identify job titles and industries that might interest me based on
my resume, skills, interests, and experience. Think about my past work experiences and
potential career paths that align with my passions. Come up with some specific job titles
and industries I could explore, and provide short descriptions of each role to help you
better understand what the job entails.

My resume: [Insert your resume or a summary of your skills, interests, and work
experiences here]
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

ChatGPT Prompts
Interview Questions
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Top 10 Common
Interview Questions with Answers


This prompt will help you receive sample answers for ten common interview questions
tailored to a specific job title and industry, with a focus on concise responses that
maintain a natural tone.


Replace [job title] with the specific job title you are applying for and [industry] with the
industry you are targeting.

After receiving the first question and answer, type "next" to receive the following
questions and answers.

ChatGPT prompt

Act as a career counselor. Please provide me with sample answers for ten of the most
common interview questions for the [job title] role in the [industry]. Please keep the
answers succinct without an overly professional or stiff tone. Start with the first common
interview question and answer, and wait for the user to type "next" to provide the
following questions and answers. To receive a list of all ten questions, I will type "10" and
you will promptly provide the list. If I would like an additional ten questions on top of that,
I will just type "10+" and you will happily provide them for me.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Questions to Ask in a Job Interview


This prompt will guide you in researching a company and preparing a list of relevant
questions to ask during a job interview. The focus will be on the company's values,
mission, work culture, products/services, target audience, competitive advantages, team
structure, work environment, and growth opportunities.


To customize the prompt, replace [company name] with the specific company you are
interviewing with, and adjust the focus areas (values, mission, products, etc.) to match
the research you've conducted on the company.

ChatGPT prompt

Act as a job candidate, preparing for an upcoming interview. Research the company
[company name], you will be interviewing with to gain an understanding of their values,
mission, and work culture. Once you have ample information, compile a list of relevant
questions that you can ask during the interview to gain further insight into the position
and organization. Consider asking questions about the company's [values, mission,
products], its target audience, and its competitive advantages. Ask about the team
structure, the work environment, and opportunities for growth within the company. Focus
on questions that demonstrate your interest in understanding more about the company
and position. The questions should not be formatted as an email, but as a simple list.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

More Specific Questions

to Ask During a Job Interview


This prompt will help you generate a list of open-ended and insightful questions to ask
during a job interview. These questions will help you learn more about the company, its
culture, and the specific role you are applying for.


Customize the prompt by replacing the placeholders [company name], [add mission
statement], and [job title] with the appropriate company name, mission statement, and
job title for which you are interviewing.

ChatGPT prompt

Act as a job seeker. Formulate a well-researched list of insightful questions that you can
ask the interviewer to get a better understanding of the company, [company name], and
its culture. The questions should demonstrate your interest in the company and the
position you are interviewing for. Some examples of topics to cover are the company's
mission statement [add mission statement], the team's structure and communication
processes, company goals and growth potential, what are the challenges typically faced
in the [job title] role, how success is measured, and insights about the company's culture.
Make sure that the questions are open-ended and allow for detailed and informative
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

ChatGPT Prompts
Tone of Voice
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

How to Use Tone of Voice with AI Prompts

The importance of voice tones in communicating with AI-generated prompts continues to
grow as Artificial Intelligence (AI) becomes an integral part of our daily lives.

The tone of voice is the underlying emotional flavor of a message that can communicate a
wide range of sentiments, from urgency and excitement to calm and casualness.

Try using different combinations of tones like casual, persuasive, funny, friendly,
disappointed, polite, creative, professional, or any other you have in mind.

Why Tone is Important in AI-generated Prompts

The tone of an AI-generated prompt can significantly impact how users perceive and
interact with the message.

For instance, if the tone is too formal or robotic, it might create a sense of distance and
lack of personalization.

On the other hand, if the tone is too casual or irreverent, it might come across as
unprofessional and disrespectful.

Imagine sending a cover letter to a hiring manager that is as dry as a desert or full of jokes.
Sometimes changing a tone from professional to friendly could do the trick.

However, the tone can help create a more engaging and memorable user experience when
used appropriately.

By tapping into different emotional tones, AI-generated prompts can influence users'
behavior and decision-making. Let us examine some of the most common voice tones for
AI-generated prompts and share examples of using these tones in different contexts.

List of Voice Tones and Examples

Here are just several examples of dozens of tones you can use.

1. Professional Tone

The professional tone is appropriate for formal occasions and business settings. It
communicates a sense of authority, competence, and expertise. Examples of using
professional tone in AI-generated prompts include:

"Welcome to our website. Our team is happy to help you with any questions you may
"Your account has been successfully approved. Please log in to access your
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

2. Persuasive Tone

The persuasive tone is useful for marketing and sales messages. It aims to convince the
user to take a specific action, such as buying a product or signing up for a service.
Examples of using persuasive tone in AI-generated prompts include:

"Don't wait any longer to get started. Sign up for our service today and experience the
benefits yourself."
"Join our community of satisfied customers and see why we are the best in the

3. Conversational Tone

The conversational tone is ideal for creating a friendly and approachable user experience.
It makes the user feel like they are interacting with a real person rather than a machine.
Examples of using conversational tone in AI-generated prompts include:

"Hey there! How can I assist you today?"

"Thanks for reaching out. I'd be more than happy to help you with any questions you

4. Positive Tone

The positive tone is suitable for creating a cheerful and uplifting experience. It uses
language that inspires positivity and optimism. Examples of using a positive tone in AI-
generated prompts include:

"Congratulations! You've taken the first step towards achieving your goals."
"Great job! You are well on your way to success."

5. Casual Tone

The casual tone is appropriate for informal settings such as social media or chatbots. It
aims to create a relaxed and informal user experience. Examples of using a casual tone in
AI-generated prompts include:

"Yo! What's up? How can I help you today?"

"No worries. We've got your back."

Last Thoughts

Tone plays a crucial role in the effectiveness and engagement of AI-generated prompts.
Knowing how to use different voice tones in different contexts can help create a better
overall user experience! When creating AI-generated prompts, it is essential to consider
the audience (hiring manager, recruiter etc.) and the desired outcome to select an
appropriate tone.

By using and experimenting with different tones, you can create a more personalized and
memorable experience for your audiance.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Transform the Tone

of Your Existing Content


This prompt aims to modify the writing style of a given text by applying a specific tone.


Replace [tone] with the desired tone (e.g., formal, casual, humorous, etc.) and [text] with
the text that you want to change the tone of.

ChatGPT prompt

Change the writing style of the text below to [tone]: "[text]"


Change the writing style of the text below to formal: "The party was super fun, and
everyone had a great time chilling together."


The gathering proved to be exceptionally enjoyable, and all attendees experienced a

delightful time socializing in one another's company.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

ChatGPT Prompts
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

LinkedIn Headline


This prompt aims to create an engaging LinkedIn headline that highlights the key elements
of your work experience using the keywords "X" and "Y". The headline should be brief, and
conversational, and encourage people to view your profile.


Replace "X" and "Y" with the appropriate keywords representing your job title, work
experience, and skills. Use your own work history and skills to customize the headline and
make it stand out in your industry. You can keep only one phrase or keyword. Replace 220
with a lower number if you want to get a shorter headline.

Note: The character limit for LinkedIn headlines is 220 characters!

ChatGPT prompt

Act as a LinkedIn expert with expertise in creating LinkedIn profiles. Craft a compelling
LinkedIn headline that highlights the key elements of your work experience using the
keywords ["X" and "project Y"]. Keep it short and conversational, under 220 characters.
Use your work history and skills to determine what makes you stand out in your industry
and use that to create a headline that grabs attention and encourages people to click on
your profile.


Act as a LinkedIn expert with expertise in creating LinkedIn profiles. Craft a compelling
LinkedIn headline that highlights the key elements of your work experience using the
keywords Resume Writing and Interviews. Keep it short and conversational, under 220
characters. Use your work history and skills to determine what makes you stand out in
your industry and use that to create a headline that grabs attention and encourages
people to click on your profile.

Extra Tip

To avoid emojis in the headline, include "No emojis." at the end of the prompt.
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Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

LinkedIn About Section Generator


This prompt generates a concise and compelling LinkedIn About section, based on your
resume, highlighting your expertise, capabilities, and achievements to attract potential


Share your resume with your work history, education, certifications, and relevant projects
to incorporate into the prompt.

ChatGPT prompt

Act as a professional LinkedIn profile writer. You will create a compelling About section to
showcase my expertise and capabilities with the unique skill set I have. Using my work
history, education, and certifications, create a concise summary highlighting my
achievements and qualifications. Focus on showcasing my diverse skill set. Make sure to
emphasize my relevant work experiences and skills to make a strong impression on
potential employers. End the About section with a call to action, inviting potential
employers to connect with me and learn more about my skills and experiences. Limit the
result to 200 words.

My resume: [Your resume summary here]


You have the ability to modify the limit of words from 200 to any other number.
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Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Simple About Section


This prompt is designed to create a compelling LinkedIn "About" section, using your
resume as a guide, that showcases your expertise, capabilities, and unique skill set to
attract potential employers.


Provide your resume, work history, education, certifications, and relevant projects or
products to incorporate into the prompt.

ChatGPT prompt

Act as a professional LinkedIn profile writer. Craft a compelling 'About' section for my
LinkedIn profile, that showcases my professionalism and experience in a concise and
engaging way. Utilize the information provided in my resume, highlighting and expanding
on the most impressive aspects of my work experience, skills, and career path, in order to
grab the attention of recruiters seeking people with my talent. Ensure the language is
professional, but also inviting and personable, and that your text is optimized for LinkedIn

My resume: [Your resume summary here]

To make your piece concise, try limiting it to 600 characters or less by using the phrase
"Keep it short, under 600 characters."
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Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Complex About Section


This prompt helps to create a summary for the LinkedIn About Section of any professional
working in a specific job title and industry. It focuses on their experience,
accomplishments, key skills, achievements, leadership approach, and communication
skills, ending with a call-to-action for potential employers, clients, or partners.


Replace [job title] with the specific job title. Replace [industry name] with the name of
the industry in which the professional works. Customize the key areas mentioned in the
prompt to match the individual's work history and career objectives. Modify any other
elements as needed to make the prompt more relevant and specific to your professional

ChatGPT prompt

Act as a LinkedIn expert. Write a LinkedIn summary for a professional working as a [job
title] in the [industry name]. When crafting the summary, make sure to focus on the
following key areas applicable to their work history and career objectives:
1. Begin with an engaging introduction that highlights their experience and
accomplishments in the [industry name].
2. Offer a brief overview of the key skills and knowledge required for [job title], including
any relevant certification or licensure requirements.
3. Emphasize notable achievements and projects they contributed to, featuring
quantifiable metrics or outcomes.
4. Describe their leadership approach, communication skills, and ability to work
collaboratively, especially when dealing with challenging stakeholders or high-
pressure situations.
5. Conclude the summary with a compelling call-to-action that encourages potential
employers, clients, or partners to connect with them, providing multiple ways to learn
more about them or their company.

My resume: [Your resume summary here]
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Job Search Guide:

Be Your Own Career Coach

"Hands-down the best guide to finding your new job!"
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Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

ChatGPT Prompts
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Using ChatGPT for writing your resume should be limited to inspiration!

Using ChatGPT to generate a resume can be an excellent source of inspiration. It can help
you discover new skills, give you ideas on how to format your resume, and provide
valuable keywords for recruiters.

However, it's important to note that the final version of your resume should always
reflect your life, experiences, and skills! It is also important to be aware that relying
solely on ChatGPT’s generated information can often lead to discrepancies and
inaccuracies in your resume.

As ChatGPT may produce inaccurate information about people, places, or even facts. It's
always best to double-check and ensure that any information you include in your resume
is truthful and accurate.

These are the main reasons why using ChatGPT for writing your resume should be limited
to inspiration and why I would not recommend relying on it solely for crafting your
professional profile.

Authenticity and Personal Touch

A resume should reflect your unique professional journey, showcasing your skills,
experiences, and achievements. By using ChatGPT to write your resume, you risk losing
the personal touch and authenticity that is crucial in making a strong impression on
potential employers. A well-tailored resume should be customized to your specific
background and the job you are applying for, which is something an AI-generated
document may not be able to achieve with the same level of finesse.

Accuracy of Information

While ChatGPT is an advanced language model, it may not always produce accurate
information about people, places, or facts. Using AI-generated content for your resume
may inadvertently include incorrect or misleading information, which could be
detrimental to your job application. Therefore, verifying all details generated by ChatGPT
and ensuring that your resume accurately represents your qualifications and experiences
is crucial!

Overlooking Relevant Information

Relying on ChatGPT to write your resume might result in some important information
being omitted. An AI-generated resume may not fully capture the breadth and depth of
your professional experiences, potentially leaving out crucial details that could have a
significant impact on your job application. By writing your resume yourself or working
closely with a professional resume writer, you can ensure that all relevant information is
included and properly emphasized.
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Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Risk of Misrepresentation

Utilizing ChatGPT to create your resume can sometimes lead to the inclusion of
information that may be considered misleading or even dishonest. Inaccurate information
or embellishments can damage your credibility and may lead to negative consequences if
discovered by a potential employer. It is essential to be aware of the information
generated by ChatGPT and carefully review your resume to ensure that it accurately
reflects your professional history.

Customization for Each Application

Each job application should be tailored to the specific requirements and expectations of
the prospective employer. A resume generated by ChatGPT may not be as adaptable or
focused as one crafted by you or a professional resume writer. By taking the time to
customize your resume for each job application, you can demonstrate your
understanding of the role and showcase how your skills and experiences make you the
ideal candidate.

Privacy and Security

As an experimental platform, ChatGPT does not guarantee the confidentiality of personal

data or contact details entered during the writing process. User discretion is advised
when providing such sensitive information, and it is recommended to refrain from
including any such data during the writing process on ChatGPT. It's best to keep
confidential details to yourself and only share them with the relevant parties.

Last Thoughts

It's essential to remember that your resume is an essential document that can impact
your future job prospects. Potential employers could use it as a guideline to determine
whether you are right for the position, so accuracy and relevancy are key.

ChatGPT can serve as a starting point or inspiration for writing a compelling and
professional resume. However, it is crucial to thoroughly review and revise the content
generated by the ChatGPT, ensuring that it accurately, truthfully reflects your personal
and professional achievements, skills and experiences. Remember that a resume is a
reflection of your life and career path – and it is essential to present yourself accurately
and honestly.

As resumes can often be lengthy, it's important to note that ChatGPT may not provide a
complete answer. In the event that it stops working, one way to retrieve the remaining
data is to type the word "Continue" and hit the enter key.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Craft a Generic Resume from Scratch

Based on Job Title


These prompt guides job seekers in creating a professional resume draft for a candidate
with a specific job title or industry experience.


Replace [specific job title/industry] with your target job title or industry, and [number of
years of experience] with the number of years of experience you have in the field.

ChatGPT prompt

Act as a resume expert. Create a professional yet creative resume draft for a [specific job
title/industry], tailored for a candidate with [number of years of experience] in the field. I
need your outputs to be in the first person and omit using "I" anywhere. Start by
collecting all the relevant details about the candidate, such as their job experience,
educational qualifications, core competencies, and any special achievements in the field.
Do not mention any references. Then, use your best judgment to decide how to present
that information in a visual layout that catches the recruiter's attention while remaining
professional. Ensure that the resume is keyword rich, highlighting the essential skills and
experience required for the job. Lastly, it should be easy to read and follow, with a clear
structure and concise sections, both in terms of wording and length.


Please tailor the information and format to your specific needs and requirements!
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Career Counselor Resume Assistant


This prompt serves as a career counseling session, aimed at helping users create an
outstanding resume by gathering information about their professional experience,
educational background, skills, and qualifications.


To properly use this prompt, you need to provide your current and previous job titles,
relevant work experience, unique achievements, educational qualifications, certifications,
and other relevant information.

ChatGPT prompt

Act as a career counselor. To help me create a compelling CV that stands out to potential
employers, you will need to know more about my professional experience, educational
background, and any specific skills or qualifications that I possess. Let's start by having
me share my previous job titles and relevant work experience. We'll want to highlight any
unique achievements or accomplishments that demonstrate my value to potential
employers. Additionally, we'll need a list of my educational qualifications, certifications,
and any other relevant information. Once we have all of the information you need from
me, we'll work together to create a polished and professional resume that showcases your
strengths and accomplishments.

To begin, you may simply copy and paste your professional experience from your resume.
If you come across the phrase "Now, let's move on to the next step of creating your CV.",
simply type "proceed" to continue.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Resume Feedback


This prompt helps job seekers review a resume for a specific position and provides
actionable advice on how to enhance the structure, content, formatting, and other
relevant aspects of the document. It also involves rewriting sections to demonstrate how
to implement the feedback.


ChatGPT cannot provide a revised resume with tracked changes, please provide the
specific sections of the resume (or whole resume) you would like feedback on, and it will
offer advice and suggested revisions in the response.

ChatGPT prompt

Act as a career counselor. Review the provided resume and provide specific and
actionable advice on how to enhance it further. Please provide detailed feedback on the
structure, content, formatting, and other relevant aspects of the document. Rewrite any
experience or qualifications sections with your suggestions so that the job seeker can
better understand how to implement the feedback. Finally, deliver the feedback in an
organized and formatted way while ensuring everything is easy to understand.

My resume: [Your resume summary here]
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Resume Review and Revise


This prompt guides job seeker to submit their resumes to ChatGPT for review and
revision, providing them with instructions on how to upload their resumes and offering a
comprehensive report that suggests areas of improvement, industry buzzwords, and best
practices for resume building and job hunting.


ChatGPT will inform you that you must submit your resumes in a text format to continue.

ChatGPT prompt

Act as a career advisor and professional resume writer. Begin by encouraging me to

submit my current resume for your review and revision. Provide clear instructions on how
to upload my resume in a text format. Subsequently, once the resume is received,
highlight the essential elements that the model will evaluate, including the clarity and
format of the document, the wording, and relevance of the information. Once the resume
is examined, provide a comprehensive report suggesting areas of improvement that
include desired changes in phrasing, better ways to represent experiences and
qualifications, and removing redundant information. Additionally, the model must
identify specific key phrases and industry buzzwords that should be included in the
resume. Lastly, include the best practices on resume building and job hunting that I can
utilize when applying for new roles.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Resume Enhancement and Editing


This prompt assists users in editing and improving their resumes by focusing on clarity,
content, format, and grammar, while adhering to industry standards and tailoring it to a
specific job position or field.


To use this prompt, you'll need to provide your existing resume and add the target job
position [job title]. You can also include any specific concerns or areas they want to be

ChatGPT prompt

Act as a professional resume editor. Review the provided resume and edit it to improve
clarity, content, format, and grammar. Follow industry standards and avoid personal
opinions. The candidate is applying for the position: [job title]. Provide suggestions for
restructuring the resume and organizing its contents to better highlight the skills and
experience of the candidate. Ensure that the resume is easy to read, concise, and error-
free. Consider including a summary statement at the beginning of the resume and using
bullet points to list the candidate's achievements and responsibilities. Additionally,
ensure that the resume is tailored to the job position or field for which the candidate is
applying. Finally, suggest ways to improve the format and design of the resume while
adhering to standard templates and conventions. And suggest ways to improve the
format and design of the resume while adhering to standard templates and conventions.
Your first task is to ask me for my resume so that you can start.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Resume Optimization For a Specific Job


This prompt is designed to help job seekers optimize their resumes for a specific job type
by identifying important keywords, skills, and experiences that should be highlighted.


Replace the placeholders in the prompt with the resume summary, job title, and the job
description summary.

ChatGPT prompt

As a job recruiter, you will help me optimize my resume for the position below. You will
ask me about my resume and the job description, including the main responsibilities,
requirements, and qualifications for this role. Once I've provided this information, you'll
offer your recommendations on the essential keywords, skillsets, and experiences I
should include in my resume to stand out among the pool of applicants and demonstrate
my relevant achievements in my career. First, ask me for my resume. After I have added it,
ask me to provide a job description. Then, provide your recommendation and tell me if I
am a good fit for that role or if I am not fit.

My Resume: [Your resume summary here]

Job Title: [Job title here]

Job Description: [Job description summary here]


In order to navigate through additional pages of text generated by ChatGPT, please

include the word "continue" as output is limited.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Resume Customization
for Specific Job Position and Company

This prompt helps tailor a candidate's resume to fit a specific job role by analyzing the job
description, highlighting relevant experience and skills, and recommending necessary


Replace [Job Title] with the desired job title, [Company] with the target company, [Paste
Job Description] with the actual job description, and [Paste Resume] with the candidate's
current resume.

ChatGPT prompt

Act as a resume reviewer. Your task is to make changes to the given resume to fit the [Job
Title] role at [Company]. Begin by analyzing the job description in detail and identifying
the essential skills and qualifications required for the role. Then, edit the resume to
prominently highlight the candidate's relevant experience, skills, and achievements that
match the job description. You may also recommend rephrasing and restructuring certain
areas, as well as adding or removing any information that may not be pertinent to the
position. Be sure to provide a clear and concise summary at the top of the resume that
effectively conveys the candidate's suitability for the particular role.

Resume: [Your resume summary here]

Job Description: [Job description summary here]


In order to navigate through additional pages of text generated by ChatGPT, please

include the word "continue" as output is limited.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Make Resume More Concise


This prompt assists users in revising a resume to make it more concise while maintaining
important information. The focus is on improving the structure, phrasing, and removing
unnecessary details without sacrificing the clarity and effectiveness of the resume.


Please provide the specific sections or bullet points of the resume, or even the entire
resume, that you would like revised. ChatGPT cannot review a document directly, but it
can offer suggestions and revisions based on the text you provide!

ChatGPT prompt

Act as a professional resume writer. Review the following resume and revise it to be more
concise without sacrificing important information. Pay attention to the structure and
phrasing of the original text while looking for opportunities to remove unnecessary
details, redundant information, or bullet points. Keep in mind that the revised resume
should still effectively convey my experience and qualifications in a clear and concise
manner. Suggest ways to improve the format and design of the resume while adhering to
standard templates and conventions.

My Resume: [Your resume summary here]
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Professional Expertise Highlight


This prompt generates a compelling paragraph that showcases your proficiency and
experience in your chosen field of expertise, using active voice and action-oriented verbs
to create a sense of energy and excitement.


Replace [field of expertise] with the specific domain in which you have expertise and
[Your paragraph] with paragraph you want to use for this review. It could be a part of your
resume, or just one working experience. Optionally, provide more context or specific
achievements to better tailor the paragraph.

ChatGPT prompt

Act as a professional resume writer. Craft a compelling paragraph that highlights my

proficiency and experience in my chosen field of expertise, [field of expertise]. My
paragraph should be concise, yet informative, highlighting specific skills, experience, and
achievements that position them as an authority within their industry. Ensure my writing
is engaging, and use active voice and action-oriented verbs to create a sense of energy
and excitement about my abilities. Use concrete examples to illustrate the breadth and
depth of my expertise and leave the reader with a clear sense of my client's value
proposition in their industry.

My paragraph: [Your paragraph]
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Top in-demand skills


This prompt helps generate a list of top in-demand skills for the job title, and uses this list
to build a strong skills section in a resume to attract potential employers.


Customize the [job title] if you want to target a different position, and provide any
specific skills or achievements you'd like to emphasize in the resume.

ChatGPT prompt

As a career coach, generate a list of top in-demand skills for the job title of [job title] using
the latest job market analysis. Then, use this list to build a strong skills section in a resume
that gets noticed by recruiters. Be sure to highlight proficiency in these skills and include
measurable achievements that demonstrate the candidate's abilities.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

In-Demand Skills Resume Builder


This prompt helps generate a list of top in-demand skills for the job title, and uses this list
to build a strong skills section in a resume to attract potential employers.


Replace [job title] with the desired job title for which you want to generate in-demand
skills and update the resume advice accordingly.

ChatGPT prompt

As a career coach, you will help me build a strong resume by identifying the top in-
demand skills for the job title of [job title] using the latest job market analysis. To get
started, ask me to provide my current resume. Once you have it, you will generate a list of
skills that employers are looking for in candidates for this role and help me incorporate
them into my resume in a way that gets noticed by recruiters. We'll highlight my
proficiency in these skills and include measurable achievements that demonstrate my
abilities. Finally, you'll suggest the right way to add those skills to my resume while
adhering to standard templates and conventions.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Highlight achievements


This prompt helps users create a guide to emphasize their strengths and
accomplishments in a resume while maintaining professionalism and conciseness.


Use the guide provided to help you structure your resume. Identify your requirements,
priorities, and work history before applying practical tips to frame the right sentences,
use action verbs, and provide concrete examples. Consider the suggested formats to
choose one that best suits your individual situation.

ChatGPT prompt

Act as a career counselor. Develop a guide to accentuate your strengths and

accomplishments in my resume while staying professional and concise. Start by
identifying my requirements and priorities, then look at your work history, any volunteer
work, education, and other relevant experiences. Once you have that information
organized, you can create a resume that does the necessary work of informing the
employer about my qualifications and achievements. Provide practical tips that can help
in framing the right sentences, use action verbs, and ensure you provide concrete
examples to back up my accomplishments. Finally, offer some suggested formats for the
resume itself that best suits your individual situation.

My Resume:


In order to navigate through additional pages of text generated by ChatGPT, please

include the word "continue" as output is limited.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Job Search Consultant for Resume Revision


This prompt simulates a job search consultant who provides guidance and advice for
revising resumes based on a specific job position, analyzes job descriptions, summarizes
their needs, and identifies relevant keywords.


Replace [Job Title] with the desired job title, and provide the job description when
prompted. Engage in a conversation, discussing and analyzing the requirements of the
position. Type "next" when you wish to move on to another position.

ChatGPT prompt

Act as a job search consultant. In this role, you are familiar with the requirements and
industry information of [Job Title] positions. In this scenario, I will come to you seeking
your advice and expertise in revising my resume for a specific position. We will begin by
examining the job description of the first position that I am interested in. You will ask me
for this job description, and when I submit it, you will read, understand, and analyze it to
summarize its needs and list the relevant keywords. I will follow up with questions or
requests about the position, and we will continue discussing and analyzing the
requirements of the position until I say "next."

You are free to ask any questions such as "What are the main requirements?" and also,
"What are some essential qualifications?" or "What kind of experience is necessary?" etc.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Keep in Mind!

While ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for job seekers, the problem arises when people
don't thoroughly review the content generated by the AI.

One of my clients shared how they were rejected after an interview because they were
grilled about tasks on their resume they never did. The reason? AI-generated content they
forgot to customize!

This highlights the golden rule: Customize and verify your resume content, no matter
where it comes from!

Keep in mind: There are no magical "ATS-friendly" resume templates, and no ChatGPT
prompt will transform your resume into an "ATS-friendly" masterpiece.

My tip for an "ATS-friendly" resume: Write it in Microsoft Word or Google Docs and save it
as a Word document or PDF (the best option here). Voila! You've successfully made your
resume ATS-proof! Yes, it's that easy to make your resume ATS-compliant.

Instead of fixating on ATS optimization like it's the Holy Grail, focus on the content, not
the template!

Here are a few extra tips:

Be specific about your accomplishments and quantify them when possible.

Use action verbs to describe your roles and responsibilities.
Tailor your resume to the job description (add keywords, not phrases or entire job
Keep it simple, clean, and concise - this style never goes out of fashion.
Focus on what matters most: showcasing your skills, experience, and personality!

If you use ChatGPT, be sure to carefully read what it generates! Trust me; you don't want
to be in an interview where you're asked how you miraculously increased your team's
productivity by an astonishing 1,120%.

Remember, technology can be a fantastic tool, but it's not a substitute for your attention
to detail!

Sign up for our Job Search Guide Newsletter today

and start receiving exclusive content straight to your inbox.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

ChatGPT Prompts
Cover Letter
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Create a Cover Letter from Scratch with

ChatGPT as a Career Consultant


This prompt acts as a hiring consultant to gather essential information about the user and
the job they are applying for, in order to create a compelling and effective cover letter.


When ChatGPT asks you questions, it's important to provide detailed responses about
your job, experiences, qualifications, skills, achievements, and knowledge of the company
culture and mission. This will help ChatGPT better understand your background and

ChatGPT prompt

Act as a hiring consultant. To create an effective and compelling cover letter for my job
application, you need to know a few essential details about me and the job I'm applying
for. First, ask me about the job title and the name of the company I'm sending the
application to. Next, ask me to provide you with a detailed summary of my experiences,
qualifications, and skills that make me the right fit for this job. After that, ask me to
provide the job requirements from the job posting and analyze how I can fulfill those.
Also, ask me about any particular achievements or accomplishments that you will
highlight in the letter. Lastly, ask me if I know about the culture and mission of the
company; this will help you align my ambitions and goals with the company's vision to
create a customized and compelling cover letter. You will ask one question at a time; after
you receive an answer, you will proceed to the next question.

Extra Tip

Feel free to substitute the role of "hiring consultant" with any other role such as "cover
letter writer," "copywriter," "recruiter," or any other job title you have in mind to achieve
varied results.


To continue the process, type "continue" whenever prompted. Note that sometimes
ChatGPT may stop asking questions, in which case typing "continue" will help you
proceed forward. To request a cover letter from ChatGPT, feel free to use phrases like
"craft" or "write cover letter" at any point during the process.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Custom Cover Letter Based on Your

Resume and Job Description


This prompt helps users create an effective cover letter for a job application, focusing on
their qualifications, experience, passion for the position, and major accomplishments
relevant to the role.


Provide your resume and job description.

ChatGPT prompt

Act as a custom cover letter writer. I will provide a job description, my resume, and any
other relevant information for the position I am applying for. You will use this information
to create a tailored cover letter that showcases my qualifications, experience, and
accomplishments. The cover letter will demonstrate my knowledge about the company
and the position, and how my skills will meet their requirements. Ensure the cover letter is
organized professionally, discusses my relevant experience, highlights my key
achievements, and aligns with the job role. Additionally, make sure the cover letter is
appropriately formatted for easy reading and visual appeal. Your first task as a cover
letter writer is to ask me for my resume. After I share my resume with you, me to share the
job posting I'm interested in applying for. After you have the job description you will
provide your answer. When your response does not fit on one page, always ask "more?" so
I can say "continue" for more content.

Extra Tip

You can add at this "Please ensure that this cover letter is no longer than 300 words."
right after, "Your first task as a cover letter writer is to ask me for my resume." to keep
your cover letter under 300 words.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Cover Letter Inspiration


This prompt helps users create an effective cover letter for a job application, focusing on
their qualifications, experience, passion for the position, and major accomplishments
relevant to the role.


Replace [job position] with the specific job title you are applying for and [company name]
with the name of the company where you want to work.

ChatGPT prompt

Act as a job seeker. Compose an effective cover letter for a job application for the
position of [job position] at [company name]. Start with an introduction about your
qualifications and experience, followed by your passion for the position and why you
would be a perfect candidate for the role. Don't forget to highlight your major
accomplishments in relevant positions that would align with the job description. Lastly,
explain why you are excited and looking forward to making a positive contribution to the
company in the role you are applying for. Remember to keep it concise, professional and
build a case for why you are the ideal person for the job.

Extra Tip

You can add at this "Please ensure that this cover letter is no longer than 300 words."
right after, "Your first task as a cover letter writer is to ask me for my resume." to keep
your cover letter under 300 words.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Cover Letter Intern


This prompt helps users draft an engaging cover letter that communicates their
enthusiasm for a specific job role and highlights their skills, experience, and passion for
the company's industry or product.


Replace [Job title] with the specific job title you are applying for, [Company] with the
name of the company you are applying to, and [product / industry] with the product or
industry that the company is involved in.

ChatGPT prompt

Act as a job applicant. Draft an engaging cover letter that clearly communicates your
enthusiasm for the role of [Job title] with [Company], and highlights your relevant skills,
experience and passion for the [product / industry] that the company is involved in.
To make your cover letter stand out, start with an introductory story that evokes an
emotional response from the reader by recounting a personal experience that ignited
your passion for this industry or product. This could be a specific moment or event, an
encounter with someone influential, or a discovery that inspired you to pursue a career in
the field. Describe how this passion has fueled your desire to work for this company and
how you feel that this role, that it is your dream job. Highlight your relevant experience,
education and skills that make you qualified for the position and showcase your
knowledge of the industry and the company. In addition, show your eagerness to learn
and grow within the company, and how your skills and experience will contribute to its

Keep in Mind

Please note that ChatGPT provides generic content that requires customization, editing,
and verification by you!
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Simple Cover Letter Prompts


These prompts are designed to generate a professional cover letter for the position you
will add at ABC Corporation, emphasizing the user's experience and other things.


To customize these prompts, change the job title, replace "ABC Corporation" with the
desired company name, and adjust your skills and experiences to match your

ChatGPT prompts (examples)

Act as a professional cover letter writer and compose a cover letter for a marketing
manager position at ABC Corporation, highlighting my extensive experience in digital
marketing, social media campaigns, and content creation, along with my ability to
effectively manage a team and drive measurable results.

Act as a professional cover letter writer and compose a cover letter for a financial
analyst role at ABC Corporation, showcasing my proficiency in financial modeling,
data analysis, and forecasting, as well as my strong attention to detail and adaptability
in fast-paced, high-pressure environments.

Act as a professional cover letter writer and compose a cover letter for a project
manager position at ABC Corporation, emphasizing my expertise in managing cross-
functional teams, successful implementation of large-scale projects, and familiarity
with industry-standard project management tools, while also demonstrating my
excellent leadership and time management skills.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

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Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

ChatGPT Prompts
For Your Job Search
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Targeted Company List & Application Tips


This prompt assists users in identifying a tailored list of companies to apply for based on
their industry, work experience, and location. It also provides helpful tips for approaching
and applying to these companies in a way that fits the company culture and needs.


To customize this prompt, you need to replace [Location] with your desired location, and
provide a brief overview of your industry, work experience, and career goals.

ChatGPT prompt

Act as a career coach. Conduct a thorough analysis of my industry and work experience to
generate a targeted list of companies to apply for. Please provide a detailed list of
companies that align with my career goals and experience, highlighting the areas where I
could excel. Companies need to be located in the [Location]. Include company names, as
well as any other relevant information to maximize my chances of landing the perfect job.
Don't forget to also provide useful tips on how best to approach these companies, and
how to tailor my application to fit the specific culture and needs of the company.

Extra tip

You have the option to replace the term 'location' with 'city', 'country', or add multiple
locations. Please note that since ChatGPT does not have access to real-time data or
Google, the information provided may be limited. If you wish to obtain more companies,
you may use the request, "Please provide five different company names," although there
may be no results available.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Message to Hiring Manager


This prompt is meant to generate a professional and personal LinkedIn message to a

hiring manager, expressing gratitude for the opportunity to interview for a specific
position at a company.


Replace the placeholders [Company Name], [Position], and [Add job description] with the
actual company name, job title, and job description the role is related to.

ChatGPT prompt

Act as a job applicant. Craft a professional yet personal LinkedIn message expressing
sincere gratitude to the hiring manager of [Company Name] for the time she took to
interview you for the [Position]. Start with a polite introduction, then highlight your
gratitude for being invited to interview for the role. Express your appreciation for the
opportunity. Reiterate your enthusiasm for the job while acknowledging the interview as
an insightful experience. Conclude the message by inviting further communication,
exchanging pleasantries or words of appreciation for the hiring manager's time and

Job Description: [Add job description]
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Simple 30-second elevator pitch


This prompt helps candidates create a concise and impactful 30-second elevator pitch to
use during job interviews.


To customize this prompt, the user needs to replace the placeholders with their specific
personal and professional details, focusing on their unique strengths, experiences, and

ChatGPT prompt

Act as a professional speaker and create a 30-second elevator pitch for a candidate with
the following details: [First Name], [Job Title], [Years of Experience], [Industry], [Top
Skills], [Personal Qualities], and [Career Goals].


Act as a professional speaker and create a 30-second elevator pitch for a candidate with
the following details: Jan, Recruiter, four years of experience, SaaS industry, Recruitment
and Sourcing, Great in LinkedIn posting, and I want to be a writer.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Advanced 30-second elevator pitch


This prompt helps users create a 30-second elevator pitch for a job interview, showcasing
their professional achievements, strengths, unique qualities, and eagerness to contribute
to the company.


Replace [name] whit your name and [job title] with the specific job title you are applying
for, and [company name] with the name of the company where you want to work. Add
your resume and job description.

ChatGPT prompt

Act as a professional speaker and create a 30-second elevator pitch. Your name is [name].
This impactful 30-second elevator pitch has to impress the interviewer for the job
position of [job title] at [company name] and make them want to learn more about you.
Begin by clearly stating your name and the position you are applying for followed by a
summary of your most significant professional achievements and strengths that relate to
the job. Use a positive, confident tone and highlight the unique qualities, from your
resume, that set you apart from other applicants. Finally, make sure to mention your
eagerness to contribute to the company and how your skills and knowledge will benefit
the organization. Remember, the goal is to create a pitch that leaves a lasting impression
and leads to an invitation for an in-person interview.

Resume: [Add Resume]

Job Description: [Add job description]
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Crafting a Compelling Introduction using

Your Resume and Job Description


This prompt helps users create a 30-second elevator pitch for a job interview, showcasing
their professional achievements, strengths, unique qualities, and eagerness to contribute
to the company.


Replace [name] whit your name and [job title] with the specific job title you are applying
for, and [company name] with the name of the company where you want to work. Add
your resume and job description.

ChatGPT prompt

Act as a job interview coach. Your name is [name]. Create an impactful 30-second
elevator pitch that would impress the interviewer for the job position of [job title] at
[company name] and make them want to learn more about you. Begin by clearly stating
your name and the position you are applying for followed by a summary of your most
significant professional achievements and strengths that relate to the job. Use a positive,
confident tone and highlight the unique qualities, from your resume, that set you apart
from other applicants. Finally, make sure to mention your eagerness to contribute to the
company and how your skills and knowledge will benefit the organization. Remember, the
goal is to create a pitch that leaves a lasting impression and leads to an invitation for an
in-person interview.

Resume: [Add Resume]

Job Description: [Add job description]
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

“Open To Work” LinkedIn Post


This prompt aims to generate a professional and engaging LinkedIn post announcing a job
search for specific job titles, highlighting the user's skills, experience, and preferences
while including a call to action for others to share the post.


Replace [X] and [Y] with the desired job titles you are searching for. If needed, tailor the
prompt to emphasize specific skills, experience, or industry accomplishments relevant to
your profile.

ChatGPT prompt

Act as a social media manager. Craft an attention-grabbing LinkedIn post announcing your
job search for [X], [Y] job titles. Do not use "Exciting News," " I am excited to" or similar
statement at the beginning of this post. Start the post with hook. Your post should be
professional, concise, and informative. Start by creating an opening statement that
highlights your key skills, experience, and accomplishments within your industry. Then,
outline your job search preferences and express your enthusiasm for new job
opportunities. Be sure to mention explicitly why you are open to these positions and what
attracts you to them. Remember to touch on the value you can offer prospective
employers while confidently stating your skills and qualifications. Finally, wrap up your
post with a call to action for fellow professionals to share the message within their
network, in hopes of broadening the search reach.

You may target only one job title, therefore please replace "for [X], [Y] job titles" with "for
[X] job title". Additionally, you may specify the desired location by adding "in YOUR
LOCATION and/or Remote" at the end of the second sentence.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Thank You note to Hiring Manager


This prompt guides the user in writing a heartfelt and genuine thank-you note to a
potential hiring manager following a recent job interview.


To customize this prompt, replace [Name of Hiring Manager] with the actual name of the
hiring manager and [Job Title] with the specific job title for which the applicant is being

ChatGPT prompt

Act as a job applicant who has recently had an interview and wants to write an
impassioned and sincere thank-you note to their potential hiring manager, who is [Name
of Hiring Manager]. Begin by expressing gratitude for the time and effort taken by the
manager to conduct the interview, as well as conveying your appreciation of being
considered for the position of [Job Title]. Elaborate on your skills that make you the ideal
candidate for the demanding job, mentioning specific aspects of the job description that
you resonate with. Share a personal anecdote or experience that demonstrates your
commitment and passion for excelling in this job. Finally, thank the manager once again
for taking the time to interview you and for the opportunity to be considered for this
amazing opportunity.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Continuous Learning


This prompt guides ChatGPT in playing the role of a tutor, asking thought-provoking and
progressively more challenging questions on a specific topic to assess the user's


Replace [insert topic] with the desired topic for the tutoring session. For example, replace
it with "sales" or any desired topic, such as "B2B sales" or "retail sales."

ChatGPT prompt

Act as a tutor. Develop a series of thought-provoking questions that will challenge my

knowledge of [insert topic]. Ask only one question, not more, and wait for my answer.
Begin with fundamental questions and progressively move on to more complex questions
to gauge my level of understanding. Adjust the complexity of the questions to my level of
understanding to ensure that I can answer most of the questions, while also participating
in a challenging and engaging discussion with me.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Proofreading, Editor

This prompt engages the AI as an editor and proofreader, inviting users to submit a piece
of text for review. The AI then highlights spelling, grammar, punctuation errors, and typos,
providing comprehensive feedback to improve the text's clarity and quality.


To customize this prompt, replace "Act as an editor and proofreader" with your desired
role for the AI, and specify the type of text you'd like the AI to review, such as an
academic paper, a resume, or a short story. Or you can keep it as it is.

ChatGPT prompt

Act as an editor and proofreader. Ask me to provide a piece of text for your check. It could
be an article, a blog post, or any piece of written work of my choice. Once I've submitted
the text, you will review it and highlight all the spelling errors, grammar errors,
punctuation errors, typos, etc. that you come across in the text. Your aim is to provide
comprehensive proofreading feedback that allows me to improve the text and eliminate
any mistakes that detract from its clarity and quality.


It's frustrating to find multiple typos in your resume, cover letters, and other written
content. To avoid this, it's recommended to use ChatGPT's proofreading feature, which
lets you check and customize your content.

If you're only interested in addressing formatting and grammar errors, stick with the
proofreading option rather than requesting an editor, who will change the content to
enhance its readability. Use only "Act as a proofreader."
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

Editor's Feedback

This prompt asks ChatGPT to act as an editor and provide constructive feedback on a
given paragraph. The focus is on improving language use, sentence structure, clarity, and
overall flow, with specific suggestions and examples provided.


Replace '[your paragraph]' with the paragraph you'd like to receive feedback on.

ChatGPT prompt

Act as an editor. Review and offer constructive feedback on the text below. Consider the
use of language, sentence structure, clarity and overall flow. Focus on areas for
improvement, suggest alternatives, and provide examples to support your feedback. Your
aim is to provide advice that would allow the writer to enhance their writing style and
achieve the desired effect on their intended audience.

Text: [your paragraph]
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

How to Make the Most of ChatGPT Prompts

Technology has become an integral part of our daily lives. From smartphones to smart
homes, technology affects everything that we do. This is why it's crucial to stay ahead of
the curve by leveraging the power of advanced technologies. Leveraging powerful AI tools
like ChatGPT can revolutionize the way we communicate, learn, and access information.

Here are some tips that will help you to craft effective ChatGPT prompts, and techniques
necessary to make the most of this cutting-edge language model. From optimizing your
prompts with keywords and context to experimenting with different phrasings and
formats, this will help you unlock ChatGPT's full potential, opening up a world of
possibilities for both personal and professional applications.

1. Be specific: You need to clearly define your question or topic to ensure accurate and
relevant responses from ChatGPT.

2. Use keywords: Include important keywords or phrases to help guide the model in
generating the desired information.

3. Keep it concise: Shorter, focused prompts will yield more targeted and useful results.

4. Provide context: Offer relevant background information to help ChatGPT better

understand your query.

5. Experiment with phrasing: If initial responses are unsatisfactory, try rephrasing your
prompt or asking the question in a different way.

6. Guide the format: Specify the desired format (e.g. bulletpoints, paragraphs, lists) to
receive information in an organized manner.

7. Request step-by-step: For complex topics, break down your query into smaller,
manageable questions to receive more in-depth information.

8. Use examples: Provide examples or analogies to help ChatGPT grasp the concept
you're asking about.

9. Limit response length: For concise answers, indicate the desired response length (e.g.
one sentence, 50 words).

10. Verify information: Cross-check ChatGPT's responses with other reliable sources, as
the model may occasionally provide outdated or inaccurate information.

Have fun and enjoy the creative process!
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2023 Jan Tegze.

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