Task 3. Level A2.

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TEACHER: Mr. Mendoza, Lucas Martín.

STUDENT: Esteban Dagun, Nadia Alejandra.

COURSE: Intensive English
LEVEL: A2. – 2023

Task 3
Choose one of these topics and write a short description (one or two
paragraphs) for the travel blog.

• a day you remember for a holiday

• your favourite place in the world
• a special occasion in your life
• a festival or celebration

A festival or celebration:
My favorite celebration in Salta is the patronal festival of “El Milagro”. It is a
celebration tjat attracts many faithful from various pleaces. It is celebrated every
September 15 in commemoration of the earthquakes suffered according to
history in the Middle Ages.
It is the greatest expresión of faith that the province has. John Paul II considered
it as “capital of faith”. In the Catedral Church of Salta there is a busto of the
Supreme Pontiff as a memory of his visit.

Tuesday June 06

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