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Question: The Importance of Environmental Conservation Title:

rapidly changing 迅速变化 - environmental conservation 环境保护 - increasingly crucial 越来越重要 - climate
change 气候变化 – deforestation 森林砍伐 - pollution 污染 - threatening 威胁 - delicate balance 微妙平衡 - ecosystems
生态系统 - imperative 重要 - prioritize 考虑 - protection 保护 - preservation 保存

significant 重要 - safeguard 保护 -biodiversity 生物多样性 - Ecosystems 生态系统- vast array 多种类- animal
species 种类 - maintaining ecological balance 维持生态系统 - preserving 保护 natural habitats 自然栖息地 - minimizing
human impact 减少人类影响 - ensure 确保 - survival 生存 - countless species 不同种类 - future generations 后代

essential 重要 – mitigating 缓解 - climate change 气候变化 - Human activities 人类活动 - burning of fossil fuels 化
石燃料 – deforestation 森林砍伐 - greenhouse gas emissions 温室气体排放 – contributing 贡献 - global warming 全球暖
化 – consequences 后果 - rising sea levels 海平面上升 - extreme weather events 极端天气事件 - sustainable practices
可持续发展 - carbon emissions 气体排放 – stabilizing 稳定 - climate 气候 - vulnerable communities 脆弱社区
Additionally, 此外 - conservation 保护 - vital 重要 - sustaining 维持 – resources 资源 - human survival 人类生存 -
pollution 污染 - industrial activities 工业活动 - waste disposal 废料处理 – threatens 威胁 - implementing 执行 - policies
政策 - prioritize environmental protection 环境保护 - future generations 未来年代

moral obligation 道德义务 - necessity 有必要 - inhabitants 居住者 - biodiversity 多样性 - mitigating 减轻 -
essential resources 重要资源 - resilient future 韧性未来
Instructions: Write a summary from the passage below in not more than 60 words.
A recreation park is important for the people to relax and unwind. However, not all visitors to the recreation park take care of it
properly. Some irresponsible visitors may litter that the park or worse still, vandalise it. They should realise that the park does not
belong to them but the public. As such, everyone has a responsibility to maintain it as best as possible.

How can we maintain the park? First and foremost, we should not litter the place. Make sure of the rubbish bins provided.
Although there are caretakers in the park, this does not mean that we can dispose of used papers and drink bottles anywhere we like.

Watch out for rules and reminders to visitors. Do not break them. One example is the toilet in the park. Keep the toilet clean
always so that others will be able to use them. Learn to love the flora and fauna in the park. Do not damage any plants or trees. Do not
pluck the flowers.

If you are not allowed to fish in the lake, do not do it. If you are asked not to feed the fish, you must comply. Do not walk on the
grass as requested. In this way, the natural beauty of the park will be maintained.

Last but not least, do not make noise in the park. The visitors have come to the park for relaxation. If you make noise, they will
have no peace of mind. Anyway, you cannot relax in a noisy atmosphere, can you?

Your summary must

- Not be more than 60 words, including the 10 words given below.
- Be in continuous writing (not in note form)
- Be written in one paragraph
Use your own words as far as possible without changing its original meaning.
Begin your summary as follows:
“To maintain a recreation park, we should not…”

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