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Competency X : Application of Leadership and Teamworking

Function :3
Level : ANT-III

1. Which legal document requirez specialized training for teamwork and

leadership skills ?
c. EURO DIRECTIVE 106/2008

2. If master find reasons to doubt wheter the agent is giving the vessel’s interest
full and proper attention he should. . . . .
a. Report to vessel P&I Club
b. Change the agent
c. Investigate the matter carefully and report the finding to the company
d. Report the matter to the HArbour Master

3. Courage to make quick, precise, practical , and rational decisions and take
responsibility for the consequences and risk that arise as consequence of the
decision taken, is the definition of ?
a. Approach between leaders who are leaders
b. Must be purpose based leadership
c. Approach leadership goals
d. Leadership approach based on leaderships goals

4. The noble position of humans over god’s creatures because human have dignity
in the form of creative abilities, sense of initiative and high dignity and faith
are called ?
a. Responsibility
b. Nature
c. Respect
d. Dignity

5. The social construction of leadership is ?

a. What count as good leadership is a constraction of the perceptions of the
b. Leaderships is a made up idea that therefore we should pay more attention
to more significant aspect of the organization
c. The view that all leadership is social and what matters is how leaders
interact with other
6. What is the Following is not a Type of Team ?
a. Problem solving
b. Cross functional
c. Individual
d. Virtual

7. In the effort to find various alternatives which might be taken, its important to
pay attention to the following aspects, except. . . . .
a. Various form of surrounding’s reaction
b. The compatibility of the received alternatives with the problem
c. The surrounding as the source of data
d. The information from the third party

8. The function of the skipper is responsible for carrying ships sailing from one
port to another or from one place to another safely, safely to their destination
for passengers and all their cargo, as follows. . . . .
a. Ship leader
b. General authority holder
c. Law enforcer
d. Civil register

9. The proper and the accurate inventory of stores should be maintained in order
to. . . . .
a. Order the required stores
b. Report to the office
c. Assimilating diversity
d. Control the ship’s budget

10. Who bares the overall responsibility for a fire fighting operation onboard ?
a. The first officer
b. The local harbor master
c. The master
d. The chief engginer

11. The impelementation of the policy depends on the commitment of the decision
marker, without a commitment, the effort made will be in vain. The way to do
this is through easy-to-accept communication, including. . . . .
a. Subordinates do their best
b. Bosses don’t care what the letter contains
c. Bosses pay the attention by letter
d. Subordinates work by letter
12. If we want to be an effective communicator in a team ?
a. Never praise your team mates
b. Never listen by your self
c. Never judge your team mates
d. Never respond to your team mates

13. Decision making process is always faced with probability situatios. A manager
must calculating the probability factor based on the following matters, except.
a. The level of intelegence of a manager
b. The ability to duplicate the past experiences
c. The capacity and experiences in making the decisions
d. The analytical ability

14. What sign do we see when identifying effective team decision making, when
observing how team communicate ?
a. Silence implies acceptance
b. Two people always seem to make the decisions
c. The loudest member always decides
d. Decisions reached by voting or by consensus

15. Who are responsible for safety at work on the ship ?

a. The safety officer
b. Officer on watch
c. A specific person
d. The captain, chief engineer, ch. Officer

16. Checks carried out systematically into the organization and stand alone to
determine whether the activities of the Safety Management System are
functioning properly and in accordance with what is expected are. . . . .
a. Internal audit
b. Annual survey
c. Unannounced inspections
d. External audit

17. A procces or a number of continuous and interconnected activities that involve

humans, technologhy, methods, and capital to achieve an organization goal in
the operation of ships . . . . .
a. Guided management
b. Company management
c. Government management
d. Ship management
18. In the ism code its stipulated that a master holds the certain responsibility ,
which consist of the following , except. . . . .
a. Giving the relevant, clear and simple orders
b. Implementing the company’s policy in the aspects of marine safety and
marine environmental protection
c. To motivate the ship’s crew member in implementing the policy
d. Paying a good wage to the ship’s crew members

19. Respond pattern in the educational process at the seaferer’s training center
consists of the following , except. . . . .
a. Obtaining the relevant knowledge
b. Implementing the relevant knowledge
c. Identifying the relefant knowledge
d. Understanding the relevant knowledge

20. Short term Document Of Compliance (DOC) with the validity of 5 months is
issued to the ships which have complied the following provisions , except ?
a. The company’s SMS doesnot conform with the ship type
b. Increasing number of the operating ships
c. Newly established company
d. Company has planned to implement the SMS during the validity of the DOC

21. It is important to have good relationship on board a vessel, why ?

a. It will prevent accidents from happening
b. It encourages crew to extend their contract
c. It leads to better work performanced and positive atmoshphere among
the crew
d. Crew cornes to know each other problems

22. The necessary information for the next port of call should be. . . . .
a. Procured on arrival at the next port
b. Procured before departure from a port
c. Requested on email
d. Procured during the voyage prior arrival at the next port

23. In every decisions making process, a manager must take into account the
following actions, except. . . . .
a. To take anticipated actions
b. The attitude which accepts the reality
c. To take preventive actions
d. To take actions until the problem grows bigger
24. In general, the word management referes to. . . . .
a. Which settings should and need to be acted upon
b. Efficiency
c. Take a risk
d. Thingking for ahead

25. In the ism code implementation, company must ensure that the following
matters are carried out , except. . . . .
a. Checks are carried out in the right intervals
b. Corrective actions are done
c. The corrective actions are done during the docking
d. Every deficiency is reported including the root causes

26. We can be found the office phone , fax, telex, and after office hours telephone
numbers in ?
a. The ship’s emergency contingency manual
b. Radio log book
c. Vessel operation manual
d. Vessel health, safety and environment manual

27. The ism code is needed for the ocean going ships with the following
categorization , except ?
a. Cargo ships >= 500 GT
b. Oil tankers >=500 GT
c. Barges < 500 GT
d. All size of passengers ships

28. In the implementation of the competence based curriculum there are a number
of forms which relate with the individual and social, among other things as
follows, except. . . . .
a. Diagonal competence
b. Academic competence
c. Cultural competence
d. Occupational competence

29. Courage to make quick , precise, practical and rational decisions and take
responsibility for the consequences and risks that arise as a consequences of
the decisions taken, is the definition of ?
a. Leadership approach based on leaderships goals
b. Approach leaderships goals
c. Must be purpose based leadership
d. Approach between leaders who are leaders
30. Who is have responsible person for maintaining budget on board normally is ?
a. Master
b. Chief officer
c. Chief engineer
d. Owner

31. A manager is responsible to monitor the decisions which have been made, which
consist of the following , except. . . . .
a. Situations of the surroundings
b. Taking the measures to promptly decide on the situations faced
c. Internal and external conditions
d. The expected feedback which is needed

32. Who is responsible for not exceeding the maximum working hours ?
a. A specific person
b. Bosun and second engineer
c. The master and the commanders of the departements
d. The safety officers

33. What is the be reported to a company on the emergency phone. . . . .

a. All accidents where crew are injured or killed
b. All cases concerning cargo shortages
c. Vessel health, safety and environmental manual
d. All arrival and departure time from port

34. Decisions making process is a logical process and consist of the following
measrues, except ?
a. Determining the alternatives to solve the problems
b. Defining and categorizing the problem
c. Analyzing the received problems
d. Calculating profit and loss

35. Human resources to crew the ship must be prepared with good planning,
therefore its necessary. . . . .
a. Psychological test
b. Interview
c. On board training
d. Ability test before boarding the ship

36. The necessary information for the next port of call should be. . . . .
a. Procured on arrival at the next port
b. Procured before departure from a port
c. Procured during the voyage prior arrival at the next port
37. The majority of conventions adopted under the auspices of IMO fall into three
main catagories . . . . .
a. Maritime safety, STCW, Maritime Security
b. Security , Terorism, ILO
c. Sailor certification
d. Maritime safety , marine pollution prevention, liability and compensation

38. The educational process needs various number of approach models which are
listed below, except. . . . .
a. Sportsmanship approach
b. Interactive approach
c. Cognitive approach
d. Behavioral approach

39. What we would need to help turn an individual into becoming a team player ?
a. Check their fair work act award
b. Monitor their individual performance
c. Train them in one tasks at a time
d. Reward and motivate them

40. Which of the following factors is not an ideal type of team. . . . .

a. Accept cross-functional opinions
b. Problem solving together
c. Active participations
d. Individualist

41. If master find reasons to doubt whether the agebt is giving the vessels interest
full and proper afternoon he should
a. Facilities to conduct training whenever required by the training officer
b. Proper test to the crew after each training programme
c. All cases conserning cargo shortages
d. Investigate the matter carefully and report the findings to the company

42. With the ism code for seaferers, one of the advantages is. . . . .
a. Make the ship a place of work to earn more money
b. Making ships a safe place to work for seaferers
c. Make the ship a place to work to gain knowledge
d. Make the ship a place to work to in order to travel the world
43. A manager while facing problematic situations in leading the organization must
take into account the following matters, except. . . . .
a. Doing analysis in order to settle the causing factors
b. Conducting the right diagnosis
c. Identifying the causing factors
d. Taking immediate decisions to settle the causing factors

44. Managerial is a blend of art and science, the meaning of the word is. . . . .
a. Managers must master science and art
b. Managers must be creative
c. Managers must master the art
d. Managers must muster knowledge

45. Education with meaning is based on an number of pillars, among other things
as follows , except. . . . .
a. Learning on how to compete
b. Learning on how to do
c. Learning how to live together
d. Learning on how to know and to master

46. Leadership has always been in the nature of and consists of the followings,
except. . . . .
a. Temporal
b. Situational
c. Pragmatism
d. Conditional

47. A leader in an organizational structure is performing their function effectively

while doing the following measures, except. . . . .
a. Conducting the approach on scientific theories and principles
b. Conducting the approach on the organization’s profit
c. The ability to learn from their experiences
d. The ability to think creatively and innovatively

48. Interdisciplinary approach is conducted whilist taking into account the decision
making process, which must include the following, except. . . . .
a. It cannot be seen as a single act
b. Utilizing various types of skills and knowledge
c. Calculating the organizations possible losses
d. It cannot be seen as a uniformed act
49. Management is the components of administration, which are described as
follows, except ?
a. Knowledge which is used to achieve a goal
b. To achieve the goal
c. A group of people occupy their positions
d. Method to generate the maximum profit

50. The decision making process must take into account the inputs from relevant
experts, except . . . . .
a. The models and simulations which are the inputs from mathematicians
b. The group behavior which is the input from sociologists
c. The environment which is the input from the economists and statisticians
d. The value and ethic system which is the input from the
philosophers/religious experts

51. The decision making process towards the coplex problems must pay attention
to the following matters, except. . . . .
a. Directed to the real acts
b. Taking into account the uncertainty factors
c. The process is conducted based on subordinates inputs
d. The process is conducted based on information

52. As one of the components of administration, organization is a accommodating

various activities as follows, except. . . . .
a. Who is responsible of what
b. The available communication channel
c. The available remuneration system
d. Who is responsible to whom

53. From the point of view of the organization’s decision making process,
management consists of the followings, except. . . . .
a. Top level management
b. Basic management
c. Middle management
d. Low level management

54. Decision making process is a logical process and consist of the followings
measures, except ?
a. Analyzing the received problems
b. Determining the alternatives to solve the problems
c. Calculating profit and loss
d. Defining and categorizing the problems
55. The following are the skills which are compulsory for the top management,
except. . . . .
a. Experience
b. Sufficient fund
c. Management skill
d. Technical skill

56. Every learning process must follow the Learning Sequence Units, which consist
of the followings, except. . . . .
a. Participation
b. An Ending (conclusion)
c. A Beginning (Introduction)
d. A Middle (Heart of the lesson)

57. The implementation of the policy depends on the commitment of the decision
maker. Without a commitment, the efforts made will be in vain. The way to do
this is throught easy-to-accept communication, including. . . . .
a. Subordinates do their best
b. Bosses don’t care what the letter contains
c. Subordinates work by letter
d. Boss pays attention by letter

58. In the decision making process there are a number of actions which must take
into account the following matters, except. . . . .
a. To accept the reality
b. To take a decision which is aimed directly at the root of the problem
c. To take corrective actions
d. To do temporary actions

59. The decision making process for contextual framework consists of the
following, except ?
a. In the life of the organization
b. To generate the maximum profit
c. The implementation is measured
d. Relating various model

60. We must organised Onboard training because. . . . .

a. It is an integral part of the overall training plan
b. It does not contravene with the rest hours of the crew
c. Each crew member is trained individually
d. none of the above
61. In every Vessel Master of must be provide by. . . . .
a. Facilities to conduct training whenever required by the training officer
b. A link between the shipboard training officer and the company training
officer ashore
c. Proper rest to the crew after each training programme
d. A theory which tries to create new organizations which do not need leaders

62. The best possible treatment to representative of the port authorities should
always receive . . . . .
a. For ship's clearance to take place quickly and without complications
b. Because you always have some faults in arrival/departure documents
c. Because the ship's trading certificate are not normally in order
d. It leads to better work performance and positive atmosphere among the crew

63. What is the best describes to the leader-follower relationship ?

a. The relationship is a one-way street
b. Leadership and followership are the same thing
c. Leadership and followership merge and are linked concepts

64. What Group or Individual Behaviours might lead to an effective Team ?

a. Self Interest verses Group Interest
b. Lack of boundaries
c. ill-defined roles
d. Able to listen to feedback

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