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Kendriya Vidyalaya Mhow

Periodic Test -2 (2023) Subject-Science (Class-7)

Time: 1Hrs 30Min M.M.- 40
Note: All questions are compulsory.
Q1. Fill in the blanks: (5X1)
(a) A flower may have either male or female reproductive parts. Such a flower is called------------.
(b) Production of new individuals from the vegetative part of parent is called--------------------------.
(c ) The transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of the same or of another flower of the same kind is
known as ----------------.
(d) ) The fusion of male and female gametes is termed as ------------------------.
(e) Seed dispersal takes place by means of -------, ----------- and ---------------.
Q2. Match the items in Column I with those in Column II: (5X1)
Column I Column II
(i) A plane mirror (a) Can form image of objects spread over a large area
(ii) A convex mirror (b) The image is erect and of same size as the object
(iii) A convex lens (c) Used by dentists to see enlarged image of teeth
(iv) A concave mirror (d) image is erect and smaller in size than the object
(v) A concave lens (e) Used as a magnifying glass.
Q3. Choose the correct option which answers the followingquestion: (5X1)
a. Which of the following relations is correct?
(i) Speed = Distance × Time (ii) Speed = Distance/time (iii) Speed = Time/ Distance (iv) Speed = 1/ distance X Time
b. The basic unit of speed is:
(i) Km/min (ii) m/min (iii) Km/Hr (iv) m/s
C. A car moves with a speed of 40 km/h for 15 minutes and then with a speed of 60 km/h for the next 15 minutes.
The total distance covered by the car is:
(a) 100 km (b) 25 km (c) 15 km (d) 10 km
d. Periodic motion is not done by
(i) Simple pendulum (ii) motion of earth (iii) motion of moon (iv) motion of car
e. The Odometer of vehicle measures
(a) Time (b) Speed (c) Distance (d) None of the above
Q4. Draw the symbols of following electric components.(5X1)
(a) Electric cell (b) Electric bulb (c) Switch in ‘ON’ position (d) Switch in ‘OFF’ position (e) Battery
a. How does the process of fertilisation take place in flowers?
b. What is a virtual image? Give one situation where a virtual image is formed.
c. State two differences between a convex lens and a concave lens.


1 Name and explain any two effects of electric current.
2 Sketch the reproductive parts of a flower .
3 The distance between two stations is 240 km. A train takes 4 hours to cover this distance. Calculate the speed
of the train.
Q7. Comprehension based Questions ( 5 marks)
We are quite familiar with an electric bell. It has an electromagnet in it.Let us see how it works. It consists of a coil of
wire wound on an iron piece. The coil acts as an electromagnet. An iron strip with a hammer at one end is kept close
to the electromagnet. There is a contact screw near the iron strip. When the iron strip is in contact with the screw,
the current flows through the coil which becomes an electromagnet. It, then, pulls the iron strip. In the process, the
hammer at the end of the strip strikes the gong of the bell to produce a sound. However, when the electromagnet
pulls the iron strip, it also breaks the circuit. The current through the coil stop flowing. Will the coil remain an
electromagnet? The coil is no longer an electromagnet. It no longer attracts the iron strip. The iron strip comes back
to its original position and touches the contact screw again. This completes the circuit. The current flows in the coil
and the hammer strikes the gong again. This process is repeated in quick succession. The hammer strikes the gong
every time the circuit is completed. This is how the bell rings.

Q 1: When electromagnet work

(a) It is permanent magnet (b) It acts when current is passed
(c) It can act as magnet without passing current (d) none of above
Q 2: What is the principle of working of electric bell
(a) Passing electric current (b) working of electromagnet
( c) striking of hammer on gong (d) none
Q 3: Which element makes contact between electromagnet and battery?
(a) Iron strip (b) screw (c) gong (d) switch
Q 4: electromagnet consists of
(a) Coil of wire wound on wood (b) coil of wire wound on copper
(c) coil of wire wound on iron (d) none
Q 5: Which is correct statement?
(a) No contact between gong and hammer
(b) current continuously flows in electromagnet
(c) current not continuously flows in electromagnet
(d) iron strip attracts electromagnet

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