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Detailed Technical of Master Tri is

t',r.t a
t-, Feature and Technical Requirement
Fu nctio n
Pu rpose & Re lays wi il be used a S re placement of o td M a ste r tri p re lay ( 82 4 Type ) of
Application exi sti ng L T KV B iecco Lawrie ma ke Sw Gea r n P PSP 3 311 KV S u bstatio n.

Ma ste r tri rel ay with mech anical atch i nd igh s pee d o pe ratio n with
hand reset.
Auxiliary Supply 30V DC 2 wire unearthed sYstem
ra 70% 110 % of Rated VO

3 Ambient condition Operating ambient temPeratu reupto55Degc'

Humid to 100 %
Module and Relay should be flush mounted tYPe
Mounting Mounting in switchgears located in non AC rooms.
Galvanic isolation between field connection and relay hardware should be
) Operating time at 12 lo 15 mS
the rated auxiliarY
Burden variant Less tha n 10 W
7 Relay Contacts Minimum 4 number output contacts are req u ire d ( 2 'NO' and 2 'NC' contact )
All contacts should be potential free.
Rating of contacts:-
Contact durability > 10K operation
Rated current = 5A
Max Making current 50A, 0.5 sec ,
Max breaking capacity- DC resistive load= 5A, DC inductive load (L/R=15mS)=
5A, DC inductive load (L/R=4OmS)= 44
a- Switching rate: Up to 500 times per hour at full breaking current or 5000
tim es r hour with reduced breaki rre nt

8 Operation indicator Mecha nica I indication should be there duri

9 Relay Reset a nd reset

c.E &
Bagmundi, Purulia


Detailed rechnical specification of Non-Directional over

current & Earth Fault Relay is furnished
be I ow:
Feature and Technical Requirement

tv Function

wi ll b us ed a s re p la ce ment of o td E lectro m e ch n ca re lay of e xist ing T 1-KV

Pu rpose & Re lays
n PPS P 331 1 L KV S u bstati on.
Ap p licatio n Bi ecco Law rie m ake Sw .Gea
Relays should have 4 CT input
Non Directional O/C and E/F protection for 11 kV feeder'
{y for O/C and E/F.

rote cti o n wit h SC lecta ble EC CUTVCS W th two st a ge, fi rst

Main L E le ct ri CA OV e o ad p
st a ge to b e u sed a S h igh
P rotectio n sta ge to be use d AS De f in ite Ti m e I DMT and SCCO N d

Features set for short circuit Protection.

First stage to be
2 Earth fault protection in two stages with IEC characteristics'
used as IDMT/Definite Time and second stage to be used
as instantaneous
and residual
elements .'Earth fault element should be suitable for both CBCT
type CT connection,

The relay should be immune to DC switching while carrying current

i'e' no
spurious trip should be generated if relay DC is made on and off. I

All measurements should quantities. Minimum following displays

be in primarY
3 Main
m ea su ring, reporting feature are required in alpha numeric:-
re po rting nd 1. Three phase (Positive sequence) current
- a
2. Neutral(zero sequence) current
(LED indication) on the relay terminals
feature. 3. All the trips should have clear indication
4. Resetting should be selectable as hand reset or auto
5, The default relay LCD shall be user defined
to display primary circuit loaciing'

4 Auxilia ry 1. 30V DC 2 wire unearthed sYstem

Su pply 2. Voltage rangeT5% to 110 % of Rated DC voltage
and restart in case of
3. Necessary software shall be in-built for proper shutdown
power failure'
4. Auxiliary supply burden will be less tharn 20watt.

5 Rated CT 5lIAmp(Site selectab le) , CTs used to be P rotection class

6 Rated

7 Ambient 1. Operating ambient temperature up to 55 Deg c'
conf :;.:- Z. Operating HumiditY uP to LO} %
8 Module and 1. Relay should be flush mounted type
Mounting Z. tf module is draw out type then it should have CT shorting facility of make before
break type.
3. Mounting in switchgears located in non AC rooms.
4. Galvanic isolation between field connection and relay hardware should be there.
' :-'--^1J
- vt and The relay should have facility to monitor the healthiness of its circuits and components
r= t ^-:' ritoring by own monitoring system. ln case of any problems, the alarm should be generated by
one extra output contacts.

\- IIJ\
!rDJ Approximate settings possible should be as follows:-
t. CT Ratio setting 10-1000 (approx).
2. Earth fault current 5 to 50% with time delay IEC Curves, 2nd stage for
instantaneous trip(less than 50 ms) L% each step.
3. Over current trip- 50% to 200% of f/5 emp with time delay as per IEC Curves .

1% each step
4. High set with delay 2oo% to 2o0o% for overcurrent and earthfault.
5. IEC Curves for all 0/C and E/F have user selectable.

O ut p ut Re lays 1. Minimu m 2 number output re lays a re req u ired

2. Contact should be potential free'NO'type.
3. Rating of triP contacts:-
a) Contact durability > 10K operation
b) 15 Amp make and carry for 3 sec for trip contact
c) Make and carry for trip contacts L/R<=40ms
4. Rating of Alarm contacts:-
a) 8 Amp make and carry continuously for 5 sec.

Date and time Clock function should be there and pow€l'€ d fro inte rn al cel and sho u rd not req ui re d
setting after every DC switching. The
tnternal cell life should be minimum 5 years.

13 Fa u lt reco rd Fault record of minimum last 5 faults

- 1,1 Other Trip Circuit supervision function and breaker fail supervision function sho u ld be the re

su pe rvisio n

(A. r)
Addl. c.E & PsIc,
Bagmundi, Purulia'

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