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untt—-lV anne Securilys— in pre 2246 Creqpest for mareee be Fae 1Se 1c ined Cornenen\s) - sts 16 Needed -for mee security » Trocspoxt layer : wilhen the data 1S tevdling fron honspat | layer to nex} — layer, we aecdY to provide a f Scene neti A q a att esived for sSke ' : * TL provides a cecured == connection ble clint # gavet (ie, no hacker @y) thivel pasty con tnteyfiey bl Sewvey ocd chert) . | eat is used by http, seotp- \nlorkieg: - a‘ ent sewvey handshake rmechanis”. wok vss cl Cie) handshoke bho the clienE and sevvey)- a Esty we have +o establish he coneecttes of tt that the key exchony e blu> clink and sever (ey diffe bellenan key exchange algor the). ‘ponee the le exchorge ‘successfal afters TLS protecel sll ope. a> encryption charre : (% RCH | vA] pes algerth). xt alsh. ersunes kek Lhe messoges axe oct attered xt can be doe bey ony of the hoshing ctKeeed algaithen like mo stu Aye ssb V3 (gst version) 7 Sealy +o +the data. wd a ec Spe x REC 2246 1S similay Jo . epruvtly ponsideyations- ttt goer secur Consid evations:— =| eras agerever, we ane aeading the dat LY ae = orothey US¥ ala 0 ctincks al be thee Lan o* x te escape fran the attacker we . A secuvity- 1 nee cecum is ~eeqysned for websites “Thee oxe st%— gecuntt considerations: - i updated softwares p) Rewene of Spl agections 3) cross site semptig (xs) 4) Error meson, 5) pata validatio | f | | gsuovds * ) updated softwere i : nen . aie us you need alesays update yee" sola fot exaraple +- orce you jog ake office CF ge i jhe Office ebsites wont jo access the some of mobile ,-the usil) ask gee yhat the prom wee *SQL fyec tions is nothing art thot the dats 1s nsevtiog 19 yaloles (4-2) HS ©D coluenns)- | a The hacker will Jory oF YORS ond nlegyity of the deta. ows ste cottny US att io alco calle os XxSs: tAtlacker will send site script to guy ubsite , like o%y dada iS yeloted> into he chient- ex EOYs yaseitng the data in ~he ccheeré to dishub the t 4) Excoy CMessoge:— A ‘ a no the passwd Eosnie x When wl are gtvi ' to dhe an yobsrtl sometimes we oe Fore f the passwords 19 that cose we voll get eV | _ Message \iKe youY pass 20% and Username Ubon” : xan. thet coses {he attockey will rol. have clennty wheather, the ottackey will eotey the. 1 sores password ey weeny Username . BS} pata validation: | : * Data Validation should be. done 19 both client side and sewer side. J Passwords: - | x The passwords ake always should be 7) | | (eninirum g letteys should ~ be these). | x So, the attacker . will cot be able te get _cthe_ password . | 3} Secure socket ~ Layer— aA eee : art 's used to provide + Sect ty for | communica tien blo +wo users: ; jerk ensuveS toteart _authentte boo _enFidenttoli i wy . oT i ees bho appli Big prltaten layer cespat © louey of teplrp protoca| , "U ate ere f LAN Arce | ert: loye¢ SSS. “anspor | i laues _, protocol stack of SsLt- Leann noone om — | gst hondshoke sah change | scbaled | aa protocol iu y t potoral creer see | 6sk yecord protocol Wcp } { rp srt provides two series D> confidentiality > by enayption 2) Chessone orgy 4 mac. wa er Woy king te ® | pate “pplication layjex late | e \ boul xu ' fale] C3_|- Te -) Fragmentation a apres wo] compressio? 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THis process. lereas as Fragnetety x The Size of the fregreent is, gbyte blodle Fo ech ond even) Frege reve 1S O separ | process « lee that dota corepye SSI the size OF ta. lossless compresion one “ Fragsoet and do hove to xeduce hos to . be ghe crac cade FE, at the end of CoA PESSION Secale hove 4° colculate Gide add. “Anis * OAS code fhe dala * For _ tte ek -doto block de the aon ¥ cup ion a ae, prem “ye dor" fir lo ensxe the © pefexe the F he confidential, E. aa aon , the dola con ke called J ke Aner encrgpten we usill get gre caneipanlng agree tort : t ne hove to odd sith Peadey ot the g"G) of tke cipher joxk | eo L Hondshoke protocol: fy SSL Hand shake protocol used a) Autren cot ponost cornplcoted post Bat ust do teq exchorse to ensure wn ssh plw clrent and - ' jot kong t= Conrecko? octeblihenet wth. sewet Ip excho ge fie) server te client} P _ ui hertica jay excronge feo cle fo server ere _ Hordshoke done FO" server j wn fSsk change cighey protocol: at he only one Message and size of ) Fone message qs A byt: ee anto comfat Te will copy 4he peodisg sia sent Alest Pt otocel: - eons yelated to ssh ore ‘ss aly bot — notticativy - Te Los: hiss “gles 9 yy ea by o, » Byted can have the vale sD? er @ Value @ indicates he warning if oe » Vhe warning then value @ becomes we fatal ewor? “then you need to stop it corn pletely. i nae Byk 2 Specifes the tyre of ervoy' “Hite + 7 a “# tlypey text honsfex pretecal ts a0 oppheaty | lager proto col fa Ar py Gs, sypchroness peotecel, which | this Case © measn's that of tr > client: a Sewer: _ sends A yeyet to | eat waits fr a single yespene - | y Tre sewyey cen only vespand sto reget 7 | Tep*- TPYANSEMSS 16% conte! inteet prot col (tp) stecal voorks with the | which defines Pee | of data t6 each | .cornpy fers send paced other: : : | 3 bs ea Z 4 tocol is the set of ues x 6 aaron of data sent vio the | re a -forrsot anteroet @) lora) aeheorl. ba oes sps (tly —

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