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1. Administering incorrect doses to patients

➢ Defects
2. Moving hospital patients from department to department
➢ Transportation
3. Waiting for responses from other departments
➢ Waiting
4. People searching for materials, tools or equipment
➢ Motion
5. Creation of meals that are not eaten or partially eaten
➢ Overproduction
6. Entering the same data in more than one place on a form or in a software application
➢ Extra Processing
7. Cabinets full of office supplies
➢ Inventory
8. People with advanced skills do routine work
➢ Non-utilized talent
9. Patients in waiting rooms
➢ Waiting
10. Extra report information
➢ Extra Processing
1. Lean Six Sigma is only applicable to quality related initiatives.
➢ False
2. An existing assembly process of PCBs needs to be improved. What LSS approach is more
3. Lean originated in 1940s from Toyota and Six Sigma originated in 1980s from?
➢ Motorola
4. Quality is defined by
➢ Customers
5. What is Lean Six Sigma?
➢ All of the above
6. This is a waste due to a non conformity to a customer requirement or standard.
➢ Defect
7. These are process steps or elements that must be eliminated for organizations to be more
efficient and effective
➢ Non value adding activities
8. Lean focuses on waste elimination while Six Sigma focuses on
➢ Reducing Variation
9. DMADV stands for
➢ Define – measure -analyze – design – verify
10. These are LSS belt levels that are tool experts and helps GB project leaders in doing data
analysis and initiative quick wins.
➢ Yellow belt
1. Project charter element that describes the importance of doing the project
➢ Business Case
2. There are benefits associated with the goals of closing the GAP
3. A tool used to see boundaries of the process on the onset of the project.
4. This is an activity that we do to close the gap between the current condition and target
➢ Problem Solving
5. This is an activity that we do to create a new baseline or target.
➢ Improvement
6. These are types of problems that are recurring and solutions are not known yet.
➢ Significant
7. How many process steps are recommended in creating your SIPOC Diagram?
➢ 5-7
8. “Increasing rejection rate with an average of 5% vs target of 2% since WW20 to WW32
which is a gap of 3% due to Process X operators” is a correct problem statement.
➢ False
9. The Objective / Goal Statement must include the solution to the identified problem.
➢ False
10. What kind of metric is said to be the risk assessment metric for your project?
➢ Consequential
Measure Phase
EXERCISE #5; EXERICSE #6 – Basic Statistics Using Minitab
1. Average fat
➢ 16.46
2. How many data points represent the mode in the % Fat data set?
➢ 2
3. Median % Fat is
➢ 16.40
4. Mode of % Fat data set is
➢ 16.3
5. Range of % Fat is
➢ 7.70
6. Average Energy Cost is
➢ 330.6
7. Median Energy Cost is greater than Mean Energy Cost
➢ False
8. Three (3) data points represent the Mode Energy Cost
➢ False
9. Standard deviation of Energy Cost is
➢ 154.2
10. What central tendency is not applicable in the Energy Cost data set?
➢ Mode
Measure Phase

1. In a process map, an ellipse designates

➢ Start and stop point
2. Tool used to validate reliability of a data source.
➢ Measurement system analysis
3. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about measurement?
➢ Data collection is only conducted in Measure Phase of DMAIC
4. This give a common understanding of the how the word / term is being used in the context
of the project
➢ Operational Definition
5. Which does not belong to the group?
➢ Height
6. Measurement scale that gives us ordered units that have the same difference and has no
absolute zero
➢ Interval
7. These are measurements from a continuum scale.
➢ Continuous
8. Which does not belong to the group?
➢ Body temperature
9. Accuracy is to central tendency; Precision is to
➢ Dispersion
10. Preferred measure of central tendency when there is an outlier or unusual observation.
➢ Median

1. What is the Median Pulse Rate for Female and Male?

➢ 80 & 76
2. Which Activity is the most significant contributor of Pulse Rate?
➢ Moderate
3. What is the IQR of Pulse based on Ran (Yes or No)?
➢ 30 & 13.5
4. Is there a significant difference between the distribution of Pulse based on whether the
person is smoking or not smoking?
➢ No there is none
5. What possible relationship is there between Pulse and Height?
➢ Possible Negative Correlation
6. What possible relationship is there between Pulse and Weight?
➢ Possible Negative Correlation
7. Which type of activity has an outlier Pulse?
➢ Moderate
8. How many % of the Male subjects of the study has a Pulse Rate meeting the standard of
70 to 100 BPM?
➢ 75%
9. Which bin or interval has the highest number of frequencies for Pulse?
➢ 75 & 85
10. Which bin or interval has the highest number of frequencies for Pulse?
➢ 2

1. A tool used to discover potential things that could impact the output of the process you
are investigating.
➢ Fishbone Diagram
2. A graphical tool used to compare distribution of the data and the location of the central
tendency in terms of the median.
➢ Box plot
3. A tool that follows the 80-20 principle stating that 80% of the effect is accounted to 20%
of the factors.
➢ Pareto
4. Why-why analysis is strict to asking a minimum of asking 5 whys
➢ False
5. This is a measure of the spread or data distribution in a box plot.
➢ Inter quartile range
6. In Root Cause Analysis, this is the last major cause that we explore
➢ Man
7. Which does not belong to the group?
➢ Time series
8. Which is not a pattern that can be highlighted by a time series chart?
➢ Limits
9. High lead time is affected by high preparation time can be explained by a
➢ Positive correlation
10. A type of histogram that is caused by natural limits in the outcome of the process.
➢ Skewed

1. This tool can help reduce bottlenecks due to human intervention.

➢ Cross Training
2. Tools deployed to facilitate prevention or correction of errors in the process by making
things obvious.
➢ Visual management
3. 5S can be done as stand alone improvement even outside Lean Six Sigma.
➢ True
4. Which among the following is not a variation of a standard work?
➢ SMED Worksheet
5. Arrange the following from good to best.
➢ Containment – Detection – Prevention
6. In a PICK Matrix, you will ________ solutions with high effort but with low impact.
7. In a PICK Matrix, you will ________ solutions with low effort but with high impact.
8. A guide on how to deploy the implementation of identified activities.
9. Set of tools that can aid in the evaluation and display of the results of the implemented
solution and improvement
10. Which among the options given can be used for evaluation of effectiveness for
implemented improvement actions? Check all that applies.
➢ Box plot

1. It is the distance allowed for common causes of variation from the mean.
➢ +/- 3sigma
2. Special test for assignable causes can be used to examine trends, cycles or shifts in the data
➢ True
3. If you have a continuous data set and been able to collect a group size of 15, is X bar and
R the best choice of control chart?
➢ No
4. It is a document that you will go back if problems are recurring from the project that you
➢ Process Control Plan
5. Control charts are used to display the amount of variation present in a process.
➢ True
6. Based on the normal distribution, data should be
➢ randomly
7. An analyst decided to count the number of defective parts with varying sample size taken
daily. He should use what type of control chart?
➢ P
8. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
➢ IX – MR
9. If a product or service cannot perform its intended function, then it said that it
➢ is defective
1. Lean Six Sigma is only applicable to quality related initiatives.
➢ False
2. An existing assembly process of PCBs needs to be improved. What LSS approach is more
3. Lean originated in 1940s from Toyota and Six Sigma originated in 1980s from?
➢ Motorola
4. Quality is defined by
➢ Customers
5. This is a waste due to a non-conformity to a customer requirement or standard.
➢ Defect
6. Lean focuses on waste elimination while Six Sigma focuses on
➢ Reducing variation
7. These are LSS belt levels that are tool experts and helps GB project leaders in doing data
analysis and initiative quick wins.
➢ Yellow Belt
8. Project charter element that describes the importance of doing the project.
➢ Business Case
9. There are benefits associated with the goals of closing the GAP.
➢ True
10. A tool used to see boundaries of the process on the onset of the project.
➢ SIPOC Diagram
11. How many high levels process steps are recommended in creating your SIPOC Diagram?
➢ 5-7
12. "Increasing rejection rate with an average of 5% vs target of 2% since WW20 to WW32
which is a gap of 3% due to Process X operators" is correct.
➢ False
13. The Objective / Goal Statement must include the solution to the identified problem.
➢ False
14. What kind of metric is said to be the risk assessment metric for your project?
➢ Consequential
15. In a process map, an ellipse designates
➢ Start and stop point
16. Tool used to validate reliability of a data source.
➢ Measurement System Analysis
17. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about measurement?
➢ Data collection is only conducted in the Measure Phase of DMAIC.
18. A tool used to discover potential things that could impact the output of the process you
are investigating.
➢ Fishbone Diagram
19. A graphical tool used to compare distribution of the data and the location of the central
tendency in terms of the median.
➢ Box plot
20. A tool that follows the 80-20 principle stating that 80% of the effect is accounted to 20%
of the factors.
➢ Pareto chart
21. This tool can help reduce bottlenecks due to human intervention.
➢ Cross Training
22. Tools deployed to facilitate prevention or correction of errors in the process.
➢ Mistake proofing
23. 5S can be done as stand-alone improvement even outside Lean Six Sigma.
➢ True
24. It is the distance allowed for common causes of variation from the mean.
➢ +/- 3 sigma
25. Special test for assignable causes can be used to examine trends, cycles or shifts in the
data points.
➢ True
26. If you have a continuous data set and been able to collect a group size of 5, is X bar and
R the best choice of control chart?
➢ Yes
27. It is a document that you will go back if problems are recurring from the project that you
➢ Process Control Plan
28. An analyst decided to count the number of defective parts with varying sample size taken
daily. He should use what type of control chart?
➢ P
29. The temperature inside a facility is being monitored due to its effect to a critical process.
Every day, the analyst takes 5 random temperature samples and records it. Which control
chart would you advise him to be used?
➢ X Bar and R
30. If a product or service cannot perform its intended function, then it said that it
➢ is defective

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