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Modal verbs (2): Possibility / probability, deduction, advice The school bus is leaving in He can't be there! He a minute! Where's Peter? hates modern art! A But I saw him a few minutes ago! He was sitting on a bench and he was looking at a picture! He must like this painting very much. He's been here for haif an hour! Modal verbs (2): Possibilty/probability, deduction, “Hp Read the information. Possibility/probability * We use may/may not and might/might not to say that something is possible in the present or future. We use may/may not ‘and might/might not in the same way. Jim isn’t in his room. He may/might be in the garden. (Present) We may not/might not stay at home tomorrow. (Future) + We can also use could to talk about things that are possible.We only use it in positive sentences. In negative sentences we use - ‘may not/might not, not couldn't. Jim isn’t in his room. He could be in the garden. Thegpemilde heat hone They may not/might not be at home. 7 Complete with could or may not. 1 may not There's someone at the door. It Mum Deduction + We use must when we are almost sure thot something Is true. Peter didn’t have breakfast this morning. He must be hungry. * We use can’t when we are olmost sure that something is not true. Peter's just had breakfast. He can’t be hungry! Advice * We use should/shouldn’t to give advice, to say what we think is a good or bad ideo. You should be more carefil. You shouldn't eat so many sweets. * We often use should in questions to ask for advice. Should | ask Ella about this? Where should we go? buy that hat. I don’t like it very much. be Alex. have time to go to the supermarket. She’s very busy. 1 have lunch. I'm not very hungry. Craig There's a letter on the table. It 1 a 3 4 5 Hmm... yes, you 6 7 8 Cosmo isn’t in his basket. He be right. I hadn't thought about this. 0 to school tomorrow. He's ill. be from Julia. in the kitchen. © complete with might / might not and a verb from the box. be buy gS know need pass rain wear We might not: go Here, take this with you. You ' a bit late. I'm sorry! Jack. ‘Come on, let’s ask Mrs Walker — she Ce ee Take an umbrella with you. It to the concert. The tickets are very expensive. it. lege eee that jacket. | haven't really got enough money. the test. He doesn’t work hard enough. the answer. \ that dress to the party, | don't like it very much. 53 © complete with must or can’t. That be Kevin's brother! Kevin hasn't got a brother. 1 They won. They "ust be very happy. 2 What? That be Ron! He phoned me from Japan yesterday! 3. No, you're wrong! This. be the right answer. 4 Hi You be Harry. Erica's told me a lot about you. 5 Wow! You've got so many CDs! You . .. love music! & You be hungry again! You had lunch an hour ago! 7 8 That man can’t understand what I'm saying. He be a tourist. © Circle the correct word. 1) Mum: Horry: Vicky: Harry: © complete with should or shouldn't. What's the matter Lucy? You've got dark circles under your eyes. | didn’t sleep last night. | had a terrible headache. You | (ust may feel very tired. Why don’t you go to bed now? Ihave to study. I'm not sure but we ? €an't Amay have a History test tomorrow. You don’t look well, darling. You ? may / can’t be ill. Go to bed now. You * must / might fee! better when you wake up. Who's that boy with Vicky, over there? : He 5 ilSt/ May not be her brother. They look very much alike. He ® can’t / might be her brother. He is only six years old. This boy 7 €an’t / must be at least fifteen! He ® might / can’t be a relative. Hi, guys! This is my cousin, James. Hi James! See, Beth? | was right! Modal verbs (2): Possibilityiprobabilty, deduction, advice e © complete with the correct modal verb. Your stories By Tracy Morgan lt was 111 o'clock in the morning on @ warm summer day and | was sitting in the garden with my brother. A tall man in a business suit and a locksmith were trying to open the front door of the house across the street. it was very strange because Mrs Hel, our neighbour hed just lft on long hoy ‘Look, Ethan’ | said to my brother ‘they 1..™HSE....... be burglars!” They 2... be burglars, Tracy! he answered. I's the middle of the day! Everyone can see them! They 2. be clever burglars, then! They know people will not think they're doing 9 ancing ‘wrong, Il call the police!” E . call the police! It’s none of your business! The man in the suit Boon. be Mrs Hall's guest and he's lost his key!" He ® ..... be a guest! | saw Mré Hell before she left in the morning and she didn't say anything about guests!’ ‘A few minutes later the police came and took both men to the eS station. | said to my brother: ‘See? I did the right thing! The man in the suit 7 ..... be Mrs. Hall's friend! I'm sure!” ‘And then the phone rang. It was Mrs Hell. “Tracy, | forgot to tell you: my friend, Adem, left some important business papers in my house, yesterday. He hasn't got a key so hell bring a locksmith with him. t'm calling you because someone 8, .-» think he's @ burglar!" POG OPV OE Pe A F © Write what you think. Use the modal verb given. | It is late at night and you are in bed. You hear a noise in the kitchen, (must) | must be dad. He usually gets up to drink some water (must) (can’t) ft can’t You have arranged to meet your friend outside the cinema. The film has already started but he / she has not arrived yet. (might) He / She (can't) A friend says she likes cats. When your cat goes near her she runs away} (can't) (may) Your uncle has just won a lot of money in the lottery! (must) (might) ‘Your friend spends all day playing computer games. He isn’t doing very well at school. (should) (shouldn't) N + w

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