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Answer Book

Answers for all

Lesson Worksheets
Reading Eggspress Spelling Year 5 Answer Book
ISBN: 978-1-74215-440-4
Copyright © Blake eLearning 2020
Blake Publishing
Locked Bag 2022
Glebe NSW 2037
Publisher: Katy Pike
Design and layout by the Modern Art Production Group
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In this book
The Reading Eggspress Spelling program provides instruction on spelling rules,
strategies and generalisations. Each lesson focuses on a core set of 20 words, plus
10 challenge words to extend students. Answers are included.
The crafted word lists are based on the sound, structure and meaning of words, and
were created to align with the following components of the Australian Curriculum:
Australian Curriculum content codes and descriptions
ACELA1500 – Understand that the pronunciation, spelling and meanings of words
have histories and change over time
ACELA1513 – Understand how to use knowledge of known words, base words,
prefixes and suffixes, word origins, letter patterns and spelling generalisations to
spell new words
ACELA1514 – Explore less common plurals, and understand how a suffix changes
the meaning or grammatical form of a word
Aspects of spelling covered in this year
Aspect Areas covered Pages
Digraphs oo, ou; wh, ph, gh; ch 51, 52, 55, 56, 57,
Endings rse, rce; ent, ant; and, end, ond; our, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
ure; ish; age, idge; ence, ance 13, 14, 27, 28, 43,
44, 59, 60
Prefixes un, dis, mis; anti, circum, extra, semi 29, 30, 71, 72
Suffixes fy; ic; ity; ive; s, es; s, ies; ist; ous; 15, 16, 19, 20, 25,
ment, ship, hood, dom; tion, sion, 26, 31, 32, 33, 34,
cian; ly 37, 38, 39, 40, 45,
46, 49, 50, 63, 64
Letter patterns adding to fer; que 41, 42, 65, 66
Origins Latin 23, 24
Other vowel sounds; homophones; 1, 2, 11, 12, 17, 18, 21,
silent letters; compound words; 22, 35, 36, 47, 48,
portmanteau words; palindromes; 53, 54, 61, 62, 67,
vowels; tricky words; eponyms; word 68, 69, 70
building; loan words

SPELLING • YEAR 5 • 978 1 74215 440 4 iii © Blake eLearning

Lesson Pages Lesson Pages

5.1 Vowel sounds – exceptions 1-2 5.19 Suffixes – ous 37 - 38

5.2 Word endings – rse, rce 3-4 5.20 Plurals – s, ies 39 - 40

5.3 Word endings – ent, ant 5-6 5.21 Adding to fer 41 - 42

5.4 Word endings – and, end, ond 7-8 5.22 Word endings – age, idge 43 - 44

5.5 Word endings – fy 9 - 10 5.23 Suffixes – ment, ship, hood, dom 45 - 46

5.6 Homophones 11 - 12 5.24 Vowel sounds 47 - 48

5.7 Word endings – our, ure 13 - 14 5.25 Suffixes – tion, sion, cian 49 - 50

5.8 Suffixes – ic 15 - 16 5.26 Digraphs – ch 51 - 52

5.9 Silent letters 17 - 18 5.27 Tricky words 53 - 54

5.10 Suffixes – ity 19 - 20 5.28 Vowel digraphs – oo, ou 55 - 56

5.11 Compound words 21 - 22 5.29 Consonant sounds – wh, ph, gh 57 - 58

5.12 Words with Latin origins 23 - 24 5.30 Suffixes – ence, ance 59 - 60

5.13 Suffixes – ive 25 - 26 5.31 Eponyms 61 - 62

5.14 Word endings – ish 27 - 28 5.32 Suffixes – ly 63 - 64

5.15 Prefixes – un, dis, mis 29 - 30 5.33 Spelling patterns – que 65 - 66

5.16 Plurals – s, es 31 - 32 5.34 Word building 67 - 68

5.17 Suffixes – ist 33 - 34 5.35 Loan words 69 - 70

5.18 Palindromes and portmanteaus 35 - 36 5.36 Prefixes – anti, circum, extra, semi 71 - 72

SPELLING • YEAR 5 • 978 1 74215 440 4 iv © Blake eLearning

Vowel sounds – exceptions 5.1

List 1 Write the word. 2 Sort the words.

deaf deaf Words with ea
head head deaf wealth
said said head really
idea idea idea break
meant meant meant dread
four four bread already
bread bread thread heavy
mould mould great
thread thread Words with ou
great great four famous
famous famous mould nourish
wealth wealth cousin favour
cousin cousin
nourish nourish 3 Fill in the missing letter.
really really
___eal___ l ___
y e ___d
br___ a
break t
l ___h u s___n
favour wea___ co___
dread dread b e
___r___ak o ___
n___ u r___sh
already already a o ___s
f___m___ u e ___f
d___ a
heavy heavy l a ___y
a___re___ d r ___
g___ e ___t

4 Name.

4 four
break head
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 1 • 978 1 74215 440 4 1 © Blake eLearning
Vowel sounds – exceptions 5.1

5 Underline the spelling mistake. Write the word correctly.

We placed the clay in the mold ready to bake. mould
The chocolate mud cake was very hevy to eat. heavy
Our pet dog was old and def. deaf
Watching movies was a great ideea. idea
There were fore cupcakes left over. four
Throughout his life he had saved all of his welth. wealth
He sed he would be home for dinner. said
Dad patted me on the hed as he walked past. head
Mum asked me to cook dinner as a favor to her. favour
I carefully put the thred through the eye of the needle. thread
Challenge words 7 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?
6 Write the word. open field of grass meadow
deadly deadly Japanese poem haiku
dreamt dreamt funny humour
heaven heaven source of difficulty trouble
meadow meadow fatal deadly
couple couple large rock boulder
aisle aisle imagined dreamt
haiku haiku corridor aisle
humour humour two people heaven
trouble trouble paradise couple
boulder boulder

8 Another way to say it. Which challenge word could replace the underlined word/s?
The spider was lethal, if it bit you. deadly
He walked hurriedly down the supermarket lane looking for rice. aisle
They lifted the large rock with a crane. boulder
She fantasised about a beach holiday, as the weather was cold. dreamt
Not everyone enjoyed Simon’s wit. humour
They saw a pair of kangaroos in the paddock. couple
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 1 • 978 1 74215 440 4 2 © Blake eLearning
Word endings – rse, rce 5.2

List 1 Write the word. 2 Sort the words.

horse horse Words that end in rse
worse worse horse course
purse purse worse diverse
verse verse purse converse
force force verse immerse
scarce scarce reverse averse
fierce fierce sparse terse
reverse reverse adverse
sparse sparse Words that end in rce
adverse adverse
force divorce
course scarce resource
diverse diverse
fierce pierce
source source
converse converse
immerse immerse 3 Complete these words with rse or rce.
averse averse rse
reve_______________ rce
terse terse rse
dive_______________ rce
divorce divorce rse
imme______________ rse
resource resource rse
pu_________________ rce
pierce pierce rce
resou______________ rse

4 Complete each sentence with a list word.

She rode her ____________________ daily on the farm.
The shark looked ____________________ with its toothy grin.
I read a ____________________ from a poem at assembly.
The rain had been ____________________ , so the crops were struggling.
converse with my friends on the phone.
I like to ____________________
adverse reaction to peanuts.
My dad has an ____________________
I will ____________________ myself to get up earlier tomorrow morning.
The mess in my room is ____________________ today than it was yesterday.

SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 1 • 978 1 74215 440 4 3 © Blake eLearning

Word endings – rse, rce 5.2

5 Meaning. Which list word means?

where something begins source
to prick or break pierce
in short supply scarce
strength or effort force
to completely cover in liquid immerse
of different kinds or sorts diverse

Challenge words 7 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?

cover or cross traverse
6 Write the word. scatter
coarse rough coarse
rehearse rehearse persuade
traverse trade commerce
reimburse reimburse add strength
intersperse intersperse
coerce coerce 8 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.
disperse disperse herrehearseqreh
commerce commerce
foreenenforcecefo enforce
enforce enforce reimreimburseurse
reinforce erserreinforceres reinforce

9 Another way to say it. Which challenge word could replace the underlined word/s?
Dad bought me the skateboard and I will pay him later. reimburse
Sophie and her friends will go through the play tonight. rehearse
The fabric was rough and scratchy on her skin. coarse
Her brother would pressure her into doing his chores for him. coerce
They will scatter the seeds over the soil. disperse
They impose the rules to keep the students safe. enforce
The ship had to cross the rough seas. traverse
Dad will strengthen the fence with more posts. reinforce
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 1 • 978 1 74215 440 4 4 © Blake eLearning
Word endings – ent, ant 5.3

List 1 Write the word. 2 Sort the words.

tenant tenant ent
rodent rodent rodent serpent
instant instant urgent ancient
urgent urgent fluent magnificent
pendant pendant violent apparent
tyrant tyrant evident opponent
fluent fluent ant
entrant entrant tenant assistant
violent violent instant elegant
evident evident pendant applicant
assistant assistant tyrant significant
serpent serpent entrant radiant
elegant elegant
applicant applicant 3 Complete these words with ent or ant.
ancient ancient ant
eleg_______________ ent
significant significant ant
radi_______________ ant
magnificent magnificent ent
magnific___________ ant
radiant radiant ent
viol_______________ ent
apparent apparent ant
ten________________ ent
opponent opponent ant
applic_____________ ant

4 Underline the spelling mistake. Write the word correctly.

The serpant slithered over the hot ground. serpent
The aincient ruins were being preserved for future generations. ancient
Guinea pigs are a type of rodant. rodent
My mum’s assistent answered her phone when I rang. assistant
She wore a pretty silver pendent. pendant
I didn’t like the movie as it was very vilent. violent
My brother was going to be my opponant in the tennis tournament.
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 1 • 978 1 74215 440 4 5 © Blake eLearning
Word endings – ent, ant 5.3

5 Meaning. Which list word means?

a bully tyrant brutal violent
bright and shining radiant enemy opponent
obvious evident a snake serpent
very old ancient helper assistant
grand elegant able to speak easily fluent
important urgent a small mammal rodent

Challenge words 7 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?

resident inhabitant
6 Write the word. determined
warrant equal to equivalent
turbulent turbulent excessive
inhabitant rough turbulent
instrument instrument player
participant participant
equivalent equivalent 8 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.
persistent persistent prohwarrantent
extravagant extravagant
qtinstrumentmant instrument
nutrient nutrient extrnutrientant
adamant nuextravagantent extravagant
9 Complete the sentence.
nutrient potassium.
Bananas are a good source of the _______________
participant in the running race.
Sam will be a _______________
turbulent due to the rough wind.
The ocean was _______________
warrant for his arrest.
The policeman had a _______________
extravagant parents spoiled her with a magnificent jumping castle.
Her _______________
instrument is the flute.
My favourite musical _______________
inhabitant of Australia.
He is an _______________
persistent in her swimming training.
She was _______________

SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 1 • 978 1 74215 440 4 6 © Blake eLearning

Word endings – and, end, ond 5.4

List 1 Write the word. 2 Sort the words.

second second and
legend legend husband garland
husband husband island command
depend depend thousand demand
intend intend end
beyond beyond legend amend
pretend pretend depend suspend
defend defend intend descend
island island pretend attend
thousand thousand defend offend
garland garland ond
amend amend second almond
almond almond beyond diamond
diamond diamond
suspend suspend 3 Complete the words with and, end or ond.
descend descend ond
sec_________________ and
command command and
husb________________ ond
attend attend end
int__________________ end
offend offend
pret________________ end
demand and
dem________________ end

4 Word clues. Which list word matches?

a precious jewel a type of nut
diamond almond
the man a person is married to to move downwards
husband descend
to make-believe to protect from harm
pretend defend
land surrounded by water chain or wreath made of flowers
island garland
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 1 • 978 1 74215 440 4 7 © Blake eLearning
Word endings – and, end, ond 5.4

5 Meaning. Which list word means?

number equal to ten times one hundred thousand
to act falsely or to make believe pretend
to be present at attend
to hang from a higher position suspend
to trust or rely on depend
to tell forcefully or to order command

Challenge words 7 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.

auiderrandiyub errand
6 Write the word. iaydcommenduajb
errand ausbvagabondoiyn vagabond
reprimand reprimand asccorrespondaoish
reverend asinreverendopaih reverend
reprehend reprehend asdjcomprehendoauib comprehend
Holland Holland
correspond correspond
commend 8 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?
comprehend comprehend chide reprimand
apprehend apprehend capture apprehend
vagabond vagabond communicate correspond

9 Another way to say it. Which challenge word could replace the underlined word/s?
The policewoman will capture the criminal. apprehend
I will teach my dog to understand sit, beg and roll. comprehend
Mum will admonish me for being late. reprehend
My brother received a scolding for his messy room. reprimand
Amsterdam is a city in the Netherlands. Holland
Everyone will compliment his brilliant assignment. commend
His story will match with hers. correspond
The vagrant slept in the park at night. vagabond
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 1 • 978 1 74215 440 4 8 © Blake eLearning
Word endings – fy 5.5

List 1 Write the word. 2 Complete these list words.

verify verify sim plify gra tify
amplify amplify cla ssify jus tify
satisfy satisfy amp lify sig nify
glorify glorify liq uefy bea utify
gratify gratify ide ntify mys tify
justify justify
qualify qualify
notify 3 Put the syllables back together.
signify signify fy-sa-tis satisfy
modify modify ue-liq-fy liquefy
classify classify fy-i-mod modify
horrify horrify ri-fy-ter terrify
simplify simplify mys-fy-ti mystify
mystify mystify pli-fy-sim simplify
terrify terrify ni-sig-fy signify
magnify magnify i-grat-fy gratify
identify identify ti-fy-jus justify
beautify beautify fy-no-ti notify
certify certify ni-mag-fy magnify
liquefy liquefy ti-cer-fy certify

4 Underline the spelling mistake. Write the word correctly.

The speakers will amplifie the sound in the auditorium. amplify
We will magnyfy the ant to see it better. magnify
We had to notefy everyone of the new starting time. notify
The mess in my room will horify my mother! horrify
We added some fresh flowers to bewtify the room. beautify
We could identifie the food by the delicious smell. identify
I like to classifie my clothes by colours. classify
I tried to justifie why I should be allowed to stay up later. justify
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 1 • 978 1 74215 440 4 9 © Blake eLearning
Word endings – fy 5.5

5 Meaning. Which list word means?

to recognise identify
to make sure something is true verify
to tell about notify
to praise, honour or worship glorify
to make something appear larger magnify
to endorse or guarantee certify

Challenge words 7 Word Clues. Which challenge word matches?

to give honour or prestige dignify
6 Write the word.
to shock electrify
specify specify to indicate explicitly specify
pacify pacify to bring together unify
unify unify give human characteristics to something
crucify crucify
intensify intensify 8 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.
dignify dignify cruscrucifyaosu
personify personify
sifydiversifyasug diversify
electrify electrify divepacifypac
diversify aiysrectifysiyu rectify

9 Complete the sentence.

We will ____________________ the flowers in our creative writing.
Her amazing performance will ____________________ the audience.
The dummy worked to ____________________ the baby.
I will ____________________ to situation by explaining the mistake.
The farmer plans to ____________________ the crops he grows.
I will ____________________ the colour jumper I would like.
The hard times spent together would ____________________ the family.
I will not ____________________ your accusation with a response!

SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 1 • 978 1 74215 440 4 10 © Blake eLearning

Homophones 5.6

List 1 Write the word. 2 Fill in the correct list words.

peace peace guest
The __________________ had correctly
piece piece guessed where his bedroom was.
guest guest (guessed, guest)
guessed guessed The chocolates in the hotel
past past suite
__________________ sweet
are __________________ and
passed passed delicious. (sweet, suite)
you you piece
We halved the __________________ of cake to
ewe ewe peace
keep the __________________ between the two
horde horde siblings. (peace, piece)
hoard hoard horde
There was a __________________ of people
sweet sweet hoard
trying to find the __________________ of old
suite suite coins. (hoard, horde)
wary wary
weary weary 3 Unscramble these list words.
cue cue oyu you dohre horde
queue queue iepce piece uce cue
bridle bridle spadse passed etius suite
bridal bridal rwya wary rdibla bridal
patients patients intspate patients uesdegs guessed
patience patience

4 Underline the spelling mistake. Write the word correctly.

My grandparents horde old newspapers dating back to 1975. hoard
We walked right passed the store. past
The horse whinnied as his bridal was too tight. bridle
The guessed arrived at the hotel too early to check in. guest
The group was working towards world piece. peace
The you bleated loudly as we walked through the field. ewe
The chocolate brownie was suite and moist. sweet
We were wary after our long hike in the bush. weary
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 1 • 978 1 74215 440 4 11 © Blake eLearning
Homophones 5.6

5 Missing syllable. 6 Name.

Write the missing syllable.
ewe piece

Challenge words 8 Word Clues. Which challenge word matches?

to praise compliment
7 Write the word.
climate weather
morning morning dawn morning
mourning mourning static stationary
principle principle a belief principle
principal principal pen and paper stationery
weather weather
whether whether 9 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.
compliment compliment ourmorningingn morning
complement complement whewhethermou whether
stationary stationary cipaprincipalprin principal
stationery stationery compcomplimentime compliment
10 Complete the sentence.
whether the _____________
We are unsure ______________ weather will be sunny tomorrow.
compliment on his ability to
The customer gave the chef a ________________
complement his meal with good service.
morning we would be ________________
We didn’t know that in the ________________ mourning
the loss of our pet.
stationery cupboard remained ________________
The ________________ stationary in the office.
principal would not allow the students to bring mobiles to school
The ________________
principle .
on ________________
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 1 • 978 1 74215 440 4 12 © Blake eLearning
Word endings – our, ure 5.7

List 1 Write the word. 2 Sort the words.

vapour vapour Words that end in our
culture culture vapour valour
armour armour armour rigour
flavour flavour flavour tumour
pasture pasture clamour
clamour clamour Words that end in ure
texture texture
future future culture furniture
lecture lecture pasture sculpture
figure figure texture leisure
valour valour future moisture
nurture nurture lecture creature
rigour rigour figure torture
furniture furniture nurture
sculpture sculpture
leisure leisure 3 Fill in the missing letters.
tumour tumour n it_____
fur_____ e
r _____
u _____ e _____
l_____ i s_____
u re
moisture moisture
s tu_____
a _____
p_____ e
r _____ u mo_____
t_____ r
u _____
creature creature i st_____
o _____
m_____ r e
u _____ v a____
____ l ou_____
torture torture u rtu_____
n _____
_____ e
r _____ o u_____
m _____
ar_____ r

4 Name.

armour furniture sculpture creature

SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 1 • 978 1 74215 440 4 13 © Blake eLearning
Word endings – our, ure 5.7

5 Complete each sentence with a list word.

The ____________________ of the rock was rough and scratchy.
moisture on the ground showed that it had been raining.
The ____________________
Reading was her favourite ____________________ activity.
She saved money so that in the ____________________ she could buy a computer.
Strawberry is her favourite ____________________ of milkshake.
My dad received a medal of ____________________ for his bravery in the war.
They enforced the new law with great ____________________ .
sculpture for the exhibition out of stone.
They are carving a ____________________
The ____________________ skaters practised their routine daily.
For a tiny ____________________, the cicada certainly makes a lot of noise!

Challenge words 7 Word Clues. Which challenge word matches?

autograph signature
6 Write the word. fever temperature
departure departure horticulture agriculture
signature signature leaving departure
fervour fervour tiny miniature
neighbour neighbour person next door neighbour
composure composure
rupture rupture 8 Hidden words. Find the challenge words.
exposure exposure sureexposureexp
temperature vorffervourvofe fervour
agriculture agriculture surocomposureco
miniature rappruptureure rupture
9 Another way to say it. Which challenge word could replace the underlined word?
The break in the dam wall caused a flood. rupture
Diana kept her self-control during the ordeal. composure
The reporter wrote about the unveiling of underworld crime.
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 1 • 978 1 74215 440 4 14 © Blake eLearning
Suffixes – ic 5.8

List 1 Write the word. 2 Complete the sentence with a list word.
music music music
She plays beautiful ____________________ on
poetic poetic the piano.
magic magic public
If it’s not private, it’s _____________________ .
topic topic historic
The old building is of _____________________
plastic plastic importance.
basic basic My photos aren’t that good as my camera
artistic artistic basic
is pretty _____________________ .
public public Something that has the power to attract
tonic tonic magnetic .
things is _____________________
magnetic magnetic symbolic
A dove is _____________________ of peace.
heroic heroic He chose an interesting
romantic romantic topic
_____________________ for his speech.
dramatic dramatic plastic
The juice is in a _____________________ bottle.
angelic angelic
specific specific 3 Fill in the missing syllables.
symbolic symbolic
historic historic ic
po-et-_______ ic
fantastic fantastic ac ic
_______-a-dem-_______ tis tic
academic academic gel
an-_______-ic ic
horrific horrific fan
_______-tas-tic man
mag-_______ ro ic

4 Write the list words in alphabetical order.

academic historic public
angelic horrific romantic
artistic magic specific
basic magnetic symbolic
dramatic music tonic
fantastic plastic topic
heroic poetic
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 1 • 978 1 74215 440 4 15 © Blake eLearning
Suffixes – ic 5.8

5 Meaning. Which list word means?

noble and courageous heroic
having to do with school academic
sound with tones and rhythms that can be
listened to and enjoyed music
a medicine that brings back one’s strength tonic
out of the ordinary and exciting fantastic
showing skill in creating artistic
Challenge words 7 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.
6 Write the word. tomioptimisticoasui optimistic
realistic realistic phophotographicashb photographic
mechanic mechanic enthenthusiasticaoisn enthusiastic
strategic strategic asunsympatheticiyuna sympathetic
optimistic optimistic istirealisticreal realistic
automatic automatic ficscientificscui scientific
enthusiastic enthusiastic cratdemocraticdemo democratic
scientific scientific memmechanicmecin mechanic
sympathetic sympathetic matautomaticauto automatic
democratic democratic egicstrategicstrat strategic
photographic photographic

8 Complete the sentence. Which challenge word matches?

scientific experiment taught them how plants grew.
The __________________
strategic move to keep their best swimmer until last.
It was a __________________
automatic doors opened as we entered the hospital.
The __________________
photographic equipment.
He brought his camera and other __________________
mechanic repaired our car.
The __________________
optimistic about her chances.
She was very __________________
sympathetic to his sad friend.
He was kind and __________________
The election to appoint a new leader was very __________________.
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 1 • 978 1 74215 440 4 16 © Blake eLearning
Silent letters 5.9

List 1 Write the word. 2 Circle the silent letters in each word.
debt debt sandwich solemn
doubt doubt subtle fascinate
lamb lamb debt whistle
sandwich sandwich whose rhyme
autumn autumn moisten thistle
solemn solemn autumn column
column column lamb muscle
soften soften answer Wednesday
answer answer doubt crescent
whose whose soften succumb
subtle subtle
succumb succumb 3 Unscramble these list words.
muscle muscle
fascinate ensmol solemn utbdo doubt
fascinate sletiht sctrcnee
crescent crescent thistle crescent
Wednesday Wednesday csbmucu succumb netsiom moisten
rhyme ftsnoe soften ebtd debt
rhyme hsowe euslbt
thistle thistle whose subtle
whistle wdanscih sandwich tewshil whistle
whistle rewsna answer elcsum
moisten moisten muscle

4 Underline the spelling mistake. Write the word correctly.

Wenesday is in the middle of the week. Wednesday
My right leg musle hurt after I finished running. muscle
I made a chicken and cheese sanwich for my lunch. sandwich
The leaves turn brown and fall off the trees in autum. autumn
Thomas likes to wistle as he walks to school. whistle
No words ryme with orange. rhyme
I wrote a funny colum for the school magazine. column
The stories about the ancient pharaohs fasinate me. fascinate
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 1 • 978 1 74215 440 4 17 © Blake eLearning
Silent letters 5.9

5 Meaning. Which list word means?

to give in to; yield succumb
to make slightly wet moisten
to not know for sure doubt
to attract and hold the interest of fascinate
serious in appearance or mood solemn
a kind of plant with purple flowers thistle

Challenge words 7 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.

paiccampaignasihc campaign
6 Write the word. asupnpneumoniaiys pneumonia
abscess abscess fgovgovernmentagov government
assignment assignment aiusgtreceiptaosug receipt
campaign campaign mortmortgagegage mortgage
foreign foreign aseaassignmentaouyh assignment
government government
psychology psychology 8 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?
pneumonia pneumonia task campaign
receipt receipt people in authority government
raspberry raspberry ulcer abscess
mortgage mortgage from overseas foreign

9 Complete the sentence.

assignment and handed it to his teacher.
He completed the _________________
foreign language to the new French student.
English was a _________________
raspberry .
The top she wore was the colour of a _________________
psychology as he was interested in how the mind worked.
He studied _________________
The shop assistant handed me a _________________ for my purchase.
abscess .
The dentist told me the pain was caused by an _________________

SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 1 • 978 1 74215 440 4 18 © Blake eLearning

Suffixes – ity 5.10

List 1 Write the word. 2 Write the list words in alphabetical order.
electricity electricity ability majority
reality reality brutality maturity
curiosity curiosity clarity minority
publicity publicity continuity mobility
ability ability curiosity normality
equality equality electricity personality
clarity clarity equality prosperity
intensity intensity hostility publicity
normality normality identity reality
hostility hostility intensity security
minority minority
security security 3 Fill in the missing letters.
identity identity p p ___
___ros___ e r___i ___
t ___
majority majority o i t ___
m___b___li___ y
mobility mobility o l ___
h___sti___ i ___
t ___
continuity continuity n ___i___
conti___ u t ___ y
brutality brutality m n y
prosperity prosperity b i y
personality personality c i ___
___lar___ t ___
maturity maturity e ___
r___ a l___i t ___

4 Complete each sentence with a list word.

His swimming ________________________ has improved.
The ________________________ of the workout made me sweaty and tired.
Solar panels make ________________________ from light.
We lock our front door for ________________________ when we aren’t at home.
The ________________________ of the class eat cereal for breakfast, with only a
few eating toast.
personality .
She had a kind and happy ________________________
She watched the older children playing with growing ________________________ .

SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 2 • 978 1 74215 440 4 19 © Blake eLearning

Suffixes – ity 5.10

5 Meaning. Which list word means?

having ease and flexibility of motion mobility
the power to do something ability
the condition of being very cruel brutality
the true situation reality
the state or condition of being pure or clear clarity
the attention someone gets from the media publicity
a stong desire to know or learn something curiosity

Challenge words 7 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.

proproductivityeti productivity
6 Write the word. filflexibilityexib
possibility sennecessityess necessity
opportunity opportunity niuuniformitytiy
community community
sinsimplicityitie simplicity
simplicity simplicity popopportunitytun opportunity
necessity necessity enssensitivityive
productivity productivity
uniformity uniformity 8 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?
sensitivity sensitivity a group of people community
flexibility flexibility all the same uniformity
responsibility responsibility a chance possibility
9 Complete the sentence.
responsibility .
Looking after a pet is a big __________________
possibility for tomorrow.
The forecaster told us that rain was a __________________
flexibility .
Dancers do exercises to improve their __________________
simplicity .
His room looked modern because of its __________________
necessity to human beings.
Food and water are a __________________
sensitivity to grass that makes her very itchy.
She has a __________________
opportunity to be on television.
He had an __________________

SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 2 • 978 1 74215 440 4 20 © Blake eLearning

Compound words 5.11

List 1 Write the word. 2 Fill in the missing part.

deadline deadline wheel
cart_____________ space
daybreak daybreak table
time_____________ news
teammate teammate bye
good_____________ high
highway highway fingers
butter_____________ dead
goodbye goodbye scraper
sky_____________ house
warehouse warehouse table
_____________spoon melon
background background sight
eye_____________ ground
eyesight eyesight team
_____________mate text
textbook textbook ache
head_____________ school
watermelon watermelon wheel
day_____________ night
cartwheel cartwheel
newsstand newsstand 3 Fill in the missing syllables.
schoolwork schoolwork ble
spacewalk spacewalk head
headache headache scrap
butterfingers butterfingers ter
timetable timetable ble
weeknight weeknight book
tablespoon tablespoon work
skyscraper skyscraper ter on

4 Word clues. Which list word matches?

something an astronaut would do spacewalk
a pain in the head headache
the ability to see eyesight
tasks your teacher gives you schoolwork
after dark from Monday to Friday weeknight
saying farewell goodbye
a member of your group teammate
the date by which something must be done deadline
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 2 • 978 1 74215 440 4 21 © Blake eLearning
Compound words 5.11

5 Name.

watermelon cartwheel
skyscraper tablespoon
Challenge words
7 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.
6 Write the word.
asrbodyguardaish bodyguard
wastepaper wastepaper
snugroundaboutasuh roundabout
superhuman superhuman
lighcandlelightcanigh candlelight
roundabout roundabout
ssefsuperhumanahanh superhuman
courthouse courthouse
thththunderboltasina thunderbolt
earthbound earthbound
papewastepaperzasu wastepaper
undercurrent undercurrent
asdundercurrentashn undercurrent
thunderbolt thunderbolt
eaeaearthwormasih earthworm
bodyguard bodyguard
courtcourthousechou courthouse
candlelight candlelight
oundearthboundearb earthbound
earthworm earthworm

8 Another way to say it. Which challenge word could replace the underlined word/s?
The cars slowed down as they approached the traffic circle. roundabout
The judge delivered the sentence in the tribunal. courthouse
The man amazed everyone with his extraordinary strength. superhuman
We could sense the feeling of hostility in the room. undercurrent
The celebrity’s minder made sure that she arrived safely. bodyguard
The little animal buried itself in the dirt. earthworm
She tore up the pages and put them in the rubbish basket. wastepaper
A penguin is a terrestrial bird as it cannot fly. earthbound
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 2 • 978 1 74215 440 4 22 © Blake eLearning
Words with Latin origins 5.12

List 1 Write the word. 2 Sort the words.

literacy literacy Words that come from the Latin word
habitat habitat domus
benefit benefit dome domain
inhabit inhabit domestic
dome dome Words that come from the Latin word
literate literate aqua
domestic domestic aquatic aquaplane
alien alien aquarium aquanaut
domain domain Words that come from the Latin word
literal literal bene
aquatic aquatic benefit benign
aquarium aquarium Words that come from the Latin word
habitable habitable habitare
habitation habitation habitat habitation
inhabitant inhabitant inhabit inhabitant
aquaplane aquaplane habitable
feral feral Words that come from the Latin word
benign benign litera
aquanaut aquanaut literacy literal
literary literary literate literary

3 Underline the spelling mistake. Write the word correctly.

The doume above the stadium was very high. dome
The receptionist gave them a benine smile. benign
The main benifit of exercise is a healthy heart. benefit
The monkeys’ habbitat at the zoo mimicked the jungle. habitat
Someone who can read and write is litirate. literate
The litral translation made more sense than the altered version. literal
The removal of mould made their house more habitabel. habitable
The ferel cat looked hungry and dirty. feral
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 2 • 978 1 74215 440 4 23 © Blake eLearning
Words with Latin origins 5.12

4 Fill in the missing syllables.

a-quar-i-___________ hab
___________-i-tat li
lit-___________-a-cy ua
lit-er-___________-y fe
do-___________-tic ble

Challenge words 6 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.

tasdaliasaseuy alias
5 Write the word.
ciousferociousaugs ferocious
aquamarine aquamarine sadrdomesticallyweiyh domestically
uninhabitable uninhabitable
asudhyalibiasdu alibi
alias alias aquaaaquamarineuysh aquamarine
alibi alibi fisibeneficiallylly beneficially
beneficial beneficial
beneficially beneficially 7 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?
benefactor benefactor fierce ferocious
ferocious ferocious favourable beneficial
domestically domestically
blue-green aquamarine
alliteration alliteration known by another name
8 Complete the sentence.
benefactor .
The hospital had a wing named after its main ____________________
alliteration .
‘Penny picked pretty petals’ is an example of ____________________
aquamarine colour.
The water was a beautiful ____________________
He couldn’t have committed the crime as he had an ____________________ .
Eating many fruits is ____________________ to your health.
uninhabitable .
The desert wasteland was completely ____________________
The shark looked ____________________ because it had so many teeth.
Her ____________________ was Princess Bananahammock.

SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 2 • 978 1 74215 440 4 24 © Blake eLearning

Suffixes – ive 5.13

List 1 Write the word. 2 Write the list words in alphabetical order.
active active active formative
captive captive attentive impulsive
detective detective attractive intensive
extensive extensive captive massive
creative creative connective narrative
intensive intensive creative objective
expensive expensive detective offensive
explosive explosive expensive productive
selective selective explosive secretive
objective objective extensive selective
impulsive impulsive
secretive secretive 3 Put the letters in the right order.
attentive attentive ect-conn-ive connective
formative formative ive-ob-ject objective
attractive attractive at-ive-cre creative
narrative narrative ret-ive-sec secretive
productive productive sive-int-en intensive
massive massive plos-ex-ive explosive
offensive offensive tive-form-a formative
connective connective ive-ens-off offensive
ive-uct-prod productive
sive-ten-ex extensive
4 Word clues. Which list word matches?
busy, full of energy active
something that looks good attractive
something incredibly large massive
costing a lot of money expensive
a person who follows clues to find the answer detective
a story narrative
careful in choosing selective
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 2 • 978 1 74215 440 4 25 © Blake eLearning
Suffixes – ive 5.13

5 Meaning. Which list word means?

able to make something new or with imagination creative
causing anger or hurt feelings offensive
acting without thinking or planning impulsive
held as a prisoner captive
something that connects things connective
a goal that a person works towards objective

Challenge words 7 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?

fanciful imaginative
6 Write the word.
detailed descriptive
sensitive sensitive not sharing possessive
digestive digestive too much expressive
expressive expressive easily hurt sensitive
descriptive descriptive ambitious competitive
repetitive repetitive
comparative comparative
possessive possessive 8 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.
imaginative imaginative petrepetitiveive repetitive
competitive competitive exivexcessivecess excessive
excessive excessive tivedigestivedigi digestive
9 Complete the sentence.
descriptive paragraph about his holiday.
The boy wrote a __________________
competitive and always wanted to win.
The girl was very __________________
excessive amount of food at the party.
There was an __________________
expressive face.
The little boy had a very __________________
repetitive beat.
The song had a very catchy and __________________
possessive of my favourite toy.
I was very __________________
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 2 • 978 1 74215 440 4 26 © Blake eLearning
Word endings – ish 5.14

List 1 Write the word. 2 Complete these list words.

English English sh eepish
nourish nourish che erish
sheepish sheepish es tablish
reddish reddish st ylish
astonish astonish fi endish
furnish furnish En glish
sluggish sluggish fl ourish
cherish cherish as tonish
childish childish
rubbish rubbish 3 Unscramble these list words.
varnish varnish hpseri perish
stylish stylish ysthlis stylish
establish establish espehhsi sheepish
perish perish lpenrihes replenish
vanquish vanquish ifndseih fiendish
youngish youngish yhunogsi youngish
demolish demolish aosinhts astonish
replenish replenish hlsfuior flourish
flourish flourish qvnuihas vanquish
fiendish fiendish hcishre cherish

4 Complete each sentence with a list word.

They speak _____________________ as well as German in Germany.
He behaved in a _____________________ manner and got into trouble.
The sky had a _____________________ tinge from the bushfire.
They had to _____________________ the building as it was ruined.
Once the chair was sanded, they had to apply _____________________ .
We eat food to _____________________ our bodies.
We always _____________________ a set of class rules at the beginning of the year.
There was a pile of smelly _____________________ on the side of the road.

SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 2 • 978 1 74215 440 4 27 © Blake eLearning

Word endings – ish 5.14

5 In a group. Write the list word that belongs in each group.

young, younger, youngish
child, childlike, childish
red, redder, reddish
garbage, trash, rubbish
style, styles, stylish
furniture, furnishings, furnish

Challenge words 7 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.

squeesqueamishsque squeamish
6 Write the word. fevefeverishsuiha feverish
accomplish accomplish ameturamateurishamat amateurish
anguish anguish dimmdiminishiwha diminish
distinguish distinguish llishembellishembel embellish
squeamish squeamish accioaccomplishaccom accomplish
extinguish extinguish
diminish diminish 8 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?
relinquish relinquish achieve accomplish
feverish feverish burning up feverish
embellish embellish grief anguish
amateurish amateurish
queasy squeamish

9 Another way to say it. Which challenge word could replace the underlined word/s?
The firefighter had to put out the flame using special foam. extinguish
The cooks were inexperienced, but were learning all the time. amateurish
It was hard to differentiate between the identical twins. distinguish
I will adorn my hat with sequins and glitter. embellish
My sister wants to quit her role as swimming captain. relinquish
Speed limits help to decrease the number of accidents. diminish

SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 2 • 978 1 74215 440 4 28 © Blake eLearning

Prefixes – un, dis, mis 5.15

List 1 Write the word. 2 Sort the words.

unknown unknown un
unravel unravel unknown unfortunate
mislead mislead unravel unusual
dislocate dislocate uncertain unexpected
uncertain uncertain unpleasant unemployed
disappear disappear dis
unpleasant unpleasant dislocate discourage
dissolve dissolve disappear distasteful
misplaced misplaced dissolve disapprove
misjudge misjudge mis
unfortunate unfortunate mislead misconduct
unusual unusual misplaced miscalculate
discourage discourage misjudge misguided
misconduct misconduct
miscalculate miscalculate
unexpected unexpected 3 Word clues. Which list word matches?
distasteful distasteful melt dissolve
unemployed unemployed surprise unexpected
misguided misguided odd unusual
disapprove disapprove vanish disappear
unappetising distasteful
disentangle unravel

4 Fill the missing letters

i d c
m___scon___u___t u o u t
d ___stast___
___ i e ___
f ul i a t u
u ___expect___
___ n e ___
d u m l y ___d
___ne___p___o___ e
i ___ap___ro___
d___ s p v ___ e i l ___ad
m___s___ e
n t ___in
u___cer___ a n v l

SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 2 • 978 1 74215 440 4 29 © Blake eLearning

Prefixes – un, dis, mis 5.15

5 Underline the spelling mistake. Write the word correctly.

She can disapear so quietly that no one notices. disappear
The mizguided boy hadn’t learnt his lesson. misguided
It was unfortunete that we had to change our plans. unfortunate
There was an unplesant smell coming from the kitchen. unpleasant
I was worried I would dislocait my knee again. dislocate
The vitamin tablet will disolv when I place it in water. dissolve
I caught a thread on my jumper and it started to unraval. unravel
While my dad was unemploied, he started his own business. unemployed
We were in unown territory. unknown
The engineers were careful not to miscalcuelate. miscalculate

Challenge words 7 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.

unfamunfamiliarsyna unfamiliar
6 Write the word. diisdiscontinuedicson
unnatural siousunconsciousunc unconscious
disinterested disinterested dissdisinterestedested disinterested
discriminate discriminate natuunnaturalunnat
disobedient disobedient
entagdisentangledisent disentangle
unnecessary unnecessary
unfamiliar unfamiliar 8 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?
disentangle disentangle separate
unconscious unconscious
naughty disobedient
unacceptable unacceptable cease
discontinue artificial unnatural
9 Complete the sentence.
unacceptable .
The poor standard of work was ________________
discriminate between the two chocolate brands.
They were unable to ________________
disobedient and dug many holes.
Her dog was very ________________
disentangle all the knots we made in the rope.
We had to ________________
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 2 • 978 1 74215 440 4 30 © Blake eLearning
Plurals – s, es 5.16

List 1 Write the word. 2 Rewrite the words as plurals.

stitches stitches vegetable vegetables
lenses lenses stitch stitches
sleeves sleeves weakness weaknesses
styles styles influence influences
stretches stretches disease diseases
weaknesses weaknesses sleeve sleeves
colleges colleges witness witnesses
clashes clashes audience audiences
witnesses witnesses lens lenses
diseases diseases college colleges
approaches approaches tissue tissues
reserves reserves clash clashes
routes routes style styles
vegetables vegetables approach approaches
magazines magazines stretch stretches
influences influences route routes
passages passages passage passages
audiences audiences obstacle obstacles
obstacles obstacles reserve reserves
tissues tissues magazine magazines

3 Chunks. Rearrange the letters to make a list word.

s-yle-st styles s-lege-col colleges
s-sage-pas passages serve-re-s reserves
ea-dis-ses diseases itch-es-st stitches
es-ness-weak weaknesses es-proach-ap approaches
sh-a-es-cl clashes es-ness-wit witnesses
es-ro-ut routes es-veg-ta-bl-e vegetables
ee-ves-sl sleeves ac-ob-les-st obstacles
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 2 • 978 1 74215 440 4 31 © Blake eLearning
Plurals – s, es 5.16

4 Complete each sentence with a list word.

stretches on each leg before we could run.
We had to do three different ____________________
vegetables every day.
It is important to eat five servings of ____________________
I pulled my ____________________ down when it started to get cold.
My mum cleaned the ____________________ of her glasses with a cloth.
audiences around the world.
The orchestra was performing to ____________________
We used all of the ____________________ in our house when we had colds.
diseases .
It is said that rats carry many ____________________
obstacles to overcome on the course.
There were many ____________________
magazines to cut pictures from.
We were collecting ____________________
influences in my life have been my mother and father.
The biggest ____________________

Challenge words 6 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?

homes addresses
5 Write the word.
diplomas certificates
businesses businesses brochures catalogues
addresses addresses interruptions disturbances
committees committees
advantages privileges
references references work places businesses
performances performances
temperatures temperatures 7 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.
certificates certificates encereferencesreff references
disturbances disturbances aturtemperaturesterm temperatures
catalogues catalogues mmtcommitteesees committees
privileges privileges anceperformancesperf performances

8 Complete the sentence.

performances of the play.
We are putting on three _______________
temperatures using a thermometer.
The nurse taught us to measure our _______________
catalogues to find the best deal.
We searched the store _______________
committees .
My parents serve on many charity _______________
certificates before we could receive a silver one.
We had to get five bronze _______________
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 2 • 978 1 74215 440 4 32 © Blake eLearning
Suffixes – ist 5.17

List 1 Write the word. 2 Name.

artist artist
tourist tourist
florist florist
novelist novelist
dentist dentist
cyclist cyclist
artist dentist
finalist finalist
soloist soloist
motorist motorist
pianist pianist
journalist journalist
violinist violinist
florist violinist
vocalist vocalist
guitarist guitarist 3 Complete these list words.
botanist botanist gu itarist zo ologist
zoologist zoologist ec ologist ca rtoonist
specialist specialist to urist so loist
ecologist ecologist pi anist mo torist

4 Chunks. Rearrange the letters to make a list word.

ist-fin-al finalist or-mot-ist motorist
e-gist-o-col ecologist chin-ma-ist machinist
lin-vi-ist-o violinist el-nov-ist novelist
an-bot-ist botanist o-ist-sol soloist
list-cyc cyclist cal-ist-vo vocalist
ist-jou-al-rn journalist nt-ist-de dentist
ar-ist-t artist oo-ni-ca-st-rt cartoonist

SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 2 • 978 1 74215 440 4 33 © Blake eLearning

Suffixes – ist 5.17

5 Underline the spelling mistake. Write the word correctly.

The pianoist played a lovely piece at the recital. pianist
The flaurist placed the beautiful flowers in a vase. florist
The artiste painted the scenery at the beach. artist
The tourest took many photos of the Eiffel Tower. tourist
After I injured my knee, I had to see a specialest. specialist
The cartoonest drew a picture of me as a superhero! cartoonist
My dentast gave me a free toothbrush. dentist
The jounalest was ready to ask the celebrity as many
questions as possible. journalist
Before I was born, my dad was a guitarust in a band. guitarist
The zoologast fed the crocodiles in front of an audience. zoologist
Challenge words 7 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.
torsterroristterr terrorist
6 Write the word. psychpsychologistiist psychologist
receptionist receptionist strattraditionalisttrai traditionalist
opportunist opportunist aristarchaeologististtr archaeologist
conservationist conservationist pposoopportunistisst
archaeologist archaeologist
perfscperfectionististp perfectionist
psychologist psychologist
terrorist terrorist 8 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?
environmentalist environmentalist a person who likes the old ways
perfectionist perfectionist traditionalist
nationalist nationalist secretary receptionist
traditionalist traditionalist therapist psychologist
9 Another way to say it. Which challenge word could replace the underlined word?
The secretary answered the phone in a professional manner. receptionist
The scientist discovered a tomb in Egypt. archaeologist
A fighter was responsible for the attack. terrorist
Everyone said he was a real schemer. opportunist
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 2 • 978 1 74215 440 4 34 © Blake eLearning
Palindromes and portmanteaus 5.18

List 1 Write the word. 2 Sort the words.

madam madam Palindromes
level level madam redder
smog smog level rotor
newscast newscast sagas kayak
motel motel refer radar
sagas sagas racecar
refer refer Portmanteau
racecar racecar
smog chortle
taxicab newscast ginormous
brunch brunch
motel fortnight
redder taxicab cheeseburger
squiggle squiggle
brunch paratrooper
chortle squiggle
rotor rotor
kayak kayak
radar 3 Chunks. Fill in the missing letters.
ginormous ginormous c l ___
___hort___ e e e
fortnight fortnight a ___as
s___ g e d r
cheeseburger cheeseburger r r
___ada___ n s s
paratrooper paratrooper q ___igg___e
s___ u l a e a
a a
k___y___k e l

4 Word clues. Which list word matches?

chronicles sagas
program newscast
fog smog
sonar radar
speedy vehicle racecar
huge ginormous
boat kayak
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 2 • 978 1 74215 440 4 35 © Blake eLearning
Palindromes and portmanteaus 5.18

5 Complete each sentence with a list word.

We stayed overnight in a ___________________ .
cheeseburger and chips for lunch.
I had a ___________________
Another ship showed up on our ship’s ___________________ .
I picked the red ___________________ to drive on the driving game.
We had people coming over at 11am for a _________________ of bacon and eggs.
paratrooper steered his parachute as best he could.
The _________________
Our teacher drew a ___________________ and we had to turn it into a picture.
My family hired a _________________ and we spent the day paddling.
I had to wait a ___________________ for my sister to return from her holiday.

Challenge words 7 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.

6 Write the word. wkaoyrotavatorvatr rotavator
rotator rotator asdjksimulcastcasst simulcast
guesstimate guesstimate asdrknowledgebasebaseknowledgebase
deified deified rottarotatortorea rotator
emoticon emoticon nannonanosecondasink nanosecond
cyberspace cyberspace sdfunareviververyah reviver
reviver reviver timaguesstimatetimg guesstimate
rotavator rotavator ieonemoticonemot emoticon
simulcast simulcast defideifiedfied deified
nanosecond nanosecond cyspcyberspaceybsp cyberspace
knowledgebase knowledgebase

8 Another way to say it. Which challenge word could replace the underlined word/s?
Sandra used a smiley face at the end of her text message. emoticon
The computer performed the task in a blink of an eye. nanosecond
Some ancient tribes idolized their kings. deified
The sporting event was transmitted on television and radio. simulcast
They presented their slideshow using the internet. cyberspace
This number is a rough calculation of the number of people here. guesstimate
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 2 • 978 1 74215 440 4 36 © Blake eLearning
Suffixes – ous 5.19

List 1 Write the word. 2 Write the list words in

numerous numerous alphabetical order.
glorious glorious ambitious marvellous
meticulous meticulous courteous meticulous
tedious tedious devious monstrous
ominous ominous envious numerous
devious devious ferocious ominous
monstrous monstrous glorious outrageous
victorious victorious gracious religious
envious envious hazardous tedious
outrageous outrageous hilarious vicious
religious religious indigenous victorious
marvellous marvellous
hazardous hazardous 3 Unscramble these list words.
hilarious hilarious
vicious suollevram marvellous
vicious osumino
ambitious ambitious ominous
indigenous cisfreouo ferocious
indigenous mnstrouos
gracious gracious monstrous
courteous dtuosei tedious
courteous cviusio
ferocious ferocious vicious

4 Underline the spelling mistake. Write the word correctly.

I was envyous of my friend’s trip to Japan. envious
Our neighbours have a ferrocious dog. ferocious
I have watched that hilerious movie many times. hilarious
The villain acted in a deevius way. devious
There had been a hazerdus chemical spill. hazardous
Someone with a glorias voice was singing my favourite song. glorious
Washing the dishes is such a teedious chore. tedious

SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 3 • 978 1 74215 440 4 37 © Blake eLearning

Suffixes – ous 5.19

5 Which word means?

successful victorious wonderful marvellous
funny hilarious native indigenous
polite courteous boring tedious
many numerous dishonest devious
dangerous hazardous careful meticulous
jealous envious fierce ferocious
7 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?
Challenge words
secretive surreptitious
6 Write the word. assorted miscellaneous
suspicious suspicious ethical conscientious
conscious conscious peaceful harmonious
surreptitious surreptitious virtuous righteous
harmonious harmonious helpful advantageous
conscientious conscientious
mischievous mischievous 8 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.
righteous righteous icousconsciousssct
superstitious superstitious
ievemischievousmi mischievous
advantageous advantageous supsuperstitiousous superstitious
miscellaneous miscellaneous scieconscientioustzc conscientious

9 Complete the sentence.

conscientious and hard worker.
He was a _______________
superstitious .
My father never walks under ladders as he is _______________
suspicious as the timings didn’t match up.
I thought the story sounded _______________
Eating vegetables is advantageous
_______________ to your health.
conscious after she fell.
The girl was still _______________
miscellaneous toys.
The lucky dip bucket was filled with _______________
harmonious and calm.
His actions helped make the day _______________
mischievous ways.
That guy often gets into trouble because of his _______________

SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 3 • 978 1 74215 440 4 38 © Blake eLearning

Plurals – s, ies 5.20

List 1 Write the word. 2 Make the words plural.

rallies rallies quantity quantities
decoys decoys rally rallies
allies allies energy energies
motorways motorways assembly assemblies
essays essays motorway motorways
volleys volleys essay essays
energies energies ally allies
countries countries difficulty difficulties
abilities abilities salary salaries
quantities quantities decoy decoys
companies companies company companies
difficulties difficulties deputy deputies
policies policies identity identities
discoveries discoveries discovery discoveries
deputies deputies ability abilities
penalties penalties policy policies
salaries salaries volley volleys
journeys journeys penalty penalties
assemblies assemblies journey journeys
identities identities country countries
3 Complete these words with ys or ies. 4 Match the clue with the list word.
rall________ ies
identit________ payments salaries
all________ ies
polic________ trips journeys
casualt________ ies
energ________ amounts quantities
journe________ ies
deput________ lands countries
volle________ ies
assembl________ businesses companies
deco________ ies
penalt________ punishments penalties
countr________ ies
compan________ friends allies
motorwa________ ies
discover________ highways motorways
hardships difficulties
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 3 • 978 1 74215 440 4 39 © Blake eLearning
Plurals – s, ies 5.20

5 Word groups. Which list word matches?

energy, energetic, rally, rallying, rallies
inability, ability, journey, journeyed, journeys
penalise, penalty, ally, allied, allies
assemble, assembled, volleyed, volley, volleys
difficult, difficulty, identify, identity, identities
discover, discovers, decoy, decoyed, decoys

Challenge words 7 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.

comcommunitiesumu communities
6 Write the word. borilaboratoriestesl
opportunities opportunities
sssibepossibilitiesilit possibilities
responsibilities responsibilities tiesuniversitiesunves
communities torneyattorneysatto attorneys
universities universities casseucasualitieslitca
casualties casualties 8 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?
similarities similarities likenesses similarities
attorneys attorneys workshops laboratories
possibilities possibilities probabilities possibilities
personalities personalities lawyers attorneys
9 Another way to say it. Which challenge word could replace the underlined word?
My brother was choosing between two different colleges. universities
The resemblances between the siblings far outweighed their
differences. similarities
Her tasks at home included helping with dinner. responsibilities
The two girls had similar characteristics and so got on very well. personalities
They had many chances to score a goal. opportunities
The various neighbourhoods joined together to help each other
after the fire. communities
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 3 • 978 1 74215 440 4 40 © Blake eLearning
Adding to fer 5.21

List 1 Write the word. 2 Sort the words.

differ differ Words with suffix ing
offer offer offering conferring
refer refer inferring
prefer prefer Words with suffix ed
transfer transfer differed deferred
infer infer preferred suffered
confer confer transferred
defer defer Words with suffix ent
suffer suffer different
offering offering Words with suffix ee
differed differed referee
different different
difference difference 3 Fill in the missing letters.
referee referee
f r n
preferred n f r d
transferred transferred
e e
inferring r _____ns_____er
t_____ a f
conferring conferring
n e
deferred f r _____
in_____e_____ r ing
suffered suffered f e d
e r e
o _____fe_____rin_____
c_____ n r g

4 Complete each sentence with a list word.

I __________________ red apples to green apples.
different each time.
Dad didn’t follow a recipe, so the meal tasted __________________
difference between my sister and me is three years.
The age __________________
The __________________ blew his whistle at the end of the football match.
The price included a free __________________ from the airport to the hotel.
Ben accepted the __________________ to go to his friend’s house.
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 3 • 978 1 74215 440 4 41 © Blake eLearning
Adding to fer 5.21

5 Word building. Add suffixes to build words.

infer – differ – prefer – suffer –
s infers s differs s prefers s suffers
ed inferred ed differed ed preferred ed suffered
ing inferring ing differing ing preferring ing suffering

offer – transfer – confer – defer –

s offers s transfers s confers s defers
ed offered ed transferred ed conferred ed deferred
ing offering ing transferring ing conferring ing deferring

Challenge words 7 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?

politeness deference
6 Write the word.
interpretation inference
referred referred movement transference
reference reference meeting conference
preference preference favourite preference
referral referral favoured preferential
transference transference
inference inference 8 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.
inferential inferential fereinferentialial inferential
conference conference encedeferencedef deference
deference deference refereferredferr referred
preferential preferential reffreferralrral referral
9 Complete the sentence.
reference I used in my project came from an encyclopedia.
The _______________
preferential seating on the plane as we were frequent flyers.
We received _______________
conference in another state.
Dad attended a work _______________
inferential skills made it possible for her to work out the answer.
Her _______________
preference is for chocolate flavoured ice-cream.
My _______________
deference to the elderly people.
The children showed proper _______________
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 3 • 978 1 74215 440 4 42 © Blake eLearning
Word endings – age, idge 5.22

List 1 Write the word. 2 Sort the words.

heritage heritage age
vintage vintage heritage drainage
bridge bridge vintage coverage
damage damage damage savage
bondage bondage bondage voyage
hostage hostage hostage postage
storage storage storage wastage
manage manage manage stoppage
package package package marriage
leakage leakage leakage dosage
drainage drainage idge
coverage coverage
bridge porridge
savage savage
voyage 3 Unscramble these list words.
postage postage gobedan bondage
wastage wastage egamad damage
stoppage stoppage repogrid porridge
marriage marriage edogsa dosage
dosage dosage ethgreia heritage
avsgae savage
dgbrei bridge
4 Underline the spelling mistake. Write the correct word.
The network is providing live covrage of the game. coverage
The rain kept me hostege inside all day long. hostage
The postege stamps cost more than I expected. postage
Leekage from the fuel tanks covered a wide area. leakage
The astronaut hoped to make a voyege to the moon. voyage
My parents recently celebrated twenty years of mariege. marriage
My parents refurbish vintege furniture as a hobby. vintage
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 3 • 978 1 74215 440 4 43 © Blake eLearning
Word endings – age, idge 5.22

5 Meaning. Which list word means?

someone held prisoner hostage
an amount of medicine dosage
from an older time vintage
not tamed; wild savage
to direct or control manage
a breakfast food porridge

Challenge words 7 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.

garbaggarbageaget garbage
6 Write the word.
asdtrsewerageauitba sewerage
luggage luggage sdafluggageoiasy luggage
garbage garbage orpahorphanageasoidh orphanage
plumage plumage aseugrummageaosiyd rummage
orphanage orphanage poaopilgrimageorpah pilgrimage
cartilage cartilage
advantage advantage 8 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?
beverage beverage feathers plumage
pilgrimage pilgrimage waste garbage
rummage rummage search rummage
sewerage sewerage drainage sewerage
baggage luggage
9 Complete the sentence.
We checked in our __________________ at the airport.
garbage into the bin.
We threw the __________________
sewerage pipe had cracked and the smell was awful.
The __________________
orphanage .
Some children have to live in an __________________
Male peacocks have beautifully coloured __________________ .
beverage is refreshing on a hot day.
A cool __________________
advantage of being tall.
The other team had the __________________
cartilage , not bone.
Your nose is made from __________________
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 3 • 978 1 74215 440 4 44 © Blake eLearning
Suffixes – ment, ship, hood, dom 5.23

List 1 Write the word. 3 Sort the words.

stardom stardom ment
motherhood motherhood settlement achievement
settlement settlement assessment management
chiefdom chiefdom replacement assignment
workmanship workmanship attachment abandonment
engagement measurement
wisdom ship
kingdom kingdom workmanship citizenship
assessment assessment hood
priesthood priesthood motherhood likelihood
replacement replacement priesthood knighthood
attachment dom
engagement engagement stardom wisdom
achievement achievement chiefdom kingdom
management management
assignment assignment 4 Meaning. Which list word means?
likelihood likelihood the act of achieving
abandonment abandonment achievement
knighthood knighthood an area ruled by a chief
measurement measurement chiefdom
citizenship citizenship a meeting with someone at a certain
2 Put the letters in the right order. engagement
ment-ace-re-pl replacement the specific size of something
li-hood-like likelihood measurement
ieve-ment-ach achievement a judgement or evaluation
dom-chief chiefdom assessment
t-hood-knigh knighthood a person that takes the position of
ment-en-gage engagement another
sure-ment-mea measurement replacement
hood-er-moth motherhood an area ruled by a king
hood-st-prie priesthood kingdom
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 3 • 978 1 74215 440 4 45 © Blake eLearning
Suffixes – ment, ship, hood, dom 5.23

5 Match the clue with the list word.

the status of belonging to a certain country c itizenship
skill with which a product is made w orkmanship
experience, knowledge and good judgement w isdom
a bond of fondness or loyalty to something a ttachment
to leave something without warning a bandonment
a task, usually with a deadline a ssignment
person or persons in charge of business m anagement
celebrity status s tardom

Challenge words 7 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?

6 Write the word. captivity imprisonment
environment environment hiring recruitment
recruitment recruitment broadcast announcement
embarrassment embarrassment shame embarrassment
apprenticeship apprenticeship commercial advertisement
announcement announcement inspiration encouragement
disappointment disappointment 8 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.
encouragement encouragement evntenvironmentenrim environment
imprisonment imprisonment compacompanionshipin companionship
advertisement advertisement diadisappointmentppe disappointment
companionship companionship shipapprenticeshipapp apprenticeship

9 Complete the sentence.

embarrassment when she realised she had called
It caused her great ________________________
him the wrong name.
My mum went to a ________________________ agency to find a new job.
encouragement my parents give me.
I am always grateful for the ________________________
disappointment to hear that my favourite band would
It was a big ________________________
not tour.
advertisement for a new show I wanted to watch.
I had seen an ________________________
We always recycle to help protect the ________________________ .
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 3 • 978 1 74215 440 4 46 © Blake eLearning
Vowel sounds 5.24

List 1 Write the word. 2 Complete these words.

brigade brigade tume
volume volume etite
athlete athlete pede
conclude conclude odile
stampede stampede
accuse ume
costume costume
operate operate lude
cascade cascade ade
control control
hurricane hurricane
recognise 3 Fill in the missing letters.
calculate calculate n i t ___
i___d___ca___ e
indicate indicate c ___u___e
a___ c s
crocodile crocodile a s ___l___t___
___b___ o u e
commute commute o m e
appetite appetite p ___r___t___
o___ e a e
casserole casserole a ___s___r___
c___ s e o ___e l
paradise paradise b g ___de
___ri___ a
absolute absolute e ___
r___cog n ___se

4 Name.

hurricane crocodile cascade costume

SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 3 • 978 1 74215 440 4 47 © Blake eLearning
Vowel sounds 5.24

5 Complete each sentence with a list word.

stampede , knocking down trees as they went.
The elephants began to _______________
volume of my music.
My parents told me to turn down the _______________
cascade down her back.
Her hair was so long that it would _______________
crocodile because I
My favourite animal at the wildlife park was the _______________
liked its big teeth.
costume for the party so much I wanted to wear it all the time.
I loved my ____________
control of the TV.
In our house, we each have an hour in which we are in _____________
casserole for dinner.
My grandma wasn’t feeling well, so we took her a beef ____________
calculate the price before the sales assistant did.
I tried to _______________
athlete trained daily in the hope of making the Olympic team.
The _______________

Challenge words 7 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.

6 Write the word. asrdemonstrateasduih demonstrate
pronounce pronounce asdfinsecticideoaih insecticide
balustrade balustrade asdrbalustradeoiyba balustrade
cellophane cellophane crysscrutiniseisse scrutinise
palindrome palindrome asdtpantomimeitvou pantomime
electrocute electrocute prropronounceaosuih pronounce
scrutinise scrutinise srcypalindromeproza palindrome
demonstrate demonstrate asdeeelectrocuteouasg electrocute
diagnose diagnose ophacellophanehace cellophane
pantomime pantomime adaidiagnoseeose diagnose
insecticide insecticide
8 Another way to say it. Which challenge word could replace the underlined word?
I held onto the handrail on the stairs to help my balance. balustrade
I watched my brother perform his karate skills. demonstrate
The mechanic had to look under the bonnet to determine the
problem. diagnose
Dad sprayed pesticide around our house at the start of spring. insecticide
People often say my name incorrectly. pronounce
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 3 • 978 1 74215 440 4 48 © Blake eLearning
Suffixes – tion, sion, cian 5.25

List 1 Write the word. 2 Sort the words.

action action tion
protection protection action operation
election election protection situation
direction direction election population
connection connection direction attention
collection collection connection application
relation relation collection celebration
discussion discussion relation introduction
television television sion
operation operation discussion expansion
conclusion conclusion television admission
expansion expansion conclusion
physician physician cian
admission admission physician
situation situation
population population 3 Complete these words with tion,
attention attention sion or cian.
application application tion
direc____________ tion
celebration celebration sion
expan___________ cian
introduction introduction tion
popula__________ tion
discus___________ sion

4 Underline the spelling mistake. Write the word correctly.

The director called for acshun and we began the scene. action
My introduccian to karate was an enjoyable experience. introduction
We had a bad conection on the phone. connection
Driving on a slippery road can lead to a dangerous situasion. situation
I paid close attensian to the football game and was still unsure of the end score.
The admition fee is $5 each and has to be paid at the front gate.
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 3 • 978 1 74215 440 4 49 © Blake eLearning
Suffixes – tion, sion, cian 5.25

5 Meaning. Which list word means?

something made larger expansion
a doctor of medicine physician
something planned in order to honour someone celebration
the process of choosing a leader by voting election
the preface to a book introduction
the people who live in an area population
control or guidance direction
a group of things of the same type collection

Challenge words 7 Word clues. Which challenge word

6 Write the word. matches?
opposition opposition the act of disagreeing
competition competition opposition
concession concession the act of allowing something
contribution contribution concession
communication communication a large organisation
institution institution institution
association association payment or effort
organisation organisation contribution
tactician tactician a planner tactician
mathematician mathematician a partnership association

8 Complete the sentence.

contribution to the fundraiser.
My parents made a large ____________________
mathematician was capable of working out long and complex sums.
The ____________________
competition .
There were eight teams in my basketball ____________________
institution of learning.
A school is an ____________________
opposition was Tim, as he was also excellent at debating.
Her main ____________________
communication with everybody who wants to talk.
The government is in ____________________

SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 3 • 978 1 74215 440 4 50 © Blake eLearning

Digraphs – ch 5.26

List 1 Write the word. 2 Sort the words.

aching aching ch as a ‘k’ sound
attached attached aching chemical
detach detach choral echidna
chutney chutney chrome arachnid
charcoal charcoal chameleon
choral choral ch as a ‘ch’ sound
chrome chrome attached chariot
cache cache brooch chutney
anchovy anchovy detach charcoal
chimpanzee chimpanzee cockroach anchovy
brooch brooch bachelor chimpanzee
chemical chemical cheque
cockroach cockroach ch as a ‘sh’ sound
bachelor bachelor cache chiffon
cheque cheque
chariot chariot 3 Unscramble these list words.
echidna echidna eathdc detach
arachnid arachnid ocbralhe bachelor
chiffon chiffon aclrohac charcoal
chameleon chameleon otcahir chariot
echca cache
ehipcemnza chimpanzee
4 Name.

brooch chameleon
chimpanzee chariot
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 3 • 978 1 74215 440 4 51 © Blake eLearning
Digraphs – ch 5.26

5 Word clues. Which list word matches?

spicy sauce or relish a spider
c hutney a rachnid
small, spiky mammal a type of metal
e chidna c hrome
sung by a choir used to pay for something
c horal c heque
small fish sore
a nchovy a ching
jewellery with a clasp or pin a type of fabric
b rooch c hiffon

Challenge words 7 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?

6 Write the word. era epoch
archaic archaic needlework crochet
epoch epoch charm charisma
choreograph choreograph driver chauffeur
charisma charisma landslide avalanche
chauffeur chauffeur ancient archaic
cholesterol cholesterol
chamomile chamomile 8 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.
avalanche avalanche chirchiropractorpra chiropractor
chiropractor chiropractor gapchoreographap choreograph
crochet crochet terocholesterolloes cholesterol
9 Complete the sentence.
chamomile tea to help her upset stomach.
She drank _________________
chauffeur drove us in a limousine.
The _________________
choreograph some dance moves for the show.
I helped my sister to _________________
chiropractor to help his sore back.
Dad sees a _________________
The invention of the telephone started an important _________________ in
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 3 • 978 1 74215 440 4 52 © Blake eLearning
Tricky words 5.27

List 1 Write the word. 2 Name.

nervous nervous
width width
neither neither
similar similar
beginning beginning
yacht calendar
twelfth twelfth
variety variety
courage courage
people people
definite definite twelfth nervous
naturally naturally
nuisance nuisance 3 Unscramble these list words.
government government terenih neither
yacht yacht tnemnrevog government
harass harass vnseuor nervous
profession profession yllarutan naturally
original original mrdnecemo recommend
recommend recommend etinifed definite
persuade persuade gngnbneii beginning

4 Put the syllables back together.

ern-ment-gov government ning-gin-be beginning
vous-ner nervous i-o-nal-rig original
mend-om-rec recommend ple-peo people
ther-nei neither nite-def-i definite
rass-ha harass suade-per persuade
age-cour courage i-sim-lar similar

SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 3 • 978 1 74215 440 4 53 © Blake eLearning

Tricky words 5.27

5 Complete each sentence with a list word.

I can easily swim the _______________ of the pool, but I struggle with the length.
naturally curly hair, but I can make it straight using a
I have _______________
twelfth of October.
My birthday was on the ________________
beginning to end.
I loved the book from _________________
people waiting for the show to begin.
The venue was filled with excited _______________
variety of different styles.
The shop has a ________________
recommend getting regular exercise.
Doctors ________________
The friends look very ________________ , even though they aren’t related.

7 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.

Challenge words papapparallelllep parallel
6 Write the word. sibunanimousunamus unanimous
guarantee guarantee asdupronunciationposn pronunciation
occurred occurred asdutemporaryzsdn temporary
ceremony ceremony asrdparliamentasdoib parliament
restaurant restaurant monyceremonyasdu ceremony
parallel parallel
parliament parliament 8 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?
immediately immediately government parliament
temporary temporary makeshift temporary
unanimous unanimous united unanimous
pronunciation pronunciation
happened occurred
9 Another way to say it. Which challenge word could replace the underlined word?
We ordered 3 different courses at the fancy cafeteria. restaurant
The lines run next to one another. parallel
The athletes were honoured at a special function. ceremony
They could give us no assurance that the plan would work. guarantee
Once mum called us, we promptly went home. immediately
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 3 • 978 1 74215 440 4 54 © Blake eLearning
Vowel digraphs – oo, ou 5.28

List 1 Write the word. 2 Sort the words.

igloo igloo Words with oo
baboon baboon igloo cocoon
lagoon lagoon baboon groove
snooze snooze lagoon noodle
loosen loosen snooze oozing
wound wound loosen cuckoo
should should hooray ballooned
hooray hooray shampoo boomerang
through Words with ou
shampoo shampoo wound troupe
cocoon cocoon should coupon
groove groove through routine
troupe troupe
noodle noodle 3 Complete the words using oo or ou.
oozing oozing oo
igl__________ oo
coupon coupon oo
bab__________n oo
cuckoo cuckoo oo
lag__________n ou
routine routine oo
sn___________ze oo
ballooned ballooned oo
l__________sen oo
boomerang boomerang ou
w__________nd ou
sh__________ld oo

4 Put the letters in the right order.

ou-pe-tr troupe oo-gr-ve groove
ing-ooz oozing tine-rou routine
nd-wou wound oon-ball-ed ballooned
oo-shamp shampoo oon-bab baboon
oon-lag lagoon ang-er-boom boomerang
oo-dle-n noodle ray-hoo hooray
sn-ze-oo snooze oo-co-n-c cocoon
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 4 • 978 1 74215 440 4 55 © Blake eLearning
Vowel digraphs – oo, ou 5.28

5 Underline the spelling mistake. Write the correct word.

We walked thru the park to get to the swimming pool. through
The cucoo clock chimed twelve times at midday. cuckoo
I always hit the snoze button when my alarm goes off for school. snooze
The babone liked to eat fruit. baboon
Dad loves Asian food, especially the noudle dishes. noodle

Challenge words 7 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.

typhntyphoonsiahd typhoon
6 Write the word. sdfyhooliganihuasa hooligan
tattoo tattoo asdfftattooasdh tattoo
harpoon harpoon asdtmongooseasdiha mongoose
mongoose mongoose asdrschoonerasdiobh schooner
typhoon typhoon asdrgrsouvenirasdh souvenir
hooligan hooligan
schooner schooner 8 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?
cockatoo cockatoo sounds acoustics
acoustics acoustics cyclone typhoon
souvenir souvenir bird cockatoo
bassoon bassoon boat schooner
9 Complete the sentence.
cockatoo squawked loudly as it flew by.
The _______________
harpoon struck the whale as it surfaced.
The _______________
acoustics that made listening to music special.
The hall had wonderful _______________
souvenir from her trip.
She brought me back a _______________
We sailed in the harbour on a _______________.
bassoon is a large woodwind instrument.
The _______________
tattoo on his arm.
The dancer had a tribal _______________
mongoose killed the poisonous snake.
The _______________

SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 4 • 978 1 74215 440 4 56 © Blake eLearning

Consonant sounds – wh, gh, ph 5.29

List 1 Write the word. 2 Sort the words.

awhile awhile wh
aghast aghast awhile whirlpool
wharf wharf wharf whinge
whiten whiten whiten cartwheel
graphic graphic whistles wheedle
whistles whistles everywhere somewhat
everywhere everywhere whereby somewhere
whereby whereby whisker
whisker whisker gh
whirlpool whirlpool aghast ghetto
whinge whinge ph
cartwheel cartwheel graphic headphones
wheedle wheedle pheasant geography
pheasant pheasant phantom
ghetto ghetto
somewhat somewhat
phantom phantom 4 Complete each sentence with a
somewhere somewhere list word.
headphones headphones headphones to listen
I wore my _________________
geography geography to music on the bus.
My grandfather had one white
3 Fill in the missing letters. whisker
_________________ on his chin.
o ___
s___ m ewh___t
a It’s dangerous to swim near the
h e l
w___e___d___e whirlpool in the lake.
ge___o ___r___ph___
g a y
h a ___
___e___ d pho___
n ___s
e everywhere to find
We looked _________________
the perfect present for my grandmother.
h t ___
g___et___ o
w___ h ___i te___
n She taught me how to
a w e
c___rt___he___l cartwheel on the grass.
___han___ t om awhile
I asked them to wait ________________
h r b
w___e___e___y because I was busy.
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 4 • 978 1 74215 440 4 57 © Blake eLearning
Consonant sounds – wh, gh, ph 5.29

5 Meaning. Which list word means?

a large bird with a long tail and bright feathers pheasant
to try to persuade or influence by flattery wheedle
something that seems real but is not phantom
water turning rapidly about a centre and pulling downward whirlpool
the science of the earth’s surface and all life on it geography
described clearly and vividly graphic
filled with alarm or horror aghast
an area where people live because they are poor or discriminated against

Challenge words 7 Word clues. Which challenge word

6 Write the word. perimeter
lymph ancient writing hieroglyphics
decipher decipher decode
metaphor simile metaphor
homophone homophone monument
emphasise bitumen asphalt
cenotaph cenotaph
periphery periphery 8 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.
asphalt asphalt phlylymphymyl lymph
hieroglyphics hieroglyphics ohmhomophoneph homophone
claustrophobia claustrophobia mphemphasiseph emphasise
9 Complete the sentence.
lymph glands were swollen.
I went to the doctor because my _______________
emphasise the beauty of what he saw.
He used many descriptive words to _______________
The archaeologists discovered _______________________ on the wall of the tomb.
decipher the code to know where to meet his friend.
Tim had to _______________
periphery of the group.
My little brother was scared and stood on the _______________
asphalt got very hot in the middle of summer.
The _______________
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 4 • 978 1 74215 440 4 58 © Blake eLearning
Suffixes – ance, ence 5.30

List 1 Write the word. 2 Sort the words.

distance distance ance
absence absence distance arrogance
existence existence entrance brilliance
offence offence elegance importance
silence silence allowance resistance
entrance entrance appearance
elegance ence
allowance allowance absence difference
evidence evidence existence obedience
violence violence offence patience
appearance appearance silence audience
evidence excellence
arrogance violence
difference difference
brilliance brilliance
importance 3 Complete these words with ance or ence.
obedience obedience ence
obedi____________ ence
patience patience ence
off______________ ence
audience audience ance
import___________ ence
excellence excellence ance
brilli_____________ ance
resistance resistance ance
allow____________ ance

4 Match the clue with the list word.

a doorway e ntrance
people who watch a show a udience
refinement, taste and grace e legance
time away a bsence
actions that can harm or damage v iolence
the ability to spend time on a difficult task p atience
opposing power of one force against another r esistance
not the same d ifference
being alive or real e xistence
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 4 • 978 1 74215 440 4 59 © Blake eLearning
Suffixes – ance, ence 5.30

5 Word clues. Which list word matches?

extreme brightness brilliance looks appearance
muteness silence crowd audience
fighting violence contrast difference
compliance obedience perfection excellence
length distance proof evidence
defiance resistance crime offence
7 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.
Challenge words
asdeenduranceasiodh endurance
6 Write the word. sfjoeignoranceasuha ignorance
acceptance acceptance mgnimagnificenceaso magnificence
interference interference innainnocenceasoidh innocence
inheritance inheritance nanannoyancesence annoyance
innocence innocence asfrintelligenceasdoih intelligence
magnificence magnificence
endurance endurance 8 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?
fragrance fragrance legacy inheritance
ignorance ignorance cleverness intelligence
annoyance annoyance approval acceptance
intelligence intelligence scent fragrance
9 Another way to say it. Which challenge word could replace the underlined word?
They were angered by my intervention in the matter. interference
I felt displeasure when he interrupted me for the third time. annoyance
The athlete’s stamina in the marathon was unbelievable. endurance
The house was filled with the perfume of roses. fragrance
They were awestruck by the splendour of the sunset. magnificence
My heirloom from my grandmother was her beautiful sapphire ring.

SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 4 • 978 1 74215 440 4 60 © Blake eLearning

Eponyms 5.31

List 1 Write the word. 2 Fill in the missing syllables.

atlas atlas ur
watt watt sand
volt volt ma
America America at
mentor mentor ca
Tuesday Tuesday day
volcano volcano
January January 3 Name.
Saturday Saturday
python python
martial martial
cardigan cardigan
sandwich sandwich
boycott boycott
volcano saxophone
vandal vandal
marmalade marmalade
saxophone saxophone
diesel diesel
Wednesday Wednesday
python atlas

4 Unscramble these list words.

lmmadaear marmalade rotnem mentor
ramAcei America wtat watt
abcnailn cannibal elsdei diesel
olvt volt yadsendeW Wednesday
ldnava vandal nohtyp python
tbotoyc boycott sdeauyT Tuesday

SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 4 • 978 1 74215 440 4 61 © Blake eLearning

Eponyms 5.31

5 Underline the spelling mistake. Write the correct word.

The volcanoe erupted and hot lava flowed out. volcano
I brought my cardigen as it was getting cool. cardigan
The pithon curled around the tree. python
I had orange marmalaid with cream on my scones. marmalade
I usually have a cheese sanwicth for lunch. sandwich
Janury is the first month of the Roman calendar. January
I found Africa in the atlass. atlas
On Saterday my brother and I play soccer. Saturday

Challenge words 7 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.

zzjajacuzziawdg jacuzzi
6 Write the word. asdtaguillotineasuihb
Cartesian asdtapasteuriseasdouih pasteurise
Braille Braille asdfihcartesianasduoh
algorithm asdrgsilhouetteasdoiha silhouette
guillotine guillotine adasdmesmeriseasodugh mesmerise
mesmerise mesmerise
silhouette silhouette 8 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?
Fahrenheit Fahrenheit
temperature Fahrenheit
jacuzzi jacuzzi printing Braille
pasteurise pasteurise
shadow silhouette
herculean herculean fascinate mesmerise
9 Complete the sentence.
algorithm to work out the area of a triangle.
Our teacher taught us an ___________________
pasteurise your milk before they sell it you.
The dairy will ___________________
Fahrenheit scale.
Americans measure the temperature using the ___________________
___________________ is a special form of writing that allows blind people to read.
herculean task.
Cleaning up our whole house would be a ___________________
silhouette through the curtains before I opened the door.
I saw my friend’s ________________

SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 4 • 978 1 74215 440 4 62 © Blake eLearning

Suffixes – ly 5.32

List 1 Write the word. 2 Write the list words in alphabetical

clearly clearly order.
simply simply basically largely
largely largely beautifully legally
quietly quietly clearly loosely
loosely loosely completely possibly
daily daily daily primarily
totally totally enormously privately
formerly formerly formerly quietly
ideally ideally hastily simply
hastily hastily hurriedly thoroughly
completely completely ideally totally
possibly possibly
basically basically 3 Fill in the missing syllables.
enormously enormously
hurriedly hurriedly ough
thor-___________-ly nor
privately privately ly
i-de-al-___________ ried
beautifully beautifully ly
leg-al-____________ ly
thoroughly thoroughly cal
ba-si-___________-ly tal
primarily primarily ly
loose-____________ et
legally legally ib
poss-_________-bly mari

4 Complete each sentence with a list word.

loosely on her shoulders.
Her hair hung _______________
privately because I had a secret to tell her.
I wanted to talk to my friend _______________
completely covered in water.
The pathway was _______________
I eat three pieces of fruit _______________ .
formerly known as the Roosters, but now we are
Our football team was _______________
the Ravens.
beautifully and looked amazing.
The venue was decorated _______________
hastily to our appointment so as not to be late.
We walked _______________

SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 4 • 978 1 74215 440 4 63 © Blake eLearning

Suffixes – ly 5.32

5 In a group. Write the list word that belongs in each group.

ideal, ideals, ideally
legal, illegal, legally
haste, hasten, hastily
hourly, monthly, daily
beauty, beautiful, beautifully
simple, simplify, simply
7 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?
Challenge words without thinking automatically
6 Write the word. now and then occasionally
particularly particularly on purpose deliberately
especially especially for a short time temporarily
deliberately deliberately shockingly surprisingly
surprisingly surprisingly about approximately
approximately approximately
remarkably remarkably 8 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.
presumably presumably pecialespeciallyasdua especially
temporarily temporarily beratdeliberatelyasdo deliberately
automatically automatically llyoccasionallyasdbp occasionally
occasionally occasionally adaapproximatelyasdi approximately

9 Complete the sentence.

I love ice-cream, especially/particularly
___________________ chocolate ice-cream.
automatically .
The door to the shop opened ___________________
deliberately to annoy me.
That’s not fair! She did that ___________________
approximately two years older than him.
I am ___________________
temporarily closed due to maintenance.
The exhibit was ___________________
occasionally lets us go alone.
Dad ___________________
presumably ?
You have everything you need, ___________________

SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 4 • 978 1 74215 440 4 64 © Blake eLearning

Spelling patterns – que 5.33

List 1 Write the word. 2 Chunks. Rearrange the letters in the right order.
cheque cheque mo-que-s mosque
plaque plaque q-un-ue-i unique
mosque mosque br-que-us brusque
bouquet bouquet q-con-uer conquer
unique unique e-que-ch cheque
opaque opaque si-ue-phy-q physique
antique antique es-gro-que-t grotesque
lacquer lacquer que-a-op opaque
conquer conquer que-pla plaque
queue queue ue-que queue
macaque macaque que-lac-r lacquer
oblique oblique
boutique boutique 3 In a group. Write the list word that belongs
conqueror conqueror in each group.
grotesque grotesque church, temple, mosque
mystique mystique monkey, ape, macaque
technique technique flower, bunch, bouquet
brusque brusque diagonal, slanting, oblique
physique physique original, special, unique
racquet racquet ugly, hideous, grotesque

4 Meaning. Which list word means?

a small shop, usually selling clothes boutique
the particular method of doing something technique
an aura of mystery that surrounds certain people or activities mystique
a liquid used on wood to protect and make it shiny. lacquer
being the only one of its type unique
a flat plate or tablet with writing on it plaque
not able to be seen through opaque
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 4 • 978 1 74215 440 4 65 © Blake eLearning
Spelling patterns – que 5.33

5 Underline the spelling mistake. Write the correct word.

Grandma gave me a check for $20 for my birthday. cheque
I chose a pink racket to play tennis with on Saturday. racquet
I made a boucket of flowers from the plants in our garden. bouquet
My storeroom is always dark because of the opaike window. opaque
I have learnt the techniqe of icing cupcakes. technique
The cue at the bakery went all the way around the block. queue
My dad likes to lacker the wooden deck outside once a year. lacquer
My team received a placqe for winning the tournament. plaque
7 Word clues. Which challenge word matches?
Challenge words
manners etiquette
6 Write the word. canopy
critique masked party masquerade
marquee marquee fried food
etiquette wooden floor marquetry
masquerade masquerade
clique clique 8 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.
croquette croquette tqdidiscothequeas discotheque
statuesque statuesque licilcliquequeli clique
tourniquet tourniquet nqutourniquetquat tourniquet
discotheque discotheque crottcroquetteettec croquette
marquetry marquetry sttstatuesqueesqu statuesque
9 Complete the sentence.
marquetry floor contained various colours and types of wood.
The ______________
marquee in the backyard in case it rained.
We set up a ______________
masquerade party where everyone had to wear a mask.
I was having a ______________
Having good manners is an important part of ______________.
critique of his new novel.
The author was pleased with the glowing ______________
tourniquet to stop my leg bleeding.
The nurse used a ______________
discotheque at school on Friday.
We are excited about the ______________
clique and wouldn’t be friends with anyone else.
The girls formed a ______________
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 4 • 978 1 74215 440 4 66 © Blake eLearning
Word building 5.34

List 1 Write the word. 2 Write the list words in alphabetical

flat flat order.
flatter flatter flat reside
flattest flattest flatten resided
flatten flatten flattened resident
flattened flattened flatter residential
reside reside flattest residing
residing residing horrible simple
resided resided horrified simplest
resident resident horrify simplification
residential residential horrifying simplify
simple simple horror simply
simply simply
simplify 3 Fill in the missing letters.
simplest simplest i f ___cati___
s___mpli___ i o ___
simplification simplification t te___t
a ___
fl___ s
horror horror i p s
horrible horrible s d n
horrify horrify s p ___
___im___ l y
horrifying horrifying s ___
re___ i d___
e ___
horrified horrified o i y
s ___
re___ i de
4 Complete each sentence with a list word.
The dress that my sister wore was ___________________ and elegant.
I watched in ___________________ as the car drove over my football.
I had to _____________________ the instructions so my little brother could
understand them.
As I was a ___________________ of the building, I was required at the meeting.
flattened the sandcastle with his foot.
He ___________________
The price of petrol always seems to ___________________ my mother.
residential zone is lower to keep people safe.
The speed limit in the ___________________
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 4 • 978 1 74215 440 4 67 © Blake eLearning
Word building 5.34

5 Word building. Add suffixes to build words.

flat – simple –
er flatter y simply
est flattest ify simplify
en flatten st simplest
ened flattened ification simplification
reside – horror –
ing residing ible horrible
ed resided ify horrify
ent resident ifying horrifying
ntial residential ified horrified
Challenge words 7 Hidden words. Find the challenge word.
aduybenefitingting benefiting
6 Write the word.
wiohareceptionrece reception
benefit benefit asdrbenefitedaosidh benefited
benefited benefited asdasreceiveasdioh receive
benefiting benefiting
asdasbeneficiaryasldbn beneficiary
beneficial beneficial asdreceivingasodug receiving
beneficiary beneficiary
receive receive 8 Unravel these challenge words.
receiving receiving fbingeneti benefiting
received received deviecer received
reception reception neeitfb benefit
receipt receipt noitpecer reception
9 Complete the sentence.
received my pocket money once I had cleaned my room.
I _______________
benefit your heart.
Exercising regularly will _______________
receipt for the items I had purchased.
The shop assistant handed me a _______________
receiving my award at assembly.
I was excited to be _______________
benefiting from his swimming
I could see how much my little brother was _______________
reception .
We checked into the hotel at _______________
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 4 • 978 1 74215 440 4 68 © Blake eLearning
Loan words 5.35

List 1 Write the word. 2 Fill in the missing syllables.

café café
pasta ge
ballet ballet
studio op
gelato gelato
genre rap
opera opera
pizza re
mousse mousse
croissant croissant
3 Name.
cliché cliché
sauté sauté
macaroni macaroni
soprano soprano
sabotage sabotage
brunette brunette macaroni ballet
rapport rapport
dossier dossier
scenario scenario
baguette baguette
baguette pizza

4 Unscramble these list words.

acraomin macaroni droesis dossier
étuas sauté logeta gelato
doutis studio zapiz pizza
ponosar soprano prtapro rapport
stapa pasta otbagase sabotage
uebteagt baguette oiranecs scenario

SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 4 • 978 1 74215 440 4 69 © Blake eLearning

Loan words 5.35

5 Match the clue with the list word.

a person with brown hair b runette
a category of film, writing, music, etc. g enre
a play that is entirely sung o pera
dough base with tomato and cheese p izza
an expression that is overused c liché
a form of dance b allet
to fry lightly in oil s auté
a place to eat and drink coffee c afé
a long, thin loaf of bread b aguette
the workshop of an artist s tudio
Italian ice-cream g elato
Challenge words 7 Word sort. These words are based on other
6 Write the word. languages. Put them in the correct list.

spaghetti Italian French

lasagne s paghetti s aboteur
saboteur l asagne e ntrée
entrée s taccato c hauffeur
staccato e xtravaganza e ntrepreneur
chauffeur r estaurateur
entrepreneur entrepreneur r econnaissance
restaurateur restaurateur
extravaganza extravaganza
reconnaissance reconnaissance
Bowl of pasta

8 Another way to say it. Which challenge word could replace the underlined word?
Our school was putting on a musical spectacular. extravaganza
First I had a starter, and then I had a main course. entrée
Our driver drove us from our house to the wedding. chauffeur
We completed our exploration of the camp site before setting up our tent.
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 4 • 978 1 74215 440 4 70 © Blake eLearning
Prefixes – anti, circum, extra, semi 5.36

List 1 Write the word. 2 Sort the words.

semifinal semifinal anti
semicircle semicircle antismoking antislavery
extramural extramural antidote antiseptic
circumvent circumvent antifreeze antibiotic
antismoking antismoking antihero
antidote antidote antisocial
semiformal semiformal anticlimax
antifreeze antifreeze circum
antihero antihero circumvent circumscribe
semidarkness semidarkness extra
semicolon semicolon
semiskilled semi
antisocial antisocial
semifinal semicolon
anticlimax semicircle semiskilled
semiprecious semiprecious
semiformal semiprecious
antislavery semidarkness semidetached
antiseptic antiseptic
semidetached semidetached 4 Meaning. Which list word means?
antibiotic antibiotic a substance that stops poison from
circumscribe circumscribe working antidote
one half of a circle

3 Fill in the missing syllables. semicircle

to find a way around an obstacle
tra al
a substance that lowers the freezing
sem cle
________-i-cir-__________ point of a liquid such as water
i co
against slavery
a disappointingly weak conclusion to
ti ing
an-_______-smok-________ an event anticlimax
SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 4 • 978 1 74215 440 4 71 © Blake eLearning
Prefixes – anti, circum, extra, semi 5.36

5 Underline the spelling mistake. Write the word correctly.

The antedote to a snake’s bite must be administered quickly. antidote
We are playing our football semefinal on the weekend. semifinal
The pharmacist told me to take the antebiotc with food. antibiotic
After I fell over, I cleaned my knee with an anteseptik wipe. antiseptic
The United Kingdom passed an antislavary law in 1807. antislavery
My cousin’s wedding was semiformale, so I could wear my new dress.
I didn’t want to be anticsocel, so I went and spoke to our guests.

Challenge words 7 Word clues. Which challenge word

6 Write the word.
to sail around the world
antibacterial antibacterial
circumference outside regular school activities
semipermanent semipermanent
extraordinary a line around a circle
semiconscious semiconscious
antihistamine something to treat allergies
circumnavigate circumnavigate
extraterrestrial exceptional extraordinary
extracurricular extracurricular sterile
semiautomatic Martian extraterrestrial
8 Complete the sentence.
The boy takes part in many extracurricular
____________________ activities after school.
semipermanentmarker to write my name on the label.
I used a ____________________
antibacterial wipes.
I cleaned the kitchen bench with ____________________
semiconscious as we took him to hospital.
The football player was ____________________
extraordinary things.
The superhero in the movie could do many ____________________

SPELLING • YEAR 5 • TOPIC 4 • 978 1 74215 440 4 72 © Blake eLearning

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