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SHRM Final Notes from DAY 3

Day 3 first session :

Today's Learning Takeaways from SHRM 2024

Session Title: A Toolkit for Hiring Individuals with Disabili es

Presented by:

 Dave Friedman: Founder and CEO of Autonomy Works

 Kraig Kissinger: SPHR, Na onal Tube Supply HR Director (who has a disability)

Key Sta s cs

 Employment Rate: In 2023, 37.1% of people with disabili es (aged 16-64) were employed.
 Disclosure Rate: 76% of people with disabili es decline to fully share their disabili es at work.
 Employee Engagement:
o 30% engaged
o 17% disengaged

Workforce Par cipa on Rates

 US Average: 78%
 Opportunity Youth: 60%
 Returning Ci zens: 58%
 People with Disabili es: 40%

Understanding Disabili es

 Defini on: A condi on affec ng the body or mind that impacts daily life and par cipa on.
 Types of Disabili es:
o Mobility: 12%
o Cogni on: 12.8%
o Independent Living: 7.2%
o Hearing: 6.1%
o Vision: 4.8%
o Self-care: 3.6%

Prevalent Disabili es in the Workplace

 A en on Deficit: 62%
 Anxiety: 13%
 Dyscalculia: 10%
 Au sm: 9%
Strategic Advantages of Hiring Individuals with Disabili es

 Stronger Teams
 Be er Engagement
 Improved Decision Making
 Leveraging Specialized Skills

Neurodiversity and Inclusion

 Neurodivergent Strengths: Spiker model (high strengths in specific areas)

 Success in Specific Roles: Individuals with au sm excel in QA tests for code verifica on and AI
data labeling.

Success Stories and Examples

 Walgreens: 10% of employees have disabili es.

 Social Kitchen: U lizes best prac ces for inclusive employment in the food truck industry.

Four Steps to Crea ng an Inclusive Hiring Pathway

Step 1: Culture

 Set the Right Culture: Reinforce inclusiveness, diversity of thought.

 Understand Change: It's a con nuous process requiring communica on and leadership.
 Champion Change: Iden fy leaders who can advocate for inclusivity.

Step 2: Natural Support

 Mentorship Programs: Pair employees with workplace coaches or mentors.

 Benefits: Enhanced job sa sfac on and learning.

Step 3: Job and Work Design

 Match Jobs to Skills: Tailor roles to leverage individual strengths.

 Hiring Process:
o Showcase capabili es.
o Reduce anxiety with pre-set ques ons and camera-off interviews.
o Use mul ple shorter interview rounds.
o Include interns and appren ceships.
 Effec ve Management:
o Individualized management approaches.
o Clear, direct, and concrete feedback.
o Integrate peer training and natural supports.

Step 4: Reasonable Accommodations

 Defini on: Modifica ons to the job or work environment.
 Proac ve Offering: Provide accommoda ons without requiring employees to ask.
 Leverage Exis ng Knowledge: Conduct listening sessions and collabora ve design.
 Build Culturally Appropriate Solu ons: Develop neurodiverse employee resource groups.
 Generate Execu ve Sponsorship: Promote accommoda ons and solu ons.


 A resource for job accommoda ons.


 Untapped Talent: U lizing the poten al of individuals with disabili es, jus ce-impacted
individuals, and opportunity youth can address sourcing challenges and provide strategic
advantages to organiza ons.

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