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Jesus said, “out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks” how are our hearts and
mouths connected. How do we store things in our hearts and what kind of things should we
2. It is written that death and life are in the power of the tongue. What are your thoughts
around words that we consider harmless such as “I don’t like math”?
3. Please do tell us on the effect of words such as rumours and gossip on relationships and
4. What would your response be to someone who wants to have life-giving words while at the
same time still maintains toxic friends. Is it possible? Why not?
5. “A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.” What are your
thoughts about the personality of someone whose words are evil?
6. The Scriptures say “the tongue of the wise brings healing.” Tell me instances in your life
where you thanked God that you spoke wisely and saved either yourself or others.
7. The Bible calls the word of God the “sword of the spirit” and Jesus in the book of Revelation
is seen to have a sword protruding from His mouth. How important is it to have our words
saturated with the word of God?
8. On social media, news, and entertainment platforms, we are often bombarded with negative
news, fear and stress building words, and sometimes ugly and profane words. How can we
navigate these platforms without being affected or influenced?
9. The Bible says that we should meditate on the word “day and night”, how important is it for
a Christian to have a habit of consistently reading the word of God? Please name at least
two benefits of doing this.
10. “‘These people honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me. They worship Me
in vain; they teach as doctrine the precepts of men.’” what in your words is wrong with a
Christian whose lifestyle goes contrary with their profession?

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