Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Rice Seedlings Raised with Long Mat by Hydroponics Comparison with young seedlings raised in soil

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Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Rice

Seedlings Raised with Long Mat by Hydroponics:
—Comparison with young seedlings raised in

Yingdian Wang, Kohei Tasaka, Akio Ogura & Sachio Maruyama

To cite this article: Yingdian Wang, Kohei Tasaka, Akio Ogura & Sachio Maruyama (1999)
Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Rice Seedlings Raised with Long Mat by
Hydroponics: —Comparison with young seedlings raised in soil—, Plant Production Science,
2:2, 115-120, DOI: 10.1626/pps.2.115

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Plant Prod. Sci. 2 (2) : 115-120 (1999)

Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Rice Seedlings

Raised with Long Mat by Hydroponics
-Comparison with young seedlings raised in soil-

Yingdian Wang, Kohei Tasaka *, Akio Ogura ** and Sachio Maruyama **

(Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China;

* Kyushu National Agricultural Experiment Station, Chikugo, Fukuoka 833-0041, Japan;
**National Agriculture Research Center, Tsukuba Science City, Ibaraki 305-8666, Japan)

Abstract: Growth and physiological characteristics of rice seedlings raised with long mat by hydroponics (SLH) were
compared with those of young seedlings raised in soil (YSS). When SLH and YSS were raised under the similar
environmental conditions, the dry weight of shoot in SLH was significantly lighter than that in YSS at the time of
seedling harvest, whereas the shoot in SLH was as long as that in YSS. The increase of dry weight of shoot and the
decrease of dry weight of grain were smaller in SLH than in YSS during the raising of seedlings. In addition, the
content of soluble sugars in the grain of SLH was apparently lower than that of YSS, indicating that the supply of
carbohydrates from endosperm to shoot was less in SLH than in YSS. Crop growth rate and mean leaf area index of
SLH were lower than those of YSS, while net assimilation rate of SLH was similar to that of YSS. The size of leaf blades
in SLH was markedly smaller than that in YSS, whereas no significant difference was observed in the rates of
photosynthesis and dark respiration in leaf blades between SLH and YSS. The results suggest that the leaf growth of
SLH is reduced by the insufficient supply of carbohydrates from endosperm, and this is the major cause of lower levels
of dry matter production in SLH as compared with that in YSS.

Key words: Growth, Hydroponics, Leaf area, Oryza sativa L., Raising of seedlings, Rice, Soluble sugars.

A system for the mechanization of rice cultivation and covering with soil in the frame. Although the seed-
based on medium-sized machines was developed in the lings raised by this method were suitable for machine
1970's in Japan (Kushibuchi, 1988; Tasaka et a1., transplanting, harvest and mounting of the seedlings on
1996). In the medium-sized mechanization system, the a transplanting machine have remained as big problems,
transplanting machine together with the head-feeding because the mat of seedlings with soil was too heavy for
combine contributed markedly to the saving of labor manual handling (Yokoyama and Nakanishi, 1990).
(Kushibuchi, 1988). However, the labor for raising and Tasaka et al. (1996) developed a new technique using
transplanting of seedlings still accounts for one fourth of a long mat for raising and transplanting hydroponically
the total labor hours required for rice cultivation grown rice seedlings. Seedlings are raised by hydroponics
(Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, 1998). in a nursery bed that is 10 times longer than the nursery
Moreover, for machine transplanting, seedlings are box for the conventional transplanting system. After
raised in a nursery box filled with 6 to 8 kg of soil, and raising of seedlings, the mat with seedlings is rolled up,
200 nursery boxes are required for transplanting in one mounted on a transplanting machine, and transplanted
hectare of paddy field (Tasaka et a1., 1996). Since with special attachments (Tasaka et al., 1997). In this
manual handling of the nursery boxes is necessary sev- technique, no manual handling of seedlings is necessary
eral times from sowing to transplanting, the handling of before the harvest of seedlings. In addition, as the weight
thousands of nursery boxes is the heaviest labor in rice of the mat of seedlings is only one fifth of the young
cultivation, especially for large scale rice farms. Thus, it seedlings with soil, it is possible to mount a large number
is still necessary to save labor in raising and transplant- of seedlings on the transplanting machine and to reduce
ing of seedlings to enlarge farm size in the machine supply frequency of seedlings during transplanting
transplanting system. (Tasaka et al., 1996). Thus, the technique dramatically
Yokoyama and Nakanishi (1990) investigated a rais- reduced manual handling for raising and transplanting
ing and transplanting system for rice seedlings without of the seedlings as compared with the conventional
nursery boxes. In this system, seeds are sown in soil with machine transplanting. However, it has been reported
an aluminum frame that is 30 cm in width and 400 cm in that the dry weight of the seedlings at transplanting was
length, and special devices are used for soil filling, sowing lighter and tillering after transplanting was inferior in the
Received 21 July 1998. Accepted 25 December 1998. Corresponding author: S. Maruyama (, fax +81-298-38-
8952) .
Abbreviations: CGR, crop growth rate; DW IL, ratio of dry weight of shoot to plant length; EC, electric conductivity; LAI, mean leaf
area index; SLH, seedlings raised with long mat by hydroponics; NAR, net assimilation rate; YSS, young seedlings raised in soil.

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116 Plant Production Science Vol. 2, 1999

seedlings raised by hydroponics than in the young seed- 0. The sowing density was the same as that for SLH,
lings raised in soil (Tasaka et aL, 1996; Tasaka et aL, 1.25 kg dry seeds m- 2. After sowing, the nursery box was
1997). These reports indicate that the method of raising placed in a nursery chamber at 32°C and 100% relative
of seedlings by hydroponics has not yet been established humidity in the dark for 2 days, and then transferred to
for rice cultivation. a nursery bed in the other vinyl house. The seeds for YSS
In the present study, we investigated the growth were sown earlier than those for SLH to make the growth
characteristics of rice seedlings raised with long mat by stage at harvest time uniform (Experiment I). In Experi-
hydroponics to develop a technique of raising of seed- ment II, the seeds for YSS were sown on the same day as
lings under various transplanting conditions. First of all, those for SLH, and the nursery box was placed at the
we compared the characteristics of the seedlings raised same height of the nursery bed for SLH in the same vinyl
with long mat by hydroponics (SLH) with the young house to maintain the similar environmental conditions.
seedlings raised in soil (YSS) at the time of seedling Both experiments were repeated three times.
harvest. Next, we compared SLH with YSS for their
growth, dry weight and soluble sugar contents. Finally, 2. Measurement of growth and dry matter produc-
we analyzed the difference between the two kinds of tion
seedlings in photosynthesis, dark respiration and the Seedlings were sampled from five places in the nursery
contents of chlorophyll and soluble proteins in leaf bed for SLH and in the nursery box for YSS. Ten
blades. seedlings were randomly selected from each place, and
the leaf age and the lengths of shoot and root were
Materials and Methods
recorded. The seedlings were washed with water and
1. Plants and growth conditions separated into four parts : leaf blades, leaf sheaths, roots
Experiments were conducted in the vinyl houses at and grains. After the area of the leaf blades was mea-
National Agriculture· Research Center in 1996 and 1997. sured with photocopy, the separated plant parts were
Rice (Oryza sativa L., cv. Kinuhikari or Akitakomachi) dried at 90°C for 48 hr. The dry weight of the plant parts
seedlings with long mat were hydroponically grown with was determined, and the values of the dry weight and the
the continuous-flow-solution system previously described leaf area were used for calculations of crop growth rate
(Tasaka et al., 1996). Briefly, presoaked seeds were sown (CGR) , mean leaf area index (LAI) and net assimila-
at a rate of 1.25 kg dry seeds m- 2 on a nonwoven cloth tion rate (NAR) .
(Oikos AM20300275, 30 g m- 2, Nisshinbo Industries,
Tokyo, Japan) in a nursery bed (600X28X5 cm) and 3. Measurement of the rates of photosynthesis and
germinated in tap water. After 5 days from sowing, dark respiration
fertilizer for hydroponics (Ootsuka No.1 and 2, Ootsuka The rates of photosynthesis and dark respiration of
Chemical, Osaka,japan) was applied to the tap water in leaf blades in rice seedlings were measured by the
the nursery bed. This fertilizer was selected for the method previously described (Maruyama and Nakamu-
reduction of labor in the present study. Nutrients in the ra, 1997). The blades of the third leaves were sampled at
solution were 91.5 ppm N (9.0 ppm NH 4 -N and 82.5 11 a.m. from SLH and YSS. Middle part of the leaf
ppm N0 3 -N), 110.0 ppm P20S' 195.1 ppm K 20, 66.6 blades (ca. 3 cm in length) was further excised with a
ppm CaO, 39.8 ppm MgO and 0.7 ppm Fe-EDTA. The razor blade, and four leaf sections were placed in a
preliminary experiments showed that these are the opti- chamber of a leaf-disk oxygen electrode system (Model
mum concentrations for the growth of shoot and root of LD-2, Hansatech Ltd. Norfolk, UK). The photosynthetic
the seedlings. The nutrient concentration of the culture rate was determined by measuring the rate of increase in
solution was maintained by the addition of the fertilizer O 2 at a CO 2 concentration of approximately 10% under
by adjusting the EC value to the original level (1.35 mS a photon flux density of 600,umol m- 2 S-1. The dark
cm- I ) every day. The pH of tap water and the nutrient respiration rate was measured by the rate of decrease in
solution was not adjusted, but the pH of tap water was O 2 at a CO 2 concentration of 0.03% in the dark. Tem-
about 7.5 and that of the nutrient solution was in the perature in the chamber was kept at 25°C.
range of 6.5 -7.0. Tap water or the culture solution was
circulated in the nursery bed at a flow rate of 1 L min- 1 • 4. Analysis of soluble sugars
Temperature in the vinyl house was maintained at 18 to SLH and YSS were separated into shoots, roots and
33°C during the raising of seedlings. grains. The grains were hulled for analysis of soluble
The seedlings in the control group (YSS) were raised sugars. After the fresh weight of each part was quickly
in soil by the conventional method. Two-hundred grams measured, the samples were stored at -40°C until fur-
of dry seeds of the same cultivars as those used for SLH ther analysis.
were presoaked and sown in a nursery box (58 X 28 X 3 The samples were placed in 20 mM Hepes-NaOH
cm) filled with soil (Kumiai Ryujobaido K, Kureha buffer (pH 7.4), heated at 90°C for 5 min, and then
Chemical Industry, Tokyo, Japan). Nutrients in the soil ground on ice with fine quartz sand. After the
were 7.39 g m- 2 N, 14.78 g m- 2 P 20 S and 12.93 g m- 2 K 2 homogenate was centrifuged at 18,000 X g for 10 min at

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Wang et al. --Rice Seedlings Raised with Long Mat by Hydroponics 117

Table 1. Growth characteristics of YSS and SLH at the same leaf age (Experiment I).
Kind of Length of shoot Dry weight (mg planc l ) DW/L t
Leaf age
seedlings (cm) Shoot Root Grain (mg cm- l )
YSS 3.2±O.1 12.7±O.2 13.7±1.7 3.5±O.5 7.0±O.l 1.13±O.13
SLH 3.2±O.1 ns l1.4±O.1** 7.8±O.5** 3.l±O.2 ns 8.7±O.7** O.66±O.05**
t DW/L, Dry weight of shoot divided by shoot length. The values of leaf age, shoot length and DW/L are
expressed as means ± S.D. of three groups of plants, and those of dry weight as means ± S.D. of five groups
of plants (lO plants per each group). ** Significant at the 1% level; ns, not significant at the 5% level.

Table 2. Growth characteristics of YSS and SLH sown on the same day and grown under the similar
environmental conditons (Experiment II).
Kind of Length of shoot Dry weight (mg plant- l ) DW/Lt
Leaf age
seedlings (cm) Shoot Root Grain (mg cm- l )

YSS 3.3±O.2 12.9±O.6 11.0±O.3 2.8±O.l 5.9±O.5 O.84±O.04

SLH 3.7 ±O.l ** 13.6±O.9 ns 9.3±O.5** 3.6±O.2** 5.4±O.2 ns O.70±O.05*
t DW/L, Dry weight of shoot divided by shoot length. The values of leaf age, shoot length and DW/L are
expressed as means ± S.D. of three groups of plants, and those of dry weight as means ± S.D. of five groups
of plants (10 plants per each group). *, ** Significant at the 5% and the 1% level, respectively; ns not
significant at the 5% level.

4°C, the supernatant was used for the analysis of soluble whereas little difference was observed in the dry weight
sugars. Glucose, fructose and sucrose in the supernatant of root. The value of the dry weight of shoot divided by
were determined by.the coupled enzymatic assay method shoot length (DW/L), which is an indicator of seedling
(Bergmeyer, 1974). In the present study, the amount of quality (Matsushima, 1980), was significantly smaller in
soluble sugars was expressed as the sum of glucose, SLH than in YSS.
fructose and sucrose, because they are major compo- In Experiment II, the seeds for SLH and YSS were
nents of soluble sugars in rice plant (Murayama et al., sown on the same day and both seedlings were raised in
1955; Murata et al., 1968). the same vinyl house for 13 days. The growth character-
istics of the seedlings are shown in Table 2. The leaf age
5. Analysis of chlorophyll and soluble proteins of SLH was older than that of YSS at the harvest time.
Chlorophyll and·· soluble proteins in leaf blades of Although the shoot length was similar, the dry weight of
seedlings were measured by the methods previously shoot in SLH was significantly lighter than that in YSS.
described (Maruyama et al., 1990). The leaf blades were Thus, the value of DW/L in SLH was smaller than that
cut into pieces and homogenized in a pre-chilled 50 mM in YSS. The dry weight of root in SLH was heavier than
Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.5) containing I mM Na 2 -EDTA, that in YSS, but no significant difference was observed in
8 mM MgCl 2 and 2% (v/v) 2-mercaptoethanol. An the dry weight of grain between them.
aliquot of the homogenate was extracted with acetone for
determination of the chlorophyll content by the method 2. Changes in growth of rice seedlings
of Arnon (1949). The time courses of the changes in leaf age, shoot
For the measurement of soluble protein content, the length, root length and the number of roots in Experi-
sample of leaf blades was homogenized in the same ment II are shown in Fig.l. The leaf age of SLH was
buffer, and the homogenate was centrifuged at 18,000 X slightly older than that of YSS during the first 13 days
g for 10 min at 4~C. The supernatant was used to (Fig. IA). However, the lengths of shoot and root of
measure soluble proteins by the method of Lowry. et al. SLH were apparently smaller than those of YSS until 9
(1951), with bovine serum albumin as a standard. days after sowing (Fig. IB and IC). SLH grew rapidly
thereafter, and the shoot and root became longer than
those of YSS at harvest time. The number of roots of
1. Dry weight of seedlings at harvest SLH was also higher than that of YSS in the late phase
In Experiment I, the seeds for YSS were sown 8 days of the raising period (Fig. ID).
earlier than those for SLH. SLH at the 14th day and YSS
at the 22nd day were at the same leaf age, and their 3. Changes in dry weight and soluble sugars in the
growth characteristics were examined (Table I). The shoot, root and grain
length and the dry weight of shoot were smaller and the Changes in dry weights of shoot, root and grain
dry weight of grain.· was larger in SLH than in YSS, accompanied with the progress of leaf age in Experiment

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118 Plant Production Science Vol. 2, 1999

16 24 . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
4 ()
12 20
~ 3 e
4-< ~ 8
(!) ......
....:I 2
r:/) 4

o ._---L.--.&.---'
o 5 10 15
Days after sowing Days after sowing

10 10
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
C rn.
...... 8
S 0 Leaf age
0 0
'-" l-<
...c 4-<
6 Fig. 2. Changes in dry weight of shoot, root and grain of rice
...... 6 0
b!) l-< seedlings with the progress of leaf age. 0 and e, Shoot; 0
e (!)

~ 4
S 4 and +, root; 0 and _, grain; I:::. and A.., total. Open sym-
0 ;::l bols are for YSS, and closed symbols are for SLH. Bars
0 Z indicate standard deviations of results from four replicates,
~ 2 2
and they are not shown when smaller than symbols. Arrows
0 indicate the days after sowing (DAS).
0 5 10 15 5 10 15

Days after sowing Days after sowing

30 A
Fig. 1. Time course of the changes in leaf age (A), shoot length 25
(B), root length (C) and number of roots (D) of rice seed- ,,-....
,...., 20
lings. Open symbols are for YSS, and closed symbols are for I
SLH. Bars indicate standard deviations of the results from 30 ~
Q 10
plants, and they are not shown when smaller than symbols. Of)
II are shown in Fig. 2. In SLH, the dry weight of shoot ~ 60 B
increased and that of grain decreased more slowly than 50
in YSS throughout the raising period, whereas the dry .D
;::l 40
weight of root was similar to that in YSS. The total dry '0
weight of SLH was heavier than that of YSS at the early 20
stage, but no increase in total dry weight was detected in
SLH at the end of the raising period.
Changes in soluble sugars in shoot and grain were also o
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
examined (Fig. 3). The content of soluble sugars in the
grain of SLH was markedly lower than that of YSS, Leaf age
especially at the early stage in the raising of seedlings Fig. 3. Changes in soluble sugars in grain (A) and shoot (B) of
(Fig. 3A). In contrast, the content of soluble sugars in rice seedlings with the progress of leaf age. Open symbols are
the shoot of SLH was similar to that of YSS (Fig. 3B). for YSS, and closed symbols for SLH. Bars indicate standard
deviations of results from five replicates, and they are not
4. Growth analysis and physiological characteris- shown when smaller than symbols.
tics of leaf blade
CGR, NAR and LAI of SLH and YSS during the last
4 days of raising in Experiment II are shown in Fig. 4. Table 3, no significant difference was observed in the
CGR of SLH was 11 % lower than that of YSS. Although rates of photosynthesis and dark respiration between
NAR of SLH was 3% higher than that of YSS, LAI of SLH and YSS. The leaf areas and the contents of chloro-
SLH was 14% smaller than that of YSS. phyll and soluble proteins in the second- and the third-
The rates of photosynthesis and dark respiration of the leaf blades were also determined (Table 4). The leaf
third-leaf blades in SLH and YSS were measured at 25° area of SLH was markedly smaller than that of YSS,
C with a leaf-disk oxygen electrode system. As shown in while the chlorophyll content per mg fresh weight of leaf

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Wang et al. --Rice Seedlings Raised with Long Mat by Hydroponics 119

blades in SLH was slightly lower than that in YSS, and also reported that the tillering in SLH after transplanting
no significant difference was observed in the content of was less active than that in YSS. Although the inferior
soluble proteins in the leaf blades between the two kinds growth of SLH might be partly caused by the mechanical
of seedlings. damages during transplanting, the inferior qualities of
SLH might affect the tillering ability after transplanting
in their experiment. The increase in dry weight of shoot
Rice seedlings with high quality should be transplant- and the improvement of qualities in SLH are important
ed, especially in the area under unfavorable conditions for the growth at the early stage of tillering.
such as low temperature or low solar radiation. Matsu- Cereal seedlings grow heterotrophic only at an early
shima (1980) reported that healthy seedlings should be stage, depending entirely on the reserves in endosperm,
short and thick, and this characteristic of seedlings could and then enter a transition phase during which the
be expressed numerically as the ratio of the dry weight of growth is sustained both by the reserves in endosperm
shoot to the plant length (DW/L). In fact, the higher the and photosynthesis (Whalley et a1., 1966). Finally, seed-
DW/L of the seedlings, the more active the tillering after lings become autotrophic, depending totally on photo-
transplanting (Matsushima, 1980). Tasaka et a1. (1996) synthesis. Yoshida (1973) reported that the grain
investigated growth characteristics of SLH in comparison reserves mainly supported the growth of rice seedlings in
with YSS raised by the conventional method. According the early stage after sowing, and the seedlings became
to their experiments, the plant length was shorter and the autotrophic at a leaf age of 2.7. Therefore, the growth of
dry weight of shoot was lighter in SLH than in YSS. rice seedlings should be analyzed in relation to both
However, they failed to detect the difference in DW/L grain reserves and photosynthesis during the raising
between the two kinds of seedlings. In the present study, period. In the present study, the decrease in the dry
the DW/L in SLH was apparently smaller than that in weight of grain in SLH was slower than that in YSS, and
YSS in both Experiment I and II, indicating the qualities the levels of soluble sugars in the grain increased more
of SLH are inferior to that of YSS. Tasaka et a1. (1997) slowly in SLH than in YSS. The results suggest that the
supply of carbohydrates from the endosperm to shoot is
_____ 8 slower in SLH, and this causes the retarded growth of
40 8 100
----- 35
'( 100 '( 7 (;'7 86
SLH in the early phase of the raising period. On the
;>-, 89
<:1:1 ~6 I 6 other hand, growth analysis showed that CGR of SLH
"0 "0 100 103 8 5
C';l 25 N 5 N was lower than that of YSS, and the difference was not
8 20 S 4 S4
;:;-3 ascribed to NAR, but to LA!. These findings were
~ 15 ~3
0:: 10 0:: 2 j 2 confirmed by the measurements of leaf size and physio-
t? 5
1 1
logical parameters of leaf blades : the leaf size in SLH
0 Z 0 0
YSS SLH YSS SLH YSS SLH was smaller than that in YSS, while the photosynthetic
Fig. 4. Crop growth rate (CCR), net assimilation rate (NAR)
rate of leaf blades in SLH was similar to that in YSS. The
and mean leaf area index (LA!) of rice seedlings in the last 4 results indicate that the smaller leaf blades lowered the
days of the raising period. The numbers above bars indicate dry matter production of SLH in the late phase of raising
relative values to YSS. period. In conclusion, the leaf growth of SLH is reduced
by the insufficient supply of carbohydrates from en-
dosperm, and this is the major cause of lower levels of
Table 3. Photosynthesis and dark respiration of the third-
dry matter production in SLH than that in YSS.
leaf blades in YSS and SLH.
Although hydroponics for rice plant has been devel-
Kind of Photosynthetic rate Dark respiration rate oped based on the experiments on mineral nutrition after
seedlings (umol O 2 m- 2 S-I) (umol O 2 m- 2 S-I) transplanting (Kimura, 1931), few investigations have
YSS 12.3± 1.6 1.1 ±O.l been reported on hydroponics for raising of rice seed-
SLH 13.0± 1.7 ns 1.2±O.3 ns lings. In the present study, presoaked seeds were sown on
Values are expressed as means±S.D. of five independent a nonwoven cloth in tap water and the whole seedling
measurements. ns Not significant at the 5% level. was exposed to the light after sowing. Palmiano and

Table 4. Leaf size and contents of chlorophyll and soluble proteins of leaf blades in YSS and SLH.
Kind of Leaf area (cm 2 blade-I) Chlorophyll Soluble proteins
seedlings 2nd 3rd (flg mgFW-l) (flg mgFW-l)

YSS O.60±O.O8 2.39±O.l4 3.25±O.1O 1O.5±O.5

SLH O.l6±O.OI ** 1.08±O.O9** 2.9S±O.08* 9.5±O.9 ns
Values of leaf area are expressed as means ± S.D. of 10 replicates and those of chlorophyll and soluble
proteins as means ± S.D. of five replicates. *, ** Significant at the 5% and the 1% level, respectively;
ns not significant at the 5% level.

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120 Plant Production Science Vol. 2, 1999

Juliano (1972) reported that the dry weight and the rice leaves to low temperature. 1. Changes in basic biochemical
starch content of grain decreased more slowly in the light parameters. Plant Cell Physiol. 31 : 303-309.
than in the dark. Therefore, less supply of grain reserves Matsushima, S. 1980. Rice Cultivation for the Millions. Japan
to shoot in SLH may be ascribed to the exposure to light Scientific Societies Press, Tokyo. 1-276.
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of the seedlings. Nutrient concentrations also affect the
Cost of Rice, Wheat and Barley. Association of Agriculture
growth of rice plant (Kimura, 1931). In the present
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study, rice seedlings were raised in the nutrient solution
Murata, T., Akazawa, T. and Fukuchi, S. 1968. Enzymic mecha-
developed for vegetable crops, because no commercial
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fertilizer had been developed for raising of rice seedlings analytical study. Plant PhysioL 43: 1899-1905.
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required to clarify the relationships between cultural or rice grain during germination. Plant PhysioL 49 : 751-756.
environmental factors and growth of rice seedlings raised Tasaka, K, Ogura, A. and Karahashi, M. 1996. Development of
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Bergmeyer, H.U. 1974. Methods of Enzymatic Analysis. vol. 3, 2nd transplanting technology for mat type rice seedlings (Part 2).
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