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in mumbai
Mumbai, Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Videos show mother thrashing

Vijay Gohil
kids; ex-judge demands action
Pranali Lotlikar the “wrongdoers”. am of the view that it is dan- video is a year old, it definitely
MUMBAI Kathawalla has marked gerous to keep the children in calls for a probe and hence I
copies of his letters to the Chief her company, even for a min- have written it to the con-
A retired judge of the Bombay Justice of the Bombay HC, Jus- ute, and that the minors cerned authorities, to take up
High Court has written to the tice Devendra Kumar Upad- should be shifted to a home the matter at its earliest.”
Mumbai Police, the State hyaya, and Police where they are taken care off Kathawalla confirmed that
Human Rights Commission Commissioner Vivek Phansal- and fully protected... thus re- he had received a phone call
(SHRC) and the State Child kar, requesting them to look questing the commission to from the Social Service De-
Rights Commission over an in- into the matter. He has also ex- enquire and take necessary partment of the Mumbai Po-
stance of what appears to be pressed willingness to offer as- action in the matter at the lice, “In such a case, an FIR
physical abuse of two children sistance in moving the earliest.” should be filed against both
by their mother. children to a safe environment. The letter to SHRC Chair- the parents, first for allegedly
Judge (Retd) SJ Kathawalla In the letter written to Su- man Justice (Retd) KK Tated physically abusing them, and
has also sent video recordings, sieben Shah, chairperson of also refers to the videos and re- second for allegedly ‘simply
which went viral on Tuesday. the Child Rights Commission, pears to be their mother. The quests the panel to take cogni- filming’ the entire alleged as-
The FPJ has copies of the he says, “I am forwarding video clips shows that the sance of the case. sault,”Kathawalla said. Mind the gap
letters and the videos. three video clips which I have mother is not only repeatedly Kathawalla, while speaking According to a senior police The newly installed height barrier on Sion road overbridge. The 112-year-old
The videos show the mother just come across. It can be belting the minor on more to the FPJ, said, “Referring to official, the video is not of a re- ROB is now shut for heavy vehicles and automobiles towering above 2.8 metres.
screaming at her children, a seen from the said video clips than one occasion, but she is the video, it appears that the cent incident. Yet the Vanrai
girl and a boy, and repeatedly that two minor, innocent and using abusive language. She couple must be going through police have taken cognisance
hitting them with a belt. The
judge has also urged the auth-
orities to take action against
helpless, children are being
mercilessly beaten up and
tortured by a lady who ap-
has almost threatened to kill
The letter further reads, “I
some domestic disputes, but it
should not be vented out on
children. Even though the
and have recorded the state-
ments of the mother, father
and the two children.
Two on motorcycle fall off
Goregaon bridge after crash
Child trafficking: Bail Three months after Megha Kuchik
(East), where doctors pro-
nounced them dead upon arri-
the Goregaon East-West fly-
over, landing near the MTNL

rescue, ordeal of
val. The Goregaon police have junction on SV Road in Gore-

for 10, including doctor Two people were killed when

their motorcycle crashed into
registered an accidental death
report (ADR).
gaon (West).
Both men died on the spot.

9 kids still not over

barricades on Goregaon According to the police, the An unidentified individual re-
Charul Shah Joshi / bridge on Monday morning, motorcycle belonged to ported the accident to the po-
Vishal Singh

Aishwarya Iyer police said. Gamre, although it was not lice, who promptly arrived at
MUMBAI Charul Shah Joshi / more children and their bio- Vaibhav Gamre, 28, and clear who was driving the ve- the scene.
Aishwarya Iyer logical parents. The auth- Anand Ingale, 21, were thrown hicle at the time of the incident. The bodies of the victims
In the child trafficking racket MUMBAI orities are set to file off the bridge by the force of The accident took place have been handed over to the
for illegal adoption, the chargesheet against 35 ac- the impact, the police said. near MTNL. The driver lost families, Senior Inspector Dilip
sessions court, on June 21, Three months after the police cused arrested. The police transported the control of the vehicle and Bhosale said. An ADR has
granted bail to 10 persons, in- busted an illegal child traffick- As per the Mumbai Crime victims to the HBT Trauma crashed into the side barri- been registered and further
cluding a doctor. The court ing racket, the ordeal of the Branch, they received in- Care Centre in Jogeshwari cades. The two men fell from probe is underway, he said.
said that it cannot be said it nine kids rescued is far from formation that a woman had
was “for exploitation of over. Two of them are lodged sold her child through Sheetal
children”. with the Bal Asha Trust, an Ware, one of the accused.
On April 28, the Mumbai
crime branch unit 2 had busted
adoption agency
children’s home, and the rest
and Ware sold the child to a family
in Ratnagiri for 2lakh. This she
Lake levels CBI seizes `1.6 crore in
rise 2% after
passport bribery probe
the racket and arrested seven are being looked after by the could do with the help of Sha-
persons, and the accused doc- Child Welfare Committee. rad Maroti Devar, Dr Sanjay
tor, Dr Sanjay Khandare. The
Officials with seven of the accused in April
The police has managed to Khandare and Vandana light showers
gang either kidnapped from where, from whom the or buying a human being re- identify the parents of only Pawar. Somendra Sharma / port facilitation agents / touts
children or got consent of their physical custody of those gardless of the reasoning.” Further probe revealed that FPJ News Service MUMBAI on allegations that the officials
biological parents with a bribe children was obtained and The officer added, “We had Ware received Rs20,000 in the posted at Lower Parel and
ranging from Rs80,000 to Rs4 then delivered to prospective submitted a chart specifying
The police have said deal. Meanwhile, Devar,
The CBI recently seized Rs1.59 Malad were colluding with
lakh. So far, the police have ar- buyers”. the ‘tasks’ of the agents. In the managed to identify who acted as middleman, Light showers in the catch- crore in cash from the prem- agents / touts and indulging in
rested 35 persons in the case. A crime branch officer said group of agents, one was re- the parents of only worked for the donor of Dha- ment areas of seven lakes have ises of a passport agent / tout corrupt practices.
Of these 18 have been granted on condition of anonymity, sponsible for sourcing two children so far nashri Fertility Agency and as brought a ray of hope for the as part of a bribery investiga- The officials were allegedly
bail and the rest are still in cus- that they had submitted all children after enquiring with such knew Dr Khandare. city facing a water crisis. The tion involving several passport in contact with passport facili-
tody. The crime branch, mean- material concerning their in- neighbours and locals, be- Khandare got him introduced lakes’ level has risen 2% and assistants. During the searches tation agents and conspiring
while, is preparing to move the vestigation that proves human sides arranging a doctor for two kids so far. They have to Pawar whose relative reached 7.15%. on June 30 and July 1, officials with them to obtain undue ad-
Bombay High Court against trafficking as per Indian laws. the delivery. Another agent again been sent for adoption needed a child. In this sale Despite the early arrival of also seized incriminating ma- vantage in lieu of issuance of
the bail order. He said ‘morality’ should be was given the task to convince to the state’s nodal trust for Khandare recieved Rs50,000. monsoon, the city is yet to re- terial in form of five diaries passport based on inadequate
Granting bail to Dr Khan- seen differently if the action is the parents using skills and adoption. After this the police went ceive good rain. Last month, and digital evidence, the / incomplete documents or by
dare, sessions judge VM Pa- going against the law. money. The third was respon- A source claimed that the on to rescue nine children and there was no rainfall in the agency said on Tuesday. manipulating the personal
thade said the offence prima A police official said, “The sible for transportation; inter- accused had created forged arrest 35 people. Police catchment area of the lakes lo- The agent is suspected of particulars of passport appli-
facie does not fall under the so-called agents did not have state or even district level. The identities of the children’s bio- sources also confirmed that cated in Thane and Nashik colluding with officials to fa- cants, officials said.
definition of human trafficking good intentions when they next agent managed the child- logical parents, making it dif- most of the ‘target’ places districts, and the lakes’ level cilitate issuance of passports in These cases arose out of
as section 370 includes “exploi- were sourcing children from less couple, their demands, ficult to trace them. from where children are dropped to 5% (only 15 days of exchange for benefits. checks conducted by the CBI
tation”. The court also raised financially deprived married and the legality, including pa- The officials confirmed that sourced, “even kidnapped”, in- water stock). The CBI had registered a on June 26 at Lower Parel and
several questions on the crime couples, who they convinced perwork – which included they had traced a parent of clude Telangana, Hyderabad, However, the civic body is dozen cases on June 28 against Malad along with vigilance of-
branch, saying it’s not clear using greed for money. Even forged documentation, if one of the children in Hydera- Secunderabad, and Visakha- supplying water to the city 14 officials, including passport ficers of the Passport Seva
who the biological parents of though these children were necessary. These intentions bad. He will be soon brought patnam, where parents are as- from the additional stock al- assistants / senior passport as- Programme Division, Minis-
these children are, what the provided to childless couples have to be questioned keeping to Mumbai for interrogation. sured hefty amounts (more lotted by the state govern- sistants, posted at Passport try of External Affairs, and the
role of the accused persons for a good future, our law goes in mind the legal point of Meanwhile, the police con- than Rs2.5 lakh going up to ment from Upper Vaitarna Sews Kendras (PSKs) of Lower Regional Passport Office,
was, and “in what way, when, against the concept of selling view.” tinues investigations to trace Rs5 lakh per child) in return. and Bhatsa lakes. Parel and Malad, and 18 pass- Mumbai.

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