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Lesson 1


Activity 1. Read the definitions. Circle the correct word or phrase.

belong to (verb) to be a member of a group

club (noun) a group of people—they meet and do things together
collect (verb) to get and keep many things because you like them
good at (phrase) I can do something well
hobbies (noun) activities—you do them for fun
interested in (phrase) enjoying an activity or a topic
team (noun) a group of people—they play a sport or a game together

1. A: Do you ( collect / belong to ) the Math club?

B: Yes, I do. We meet on Thursdays.
2. A: I like basketball, but I can't play it well.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
B: My roommate is very ( good at / team ) basketball. He can teach you.
3. A: Wow, you're a great soccer player! Are you on the soccer ( hobbies / team )?
B: Thanks! Yes, I am.
4. A: What do you like to do?
B: Oh, I have a lot of ( interested in / hobbies ). I play tennis, I go hiking, and I like poetry.
5. A: Is there a book ( team / club ) at this school?
B: Yes, there is. We meet in the library every Wednesday night. It's fun!
6. A: You have a lot of postcards!
B: I ( hobbies / collect ) them. I have more than 2,000 postcards from all over the world.
7. A: I like the museum. Are you ( belong to / interested in ) history?
B: Yes. History is my favorite class.

Activity 2. Read the sentences. Listen to all three conversations. Write T (true), F (false) or N (not
enough information).

_____1. All the speakers are students.

_____2. All the speakers have hobbies.
_____3. All the speakers know each other well.
_____4. All the speakers live in the same city.
_____5. Some of the speakers play sports.

Activity 3. Listen again. What are the people interested in? Circle the correct activities.

1. Lin video games hiking books history

Jane video games hiking books history
2. David books cycling poetry books soccer
Alan books cycling poetry books soccer
3. Sam rugby baseball soccer tennis
Maro rugby baseball soccer tennis

Activity 4. Read the sentences. Then listen again. Circle the correct answer.

1. a. Lin goes hiking with her friends every ( Thursday / weekend / afternoon ).
b. Jane belongs to the ( book / history / hiking ) club.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
2. a. Alan's book club reads ( one / ten I twelve ) books a year.
b. David is on the ( tennis / soccer / baseball ) team.
3. a. Sam's father is on a ( rugby / soccer / tennis ) team.
b. Maro's favorite sport is ( tennis / soccer / baseball ).


You can use these phrases to talk about your hobbies.

be good at volleyball / math go shopping / hiking
be interested in books / sports play sports / tennis / games
be on a team read books / magazines
belong to a book club ride a bicycle / a bike
get together with friends take lessons
go to a museum / the beach / a park watch a DVD / television
listen to the radio
live in Tokyo

Activity 5. Complete with words from the box above.

Alan lives (1) ________Toronto. He works at the after-school program at the community center in his
town. Children come to the community center after school. Alan does many activities with them. It's a
good job for him because he is (2) ________ interested a lot of different things. He is good (3) ________
sports. On sunny days, Alan and the kids (4) ________ bikes or (5) ________ hiking. Sometimes they
go (6) ________ the beach or the park. On rainy days, Alan and the kids (7) ________ DVDs, or they
(8) ________ games like Scrabble and checkers. Sometimes they (9) ________ to a museum together.
After work, Alan sometimes gets (10) ________ with friends, but he usually goes home to relax and (11)
________ a book.

Activity 6. Listen to people talk about themselves. Write two sentences about each speaker. Use
the words given.

1. Saud (reads)___________________________________________________________
(is interested in)__________________________________________________________
2. Khalid (plays)__________________________________________________________
(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Simple present of be

subject be
I am / 'm (not) a student
You / We / They are / 're (not) tired
He / She / It is / 's (not) from China.

Yes/No questions Answers

be subject
Are you / we they in class? Yes, I am. / No, we're not. Yes, they are.
Is he / she No, she isn't. Yes, he is.

Information questions Answers

wh-word be subject
What is she interested in? She's interested in sports.
Where are they from They're from Morocco.
How old are you? I'm 22 years old.

Activity 7. Complete each conversation with the correct form of be.

1. Mauro _is_ an artist. He _isn't_ (not) from Colombia. He _____ from Peru.
2. Rika and Emiko _____ students. Rika _____ in my English class.
Emiko _____ in my chemistry class. They _____ from Japan.
3. Feride _____ (not) American. She _____ Turkish.
4. I _____ (not) from England. I _____ from Ireland.
5. We _____ (not) interested in sports. We _____ interested in movies.

Activity 8. Put the words in the correct order.

1. you / from / Where /are _______________________________________?

2. interested / history / you / in / Are _______________________________?
3. at / you / are / What / good ____________________________________?
4. years / 20 / old / you / Are _____________________________________?

Activity 9. Ask and answer the questions above with a partner.

Simple present of other verbs

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Affirmative statements
subject verb
I / You / We / They play soccer.
He / She plays tennis.

Negative Statements
subject do / does + not verb
I / You / We / They do not / don't play soccer.
He / She does not / doesn't read books.

Yes/No questions Answers

do / does subject verb
Do you / we / they like books? Yes, I do./ No, we don't./ Yes, they do.
Does he / she play tennis? Yes, he does./ No, she doesn't.

Yes/No questions Answers

wh-word do / does subject
What do you play? I play soccer.
Where does he live? He lives in Seoul.
When do they study? At 6:00.

Activity 10. Complete the conversations with the verbs in the box. Use the correct form. You will
use some verbs more than once.

be go like live play take

1. Sara: Mary, what __________ you interested in?

Mary: Well, I __________ hiking on the weekends. And on Fridays, I __________ French lessons.
2. Emma: __________ your brother interested in sports?
Mika: Yes, he __________. He __________ soccer a lot.
3. Anna: __________ your parents from China?
Junko: No, they __________. They__________ from Japan, but they __________ in the United States
4. Joe: __________ you good at Scrabble? I __________ Scrabble a lot,
Rob: No, I __________ good at Scrabble. But my brothers __________ Scrabble often.

Activity 11. Put the words in the correct order.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
1. you / free / do / What / time / do / in / your ?

2. your / do / What / you do / with / friends / ?


3. you / Where / the weekends / on / do / go / ?


4. What / summer / in / you / the / do / do / ?

5. do / watch / you / When / television / ?

Activity 12. Ask and answer the questions above with a partner.


Lesson 1 - Homework
Exercise 1. Complete each sentence with am, is, or are.
1 This _______ my family.
2 These _______ my parents.
3 Lucy _______ English.
4 We _______ in the garden.
5 This _______ her pen.
6 Maria and Anna _______ students.
7 I _______ happy.

Exercise 2. Change the sentences into negative sentences.

1 It's hot today. It isn't hot today.
2 I'm at home. __________________________________________________
3 My friends are here. ____________________________________________
4 You're a teacher. ______________________________________________
5 We're at the cinema. ___________________________________________
6 Sam is happy. ________________________________________________
(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Exercise 3. Change the statements into questions.
1 I'm late. Am I late?
2 You're ill. ____________________________________________________?
3 We're right. __________________________________________________?
4 He's fifteen. __________________________________________________?
5 The school is on this street. ______________________________________?
6 My books are in your bag._______________________________________?

Exercise 4. Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with a verb from the box.

1 David likes chocolate.

2 It ___________ here in November.
3 Liz ___________ with her family in Italy.
4 George often ___________ late.
5 The lesson ___________ at 6.00.
6 Kate and Jim ___________ English in Spain.

Exercise 5. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

1 Juan and Carmen live / lives in Madrid.
2 Harry watch / watches television every evening.
3 I usually go / goes to school by bus.
4 It never snow / snows in this city.
5 Sam live / lives in that house.
6 You never clean / cleans your teeth!
(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
7 Carol get / gets up early every day.
8 All the buses leave / leaves from this bus-stop.

Exercise 6. Complete each sentence. Put the words in brackets into the correct order.
1 Our (walk, not, teacher, does) teacher does not walk to school.
2 Where (Helen, live, does) ____________________________________________?
3 (do, not, go, we) _________________________________ to the cinema on Friday.
4 (David, does, ride) _____________________________________________ a bike?
5 (play, do, you) ______________________________________ football after school?
6 Kate (like, does, not) ___________________________________________ oranges.

Exercise 7. Complete each sentence. Use the words in brackets.

1 Mary (like, not) doesn't like baseball.
2 (wash, Peter) ___________________________________ his face every morning?
3 (watch, you) ______________________________________ television every day?
4 I (eat, not, often) _________________________________________________ fruit.
5 My friends (live, not) _____________________________________ near my house.

Exercise 8. Look at the pictures. Write a question or a negative sentence.

1 Jack - get up at 7.00 Does Jack get up at 7.00?

2 Jack - leave home at 8.00 __________________________________________?
3 Jack - not/leave home at 7.00 ________________________________________
4 Alice and Mike - walk to work ________________________________________?
5 Alice and Mike - watch TV in the evening _______________________________?
6 Alice and Mike - not/like tennis _______________________________________

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Exercise 9. Choose the most suitable use (1-8) for each picture (a-h)

1 taking photos _________

2 doing the housework _________
3 listening to music _________
4 playing the piano _________
5 waking up _________
6 washing your hair _________
7 watching television _________
8 painting a wall _________

Exercise 10. Choose the most suitable word for each space.

1 A for B when C in D at
2 A for walks B walks C a walk D to walk
3 A making B having C taking D doing
4 A travels B gets up C sees D goes out
5 A enjoy B hobby C go D have fun
6 A have B make C do D like
7 A interested B out C decided D keen
8 A other B time C people D money

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Exercise 11. Choose the most suitable word or phrase for each space.
1 You need a pencil if you want to make a ........
A painting B planning C drawing
2 Kate's mother thinks that skateboarding is .........
A danger B dangerous C in danger
3 Sarah has a wonderful .......... collection.
A stamping B stamp C stamps
4 Does your sister play .........?
A the piano B pianos C a piano
5 Carol writes pop ......... in her spare time.
A songs B sings C singing

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Lesson 2


Activity 1. Here are some words from the reading. Read the sentences. Circle the correct

1. Please describe your brother. Is he tall? What color is his hair?

a. Help your brother.
b. Tell me about your brother.
2. Sam is very outgoing. He likes to meet new people.
a. Sam is friendly.
b. Sam is quiet.
3. Soraya is very talkative. She speaks to everyone.
a. Soraya talks a lot.
b. Soraya talks very little.
4. Nawaf has a nice personality. He's very kind and helpful.
a. Nawaf acts in a nice way.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
b. Nawaf has a nice name.
5. Amy is very fashionable. She always wears new clothes.
a. Amy doesn't care about clothes.
b. Amy likes clothes, and she dresses well.
6. Jack's room is messy. There are books and papers everywhere.
a. Jack's room is clean.
b. Jack's room is not clean.
7. John is a serious person. He almost never laughs.
a. John is happy, and he's a funny person.
b. John is quiet, and he's not funny.

Activity 2. Complete the sentences with the words from Activity 1. (You will not use all the

1. Can you __________ your father? What does he look like?

2. My boots are ten years old. They aren't very __________.
3. She is a(n) __________ person. She talks to everyone.
4. Mary is shy. She has a quiet __________.
5. Don't be __________ all the time. Have some fun!

Activity 3. Read the magazine article. Then decide whether the statements are True (T) or False
(F). Correct each false statement to make it true.


Carlos is shy. Matt is fashionable. Sarah is serious.

This week, Talk Magazine is asking people about themselves. Read each question and the two answers.

Which answer describes you? Check (✓) one answer for each question.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
1. Are you a friendly person?

❑. Yes, I'm very outgoing. I have a lot of friends, and I like to meet new people. (James, 18)

❑. I'm a nice guy, but I'm not very talkative. I have two or three good friends. I talk to them a lot. But

with other people, I'm shy. (Carlos, 23)

2. Are you interested in fashion?

❑. I usually wear jeans and T-shirts. I don't care about people's clothes. I'm more interested in

someone's personality. (Hassan, 22)

❑. Clothes are important. I like to dress well. People say I'm very fashionable. (Matt, 21)

3. Are you a neat person?

❑. I don't have time to clean. I go to school, and I also have a part-time job. I'm always busy! (Kate,


❑. I can't study in a messy room. I'm very busy, but I clean my room every day. (Amanda, 18)

4. Are you a serious or funny person?

❑. I study a lot, so people think I'm a very serious person. But I also like to have fun. (Sarah, 21)

❑. I love to laugh and tell jokes. (Emma, 24)

______ 1. James likes to meet new people.

______ 2. Carlos is very talkative.
______ 3. Hassan is fashionable.
______ 4. Kate is a very neat person.
______ 5. Amanda's room is messy.
______ 6. Sarah studies very hard.
______ 7. Emma is a very serious person.

Activity 4. Match the person's name with the article’s description in Activity 3.

______ 1. Hassan a. is shy with other people

______ 2. Kate b. doesn't care about clothes
______ 3. Carlos c. doesn't have time to clean
______ 4. Emma d. studies a lot
(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
______ 5. Sarah e. likes to tell jokes


We use adjectives to describe people.

Adjectives for appearance Adjectives for personality
Height: tall, short, average height kind, friendly, helpful, nice, generous
Weight: heavy, thin, average weight shy, quiet
Hair: blond, brown, red, black smart, intelligent
funny, serious

Activity 5. Complete the sentences. Circle the correct answer.

1. He’s (tall / thin / kind) because he doesn’t eat a lot.
2. Talal reads a lot of books. He is very (intelligent / blond / outgoing).
3. I laughed because he is a (nice / friendly / funny) guy.
4. Aldo doesn’t talk much. He is (short / helpful / shy).
5. Sultan is a good basketball player because he is (generous / tall / blond).
6. Thank you very much. You are very (helpful / quiet / heavy).
7. This class is easy for her. She is (funny / smart / shy).
8. Rick shares money with other people. He is (generous / serious / thin).

Activity 6. Match the words with their opposite.

1. outgoing _______ a. neat
2. tall _______ b. serious
3. messy _______ c. shy
4. heavy _______ d. talkative
5. funny _______ e. short
6. quiet _______ f. thin

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Activity 7. Complete the paragraph with am, is, or are.

My name (1) is Jacob. I (2) ________ from Canada. I (3) ________ tall and my hair (4) ________ short.
Right now, I (5) ________ a student in Mexico. I (6) ________ interested in science. My school (7)
________ for international students. The students (8) ________ from all over the world. I (9) ________
shy, but it (10) ________ easy to make friends at my school. My classmates (11) ________ very friendly.
Sometimes they (12) ________ serious, too.

Activity 8. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs.

go have read study take wash watch

1. They ________ TV every night at 8:00.
2. Matt ________ to school every day.
3. Rob ________ his car every weekend. It’s a very clean car!
4. Claire ________ the newspaper every day.
5. We ________ a trip every summer.
6. I ________ brown hair.
7. He ________ in the library in the afternoon.

Activity 9. Read the information about Lauren. Rewrite each sentence. Make it true for you.
Change the words or use not as in the example.

I am from Vietnam. I am not from England.

Lauran Baker
My appearance and background:
▪ I am from England.
▪ I am twenty years old.
▪ My hair is blond.
My personality:
▪ I am very outgoing.
▪ I like new people.
My interests:
▪ I enjoy reading and school.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
▪ I like clothes and fashion.
▪ I am interested in science and history.

Activity 10. Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

1. interests/ what/ your/ are

2. you/ are/ what/ at/ good
3. are/ you/ where/ from
4. look/ like/ do/ what/ you
5. what/ you/ like/ are

Activity 11. Write 3-4 sentences to answer the questions in Activity 10.

Activity 12. Complete the Self-Assessment checklist. Make final changes to your sentences. Be
prepared to hand in your work or discuss it in class.

Yes No

❑ ❑ ❑ Do you use descriptive adjectives?

❑ ❑ ❑ Does every sentence have a subject and a verb?

❑ ❑ ❑ Do you use the present of be correctly?

❑ ❑ ❑ Do you use contractions correctly?

❑ ❑ ❑ Do you use the simple present correctly in affirmative statements?

❑ ❑ ❑ Do you use vocabulary from the unit?

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Lesson 2 - Homework
Exercise 1. Complete the words.

1. f _ n _ y 5. f _ _ _ _ _ _ a _ _ e
2. q _ _ _t 6. a _ _ _ a _ e
3. s _ _ _ o _ s 7. _ n _ _ _ e _ t
4. s m _ _ t 8. d _ s _ r _ b _

Exercise 2. Answer the question using an adjective beginning with the given letter.

What do you call someone who _____

1. always wants to help others? Kind
2. thinks a lot and doesn't laugh a lot? S________
3. makes you laugh? F________
4. likes meeting and talking to people? F________
5. learns things very quickly? I________
6. is not tall and not short? A________ H_______

Exercise 3. Complete the conversations.

1. What's Alex like? - He's nice, but he's very ________. He doesn't laugh much.
2. What are Ana's parents like? - Well, her mother's great fun; I like her very much. But her father
doesn't talk much, he's really ________.
3. ________ was your grandmother like? - She was very kind - she always helped everyone. And she
was ________ too. She went to university.
4. What does the new student ________ like? - He is really ________, about 1m87. He is also very
________; he wears many clothing styles.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with isn’t, aren’t, don’t or doesn’t.

1. She ________ have brown hair.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
2. He ________ play football in the afternoon.
3. You ________ go to bed at midnight.
4. Her sister ________ heavy.
5. They ________ go to the club on weekends.
6. My brother ________ finish work at 8 p.m.
7. Our friends ________ live in a big house.
8. My hair ________ long.
9. Suzy’s husband ________ very thin.
10. We all ________ weigh above 50 kg.

Exercise 5. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

1. The shopkeeper is/ are really nice.

2. My dad is a driver. He always wear/ wears a white coat.
3. They never drink/ drinks beer.
4. Lucy go/ goes window-shopping seven times a month.
5. She don’t/ doesn’t have a house.
6. Mary and Marcus eat out/ eats out every day.
7. Mark usually watch/ watches TV before going to bed.
8. Maria is a teacher. She teach/ teaches student history.

Exercise 6. Put the following verbs in the present simple tense.

1. She (not study) ___________ on Saturday.

2. He (have) ___________ a new haircut today.
3. I usually (have) ___________ breakfast at 6.30.
4. Peter (not/ study) ___________ very hard. He never gets high scores.
5. My mother often (teach) ___________ me English on Saturday evenings.
6. Where ___________ he ___________ (come) from?
7. Where ___________ your father ___________ (work)?
8. Jimmy usually (not/ water) ___________ the trees.
9. Who (do)___________ the washing in your house?
10. They (eat) ___________ out once a month.
11. ___________ Minh and Hoa ___________ (go) to work by bus every day?
(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
12. ___________ your parents ___________ (agree) with your decision?

Exercise 7. Underline and correct the mistakes in each sentence.

1. I often gets up early to catch the bus to go to work.

2. She teach students in a local secondary school.
3. They doesn’t own a house. They still have to rent one to live.
4. Bui Tien Dung am a famous goalkeeper in the National Football Team.
5. What do your sister do?
6. John and Harry doesn’t go swimming in the lake.
7. Harry speak Chinese very well.
8. How often does she goes shopping in the supermarket?
9. Our dogs aren’t eat bones.
10. Claire’s parents is very friendly and helpful.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Lesson 3


Activity 1. Read the sentences. Which explanation is correct? Circle a or b.

1. My university has a big campus. It has more than 100 buildings.

a. A campus is all the buildings and areas at a school.
b. A campus is the students and the teachers at a school.
2. Matt can't go on the Internet in his room. He goes to a café to check his email.
a. Matt can go online in his room.
b. Matt can't go online in his room.
3. Mary has a great math professor. His classes are always interesting.
a. A professor is a university student.
b. A professor is a university teacher.
4. John gets good grades, so he is in special classes. His classes are difficult.
a. John's classes are different or unusual.
b. John's classes are normal or regular.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
5. James is active. He plays soccer and basketball. He also belongs to the Spanish club.
a. James does a lot of things.
b. James has a lot of friends.
6. Writing is an important skill. Emma writes every day. She wants to be a good writer.
a. Playing tennis is also a skill.
b. Watching television is also a skill.
7. David is from France. For David, Korean is a foreign language.
a. French is also a foreign language for David.
b. Spanish is also a foreign language for David.
8. A community is a group of people. They live or work in the same area.
a. A bus stop is a kind of community.
b. A town is a kind of community.

Activity 2. Match the names of the places with the definitions.

1. library a. Students live here.

2. dormitory b. Students play games there.
3. sports field c. There are a lot of books there.
4. dining hall d. Students eat there.

Activity 3. Read the sentences. Listen to the tour. Write T (true) or F (false) for each statement.
Then correct each false statement to make it true.

_____ 1. There is free Internet access in the dining hall.

_____ 2. About half of the students live on campus.
_____ 3. The school has about 2,000 students.
_____ 4. The professors want students to sit and listen quietly.
_____ 5. The university is in a small town.
_____ 6. Students spend a lot of time in town.
(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Activity 4. Read the questions. Then circle the correct answers.

1. Where are the students?

a. at Watson University b. in Watkins City c. in Washington
2. What are the students doing?
a. talking with a professor b. taking a tour of a campus c. studying with friends
3. What is special about this university?
a. It’s very large, so there are many interesting classes.
b. Students come from many different countries.
c. It’s small, so you can talk to your professors every day.

Activity 5. Listen again to the tour of Watson University. Circle the correct answers.

1. What teams does Watson University have?

a. lacrosse and soccer c. football and tennis
b. football and lacrosse d. soccer and tennis
2. Why are small classes important?
a. Small classes are very quiet. c. Professors know the students well.
b. Small classes are busy. d. Professors talk a lot.
3. At Watson University, students are active. What example does Sarah give?
a. They make special lessons. c. They have discussion groups.
b. They give presentations. d. They work alone.
4. Students learn important skills. What example does Sarah give?
a. study skills c. speaking skills
b. listening skills d. writing skills
5. How can students help the community in the town of Watson?
a. go to dinner c. go to the library
b. become volunteers d. teach foreign languages

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Activity 6. Fill in each blank with a suitable school subject.

1. Anna loves singing and playing the piano. She loves her _________ class.
2. Mr. Thomas is a(n) _________ teacher. He runs very fast. He can play many sports.
3. I'm not good with numbers. I don't like _________ lessons.
4. Ms. Juliette is from Paris, France. She's our _________ teacher this year.
5. Helen's good at _________. She knows many countries and continents.
6. I want to become a doctor. I really like my _________ class!
7. His mom is a(n) _________ teacher. She can draw very well.
8. My grandmother taught _________ at university. She told her students a lot of interesting stories
about the past.
9. I want to work with computers, so I'm taking some _________ classes at the moment.
10. Han wants to live in America in the future. He's looking for a(n) _________ class.

Activity 7. Write an antonym for each word. Use the words in the box.

above badly cheap succeed

easy negative strength

1. hard _________________ 5. positive _________________

2. fail _________________ 6. expensive _________________
3. below _________________ 7. well _________________
4. weakness _________________

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Activity 8. Read the sentences. Circle the correct words.

1. Sun-Hee doesn't like her school. The classrooms are always (clean / dirty).
2. In my history class, we have many discussions. I like it a lot. It's very (interesting / boring).
3. One (strength / weakness) of my school is the library. It's very small, and it doesn't have a lot of
4. The school is in a (safe/ dangerous) part of town. Don't go out late at night.
5. My school costs a lot of money. It's very (cheap/ expensive).
6. In a good school, all of the students (fail / succeed).
7. Sarah lives (on/off) campus. Her dormitory is near the library.
8. My math class is really (easy/ hard). I know all of the answers.


1. Adjectives describe nouns (people, places, things, or ideas).
• An adjective can come after the verbs be or have. It describes the subject.
Subject Be Adjective
The school is large
The students are smart

• An adjective can come before a noun. It describes the noun.

Adjective Noun
It’s a safe school
I have good classes

2. There are no singular or plural adjectives.

✓ Correct: They are interesting classes.

X Incorrect: They are interestings classes.

3. Do not use an article (the, a, or an) before an adjective with no noun.

✓ Correct: The class is interesting.

X Incorrect: The class is an interesting.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Adverbs + adjectives
1. Adverbs make adjectives stronger.
It's a pretty interesting class. It's a very safe school.
That school is really safe! This classroom is extremely noisy! •
(Use pretty in speaking and informal writing. Don't use it in papers for your classes.)

2. You can use pretty, really, very and extremely before:

an adjective alone: That school is really excellent.
an adjective + a noun: It's a very active class.

Activity 9. Read the paragraph. Find the ten adjective and adverb errors and correct them.

Example: new university

Well, I am now at my university new. It's in a large very city. It's pretty different from our small town.
It's an extremely noisy, but I love it. There are excellents museums and parks. I live in an apartment
expensive in the city. The building is beautiful really, but it's pretty old. My school is great, but my
classes are big extremely. Some of my classes have 200 people in them! But my professors are a very
good, and my classes are really interesting. We have a science laboratory great. I study biology there.
Also, the people here are friendly very, but I miss my old friends.

Activity 10. Complete the conversation with adjectives or adverbs + adjectives. Use your own
ideas. Then practice with a partner.

A: Do you like this school?

B: Yes, I do. I think that it's a ______________ ______________ school. What do you think?
A: I like it, too. The teachers are ______________, and the classes are ______________
B: What do you think of the library?
A: I think that it's ______________ ______________. What do you think of the campus?


Use the phrases I think that and In my opinion to give an opinion.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Eg: I think that students need computers.
Eg: In my opinion, small classes are important.

Activity 11. Write answers to the questions. Start your answers with I think that or

In my opinion. Then ask and answer the questions with a partner.

Example: - Who's your favorite teacher?
- It's Ms. Hoa. I think that she's kind and beautiful.
1. Do you like your school?


2. Is your dream school big or small?


3. What does your school have?


4. What's your favorite school subject?


5. What do students need to study well?



Lesson 3 - Homework

Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with adjectives from the box:

expensive cheap funny boring angry gentle

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
1. My teacher looks ___________. I think it's because I'm late.
2. This show is very ___________. It makes me laugh.
3. That school is great, but it's very ___________. His family is not rich.
4. I want to find a ___________ but interesting book.
5. She is a very kind and ________ person.
6. That TV show was so __________. I fell asleep watching it.

Exercise 2: Choose the correct answer

1. The food in that restaurant was good, but it was (pretty expensive/ expensive pretty).
2. I was (tired quite/ quite tired) last night so I went straight to bed.
3. Jenny’s French is (fairly good/ good fairly). I’m sure she’ll have no trouble during her business trip
to Paris.
4. That lesson was (rather boring/ boring rather).
5. The view from the top of that building is (pretty nice/ prettily nice).

Exercise 3: Circle the correct option in italics in each of these sentences.

1. I want to (do/ make) a degree in Math.

2. A (term/ degree) lasts about 10 weeks.
3. I study a lot in the (library/ bookshop).
4. Mr Smith (teaches / learns) French to adults.
5. When did you (learn / study) how to ride a bike?
6. I’m staying in tonight because I have to (learn / study) for a test.
7. I hope I (pass / fail) my Maths test.
8. The students are all (taking / failing) lots of exams this summer.
9. She is very clever. She never (passes / fails) any test.
10. We are unhappy when the teacher gives lots of (homework/ housework).

Exercise 4: Complete the sentences with words from the box:

do failed favorite mark take

will pass learn study teaches

1. Six out of ten isn’t a very good ___________ .

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
2. I have to __________ an English exam tomorrow.
3. Did you __________ your homework last night?
4. Andre is very unhappy at the moment. He ___________ an important maths exam.
5. Maths is my _________ subject. I like it very much.
6. I want to _________ how to drive a car.
7. Good luck! I hope you _________ your test.
8. When Dan leaves school, he wants to _________ Geography at university.
9. My dad is a teacher. He _________ Computer Science.

Exercise 5: Look at the pictures. Put the letters in the right order to make the name of a school
subject. Then match it with the examples of what you might study for that subject.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Lesson 4


Activity 1. Here are some words from the reading. Read the sentences. Circle what the
underlined words mean.

1. My classmates study during the academic year.

a. school b. summer
2. Students attend school for seven hours every day.
a. leave b. go to
3. I take a one-hour break at lunch time.
a. rest b. exercise
4. The class lasts from 9:00 to 10:00.
a. begins b. starts and ends
5. During the study period, students do homework or read.
a. special study time b. discussion time
6. There are three terms in the school year: fall, winter, and spring.
(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
a. time periods b. months
7. Some students wear uniforms to school. Everyone dresses the same.
a. backpacks b. special clothing
8. My family usually goes to the beach for summer vacation.
a. holiday time b. winter time

Activity 2. Read the magazine article. Then decide whether the statements are True (T) or False
(F). Correct each false statement to make it true.

Comparing Schools in Three Countries

Do students spend too much time in school? We asked some students to share their ideas about
school in their countries.
Marie lives in France. She says. "My school year lasts from August to June with four seven-week
terms. We have one or two weeks of vacation after each term, and we have a two-month vacation in the
summer. The school day in France is from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. with a two-hour lunch break. Students don't
go to school on Wednesday afternoon, but we attend school on Saturday morning. School on Saturday
morning isn't very fun!"
Samuel is from Kenya. He says, "Our academic year starts in June. The year has three terms, and
each term lasts for 13 weeks. That feels like a long time. We get a one-month break after each term. The
school day in Kenya begins at 8 a.m. and ends at 4 p.m. Students pay for school. It's not free like in some
other countries.
We wear uniforms to school each day. All the uniforms are the same color, so they're really
boring. We study many subjects, but I think the best part of school is soccer in the afternoon."
Linda lives in the United States. She says, "School begins in late August and ends in June. Then
we have a nine-week summer vacation. We attend school about 180 days each year. The school day is
about seven hours long. I have six classes and one study period. I like math best. Every night, I do
homework for about four hours. I don't have time to relax because my schedule is very busy!"
Marie, Samuel, and Linda all think they spend too much time in school. But the amount of time
they spend in school is very different.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
______ 1. Marie lives in France.
______ 2. There is a one-hour lunch break at school in France.
______ 3. In France, there are four terms in the school year.
______ 4. Students in France go to school from Monday to Saturday.
______ 5. The school year in Kenya begins in January.
______ 6. Kenyan schools are free.
______ 7. Students in Kenya wear uniforms.
______ 8. Students in the United States begin school in October.
______ 9. In the United States, there is a seven-week summer vacation.

Activity 3. Based on information from the article in Activity 3, answer these questions.

1. How many weeks of school are there in France? _______________

2. How many weeks of school are there in Kenya? _______________
3. How many hours of class are there each day in Kenya? _______________
4. How many hours of class are there each day in the United States? _______________
5. Which country has the shortest school day? _______________

Activity 4. Complete the sentences with information from the article.

1. Students in _____________ don't have a long summer vacation.

They have _____________ one-month breaks during the year.
2. Students in France have a two-month _____________ every summer.
3. In Kenya, students wear _____________ to school.
4. Marie isn't happy about going to school on _____________
5. Linda takes _____________ classes every day.
6. Linda spends_____________ hours studying every night.


Word families are groups of similar words. Word families can include nouns, verbs and adjectives.
Noun Verb Adjective
help help helpful
instructor instruct

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
student study studious
▪ Do you need some help? (noun)
▪ I can help you tomorrow. (verb)
▪ My teacher is very helpful. (adjective)

Activity 5. Label the underlined words. Write N (noun), V (verb), and Adj (adjective).

1. Our school principal is a kind person. He is very friendly with the students.
2. My cousin helps me with my homework. He's helpful.
3. My brother is very studious. He studies about four hours every night.
4. I study at a math academy on Saturdays. I enjoy the classes there.
5. Our academic year starts in September.
6. For me, the most enjoyable part of the day is lunch.

Activity 6. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. Tom’s parents are very proud of his _____________ results. (academy)

2. This exercise is really _____________. (difficulty)
3. Travelling to different countries _____________. (enjoy)
4. I am lucky to work with _____________ people at school. (friend)
5. This book is really _____________ for History students. (help)
6. The young boy is famous at school for his _____________. (intelligent)
7. _____________ students get good marks in exams. (study)


Present Continuous

Affirmative statements
Subject Be V-ing
I am (‘m)
You / We / They are (‘re) studying history
He / She / It is (‘s)

Negative Statements
Subject Be + not V-ing
(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
I am not
You / We / They are not (aren’t) studying history
He / She / It is not (isn’t)

Yes/No questions Answers

Be Subject V-ing
Am I Yes, I am./ No, I am not.
Are you / we / they studying history? Yes, they are./ No, we aren’t.
Is he / she / it Yes, he is./ No, she isn’t.

Answers Answers
Wh-word Be Subject V-ing
What am I I am studying history.
Where is he / she / it studying? She is studying in the library.
When are you / we / they They are studying at 9 a.m.

Spelling with –ing

▪ Verbs with two vowels and ending in one consonant, adding –ing: wait → waiting
▪ Verbs ending in e, drop e and add –ing.
make → making decide → deciding write → writing
▪ Verbs ending with one vowel and one consonant, double the consonant.
sit → sitting swim → swimming cut → cutting
▪ Verbs ending ie, change ie to y and add –ing.
lie → lying tie → tying die → dying
▪ Verbs ending in a vowel and y, add –ing.
stay → staying play → playing say → saying

Activity 7. Look at the pictures and write sentences. Then change them into negative sentences
and questions.

1. She / eat 2. They / listen 3. The teacher / come

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
She is eating. ____________________ ____________________
→ She is not eating. ____________________ ____________________

→ Is she eating? ____________________ ____________________

4. You / move 5. It / rain 6. The friends / sing

____________________ ____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________ ____________________

7. The secretary / type 8. My neighbor / fix 9. The kids / laugh

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

Activity 8. Complete the conversations.

1. A: I saw Brian a few days ago.

B: Oh, did you? What is he doing these days? (what / he / do)
A: He's at university.
B: ____________________? (what / he / study)
A: Psychology.
B: ____________________ it? (he / enjoy)
A: Yes, he says it's a very good course.
2. A: Hi, Nicola. How ____________________? (your new job / go)
B: Not bad. It wasn't so good at first, but ____________________ better now. (it / get)
(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
A: What about Daniel? Is he OK?
B: Yes, ____________________ but his work right now. (he / not / enjoy). He's been in
the same job for a long time and ____________________ to get bored with it. (he / begin)

Activity 9. BRAINSTORM Read Cathy’s description of activities at her school in the morning.
Rewrite each sentence. Make it true for you. Change the words or use the negative statements as
in the example.

My class is having a physics lesson. → My class is not having a physics lesson.

It is now 10 a.m. My class is having a physics lesson. We are doing exercises. The teacher
is waiting to check our answers. The exercises are quite hard. I am trying to finish them.
The class next to us is studying music. They are learning how to play the piano. It seems
fun; they are really enjoying it.
In the school yard, a couple of students are skipping. Another group is sitting under the
tree and talking.

Activity 10. Use your BRAINSTORM sentences to answer these questions about your school.
Write 3-4 sentences for each question.

1. What are you doing at school?

2. What is your teacher doing?
3. What are your classmates doing?
4. What are other people in the school doing?

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Lesson 4 - Homework

Exercise 1. Complete the sentences using the cues given.

I have a busy (1) a_ _ _ _ _ _ c life. My school starts at 7:00 every day. Classes (2) l_ _ _ until
2:30 p.m. We do not have a long lunch (3) b _ _ _ k. We have just 30 minutes, so we don't have much
time to (4) r _ _ _ _. We eat lunch in the cafeteria. I enjoy my classes, but they are difficult. My teachers
are very (5) h _ _ _ f _ _. My science teacher often helps me after class. In the afternoon, I play soccer.
Our school has an excellent soccer team. That is the most (6) e _ _ _ _ a _ _ _ part of my day. At night I
do homework.

Exercise 2. Choose the correct option.

1. I am looking forward to a summer _________ in Da Lat this year.

A. rest B. relax C. vacation
2. My cousin is thinking of _________ a university in Tokyo.
A. lasting B. attending C. coming
3. The _________ girl spends a lot of time studying at home.
A. enjoyable B. studious C. helpful
4. We often chat with each other during lunch __________.
A. break B. period C. term
5. She has __________ remembering math formulas.
A. uniform B. intelligence C. difficulty

Exercise 3. Complete the postcard with the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

Dear Jim,
We (1) (have) ___________ a terrible holiday. It (2) (rain) ___________. I (3) (sit) ___________ in the
apartment. I (4) (watch) ___________ television. Tom and Peter (5) (play) ___________ computer
games. Alice (6) (read) ___________ a book. Susan (7) (make) ___________ a cup of coffee. The baby
(8) (cry) ___________.
(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
I want to go home.
See you soon,

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences using the cues given.

1. you / do / the housework / at the moment?

2. John’s girlfriend / wear / a red T-shirt / now.
3. Why / you / listen / music / loudly?
4. He / not / stay / at / home.
5. It / get / really / dark / outside.
6. What / you / wait / for?
7. she / run / down / the / street?
8. Katherine / not / tell / lies.

Exercise 5. Underline and correct the mistakes in each sentence.

1. I playing tennis with my best friend.

2. You’re coming to the cinema tonight?
3. John and Mandy don't going to the beach.
4. Is Emma and Sam flying to America?
5. “Where's Ann?” – “She is walk on the beach.”
6. We not studying French at school this year.
7. You have a good time?
(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
8. I aren't watching the TV. Turn it off.
9. Fred are eating a sandwich for his lunch.
10. Are waiting they for a bus?

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press



Activity 1. Read the definitions then complete the sentences below.

avoid (verb) to try not to do something

flavor (noun) the taste of food, like salty or sweet
ingredient (noun) one of the things that are used to make food
nutritious (adjective) good for you
organic (adjective) natural; organic food has only natural ingredients
social (adjective) likes to be with other people
vegetarian (noun) a person who does not eat meat

1. I put tomato sauce, garlic, cheese, and onions in my pasta. It has a lot of __________
2. Fruits are __________. For example, oranges have vitamin C.
3. Rob is a __________ person. He spends a lot of time with his friends.
4. Amanda and Matt __________ food with a lot of fat. For example, they don't eat French fries or
5. Lemons are sour, but oranges have a sweet __________.
6. Sam doesn't eat chicken or beef. He's a __________.
7. John buys his food at a health-food store. He eats only __________ food.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Activity 2. Answer the questions. Then compare with a partner.
1. What is an example of a food with a strong flavor?
2. Are you a vegetarian or do you eat meat?
3. How often do you eat organic food?
4. Do you avoid food with artificial ingredients? Why or why not?
5. Name 3 foods that are very nutritious.

Activity 3. Listen to the four conversations. Write T (true) or F (false) for each sentence. Correct
the false statements.
___1. Carlos eats all the food.
___2. Mika likes to make dinner for her friends.
___3. Matt eats a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables.
___4. Matt is 61 years old.
___5. Sarah likes to cook at home.
___6. Sarah is a busy student.

Activity 4. Look at the chart. Then listen again. Check the correct information about each
Carlos Mika Matt Sarah
a. is a vegetarian.
b. eats only organic food.
c. likes to taste new flavors.
d. thinks meat is bad for you.
e. doesn't have a kitchen.
f. avoids food with a lot of fat and salt.
g. chooses food that is easy to get or use
h. eats nutritious food, like fish.
i. is 71 years old.


(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Everyday food
Would you like some bread?
I love sushi because I love rice.
Pasta is good for you, but don’t eat too much.
I always put salt on my chips, but not pepper.
My sister never eats meat or fish. She’s a vegetarian.
Do you take sugar in tea or coffee?

Fast Food
I eat hamburgers, hot dogs and pizzas when I don’t have
much time.
Fish and chips are popular in Britain, Australia and New

Fruits and Vegetables

Vegetables are good for you. Fruit is also good for you. (Singular/ Uncountable)


(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Activity 5. Complete the sentences. Use the words above.
1. Rice is popular in Japan.
2. ____________ and ____________ are very popular in Italy.
3. Chips are made from ____________.
4. Many British people eat ____________.
5. Hamburgers are made from ____________.
6. A ____________ is a sausage inside a piece of bread.

Activity 6. Choose the correct word in each sentence.

1. Bread/ Rice and butter is my favorite breakfast.
2. Jim drinks a cup of coffee/ oil every morning.
3. Lisa doesn’t eat meat/ fruit. She is a vegetarian.
4. Jack bought a fresh chicken/ kitchen from the supermarket.
5. We usually fry the fish in milk/ oil.

1. Gerunds and infinitives are usually words for activities.
● A gerund is a base verb + -ing: eating, cooking, baking.

● An infinitive is to + a base verb: to eat, to cook, to bake.

2. Verbs + gerunds
You can use gerunds after these verbs.
subject verb Gerund
We enjoy cooking
I Avoi buying fast food

3. Verbs + infinitives
You can use infinitives after these verbs.
subject verb Gerund
He tries to eat only organic food
We need to make dinner
They want to eat only healthy food

4. Verbs + gerunds or infinitives

You can use gerunds or infinitives after these verbs.
subject verb gerund or infinitive
He likes To eat at home
(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Eating at home
We hate To shop at the market.
Shopping at the market

Activity 7. Listen to the sentences. What do you hear? Circle the gerund or infinitive.
1. to cook / cooking
2. to eat / eating
3. to shop / shopping
4. to buy / buying
5. to eat / eating
6. to avoid / avoiding
7. to cook / cooking
8. to eat / eating
9. to eat / eating
10. to go / going

Activity 8. Complete the conversation with the correct infinitive or gerund forms. In some
sentences, both a gerund and an infinitive are correct.

Mary: Sun-Hee, I have to make dinner for my husband's parents on Friday night. I'm so nervous. Can
you help me?
Sun-Hee: Sure, I love (cook) ____________. What kinds of food do they like
(eat) ____________?
Mary: Well, my mother-in-law enjoys (try) ____________ new things, but my father-in-law avoids
(eat) ____________ a lot of different things. For example, he's allergic to dairy foods, and he tries
(avoid) ____________ foods with a lot of salt.
Sun-Hee: What do they like?
Mary: Um, they like chicken and fish. And they like vegetables.
Sun-Hee: All right. I have a great recipe for roast chicken and vegetables. It's spicy, but it's not very
Mary: That sounds perfect! Thanks so much. I try (cook) ____________, but I'm not very good in the
Sun-Hee: No problem. What time do you want (start) ____________?
Marv: How about 3.00?
Sun-Hee: Great! I’ll see you then!

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Activity 9. Complete the sentences with information about food. Use a verb + infinitive or gerund
in each sentence. Share your ideas with a partner.

avoid buy drink feel go have make

bake cook eat find grow listen tell

1. I want to grow a garden at home.

2. I need ___________________________________________________________.
3. I try _____________________________________________________________.
4. I like _____________________________________________________________.
5. I love ____________________________________________________________.
6. I hate ____________________________________________________________.

Activity 10. Answer these questions.

1. Do you eat meat? Why or why not?
2. Do you eat fast food? Why or why not?
3. Do you eat organic food? Why or why not?
4. Do you eat food with artificial ingredients? Why or why not?
5. What kinds of food do you usually eat? Why do you choose it?
6. What’s your favorite food?
7. What kinds of food do you avoid? Why?
8. What do you usually eat for breakfast?

Activity 11. Discuss your answers in Activity 10 with a partner.

- Do you eat meat?
- Yes, I do.
- Why?
(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
- Because it is delicious and I like the flavor.

- What are your favorite foods?
- Well, I like pizza a lot. I also really like chicken. Cherries are my favorite fruit.

- What foods do you eat every day?
- Let’s see. I eat yogurt every morning for breakfast. I also have rice with my dinner every day.
Sometimes I have rice at lunchtime, too.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press

LESSON 5 - Homework

Exercise 1. Underline the correct words in each sentence.

1. I hate walking / walk in the rain.
2. I fancy to go / going to the restaurant tonight.
3. Sue offered to / at cook dinner for me.
4. Carl doesn’t want to go / going home.
5. All the children dislike eating / to eat vegetables.

Exercise 2. Correct each sentence or question.

Example: Do you fancy to go swimming tomorrow? – going
1. Sue doesn’t enjoy to watch television.
2. I want for visiting the museum this afternoon.
3. We avoid drink too much beer.
4. Does she like eat fast food?

Exercise 3. Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown. Do not change the meaning.
Example: Jim said that he would pay for my ticket.
⇨ Jim offered to pay for my ticket.
1. Carol would like to go to the cinema tonight.
Carol wants __________________________________________________________.
2. Anna wants to go to the park.
Anna fancies _________________________________________________________.
3. Clare never eats sweets.
Clare avoids _________________________________________________________.
4. “Please wait”, the teacher asked us.
The teacher asked us __________________________________________________.
5. Tony really doesn’t like playing football.
Tony hates __________________________________________________________.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Exercise 4. Put the words into two lists.
beans pineapple grapes onions apple
carrots garlic pear mushrooms

Fruit Vegetables

Exercise 5. Write the names of these fruits and vegetables.

Exercise 6. Choose a, b or c.
1. Vegetarians do not eat … a. vegetables b. meat c. fast food
2. Garlic is a kind of … a fruit b. fast food c. vegetable
3. You put … in coffee a. salt b. beer c. sugar
4. Which is correct? a. pinapple b. pineapple c. pieapple
5. A pear is … a. a drink b. a vegetable c. a fruit

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Lesson 6


Activity 1. Here are some words from the reading. Read the sentences. Circle what the
underlined words mean.

a. I use ingredients from my garden—tomatoes, peppers, and onions. I like fresh vegetables, not
canned or frozen ones.
b. Weddings are a special time for people around the world. Most people celebrate their marriages by
having a large party for their friends and family.
c. Cookouts are popular for summer holidays. Some traditional menus include grilled beef or
chicken, potato salad, and fresh watermelon.
d. In Argentinian culture, Constitution Day is a holiday in May. Families prepare pastelitos, delicious
fried cookies. They often enjoy them with a cup of hot tea.

1. __________ (adjective) not usual or ordinary

2. __________ (adjective) not frozen or in a can
3. __________ (verb) to make (a dish or a meal)
(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
4. __________ (verb) to do something fun for a holiday
5. __________ (adjective) liked or enjoyed by a lot of people
6. __________ (noun) the things that you use to make a meal
7. __________ (noun) habits. ideas, or beliefs of a country
8. __________ (adjective) based on a belief or habit that started in the past and continues now

Activity 2. Read the magazine article. Then do the task below.

Celebrating with Food

Paragrap People all around the world like to celebrate holidays, weddings, and the start of a new
h1 season with special food. Some cultures even celebrate food with special festivals! These
festivals usually happen once a year. They can be fun and funny, but most of all, they're
Paragrap One big food event, the Gilroy Garlic Festival, happens in July. The area around the
h2 town of Gilroy, California, produces huge amounts of garlic. Every year, over 4.000
volunteers provide food and entertainment for over 100,000 guests. Cooks prepare and
sell many different types of dishes, all containing garlic. You can even buy garlic popcorn
and garlic ice cream.
Paragrap The International White Truffle Fair happens in October in Alba, Italy. At the fair,
h3 visitors enjoy eating truffles, a kind of fungus. Truffles are a delicious Ingredient in
omelets, pasta, risotto, and rice. They can be very expensive; they sometimes cost $3,000
per pound (0.45 kilograms)!
Paragrap A very traditional food festival happens in Helsinki, Finland. The Baltic Herring
h4 Festival is over 270 years old and celebrates a popular fish, the herring. For one week in
the month of October, fishermen sell fried herring, herring soup, herring sandwiches, and
even herring pizza. You can buy fresh herring, too, and then take it home and make your
own recipe. Other people sell handmade crafts and warm, wool clothes for the winter.
Paragrap Finally, a very popular festival happens in Gloucestershire, UK. This festival, called
h5 the Cooper's Hill Cheese-Rolling and Wake, is over 200 years old. Organizers of the event
buy a large piece of cheese. It weighs over six pounds (2.72 kilograms). Then they drop it
down a hill. As spectators watch and cheer, young men run down the hill after the cheese.
There are ambulances at the bottom of the hill because people often fall and sometimes
they get hurt. Cheese-rolling is dangerous, but it is a lot of fun.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Write the correct paragraph number next to each main idea.
a. There is a lot of garlic in Gilroy, California. ________
b. The cheese rolling in Gloucestershire is a popular event. ________
c. People in some regions of the world like to celebrate the food they produce. ________
d. The Baltic Herring Festival is an old and traditional event. ________
e. You can find truffles in the Alba region of Italy. ________

Activity 3. Read the statements about the article in Activity 2. Write T (true) or F (false). Then
correct each false statement to make it true.

_______ 1. Only people in Italy like to celebrate holidays with special food.
_______ 2. Special festivals with food usually happen once a month.
_______ 3. The Gilroy Garlic Festival has both food and entertainment.
_______ 4. You can get popcorn with garlic at the Gilroy Garlic Festival.
_______ 5. People eat a lot of chocolate at the International White Truffle Fair.
_______ 6. Truffles are not very expensive.
_______ 7. A herring festival is held each year in Oslo. Norway.
_______ 8. You can only buy fish at the herring festival.
_______ 9. People roll small pieces of cheese down Cooper's Hill.
_______ 10. People are sometimes hurt at the cheese rolling.

Activity 4. Complete the sentences with information from the article.

1. People like to __________ holidays with special food.

2. Special festivals can be found in many different __________.
3. At the Gilroy Garlic Festival there is food and __________.
4. Cooks __________ and sell many kinds of food with garlic.
5. The International White Truffle Fair in Alba, Italy, takes place in the month of __________.
6. Truffles are an __________ in many different kinds of food.
7. The Baltic Herring Festival is more than __________ years old.
8. If you want to cook your own food, you can buy __________ herring.
(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
9. At Cooper's Hill, people run down the hill after the __________.
10. People sometimes get hurt, so there are __________ at the bottom of the cheese-rolling hill.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Activity 5. Make a food chart. Add the words in the box, and then add more foods. If necessary,
use a dictionary. Compare your chart with your partner.

lemon chicken lobster butter peach

crisps shrimp cherry mango beef
biscuits pork cheese steak chocolate

Meat Fruit Seafood Snacks Dairy products


Adjectives describing food:

Adjective Meaning
sweet tasting of sugar
bitter opposite of sweet
sour having a taste like that of a lemon
salty tasting of salt
spicy having hot strong flavour from spice
fresh not old and not from a tin
delicious nice to eat
raw not cooked
frozen stored at a very low temperature

Activity 6. Answer the questions.

1. Are peaches sweet or bitter? __________

2. Are snacks salty or bitter? __________
3. Is fresh fruit good or bad? __________
4. Do people often eat raw potatoes? __________
5. Do people eat frozen or raw salad? __________
6. Is yogurt sour or spicy? __________
(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Countable nouns
We can count countable nouns. They have plural s.
a bottle two bottles three bottles
● Singular nouns with a/ an
We use an before words beginning with a vowel.
I've got an umbrella. Do you want an orange?
Some words are irregular because the sound is different.
an hour (the h is silent) a university
● Plural nouns with some, any, not any
We use some for statements.
There are some chairs in the other room.
We use any for questions.
Are there any chairs in the other room?
We use not ... any for negatives.
There aren't any chairs in the other room.
Uncountable nouns
We cannot count uncountable nouns. They do not have plural s.
some coffee some milk some rice
● Uncountable nouns with some, any, not any
Statement: We bought some tea.
Question: Did you buy any tea?
Negative: We didn't buy any tea.
● We can use some with polite questions, or when we expect the answer 'yes’.
Could you buy me some tea? (polite question)
Are there some sandwiches for me? (expecting the answer 'yes')

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Activity 7. Choose a or some.

Activity 8. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

1. Jack hasn't got a / any brother.

2. There weren't some / any letters for me this morning.
3. Could I have a / some water, please?
4. I went to the supermarket because I didn't have a / any milk.
5. There isn't a / any railway station in this town.
6. Sorry, we don't have some / any boxes left.
7. Have you got a / any pen that I can borrow?

Activity 9. Correct the mistakes in these sentences.

1. The news are not very good today. → is

2. Where can I get some informations about your country?
3. Let me give you an advice.
4. Cook these spaghetti for ten minutes.
5. Can I have a bread, please?

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
6. We need to buy some new furnitures.
7. The east of the country usually has a better weather than the west.
8. I must find a new accommodation soon.


Activity 10. BRAINSTORM Look at the categories in the idea map below. Then draw an idea
map. Complete the map with words about a special meal or celebration. Then explain your map
to a partner.

Activity 11. Answer the questions. Use complete sentences. Use your BRAINSTORM notes to help

1. What is a special meal or celebration?

2. When does it happen?
3. What do you need to do before the meal?
4. Do you enjoy preparing the food? Why or why not?
5. Where do you have the meal?
6. Who comes to the celebration?
7. What are the main dishes?
8. Why is the food special?
9. Which food do you love eating?
10. Which food do you avoid eating? Why?

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Lesson 6 - Homework

Exercise 1. Put the letters in the correct order to make a complete word about food.

1. skeat ___________ 5. srpisc ___________

2. awr ___________ 6. ycips ___________
3. bolstre ___________ 7. pecha ___________
4. rous ___________ 8. nefroz ___________

Exercise 2. Choose the correct option.

1. _________ food often makes people thirsty after eating.

A. Sweet B. Salty C. Sour
2. The food in this restaurant is not _________ at all; I will not go to it again.
A. raw B. sweet C. delicious
3. _________ is often said to be bad for the skin.
A. Frozen B. Spicy C. Fresh
4. To save time for cooking, many people buy _________ food in the supermarket.
A. bitter B. sour C. frozen
5. Children often love _________ food such as candies.
A. sweet B. fresh C. raw

Exercise 3. Label the photos. Use a/ an or some and the words from the box.

cheese onion biscuits grapes

chocolate bread juice bananas
burger eggs rice hotdog
(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
1. 2. 3.

__________________ __________________ __________________

4. 5. 6.

__________________ __________________ __________________

7. 8. 9.

__________________ __________________ __________________

10. 11. 12.

__________________ __________________ __________________

Exercise 4. Decide whether these nouns are countable (C) or uncountable (U).

1. I don’t like tea. U

2. Spaghetti with Italian tomato sauce is very good. __________
3. There are a lot of windows in our classroom. __________

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
4. The children are playing in the garden. __________
5. We need some glue to fix this vase. __________
6. The waiters in this restaurant are very professional. __________
7. My father drinks two big glasses of water every morning. __________
8. This road is really slippery. __________
9. The exercises on this website are interesting. __________
10. The meal my mother prepares is delicious. __________

Exercise 5. Complete the sentences with some or any.

1. There aren't any good restaurants in this town.

2. Don't worry about lunch. I've brought ________ sandwiches.
3. You need ________ scissors to cut the paper.
4. Have you got ________ brothers and sisters?
5. I think you owe me ________ money.
6. We'd like to stay longer, but we don't have ________ time.
7. Could you give me ________ information please?

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press



Activity 1. Look at the list of places. Listen and check the things that are in Ibirapuera Park.
Then compare your answers with a partner.

architecture x hiking paths roads

a beach a lake a shopping mall

food stalls a library sports fields

garden museums a swimming pool

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Activity 2. Here are some words from the listening. Read these sentences. Then complete the
sentences with the underlined words.

1. I like to read a book in the evening. It’s ____________.

2. I don’t like ____________ cars. I like older cars.
3. There are a lot of people here! It’s really ____________.
4. Let’s walk on my favorite ____________ in the park. It goes around the lake.
5. I love to spend time in ____________. I like to look at the trees, the grass and the animals.
6. This ____________ really great! I love to visit museums.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
7. I like to play basketball ____________. I don’t like to play in the gym.
8. I like the ____________ in Dubai, especially the tall buildings.

Activity 3. Listen again. Complete the chart.

Activity Reasons
Isabel comes to the park She thinks it’s fun.

Carlos comes to the park

Activity 4. Read the questions. Circle the correct answer.

1. What does Isabel like to look at in the park?
a. the trees b. the gardens
c. the important buildings d. the beautiful structures
2. Why does Isabel like the food stalls?
a. They are delicious and they are outdoors. b. The food is cheap.
c. They are in the Museum of Modern History. d. She tries new food each time.
3. What does Carlos NOT do in the park?
a. go hiking on the paths b. go swimming in the lake
c. ride his bike d. enjoy spending time in nature
4. What does Carlos like to look at?
a. the trees and gardens b. the important buildings
c. the city around the park d. the beautiful structures

● Collocations with do, play and go
Words for activities often follow the verbs do, play and go.
Example: They do gymnastics on Saturdays.
She plays basketball at her school.
He goes skiing in the mountains.
Do Play Go
Do aerobics Play basketball Go hiking
Do crosswords Play Scrabble Go jogging
Do gymnastics Play soccer Go shopping
Do judo Play tennis Go skiing
Do nothing Play video games Go swimming

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Activity 5. Complete the conversation with play, do or go.
1. Sara: Emma, I’m bored. Let’s do something.
Emma: Sure. Let’s ______________ shopping
Sara: I don’t like shopping. Let’s ______________ video games.
Emma: No, I’m not good at video games. Uh, do you want to ______________ hiking?
Sara: OK. That’s a great idea!
2. John: Mike, I want to lose weight. What do you do for exercise?
Mike: I ______________ judo. I have a class twice a week.
John: Do you still ______________ gymnastics?
Mike: No, it was too difficult.
3. Sandra: Mei, do you want to ______________ swimming with me?
Mei: No, thanks. I have training.
Sandra: Oh, do you ______________ a sport?
Mei: Yes, I _____________ soccer. Hey, do you want to ______________ skiing this
Sandra: Sure, that sounds like fun!

Activity 6. Answer the questions. Include the verbs do, play, or go in every sentence. Then ask
and answer questions with a partner.
1. A: What do you like to do on weekends?
B: I like to ______________________________________________________.
2. A: What do you like to do at night?
B: I like to ______________________________________________________.
1. A: What do you like to do for fun?
B: I like to ______________________________________________________.
1. A: What do you hate to do?
B: I really hate to ______________________________________________________.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Activity 7. Complete the sentences.
Example: My sister got married in our little church.
1. I think Buddhists use that _______________.
2. The _______________ is the best place to see the river.
3. The _______________ is the cheapest place to buy food.
4. You can learn about the history of the town in the local _______________
5. You can see children playing in the _______________ from my hotel window.
6. There is a _______________ of Nelson Mandela in the main.
7 The _______________ and _______________ are both open to visitors from 10 until 5.
8 The square is a nice _______________ to sit and watch people.

Subjects and objects pronouns
1. subjects and objects can be nouns.
* Subjects come before verbs in statements.
* Objects come after verbs or prepositions, like at, in, and on.
Subject Verb Object Preposition + object
Kate likes the book
My brother runs - in the park

2. Pronouns replace nouns.

* You use some pronouns for subjects.
* You use other pronouns for objects.
Subject pronoun Object pronoun
(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Singular I have a great soccer coach He helps me
You are good at swimming I want to go with you
He goes hiking a lot I sometimes see him in the park
She is good at Maths. I like studying with her.
I like the park. It’s really big My friends like it too
Plural We go shopping on Sundays Our friends meet us at the mall
You play baseball a lot I sometimes see you at the field
They are great soccer players I like to watch them

3. You usually use he/ him, she/ her, it/ it, we/us and they/ them after you know the noun.

Activity 8. Circle the correct pronoun.

1. (He / Him ) goes hiking on Saturdays.
2. Let's go to the mall with (they/them ) tomorrow.
3. (We/Us ) like to spend time at the park.
4. Sarah's friends make ( she/her ) laugh.
5. I like this flower. (He / It) is beautiful.
6. John and (I/me ) love to play tennis.
7. James plays baseball with Sam and (I/me).
8. Fun activities sometimes teach ( we / us ) something.

Activity 9. Complete each sentence with a pronoun for the underlined word.
1. That TV show is really exciting. I watch _____________ every week.
2. Isabel's sister loves to go hiking. _____________ goes every weekend.
3. The free exhibitions are wonderful. I really love _____________.
4. I see my grandmother on Wednesdays. I have lunch with _____________.
5. My classes are very interesting, but _____________ are difficult.
6. Faisal and Miteb go jogging in the park. Then _____________ have lunch.
7. We play basketball in the gym. Sometimes, our friends join _____________
8. I want to play tennis with you. _____________ are an excellent player.

Agreeing and disagreeing
Use these expressions to agree with another person’s opinion.
Agreeing with a positive opinion Agreeing with a negative opinion
A: I like swimming A: I don’t like swimming
B: I do, too. /Me too B: I don’t either. /Me neither.

Use these expressions with another person’s opinion. These expressions sound more friendly and
(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Disagreeing politely
A: I think the building is pretty A; I love that park. How about you?
B: Oh, I don’t know B: I’m not sure.

Activity 10. Complete the chart with your ideas. Give reasons for each place.

Name of fun place Reasons


Activity 11. Choose three ideas from Activity 10. Practice different ways to share your ideas. You
can use these phrases.
Examples: I think that the park is a really fun place because there’s a lake.

Activity 12. Work with a group of three. Discuss your ideas.

● Share your three places and your reasons
● Listen carefully to others’ ideas. Agree or disagree with them.
● As a group, choose the 3 best places.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press


Exercise 1. Circle the correct pronoun in italics to complete the conversations.

1. A: He / Him ’s a great basketball player.
B: I don’t like he / him at all.
2 A: The children are tired. Can you put they / them to bed?
B: Where are they / them?
3 A: Where’s mum? I can’t see she / her.
B: There she / her is!
4 A: We / Us can’t do this homework. Can you help we / us?
B: Daniel is good at Maths. Why don’t you ask he / him?

Exercise 2. Complete the conversation with the correct subject and object pronouns.

Sarah: Maria, how do _______________ like your cooking class?

Maria: I love _______________! My teacher is great. She's from France, and _______________ really
knows how to cook. What's new with you?

Sarah: I'm taking a writing class.

Maria: Oh, do _______________ write stories?

Sarah: No, but _______________ like the other students. _______________ are very talented.

Maria: That's great. Hey, my friends and I are going to the beach this weekend. Do _______________
want to come with _______________.

Exercise 3. Correct the spelling mistakes.

Example: muumes

⇨ museum.
1 brige _________________ 2 scuare _________________

3 castel. _________________ 4 catedral _________________

5 parque _________________ 6 musque _________________

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
7 bilding _________________

Exercise 4. Choose the correct name for each place.

block of flats station cinema police station restaurant

theatre hotel library

1 You can ask for help here. ________________

2 You can stay here. ________________

3 You can borrow books from here. ________________

4 You can watch a film here. ________________

5 You can catch a train here. ________________

6 You can see a play here. ________________

7 You can live here. ________________

8 You can have dinner here. ________________

Exercise 5. Complete each sentence with a suitable form of make or do.

1 Wait a minute. I'm...doing... my hair at the moment.

2 Please don't ............ So much noise!

3 My father ........ most of the cooking in our house.

4 Oh dear, I think I've .............. a mistake.

5 Are you going to ............... Michael a birthday cake?

6 They............. Harry an offer which he couldn't refuse.

7 Don't forget to ................... your homework before you go out.

8 When you have .................. this exercise, try the next one.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Exercise 6. Complete each sentence with a suitable form of go or come. More than one answer
may be possible.

1 Pat and Sam ....went.... shopping in New York last month.

2 Do you want to ............ swimming with us tomorrow?

3 My brother ............. to my house yesterday.

4 Kate usually .......... skiing in Switzerland.

5 I used to ............... swimming a lot, but I stopped.

6 Mary loves .................. shopping with her sister.

7 I......... skating last year for the first time.

8 Do you feel like ........... fishing tomorrow?

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Lesson 8


Activity 1. Here are some words from the reading. Read the definitions. Then complete each

o events (noun) important things that happen

o guess (verb) to give an answer when you do not know if it is right
o invite (verb) to ask someone to come to a celebration, to your home, etc.
o nature (noun) plants and animals
o program (noun) a show on television or the radio
o sightseeing (noun) visiting interesting buildings and places as a tourist
o support (verb) e to help or encourage someone
1. My friends and I enjoy _____________ when we travel to new cities.
2. I like to hike in the mountains because I enjoy _____________.
3. Toshi wants to_____________ us to come over for dinner.
(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
4. I saw a famous person today. Can you _____________ her name?
5. There is an interesting science _____________ on TV tonight.
6. This newspaper lists the _____________ of the weekend.
7. My school's soccer team has a big game tonight. I'll go and _____________ them.

Reading skill: Underlining and highlighting

When you read a text, underline or highlight the important information. This helps you remember it.
Do not mark every word on the page. Mark only the important information. Highlight or underline:
▪ The main idea or topic of a paragraph
▪ Information such as names, dates, or times

Activity 2. Read the Web posts. Then underline or highlight the fun activity that each person

James, New York Question: How do you have fun without much money?
Posted: Hi, everyone. I want to have fun, but I don't have much money. I need
3 days ago ideas. What can you do for free?

Anna, Miami 1. Re: How do you have fun without much money?
Posted: James, why don't you go to your school's sporting events?
3 days ago I go to games every weekend. I watch soccer, basketball,
baseball games, everything! It's fun to spend time with
friends and support the school. And it's free!
Razi, Dubai 2. Re: How do you have fun without much money?
Posted: I go window shopping with my friends! We go to expensive
(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
2 days ago stores, but we only look—we don't buy anything. So it
doesn't cost anything.
Isabel, Santiago Posted: 3. Re: How do you have fun without much money?
12 hours ago Our family likes going to the park. We take walks and enjoy
nature there. Sometimes we have coffee and watch people.
We try to guess their names and jobs. Try it!
Carlos, El Salvador 4. Re: How do you have fun without much money?
Posted: Invite some friends to your house and cook together! My
4 hours ago friends and I cook together once a month. First, we decide
on a meal. Then we shop for the ingredients and prepare
the food. We usually cook food from a different country. My
favorite was from Brazil. It's fun to eat with friends and try
new recipes.
Khalid, Cairo 5. Re: How do you have fun without much money?
Posted: I like to just stay home and watch TV. There are lots of good
2 hours ago programs, and it's free. That's the best way to have fun.
Rob, London 6. Re: How do you have fun without much money?
Posted: Sightseeing is fun, and you don't have to be a tourist. You
2 hours ago can take a vacation in your own city. Walk around and enjoy
the famous places.
James, New York 7. Re: How do you have fun without much money?
Posted: Thanks, everyone, for all of your ideas. I'll try some of them!
1 hour ago

Activity 3. Answer the questions. Use information from the reading in Activity 2. Write complete

1. Why is it fun to watch school sporting events?

2. What are three things to do in the park?
3. Which activity costs some money?

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
4. Where can you go sightseeing? What are two things to do?

Activity 4. Circle the main idea for each of the posts in the reading in Activity 2.

1. Anna
a. It's good to support your school.
b. School sporting events are fun and free.
c. You can watch your favorite sports at school events.
2. Razi
a. Window shopping is fun, and you don't have to buy anything.
b. Shopping with friends is fun.
c. Window shopping at expensive stores is fun.
3. Isabel
a. We like to go to the park and watch people there.
b. We like to enjoy nature, and it is free.
c. We like people watching.
4. Carlos
a. Invite some friends to your house.
b. Try different foods from different countries.
c. Plan and cook a meal together with friends.
5. Khalid
a. I like to watch TV at home.
b. I like to stay home.
c. Programs and movies on TV are free.
6. Rob
a. Take a vacation and relax at home.
b. Go sightseeing in another city.
c. Go sightseeing in your own city.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Collocations are words that we often use together. For example, we use the verb play with the noun
I play soccer.
We don't use the verbs do or go with soccer.
X Incorrect: I do soccer.
X Incorrect: I go soccer.
Other collocations:
give someone a ride have an idea
take a trip make friends

Activity 5. In each collocation, circle the verb. Underline the noun.

1. Lisa and Nora are having coffee together.

2. Let's make plans for Saturday night.
3. I have an idea! Let's go to the zoo.
4. Toshi has fun learning Spanish.
5. Mary takes a walk every day.
6. He makes friends with new people easily.
7. Are you hungry? Have a snack.
8. I am tired. I am taking a vacation!
9. Tell me a joke. I need to hear something funny.
10. Can you give me a ride to the mall?

Activity 6. Write a sentence using each collocation.

1. (to make plans) _________________________________________

2. (to have an idea) _________________________________________
3. (to have fun) _________________________________________
4. (to take a walk) _________________________________________
5. (to have coffee) _________________________________________
6. (to make friends) _________________________________________
7. (to have a snack) _________________________________________
(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
8. (to take a vacation) _________________________________________
9. (to tell someone a joke) _________________________________________


Activity 7. Underline the pronouns. Then circle the noun that each pronoun refers to. Draw an
arrow from the pronoun to the noun.

1. Sarah and Jill went to the mall. Then they went to a restaurant.

2. Matt likes to play tennis. He enjoys soccer, too.

3. Mika buys many books, but she doesn't always read them.
4. Ziyad will kick the ball, and Tomas will kick it back.
5. Hiro and Khalid like playing golf. They are pretty good, too!
6. Mary gave Emma and Tom some videos, and they gave her some books.
7. Kate’s dress is so beautiful; it must be expensive.
8. My close friends are always with me when I am in trouble.
9. I hate shopping. It is just a waste of time.
10. Charles often calls me when he needs someone to talk to.

Activity 8. Complete each sentence with the correct subject or object pronoun.

1. Tom and I play tennis together. __________ usually wins.

2. Anna likes to play board games. __________ plays every weekend.
3. I don't like to play golf. I really hate __________.
4. Mark made a video, and I helped __________.
5. Carlos and Isabel came to my house. __________ cooked dinner.
6. John and I are going to take a walk. Maybe you can join __________.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Activity 9. BRAINSTORM Answer the question in the chart. Make notes, but don’t write
sentences. Then share your ideas with a partner.

What do you do for fun? Why is this fun for you? When do you do this?

Activity 10. Answer the questions. Write complete sentences. Use your BRAINSTORM notes to
help you.

1. What do you do for fun?

2. Where do you do this?
3. When do you do this?
4. Who do you do this with?
5. Why is this fun for you?


Lesson 8 - Homework

Exercise 1. What are these people doing?

1. 2.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
He is gardening. He’s ______________.
3. 4.

She’s using ______________. She’s ______________ TV.

5. 6.

She’s ______________. He’s ______________.

7. 8.

He’s _____________ on the phone. They’re ______________.

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with have, play, take, or do in the correct form.

1. I never __________ cards.

2. Do you want to __________ coffee this weekend?
3. My mother __________ a walk in the morning.
4. Let’s __________ fun at the weekend.
5. I'd like to __________ the guitar.
6. She __________ quite a lot of travelling in spring.
7. They are planning to __________ a vacation to Paris this summer.

Exercise 3. Replace the underlined words with the appropriate pronouns.

1. Mark is a really nice guy. I like Mark a lot. him

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
2. John loves computer games but he doesn’t play computer games very often.
3. Penguins don’t live near the North Pole. Penguins live near the South Pole.
4. My aunt lives in Toronto but my aunt often comes to visit my family and me.
5. If you have your ticket, you can give your ticket to that man over there.
6. Neil Armstrong was born in 1930. Neil Armstrong landed on the moon in 1960.
7. Suzy and I paid for the meal but the waiter forgot to bring Suzy and me the food.
8. The planet Mars has two moons. The two moons are both very small.
9. I saw Mr. Brown this morning and gave Mr. Brown my homework.
10. I really enjoyed the party but I had to leave the party early.

Exercise 4. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

1. Tony gave we / us a lift.

2. Johnny always turns off the light before he / him leaves the office.
3. Stephen and I / me are going to see a football match tomorrow.
4. Many people want to work with he / him.
5. I love eating fast food although it / they is not healthy.
6. Paula wants you to help she / her.
7. My dad is taking Michael and me / I to Disneyland!
8. Shall we phone them / they now?

Exercise 5. Choose the correct option.

1. My brother is a college student. ________ will graduate next year.

A. Him B. He C. She
2. Where should I put these cups? Should I put ________ on the table?
A. him B. them C. it
3. After you meet ________ at the airport, take them to the hotel.
A. them B. they C. him
4. I have a problem with this question. Could you please help ________?
A. it B. I C. me
5. Should I give this book to ________ or to Lia?
A. she B. you C. they
(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
6. My friends and I had a great time. ________ enjoyed the movie.
A. We B. He C. Us
7. Call this number if you have any problem. ________ is my office number.
A. It B. They C. You
8. I tried to talk to ________ this morning, but no one answered the phone.
A. they B. he C. her
9. I don’t like that dog. ________ bit me last week.
A. He B. I C. It
10. The people in this restaurant are ordering food. ________ look hungry.
A. They B. It C. She

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press



Activity 1. Read the sentences. Which explanation is correct? Circle a or b.

1. Rob watches loud TV shows. His apartment is noisy.
a. Rob's apartment is quiet.
b. Rob's apartment isn't quiet.
2. Marta likes her private room, but she sometimes gets lonely.
a. Marta doesn't share her room with anyone.
b. Marta shares her room with someone.
3. Matt's apartment is in a great location. It's on a quiet street near his school.
a. His apartment is cheap and very large.
b. His apartment is in a convenient place.
4. Sara has a comfortable chair. She likes to sit in it.
a. The chair is very soft.
b. The chair is very hard.
5. David's rent is really expensive, so he wants to get a roommate.
a. David's apartment is free.
b. David pays a lot of money for his apartment.
6. Jamal and Saud are roommates. They both live in Room 215.
a. Jamal and Saud live together.
(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
b. Jamal and Saud have a class together.
7. Walaa lives with her extended family, including her parents, her grandmother and grandfather, and
two cousins.
a. Walaa lives with many family members.
b. Walaa lives with some friends from school.
8. Our city doesn’t have public transportation. People usually walk or drive.
a. The city has no streets or sidewalks.
b. The city has no buses or trains.

Activity 2. Listen to the three conversations. Write the correct name below each picture. Does the
person like his or her home?

Activity 3. Look at these statements. Which are good points and which are bad ones? Write the
statements in the correct part of the chart.
The rent is expensive. It’s far from school.
I don’t pay any rent. It’s near public transportation.
It’s noisy. I like the people I live with.
It’s comfortable. It’s not private.
It’s near school and classes. It’s near coffee shops and stores.

John Mary Carlos

Good points
(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Bad points

Activity 4. Listen again. Check the correct name for each point in the chart in Activity 3. You will
check some more items more than once.

Activity 5. Circle the best answer to each question.

1. Which statement best describes John's home?
a. It has a good location, but the people are not friendly.
b. It's small and noisy, but the people are nice.
c. The location is good, but it's expensive.
d. It's far from school, but it has a garage for his car.

2. Which statement best describes Mary's home?

a. It's small, and it's in a bad location.
b. It's far from school, but it's close to public transportation.
c. It's close to school, but it's in a dangerous neighborhood.
d. It's in a good location, but it's expensive.

3. Which statement best describes Carlos's home?

a. It's free, and he lives alone.
b. It's in a good location, but it's expensive.
c. It's free, and it's close to public transportation.
d. It's noisy and crowded, but it's close to school.

4. What does Amanda want?

a. a cheap apartment close to school
b. an expensive apartment close to public transportation
c. a small apartment close to work
d. a large apartment with a lot of roommates

Compound nouns are two-word nouns. The first noun is like an adjective. It describes the
second noun. You write some compound nouns as one word and some as two words.
One word: bathtub, streetcar, backyard
Two words: shopping mall, police officer, public transportation

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Activity 6. Read the sentences. Circle the compound nouns.
1. He parks his car in the driveway, not in the garage.
2. The apartment has three bedrooms and two bathrooms.
3. There is a swimming pool in the backyard.
4. They like to sit by the fireplace and read.
5. She doesn't have a mailbox, so she gets her mail from the post office.
6. I need to buy a smoke alarm for the living room.
7. There is a drugstore near my home.
8. There is a bookshelf in the dining room.

Activity 7. Read the definitions. Then write a suitable compound noun.

1. ______________ People get their mail from this place.
2. ______________ People put their books in this.
3. ______________ You can park your car here.
4. ______________ You burn wood in it for heat.
5. ______________ This is an open area behind a house.
6. ______________ You buy medicine here.
7. ______________ You can buy clothes, books, and other items here.
8. ______________ This is a kind of transportation in a city.

Prepositions of location answer the question, "Where?"
Use in with countries and cities.
Example: The Eiffel Tower is in Paris.

Use on with the names of streets and roads.

Example: The apartment is on Oak Street.

Use at with a place in a city or a specific address

Example: The study group meets at my house. My house is at 333 Oak Street.

Activity 8. Circle the correct preposition.

1. Sam is staying in / on / at his brother's apartment.
2. Emma lives (in/on/at) Shanghai.
3. Hassan's house is (in/on/at) Oak Street.
4. The post office is (in/on/at) 415 First Street.
5. The bank is (in/on/at) Ocean Avenue.
6. The university is (in/on/at) Miami.
Look at the map and read the paragraph. Notice the bold prepositions of location.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
The bank is next to the library. The library is between the bank and the gift shop. The
gift shop is across (the street) from the bookstore. The bookstore is on the corner of
Oak Street and Central Avenue. The parking lot is behind the supermarket.

Activity 9. Look at the map. Complete the sentences with prepositions of location.
1. The library is ______________ the bank.
2. The gift shop is ______________ Oak Street and Central Avenue
3. The playground is ______________ Jackson Park
4. The museum is ______________ the bookstore and the coffee shop
5. The coffee shop is ______________ the supermarket.
6. Jackson Park is______________ Oak Street and Central Avenue
7. The bookstore is ______________ the museum.
8. The bank is ______________ Jackson Park.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Activity 10. Work in a group of three. Talk about the questions in the chart (You can add your
own ideas).

Activity 11. Look at the chart in Activity 10. Choose the four most important items in each
column. Follow these steps:
1. Draw your perfect home.
- Draw the rooms inside the house.
- Draw the outside of the house.
- Show some of the neighborhood.
2. Each person chooses one part of the home to describe in 3-4 sentences.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press


Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with in or at.

1 Is there any milk ................ the fridge?
2 I've lived ................ this city for more than ten years.
3 Mary is ................ work at the moment, but she'll be home soon.
4 Julie's sister's studying ................ Paris.
5 Nick lives.................. Italy at the moment.

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with in or on.

1 Kate lives........... the house at the end of the street.
2 Mark's flat is .................. the fifth floor.
3 I stayed at home and watched a good film ............... television.
4 Harry and I sat ................ the living-room and talked.
5 Clare put her pizza.............. a small table and her dog ate it!

Exercise 3. Choose the most suitable word for each space.

1. How many desks are there ........... this classroom?
A. into B. at C. in
2 I knocked at the door, but there was nobody ......... home.
A. in B. on C. at
3. The dog jumped ............ the water and swam after its ball.
A. into B. to C. on
4. Jim stole the money, and now he is ............. prison.
A. at B. in C. into
5. As we were going .......... the building, the fire alarm rang.
A. at B. on C. into
6. I came here .......... Paris last year to study French.
A. to B. at C. in
7. Two boys were sitting .............. the steps, eating ice-cream.
A. at B. on C. in
8. Have you brought your dictionary.......... school today?
A. in B. at C. to

Exercise 4. Tick (✓ ) the correct sentence.

1 A. Kevin is in the garden. He is out.
B. Kevin is in the garden. He is outside.
2 A. The supermarket is next the post office.
(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
B. The supermarket is next to the post office.
3 A. Is Jean in her bedroom?
B. Is Jean inside her bedroom?
4 A. Cristina sits near of Marcia.
B. Cristina sits next to Marcia.
5 A. There's nobody inside.
B. There's nobody in.
6 A. Roy sits opposite Lara.
B. Roy sits opposite to Lara.

Exercise 5. Complete the sentences. Write one word in each space.

1. When I looked in the box, there was nothing inside
2. There was a big red bus............. front of us.
3. Sorry, but Ann has gone ............ Can I take a message?
4. The woman ................. me was pushing my back.
5. Who sits ................ to Paul?
6. Excuse me, is there a bank? ................ here?
7. There was a tall man sitting in ................ of me and I couldn't see the film.

Exercise 6. There is an error in each sentence. Find the errors and correct them.
1. My apartment building is on 698 Pine Street.
2. The bookstore is in the corner of Central Avenue and Oak Street.
3. The library is between to the bank and the gift shop.
4. The bank is across the street to Jackson Park.
5. The playground is behind of Jackson Park.
6. The museum is next from the coffee shop.

Exercise 7. Choose the most suitable word for each sentence.

kitchen dining room bedroom living room
bathroom study bedrooms

1. You usually sleep in this room. ________________

2. You sit at your desk in this room. ________________
3. You sit on the sofa and watch television in this room. ________________
4. You cook meals in this room. ________________
5. You take a shower in this room. ________________
6 You eat in this room. ________________

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Exercise 8. Choose the things you usually find in each room.
1. kitchen
A cooker B sofa C bath D. fridge
2. bedroom
A blanket B dustbin C wardrobe D. pillow
3. living-room
A bed B armchair C carpet D table
4. bathroom
A mirror B television C bookshelf D. shower
5. study
A bed B desk C bookshelf D. cooker
6. dining room
A table B bath C chair D. wardrobe

Exercise 9. Choose the most suitable word for each space.

1 To stop the light coming in the window we need some
A. A curtains B radiators C shelves
2 It's very cold. Why don't you turn on the .....?
A central heating B cooker C stove
3 In the evening I like to relax in .....
A a chair B a seat C an armchair
4 Laura sat at her ..... and turned on her computer.
A study B desk C office
5 My school books are in the ..... in the living room.
A library B bookcase C bookshelf
6 There was a lovely fire burning in the ......
A chimney B central heating C fireplace
7 You can wash your hands in the ..... in the bathroom.
A basin B shower C tap
8 The biscuits are in the ..... in the kitchen.
A table B shelf C cupboard

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Lesson 10


Activity 1. Here are some words from the reading. Read the sentences. Circle the correct
explanation for the underlined words.

1. Jane: I think something is burning.

Mark Really? I have a bad cold. I can't smell anything.
a. You smell something with your nose.
b. You smell something with your eyes.
2. This chair is very comfortable. You can sit here and relax.
a. The chair is expensive.
b. The chair is nice to sit on.
3. My sisters always come into my bedroom without knocking. I have no privacy!
a. I have no space or time away from others.
b. I have no time to do my homework.
4. I share a bedroom with my two brothers.
a. My brothers and I have our own bedrooms.
b. My brothers and I have the same bedroom.
(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
5. John is a very calm person. He never worries or gets angry
a. John is a very relaxed person.
b. John fights with a lot of people.
6. Mary collects postcards. She has 300 postcards from around the world.
a. She saves postcards as a hobby.
b. She sells postcards for a job.
7. There are four windows in the kitchen. The room is very bright.
a. The kitchen is very dark.
b. The kitchen is full of light.
8. Hassan spends time with his grandparents on Sundays. Usually, they have dinner together.
a. Hassan doesn't have time to see his grandparents on Sundays.
b. On Sundays, Hassan visits his grandparents for IS hours.

Activity 2. Read the Web posts. Then answer the questions below.

Home and Life Magazine

Last week I asked readers about their favorite rooms in their homes. Wow! I got some great answers
and photos! Enjoy reading! And remember, there's no place like home!
1 I love to cook, so my favorite room is the kitchen. It always smells delicious. There is a large
window, and you can see the garden from it. Next to the window, there is a small round table. My
family and I often have breakfast at that table, but we eat dinner in the dining room.
Makiko, Japan
2 My favorite room is the family room because I love being with my family. It's a comfortable
room with a sofa, a TV, bookshelves, and cabinets. There are family photos on the bookshelf. To the
left of the TV, there is a fireplace.
Jane, United States
3 My favorite room is my bedroom. I have a lot of privacy because I don't share my room with my
younger brother. My bedroom is very small, and the colors are boring. My bed is black and my carpet
is gray. But I feel calm in my room. I collect posters, so there are posters of cars, surfers, and animals
on the walls.
Ethan, United States

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
4 My favorite room is the dining room. On the weekends, we relax and enjoy meals here with my
sister and her husband. We sit around a big table. There are several big windows, so the room is bright
and sunny.
Samira, Lebanon
5 I love to spend time in the basement. Why? Because my friends and I have a lot of fun there! We
play games and relax. We can make a lot of noise, too. There's a drum set, a TV with video games,
and board games. There's a big sofa, too.
Hans, Germany
1. What does Hans like to do?
2. Why does Makiko like the kitchen?
3. Who likes a room for privacy?
4. Who writes about spending time with family members?
5. Who writes about a place to spend time with friends?

Activity 3. Underline the correct words to complete these statements about the reading in
Activity 2.

1. Makiko's family ( breakfast / dinner ) at the table in the kitchen.

2. There's a large ( window / table ) in Makiko's kitchen.
3. Jane's family room has a ( large table / TV ).
4. Jane's family room is very ( comfortable / messy ).
5. Ethan collects ( posters / cards ) of surfers.
6. It's sunny in Samira's ( dining room / kitchen ).
7. Hans likes to be ( quiet / loud ) in the basement.
8. There's a ( sofa / bed ) in Han’s basement.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Activity 4. Complete each sentence with a word or phrase from the box.

a big table black the garden noise The TV

1. Makiko can see _______________ from her kitchen.

2. _______________ is near the fireplace in Jane’s house.
3. Ethan’s bed is _______________.
4. Samira’s family sits around _______________.
5. Hans and his friends make a lot of _______________.


A category is a group of things. You can build your vocabulary by learning words in a category. For
example, the category "rooms in a house" includes living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, and
A room in a house can also be a category. Put words for furniture and appliances under the name of each
Living room Bedroom Kitchen
sofa bed refrigerator

Activity 5. Fill in the chart with the words in the box. Some words can go in more than one room.

armchair bed lamp desk

dishwasher radiator sink light
carpet cupboard fireplace microwave
wardrobe rug fan sofa
bin oven refrigerator mirror
bookshelf stove dresser coffee table

Living room Bedroom Kitchen

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Activity 6. Decide whether the following sentences are True (T) or False (F).

1. You use a dishwasher to cook food. _________

2. You make coffee from a coffee table. _________
3. You look at yourself in a mirror. _________
4. You put things in a dresser. _________
5. You use an oven to make food colder. _________
6. You store food in a stove. _________
7. You throw rubbish in a bin. _________
8. You wash your hands in a dishwasher. _________

Activity 7. Choose the odd one out.

1. A. desk B. armchair C. coffee table

2. A. wardrobe B. stove C. bookshelf
3. A. sink B. dishwasher C. dresser
4. A. light B. fan C. fireplace
5. A. oven B. microwave C. radiator
6. A. carpet B. rug C. lamp


There is / There are: To say something exists (or doesn’t exist)

Affirmative statements:
o There is + singular noun: There is a lamp in the living room.
o There are + plural noun: There are some lamps in the living room.
o There is + uncountable noun: There is some milk in the refrigerator.
Negative statements:
o There is not (isn’t) + singular noun: There isn’t a lamp in the living room.
o There are not (aren’t) + plural noun: There aren’t some lamps in the living room.
o There is not (isn’t) + uncountable noun: There is some milk in the refrigerator.
Yes / No questions:
o Is there + singular noun/ uncountable noun? - Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Is there a lamp in the living room?
Is there some milk in the refrigerator?
o Are these + plural noun? – Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.
Are there some lamps in the living room?
How many / How much questions:
o How many + plural noun + are there? – There are ….
How many lamps are there in the living room?
There are three lamps in the living room.
o How much + uncountable noun + is there? – There is …
How much milk is there in the refrigerator?
There is some milk in the refrigerator.

Activity 8. Complete the sentences with ONE word.

1. There is a shirt on the bed.

2. There ________ two books on the floor.
3. There ________ not any water left in the fridge.
4. How many states are ________ in the US?
5. There is ________ large bookshelf next to the table.
6. ________ there any bins in the class?
7. There ________ two posters on the wall.
8. ________ there any cheese for dinner?
9. How ________ pizza is there on the table?
10. ________ there any juice left? I’m so thirsty.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Activity 9. Complete the sentences about Kate’s description of her bedroom.

My favorite room in my apartment is my bedroom. It’s a large bedroom.

1. There / be / comfortable / bed / right / room.
2. There / be / large / window.
3. There / be / beautiful / picture / wall.
4. There / be / high / bookshelf / beside / window.
5. There / be / books / on / bookshelf.
6. There / be / bright / lamp / on / dresser.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Activity 10. BRAINSTORM Draw a floor plan of your favorite room. Write words to describe it.
Use Kate’s description in Activity 9 as suggestions. Discuss ideas with a partner.

Activity 11. Answer the questions. Write complete sentences. Use your BRAINSTORM floor plan
and notes to help you.

1. What is in the room? Where are these things?

2. What do you like to do in the room?
3. Why do you like it?

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Lesson 10 - Homework

Exercise 1. Correct the spelling mistakes in each word.

1. comfotale ______________ 5. caml ______________

2. raditer ______________ 6. mirer ______________
3. refigrator ______________ 7. brigt ______________
4. pivecy ______________ 8. dresor ______________

Exercise 2. Look at the pictures. Write down ten more differences.

Picture 1 has got a sofa, but picture 2 hasn’t.

1. _____________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________
7. _____________________________________________
(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
8. _____________________________________________
9. _____________________________________________
10. ____________________________________________

Exercise 3. Change the sentences into negative statements and questions.

1. There is a big kitchen in my flat.

There isn’t a big kitchen in my flat.
Is there a big kitchen in your flat?
2. There are two bedrooms in my house.
3. There is a carpet under the table.
4. There is a bookshelf on the wall.
5. There are five chairs at the table.
6. There is sugar in the cupboard.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with is or are.

1. There __________ birds in the zoo.

2. There __________ papers on the desk.
3. __________ there a cat on the floor?
4. There __________ a girl in blue dress.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
5. There __________ not any mountains in this area.
6. __________ there snakes in this park?
7. There __________ Cathy’s dolls in the wardrobe.
8. __________ there any sugar left?
9. There __________ lots of water for the fish.
10. There __________ bees in the photo.

Exercise 5. Correct the mistakes in each sentence.

1. There is games for children.

2. How much roads are there?
3. There is tickets on the table.
4. Are there grass under the tree?
5. There are a river in my city.
6. How many jam is there in the fridge?
7. There is no letters for you.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Lesson 11


Activity 1. Read the sentences. Which explanation is correct? Circle a or b.

1. Emma has good exercise habits. She works out five days a week.

a. Emma exercises very often.

b. Emma has nice exercise clothes.

2. John likes to stay in shape. He goes to the gym almost every day.

a. John spends a lot of time indoors.

b. John takes care of his body and health.

3. Fatima wants to prepare dinner for us. She is an excellent cook.

a. Fatima wants to go out for dinner.

b. Fatima wants to make dinner.

4. Miteb goes to the gym regularly. He works out every evening after work.

a. Miteb exercises very often.

b. Miteb doesn't exercise every week.

5. Nour goes running at least three times a week. If he has time, he runs more.
(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
a. Nour sometimes runs only twice a week.

b. Nour sometimes runs four times a week.

6. I watch what I eat. For example, I don't eat food with a lot of fat or sugar.

a. The speaker chooses her food carefully.

b. The speaker chooses cheap and convenient food.

7. Amal sells houses for a living. She works five days a week.

a. Amal sells houses as a job.

b. Amal's house is too big. She wants to sell it.

8. I started exercising last month, and I want to keep it up. I feel a lot better.

a. The speaker wants to continue exercising this month.

b. The speaker wants to stop exercising this month.

Activity 2. Listen to the interview with Matt, Kate and Rob. Match each person with the correct

1. Matt a. is a lawyer

2. Kate b. is a manager at a store

3. Rob c. is a history teacher

Activity 3. Look at the chart. Then listen again. Check the correct information for each person.
You will check more than one column.

Sleeps at least 8 Exercise at least 3 Doesn’t work Eats healthy food

hours a night times a week too much

1. Matt x

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
2. Kate

3. Rob

Activity 4. Complete the chart. Compare with a partner.

Name Healthy habits Unhealthy habits




Activity 5. Use your notes from Activity 4 to answer the questions below. Write the correct name.
Then compare your answers with a partner.

1. Who is a vegetarian?

2. Who works out for two hours every day?

3. Who eats junk food?

4. Who works seven days a week?

5. Who sleeps ten hours a night?

6. Who hates exercising?

7. Who reads and walks in the park to relax?

8. Who works 12 to 13 hours a day?

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
9. Who sleeps only five hours a night?

Activity 6. Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false) for each statement. Then correct each
false statement to make it true.

__ 1. Matt hardly ever exercises.

__ 2. Kate works out three days a week or more.

__ 3. Rob chooses his food carefully.

__ 4. Matt works only five hours a day.

__ 5. Rob teaches business management.

__ 6. Kate often gets eight hours of sleep.

__ 7. Kate likes walking in the park and reading.

— 8. Rob likes exercising.


(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Activity 7. Read these statements, circle the answers about your health habits. Check the good

Good habits

I exercise/ don’t exercise regularly

I eat/ don’t eat fresh fruits and vegetables

I eat/ don’t eat a lot of junk food

I sleep/ don’t sleep at least 8 hours a night

I work/ don’t work too much

I watch/ don’t watch what I eat

I do/ don’t do relaxing activities

I wash/ don’t wash my hands with soap before meals

I visit/ don’t visit health professionals twice a year

I wear/ don’t wear protective gear while playing sports.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Modals can and should

1. A modal comes before a base form verb. Modals can be affirmative or negative.


I should eat more fruit.

modal base verb

I can't sleep some nights.

modal base verb

Don't put an -s at the end of the verb.

Correct: He can play tennis well.

Incorrect: He can plays tennis well.

2. Use can/can't to talk about possibility or ability.

Example: Stress can make people gain weight.

Rob can't swim.

3. Use should / shouldn't to give advice.

Example: You should exercise every day.

You shouldn't worry all the time.

Note: The full forms of shouldn't and can't are should not and cannot

Activity 8. Complete the conversation with can, can't, should, and shouldn't. Then practice with
a partner.

Hyo: I'm worried about Martin. He looks really tired. He works too much.

Jamal: I know. He (1) __________ work so much.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Hyo: You're right. He (2) __________ sleep more, too. He sleeps about four hours a night! And he
doesn't exercise.

Jamal: He (3) __________ come to the gym with me. There's a great swimming pool there.

Hyo: Well, he (4) __________ swim, but he wants to learn. Does your gym have swimming lessons?

Jamal: Yes, it does. He (5) __________ take lessons in the evenings or on the weekends.

Hyo: Oh, good. You (6) __________ call him and tell him that. I (7) __________ come, too. I need to
learn how to swim.

Jamal: Yes, that’s a great idea.

Activity 9. Write 3 sentences about your BAD health habits.

1. ____________________________________________________________________.

2. ____________________________________________________________________.

3. ____________________________________________________________________.

Activity 10. Take turns reading your sentences with a partner. Give your partner advice. Use
should and shouldn't.


A: I feel tired because I usually stay up late to read novels.

B: Hmm… you should read novels in the daytime and sleep earlier. It can help you feel much better.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Lesson 11 – HOMEWORK

Exercise 1. Number the picture with the correct word.

Word bank

1. Play outdoors

2. Do exercise

3. Drink water

4. Sleep well

5. Eat well

6. Wash

Exercise 2. Put the letters in the correct order to make a word.

1. reexices ________________ 6. paos ________________

2. ssoprt ________________ 7. ghyiene ________________

3. jofuonkd ________________ 8. ntiuuostri ________________

4. bhait ________________ 9. gurelyarl ________________

5. ipvroteect ________________ 10. erwta ________________

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Exercise 3. Use the phrases in the box to complete the sentences.

drink water cook fresh food exercise regularly

do relaxing activities brush your teeth eat vegetables and fruit

1. Come on, you've worked hard all day. It's time to ______________.

2. Dentists say it's OK to ______________ 3 times a day.

3. ______________ before you go for a run, but don't have too much.

4. Her dad's a great cook. He likes to ______________ and he makes the best pasta I've ever tried.

5. You have to ______________Tom. You'll feel much better for it! Come for a run with me

6. I think you're eating too much cake and chocolate, Sam you need to _____________.

Exercise 4. Read the form and write sentences about Petbot, the robot dog.


1. It can walk

2. ___________________________________________________________________.

3. ___________________________________________________________________.

4. ___________________________________________________________________.

5. ___________________________________________________________________.
(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
6. ___________________________________________________________________.

Exercise 5. Use the prompts to write sentences with should and shouldn’t.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Lesson 12


Activity 1. Here are some words from the reading. Read the sentences. Circle the meaning of the
underlined words.

1. I am addicted to coffee. When I don't drink coffee, I get a headache.

a. like b. can't stop drinking

2. At the end of a long workday, Matt feels exhausted. He just wants to rest.

a. extremely tired b. talkative

3. I have two tests this week. I feel a lot of stress.

a. calm b. worry

4. I want to break my habit of drinking sodas. They have too much sugar.

a. start b. stop

5. She drinks water instead of juice. Water is healthier.

a. in addition to b. to replace
(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
6. My friend is very heavy. He needs to lose weight.

a. become thinner b. become heavier

7. I want to give you some money, but unfortunately I don't have any.

a. sadly b. happily

8. When I cook, I don't use a recipe. I like to create my own dishes.

a. name b. make

Activity 2. Read the article about changing unhealthy habits. Then circle the correct answer.

Dr. Lee on Health

Dear Dr. Lee

I am addicted to video games. I can't stop playing them. I don't feel tired at night because I love
playing games. I usually stay up until 3 a.m. I never get enough sleep! During the day, I am exhausted,
and I fall asleep in class. I feel a lot of stress now. What's your advice?

Sleepless Sam

Dear Sam,

Your problem isn't unusual. Many people are addicted to video games. How can you break this
habit? First, you should make a plan. Begin to make changes slowly. For example, if you usually play
games five hours a day, you could play four hours a day for the first week. The next week, you could
play three hours a day. Your goal should be one hour a day of video games. Second, replace video games
with a different activity. You could spend time with friends instead of with video games. You will want
to play video games, but you need to break this habit. Good luck!

Dr. Lee

Dear Dr. Lee,

I love the TV show The Biggest Loser. People on the show try to lose weight, and most of them
are successful. They reach their goals. I want to lose 20 pounds (9 kilograms). Will the show's diet plan
work for me?


Dear Mary,
(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
People on The Biggest Loser lose a lot of weight quickly. Doctors plan everything they eat and
do. But what happens after the show? Unfortunately, most people gain weight again. Why? After the
show, they don't exercise five to six hours a day. They often return to unhealthy lifestyles. If you want to
lose weight, there are no quick and easy diet plans. It takes time to lose weight and learn new habits. You
should create your own diet plan. Remember your goal: a healthy lifestyle.

Dr. Lee

1. Sam is tired during the day because he ________.

a. stays up late b. falls asleep in class

c. feels a lot of stress d. doesn't drink coffee

2. Dr. Lee thinks that Sam should ________.

a. get up early b. change his habit slowly

c. play different games d. break his habit

3. Mary writes to Dr. Lee because she wants to ________.

a. be on a TV program b. meet Dr. Lee

c. lose weight d. gain weight

4. Dr. Lee says that Mary should ________.

a. create her own diet plan b. go on the TV show

c. lose 20 pounds d. not try to lose weight

Activity 3. Read the statements about the article in Activity 2. Write T (true) or F (false). Then
correct each false statement to make it true.

1. Sam usually stays up until 2 a.m. ________

2. Dr. Lee says Sam's goal should be to play video games for 30 minutes a day. ________

3. The contestants lose weight quickly on the show. ________

4. After the show, most contestants continue to exercise five to six hours a day. ________

5. Dr. Lee believes that there are no quick and easy diet plans. ________

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
6. Dr. Lee gives Mary tips and suggestions for her own diet plan. ________

Activity 4. Answer these questions based on information from Activity 2.

1. Sam isn't tired at night. Why?


2. According to Dr. Lee, does Sam have a common problem?


3. How much weight does Mary want to lose?


4. Why do people gain weight after the TV program?



Common health problems

Activity 5. Underline the correct answer.

► My back pain / hurts.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
1. I'm / I've got a temperature. 7. He's got flu / a flu.

2. I feel / 've got a cold. 8. Is / Has she got a temperature?

3. He doesn’t feel / be well. 9. I hurt / ‘ve got a pain in my eye.

4. I feel / ‘ve got a toothache. 10. She is / has got a stomachache.

5. Do you feel / be sick? 11. She is / has got a sore throat.

6. My knee feels / hurts. 12. I don’t feel / haven’t got a cough.

Activity 6. Complete the sentences.

► I had to stand up for ten hours; now I've got a backache.

1. She has always smoked a lot, and now she's got a bad________.

2. He's got a ____________ - look, it's 39 degrees.

3. I walked 20 kilometers today, and my feet ____________.

4. What's the ____________? You look terrible. - I don't feel ____________.

5. I ate too much at lunch and now I've got ____________.

6. My little boy had four ice creams and now he feels ____________.

7. I've got a temperature and a terrible headache. I think I've got ____________.

8. I can't eat anything; I've got a sore ____________.


Modals can, could, and should

1. A modal comes before a base form verb. Modals can be affirmative or negative*.

I should eat more fruit. Sometimes I can't sleep at night.

modal base verb modal base verb

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Don't put an -s at the end of the verb.

✓ Correct: He can eat a whole pizza.

X Incorrect: He can eats a whole pizza.

2. Use can / can't to talk about possibility or ability.

Some habits can take a year to change.

She can't speak Arabic.

3. Use could to make a polite suggestion.

You could come with me to my exercise class.

4. Use should / shouldn't to give advice.

They should eat more fruit.

They shouldn't eat junk food.

* The full forms of shouldn't and can’t are should not and cannot.

Activity 7. Read this paragraph from Activity 2. Underline the modals could or should + verb.
Label each modal as S (Suggestion) or A (Advice).

Many people are addicted to video games. How can you break this habit? First, you

should make a plan. Begin to make changes slowly. For example, if you usually play games

five hours a day, you could play four hours a day for the first week. The next week, you could

play three hours a day. Your goal should be one hour a day of video games. Second, replace

video games with a different activity. You could spend time with friends instead of with video

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
games. You could turn off your computer at 9:00 and read a good book.

Activity 8. Complete these sentences with can or can't.

1. If I eat one potato chip, I __________ stop. I want to eat more.

2. It's difficult to break a habit, but you __________ do it.

3. People __________ become addicted to soda.

4. Most people __________ lose weight when they exercise every day.

5. I __________ speak loudly today. I have a bad cold.

Activity 9. BRAINSTORM Read the text messages below. With a partner, discuss the two
questions. For each question, think of several possible answers.

Activity 10. Choose one question from Activity 9. Answer with complete sentences. Use your
BRAINSTORM notes and the reading in Activity 2 to help you.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Lesson 12 - Homework

Exercise 1. Complete the words.

1. c r _ _ t _ : ______________ 5. e _ _ a _ _ t _ _: ______________

2. a _ d _ _ t _ _ : ______________ 6. t e _ _ _ _ a _ _ _ e: ______________

3. s t _ _ _ _ h _ _ _ e : ______________ 7. i _ s _ _ _ d: ______________

4. w _ _ g _ _ : ______________ 8. u _ f _ _ _ u _ _ _ _ _ y: ______________

Exercise 2. Choose the correct option.

1. She is really addicted __________ shopping. She can spend the whole day going to clothes stores.

A. with B. of C. to

2. For many thin people, __________ weight is harder than losing weight.

A. getting B. gaining C. taking

3. After skiing in the very cold weather, Lisa’s got __________.

A. cold B. sick C. pain

4. I’ve got __________ so I need to go to the dentist.

A. backache B. headache C. toothache

5. Because of studying too much, many students feel __________.

A. stress B. break C. exhaust

6. Oh, you’ve got a __________ throat. You should go to bed early with a hot drink.

A. hurt B. ache C. sore

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Exercise 3. Complete these sentences with should or shouldn't.

1. You __________ drink more than three cups of coffee a day.

2. It's very cold outside. You __________ wear a jacket.

3. It's really hot. We __________ go outside right now.

4. During class, you __________ pay attention to the teacher.

5. David __________ change his lifestyle. He needs to eat less junk food.

6. Anna feels a lot of stress. She __________ work so hard.

Exercise 4. Answer the questions with a suggestion. Use could.

1. Where shall we go for our (to Scotland) We could go to Scotland.

(fish) We ____________________________
2. What shall we have for dinner
tonight? (now) You ___________________________

3. When shall I phone Vicky? (a book) ____________________________

4. What shall I give Ann for her (in the kitchen) _______________________
5. Where shall we hang this picture?
(by train) ____________________________

6. How shall we get to Paris?

Exercise 5. Underline and correct the mistakes in each sentence.

1. It's a nice day. We can’t go for a walk.

2. Peter is a keen musician. He plays the flute and he could also play the piano.

3. Be careful climbing that tree. You should fall.

4. If you're hungry, we can’t have dinner now.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
5. Robert, you are very tired. You can’t spend so much time in front of the computer!

6. I’m sorry I can come to your party.


Lesson 13


Activity 1. Read the sentences. Which explanation is correct? Circle a or b.

1. The climate of Tunisia includes hot and dry summers.

a. The weather is hot and dry in Tunisia in the summer.

b. The beaches of Tunisia are hot and dry in the summer

2. The average tourist stays at this hotel for one week, but Anna really likes it here. She is staying two

a. Anna is like most tourists at the hotel.

b. Anna is not like most tourists at the hotel.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
3. Many tourists visit Kyoto because it is a center for Japanese culture. They go to Kyoto to have good
Japanese food, visit museums, and see beautiful old buildings.

a. You can learn a lot about Japanese customs and culture in Kyoto

b. You can do a lot of shopping in Kyoto.

4. You can walk through the gardens at the park. You can also go to lectures there. You can listen to
someone give a talk about a subject you are interested in.

a. A lecture is a kind of talk.

b. A garden is a kind of talk.

5. Mary recently visited Shanghai. She was there last month.

a. Mary visited Shanghai a short time ago.

b. Mary visited Shanghai a long time ago.

6. Rome has several historic buildings. For example, the famous Forum is in Rome. It is about 2,000
years old.

a. Rome has many important new buildings.

b. Rome has many important old buildings.

7. Rio de Janeiro has many skyscrapers. One of them is Ventura Corporate Towers. It has 38 floors.
Some skyscrapers have more than 40 floors.

a. There are a lot of big offices in Rio.

b. There are a lot of tall buildings in Rio.

Activity 2. A. Listen to the radio program. The interviewer talks to three people. Match each
person with the correct city.

1. David a. Bruges

2. Amanda b. Ubud

3. Sam c. New York City

4. Mika d. does not name a city

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Activity 3. Listen again and complete the outline below.
City: ________________________________________________________________
Other information
on Ball in Indonesia, warm climate, cool and comfortable forests, center for culture
City: ________________________________________________________________
City: ________________________________________________________________
shopping, eating at restaurants and cafés

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Other information
big, modern, busy, over 8 million people

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Activity 4. Look at the outline in Activity 3. Check the topics that each speaker talks about.

climate architecture food shopping museums lectures walks




Activity 5. Read the descriptions of the people. Match each person with the best vacation city.
Use the information in your notes in Activity 3.

a. Ubud b. Bruges c. New York

______ 1. Eric likes modern cities. He loves to go to museums. He also loves to go

shopping and eat different kinds of food.

______ 2. Theresa loves to go to places with beautiful, warm weather.

______ 3. Jonas likes European cities. He is interested in European history.

Activity 6. Read the sentences. Then listen to the radio program again. Circle the answer to
complete each statement.

1. The average temperature in Bali is ______.

a. cool b. very warm c. very hot

2. The speaker enjoyed going to lectures and taking walks ______.

a. every evening b. every weekend c. every week

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
3. According to the speaker, Bruges has ______.

a. amazing architecture b. a big shopping mall c. skyscrapers

4. The speaker thinks Bruges ______ in the world.

a. is the best place b. has the best chocolate c. has the best food

5. The speaker visited New York ______.

a. last week b. last month c. last year

6. One of the speaker's favorite things about New York is ______.

a. the people b. the shopping c. the museums

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press

arrange something foreign

plan and organize something of another country

go abroad passport

go to another country

on holiday

If you are on holiday, you are not at work and you are away
from home.

arrange the plane ticket, e.g. buy it before you travel
put clothes in a suitcase
a journey by plane


a document or note in your passport which means you can

travel to certain countries


pay to use something for a short time, e.g. a car, a bike

Activity 7. Circle the correct word.

Example: I have to get/ find a visa.

1 We went abroad/holiday last summer.

2 I had to hire/arrange accommodation.

3 We might/have go to Japan in June.

4 I need to hire/get travel insurance.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
5 Can we pack/hire a car here?

6 I must hire/find my passport.

7 Have you made/packed your suitcase?

8 Did you book/have the flight to Paris?

Activity 8. Circle the correct word.

Example: art museum/ gallery

1. go/do sightseeing 2. guide map/book 3. visit/go a museum

4. make/take photos 5. guide/guided tour 6. go on/make a tour

Activity 9. Complete the sentences.

Example: We went on a guided tour.

1. She _______ a lot of photos of some old French villages.

2. You should go and look _______ the museums - they're very interesting.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
3. I _______ lost because I didn't have a _______.

4. We went to the _______ gallery to see those Picasso paintings.

5 We _______ on a tour of the centre and the _______ was interesting and funny.


Past of be; Simple past affirmative statements

Past of be
Use the past of be to identify and describe people and things in the past.
subject be (not)

I was very happy.

You were (not) busy yesterday.


He was In Ubud last week.


● You can contract negative statements:

was not = wasn’t were not = weren’t
● Past time expressions answer the question, When?
last + time: last week, last month
time + ago: three days ago, one year ago

Yes/ No question Short answers

be subject yes no

was he in China? Yes, he was. No, he wasn’t.

were they excited? Yes, they were. No, they were.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Information questions Answers

Wh-word be subject

How were Paris and Rome? They were great!

What was your favorite city? Istanbul was my favorite city.

When was the lecture? The lecture was last week.

Simple past affirmative statements

The simple past describes completed actions in the past.
Regular past verbs end in -ed. The simple past form is the same for all subjects.
I visited Brazil last year.
They liked their trip to Tokyo.
He shopped downtown yesterday.
We stayed at a nice hotel.
Spelling simple past verbs
like-liked stay-stayed shop-shopped
travel-traveled try-tried visit-visited

Activity 10. Put the words in the correct order. Use the correct simple past form of be in each
question. Then ask and answer the questions with a partner.

1. you / where / yesterday / be?


2. last week / be / you / on vacation ?

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press

3. be / last trip / how / your ?


4. last vacation / it / be / on / your / cold?


5. be / when you were young / what / your favorite city?


6. in this city / you / be / last year?


Activity 11. Complete Sarah’s email about her trip to Istanbul. Use the past form of the words

shop stay travel try visit walk



Subject: My trip to Istanbul

Dear Anna,

I'm back from my vacation! I (1) __________ to Istanbul last month. My trip was so
much fun! I (2) __________ in a really nice hotel. There was a view of a beautiful park
outside my window. I (3) __________ a lot of great museums. I also __________ around
the city every day. The food was delicious. I (4) __________ baklava for the first time.
It's a dessert made with nuts and syrup. On my last day, I (5) __________ at a big market.
There were so many pretty scarves, shoes, and bags. Let's get together soon. I have a gift
for you!

See you soon!


(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Activity 12. Think about a city that you visited. Answer these questions.

1. What is the city’s name?

2. How long did you stay?


3. Where did you go?


4. What did you do there?


5. What did you like most about that city?


Activity 13. Ask and answer the questions in Activity 12 with a partner.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Lesson 13 – HOMEWORK

Exercise 1: Look at the pictures and complete the questions and answers.

1. - Was Helen at home yesterday?
- Helen wasn’t at home yesterday. She was at the cinema.
2. - ____________________ at school yesterday?
- Tom and Dan ____________________. They ____________________.
3. - ____________________ at home yesterday?
- Nick ____________________. He ____________________.
4. - ____________________ at the cinema yesterday?
- Liz and Jane ____________________. They ____________________.

Exercise 2. Use the prompts to make questions and negative sentences.

1. Jim/ at home/ last night? – Was Jim at home last night?

2. you/ at school/ on Monday? ____________________________________________?

3. the cinema/ open/ on Sunday? _________________________________________?

4. all your friends/ at your party? __________________________________________?

5. Kevin and Mei/ at my party. – Kevin and Mei weren’t at my party.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
6. Nick/ in class yesterday. _______________________________________________.

7. It/ warm/ yesterday. ___________________________________________________.

8. We/ at the match yesterday. ____________________________________________.

Exercise 3. Read the text on the right. Find words in the text to match the meanings.

► Example: When you go abroad on holiday, you might need to arrange

certain things. Firstly, you will probably need to book a flight
of another country which is and your accommodation. For some countries, you will need
not your country – foreign to take or send your passport to the embassy of that country
to get a visa, and you might also need foreign currency. Some
travellers like to hire a car before they go, and then get it at
1 plan or organize the airport. And when you pack your suitcase, don't forget
_________ your passport!

2 pay to use something for a

short time _________

3 go to another country

4 a time when you don't have

to work _________

5 arrange and pay for

something in advance

6 put your things in a bag

before you travel _________

7 a journey by plane

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Exercise 4. Use words from Exercise 3 to complete the text.

I'm going on holiday for two weeks this Saturday. I wanted to go (1) _________this year, perhaps to
the Far East, and I finally decided to go to China. I booked the (2) _________ with China Airlines.
I needed (3) _________ too, so I looked on the internet for hotels in Beijing. I found a nice one and
(4) _________ to stay there for the first week. I also had to (5) _________ a visa, and I got some
foreign (6) _________ Chinese Yuan. I paid €30 for travel (7) _________; you never know, I (8)
_________ be ill or lose my things. Tomorrow, I'm going to (9) _________ my suitcase. I know I
put my passport somewhere, but where? I'll have to (10) _________ it before Saturday!

Exercise 5. Correct one mistake in each sentence.


► She went on a guiding tour of the city – She went on a guided tour of the city.

1 We're going in a tour of the city this afternoon. ______________________________.

2 Did you go seeing in Paris? _____________________________________________.

3 We always go lost in a new place. ________________________________________.

4 She made a lot of photos on her holiday. ___________________________________.

5 Did you visit at the museum? ____________________________________________.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Lesson 14


Activity 1. Here are some words from the reading. Read the sentences. Circle the meaning of the
underlined words.

1. There are many complaints about this restaurant. The food is not very good.

a. comments from unhappy people b. comments from happy people

2. In my opinion, the city lifestyle is wonderful and exciting.

a. a thought about something b. a report about a topic

3. There are many international students at this university.

a. from different countries b. intelligent

4. This park seems very safe. There are a lot of families with children.

a. looks like it is b. smells like it is

5. The air in the city is dirty and polluted. It needs to improve.

a. get worse b. get better

6. My first impression of the neighborhood was good. I liked it because there were many beautiful trees.

a. idea or feeling b. town or city

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
7. On weekends, I buy fresh fruit at a farmers' market downtown. Each farmer sells a good variety of

a. place to eat food b. place to shop for things

8. This museum is very expensive. I'm surprised. I thought it was free.

a. serious feeling about something

b. feeling when something unusual happens

Activity 2. Read the blog post. Then decide whether the below statements are T (true) or F (false).
Correct each false statement to make it true.

First Impressions

Some long-time residents of Berlin have complaints about their city. Last week, we invited some
of our newer residents to give their thoughts and opinions.


I am from Taiwan, and I moved here two years ago. I'm studying engineering at Humboldt
University. Berlin is very international. There are students and professors from all over the world.

During my first year here, many students didn't seem friendly toward new people. I was shy at
the beginning because my German wasn't very good. When my German improved, I tried to talk to other
students more. After several months. I made a few good friends. Then I started to enjoy the city with my
friends. My first impression was not very good. People seemed unfriendly. But now I have a good opinion
of Berlin, and I enjoy studying here.


I am from the Philippines. and I moved here with my family five years ago. I really don't like
cold weather, so at first, I was unhappy. But people in this city don't stay inside in the winter. For
example, last December, I visited the outdoor markets with my parents. It was cold, and it was dark at
3:30 p.m. But the markets were so colorful! My family and I walked around for hours. Everyone was
outside, having fun! When we were too cold, we stopped for a hot drink at a café. On that winter night,
the city was exciting. The next day, I went ice skating with my friends. From the skating rink, there was
a beautiful view of the city. Now I think differently about the cold winter months.


My first impression of Berlin was very good. This city really welcomes bicyclists, and that is
very unusual. I love biking, but it can be dangerous in a city. On my first weekend in Berlin, I biked all

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
over the city. There are special red bike paths everywhere, and they are very safe. I was really surprised.
Also, I explored the beautiful city parks and gardens.

1. Mei moved to Berlin five years ago. _________

2. Mei didn't speak German very well when she arrived. _________

3. Mei doesn't like studying in Berlin now. _________

4. Residents of Berlin enjoy spending time outside in the winter. _________

5. Tala didn't like the outdoor markets. _________

6. Tale enjoyed skiing in Berlin. _________

7. Pedro enjoys running in the city parks in Berlin. _________

8. The bike paths in Berlin are red. _________

Activity 3. Fill in the chart. How does each person's impression of Berlin change? Then answer
the questions.

First impression Later impression

Mei Students weren’t friendly.

Tala She didn’t like the cold weather.

Pedro He still feels the same.

1. Which person had a very good impression? Why?


2. For the other two people, what happened to change their impressions?


(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Activity 4. Match the adjectives with the pictures.

1. safe / dangerous

a. __________ b. __________

2. polluted / clean

a. __________ b. __________

3. busy / quiet, peaceful

a. __________ b. __________

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
4. crowded / empty

a. __________ b. __________

5. exciting, lively / boring

a. __________ b. __________

6. modern / ancient

a. __________ b. __________

Activity 5. Complete the dialogue.

A: What’s your opinion of Walton?

B: Well, it’s very (1) ____________ with a good transport system and many high buildings – I love
(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
A: Yes, but is it safe?

B: I would say yes, but at night, the city is a bit (2) ___________ as there may be crime.

A: There’s lots to do at night, isn’t there?

B: Absolutely, it’s very (3) ___________ here. You can go to many bars and clubs.

A: And is it very busy in the centre?

B: It’s OK on weekends, but it gets very (4) ___________ on the weekends with all the tourists. The
centre is also quite (5) ___________; factories cause a lot of waste.


Activity 6. Complete the paragraph about the writer's first impressions of Dubai. Use the simple

My wife and I (1) ____________(move) to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates last year. My first
impression of Dubai (2) ____________ (be) good. The people (3) ____________ (be) very welcoming
and (4) ____________ (answer) our questions. On the weekend, we (5)

____________ (walk) down narrow streets in the old market area. However, the daytime temperatures
(6) ____________ (be) very hot. I (7) ____________ (try) to stay inside with the air conditioning.

Activity 7. Write complete sentences in the simple past form using the cues given.

1. local people / friendly / helpful?


2. We / not / have / time / visit / museums / galleries.


3. I / spend / lot / money / on / buy / clothes.


4. What / they / visit?


(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
5. there / expensive / hotels / restaurants?


6. My friends / I / not / travel / air.


7. city / peaceful / morning


8. We / not / know / way / to / airport


Activity 8. BRAINSTORM Think about a city you visited. Complete the T-chart below. Then
share your ideas with a partner.

Places, parks, and shops in the city Adjectives to describe the city

Activity 9. Answer the questions. Write several sentences for each question. Use your
BRAINSTORM chart and notes to help you.

1. When did you visit the city? Who did you go with?

2. What did you see or do?

3. What was the most interesting thing about the city?

4. Do you think this is a good city to live in? Explain your answer.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Lesson 14 - Homework

Exercise 1. Put the letters in the correct order.

1. spremsino : ______________ 4. srepurisd: ______________

2. arktem: ______________ 6. poinoni: ______________

3. revpomi: ______________ 7. ctplmaion: ______________

Exercise 2. Choose the correct word.

1. It’s a(n) international / crowded city with a population of over one million.

2. The hotel gets many complaints / opinions about the bad service.

3. We need to improve / seem the central park and turn it into a place for tourists.

4. In order to make the city ancient / lively, the government is going to build more shopping malls and

5. It looks like a(n) empty / emty town with no one on the road.

6. The key to good health is to live in a busy / clean city.

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with was, wasn’t, were or weren’t.

1. The city was very clean. There _________ any trash in the streets.

2. The sky _________ clear and blue. The air _________ polluted.

3. The taxi _________ very expensive. Next time, I will take a bus.

4. The residents _________ worried about crime. The city was very safe.

5. We _________ exhausted after the trip. The roads _________very crowded, and traffic moved
(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
6. Last year, the economy in my area _________ very bad.

7. I _________ happy about my new office. It _________ very dark.

Exercise 4. Put the verbs in the past simple tense.

1. My friends __________ (have) a great time in Nha Trang last year.

2. We __________ (drive) around the parking lot for 20 minutes to find a parking space.

3. Peter __________ (not cook) for dinner yesterday.

4. They __________ (not sleep) at all last night to finish the task.

5. He __________ (choose) his words carefully as he ___________ (speak).

6. __________ you __________ (buy) a lot of gifts for your little sister?

7. What __________ you __________ (wear) at the party?

8. Why __________ you and Mary __________ (come) back so early?

9. Mum __________ (pay) for my driving lessons.

10. __________ you __________ (tell) anyone about this?

Exercise 5. Underline and correct the mistakes in each sentence.

1. I were tired when I came home.

2. How did you and Mike got there?

3. The bed was very comfortable so they sleeped very well.

4. Dave wanted to make a fire but there were no wood.

5. Tom did do the homework before going to school.

6. She didn’t went out with her boyfriend last night.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Exercise 6. Choose the correct option.

1. I _____ to the mall after school.

A. goed B. goed C. went

2. My brother _____ a bear an hour ago.

A. seed B. saw C. sees

3. _____ Mike visit his grandmother last night?

A. Did B. Are C. Does

4. Alex did not _____ last weekend.

A. working B. worked C. work

5. _____ Judy and Liz at last month's meeting?

A. Was B. Were C. Are

6. We _____ not happy after the sad ending.

A. were B. was C. did

7. _____ you see Jody's new dog yesterday?

A. Are B. Did C. Do

8. Sorry, I ________ hear you at the door.

A. wasn't B. didn't C. am not

9. I _____ English for two years.

A. studying B. study C. studied

10. What _____ you eat for lunch yesterday?

A. do B. did C. were

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Lesson 15


Activity 1. Here are some words from the listening. Read the sentences. Which explanation is
correct? Circle a or b.

1. Jena is a mathematical genius. She's very young, but she can do difficult math problems.

a. Jena has difficulty in school.

b. Jena is extremely intelligent.

2. Mary is an astronomer. She spends many nights looking at the sky.

a. Mary is a kind of scientist.

b. Mary is a kind of writer.

3. Martin died in 2010. He was 100 years old!

a. Martin stopped living in 2010.

b. Martin began living in 2010.

4. There are millions of stars in the sky at night! The sun is the closest star to Earth.

a. A star is the same thing as a planet.

b. A star is a large ball of burning gas a long way from us.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
5. Brightness changes for different stars. Some give off a lot of light, but others are difficult to see from

a. Brightness is how much light something gives off.

b. Brightness is how big something is.

6. The distance between the cities of Dallas and Fort Worth is very small. You can drive from
downtown Dallas to downtown Fort Worth in about 30 minutes.

a. Dallas is far from Fort Worth.

b. Dallas is near Fort Worth.

7. Benjamin Franklin discovered important facts about electricity. He showed that lightning is

a. He read about electricity and understood the facts.

b. He found new information about electricity.

8. The universe is really big! It contains planets, stars, and moons.

a. The universe is Earth, our moon, and the sun.

b. The universe is everything that exists.

Activity 2. Listen to the radio program. Answer the questions.

1. What kind of scientist was Henrietta Leavitt?

a. biologist b. chemist c. astronomer

2. What was her big discovery?

a. the size of stars b. the brightness of stars c. the number of stars

3. How does Dr. Watkins describe Leavitt?

a. hard working and smart b. famous and hard working c. sad and intelligent

4. What do we know now because of Leavitt's work?

a. All stars are really bright.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
b. The universe is really big.

c. There are millions of stars.

Activity 3. Listen again. Write the important events for each year.

1868 ____________________________________

1892 ____________________________________

1893 ____________________________________

1912 ____________________________________

1921 ____________________________________

Activity 4. Listen again. Circle the best answer to complete each sentence.

1. Leavitt was born in __________.

a. New Hampshire b. New York c. Massachusetts d. Maine

2. Leavitt went to school at __________.

a. Radcliffe College

b. the University of Massachusetts

c. the University of California

d. Harvard University

3. Leavitt got a job at __________.

a. Yale University

b. the University of Massachusetts

c. the University of California

d. Harvard University

4. Leavitt studied __________ of stars.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
a. the distance b. the brightness c. the size d. the length

5. Other scientists discovered the __________ because of Leavitt's work.

a. distance of stars from the Earth

b. number of stars in the universe

c. size of stars in the universe

d. brightness of stars in the sky


Phrases with get

There are many phrases with the word get. In these phrases, get often means receive or become.
The past tense form of get is got.

John got married in 2009.

Anna got a job at a big company.

More phrases with get

get better / worse get hurt / injured get old

get divorced get in touch get over

get engaged get in trouble get rich

get hired get laid off (lose a job) get sick

Activity 5. Complete the sentences. Use a phrase with get in the simple past.

I. Ahmed and Feride ______________ in 2001. Now they have two children.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
2. Miteb ______________ last week. He has a terrible cold.

3. Sun-Hee ______________ at work because she was late yesterday. Her boss said, 'Don't be late

4. Sam and Anna ______________ last night. Their wedding will be in June.

5. James ______________ because his company had a lot of problems. He is now looking for a new

6. Kayo ______________ with an old friend yesterday. She met her in the park.

7. Emma ______________. She broke her leg.

8. He ______________ after many years of being a manager. His house is very expensive.

9. He finally ______________ the failure of not passing the university exam.

10. My grandmother’s disease ______________ quickly. She died after a few weeks in the hospital.

Activity 6. Complete the sentences about yourself, a friend or a family member. Then discuss
with a partner.

1. _________________ got engaged _________________________________.

2. _________________ got married __________________________________.

3. _________________ got laid off ___________________________________.

4. _________________ got hired ____________________________________.

5. _________________ got a job ____________________________________.

6. _________________ got injured ___________________________________.


Simple past with regular and irregular verbs

The simple past describes completed actions in the past.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
I graduated from college two years ago.

I started playing tennis when I was ten years old.

Many verbs have irregular past forms. They don’t end in –ed.

Irregular past forms

begin began eat ate have had read read

buy bought get got make made see saw

come came go went meet met take took

do did grow grew put put think thought

Affirmative statements

subject verb

I / You / We / They moved to Chile last year.

He / She / It came at noon yesterday.

● For affirmative statements, use the same simple past form for all subjects.

Negative statements

subject did + not verb

I / You / We / They did not move to Chile last year.

He / She / It didn’t come at noon yesterday.

● For negative statements, use did not + the base verb for both regular and irregular verbs.

Yes/ No questions Short answers

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
did subject verb yes no

Did you get a new job? Yes, I did. No, I didn’t.

he like the novel? Yes, he did. No, he didn’t.

Information questions Answers

wh- word did subject verb past verb

Where you go to school? I went to school in Tokyo.

When did he start his new job? He started last Saturday.

What they buy They bought a new car.

Activity 7. Complete each sentence. Use the correct simple past form. Some sentences are negative.

1. James ____________ (not / go) to Beijing last year.

2. Emma ____________ (eat) a delicious meal at the new restaurant.

3. Kate and Mau ____________ (have) a baby in November.

4. Ian ____________ (buy) a new car yesterday.

5. Carlos ____________ (not / get) laid off from his job.

6. Multi ____________ (not / graduate) from college in June.

7. May ____________ (take) a cooking class.

8. Amal ____________ (retire) from teaching two years ago.

9. Sun-Hee ____________ (not / give) Anna a book yesterday.

10. Lisa ____________ (become) a doctor three years ago.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Activity 8. Look at the underlined information In the answers below. What question does the
information answer - when, what, where, or why? Write a question for each answer.

1. Question: ____________________________________

Answer: Anita called me yesterday.

2. Question: ____________________________________

Answer: He got lost because he didn't have a map.

3. Question: ____________________________________

Answer: He went to Shanghai for vacation.

4. Question: ____________________________________

Answer: He bought his son a bicycle as a present.

Activity 9. FIND IDEAS What were some important events in your life? Check (✓) them

below. Add more ideas. Then discuss with a partner.

· I got my first car. · I move away to study.

· I visited a foreign country for the first · I got married.
time. · I got my first job.
· I graduated from high school or college. · I bought a house or
· I started college. apartment.
· I got a motorbike. ·

Activity 10. Choose four of your events to present to your class. Include details (e.g: When did
that happen?, Why was that important?, etc.) about each event.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Lesson 15 - Homework

Exercise 1. Match the words with the pictures. There are more words than necessary.

distance universe brightness stars astronomer genius

1. _________________ 2. _________________

3. _________________ 4. _________________

Exercise 2. Choose the correct option.

1. Our lives have got _________ thanks to technology. It saves us a lot of time and energy.

A. worse B. good C. better

2. Mary and Ken got _________ last year. They could not live with each other.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
A. divorced B. engaged C. married

3. My job interview went well. I think I will get _________.

A. rich B. hired C. job

4. Jim got in _________with the bank because of spending too much money.

A. touch B. problem C. trouble

5. It took him two years to get _________ the pain of breakup.

A. out of B. over C. on with

6. Luckily, the child did not get seriously _________ in the accident.

A. injured B. injuries C. injuring

Exercise 3. Correct the mistakes with past simple form in each of these sentences.

1. I drinked some hot milk and went to bed.

2. We didn’t liked the film.

3. Did you showed your friends the project?

4. My bike costed a lot of money.

5. I gived him a sandwich.

6. Where went you last night?

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences using the past simple form and the words in brackets.

► We went (go) on holiday to Scotland last year.

1. I __________ (take) a taxi from the airport to the city centre.

2. We __________ (walk) to the park and then we __________ (play) tennis.

3. The man in the shop __________ (say) something to the woman, but she __________ (not / hear)

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
4. I __________ (ring) the doorbell and a woman __________ (open) the door.

5. I __________ (write) a letter to a friend, and then I __________ (post) it.

6. A: __________ (you / understand) the film?

B: No. I __________ (try) to understand it, but the actors __________ (speak) very quickly.

7. A: __________ (you / buy) some clothes at the market?

B: Yes, I __________ (buy) a pair of trousers and a shirt.

8. A: __________ (you / enjoy) the festival?

B: Yes. It __________ (not / rain) and we __________ (listen) to some good music.

Exercise 5. Complete the questions using the simple past. Then write your own answers.

1. What time / you / go / bed / last night?

Question: ____________________________________

Answer: ______________________________________

2. What / you / have / for breakfast / this morning?

Question: _____________________________________

Answer: ______________________________________

3. you / go / on holiday / last year?

Question: _____________________________________

Answer: ______________________________________

4. How / you / get / to school / this morning?

Question: _____________________________________

Answer: ______________________________________

5. you / buy / anything / yesterday?

Question: _____________________________________

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Answer: ______________________________________


Lesson 16


Activity 1. Here are some words from the reading. Read the sentences. Then write each underlined
word next to the correct definition.

1. My father's business is very successful. He has many customers.

2. When my soccer team won the championship, I was very excited.

3. She is a poor student because she never does her homework.

4. My aunt had a long career in education. She was a teacher for 35 years.

5. My dream is to turn my garage into an exercise room.

6. Mark is a very strong tennis player. He almost always wins.

7. I believe that good schools are important for children.

8. Carlos is very intelligent. He is the top math student in our school.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
a. ___________ (adjective) best

b. ___________ (adjective) powerful; not weak

c. ___________ (noun) a job you learn and do for many years

d. ___________ (adjective) doing something well

e. ___________ (verb phrase) to change and become different

f. ___________ (adjective) bad; not very good

g. ___________ (verb) to think that something is true

h. ___________ (noun) a competition to find the best team in a sport

Activity 2. Read the article. Then do the task below.

An Extraordinary Coach

About 30 years ago, a successful young basketball coach made a big decision. At that time, Tara
VanDerveer was the coach for the best college basketball team in the U.S.—Ohio State University. The
team won 110 games and four championships in five years. In 1985, Stanford University asked
VanDerveer to be their basketball coach. Her friends and family thought she should stay at Ohio State.
Stanford University was one of the best universities in the U.S., but it had a very poor basketball team.
Her friends asked her, "Why do you want to leave your terrific job? At Ohio State, you have a wonderful
career. Stanford will never become a great team." But VanDerveer knew she could make a great team,
and she wanted to show others. "It was kind of like a challenge," VanDerveer says.

In 1985, VanDerveer started coaching at Stanford University. Her goal was to turn the Stanford
players into great athletes. At first, the players didn't have very strong basketball skills. But VanDerveer
was an extraordinary coach, and she believed that her players could become winners. She was right.
After five years, the team won a national championship. VanDerveer and her Stanford team continued to
have many successful years.

In 1995, VanDerveer took a one-year break from Stanford. She coached the U.S. women's
basketball team in the 1996 Summer Olympics. Her team won the gold medal. After that, VanDerveer
wrote a book about her experience. She wrote about her life as a women's basketball coach and the fight
to win the gold medal.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Today the Stanford team is one of the best teams in the country. In 2013, VanDerveer celebrated
the 900th win in her career as a coach. She is happy about her decision to move to Stanford. She enjoys
coaching some of the most intelligent basketball players in the country and turning them into top athletes.

Read the sentences. Number them in the correct order from 1 to 6.

a. She decided to accept the job at Stanford University. ______

b. She coached the U.S. team in the Olympics. ______

c. Stanford offered her a coaching job. ______

d. Her friends and family thought moving was a bad idea. ______

e. She coached her 900th winning game. ______

f. She was a successful coach at Ohio State University. ______

Activity 3. Complete each statement with information from the article in Activity 2.

1. When VanDerveer was the basketball coach at ______________, it was the top team in the United

2. Stanford University was famous for its academic program, but not for its ______________.

3. VanDerveer said that she accepted the job at Stanford because it was a ______________.

4. ______________ years after VanDerveer became Stanford's coach, the team won a national

5. In 1996, she coached the ______________ team.

6. VanDerveer is happy with her decision to leave her job at ______________.

Activity 4. Answer these questions based on information from Activity 2. Write complete sentences.

1. When did Stanford offer VanDerveer the job?


2. Why did VanDerveer accept the job?

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press

3. Why did her friends and family think she made a bad decision?


4. When did she take a break from college coaching?


5. What medal did her team win at the Olympics?



Activity 5. Match the verbs in column A with the words in column B to make complete phrases
about life events.

Column A Column B

start married

have from work

get home

learn house

find up

retire from school

grow to drive

leave a baby

fall in love

take school

graduate a job

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
buy an exam

Activity 6. Complete the sentences.

1. My uncle __________ from work at the age of 65.

2. My father met my mother at a birthday party. They __________ in __________ very quickly.

3. Emily left __________ when she was 18 and went to Spain for study.

4. He spent three months learning __________.

5. We hardly meet each other since we __________ from school.

6. I think it was lucky for me to __________ up in the countryside.

7. Michael is very worried as he is going to __________ the university exam next week.


Sentences with and

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
A simple sentence has one main idea. A simple sentence can have two subjects. It can also have
two verbs, using and.

My friends and I play soccer on the weekend.

subject + subject verb

Alan studies in the afternoon and works at night.

subject verb verb

Each simple sentence has one main idea, even though there are two subjects and two verbs.

In a compound sentence, both parts of the sentence have a subject and a verb. There is a comma
before and.

Susan is a top student, and she is an excellent tennis player.

subject verb subject verb

I went to the coffee shop, and my friend and I talked for a long time.

subject verb subject + subject verb

Activity 7. Read each simple sentence. Label each subject (S) and verb (V). Circle and. Then
write the number of subjects and verbs.

1. My brother and I went to the same university.


Subjects: 2 Verbs: 1

2. Jose made a good decision and got a degree in accounting.

Subjects: ____ Verbs: ____

3. He started his career in banking three years ago.

Subjects: ____ Verbs: ____

4. He worked long hours and took some special classes.

Subjects: ____ Verbs: ____

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
5. In one class, he and his classmates learned leadership skills.

Subjects: ____ Verbs: ____

6. Last year, Jose became an assistant manager at his bank.

Subjects: ____ Verbs: ____

Activity 8. Combine each pair of simple sentences into a compound sentence. Include a comma
before and.

1. He met Jane in college. They got married after graduation.

He met Jane in college, and they got married after graduation.

2. Richard joined the organization in 2010. He became a vice president five years later.


3. Last year, I studied very hard. I became a top science student by the end of the year.


4. The brothers have a successful restaurant business. Many family members work for them.


5. I promised my family a delicious dinner. They loved everything that I made.


6. The scholarship was a great opportunity. I accepted it right away.


7. My mother continued to study at night. She received her diploma last year.


Activity 9. Read the paragraph about the life of Helen Keller. Then do the task below.

(1) Helen Keller was born on a farm in Alabama in 1880. (2) In 1882, she became blind and deaf
because of an illness. (3) Luckily, Anne Sullivan taught her to learn in 1887. (4) Three years later, she
(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
entered Radcliffe College. (5) She wrote her first book, The Story of My Life, in 1902. (6) In 1904, she
became the first deaf-blind to graduate college. (7) After that, in 1924, she made speeches all over the
U.S. (8) She died at the age of 88 in 1968.

a. Combine sentences (1) and (2) into a simple sentence using and



b. Combine sentences (5) and (6) into a simple sentence using and



c. Combine sentences (3) and (4) into a compound sentence using and.



Activity 10. Find out information about the life of a famous person. Choose 5-6 important events
in his or her life and write about them. Use the paragraph in Activity 9 as an example.











(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press




Lesson 16 - Homework

Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with the correct word.

1. The local football team won the c_ _ _ p _ _ _ _ _ _ p after many years of waiting.

2. The president has a very s _ _ _ e _ _ _ _ l political c _ r _ _ r.

3. Catherine’s son is always at the t _ _ of the class.

4. The match was between two s _ _ o _ _ tennis players in the world.

5. She is sad today because of her p _ _ _ exam results.

Exercise 2. Choose the correct option.

1. Her mother passed away before she grew __________.

A. up B. in C. on

2. In many countries, children __________ school at the age of six.

A. do B. take C. start

3. I will find a job once I graduate __________ high school.

A. out of B. from C. behind

4. I decided to __________ a house on King Street as it is near my office.

A. move B. take C. buy

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
5. They __________ a son after a year of getting married.

A. had B. fell C. grew

Exercise 3. Read the sentences. Underline and. Label each sentence a simple sentence (SS) or a
compound sentence (CS).

1. Tara Vanllerveer was born in 1953 in Boston, Massachusetts. _______

2. She attended Indiana State University. _______

3. Tara majored in sociology, and she was a top basketball player. _______

4. After college, she had several jobs and moved several times. _______

5. In 1985, she accepted a position at Stanford University, and she moved to California. _______

6. Her decision changed her life, and she created a great team. _______

7. Today she feels very good about her decision, and her players are thankful to have such an excellent
coach. _______

Exercise 4. Read these sentences. Add commas to the compound sentences.

1. But that year, John Wood made a promise and it changed his life completely.

2. Wood had no salary and the organization's office was in his home.

3. He had to raise a lot of money and hire good people.

4. Wood had excellent business skills and Room to Read became a very strong organization. 5. Many
people became excited about Wood's dream and Room to Read grew quickly.

6. In the first ten years, Room to Read helped five million children and built more than 11,000 libraries.

Exercise 5. Write compound sentences. Use the words and your own ideas.

1. my brother gave me / I

My brother gave me a new dictionary, and I use it every day.

2. my friend gave me / I


(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
3. my parents met / they


4. I read about / I decided to


5. I got a letter in the mail / I was


6. I am a strong / I can


(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Lesson 17


Activity 1. Listen to the speech. Check (✓) the correct problem and solution for each place.
(You will not check all the items.)

Problems Parks and Historic buildings and Downtown

beaches monuments area

1. They were dirty. ❑ ❑ ❑

2. They were not safe. ❑ ❑ ❑

3. They were in bad condition. ❑ ❑ ❑

4. The shops and restaurants ❑ ❑ ❑

were old.

5. Business was bad. ❑ ❑ ❑

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press

6. Volunteers cleaned the ❑ ❑ ❑


7. The city hired more police. ❑ ❑ ❑

8. Residents gave the city ❑ ❑ ❑


9. The city made repairs and ❑ ❑ ❑


10. New shops and restaurants ❑ ❑ ❑


Activity 2. Here are some words from the listening. Read the sentences. Then write each
underlined word next to the correct definition.

1. I'm not a resident of this city, so I can't borrow books from this library. I can only borrow books
from my city's library.

2. The City leaders want to improve public transportation. They plan to buy twenty buses and ten trains
this year.

3. The Eiffel Tower in Paris is my favorite monument. I also like the Great Wall of China.

4. This city has so many interesting sights. Let's go to the Natural History Museum this afternoon and
the night market this evening.

5. Go to the top of the Empire State Building at night. The view of the city is beautiful.

6. The City leaders want more nature in the park. They asked landscapers to create new gardens.

7. Flights to London are really cheap right now. Let's buy tickets. It's a great opportunity!

8. The park has a variety of activities. We can hike, play basketball, or ride bikes.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
a. __________ (noun) interesting places in a city or town—tourists like to visit them

b. __________ (verb) to make something better

c. __________ (noun) all the things you can see from a place

d. __________ (noun) a large structure or building - it helps people remember a person or event from
the past

e. __________ (noun) a lot of different things

f. __________ (verb) to make something

g. __________ (noun) a person - he or she lives in a city, neighborhood, or building

h. __________ (noun) a chance to do something

Activity 3. Read the sentences. Then listen again. Circle the correct words to complete the

1. Seacliff is a ( busy / quiet ) city.

2. Many years ago, (a lot of tourists / no tourists ) visited Seacliff.

3. The city started having problems because of (money / a bad mayor ).

4. One historic building in the city is ( the hospital / city hall ).

5. There is a monument to ( the first mayor / the first doctor ) of Seacliff.

6. A lot of the downtown shops closed ( last year / a few years ago ).

7. Seacliff has a new ( college / hotel ).

8. There are more ( residents / jobs ) in Seacliff now.

Activity 4. What can you tell from these statements from the listening? Circle the correct
answers. Some items have more than one answer.

1. "Our beaches and parks were very dirty."

a. Seacliff is next to the ocean.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
b. Seacliff is in the mountains.

c. Seacliff has more than one park.

d. Seacliff has a lot of visitors.

2. "We have several historic buildings and monuments in Seacliff."

a. Seacliff is a small town.

b. Seacliff is a big city.

c. Seacliff is an old town.

d. Seacliff is a new town.

3. "We improved the downtown area ...Tourists started coming and that created a lot of jobs for our

a. A lot of the people in Seacliff didn't have jobs last year.

b. The people in Seacliff don't have jobs now.

c. People don't like to go downtown because it's crowded.

d. There were not a lot of jobs downtown last year.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Activity 5. Match parts of the sentences in the two columns to make complete sentences.

1. My father will turn the backyard into a a. to find jobs.

b. to have wood for making furniture.
2. They closed down the store
c. so children can play there.
3. They will destroy the building
d. they made the roads bigger.
4. People cut down trees
e. because it is too old.
5. Residents travel more easily after
f. because it had no customers.
6. Harry opened up a coffee shop
g. because the old one is not large
7. Many people are moving to the city enough.

8. My family built a new house h. and it is quite successful.

Activity 6. Make suggestions about your town. Begin with:

I think we should…

1. turn _________________ into ___________________.

2. close down __________________________________.

3. open up ____________________________________.

4. build _______________________________________.

5. make _________________________________ bigger.

6. destroy _____________________________________.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Future Simple

We use Future Simple to talk about what we think will happen in the future.

I think Sam will love her present.

It won’t be a very nice day tomorrow.

We also use Future Simple for decisions we make at the time of speaking. For example, when the
telephone rings, we say:

I’ll answer it.

Affirmative statements

subject will verb

I / You / We / They will have a party next week.

He / She / It

Negative statements

subject will + not verb

I / You / We / They will not (won’t) have a party next week

He / She / It

Yes/ No questions Short answers

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Will subject verb yes no

Wil you have a party next week? Yes, I will. No, I won’t.
he Yes, he will. No, he won’t.

Information questions Answers

wh- word will subject verb past verb

Where wil you have a party? I will have a party at home.

When he He will have a party next week.

Activity 7. Read the conversation. Find examples of the uses of will. Then note them in suitable

Francesca: Hey, Daniel. I’ve got two tickets for the band competition tonight. Do you want

to come?

Daniel: I don’t know. It’ll probably be boring.

Francesca: What? It won’t be boring at all! There are over ten bands there. I think we’ll have a

great time!

Daniel: OK, I’ll come.

Francesca: Great! You’ll surely enjoy it.

Talking about things that will happen Talking about decisions to do something

It’ll probably be boring.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Activity 8. Use the verbs in the box with will or won't to complete these dialogues. Use short forms
of will where you can.

have take phone finish be (x2) win make

1. A: Are you coming to the cinema on Sunday?

B: I'm not sure. I _____________ you on Saturday.

2. A: Don't change your clothes now. We _____________ late.

B: No, we won't. We _____________ a taxi.

3. A: George is going to have a party at the weekend.

B: Why?

A: It's his birthday. He _____________ thirty on Saturday.

4. A: She _____________ the tennis match tomorrow.

B: Why not?

A: She _____________ mistakes. She always makes mistakes in important matches.

5. A: _____________ Steve _____________ the work tonight?

B: No, he won't finish. He _____________ time.

Activity 9. Complete the questions using the future simple.

1. What / your town / be / like / in the future?


2. the town / build / more roads?


3. people / open up / more stores?

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press

4. How / people / go to work?


5. Where / people / have fun / at / weekend?


6. the town / be / cleaner?


Activity 10. Ask and answer the questions in Activity 9 with a partner.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Lesson 17 - Homework

Exercise 1. Correct the spelling of the words.

1. opornity: ____________ 4. ressiden: ____________

2. varety: ____________ 5. sigt: ____________

3. moniumant: ____________ 6. impove: ____________

Exercise 2. Underline the correct word to complete the sentences.

1. I live next to a park so the (view / sight) from my window is wonderful.

2. There are many good job (opportunities / varieties) in this city.

3. This service helps to (create / improve) the quality of life for old people.

4. There is a (sight / monument) of Marie Curie in our school yard.

5. The storm (destroyed / closed down) many buildings last night.

6. They want to turn the balcony (out of / into) a small room.

7. The corporation cut (down / off) forests to build hotels.

Exercise 3. Put the best phrase from the box in each gap. Start your sentences with I'll.

phone for a taxi help you to look for it make you a sandwich

go with you give you some money carry some of them

open a window ask her to phone you tonight

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
► A: I've lost my passport.

B: I’ll help you to look for it.

1. A: I want to take these books home, but they're very heavy.

B: ____________________________________________.

2. A: I feel sick. It's so hot in this room.

B: ____________________________________________.

3. A: I want a cup of coffee, but I don't have any money.

B: ____________________________________________.

4. A: I'm hungry. I didn't have any lunch.

B: ____________________________________________.

5. A: It's ten o'clock. I'll be late if I walk.

B: ____________________________________________.

6. A: I want to go to the museum, but I don't know the way.

B: ____________________________________________.

7. A: I want to speak to Jane. It's very important.

B: ____________________________________________.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences using simple future and the verb in brackets.

1. Daniella ____________ (know) the answer to this question.

2. We ___________ (not have) time to eat breakfast before we go.

3. ___________ (you win) the match tomorrow?

4. The teacher ___________ (choose) the best story next week.

5. You ___________ (not find) a cheaper bicycle than this.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
6. There ___________ (not / be) anything left to wish for.

7. The bus ___________ (wait / not) for us.

8. ___________ (he believe) our story?

Exercise 5. Complete the questions using the simple future. Then write your own answers.

1. you / buy / new / computer?

Question: ____________________________________

Answer: ______________________________________

2. What / you / eat / for breakfast / tomorrow morning?

Question: _____________________________________

Answer: ______________________________________

3. When / you / go / on holiday?

Question: _____________________________________

Answer: ______________________________________

4. you / move / another city?

Question: _____________________________________

Answer: ______________________________________

5. Who / you / visit / next week?

Question: _____________________________________

Answer: ______________________________________

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Lesson 18


Activity 1. Here are some words from the reading. Read the definitions. Then complete the
sentences below.

● become (verb) to begin to be something

● behavior (noun) the way you are; the way you do and say things
● discouraged (adjective) feeling bad or hopeless about something
● expert (noun) a person who knows a lot about something
● give up (phrasal verb) to stop doing something
● goal (noun) something that you want to do very much
● lifestyle (noun) the way that you live
● pay attention (phrase) to look, listen, or think about carefully

1. Don't let your cough ___________ a serious problem. Call your doctor today.

2. Toshi's ___________ is to gain five pounds this month.

3. I want to ___________ this diet, but my doctor says I need to lose 15 more pounds.

4. Dr. Park is a(n) ___________ on food. He teaches food science at the university.

5. My brother eats well and exercises every day. He has a healthy ___________.

6. Kate doesn't ___________ to her health. She gets sick often.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
7. The child's ___________ in class is very bad. The teacher will talk with the parents about the problem.

8. I received a bad grade on my math quiz. I’m ___________ because I studied hard for the quiz.

Activity 2. Read the textbook excerpt. Then circle the answer that best completes each statement.

When Does a Change Become a Habit?

Everyone has a few unhealthy habits. For example, maybe you eat junk food or drink a lot of
coffee. Maybe you get too little sleep, or you never exercise. You know these habits aren't good for you.
You should exercise more often, but you don't. Why? Because bad habits are very hard to change.

To change a habit, you have to change your behavior. It is always difficult at the beginning. But
after some time, your new behavior becomes a new habit. Experts say that people need 20 to 70 days to
change a habit. Some habits can take a year to change. According to experts, there are six stages of

The Six Stages of Change

1. Ignoring. You ignore the problem or don't pay attention to it. You don't want to believe that it's
an unhealthy habit.
2. Thinking. You know your habit is unhealthy, but you don't have a plan to change it.
3. Deciding. You decide to change your bad habit. You make a plan to change.
4. Acting. You start to change your unhealthy habits.
5. Making new habits. After many weeks, your new behavior becomes a new habit.
6. Going back to old habits. You go back to your old habit for a day, or a week, or a month. Don't
be discouraged. This happens to everyone.

People usually want to change their bad habits quickly and easily. Remember, habits take a long
time to make, so they take a long time to change. Most people aren't patient. In addition, they don't want
to be uncomfortable. For instance, when you start a diet, you feel hungry. If you begin an exercise
program, you feel tired or sore. You will probably be uncomfortable when you change a habit, but don't
give up. Think about your goal: a healthy lifestyle. With hard work, healthy behaviors can slowly
become healthy habits.

Changing a habit isn't easy. It takes time, and you have to be patient. But the result is a healthier
lifestyle and a happier you.

1. Most people don't change their habits because __________.

a. it's hard to do

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
b. they prefer to be unhealthy

c. they don't know how

2. Most people need __________ to change a habit.

a. about 20 days

b. 20 to 70 days

c. a year

3. __________ to their old habits.

a. Many people return

b. Few people return

c. Everyone returns

4. When you first change your habit, you will probably __________.

a. feel uncomfortable

b. feel angry

c. feel healthier

5. The main idea of the reading is that __________.

a. it is too difficult to change bad habits

b. you can change a habit if you are patient and remember your goal

c. you will be healthier and happier if you change bad habits

Activity 3. Read the statements about the reading in Activity 2. Write T (true) or F (false). Then
correct each false statement to make it true.

1. Most people have only one unhealthy habit. ________

2. It is unhealthy to eat junk food. ________

3. Some habits take a day to change. ________

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
4. At first it is easy to change your behavior. ________

5. It's important to have a goal. ________

6. People hardly ever return to old habits. ________

Activity 4. Read the sentences. According to the excerpt, what stage of change is each person at?

1. James drinks several sodas every day. He doesn't believe soda is unhealthy.


2. Matt started exercising two months ago, but he hasn't done any exercise this week.


3. Isabel eats a lot of junk food. She knows it is unhealthy, but she keeps eating it.


4. Sun-Hee wants to get more exercise. She's going to start walking to work. She wants to start an exercise
class, too.


5. Mary stopped drinking coffee two months ago. Now she drinks tea every morning.


6. Carlos started a diet this week. He's eating more fruits and vegetables.



Future time words

Here are some examples of time words we use when we are talking about the future:
· tomorrow
I'm leaving for France tomorrow.
· next week / year / month
I'll see you at the meeting next week.
· soon
Goodbye! I'll see you soon.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
· later, after
I'll phone you later. (no object)
I'll phone you after the film. (object)
· in a moment, etc.
I'll be back in a moment.
I'll see you in two weeks.
· at (+ the time)
I'll be back at 6.00.

Activity 5. Complete each sentence with words from the box.

later a minute tomorrow after at next year in

1. What will you do the day after __________?

2. Kate will start learning French __________

3. Thomas is leaving __________ the morning.

4. Rita will be back________.

5. The new school will open __________ 8.30.

6. I'm just going to the library. I'll see you in __________

7. George won't be long. He'll be back __________ lunch.

Activity 6. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

1. Tina will definitely be here at / on 6.00.

2. Our new sports centre will be ready next year / the next year.

3. Hurry up! The bus will be here later / soon.

4. I'll see you after / later the lesson.

5. Are you doing anything at night / tonight?

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
6. I won't be long. I'll be ready after / in a minute.

7. Everything will be different at / in the year 3500!


Activity 7. Match the first part of each conversation (1-6) with the correct response (a-f).

1. There's someone at the door. a. I'll eat it!

2. I can't lift this suitcase. b. I'll buy some

3. We haven't got any milk. c. I'll wash them.

4. We need to talk. d. I'll help you.

5. I don't want this sandwich. e. I'll phone you this evening.

6. Your hands are dirty. f. I'll see who it is.

Activity 8. Complete the sentences with will / won't and the words in the box.

be eat wear love rain win

1. This is a great film. You _____________ it!

2. The children probably _____________ anything because they're not hungry.

3. You forgot your homework? Oh dear. The teacher _____________ angry.

4. Don't buy John that shirt. It's too bright — he _____________ it.

5. I think I _____________ because I trained really hard for this race.

6. It _____________ probably today, so let's go to the beach.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Activity 9. Complete the sentences using the future simple tense.

1. the teacher / give / us / homework / Friday?


2. When / he / come / back?


3. I / not / meet / him / café.


4. you / clean / car / for / me?


5. Where / they / on / holiday?



Activity 10. BRAINSTORM Think about your habits. Discuss the changes and future plans with
your partner. Fill in the table below.

Changes in the habits Future plans

Past Present

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Activity 11. Answer the questions. Write complete sentences for each question. Use your
BRAINSTORM notes to help you.

1. Is there any difference between your habits in the past and in the present? What is it?

2. Is there any habit you want to change? What is it?

3. If yes, do you have any plan to change it? What is it?

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Lesson 18 - Homework

Exercise 1. Choose the correct option.

1. Failing the final exam, she felt very _________.

A. discoraged B. dicouraged C. discouraged

2. The doctor advised him to give _________ smoking.

A. in B. up C. off

3. Rich people often have a very expensive _________.

A. lifestyle B. behavior C. goal

4. As a biology teacher, Olivia is a real _________ on plants.

A. expet B. expert C. epert

5. The overweight child needs to _________ attention to his eating habit.

A. take B. get C. pay

Exercise 2. Complete each sentence with a word from the box. More than one answer may be

at in later on this tomorrow tonight

1. I'll be late __________ but I'll be home before midnight.

2. Can you wait, please? I'll be ready __________ a minute.

3. Don't worry, I'll be here __________ 7.00.

4. I've finished now. I'll be back __________ afternoon.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
5. It's cold today, but it'll be warmer __________.

6. Bye for now. I'll see you __________.

7. There won't be any lessons __________ Monday.

Exercise 3. Write sentences about yourself ending with future time words given.

1. I _____________________________________________ tomorrow.

2. My father ______________________________________ tonight.

3. My friends and I _________________________________ soon.

4. My teacher _____________________________________ next week.

5. My favorite singer ________________________________ this evening.

Exercise 4. Put in will ('ll) or won't.

1. Can you wait for me? I won't be long.

2. Don't ask Amanda for advice. She _______ know what to do.

3. I'm glad you're coming to see us next week. It _______ be good to see you again.

4. I'm sorry about what happened yesterday. It _______ happen again.

5. You don't need to take an umbrella with you. I don't think it _______ rain.

6. I've got some good news! You _______ be very happy to hear it.

Exercise 5. Change the sentences into negative statements and questions.

1. Mia will have a birthday party tonight.



2. I will play the guitar for one hour.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press


3. My mum will take the dog for a walk.



4. Susan will relax and do some gardening.



5. They will open the exhibition next Monday.



Exercise 6. Write questions using do you think ... will ...? + the following:

be back cost end get married buy like rain

1. My mother is going shopping this afternoon. What do you think she will buy?

2. The weather doesn't look very good. Do you ________________________?

3. The meeting is still going on. When do you ________________________?

4. My car needs to be repaired. How much ________________________?

5. Sally and David are in love. Do ________________________?

6. 'I'm going out now.' - 'OK. What time ________________________?

7. I've bought this picture for Karen. Do ________________________?

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Lesson 19


Activity 1. Complete the sentences with is or are.

1 Helen's hair .............. very long.

2 The weather ............... really good at the moment.

3 Don't worry. The police here ............ very friendly.

4 Can you turn on the television? The news.... ..... on.

5 Women ............. usually better listeners than men.

6 Where ............... the money that I gave you yesterday?

7 Your glasses ............. on the table.

Activity 2. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

1. Juan and Carmen live / lives in Madrid.

2 Harry watch / watches television every evening.

3 I usually go / goes to school by bus.

4 It never snow / snows in this city.

5 Sam live / lives in that house.

6 You never clean / cleans your teeth!

7 Carol get / gets up early every day.

8 All the buses leave / leaves from this bus-stop.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Activity 3 Choose the most suitable word or phrase for each space.

1 Someone __________ for you outside. 'Who is it?'

A waits B is waiting C waiting

2 'What __________ of this book?''I think it's fantastic!

A do you think B is you think C you do think

3 __________ in ghosts?

A Are you believe B Are you believing C Do you believe

4 Kate is busy. She __________ for a test.

A is study B is studying C is studies

5 __________ a great time at the moment!

A We are have B We're have C We're having

6 Tina usually __________ at 7.00.

A get up B is getting up C gets up

Activity 4. Complete the sentences with a/an or some.

1 We need ....some..... wood for the fire.

2 Shall we have .............. fish? This restaurant is famous for it.

3 Could you bring me .............. glass, please?

4 If you need ................ paper, there is a box on the shelf.

5 Would you like .................. rice with your chicken?

6 My shirt is dry now. Have you got .. .............. iron?

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Activity 5. Complete the sentences with go, play, do, collect, or spend.

1 Do you often __________ to the cinema?

2 Do you __________ time with your family?

3 My brother __________ old clocks.

4 They __________ skiing every February

5 I'd like to __________ the guitar.

6 She __________ quite a lot of travelling in spring.

7 She __________ a lot of cooking.

8 Do you __________ table tennis?

Activity 6. Circle the correct word.

1 My mother isn't interested/interesting in tennis.

2 Our teacher is very keen in/on classical music.

3 Do you enjoy drive/driving?

4 We prefer swimming to/that running.

5 I think that film's very bored/boring.

6 Sue quite likes/likes quite studying English.

Activity 7. Write the name of a school subject.

Beethoven, jazz – music

1 football, gym –

2 computers – 5. wars, heroes –

3 Shakespeare – 6. CO2, H20 –

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
4. Spanish, German – 7. Picasso, Monet –

Activity 8. Complete the dialogue

Mario: There's a great film on TV. Let's watch (1)


Lena: Is Johnny Depp in it? I like (2) ...................

Mario: No, he isn't. Megan Fox is. She's good, too.

Do you like (3) .....................?

Lena: Not really. Let's watch the music channel

instead. There's a boy band competition on.

Mario: Oh no, not boy bands. I hate (4) ............ !

Lena: OK, let's go out and walk in the park.

Mario: I don't want to go to the park with (5) ..................... , Lena.

Lena: Why don't you want to go with (6) ..................... ?

Mario: Because I want to watch this Megan Fox film!

Activity 9. Underline the correct words in each sentence.

1 Are you interested for / in photography?

2 This is my best / favourite book. It's David Copperfield, by Dickens.

3 I've decided to make / join the local swimming club.

4 Kate usually passes / spends most of her time reading.

5 Tim has a very interesting fun /hobby. He builds small boats.

6 What do you like doing in your empty / spare time?

7 Wendy is a member / team of the drama club.

8 Sue likes going to the cinema / cinema.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Activity 10. True or false? Write T or F.

Example: If you are overweight, you aren't slim. T

1 Average height means not tall and not short. __________

2 Attractive and good-looking mean the same. __________

3 You can say a man is good-looking or beautiful. __________

4 If someone is fat, they are overweight. __________

5 The answer to 'How much does he weigh?' is '200 cms'. __________

6 'How tall are you?' is correct. __________

7 It is polite to call someone fat and ugly. __________

8 Thin and slim mean the same, but thin is more positive. __________

Activity 11. Write the correct verb form.

1) I don't fancy (go) __________out tonight

2) She avoided (tell) __________him about her plans

3) I would like (come) __________to the party with you.

4) He enjoys (have) __________a bath in the evening.

5) She kept (talk) __________during the film.

6) I am learning (speak) __________English.

7) Do you mind (give) __________me a hand?

8) She helped me (carry) __________my suitcases.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Activity 12. Ask and answer the questions with a partner.


1. What subjects are you good at?

2. What subjects are you NOT good at?

3. Do you usually work hard at school?


1. What do you usually have for breakfast / lunch / dinner?

2. Who cooks in your family?

3. Do you often go to the restaurant?


1. Do you often go to the cinema?

2. What's your favorite book?

3. Who is your favorite singer?

House and Home

1. How many rooms are there in your house?

2. Does your house have a garden?

3. What's your favorite thing in your bedroom?


1. Do you often go to bed late?

2. Do you often get sick?

3. What do you do to stay healthy?


1. How often do you travel?

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
2. Do you prefer to go to the beach or the mountain?

3. Do you like travelling with your family?


1. What is the biggest change in your family in the past 5 years?

2. Are there any changes in your school recently?

3. How will your city change in the future?

Activity 13. Read the topics and the given clues below. You have 1 minute to take notes and 1-2
minutes to talk about the topic.

Topic 1.

Describe an interesting book you read. You should talk about:

- When you read it

- Who are the characters in the book

- What the book is about

and why that book is interesting.

Topic 2.

Describe a beautiful house. You should talk about:

- Where that house is

- How many rooms there are in that house

- What beautiful things there are in that house

and your favorite thing about that house.

Topic 3.

Describe a healthy person. You should talk about:

- Who that person is

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
- How healthy that person is

- What that person does to stay healthy

and what you can learn from that person about staying healthy.

Topic 4.

Describe a fun event. You should talk about:

- When it happened

- Where it happened

- What happened

and how you felt at that event.

Topic 5.

Describe a place you want to visit. You should talk about:

- Where the place is

- What you can do there

- When you want to visit the place

and why you want to visit that place.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Exercise 1. Choose the most suitable word or phrase for each space.

1 What time __________ to bed?

A usually do you go B do usually you go C do you usually go

2 Every day, Frank __________ to work.

A goes B is going C go

3 Stop it! __________ it!

A I'm not liking B I don't like C not like

4 What __________? Is it an orange?

A you are eating B are you eating C do you eat

5 Anna feels ill, so she __________ basketball.

A doesn't play B isn't play C isn't playing

6 Pay attention, Philip! __________?

A Do you listen B Is it listening C Are you listening

7 Excuse me! __________ to the city centre?

A This bus goes B Does this bus go C Is this bus go

Exercise 2. Choose the most suitable word or phrase for each space.

1 I'll post your letters. Have you got ...?

A a stamp B any stamps C any stamp

2 The streets were empty. There weren't ..... there.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
A peoples B some people C any people

3 Have you got ....? I can help you.

A a luggage B some luggages C any luggage

4 Do you like ....? No, I don't.

A hot milk B a hot milk C. some hot milk

5 We've just moved into our house, and we haven't got ......

A a furniture B any furniture C some furniture

6 If you pass the supermarket, could you buy ......?

A some spaghetti B any spaghetti C a spaghetti

7 Can you help me? I'd like ......

A an advice B some advice C advices

Exercise 3. Write the plural of each word in brackets.

1 Can you go to the shops? We need some (potato)....potatoes......

2 Most (family) .............. enjoy going on holiday together.

3 Jack decided to make some (bookshelf) ..................... for his bedroom.

4 Do you think you could help me wash the (dish). .................?

5 Sue bought three (box) ............... of chocolates.

6 In the afternoon we went to the zoo and fed the (monkey) ..............

Exercise 4. Choose the most suitable word for each space.

What do you like doing best (1) __________ your spare time? My cousin Paul likes going (2)
__________ in the country and (3) __________ photos. Sometimes he (4) __________ with his friends,
and they (5) __________ at the park or at the beach. They always (6) __________ a good time. His
brother Chris isn't (7) __________ on walking. He spends most of the (8) __________ at home

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
1 A for B when C in D at

2 A for walks B walks C a walk D to walk

3 A making B having C taking D doing

4 A travels B gets up C sees D goes out

5 A enjoy B hobby С go D have fun

6 A have B make C do D like

7 A interested B out C decided D keen

8 A other B time C people D money

Exercise 5. Complete the dialogues.

Example: Is he attractive? - Yes, he's good-looking

1 She's not tall or short, really. ~ No, she's average __________

2 Are the two brothers attractive? ~ Yes, they're both __________

3 Is she quite thin? - Yes, she's very __________

4 Is he overweight? ~ Yes, he's a bit __________

5 Is she very attractive? - Yes, she's __________

Exercise 6. Choose the most suitable word or phrase for each space.

1 Excuse me, how do I __________ to the post office from here?

A find B get C come

2 When you come to the end of the street, turn __________

A to left B left C the left

3 Could you tell me the __________ to the bus station, please?

A road B direction C way

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
4 I don't know where we are. I'm completely __________

A lost B missed C absent

5 __________ the next turning on the right.

A Make B Go C Take

6 How __________ is it from here to the museum?

A far B distance C journey

7 Go __________ at the traffic lights.

A over B straight on C through

8 The cinema is __________ the left.

A on B at C by

Exercise 7. Write the correct verb form.

1. They plan (start) __________ college in the autumn.

2. I don't want (leave) __________ yet.

3. She suggested (go) __________ to the museum.

4. We hope (visit) __________ Amsterdam next month.

5. I don't recommend (take) __________ the bus - it takes forever!

6. I dislike (wait) __________.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Lesson 20

Activity 1. Choose the correct option.

1. If you want to lose weight, you _________ exercise regularly.

A. should B. can C. can’t

2. Martha _________ draw pictures when she was five.

A. could B. can C. should

3. I _________ believe she said that to Meghan!

A. should B. could C. can’t

4. We _________ go for a drink after school tomorrow.

A. should B. can’t C. could

5. You _________ easily get lost in this town.

A. should B. can C. shouldn’t

Activity 2. It's the beginning of a new term at university. Two students, Nick and Eric, are talking
about the summer holidays. Complete their conversation using the correct past simple form of the
words in brackets.

Nick: What (►) did you do (you / do) in the summer?

Eric: I (1) ___________ (take) a trip around Europe by train.

Nick: (2) ___________ (you / go) on your own, or with some friends?

Eric: A couple of friends (3) ___________ (come) with me.

Nick: How many countries (4) ___________ (you / visit)?

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Eric: I (5) ___________ (go) to six or seven countries. I (6) ___________ (have) a great time, and I
really (7) ___________ (love) all of them.

Nick: Which one (8) ___________ (you / like) most?

Eric: Sweden, I think. I (9) ___________ (enjoy) exploring the marvellous countryside and I (10)
___________ (take) lots of photographs.

Nick: When (11) ___________ (you / arrive) back home?

Eric: Last week. I'm still rather tired.

Activity 3. Make sentences using the correct form of the past simple.

1. When / you / finish / your exams?


2. I / wait / for an hour, but he / not / phone.


3. you / watch / the news / TV / last night?


4. When / you / leave / the party / go / home?


5. He / ask / me / a question, but I / not / know / the answer.


6. I / live / there / for a few years, but I / not / like / the place.


(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Activity 4. Complete the sentences using will ('ll). Choose from the following:

it / be she / come people / live it / look

you / get we / meet you / like you / pass

1. Don't worry about your exam. I'm sure you'll pass.

2. Why don't you try on this jacket? _________________ nice on you.

3. You must meet Daniel sometime. I think _________________ him.

4. It's raining. Don't go out. _________________ wet.

5. Do you think _________________ longer in the future?

6. Bye! I'm sure _________________ again before long.

7. I've invited Anna to the party, but I don't think _________________.

8. It takes me an hour to get to work at the moment, but when the new road is finished,
_________________ much quicker.

Activity 5. Complete the sentences with the correct future simple form of verbs in brackets.

1. His parents _____________ (not punish) him for being late.

2. When _____________ (she / send) me a copy of her essay?

3. The meeting _____________ (not close) before tomorrow morning.

4. This van _____________ (not break) down with 8 people in it.

5. _____________ (this concert / raise) money for our school club?

6. How _____________ (you / go) to the airport?

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Activity 6. Read the sentences. Label each sentence a simple sentence (SS) or a compound
sentence (CS). Add commas where necessary.

1. Titanic and Gone with the wind are my favorite movies. ______

2. I asked Harry for some money and he kindly lent me some. ______

3. They will hold a meeting on Monday and Friday. ______

4. There will be a new president and many changes will happen. ______

5. I often relax by listening to folk songs and gardening. ______

6. Christmas is next week and people are busy preparing for it. ______

Activity 7. Complete the sentences with is / are and a preposition of location from the box.

on (x2) next to opposite behind under

1. There ____________ a large sofa ____________ the fireplace.

2. There ____________ pictures ____________ the door.

3. There ____________ a beautiful mirror ____________ the wall.

4. There ____________ a rug ____________ the table.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
5. There ____________ an antique lamp ____________ the sofa.

6. There ____________ a green vase ____________ the table.

Activity 8. Choose the correct option.

1. The biscuits are in the _________ in the kitchen.

A. table B. shelf C. cupboard

2. I’ve got a headache. I need to go to the _________ to buy some aspirin.

A. driveway B. drugstore C. backyard

3. His decision to _________ from work surprised all of us.

A. retire B. fall C. leave

4. The head chef in this restaurant can _________ absolutely delicious beef dishes.

A. create B. improve C. take

5. His _________ this term is to complete the thesis.

A. opinion B. goal C. career

6. My family often chat with one another after having meals in the _________.

A. dine room B. dinner room C. dining room

7. Tom, please take the cake out of the _________. It must be ready to eat now.

A. fireplace B. radiator C. oven

8. I paid close attention _________ what the doctor said about my illness.

A. for B. to C. with

9. The night before he _________ the exam, he was sleepless.

A. got B. took C. caught

10. I will call you _________ the meeting.

A. after B. later C. soon

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
11. I’ve got a _________ in my leg after climbing to the top of the mountain.

A. hurt B. sore C. pain

12. People do not want to go out because of Covid-19 so the town looks quite _________.

A. ancient B. empty C. busy

Activity 9. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. The shopping mall is in a very convenient _________. You can find it easily. (LOCATE)

2. My first _________ of him is that he is a very helpful person. (IMPRESS)

3. His ________ seems quite strange today. What’s the matter with him? (BEHAVE)

4. People with healthy _________ are often said to live longer than those with unhealthy ones. (LIFE)

5. Because of careful planning, her start-up is now really _________, earning lots of money.

6. Public _________ is not popular among local residents in Kingston. (TRANSPORT)

Activity 10. Choose TWO out of five topics below. Write a short paragraph (about 80 words) for
each topic.

1. An event that changed your life

2. Your dream house

3. Your plans to improve health

4. The city that you want to visit

5. A change that you want to make to your school

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Lesson 20 - Homework

Exercise 1. Complete each sentence or question using the future simple form.

1. I ____________ (choose) the team next week.

2. You ____________ (not have) a lot of time to answer the questions.

3. Mr Jones ____________ (be) back at about 7.30.

4. Dimitri ____________ (not know) the answer.

5. I'm sure Jane ____________ (like) her birthday present.

6. ____________ (you give) us any homework on Friday?

7. There ____________ (not be) any lessons tomorrow.

8. ____________ (we see) you tomorrow evening?

9. I expect lots of people ____________ (buy) Alan White's new book.

10. I think our team ____________ (win) the match.

Exercise 2. Choose the correct option.

1. Mum, __________ water in the glass?

A. are there B. there is C. is there D. there are

2. __________ many boys and girls in the park.

A. Is there B. There are C. There is D. Are there

3. “Is there much tea in the cup?” - “No, there __________ much.”

A. isn’t B. is C. aren’t D. are

4. __________ two tables in the room?

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
A. Is there B. Are there C. There is D. There are

5. “Are there many animals in the house?” “No, __________ only one.”

A. there isn’t B. there are C. there is D. there aren’t

6. In London, __________ a lot of museums.

A. there is B. there are C. is there D. are there

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with can, could or should.

1. They _________ not go outside. It _________ rain today.

2. She’s got a headache. She _________ relax and go to sleep.

3. _________ you speak Spanish?

4. We _________ go camping in the countryside this weekend.

5. The girl is very short. She _________ not reach the top shelf.

6. Going out at night in that neighborhood _________ be dangerous.

7. When I was younger, I _________ walk for hours.

8. You _________ leave if you wish.

Exercise 4. Complete the conversation with the past simple of the verbs in brackets.

Jake: Hi, Maria. I (1) _____________ (see) your photo in the library. It’s fantastic.

Maria: Thanks, Jake. I (2) _____________ (take) it on New Year’s Eve, when I (3) _____________
(go) into town with my family.

Jake: What time (4) _____________ (be) it?

Maria: It was just after midnight. The fireworks (5) _____________ (be) beautiful, so I (6)
_____________ (decide) to take lots of photos.

Jake: How many photos (7) _____________ (you / take)?

Maria: Hundreds! But most of them (8) _____________ (not be) very good.
(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Jake: (9) _____________ (be / you) surprised when you won the photo competition?

Maria: Yes, I was! I (10) _____________ (know) it was a good photo, but I (11) _____________ (not
think) it was good enough to win a prize.

Jake: (12) _____________ (you / have) a party to celebrate?

Maria: No, I didn’t. But my parents (13) _____________ (buy) me a video camera.

Exercise 5. Complete the sentences using the cues given.

1. I’ve got a t _ _ p _ _ a _ _ _ _. I just want to go to bed.

2. She pays a _ _ e _ _ _ _ _ to furniture when choosing a house.

3. It’s a l _ _ _ l _ city. You will not feel bored there.

4. I live with my grandparents in an e _ t _ _ _ e _ family.

5. My r _ _ m _ _ _ _ is very noisy. She often talks on the phone all night.

6. I b _ l _ _ _ _ that more trees will make the city cleaner.

Exercise 6. Underline the correct word to complete the sentences.

1. It is not easy to break / cut the habit of sleeping late at night.

2. When I sit in front of the computer for a long time, I often have a backache / stomach-ache.

3. He is afraid that he cannot graduate from / out of university.

4. Please wait a little bit. He will be here in / at a moment.

5. I put a lot of clothes in my wardrobe / cupboard.

6. The town centre is really peaceful / exciting. There are many places to go and have fun.

7. The couple will get married / marry in spring.

8. I didn’t want to have a cold / flu, so I wore warm clothes.

9. Laura sat at her coffee table / dresser and turned on her computer.

10. I share / collect the bedroom with my sister. That’s not very comfortable.

(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
(1) McClure, K. & Vargo, M. (2015). Q: Skills for Success Intro – Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). China: Oxford University
(2) McVeigh, J. & Bixby, J. (2015). Q: Skills for Success 2 – Reading and Writing (2 nd ed.). China: Oxford University Press.
Supplementary materials:
(3) Vince, M. & McNichols, K. (2003). Elementary Language Practice (with Key): English Grammar and Vocabulary
(Language Practice)
(2nd ed.). London: Macmillan Education.
(4) Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (2008). Oxford Word Skills Basic. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Lesson 1 1
Activity 1. Read the definitions. Circle the correct word or phrase. 1
Lesson 1 - Homework 6
Lesson 2 11
Lesson 2 - Homework 17
Lesson 3 20
Lesson 3 - Homework 27
Lesson 4 29
Lesson 4 - Homework 37
WEEK 3 - FOOD 47
LESSON 5 - Homework 47
WEEK 3 – FOOD 49
Lesson 6 49
WEEK 3 - FOOD 57
Lesson 6 - Homework 57
Lesson 8 70
Lesson 8 - Homework 76
Lesson 10 89
Lesson 10 - Homework 97
Lesson 11 100
Lesson 11 – HOMEWORK 107
Lesson 12 110
Lesson 12 - Homework 117
Lesson 13 119
Lesson 13 – HOMEWORK 131
Lesson 14 134
Lesson 14 - Homework 141
Lesson 15 144
Lesson 15 - Homework 152
Lesson 16 155
Lesson 16 - Homework 163
Lesson 17 166
Lesson 17 - Homework 174
Lesson 18 177
Lesson 18 - Homework 185
WEEK 10 – REVIEW 188
Lesson 19 188
WEEK 10 - REVIEW 196
WEEK 10 – REVIEW 200
Lesson 20 200
WEEK 10 – REVIEW 206
Lesson 20 - Homework 206

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