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Marketing Research Report

Is IGA (In-Game Advertising) an effective approach of advertisement promotion?

Paper within Author:

Marketing Management Supernature group: Lingyuan Li Tuo Yang Wentao Guo Xuan Kan Yan Hu

Tutor: Jnkping

Johan Larsson 2011-05-05

Table of Contents
Abstract .......................................................................................... ii 1 Introduction ............................................................................... 1
1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2 4.3 5.1 5.2 5.3 Background ............................................................................................1 Purpose and research question ..............................................................1 Research approach ................................................................................2 Questionnaire development ....................................................................2 Type of questionnaire .............................................................................2 Selecting questions ................................................................................2 Pilot testing .............................................................................................2 Administration of questionnaire ..............................................................3 Buyer-readiness Stages .........................................................................3 AIDA model ............................................................................................4 Data types ..............................................................................................4 Findings from distribution charts of primary data ....................................4 Findings from secondary data ................................................................6 AIDA Model analysis ..............................................................................7 Buyer-readiness stages analysis ............................................................8 Supported analysis .................................................................................9

2 Method ....................................................................................... 2

3 Theoretical framework .............................................................. 3

4 Description of finding data ....................................................... 4

5 Analysis of empirical data ........................................................ 7

6 Discussion ................................................................................. 9 7 Conclusion............................................................................... 10 References..........................................................................12 Appendix........................................................................................13

Questionnaire .................................................................................................... 13 Main diagrams for questionnaire answers ......................................................... 15 Frequency ......................................................................................................... 20 Research time line ............................................................................................ 23

Gaming is one of the fast growing international entertainment forms in recent years. This phenomenon is especially evident in people who are 18-34 years old and spend most of their spare life in front of computer games rather than watching TV or listening to video. Marketers have noticed its unique business opportunity to reach the holy grail of advertising. (JJ Richards, 2009) Unlike other source of advertising in the game, soft advertising does not require the players to actually deal with it. On the contrary, the familiar brand advertising will reinforce authenticity of the games while allow the players reach the advertising anywhere in the game with a good grace. However, there is still a lack of systematic and comprehensive research study to measure the effectiveness of In-Game advertising and its potential business opportunity. Thus, we decide to start the research project. We used both questionnaire and case study to delve into the attitude and preference of players (consumers) of the IGA. We adopt questionnaire as our primary data resource which focused on players preference and attitude for the soft advertising in the game. Meanwhile, we investigate online resource and case study as secondary data resource to implement more official opinions to substantiate customers viewpoints. The result that we found out: approximately 80% of our interviewees admit that they have noticed the soft advertising in the game and most of them realized it as interesting and impressive. Our secondary data resource showed that compared with other media, IGA is more acceptable, measurable and operateable. Concerned with our research project, we focus on analysis collected data and try to explain it with the theories we have learned from the literature book. We hope that this report will be helpful to the measure effectiveness of IGA and its prospective commercial opportunities.

Key Words
IGA, In-Game Advertising, Effectiveness, Players, Game, advertisement promotion




Benefiting from the rapid growth of science and technology, video game products have attracted public attention and become a hot sector in temporary market. It is quite normal for a game player to see game scenes with objects which also exist in the real world. It is usually regarded as an approach to improve game fidelity by public game players. However, the truth that hides behind the situation described above is actually latent behaviors of IGA (In Game advertising). This concept refers to the use of computers and video games as a medium to deliver advertising. By displaying the objects that exist in real world in the proper game scene, it promotes the popularity of those objects which are mostly products or services. This approach was first used in a computer game in 1978. At that time, it was static game advertising, which means the advertisements are placed directly into game and cannot be changed anymore. Afterwards, a new approach of IGA has been generated due to increased Internet connectivity, which is called dynamic in game advertising. With this approach, advertisements can be altered remotely by advertising agency. For different games, we can also find the various approaches of in game advertising. For example, in modern online RPG games advertisements appear with specific virtual scene while you can see billboards in sports game. In the past decades, IGA industry has grown rapidly. In 2005, the total amount of money spending on in-game advertising was 56 million dollars in USA. It is predicted that in 2014 IGA will be a new revenue stream for game industry, which is able to offset growing developments. According to some related documents, IGA has already succeeded in adding profit for several game companies in a mature market such as USA. However, for those companies which run in a developing market, IGA still confronts with a variety of problems. For instance, the statistic of IGA cannot be collected efficiently and the advertisement is unable to update due to improper approach of in-game advertising.


Purpose and research question

The purpose of this research paper is to measure the effectiveness of IGA (In-Game Advertising) as an advertising promotion and following research questions will be introduced: Does IGA (In-game Advertising) is an effective approach in marketing strategy that can affect the majority of customers dramatically? How effective is it? Does IGA affect customers impressively compared with other types of advertising? How do gamers view the games and enterprise image when soft-advertisements are embedded in games?


Research approach

Focusing on problem statement of this research, our group decided to use deductive approach, and both primary data and secondary data are collected in order to figure out the attitudes of majority of game players for each question. Also the secondary data will be used to support the result from the analysis of primary data. Because of seeking new insights in IGA, our research is exploratory study and less descriptive study. Additionally, the time horizon is cross-functional. The primary data will be used to seek the attitudes toward gamers regarding this topic. Also the secondary data like case study results, a few charts and numbers from internet portrait the investor attitude in previous experience. But we are supposed to take the primary data as main resources. Furthermore, the questionnaire contains close questions and few open questions. By using quantitative data, we can easily find the significant part through drawing charts, highlighting the discrepancy among the different categories as well. Moreover, few open questions will present us the answers of what we want to achieve intuitionally. Another essential issue must be considered is response rate, which encourages us to send questionnaires more as possible. SPSS can also be used to help us to collect and analyze the primary data.


Questionnaire development
Type of questionnaire

Our group members considered some research approaches available but according to current situation, we decided to hand out the internet-mediated questionnaire via E-mail which is self-administered, also means respondents can complete it without supervising. It is easy for participants to receive investigated questions and all process can be completed on computer, as well as researchers can achieve data directly as soon as possible after they finished. 2.2.2 Selecting questions

Based on our research purpose in this investigation, all the questions are designed mildly and straightly. We also take considerations of AIDA model in advertising design involved in this topic for choosing questions and going deeper related to attitude of gamers. We divide two main extreme attitudes of questions, and focus on these two issues to edit the questions so that it can be easily known which side people prefer in the whole questionnaire. Also, we sort the questions from simple to hard, from superficial to deep, and from basic to advanced. 2.2.3 Pilot testing

Before handing out the questionnaire via E-mail, we sent the sample to several friends in order to test if there are some problems in it as well as gain useful information about taking this survey (time cost, suggestions or questions). The summary of feedback as followed:

It takes less than 3 minutes to complete the questionnaire per respondent All the questions are easy to answer and most of them are meaningful They have a strong willing to answer the questionnaire when they receive the Email. Administration of questionnaire


Our research starts from the ordinary people those who play games as the main target group that is going to be investigated conveniently. Because they have solid understanding about the games that contains business advertising promotion, their attitude towards IGA is our crucial proofs to measure the effectiveness of IGA as a main advertising promotion tool. As for the sample size, we handed out 150 questionnaires by E-mail. Finally, we received 105 questionnaires, the response rate is 105/150=70%. Also, we E-mail some questionnaires and re-send them to other people as another way to make it reliable and validated.


Theoretical framework
Buyer-readiness Stages

Buyer-readiness stages are commonly called as the hierarchy-of-effects model. It portrays as a pyramid, and explains how advertisements have significant effects on customers. First two objectives of advertisements are achieved by awareness and knowledge. With the basic comprehension established, it follows the higher level objectives which are associated with behavioral responses. Those responses are generated by customers personal feelings towards the brands, and conducing to behaviors like trial or regular usage. Awareness and Knowledge: When considering the promotion of brands in marketing, the first step is to assure that the brands are available by the target audiences, or in general, to let people know. When setting the advertisements, the task is not only to capture the audiences attention but also to make them notice the brand names. That is to say, the advertisements should build a contact between the customers and the brands so that the customers can be aware of the brand name. Then, it moves to the next stage, to create the brand knowledge. This requires the brand to send a message to the consumers: what does the brand stands for? By this means the customers are able to acquire the knowledge of what the products will offer. Liking and Preference: As the advertisements agency, to create a positive image for brands is essential. The inviting and approachable feelings the customers have towards the brands will be of great advantageous. However, the customers may like the products, but they do not prefer it from the others. In order to increase the preference, the advertisements are required to promote the products unique quality, performance and other distinct characteristics.

Conviction and Purchase: These two stages depict how preferences transfer into actions. The task of the advertisements agency at these stages should assist the target audiences who prefer the product to build a conviction of purchasing it instead. The last but not the least is that the prospect clients should make decisions to purchase the products.


AIDA model

AIDA represents a list of sequence that will undergo when conducting a selling process. AIDA stands for attention, interest, desire and action. Without attentions, one can hardly persuade any of his clients. Drawing attention is among the most crucial steps when negotiating with those customers. In marketing field, it is believed that having a good opening and even surprising the customers are quite effectual for the subsequent promotion. Once the attentions have been captured, sustaining that attention is vital. This can be achieved by establishing the interest for these products. In this process, the possible solution is to demonstrate the advantageous and outstanding features of the products. When the target audiences show the interest, one should seize the opportunity and create their desires for the products. The aim is that the customers realize that having this products or services will satisfy their needs and wants. Eventually, one should induce the customers to translate the desires into actions. It is a magic stage to make the customers finally agree to the proposals.

Description of finding data

Generally, according to empirical study of sorted questions, the majority of respondents think that IGA is an effective approach for advertisement promotion. Compared with other types of advertising, most of people are impressed significantly by IGA when they are playing games. While seeing real objects or brand in games, there is a strong willingness to try the product or service if they are interested in it. In addition, a large number of people would think that the image of enterprise are outstanding and innovative if the company invests in IGA and are access of this area, which means it would help the company to establish the better brand and enterprise image in a longterm development.


Data types

We categorize the majority of our data as exploratory data and descriptive data. Most of data describe the extent of attitude towards the measurement questions.


Findings from distribution charts of primary data

5. Have you noticed any object (brand) in the game that also exists in the real world?
13% 33% 1% 53% Yes,always Sometimes Hardly ever Never

53% of respondents think they always notice the object (brand) in the video game that also exists in the real world. (See figure 8.3.5) Only a few small groups (14%) of respondents think they hardly ever or never noticed those objects (brand). 6. Do you agree that the objects mentioned above can make the game more interesting, real and abundant?
I dont know Not really Partly Yes,definitely 0 20 40 60 80

70 of 105 respondents agree that the objects using for IGA are interesting. And 22 of them choose Partly agree. It is very significant that people tend to agree that objects using for IGA have positive impacts. (See figure 8.3.6) Half of the respondents agree that the objects using for IGA can make them feel impressive. 22 respondents out of 105 partly agree with that. (See figure 8.3.7)
8. Compared with other types of advertising, do you think using real objects mentioned above as softadvertisement in games are more attractive?
I dont know 30% Yes,definitely 25%

Not really 10%

Partly 35%

A quarter of respondents think that IGA is more attractive than other types of advertising. 35% of respondents partly agree on it. 10% of respondents choose not really. And 30% of respondents choose I dont know. (See figure 8.3.8) As for what kind of advertising built in games can make people most impressive, there are no huge significance between the alternatives. (See figure 8.3.9)

10. Would you consider trying the product or the service appears in the game?
20% 1% 27% Yes,definitely Partly 52% Not really I dont know

As the figure shown, 27% of respondents will definitely consider trying the product or services appears in the game. 52% of respondents choose partly, 20% choose Not really and 1% choose I dont know. (See figure 8.3.10) People have different views on those companies using IGA, the most three popular alternatives are outstanding and respectable, creative and innovative and International and prestigious. (See figure 8.3.11)


Findings from secondary data

Take Microsoft as an example, Microsoft launched the Bing decision engine in June 2009 to provide people Internet-based functions such as searching, e-mail, social network and news through their website. Microsoft used IGA in the game named NBA 2k10 to advertise their newly launched Bing website. After exposure to the Bing ads in game, the percentage of those gamers visiting and searching on increased up to 108% - two thirds of which were new Bing users. Interpret Research confirmed positive results: 71% of gamers recalled seeing the ads in the game and the ads elicited an overwhelmingly positive effect on key brand and engagement metrics such as brand rating, search consideration, and site visitation frequency. Furthermore, gamers agreed the in-game ads improved their game experience by adding realism and looking good in the game, and 60% had a more positive opinion of Bing after seeing the brand advertised in the game.


Analysis of empirical data

AIDA Model analysis

In order to analyze the effectiveness of IGA, we applied the AIDA model and Buyer readiness stages on the data to measure if the IGA can be desired to deliver a good quality of message. According to the AIDA model, the message should draw Attention, hold Interest, arouse Desire and generate Action of the customers. As shown in the figure 8.3.5, 53% of respondents always notice some objects or brands in the game that also exists in the real world and 33% of the respondents can notice them sometimes. The reason is that IGA could be planted as any objects or environments in the game. It could be a key item, game scene, character, background music, scenario or others depending on the specific product it promotes. Players will have easy access to acknowledging the conversant objects and environments while playing the game and actually paying attention to those familiar things. When players are playing the game, those IGA objects can exert significant effect on them by providing the specific product as a virtual item or constructing environment which arrange an actual in-game experience to players. According to the pre-set properties of these items or environments, players may generate interests to them and be impressed by them. Take an example, if Volvo wants to promote its latest generation of V70 car. The car can be planted in a racing game, such as Need for Speed, as an alternative racing car for the players. And the pre-set properties of the V70 car in the game can be extremely attractive, with highest speed, superior performance and grand safety. In this way, players will definitely be attracted and impressed by the latest Volvo V70. And they might be willing to buy a V70 in the real world. The figure 8.3.6 and 8.3.7 show that most of respondents will be interested by the objects using in IGA. And more than a half of respondent think it will be impressive for them. Also, from the secondary data of Microsoft Bing case, 75% of respondents like the Bing advertisement in the game. Hence, the IGA can certainly make customers hold Interests towards the products. In addition, comparing to those traditional ways of advertising, half of respondents tend to agree that IGA is more attractive. This is because players must have a lot of interact with the virtual objects, instead of just wearily watching shows or read texts through those traditional ways of advertising. Interestingly, there is a very significant group of respondents, 30% of people, choose I dont know. We consider the reason is that IGA is currently a new approach to advertising, and the public are lack of experiences of seeing advertisements in video games. As for arouse Desire in AIDA, IGA seems to have certain effects on it. The figure

8.3.10 shows us that a large group of people will consider trying the products or services appears in IGA. The game experiences played a large role on this issue which makes customers feel the excellences of the product by offering them the best user experience of the product as a visual item in the game. Our secondary data also tells us about the result of IGA influencing the customers on obtain Action - the percentage of those gamers visiting and searching on increased 108% after planting Bing ads in the video game NBA 2K10.
100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Attention Interest Desire and Action Primary data Secondary data


Buyer-readiness stages analysis

According to the Buyer-readiness stages, the customers normally pass through 6 stages until they actually plan to buy a product or try a service. In order to draw more attention on trying products or services, IGA has a significant and effective influence on consumers those who are exposed to the IGA when they perceive a companys brand image and continuously take a comprehensive consideration of buyer readiness of purchasing. The primary data and secondary data prove that IGA indeed give consumers a positive and direct influence on their Buyer Readiness 6 stages, mainly in first stage. 88% of people (figure 8.3.5) have noticed the real objects or brands when playing games. Compared with other advertising, over a half of people (figure 8.3.7) are impressed with In-game Advertising that delivers different message by applying different game settings. It can affect the first two stages of buyer readiness model by providing players the user experiences of advertising products. For example, it can deliver the fantastic functions and sensatory experience of BMW cars when you are playing a race game. If you are impressed with BMW, Toyota or other brands during the game, it would be one important brain-washing factor that affects your buying decisions in real life. Not only the physical objects can be applied into the games that arouse our attention and receive the knowledge about the specific products, but also some other intangible services can be applied into games as such as a brands logo in certain location and other product pictures. Also, 70 out of 105 people (figure 8.3.6) think that the real objects and brands in the game are interesting, and can improve the game more real and abundant. Approximately 60% of people (figure 8.3.8) claim that they are enjoying in the IGA even the products or brands are advertised. There is no doubt to say IGA assists more consumers to fall in love with the products or brands effectively because it provides a direct and interactive communication to cope with them. In most gamers mind, they prefer the one brand or product because this brand is advertised in their favorite games. If investor did a brilliant advertisement in a certain location or combined with items and landscape, it would make the consumers interest in this brand easily. Admittedly, IGA helps people

interest in specific brand or product dramatically. According to the figure 8.3.11, the consumers or players have positive judgments kept in their minds, which affects the cognitive level even the further purchase behavior. The result shows they might think about the enterprise image is outstanding and international and also the investor can establish a good public relation with the help of IGA as an advertising promotion tool. For the description of secondary data, 75% of people like the Bing ads in the game and 60% of people have a positive opinions on Bing ads when the Bing company set the Bings log around the basketball court in 2K10 game. What Bing had done is utilizing IGA as a reminder advertising to recall previous customers and continuously use Bing as their primary choice. It definitely reminded people in game to re-interest in Bings service and even take action later. Then the numbers in secondary data illustrate the further action of website visitation and search query had been increased dramatically after application of IGA during three weeks from 21% to 105% and from 24% to 108% individually.


Supported analysis

Furthermore, the secondary data shows that IGA has a great ability on influencing the public, especially young people and video game players in almost every business fields, including consumer packaged goods, fashion, automotive, restaurants/stores, telecommunications, entertainment and electronics. The reason is simple: the visual world in a video game is almost the same as our real word, except for some science fiction games. The way of planting an advertisement in the game is pretty much the same as it is in real word. The advertising product can be designed as an item, person, background music, scenario, environment even a lifestyle or service in a game. It all depends on how the programmers design the IGA object for the product. Generally, not only does IGA provide an effective way in advertisement promotion, but also as a new service, it supports the harmonious relationship between the consumers and investors. The public relationship for a company plants IGA is positive. The IGA can be set as various kinds of advertising objects, depends on how the company design and how the programmer code it. It could be Information advertising, Persuasive advertising, Comparison advertising or Reminder advertising according to the different ways the product appears in the game. Result from primary data shows that70 of 105 respondents consider the company to be outstanding and respectable, 52 respondents think the company is creative and innovative and 43 respondents consider the company as international and prestigious, While only very few respondents (less than 25) have negative feelings on this kind of company. This is because, as an IGA object designed for the advertising product, its abilities, functionalities and user experiences can be designed to the best, even exaggerated in the visual world. As a result, customers will have extremely positive feelings towards those products, brand and the company as a whole. The Microsoft Bing case in the secondary data also proved this result, after seeing the advertisement of Bing in the game, 60% of respondents have a more positive opinion of Bing. (See figure 8.3.11)


From our research findings, in-game advertising acts as an effective approach of

advertising in contemporary economy. Besides its functionality, it has been proved by data we collected that in-gaming advertising can be one of the profitable sources in game business filed. Those findings are of great significance. For the customer companies, they can continue promoting their products or services via such an unconventional means rather than invest their capital on the normal promotions such as TV commercial, which is regarded annoying and tedious. Meanwhile, for game companies, in-game advertising can generate extra margin, which supports those companies to develop continuously. It can be identified as an accelerator for the expansion of both advertising company and game company. With in-game advertising working as a connection of different companies, a win-win situation can be established between the two sides. What has interested us during our project process is the result of another research paper which investigates the target group of in-game advertising. Their result shows that over 91% of the total test population is male. What has to be made clear is that as the market matures, the percentage of female who are affected by in-game advertising may rise, given that there is an increasing number of women which pay attention to video games. It also implies that in-game advertising market will be more popular with the continuous development of online games. Another research happens to conclude the parallel outcome. The only distinct element is that this research view online games as the main opportunity for the growth of in-game advertising. This interesting result comes from their research on the attitude of the public towards game players. According to the data collected by this researcher, it is perceived by public that video game players were merely social outcasts years ago. But when online games become popular, game players are regarded competitive, which is quite positive compared with what they were viewed before. Since it is solely a student research, we are limited by a wide range of factors such as time, finance and so on. We have only approximately two weeks for conducting this research. Besides, as students, our knowledge is still far from enough to launch a professional and detailed survey.


Based on the analysis of the primary and secondary data, we draw the following conclusions: As the IGA can draw Attention, hold Interest, arouse Desire and obtain Action from the customers (AIDA), as well as influence customers in the Awareness, Knowledge and Liking stages of Buyer-readiness stages, and the effective of IGA covers almost every industry(See the secondary data in Reference),We consider that IGA is definitely an effective approach in marketing strategy. The effectiveness is quite high: From the primary data: 77% of respondents consider trying the products in IGA. As for the secondary data, the percentage of those gamers using the services of increased up to 108%. Comparing to other types of advertising, IGA may be more impressive to customers. However, as IGA is a new approach of advertisement promotion, people are lack of experiences of seeing such kind of advertisement. Hence some of them are not clear about this issue. (See figure 8.3.9)


Most of the game players consider that IGA has a positive impact on the public relationship of the company planting the IGA. IGA can serve public relationship depend on the design of product. They describe the company as outstanding, respectable, creative, innovative, international and prestigious.


JJ Richards. (2009, October 4th) In-Game Advertising "Facts are Stubborn Things..." Retrieved 2011-04-28 from: Jack Koch. (2009, Fall) In-Game Advertising Case Study Compendium-Marketing Research and Intelligence Retrieved 2011-05-16 from: &sig2=U8MzkPcMvUiCvm-0x4JSHw Massive in-game ads drive measurable ROI for Bing (May, 2010) Retrieved 2011-0516 from: WeWROg&sig2=uA1q_TgVrlS2Jl_gDdYx4g James Miring & Max Willey (2010). In-game Advertising MRG [PowerPoint Document] Retrieved 2011-05-16 from Author Stream website: Bnyamin Gler, Cem Ycesan & SercanSert (July, 2008) In-game Advertising, Retrieved 2011-05-16 from Scribd website:


Questionnaire: To measure the effectiveness of IGA (In-Game Advertising) and its potential business opportunity Hello! Thank you for taking this survey. It would just take you 2-3 minutes approximately. This survey contains how IGA affects the players (you) while playing games and how would you think of the games and investors in this domain. (You can mark your answers in yellow color and it would be easier for us to collect the data result)

1. What is your gender? a. Male b. Female 2. a. b. c. d. 3. a. b. c. d. 4. a. b. c. d. 5. a. b. c. d. How old are you? Under 16 16-32 33-48 Above 48 What is your education level? High-school or below Bachelor Master Above master How many hours do you usually spend on playing video games per day? Under 2 hours 2 4 hours 4 6 hours Above 6 hours Have you noticed any object (brand) in the game that also exists in the real world? Yes, always Sometimes Hardly ever Never

6. Do you agree that the objects mentioned above can make the game more interesting, real and abundant?


a. b. c. d. 7. a. b. c. d.

Yes, definitely Partly Not really I dont know Do you agree that the objects mentioned above can make you feel impressive? Yes, definitely Partly Not really I dont know

8. Compared with other types of advertising, do you think using real objects mentioned above as soft-advertisement in games are more attractive? a. Yes, definitely b. Partly c. Not really d. I don't know 9. What kind of soft-advertisement built in games do you think to be most impressive? (You can choose more than one alternatives) a. b. c. d. e. Which combined with scene or landscape Which combined with items Which combined with game mission Which combined with music and character Others__________________________________

10. Would you consider trying the product or the service appears in the game? a. Yes, definitely b. Partly c. Not really d. I dont know 11. If a company plants some soft-advertisements in the game, what do you think about this company or its brand? (You can choose more than one alternatives) a. Creative and innovative b. Dynamic and energetic c. Strong and guaranteed d. International and prestigious e. Outstanding and respectable f. Misleading and unrealistic g. Deceptive and harmful h. Others__________________________________________ Thank you for your time and patience!


Main diagrams for questionnaire answers

Figure 8.3.1 Bar chart of question

1.What is your gender?

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Male Female

1.What is your gender?

Figure 8.3.2 Bar chart of question

2. How old are you?

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Under 16 16-32 32-48 Above 48 2. How old are you?

Figure 8.3.3 Pie chart of question

3.What is your education level?

High-school or below Bechelor Master Above master


Figure 8.3.4 Bar chart of question

4. How many hours do you usually spend on playing video games?

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Under 2 hours 2-4 hours 4-6 hours Above 6 hours

Figure 8.3.5 Pie chart of question

5. Have you noticed any object (brand) in the game that also exists in the real world?
1% 13% Yes,always 33% 53% Sometimes Hardly ever Never


Figure 8.3.6 Pie chart of question

6. Do you agree that the objects mentioned above can make the game more interesting, real and abundant?
Partly 22 21%

Yes,definitely 70 67%

Not really 5 5% I dont know 8 7%

Figure 8.3.7 Pie chart of question

7. Do you agree that the objects mentioned above can make you feel impressive?
I dont know, 9, 9% Not really, 17, 16% Yes,definitely, 55, 52% Partly, 24, 23%


Figure 8.3.8 Pie chart of question

8. Compared with other types of advertising, do you think using real objects mentioned above as soft-advertisement in games are more attractive?
I dont know 30% Yes,definitely 25%

Not really 10%

Partly 35%

Figure 8.3.9 Bar chart of question

9. What kind of soft-advertisement built in games do you think to be most impressive?

100 80 60 40 20 0 Which Which Which Which combined with combined with combined with combined with scene or items game mission music and landscape character Others


Figure 8.3.10 Pie chart of question

10. Would you consider trying the product or the service appears in the game?
1% 20% 27% Yes,definitely Partly Not really 52% I dont know

Figure 8.3.11 Bar chart of question

11. If a company plants some softadvertisements in the game, what do you think about this company or its brand?
80 60 40 20 0


Target Group Age/Gender Male Frequency Under 16 16-32 33-48 Above 48 Total 14 40 5 0 59 Percent 13.3 38.1 4.8 0 56.2 Female Frequency 13 31 2 0 46 Percent 12.4 29.5 1.9 0 43.8

What is your gender?

Frequency Valid male female Total 59 46 Percent 56.2 43.8 Valid Percent 56.2 43.8 Cumulative Percent 56.2 100.0




How old are you?

Frequency Valid Under 16 16-32 32-48 Above 48 Total 27 71 7 0 Percent 25.7 67.6 6.7 0 Valid Percent 25.7 67.6 6.7 0 Cumulative Percent 25.7 93.3 100.0 100.0





What is your education level?

Frequency Valid High-school or below Bachelor Master Above master Total Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent





56 13

53.3 12.4

53.3 12.4

84.7 97.1







How many hours do you usually spend on playing video games per day?
Frequency Valid Under hours 2 Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent





2-4 hours 4-6 hours Above hours Total 6

32 31

30.5 29.5

30.5 29.5

52.4 81.9








Have you noticed any object (brand) in the game that also exists in the real world?
Frequency Valid Yes, always Sometimes Hardly ever Never Total Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent




















Do you agree that the objects mentioned above can make the game more interesting, real and abundant?
Frequency Valid Yes, definitely Partly Not really I dont know Total Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent





22 5

20.9 4.8

20.9 4.8

87.6 92.4







Do you agree that the objects mentioned above can make you feel impressive?
Frequency Valid Yes, definitely Partly Not really I don't know Total 55 24 17 9 Percent 52.4 22.8 16.2 8.6 Valid Percent 52.4 22.8 16.2 8.6 Cumulative Percent 52.4 75.2 91.4 100.0




Compared with other types of advertising, do you think using real objects mentioned above as soft-advertising in games are more attractive?
Frequency Valid Yes, definitely Partly Not really I don't know Total 26 37 10 32 Percent 24.8 35.2 9.5 30.5 Valid Percent 24.8 35.2 9.5 30.5 Cumulative Percent 24.8 60.0 69.5 100.0





Would you consider trying the product or the service appears in the game?
Frequency Valid Yes, definitely Partly Not really I don't know Total 23 45 17 20 Percent 21.9 42.8 16.2 19.1 Valid Percent 21.9 42.8 16.2 19.1 Cumulative Percent 21.9 64.7 80.9 100.0




Research time line


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