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OS & G5 95 9> SUE 95 4 Lo Obl adsl seeerviyeneuvjseloylig eonall obj opail adsjlga ab 02935 Glinel 547992 9 Udjgel JS O10} So ab sab Us! Jlsnoss Sul bared Udy9n 9 Lijec] Cupyr0 Beare VTE ale “e “saab LISTENING PART Wild Sylgo yiarias Jal use 2) Mina is going to the gym next Friday. a) True _b) False dalle 4 suit dlisel uislo 2) Mina prefers less active sport. a)True —_b)False abs UbsS Lining. 9 Lae Glee 3) Mina hates team sports. a)True _b) False G29) BIE Bo aya 4) Mina likes all types of sport. a)True _)False yasaine ly slag U Ss wae "p99 vibe ales GUE) Gere AUIS AG 0 lly 32 aad 9 Subs 9S CSU glee 52 cy dallSe 356 UTipal uisl> '5) During midterm, teachers are like 6) Gilda says it's to catch a student cheating, a) students _b) police ©) friends. a) thrilling _b) uncomfortable _c)reassuring ) In Venezuela there's a for cheaters. 8) Students use for cheating. a)law —_b) tradition ©) parade a) anything they can _b) only their smartphones pow oie AHS 92 Causlio GLalS WL LIE lal 9 sys ues C53 b 59} dalle 4 aie oligal isa Adrienne: So, Vivian, you have grandchildren! Vivian: | have two__9 granddaughters. Adrienne: Granddaughters! What's it like being a grandma? Vivian: It is a__10___ chance on life because of when you are raising children as a young person you get caught up in the daily world, but with grandchildren it's all fun. | don't have to do this, or | don't have to do that, and when | get tired | can send them home to their parents. Adrienne: Right, that’s the best part, right? So what else is different about being a mother versus being a grandmother? Vivian: Being a mother you are totally __11_for your child. You are trying to raise them the best you know how to raise them and you're young and everything that you do you know that will be picked up by your child but when you have___12_ that duty is up to their parents so | don't feel that | have to really teach them anything. | have to continue the teaching of their parents ‘poler oy BaiS 9p Culio Glas WL IE stale 9 suns Gigs Cab 25d Gays GUS Sissy jl aud & 56 Shiga! ULSI ‘A good dictionary gives the user__13___about words such as spellings, pronunciations and definitions. It also__14__ examples of how to use the words in sentences correctly. Therefore, it is essential to know how to use a dictionary. In this lesson, we _15 you with some _ 16 tips on how to use a dictionary effectively. 1. Choose the Right Dictionary. There are many different types of dictionaries such as_17 dictionaries, general dictionaries, picture dictionaries, etc. Therefore, first identify your needs. Without choosing the right one you cannot meet your language__18 VOCABULARY PART Bly ciplge Gisnias jel sharesifamous! 31 ital dals 53 s4iS als |) 35 Cdlay 315 USlo Cals jl askin! combination/compt 19) Loghat-e Fors was by Asadi Tusi in the 5th century. 79) rio 12 illgus celal 20) the building is a ofnew andOld styles”) 21) Amir never his toys with his sisters. Page 1 | VOCABULARY PART A, ie cul == dar d) We must care for those who once cared for us. e) They'll need to arrange the chairs around the table. (cal SLA aya Sy) ayiS Lay Canal) Camas 315 79 hyp Sy ae Crna JalS jl dal 9 5h a) World Blood Donor Day (WBDD) is held on June 14 each year. ) Children can use this type of dictionary to learn English. ©) Suddenly, a pegion sat on the window. 26) We have the responsibility to protect our culture for the future generations. 27) Many teenagers study English in the library] 28)The introduction of the book is available ‘on our website. 29) “C” is the symbol for carbon é)People between 13 and 19 years old b) All people of about the same age within the societ ¢) A lack of success in doing something d)something that stands for something else ) the part at the beginning of a book that gives a general idea of what it is about scral 03s youve [gil 893> s1as5 9 dals yo Jol 85> .auijy Gwar | Cuslio das 1395 Gages yiile jl oslataal Ly 30) In fact dictionaries have different types, L and sizes. 31) When she returned to her homeland after five years, her family kissed and H__ GRAMMAR PART _ her lovingly. BIS Sige Fas 32) These Iranian cars since 1390, a)haven'tused —b) didn’tuse_—_—_c) haven't been used 33) A new hospital in this area many years ago. a) has been built —_b) built ) has built 34) Your uncle has never been out of the village, a)has your uncle —-b)hasn'the —c) has he d) hasn't your uncle 35) The old man my sister was trying to marry was stolen last week. a) whose b) who ©) whom which 36) He's listened to his teacher carefully, 2 a) isn'the b)is he c) hasn't he? AMS GIGI L Quo 4338 36 U 32 Jljuw jl d) weren't used ) was built d) has he eaauaiygis Ly Jad Zarwo Suid Hg Fe law y2 Tpu dodo )) Ylgw dal} 40) Many products like light bulb, camera and telephone ___ each year. (to develop) 41) The kids the pigeons, were they? (to feed) 225 Slez 93 auslia Glgsoge rxnud I oslaiaal L Babs Gawly by FY loan 9 suis Jyaai Alar oS 4 |) a) | have two parrots. b) They are kept in the cage. 42)! What has been done by the boy? 37) The window jl oalaiwl 9 pai glam Sa bly PA salar (whol whom! which )\wlie Joog0 word als 38) The boy___—_ has ared hat. forgot! Katel shel to feed piles reo )2 Yow dala} READING PART silailg> Ciylge ysriaw a a as auilesy ly 325 Gio ub gual FAG FE Beginning in 1980, Tim Berners-Lee created a kind of notebook in which words in a document could be connected to other documents in a computer. This was the beginning of the World Wide Web, This work was truly the work of one man. Thomas Edison had many people working on the light bulb. The Internet had many providers. However, only Berners-Lee can be given credit for the World Wide Web. Also, he more than anyone else has fought to keep it open, nonproprietary, and free Itwas he who figured out the idea of connecting computers together so that everyone could have access to information in a multitude of computers. In Berners-Lee's scheme there was no central manager and no central database. True or False 43)WWW stands for World Wide Web. a)True b)False 44) Edison invented the light bulbs alone. a)True b)False 45) what is the best expression for the word “nonproprietary’ in line 5? a) WWW is just for Tim berners-Lee b)WWW is not personal and is for everyone ©)People should pay money touse WWW —_d) People can buy WWW if they have the money 46) What does "which" in the first line refer to? a) notebook b) words oc) www documents 47) What did Tim create? Who helped Tim for his invention? sAgbay Caualio Gauls OF WEA Colgan 4) 335 ie dy dagi Donating is a great way to help others by giving something to someone who needs it more than us. It could be clothes, food, toys, or even our time. People donate clothes and other items to some stores, and others can buy them at less price. The money from these sales often goes to help people inneed. Another place to donate is a place that collects food for people who don't have enough to eat. By donating food, we can help someone have enough to eat. Sometimes, we can give money. Some organizations use the money to build schools, provide medical help, or even protect the environment. We can also donate our time by helping or using our skills to help those who need it. Whether reading to children at a library or cleaning up a park, our help can bring joy and make our community. Donating is a generous act. It teaches us to think of others and be kind. So, let's remember the power of donating and keep giving what we can to make the world a better place. True or False 48) Some people in need donate clothes to stores. _a) True b) False 49) People learn to think of others and be kind through donating. _a) True b) False 50) Which of the following is true about donating? a) People donate to learn skills. b) Donating food is more important than money. c) Donating takes different shapes. d) People should eat enough food to donate others, 51) According to the passage, donating our time is a) using skills to help those who need it b) using money to build schools ©) giving something to someone on time —_—_d) providing medical help 52) What does donating mean according to the passage? 53) What can some organizations do with the money which people donate? vabuie | Cul 0355 Gly Szwcue |) dla> aggio 4S sldinsS OF G OF Claw jo 54) When using a dictionary to find out how to say something in another language, one has to be careful to choose the right meaning. fa)Dictionaries may have wrong explanations for the words —_b) Dictionaries have some missing words 1c)Some of the words may have more than one meaning. d) and b 55) If today we respect our elders, our present and future generations will carry those values and will learn to respect us as well when we grow old. fa)Children carry more values than elders. _b)When we respect elders, our children learn to respect us. c)Elders respect us more than children. _)Children will carry elders when they grow old. '56)The size of the smallest dictionary in the world is about 27x18 mm which needs to be read with a magnifying glass. )Some dictionaries can be magnified to the size of the world b)The size of all small dictionaries in the world is about 2718 mm. ‘Without a magnifying glass, the world smallest dictionary cannot be read. )A magnifying glass with 27x18 mm size can only help us to read dictionaries. vbG yay .auiS JolS but, and, so, or bl cae § GOV Cdljww 99 57)We can take a taxi we can travel by train. 58)Robert can sing well, he cannot draw well 59)Reza and Saeed went swimming last week, they had a nice time. 60)My uncle was very tired, he went to sleep. WRITING PART JalS 395 ogas Uusils jl osldiuul bly $1 9 FI osla> 61) These shoes are not comfortable, so 62) You can install a mobile dictionary, or. Aanygiy dalgil> em 93 (FF U Ft) dalS 50 sly word attack SiS jl oslaiaal ly 63) effectively 64) endanger 65)internationally 66)unsuccessful ans» Cualio yitawyy Oads 033 GlalS bg ssledy |) 395 LSU, On a spring moming, an old woman was sitting on the sofa in her house. Her young son was reading a newspaper. Suddenly a pigeon sat on the window. 67) Where 2 68) What 2 2 69) who ms Page 4 IS ay @SLS 95 9 Gil 95 ay Lo BST 345 Spasly bel owhs)960>U0)929U2j92bCy1}9 assis ai 2958 Skiaal 27992 9 Uisjgal JS 0,131 Sul Sliaarend oiy992 9 Uivigal Cuy2s0 pie BLyids glans sl Jlasass 37) The window : 38) The boy has a blue hat, | oa) | 62) XX 63) 64) 65) 66) 67)Where 68) What 69)Who

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