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Sr Questions Pg

No. No
CHEP – 1
Filling the blanks

1 _______________industries exists in pre-industrial revolution stage. 2

2 As a result of industrial revolution stage______________ system of 2
production came into existence.
3 The main objective of scientific job method was to increase 3
______________ and reduce ______________ of the production.
4 To filling gap between ability to work and willingness to work 6
______________ is essential.
5 Human resource can be classifying as ______________ resource and 6
______________ resources.
6 To provide ______________ training to new recruits is the objective of 8
7 ______________ and ______________ are the heart of HRM. 13
8 HRM is take care of ______, _______& ________ level employees. 13

True or False

1 Factory system present in pre-industry revolution stage. 2

2 Fredrick Taylor identified functions of management as planning, 3
organizing, directing and controlling.
3 HRM is not an integral part of management process. 7
4 Motivation and controlling are part of operative functions of HRM. 9
5 Personnel management perform functions keeping in the view bottom 13
level employees only.
6 HRM is the new philosophy of personnel management. 13
7 Personnel management is part(included) of HRM. 13
8 Induction training is managerial function of HRM. 9

Short questions

1 State any four characteristics of Human Resource. 6

2 Define Human Resource and list out matters to be include in Human 3
3 List out managerial functions of HRM. 9
4 List out operative functions of HRM. 9
5 Define induction training and state what kind of information provided 10
during the training.
6 List out any four elements of HRM. 7
7 State any four importance of HRM. 13
8 State any four limitation of HRM., 15
9 Difference between personnel management and HRM. 13
Sr Questions Pg
No. No
CHEP – 2
Filling the blanks

1 ___________ & ___________ are the methods of estimating total Human 23

resource requirement.
2 ___________ estimates is limitation of Human resource planning. 30
3 Job analysis is the process of making ___________ & ___________ study of 34
4 Job description is concise and precise ___________ of job analysis. 38
5 Job specification is statement of ___________ human qualities necessary 41
to perform job duty.
6 Job description is related to ___________ while job specification is related 43
to ___________.
7 On the basis of job description, ___________ can be prescribed. 40
8 Lack of ___________ from higher executives is barriers of HRM. 31

True or False

1 Internal source is the only source of supply of HR. 27

2 HRP does not provide estimate of future HR requirements. 30
3 HRP can save time, energy and cost. 30
4 Technological changes is internal factor which effects HRP. 29
5 HRP provide solution of retrenchment issues. 30
6 Job analysis prepared after job description. 41
7 Job requirement prepared on basis of job analysis. 43
8 Once job requirement prepared it will help to described job descriptions. 43
9 Lack of essential information is barriers to HRM. 31

Short questions

1 What are the steps include into process of HRP. 21

2 What are the matters to be included while performing HR audit. 26
3 State any four importance of HRP. 30
4 What are the types of job analysis ? explain in brief each types. 35
5 State any four methods of job analysis. 37

6 What are the importance of job analysis. 35

7 Define job description and list out any two important details to be 38
included in the job description.
8 Define job requirement and list out any two example of different 41
9 Define job rotation. 44
10 State any four internal factor affecting HRP. 47
11 State any four external factor affecting HRP. 47
Sr Questions Pg
No. No
CHEP – 3
Filling the blanks

1 Indirect method of recruitment & selection is also known as _________. 56

2 The prestige of the organization is _________ factor affecting recruitment. 59
3 There is lack of uniformity in _________ recruitment method. 67
4 Selection is _________ stage of the procurement of HR. 68
5 Head hunters, poaching, outsourcing is the _________ techniques of 61
6 _________ factor and _________ factor affecting recruitment. 59
7 Head hunters also known as _________. 62
8 Abuse of power is limitation of _________ recruitment. 65
9 Delay in selection is limitation of _________ recruitment. 65

True or False

1 Friends, relatives of present employees are the external source of supply. 59

2 E-recruitment is traditional techniques of recruitment. 61
3 Centralized recruitment is economically viable. 64
4 Decentralized recruitment has limitation of delay in selection. 64
5 Reference is not significant factor to be consider in the process of 72
6 Recruitment process start after selection procedure completed. 57
7 Decentralized recruitment is very time consuming process. 65
8 Unemployment is internal factor affecting recruitment. 60

Short questions

1 State any four internal source of supply. 59

2 State any four qualities and qualification required to possess for 58
managerial personnel.
3 What are the factors affecting recruitment? State any two point of each 59
4 State any four advantages of centralized recruitment. 65
5 State any four disadvantages of centralized recruitment. 65

6 State any four advantages of decentralized recruitment. 66

7 State any four disadvantages of decentralized recruitment. 66
8 List of different kind of test under the process of testing. 69
9 State any four traditional techniques of recruitment. 61
10 State any four modern techniques of recruitment. 61
11 List out factor affecting selection decision. 71
Sr Questions Pg No
CHEP – 4
Filling the blanks

1 Career means sequence of __________ held by an employee during the course of 80

his life time.
2 Career development means personal action undertaken by an employee for 81
__________ his career planning.
3 Mid-career stage is the stage between the age of __________ years. 82
4 During last stage of career stage the employee is in a mood of __________. 83
5 Leveraging means __________ from one organization and __________ to the other 90
6 __________ consists of planned program designed to improved performance at 93
individual , group and organizational level.
7 In on the job training method __________ is assigned to the workers. 98
8 __________ is appointed in vestibule method of off the job training method. 99
9 Under study means training given by creating __________ to position. 102
10 In role playing method one of the trainees is assigned the __________. 103

True or False

1 Self-exploration stage of career stage is not important from the point of view of 82
2 Into establishment stage of career stage boss will consider mistake of learner 82
very seriously.
3 Career development is assistance provide by organization to their employees for 92
identifying and assessing career needs and goals.
4 Due to training productivity will be improved. 94
5 Separate training officer is appointed in on the job training method. 98
6 In vestibule method employees are trained on real duty place no separate 99
arrangement is required to make.
7 Modeling behavior is similar to role playing method. 104
8 Business game is used especially to develop skill of sorting out important 105
information which is useful to decision making.

Short questions

1 Define basket – in – techniques. 105

2 State four objectives of training. 94
3 State any four importance of training. 94
4 State four ON the job training methods for workers. 99
5 List out two-two advantages and disadvantages of vestibule method of OFF the 100
job training methods of workers.
6 State any four disadvantages of ON the job training methods of workers. 98
7 State any four ON the job training methods for executives development. 101
8 State any four OFF the job training methods for executives development. 103
9 Define induction training and state its objectives. 111
10 List out matters to be included in content of induction training. 111
11 Differentiate between training and development. 114

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