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1. Explain various operating system structures?

2. Define an OS along with its various functions and objectives?

3. What is system call? Explain five system calls in detail.
4. Difference between monolithic and micro kernel.
5. Explain shell . explain use of chmod command in linux.
6. Discuss os as a resource manager
7. Describe microkernel with a diagram

1. Explain various scheduling criteria.

2. Explain five state process model.
3. Consider the following set of processes, with the length of the CPU burst given in
Process Burst Time Arrival Time
P1 8 0
P2 1 1
P3 3 2
P4 2 3
P5 6 4

a. Draw four Gantt charts that illustrate the execution of these processes using the
following scheduling algorithms: FCFS, SRTN and RR (quantum = 1).
b. Calculate average waiting time and average turnaround time

4. Discuss various Scheduling Criteria.

5. Explain disk scheduling algorithms.

6. discuss various types of scheduler.

7. explain various process states with diagram.

8. discuss how the following pairs of scheduling criteria conflict in certain setting a. CPU utilization
and response time b. average turnaround time and maximum waiting time.

9. discuss the importance of multithreading. Differentiate between kernel and user thread.

10. what is the need of thread? Explain any 4 advantages of multithreading model.
1. Write a short note on:
a. Interprocess Communication
b. Semaphore

2. Define Deadlock. What are the four necessary conditions for deadlock? Explain

deadlock prevention techniques in detail.


4. What is mutual exclusion? Explain its significance.

5. Difference between deadlock avoidance and prevention.
6. Explain process synchronization.
7. Explain inter process communication
8. Explain bankers algorithm in detail.
9. Process states with diagram
10. Explain counting semaphore with example.
11. Explain data structure used in banker’s algorithm with example.
12. Resource allocation graph
13. What are semaphores? Differentiate between counting and binary semaphores. Discuss
dinning philosopher problem.
14. How to solve busy waiting problem.
15. What is the producer consumer problem?provide solution to producer consumer problem
using semaphores.
1. What is paging? Explain lru fifo and optimal page replacement policy for the following string.
Page frame size is 4. 1,2,3,4,5,3,4,1,6,7,8,7,8,9,7,8,9,5,4,5,4,2.
2. Explain paging hardware with TLB along with protection bits in page table
3. What is the effect of page size on performance of os?
4. Explain virtual memory concept with respect to paging, segmentation and TLB.
5. Explain the effect of page frame size on performance of page replacement algorithms.
6. Explain thrashing.
7. Explain different types of memory fragmentation.

1. Explain various file allocation techniques.

2. Linus virtual file system.
3. Explainn uniz inodes structure in detail
4. Give details of file organization types.

1. Reader writer problem using semaphore.

2. Compare disk scheduling algorithms.
3. Describe the differences among short medium and long term scheduling.
4. Explain synchronization problem in detail. How counting semaphore can used be used to
solve readers writers problem.
5. Explain interrupt driven io and discuss the advantages of interrupt driven io over
programmed io.
6. Give details of IO buffering techniques.

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