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Disusun Untuk Memenuhi Tugas Mata Kuliah

Bahasa Inggris untuk Manajemen
Dosen Pembimbing : Dr. Ngasbun Egar, M.Pd.

Oleh :

Ilman Nafi’a NPM : 23510185


Text 30
Controlling is the process of directing or guiding an activity and also judging it. It is
closely related to the elements of the administrative process, such as planning,
organizing, etc., and contribute to these elements. Control is the application of the
power and authority to hold the workers responsible for their actions. Control is require
in all spheres of the educative process, aims and objectives, teachers and students,
instruction and equipment, finance and purpose, e.g., for control of finance we need the
budget, accounts and auditing.
Aspects of Control :
Control has four aspects —the power that controls, the device of using the power,
the process of applying the power, and the purpose for using the power. For applying
control, we first determine the point where it is needed. Then, we choose the form of
power to be applied. Next, we decide about the device to be used, and finally, we
evaluate or judge the results of control to see whether its purpose has been fulfilled. All
the time we have to remember that the central purpose of control is to bring about
improvement and to promote the realization of the goals of education.
Control involves both power and devices. The power of control are legal authority,
social custom, superior knowledge of facts and principles, and personal attitudes
developed by professional training and ethics. The devices of control are many, such as
policies, objectives, budgets, salaries, accounts, building, equipment, time-table,
curriculum, methods, rules and regulations, personal records, reports, promotion, etc.
Each activity or situation has its own device of control. Thus, budget controls
expenditure, philosophy and sociology, the aims and objectives and theories of learning
control the methods of teaching. The various powers work generally in combination with
each other and one or more devices and powers may be applied simultaneously.
Educational activity is very complex, and so a large variety of devices and powers are
needed for control.
1. What are the Indonesian words for those in bold?
• judging = menilai
• contribute = kontribusi
• power = kekuasaan
• authority = wewenang
• spheres = bidang
• instruction = pengajaran
• equipment = perlengkapan
• Aspects of Control = aspek pengendalian
• legal authority = otoritas hukum
• social custom = kebiasaan sosial
• ethics = etika
• expenditure = pengeluaran
• simultaneously = secara bersamaan/serentak
2. What processes are involved in controlling?
Controlling is the process of directing or guiding an activity and also judging it. It
is closely related to the elements of the administrative process, such as planning,
organizing, etc., and contribute to these elements
3. Summarize the nature of control as described in paragraph 1.
Controlling is the process of directing or guiding an activity and also judging it.
Control is the application of the power and authority to hold the workers
responsible for their actions.
4. What can you conclude from paragraph 1?
Control is the process of directing or guiding an activity and also assessing it.
Control is needed in all areas of the educational process, aims and objectives,
teachers and students, teaching and equipment, finances and objectives, for
example for financial control we need budgets, bookkeeping and audits.
5. Mention and explain the four aspects of control.
a. Controlling Power (Controlling Authority):
• Controlling power is the authority given to individuals or groups within an
organization to supervise and direct employee actions and organizational
• Typically, this power belongs to managers, supervisors, or organizational
leaders who are responsible for certain parts of the company's operations.
• This power can be formal power that comes from position in the
organizational structure, or informal power that comes from expertise,
experience, or personal influence.
b. How Power Is Used (How Power Is Utilized):
• Power is exercised through the implementation of policies, procedures
and regulations that have been established by the organization.
• Managers or leaders use their power to give instructions, set work
standards, provide guidance, and supervise employee performance.
• Power is also used to conduct performance evaluations, provide feedback,
and take corrective action if necessary.
• The way power is used must be in accordance with the values and culture
of the organization and consider aspects of ethics and justice.
c. Process of Application of Powers (Process of Application of Powers):
• The process of applying power starts from planning and setting standards
or targets to be achieved.
• Furthermore, monitoring is carried out on the implementation of
activities to ensure that activities run according to plan.
• This process includes measuring performance by comparing actual results
with established standards.
• If there are deviations or discrepancies, the manager will take corrective
action to correct the situation. These corrective actions may take the form
of strategy adjustments, retraining, or changes in operational processes.
• This process is ongoing and ongoing to ensure that organizational goals
are always achieved.
d. Purpose of Using Power (Purpose of Using Electric Power):
• The main purpose of using power in control is to ensure that all
organizational activities and operations run according to predetermined
plans and towards achieving organizational goals.
• Apart from that, another goal is to increase efficiency and effectiveness in
the use of resources, reduce errors and deviations, and improve overall
organizational performance.
• The use of power also aims to create an orderly and disciplined work
environment, as well as ensuring that employees understand and follow
established policies and procedures.
• Ultimately, through effective control, organizations can achieve
competitive advantage and long-term desirability
6. What is the central purpose of control?
The central purpose of control is to bring about improvement and to promote the
realization of the goals of education.
7. Explain this statement: ‘Control involves both power and devices.’
The statement "Control involves power and devices" refers to two important
aspects in the control process in an organization or system.
• Power (strength)
Power or strength refers to the authority or authority possessed by the party
exercising control. In an organizational context, this power is usually held by
management or the party responsible for directing and supervising
organizational activities. This power can come from formal positions in the
organizational hierarchy, expertise, or explicitly granted authority.
• Device (device)
Device refers to the method, tool, or mechanism used to exercise control.
These tools can be systems, procedures, regulations, policies, or technologies
implemented to integrate, measure, and distribute the performance or
activities being controlled.
Thus, the statement “Control involves power and devices” emphasizes that the
control process requires two important components:
• Power or authority to take control action and provide direction.
• Devices or mechanisms used to exercise control effectively, such as
performance standards, measurement metrics, monitoring systems, or other
supporting technologies.
8. Mention and explain the power of control.
• Legal authority
Legal authority refers to the power that comes from applicable laws,
regulations, or legal provisions. In an organizational context, this may include
laws, government regulations, or internal company policies that give certain
parties the authority to exercise control.
• Social habits
Social customs refer to norms, traditions, or practices that are widely accepted
in a particular social or cultural environment. These social habits can provide
power or legitimacy for the party exercising control because they are
considered normal or generally accepted.
• Superior knowledge of facts and principles
The source of this power comes from mastery or better understanding of the
facts, information, or principles relevant to the object being controlled. The
party who has superior knowledge is considered to have authority or authority
in carrying out control because they have a deeper understanding.
• Personal attitudes developed through professional and ethical training
The source of this power comes from the attitude, character, or personal
values of the party exercising control. This attitude is usually formed through
professional training, education, or adopted ethical guidelines. Strong
personal attitudes, such as integrity, competence, or wisdom, can provide
moral authority or trustworthiness to those exercising control
9. Mention and explain the devices of control.
• Policy: Refers to the guidelines, rules, or procedures established by an
organization to regulate the operations and behavior of its members.
• Goals: Refers to the goals or targets that the organization wants to achieve,
which serve as a reference in carrying out control.
• Budget: Is an allocation of financial resources that is planned and used as a
tool to control an organization's expenses and income.
• Salary: The salary system can be used as a control tool to motivate and reward
employee performance.
• Bookkeeping: Accounting records and financial reports used to track and
control the flow of funds within an organization.
• Buildings and equipment: Physical facilities such as buildings, equipment and
tools can be used as a means of control in an organization's operational
• Schedule: Scheduling activities or tasks can be used as a tool to control the
allocation of time and resources in an organization.
• Curriculum: In an educational context, the curriculum can be a control tool for
organizing learning materials and processes.
• Method: Refers to the approach or technique used in carrying out certain
activities or processes, which can be used as a control tool.
• Rules and regulations: Rules and regulations applicable in a particular
organization or industry, which must be adhered to as a means of control.
• Personal records: Notes or documentation created by individuals within an
organization, which can be used as a control tool to track activity or
• Report: A written or verbal report used to convey information about
performance or activities in an organization, as a control tool.
• Promotion: A promotion or promotion system can be used as a control tool to
motivate employee performance and loyalty.
10. What is meant by this statement ‘Device and power can be applied
Using power and devices together allows for more comprehensive and effective
control implementation:
• Device Deployment Support Power: Power can help deploy devices effectively.
For example, leaders with formal authority can more easily enforce new rules
or ensure that established procedures are met.
• Power Amplifying Devices: Effective devices can strengthen the power of
individuals or groups. For example, a well-designed performance
measurement system can provide credible data to support leaders' decisions
and increase their influence
11. What can you conclude about ‘controlling’ based on the text.
Control is the process of directing or guiding an activity and also assessing it.
Control is the exercise of power and authority to hold workers accountable for
their actions. Control is needed in all areas of the educational process, aims and
objectives, teachers and students, teaching and equipment, finances and
objectives, for example for financial control a budget, bookkeeping and auditing
are needed. Aspects of Control : Control has four aspects — control of power,
manner of use of power, process of applying power, and purpose of use of power.
Next we decide which device will be used, and finally we evaluate or assess the
control results to see whether the goal has been achieved. We must always
remember that the main purpose of control is to produce improvements and
encourage the realization of educational goals. There are various control tools,
such as policies, objectives, budgets, salaries, bookkeeping, buildings,
equipment, schedules, curriculum, methods, rules and regulations, personal
records, reports, promotions, and so on. Educational activities are very complex
so various devices and personnel are needed to control them

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