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St Mary’s Inter College, Etawah

Session 202…./Date:….
Grade 10 - ENGLISH
NELSON MANDELA: Long Walk to Freedom

1. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow.

A) That day had come about through the unimaginable sacrifices of thousands of my people,
people whose suffering and courage can never be counted or repaid. I felt that day, as |
have on so many other days, that I was simply the sum of all those African patriots who had
gone before me. That long and noble line ended and now began again with me. I was
pained that I was not able to thank them and that they were not able to see what their
sacrifices had wrought.
(i) The speaker is talking about the occasion of _______
(ii) The people of South Africa had suffered from ________
(iii) Who represent 'the long and noble line' ?
(a) (a) Nelson Mandela
(b) Patriots
(c) African Tribes
(d) Courage
Ans: ______
(iv) The word in the extract which is a synonym of 'bravery' is _______.
(a) Noble
(b) African Patriots
(c) Unimaginable
(d) None of these
Ans: _______

B) My country is rich in the minerals and gems that lie beneath its soil, but I have always known
that its great wealth is its people, finer and truer than the purest díamonds.
It is from these comrades in the struggle that learned the meaning of courage. Time and
again, I have seen men and women risk and give their lives for an idea. I have seen men
stand up to attacks and torture without breaking, showing a strength and resilience that
defies the imagination.

(i) What opinion does the speaker have about the people of his country?
Ans: ____________________________________________________

(ii) When do men and women risk their lives, according to the extract?
Ans: ____________________________________________________

(iii) The people of South Africa are compared with

a. all minerals and gems
b. purest diamonds
c. Comrades of the struggle
d. Nelson Mandela himself

(iv) The phrase 'ability to deal with any kind of hardship' means…
a. Courage
b. Wealth
c. Strength
d. Resilience
2. Answer any five of the following questions in 30-40 words each.
(i) At the beginning of his speech, Mandela mentions an 'extraordinary human disaster'.
What does he mean by this?
(ii) For what does Mandela thank the international leaders?
(iii) What ideals does Mandela sot out for the future of South Africa?
(iv) How did Mandela's understanding of freedom change with age and experience?
















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