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Globus Journal of Progressive Education

A Refereed Research Journal

Vol 9 / No 2 / Jul-Dec 2019 ISSN: 2231-1335


*Ankit Goel
**Ekansh Agarwal

Abstract Introduction
The literature is replete with components, types, and
In this themed issue, “Assessing Innovation in elements of innovation. The various categories
Teacher Education,” the authors hope to show that further advance the notion that innovation is
the types of innovation in teacher education as subjective to internal and external validation.
well as methodologies to study impact of Sternberg, Pretz, and Kaufman (2003) suggest eight
innovation continue to show variety and types of innovations based on Sternberg’s propulsion
ingenuity. In this article, the authors (a) need of model of creative innovations. The eight types of
innovation (b) summarize the definitions extant in innovations include “replication, redefinition,
the literature, (c) briefly describe several forward incrementation, advance forward
taxonomies for innovation, (d) discuss the incrimination, redirection, reconstruction, re-
implications for teacher education research and initiation and integration”. Teacher education
practice. innovations presented in this issue reflect this
Keywords: Assessment, Innovation, Teacher taxonomy. For example, innovation through
Education. integration can be seen in this issue in Teemant’s
application of socio-cultural theory to a bilingual
distance education program. The innovation of
reconstruction is highlighted in this issue by
Whittaker, McDonald, and Markowitz, who
reconstruct multicultural pedagogy to create new
ways of providing instruction. In this issue the
innovation of advance forward incrementation is
evidenced in Sindelar, Bishop, Brownell, Rosenberg,
and Connelly wherein special education teacher
preparation is examined and projected in successive
studies to provide viable and defensible avenues for
future research.
Creativity and Innovation
Innovate (in’o-vat), v.t. to renew; to introduce as
something new. introduce novelties: to make
changes. (Chambers 1989)
Create (Kre-at),v.t. to bring into being or from out of
nothing; to bring into being by force of imagination:
to make produce, or form: to design: to invest with
new form, character to institute.
*RBS, Pune, Maharashtra.
** MBA(Tech) Student, MPSTME, NMIMS University, Mumbai, Maharashtra. Email:

Figure 1: Creativity & Innovation Overlap & Complement Each Other



Idea Explore Test/Evaluate Scale Implement Results

Creativity and innovation interdependent as we can Instructive frameworks can without much of a stretch
see from this definition. However, we must be portrayed regarding a setting input-process-yield
understand the relationship between these two words display. In like manner frameworks of instructive
while creativity (or innovation) tends more towards pointers - i.e. measurements on key parts of
something totally new innovation relates to renewal, instructive frameworks that are of evaluative
changing and bringing about synergy. It also refers to significance - can be sorted as setting, info, process
the viability and therefore, the realm of innovation is and yield markers. Process-pointers are the subject of
tended towards the realization of creativity rather this paper. The method of reasoning for choosing the
than just being satisfied with novelty. The procedure pointers picked here was to search for
relationship that creativity has with innovation is the those school and instructing attributes that are
same as that which” concep0tulization” has with its decidedly connected with instructive
realization. Innovation in necessitated by changing accomplishment. The exploration writing on school
needs, competitive pressure and cost optimization. and showing adequacy is the most applicable for this.
An endeavor has been made to detail an exhaustive
Why is innovative thinking important model of school and showing viability and to utilize
under current condition? this as the reason for a rundown of the most
encouraging procedure markers. A portion of the key
Innovation helps teacher to:
procedure factors that are proposed incorporate
 Find creative ways of keeping the same fortifying ecological components, accomplishment
level of service without using the same level situated arrangements, instructive administration,
of resources measure of direction, learning openings, organized
educating, communitarian arranging and evaluative
 Retain top performers. People to get a sense capability of schools. The issues of building and
of satisfaction from creating something new utilizing process-markers in light of these factors are
(breakthrough or making something better talked about from the points of view of full scale,
(incremental). meso and small scale level uses of instructive pointer
Today our memory is primarily driven by the laws of frameworks.
the free market. So a teacher needs to churn out
innovations constantly, otherwise the competition
will leave him standing back. If a teacher comes up The assessment of innovation appears to be a novel,
with little or no innovation, then he is unable to or can it be said, an innovative notion. The entire
deliver teaching activity effectively and anyhow empirical enterprise includes both a product and
desired educational objective can be achieved. process and a proximal-distal orientation. The notion
Consequently, his work life cycle will be short. So, incorporates a singular yet unique definition for the
developing innovation always entails provision of purpose of delineating both assessment and
resources as well, and making a long-term investment innovation. Once the definition is solidified, it will
of critical thoughts to make services alive. serve as the product. Further, the process must

include a conceptual framework to serve as a References
template against which to measure curricular and
programmatic outcomes. This process continues to 1. Agarwal, Nidhi and Pundir, Neelam, (2019).
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