Base II Clearing Pc Ep for Windows Release 4 Users Guide

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BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package

for Windows
User Guide

Effective: 15 April 2023

Release 4

Visa Supplemental Requirements

© 2010-2023 Visa. All Rights Reserved.

Visa Confidential
Important Information on Confidentiality and Copyright

Notice: The Visa Confidential label signifies that the information in this document is proprietary and CONFIDENTIAL
to Visa. It is distributed to Visa participants for use exclusively in managing their Visa programs. It must not be
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This document is a supplement of the Visa Core Rules and Visa Product and Service Rules. In the event of any conflict
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contact your Visa representative.
Chapter 1 • Edit Package for Windows Release 4 Overview
PC Edit Package for Windows Update Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Edit Package Table File Updates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Business Release Updates and Specification Files for Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Edit Package New Releases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

BASE II Documentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Visa Technical Support for Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Contacting Visa Technical Support about Edit Package Issues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Chapter 2 • Before You Begin with Edit Package for Windows Release 4
Edit Package Supported Operating Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Edit Package Main Window. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Edit Package Main Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Edit Package Roadmap Navigator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Edit Package Status Bar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Edit Package Online Help. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Edit Package Step-Lock Warnings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Causes of Step-Lock Warnings in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Edit Package About Log. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Access the About Log in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Edit Package Multi-User Functionality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Edit Package Localized Windows Operating System Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Edit Package Localized Regional Settings Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Edit Package Secure User Connection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Edit Package Secure Direct Exchange (DEX) Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Set the Visa Interface Type in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Chapter 3 • Edit Package for Windows Release 4 Processing Flows

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BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide

Edit Package for Windows Release 4 Processing Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Edit Package Incoming Interchange. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Edit Package Outgoing Interchange. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Chapter 4 • Edit Package for Windows Release 4 Roles and Responsibilities

Edit Package Administrator Responsibilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Edit Package Operator Responsibilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40

Chapter 5 • Assigning Edit Package Settings and Run Control Options

Edit Package Run Control Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42

Permanent vs. Temporary Run Control Options in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Edit Package Permanent Run Control Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Edit Package Temporary Run Control Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Edit Package Run Control Profiles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Types of Run Control Options in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Environmental Run Control Options in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Incoming Run Control Options in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Outgoing Run Control Options in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Edit Package Run Control Options Windows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Open Permanent Run Control Options Windows From the Main Menu in Edit Package 45

Open Run Control Options Windows in Temporary Mode From Run Setup Windows
in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Environmental Run Control Options in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Environmental Run Options Data Fields in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Environmental Run Options Buttons in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Incoming Run Control Options Settings in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Incoming Run Options Window, General Tab in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Run Control Profiles in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Incoming Run Options Window, General Tab Data Fields in Edit Package. . . . . . . 56

Incoming Run Options Window, Transaction-Based Reporting Tab in Edit Package. . . 58

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Incoming Run Options Window, Pass Options Tab in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . 59

Incoming Run Options Window Split By Criteria Tab in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . 59

Incoming Run Options Window Split By Account Tab in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . 61

Split By ACQ/ISS ID Criteria Tab in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Split By Product ID Criteria Tab in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Split By Settlement Type Criteria Tab in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

Split By Transaction Code Criteria in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

Incoming Run Options Window Buttons in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Outgoing Run Control Options Settings in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

Outgoing Run Options Window, General Tab in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . 69

Add, Copy, and Delete Run Control Profiles in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

Outgoing Run Options Window, General Tab Data Fields in Edit Package. . . . . . . 70

Outgoing Run Options Window, Transaction-Based Reporting Tab in Edit Package. . . 74

Outgoing Run Options, Item Tolerance Amounts Tab in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . 75

Outgoing Run Options, Force Post Tolerance Amounts Tab in Edit Package. . . . . . 76

Outgoing Run Options, Blank Tran ID Tolerance Amounts Tab in Edit Package. . . . . 77

Reports Tab, Outgoing Run Options in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

Outgoing Run Options Window Buttons in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

Edit Package Table Overrides. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

Permanent Table Overrides in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

Temporary Table Overrides in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

Types of Table Overrides and the Table Override Window Tabs in Edit Package. . . . . 80

VID and ARDEF Table Overrides in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

Open the Table Overrides Window in Permanent Mode in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . 81

Open the Table Overrides Window in Temporary Mode in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . 83

Setting VID Table Overrides in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

ACQ/ISS ID Overrides Tab Data Fields in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85

ACQ/ISS ID Overrides Tab Buttons in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

ACQ/ISS ID Table Overrides Tab List Box in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

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Setting ARDEF Table Overrides in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

ARDEF Table Overrides Tab Data Fields in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

ARDEF Table Overrides Tab Buttons in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

ARDEF Table Overrides Tab List Box in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

Setting OTHER Table Overrides in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

OTHER Table Overrides Tab Data Fields in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

OTHER Table Overrides Tab Buttons in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

OTHER Table Overrides Tab List Box in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

Table Overrides Window Buttons in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96

Edit Package Data Entry Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

Open the Data Entry Options Window in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

Data Entry Options Data Fields in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

Data Entry Options Buttons in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

Edit Package Report Archiving Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

Printer Selection in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

Open the Printer Selection Window in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

Visa Interface Type in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

Set the Visa Interface Type in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103

Miscellaneous Settings for Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

Chapter 6 • Browsing, Printing, and Archiving Edit Package Reports

Browse/Print Reports Window in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

Access Incoming Edit Run Reports in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

Browse a Report in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

Edit Package Report Printing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

Print All Edit Package Reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

Print a Single Edit Package Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

Print Selected Text in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

Archived Edit Package Reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .112

Retrieve Archived Edit Package Reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

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Chapter 7 • Execute an Incoming Edit Run With EA Server File Transfer

BASE II Incoming Interchange Transaction Process Using an EA Server File Transfer. . . . . . 114

Incoming Files Transfer in Edit Package Using an EA Server. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

Incoming ITFs Window Transfer in Edit Package Using an EA Server. . . . . . . . . . . . .116

Change the Default Secure EA Server in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

Files Available On List Box in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118

Transfer Incoming ITFs Function Buttons in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .118

Transfer Incoming ITFs from an EA Server in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

Log, File Directory, and File Details Function Buttons in Edit Package Using an EA Server. . 121

Close the Transfer Incoming ITFs Window in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122

Incoming Edit Package Run Setup Window Using an EA Server. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .122

Open the Incoming Edit Package Run Setup Window Using an EA Server. . . . . . . . 123

Select an RCO Profile for an Edit Run in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

Incoming Edit Run Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

Initiate Temporary Run Control Options and Table Overrides in Edit Package Using an EA
Server. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

ITFs Included In This Run in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126

Add EA Server ITFs in Edit package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127

Add User ITFs in Edit Package for EA Server File Transfer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128

Remove User ITFs in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129

Remove EA Server ITFs in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129

Execute an Incoming Edit Run Using an EA Server. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130

Incoming Edit Package Run Setup Function Buttons for EA Server File Transfer. . . . . . 132

Save Incoming CTFs Window in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136

Open the Save Incoming CTFs Window in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

Save CTFs in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138

Chapter 8 • Executing an Incoming Edit Run With Direct Exchange

BASE II Incoming Interchange Transaction Process Using Direct Exchange. . . . . . . . . . 140

Retrieve Incoming Files in Edit Package Using Direct Exchange. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

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BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide

Retrieve Incoming Files From DEX Window in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142

Open the Retrieve Incoming ITFs From DEX Window in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . 143

Files Available in Directory DEX List Box in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144

Retrieve Incoming ITFs From DEX Function Buttons in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . 144

Retrieve Incoming ITFs From DEX in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .146

View Log Function Button in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147

Close the Retrieve Incoming ITFs From DEX Window in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . 147

Incoming Edit Package Run Setup Window Using DEX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147

Open the Incoming Edit Package Run Setup Window Using DEX. . . . . . . . . . . . 148

Select an RCO Profile for an Edit Run in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149

Incoming Edit Run Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150

Initiate Temporary Run Control Options and Table Overrides in Edit Package Using Direct
Exchange. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150

ITFs Included In This Run in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152

Add DEX ITFs in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153

Add User ITFs with DEX in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155

Remove User ITFs in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156

Remove DEX ITFs in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .156

Execute an Incoming Edit Run Using Direct Exchange. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157

Incoming Edit Package Run Setup Function Buttons for Direct Exchange. . . . . . . . . 159

Save Incoming CTFs Window in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163

Open the Save Incoming CTFs Window in Edit Package Using Direct Exchange. . . . . . 164

Save CTFs in Edit Package with Direct Exchange. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166

Chapter 9 • Data Entry and Corrections in Edit Package

Data Entry and Corrections in Edit Package Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168

Data Entry and Corrections Windows in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170

Transactions Menu Item Selections in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170

Double-Click an Icon in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171

Data Entry Override Set Up in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171

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Data Entry Override (DEO) Selection in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .171

Data Entry Override Functions in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171

New Transactions Entry Window in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172

Create a New File in .WTF Format in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .173

Add a New Transaction Group in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177

Save the Transaction in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181

New Transaction Validation in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181

Edit Package Submenu Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186

Originals TreeNode Submenu Options in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187

File-Level Submenu Options in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187

Batch-Level Submenu Options in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188

Transaction-Level Submenu Options in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190

Collect Batches and Build Collection File Window in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . 190

Open the Collect Batches and Build Collection File Window in Edit Package. . . . . . . 191

Add a Batch to the Data Entry CTF in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192

Build a Data Entry CTF in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192

Collect Batches and Build Collection File Window Option Fields in Edit Package. . . . . .193

Collect Batches and Build Collection File Window Function Buttons in Edit Package. . . . 194

Data Entry CTF Save and Export in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195

Open the Save Data Entry CTF Window in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196

Save Data Entry CTFs in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197

Data Entry Batch Viewer and Utility Window in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199

Open the Data Entry Batch Viewer and Utility Window in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . 199

Batch Summary Portion in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200

Batch Summary Option Boxes in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201

Batch Summary Function Buttons in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202

Batch Summary List Box in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203

Open the Batch Details Portion in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .204

Batch Details Portion in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204

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Batch Details in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205

Batch Details Option Boxes in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206

Batch Details Function Buttons in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207

Batch Details List Box in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208

Chapter 10 • Outgoing Edit Run Execution With EA Server File Transfer

Outgoing Interchange Transactions to BASE II Process Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209

Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup Window. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210

Open the Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup Window. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211

Outgoing Edit Run Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213

Temporary Run Control Options and Table Overrides in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . 213

Include CTF/VMLs in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215

Execute an Outgoing Edit Run. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217

Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup Function Buttons Using EA Server. . . . . . . . . . 218

Select an RCO Profile for an Edit Run in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220

Outgoing ITF/VTF Transfer Process in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221

Transfer Outgoing ITFs Window in Edit Package Using EA Server. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221

Open the Transfer Outgoing ITFs Window in Edit Package Using EA Server. . . . . . . . 222

Files To Be Transferred to EA Server List Box in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223

Transfer Outgoing ITFs to EA Server Function Buttons in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . 223

Transfer Outgoing ITF/VTFs to an EA Server in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224

Log and File Directory Function Buttons in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226

Close the Transfer Outgoing ITFs Window in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227

Save Outgoing ITF Window in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228

Open the Save Outgoing ITFs Window in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229

Save ITF/VTFs in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230

Chapter 11 • Outgoing Edit Run Execution With Direct Exchange

Outgoing Interchange Transactions to BASE II Process Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232

Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup Window. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233

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Open the Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup Window. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234

Outgoing Edit Run Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236

Set Temporary Run Control Options and Table Overrides in Edit Package. . . . . . . . 236

Include CTFs/VMLs in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237

Execute an Outgoing Edit Run. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240

Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup Function Buttons Using Direct Exchange. . . . . . . 241

Select an RCO Profile for an Edit Run in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242

Outgoing ITFs/VTFs Transfer in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .243

Transfer Outgoing ITFs Window in Edit Package Using Direct Exchange. . . . . . . . . . . 243

Open the Transfer Outgoing ITFs to DEX Window in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . 244

Files To Be Transferred to Direct Exchange List Box in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . 245

Transfer Outgoing ITFs to DEX Function Buttons in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . 245

Transfer Outgoing ITFs to DEX in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247

View Log Function Button in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248

Close the Transfer Outgoing ITFs to DEX Window. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .248

The Save Outgoing ITF Window in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248

Open the Save Outgoing ITFs Window in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249

Save ITFs in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250

Chapter 12 • Edit Package Utility Menu Functions and Tasks

Edit Package Table File Extraction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251

Edit Package Table Extract Utility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251

Apply Table Updates Utility in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252

Apply Table Updates in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253

Edit Package Reports Access. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255

Generate History File Reports in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256

Generate Log Reports in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .258

Generate Table File Reports in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259

Import From Host Edit Package Utility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260

Import Edit Package Tables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261

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BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide

Import Rejected and Returned Items in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263

Incoming Direct Exchange ITF Selection Window in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264

Perform Incoming DEX File Maintenance in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265

Chapter 13 • Edit Package Tools Menu Functions

Switch BASE II CIBs Without Logoff in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266

Initiate a BASE II CIB Switch in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267

BASE II CIB Switch in Edit Package Troubleshooting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270

Switch BASE II CIB From Production Mode to Test Mode in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . 270

Switch a BASE II CIB From EA Server to Direct Exchange (DEX) in Edit Package. . . . . . 270

Edit Package System Log. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271

EAS Internet Logs in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272

The EA EFS Tool in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274

Edit Package About Log. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276

View the About Log in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277

Edit Package Operator Logs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277

Chapter 14 • Edit Package Application Configurations

Administrative Function in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .279

Invoke the Administration Function in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280

Operator ID Configuration in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281

First Logon After Edit Package Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281

Add a New Operator ID in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283

Edit an Existing Operator ID in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284

Delete an Operator in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285

Select Edit Package Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286

Use Operator Profiles in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286

Set Transaction Code Access in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286

Set Up BASE II CIB in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286

Add a New BASE II CIB in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 12

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide

Edit an Existing BASE II CIB in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288

Delete a BASE II CIB in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288

Activity Monitor and Lock-Monitor in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288

Access the Activity Monitor and Lock-Monitor in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . 289

Activity Monitor and Lock-Monitor Features in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290

Edit Package Lock-Monitor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .290

Synchronize the Multi-User Environment Using Locks in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . 291

Edit Package Lock Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292

Configure an EA Server in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292

Add a New EA Server in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294

Change an Existing EA Server in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294

Delete an EA Server in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295

VFG File Transfer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .295

Secure User Connection Feature in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301

Set Up a Secure User Connection in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302

Supported EAS Interfaces List in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303

Transfer Files Using Secure User Connection in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306

Secure Direct Exchange Interface Setup in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307

Set Up Secure DEX Interface in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308

Additional DEX Hardware and Software Requirements for Edit Package. . . . . . . . . 309

Additional DEX Installation Steps for Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310

Secure DEX Interface Setup Parameters for Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .310

Add a New Secure DEX Interface in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313

Change an Existing Secure DEX in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316

Delete a Secure DEX in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317

Transfer Files Using Secure DEX Interface in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317

Edit Package Batch Facility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318

Use the Batch Facility in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319

Batch Procedures in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .319

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 13

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide

Logical Execution Groups in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320

Edit Package Batch Procedure Preparatory Steps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321

Add Batch Procedure Wizard in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .323

Add Batch Procedure Wizard Navigation in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323

Batch Procedure Name Selection in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324

Select BASE II CIB – If More Than One CIB Exists in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . 325

Select Batch Procedure Job Steps in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326

Specify Table Output Location in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327

Import Edit Package Tables Location. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328

Specify File Transfer Type in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329

Specify Customized Delivery File Transfer in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . 330

Select a Run Control Option Profile in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334

Specify ITF and CTF Locations in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334

Retain Edit Package Batch History. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .337

Continue Return Code in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .338

Overwrite Incoming CTFs in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338

Add Batch Procedure in Edit Package Complete. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .340

Edit Package Maintain Batch Procedures Function. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340

General Tab in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342

Details Tab in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343

Select a Custom Delivery File Transfer in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346

Add a Pull Key in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348

Maintain Batch Procedure Extracts Tab in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348

Add, Change, and Copy Mode in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348

View Mode in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350

Table Extract Details Window in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350

Edit Package Reports Tab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351

Reports Tab Change Mode in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352

Reports Tab View Mode in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 14

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide

Table Report Details Window in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355

Submit Batch Job Button in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355

Batch Procedure Directory Path in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358

.BAT PC Execution File in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358

Executing a .BAT File in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359

Use The Windows Scheduler in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359

View Completed Jobs in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362

Edit Package Batch Job Log. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364

Importing Rejected and Returned Items Generated by the Batch in Edit Package. . . . . 372

Edit Package Report Archiving. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373

Batch Facility in a Multi-User Environment in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373

Batch Incoming Edit Run Failure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373

Batch Incoming Edit Run Successful. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373

Batch Incoming Edit Run Purging. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .374

Edit Package Performance Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374

Appendix A • Installing PC Edit Package for Windows

PC Edit Package Installation Checklist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .376

Operational Requirements Check for Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378

PC Hardware and Software Requirements for Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379

Subscribe to Visa's Edit Package, Version 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .380

Instructions To Download PC Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .380

PC Edit Package for Windows Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384

Edit Package Installation Configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394

Remove Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395

Test the Edit Package Install. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395

Log On to Edit Package With the Test CIB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395

Execute an Outgoing Test Run in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396

Execute an Incoming Test Run in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 15

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide

Appendix B • PC Edit Package for Windows Tutorials

Test CIB Logon in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397

Start PC Edit Package for Windows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398

Log On to the Main Edit Package Application. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400

Set Up Data Entry Options in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .401

New Transaction Entry and Submission in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401

Enter New Transactions in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401

Reset Batch Status in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402

Build a CTF in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402

Start an Outgoing Edit Run Using Secure EAS or EAS Server. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403

Browse and Print Outgoing Edit Package Reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403

Transfer the New Outgoing ITF to Secure EAS or EAS Server in Edit Package. . . . . . . 404

Transaction Error Correction and Resubmission in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404

Correct Transaction Errors in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405

Remove Transactions From a Batch in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405

Build a New CTF in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405

Start an Outgoing Edit Run. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406

Transfer the Existing Outgoing ITF to Secure EAS or EAS Server in Edit Package. . . . . . 406

Incoming Edit Run Using a Secure EAS or EAS Server. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407

Transfer Incoming ITFs From Secure EAS or EAS Server in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . 407

Start an Incoming Edit Run. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407

Save Incoming CTFs in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408

Set Up Data Entry Options Testing in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409

Congratulations!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .409

Appendix C • Multi-User Configuration in Edit Package

Multi-User Configuration in Edit Package Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .410

Edit Package Installation Instructions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411

Install EP Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412

Install EP Workstations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 16

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide

Edit Package Folders Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432

Edit Package Folder Locations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432

Edit Package Folder Naming Conventions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433

Edit Package Folders Creation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433

Single-User Configuration Folder Creation in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . 433

Multi-User Configuration Folder Creation in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . 433

Important Edit Package Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .433

Edit Package Configuration Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434

Edit Package Specification Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435

Administrative Functions in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435

Synchronizing the Multi-User Environment in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436

Edit Package Lock Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436

Edit Package Lock Monitor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .437

Edit Package Administrator Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437

Test Edit Package Configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437

Install Edit Package on Operator Workstations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438

Appendix D • Edit Package Application System Files

Edit Package Report Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439

Edit Package Member-Maintained Configuration Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440

Edit Package Extract Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440

Edit Package Business Specification Files (SPEC Files). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441

Alphabetic List of Edit Package Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441

Appendix E • Using Edit Package Online Help

Open Edit Package Online Help and Print Help Topics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455

Appendix F • Troubleshooting Edit Package

Use the EPSERVER Log. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456

Use the Edit Package About Log. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 17

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide

Resolve Errors for Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457

Appendix G • Edit Package Messages and Codes

General Edit Package Messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459

Edit Package Application Messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459

Edit Package Run-Time Errors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460

EP SERVER Messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .461

Incoming Edit Package Messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461

00 Successful Completion of Incoming Run. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461

04 Table Update Errors, Interchange Transaction File, and Reports Created. . . . . . . . 462

8 TC 54 Sequence Error. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462

16 Unsuccessful Completion of Incoming Run. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462

Outgoing Edit Package Messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462

00 Successful Completion of Outgoing Run. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462

02 Successful Completion of Outgoing Run With Warnings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463

04 Successful Completion of Outgoing Run With Rejects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463

16 Unsuccessful Completion of Outgoing Run. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463

Appendix H • Miscellaneous Edit Package Utilities

UXFILE - General File Conversion Utility in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464

Text File Format in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464

Binary File Format in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465

Using UXFILE in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465

Command Line Parameters in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465

Examples of File Conversions in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466

Backup Restore Tool in Edit Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467

Edit Package Backup Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469

Edit Package Restore Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471

BASE II Glossary

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 18

Chapter 1
Edit Package for Windows Release
4 Overview

This is an overview of PC Edit Package for Windows processing. It describes the system,
responsibilities of administrators and operators, and the support for non-English operating systems
and regional settings. It also explains how to sign on, introduces the Roadmap Navigator, and briefly
explains about using online Help, browsing and printing PC Edit Package for Windows reports, step-
lock warning messages, and viewing the About Log.
This information is intended for systems administrators and operators using PC workstations and
Windows operating systems.

PC Edit Package for Windows Update


15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 19

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Edit Package for Windows Release 4 Overview

Edit Package Table File Updates

PC Edit Package for Windows uses table files to edit data within transactions. These files are updated
daily by TC 54s that are included in delivery files. When TC 54s are included in an incoming edit run,
the system is automatically updated.

Business Release Updates and Specification Files

for Edit Package
The VisaNet System is usually updated every April and October with business enhancements. Within
PC Edit Package for Windows, some of these enhancements are contained in the repository table
files, while the code and data entry files are in updated Microsoft Windows Installer (.msi) files.

Edit Package New Releases

Major changes to the functionality and user interfaces of PC Edit Package for Windows require that
the application be reinstalled.

BASE II Documentation
The following documentation is available.
l Edit Package for Windows Online Help
l BASE II Clearing Data Codes
l BASE II Clearing Edit Package Messages Reference Guide - Release 4
l BASE II Clearing Edit Package Operations Guide - Release 4
l BASE II Clearing Edit Package Reports Reference Guide - Release 4
l BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows User Guide - Release 4
l BASE II Clearing Interchange Formats, TC 01 to TC 49
l BASE II Clearing Interchange Formats, TC 50 to TC 92
l Visa Core Rules and Visa Product and Service Rules
l Visa Merchant Data Standards Manual
VML is no longer supported.

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 20

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Edit Package for Windows Release 4 Overview

Visa Technical Support for Edit

Before contacting Visa Technical Support, you should have various user and system information
available for the support technician.
l Your name, title, phone number, fax number, email address, and job responsibilities.
l Basic information about your processing center, such as its name, client bank(s), location,
supervisor(s), phone number, fax number, and email address.
l A full description of the problem including the exact steps and operations you performed
before to the problem, as well as any steps taken to resolve the problem. The more complete
and concise the description is, the better Visa Technical Support will be able to assist you.
l The exact text, number, and source of all error messages relating to the problem.
l Information about the PC Edit Package for Windows application, such as the release version,
specification file version, BASE II CIB number, table file versions, and Windows operating
system (i.e., Windows Korean XP Pro). For easy access to this information, see the About Log.
l Any other information that could be pertinent or useful in resolving the problem. For
example, if the problem involved file transfers, your EAS version and IP Address could be
essential to resolving the problem.

Related Information
Edit Package About Log

Contacting Visa Technical Support about Edit

Package Issues
Some problems need Visa to help resolve. For example, when the Action portion of an error message
description says to contact Visa for support, you should contact your Visa representative.
XYGATE software, which is used by Direct Exchange (DEX) for file encryption, compression,
and transfer, is a third-party proprietary product that is licensed and supported by Visa. To
resolve XYGATE problems, refer to XYGATE technical documentation or contact Visa Technical
Support or your Visa representative with questions.

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 21

Chapter 2
Before You Begin with Edit Package
for Windows Release 4

Edit Package Supported Operating

Visa supplies Edit Package software that runs on these operating systems.

Stand-Alone Configuration

OS Version Svc Pack 32-bit 64-bit With HIS 2013 With HIS 2016

32-bit 64-bit 32-bit 64-bit

Win 8.1 Enterprise n/a N Y N Y N Y

Win 10 Enterprise SP1 Y Y N Y N Y

Server 2012 R2 Standard n/a N Y N Y N Y

Server 2016 R2 Standard n/a N Y N Y N Y

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 22

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Before You Begin with Edit Package for Windows Release 4

Server 2019 Standard n/a N Y N N N N

Server 2019 Enterprise n/a N Y N N N N

Client Server Configuration


2013 2016

OS Version Svc 32- 64-bit OS Version Svc 32- 64- 32- 64- 32- 64-
Pack bit Pack bit bit bit bit bit bit

Win Enterprise n/a N Y Server Standard n/a N Y N Y N Y

8.1 2012

Win Enterprise n/a N Y Server Standard n/a N Y N Y N Y

10 2012

Server Enterprise n/a N Y N Y N Y


All the operation systems and their specific versions listed in this table are recommended and
certified for use with Edit Package. Any other version of the same operating system (OS) that
is not listed in the table but has the same kernel level and support from Microsoft can also be
used for Edit Package. However, Visa does not guarantee support for any Microsoft operating
system-related issue and recommends only the certified versions.

Edit Package Main Window

The main window is the gateway to most of the functionality of PC Edit Package for Windows. The
administrative function coordinates access to many of the Edit Package features. These features are
maintaining operator IDs, maintaining BASE II CIBs, maintaining Direct Exchange (DEX), maintaining
Extended Access Server (EAS), the LAN monitor, maintaining batch facility procedures, and utilities.
There is a separate application for freeing locked resources.
PC Edit Package for Windows uses a graphical interface as well as menus to access application
functions. The main window has four main sections: the main menu, a tool bar, the Roadmap
Navigator, and a status bar.

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BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Before You Begin with Edit Package for Windows Release 4

Main Window PCEP

Edit Package Main Menu

Click a main menu option to provide access to these functions.

Main Menu

File Functions—Exiting the application.

Administration Functions—Setting up Operators, setting up a BASE II CIB, setting up an EA Server,
Setting up Direct Exchange (DEX), looking at log information in Activity Monitor.
Incoming Functions—Receiving ITF/VTF from a Secure EAS, Secure DEX or VFG setting temporary
incoming run control options, starting an incoming edit run, and browsing or printing incoming

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 24

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Before You Begin with Edit Package for Windows Release 4

Outgoing Functions—Initiating an outgoing edit run, setting temporary outgoing run control
options, browsing or printing reports, and transferring an ITF/VTF to a Secure EAS, Secure DEX or
Transactions Functions—Entering new transaction data, correcting rejected and returned
transactions, selecting and building batches for inclusion in a Center Transaction File (CTF/VML), and
managing batches of transactions.
Utilities Functions—Performing "housekeeping" tasks such as file initialization and recovery,
extracting files, generating file reports, and importing table files.
Tools Functions—Toggling the Roadmap Navigator on or off and viewing the EPSERVER log or
Direct Exchange (XYGATE) log.
Settings Functions—Setting permanent run control options, setting Windows display options,
designating file locations, setting data entry options, setting report archiving options, and selecting
Help Functions—Browsing Online Help and viewing the About Log.

Edit Package Roadmap Navigator

Use the Roadmap Navigator to access PC Edit Package for Windows functions and obtain status
The navigation picture will reflect Secure DEX or Secure EAS depending on the Interface Type
selected from Settings > Interface Type in the main menu.
To access functions using the Roadmap Navigator, click the appropriate icon, as illustrated.

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 25

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Before You Begin with Edit Package for Windows Release 4

Roadmap Navigator (for Secure DEX File Transfer)

The Roadmap Navigator is a GUI as well as a menu.

1. As a GUI, functions of Edit Package processing are displayed with Outgoing processing
shown on the left side of the screen and Incoming processing functions on the right side of
the screen.
Position the pointer over the Roadmap Navigator icons to display pertinent processing
For example, if the cursor is placed on the Outgoing side of the Navigator, over the CTF icon,
the description of the function “Start Outgoing Run” will appear at the top of the Navigator
2. The Navigator can also be used as a Menu.
Click on an icon or text label (single click) to open the function that icon refers to.
For example, if the cursor is single-clicked on the Outgoing side of the Navigator, over the
CTF icon, the “Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup Initial Display” window will appear.

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 26

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Before You Begin with Edit Package for Windows Release 4

Edit Package Status Bar

The status bar reflects the status of the current process and basic processing information. It is always
displayed at the bottom of the window.

Roadmap Navigator Status Information

Edit Package Online Help

The online Help system included with BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows (Release 4) User
Guide provides a link to this manual.

Edit Package Step-Lock Warnings

PC Edit Package for Windows generates step-lock warnings when a user tries to perform an
operation that is not the next logical step in processing. The warning appears as a pop-up window
which describes the process in question. In most cases, a step-lock warning screen means that data
may be lost or overwritten if the attempted operation is performed.

Causes of Step-Lock Warnings in Edit Package

Step-lock warning screens usually appear when a user is processing outgoing and incoming
interchange files. For example, a step-lock warning is generated whenever a user creates a CTF/VML
from data entry batches before the previously created data entry CTF/VML has been processed by an
outgoing edit run.
Actions during which step-lock warnings may also occur include:
l Loading one or more CTF/VMLs or ITF/VTFs.
l Beginning an outgoing or incoming edit run.
l Transferring an ITF/VTF to a Secure EAS, Secure DEX or VFG.
l Saving an ITF/VTF to the hard disk or to a floppy disk.
l Unloading one or more incoming CTF/VMLs.

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 27

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Before You Begin with Edit Package for Windows Release 4

Step-Lock Warning Message

Edit Package About Log

The About Log is important for problem resolution, troubleshooting, and debugging.
It includes:
l PC Operating System version
l Service Pack information
l Number of processors on the PC
l Build version
l Successful Installation completion message

Access the About Log in Edit Package

Use this procedure to access the About Log. Select Help > About the PC Edit Package from the
main menu.
A window displaying the About Log appears.

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 28

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Before You Begin with Edit Package for Windows Release 4

Help Menu

About Log

Edit Package Multi-User Functionality

Multi-user functionality refers to the installation and configuration of multiple PC Edit Package for
Windows workstations, operating cooperatively and in synchronization with each other on a
common network. The PC Edit Package for Windows multi-user configuration is based on peer-to-
peer synchronization instead of a client-server orientation, so it does not require a network server.
Configuring more than one BASE II CIB is not the same as a multi-user configuration; it can
be done for either a single or multi-user configuration. In a multi-user configuration, multiple

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 29

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Before You Begin with Edit Package for Windows Release 4

users can be logged on to the same BASE II CIB, or to any other BASE II CIB, in any

Related Information
Multi-User Configuration in Edit Package

Edit Package Localized Windows

Operating System Support
PC Edit Package for Windows can be installed and run on workstations with localized Windows
operating systems, such as Japanese Windows 7. The application will run on the supported version of
Microsoft Windows operating system where the regional settings are in local formats; however,
within the application, all headings, messages, titles, captions, Help screens, date and time formats,
and data are displayed in English.
Microsoft may discontinue supporting an operating system or include others at any time.
Multilingual User Interface (MUI), a package from Microsoft that allows each user to select the
Windows language, is not currently supported. Multilingual User Interface Pack is a set of language-
specific resource files that can be added to the English version of Windows Professional. When
installed on the English version of Windows, MUI allows the user interface language of the operating
system to be changed according to the preferences of individual users to one of the 33 supported
Clients that will be processing draft transactions that contain TCR 2 records for Japan (country code
JP) or South Korea (country code KR) will have to install Host Integration Server 2013 or HIS 2016.
Host Integration Server is required to convert double-byte characters, such as Japanese Kanji and
Korean Hangul, from EBCDIC to ASCII and ASCII to EBCDIC. If Host Integration Server is not installed
and draft transactions that include TCR 2 records for Japan (country code JP) or South Korea
(country code KR) are processed in an Incoming or Outgoing run, it will fail with a return code of 16
with a message that “NLS conversion failed”.

Related Information
Edit Package Supported Operating Systems

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 30

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Before You Begin with Edit Package for Windows Release 4

Edit Package Localized Regional Settings Support

Regional settings for a workstation's date, time, currency, and numbering system exist within all
Windows operating systems. For example, the regional settings for English Windows 7 can be set to
Norwegian date and time formats.
While all localized regional settings are supported, only dates and times in the Gregorian calendar
can be used with PC Edit Package for Windows. For example, the Thai calendar year differs from the
Gregorian calendar, so PC Edit Package for Windows will not function properly when regional
settings are set to Thai dates.
Multilingual User Interface (MUI), a package from Microsoft that allows each user to select
the Windows language, is not currently supported.

Edit Package Secure User Connection

The option to use a secure connection to an EA Server is available in Edit Package. Most FTPS
products that are RFC 4217-compliant and support a command line (scripting) interface should be
able to be configured to work with the Edit Package. See EAS Endpoint Guide September 2009 for
setup information.

Related Information
Secure User Connection Feature in Edit Package

Edit Package Secure Direct Exchange

(DEX) Interface
The option to use FTPS to transfer files to DEX is available in Edit Package. FTPS products that are
RFC 4217/RFC 2228 compliant and support a command line (scripting) interface and TLS 1.1 or later
can be configured to work with the Edit Package. See Visa Direct Exchange Open File Delivery Service
Implementation Guide (20 March 2015 or later) for more information about channel encryption using

Related Information
Secure Direct Exchange Interface Setup in Edit Package

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 31

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Before You Begin with Edit Package for Windows Release 4

Set the Visa Interface Type in Edit Package

Use this procedure to set the Visa Interface Type. Select Settings > Visa Interface Type from the
main menu, as shown.

Settings Menu Visa Interface Type

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 32

Chapter 3
Edit Package for Windows Release
4 Processing Flows

Edit Package for Windows Release 4

Processing Overview
PC Edit Package for Windows is software used by processing centers to process daily Visa transaction
files on a PC. These Visa transaction files are communicated from a processing center's internal
payment processing systems to the BASE II System via the Visa Extended Access Server (EAS), or
Direct Exchange (DEX).
The Visa Extended Access Server is the next-generation gateway to Visa products and
services, replacing legacy VisaNet Access Points (VAPs). The EA Server is based on a hardened
version of the Solaris 10 operating system, improving security and providing a robust
platform for future updates.
Unless noted otherwise, references to Visa Extended Access Server also apply to EA Server using
Secure Member Connection (FTPS) and references to Direct Exchange (DEX) also apply to Secure
Direct Exchange (FTPS).

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BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Edit Package for Windows Release 4 Processing Flows

How PC Edit Package for Windows fits into the overall VisaNet System is illustrated. Although two
separate processing centers are shown, both outgoing and incoming interchange processes usually
occur in the same processing center.

System Overview PCEP

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BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Edit Package for Windows Release 4 Processing Flows

Edit Package Incoming Interchange

The term incoming interchange refers to data moving from the VisaNet Interchange Center (VIC) to
the client's processing center and to customer billing.
Process the incoming files as soon as possible to ensure that any table update transactions (TC 54s)
are correctly applied to PC Edit Package for Windows table files. Process the incoming files in the
order they were received on the Visa Extended Access Server (EAS) or Direct Exchange.
1. The VIC sends clearing transactions in Interchange Transaction File (ITF/VTF) format to the
Secure EAS or Secure DEX.
2. The EA Server transfers the ITF/VTF to PC Edit Package for Windows either electronically or
by disk. PC Edit Package for Windows validates the transactions and converts them to Center
Transaction File (CTF/VML) format.
3. PC Edit Package for Windows sends the CTF/VML to the processing center computer
(through File Transfer Utility or disk) where it is processed by the center's post-edit software.

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Edit Package for Windows Release 4 Processing Flows

Incoming Interchange Process

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 36

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Edit Package for Windows Release 4 Processing Flows

Edit Package Outgoing Interchange

The term outgoing interchange refers to the movement of electronic data from the client's processing
center to the VIC. PC Edit Package for Windows has two distinct transaction functions: validation and
data entry. The flow of electronic data from the client's processing center to the VIC is illustrated.
1. The processing center's pre-edit software formats the transaction data into a CTF/VML.
2. The client's computer transfers the CTF/VML to PC Edit Package for Windows, which validates
the information and ensures that it is free of common errors.
3. If a transaction has data errors, it fails PC Edit Package for Windows' validation and is placed
in a reject batch on disk to be corrected. After correcting each transaction, build a CTF/VML
and re-send it through PC Edit Package for Windows's validation procedure.
4. If there were any returned transactions from a previous incoming run, correct them and
include them in a CTF/VML to go through the validation procedure.
5. Once the transactions have been validated, PC Edit Package for Windows builds an ITF/VTF
and sends it, either electronically or by disk, to an EA Server (EAS) or Direct Exchange (DEX).
6. The EA Server transmits the ITF/VTF to the VIC at a predetermined collection time.

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BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Edit Package for Windows Release 4 Processing Flows

Outgoing Interchange Process

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 38

Chapter 4
Edit Package for Windows Release
4 Roles and Responsibilities

Edit Package Administrator

Processing centers with multiple operators designate one or more persons as the System
Administrator for PC Edit Package for Windows. In addition to regular operator responsibilities, this
person has the following administrative responsibilities:
l Setting up Secure EAS, Secure DEX or VFG.
l Setting up BASE II CIB data folders.
l Managing a multi-user (multi-operator) PC Edit Package for Windows LAN environment.
l Adding and removing operator IDs.
l Designating operator modes and access levels.
l Ensuring that run control options are set correctly.
l Ensuring that table and file updates are performed in a timely manner.

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 39

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Edit Package for Windows Release 4 Roles and Responsibilities

l Mentoring new operators.

l Assisting operators in resolving problems.
l If secure EA Server, configuring the client-selected FTPS product.
For the PC Edit Package for Windows (Release 4), EAS and Direct Exchange passwords for
data at rest will be automatically encrypted. However, it will continue to be the endpoint's
responsibility to be PCI-compliant. This compliance may include the setup and maintenance
of third-party software for the compression and encryption of all incoming and outgoing

Edit Package Operator

If a client's processing center has multiple operators, one person is designated as the PC Edit
Package for Windows System Administrator. By default, the Windows logon ID used when Edit
Package is installed becomes the Administrator.
A PC Edit Package for Windows operator performs the tasks shown in the figure and those listed:
l Initiating each incoming edit run of ITF/VTFs from the VIC.
l Setting temporary run control options that override permanent options and govern the PC
environment for a single processing run.
l Correcting any transactions that were returned from the VIC and creating a CTF/VML to be
validated by a subsequent outgoing edit run.
l Receiving the outgoing CTF/VMLs from the processing center's pre-edit computer software
so PC Edit Package for Windows can validate the information during an outgoing edit run.
l Adding transactions to a new or existing batch and creating a CTF/VML for input to an
outgoing edit run.
l Correcting any transactions rejected by the outgoing edit run and creating a CTF/VML for re-
entry into an outgoing edit run.
l Preparing outgoing interchange for transmission to the VIC.
l Browsing or printing reports.

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BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Edit Package for Windows Release 4 Roles and Responsibilities

PC Edit Package for Windows Operator Responsibilities

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 41

Chapter 5
Assigning Edit Package Settings
and Run Control Options

The Edit Package provides extensive flexibility through the use of run control options. These options
allow processing centers to execute the Edit Package in a way best suited to their individual
processing needs. A default set of Run Control options is supplied with the Edit Package software
which contains Incoming and Outgoing settings. The processing center can update the default
options at any time, either permanently or temporarily.
Users must choose permanent run control options, data entry options, and report archiving options
the first time the main application is run after installation, or when expwin400.exe.Config has
been lost or corrupted. Permanent settings, options, and table overrides may be changed at any

Edit Package Run Control Options

Run control options are used to customize processing for incoming and outgoing edit runs. A set of
run control options can be stored in a run control profile and are created and maintained from
Settings > Run Control Options on the main menu. These run control profiles are stored in
PROFILE.RCO.TXT, which resides at the application level, meaning that all Outgoing run control
profiles are available to all BASE II CIBs for Outgoing Edit runs; the same applies to Incoming run
control profiles. At the beginning of every outgoing or incoming edit run, all run control options are

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 42

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Assigning Edit Package Settings and Run Control Options

automatically validated. If any invalid run control options are detected, warning or error messages are
written to the Log File and the run may be discontinued.

Permanent vs. Temporary Run Control Options in

Edit Package
Permanent run control options are applied to incoming and outgoing edit runs unless overridden by
temporary run control options. Temporary options remain in effect only while the Outgoing Edit
Package Run Setup or Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window is open.
The same windows are used for setting permanent and temporary run control options. When setting
temporary run control options, the word "Temporary" appears in the window's title. Whether a
window is being used to set permanent or temporary run control options is determined by how it
was opened.

Edit Package Permanent Run Control Options

Once they are set, permanent run control options remain in effect for all incoming or outgoing edit
runs, unless overridden by temporary run control options. If changed, the change remains in effect
for all subsequent edit runs.
Permanent run control options must be set the first time the main application is run after installation
or when EPWin400.exe.Config has been lost or corrupted. However, changes can be made at any
time from Settings > Run Control Options on the main menu.

Edit Package Temporary Run Control Options

Temporary run control options are set while either the Incoming Edit Package Run Setup or the
Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup windows are open and are used to override permanent run control
options. When either of these windows is closed, all temporary run control options are lost.
To add or change temporary run control options, choose the appropriate button from the Override
Run Control Options box on the incoming or outgoing setup window.
When any of the windows used for setting run control options in temporary mode is open, users can
open any of the other windows for setting run control options in temporary mode by choosing
another temporary run control options button.

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 43

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Assigning Edit Package Settings and Run Control Options

Edit Package Run Control Profiles

Run Control Profiles is a feature that allows saving and naming sets of run control options.
Examples of uses for run control profiles include:
l Saving a test profile and also a production profile
l An internal testing profile and also a VCMS testing profile
l Profiles for specific transaction types
l An Online edit run profile and also a Batch edit run profile
l Historical reference: saving present settings in case they may be needed in the future

Types of Run Control Options in Edit Package

There are three types of run control options.

Environmental Run Control Options in Edit Package

The functions of environmental run control options are described.
l Specify details about the processing center and BASE II CIB.
l Are used for both incoming and outgoing edit runs.
l Designate the formats for dates, times and numbering on incoming and outgoing reports.
l Set various options for how reports are sorted and how exception items are reported.
l Set retention period and purging option for the Edit Package history file.

Incoming Run Control Options in Edit Package

The functions of incoming run control options are described.
l Apply only to incoming edit runs.
l Specify options for returned items, file headers, transaction report mediums and fee
transaction reports.
l Designate which transaction-based reports the system generates during an incoming edit
l Designate which transactions are passed from incoming files Interchange Transaction Files
(ITFs) or VML Transaction Files (VTFs) to Center Transaction Files (CTFs) or Visa Markup
Language files (VMLs).
l Split specific incoming transactions into various CTFs/VMLs.
l Save multiple run control options settings for future use in the run control profile feature.

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 44

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Assigning Edit Package Settings and Run Control Options

Outgoing Run Control Options in Edit Package

The functions of outgoing run control options are described.
l Apply only to outgoing edit runs.
l Specify parameters for duplicate batch detection, error thresholds, ITF/VTF and batch file
capacities, file header information, run-level tolerance checking, and rejected item file
l Designate which transaction-based reports are generated during an outgoing edit run.
l Specify item tolerance amount settings for various currencies.
l Save multiple run control options settings for future use in the run control profile feature.

Edit Package Run Control Options Windows

Three windows are used to set run control options in permanent and temporary mode. One window
sets environmental options, one window sets incoming options, and one window sets outgoing
options. The word "Temporary" appears in the title of these windows when in temporary mode.
Other than the options being either temporary or permanent, there is no difference in function.
Whether these windows are being used to set permanent or temporary run control options is
determined by how they are opened.

Open Permanent Run Control Options Windows From the Main Menu
in Edit Package
Use this procedure to open the windows for setting run control options in permanent mode. Click
Environmental, Outgoing or Incoming from Settings > Run Control Options on the main menu.

Settings Menu Run Control Options

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 45

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Assigning Edit Package Settings and Run Control Options

The Environmental Run Options window in permanent mode appears.

Environmental Permanent

Open Run Control Options Windows in Temporary Mode From Run

Setup Windows in Edit Package
Either the Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window or Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window
must be open to open run control options windows in temporary mode. An easy way to open these
windows is to double-click either the Outgoing or Incoming heading in the middle of the Roadmap
Temporary outgoing run control options can only be set from the Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup
window, and temporary incoming run control options can only be set from only the Incoming Edit
Package Run Setup window. Because they are used for both incoming and outgoing edit runs,
temporary environmental run control options can be set from either run setup window.
Buttons for opening the environmental, outgoing and incoming options windows in temporary mode
are on the Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window and Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window.

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 46

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Assigning Edit Package Settings and Run Control Options

The displayed example shows the Override Run Control Options box in the middle of the Outgoing
Edit Package Run Setup window. Because this example is for an outgoing edit run, a button for
opening the Incoming Run Control Options window is not included.

Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup Window

When any of the windows used for setting temporary run control options is open, users can open
any of the other windows for setting run control options in temporary mode by choosing a button
under the Run Control Options heading in the middle of the window.
The Run Control Options heading and buttons are displayed in the lower-right corner of the
Environmental Run Control Options – Temporary window. Because this example is for an outgoing
edit run, the button for opening the Incoming Run Control Options window has been disabled.

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 47

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Assigning Edit Package Settings and Run Control Options

Environmental Run Options – Temporary Window

After temporary environmental run control options have been set, the caption of the
Environment button in the Override Run Control Options box of the Outgoing Edit Package
Run Setup or Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window will appear in green.

Environmental Run Control Options in Edit

The same environmental run control options are used for incoming and for outgoing edit runs.
Temporary and permanent environmental run control options are identical.
The word "Temporary" appears in the title of windows used to set temporary run control options and
the settings override the permanent environmental run control options. All temporary run control
options are lost when the Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup or the Incoming Edit Package Run Setup
window is closed.

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 48

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Assigning Edit Package Settings and Run Control Options

To open the Environmental Run Options window in Permanent mode, select Settings > Run Control
Options > Environmental on the main menu.

Settings Menu – Run Control Options – Environmental

To open the Environmental Run Options - Temporary window, click the Environment button on the
Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window.

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 49

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Assigning Edit Package Settings and Run Control Options

Incoming Edit Package Run Setup Window

Environmental Run Options Data Fields in Edit Package

The following table describes each field on the Environmental Run Options window. Keywords can be
used to find detailed descriptions in BASE II Clearing Edit Package (Release 4) Operations Guide.

Environmental Run Control Options

Run Control Option Keywords Purpose

Processing Center ID

Center Name CENTRNAME Processing center's name.

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 50

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Assigning Edit Package Settings and Run Control Options

Environmental Run Control Options

Run Control Option Keywords Purpose

BASE II CIB CENTRBIN Defines the processing center's BASE II Identi­

fication Number.

Security Code CENTRCODE Processing center's security code.

Internal Appl ID INTERNAL Identifies Visa's internal application that uses

PC Edit Package for Windows.

Note: Clients never have an internal

application ID and should leave this
field blank.


Date Format DATEFORMAT Date format for outgoing and incoming edit
run reports.

Date Separator DATESEP Date separator character for outgoing and

incoming edit run reports.

Time Separator TIMESEP Time separator character for outgoing and

incoming edit run reports.

Number Formats

Decimal Separator NUMDECSEP Decimal separator character for outgoing and

incoming edit run reports.

Thousands Separator NUMTHOUSEP Thousands separator character for outgoing

and incoming edit run reports.

Report Formats

Transaction Rpt. Sequence TRANRPTSEQ Transaction order for transaction specific and
general delivery reports. Transactions can be
reported either sorted by ACQ/ISS ID or in the
order they appear on input files.

Exception Rpt. Sequence EXCPRPTSEQ Transaction order for exception reports.

Transactions can be reported either sorted by
ACQ/ISS ID or in the order they appear on
input files.

Exception Rpt. Format EXCPRPTFMT Format for exception reports. Transactions can
either be formatted into discrete columns with
field names or unformatted exactly as they
appear in input files.

History File

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 51

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Assigning Edit Package Settings and Run Control Options

Environmental Run Control Options

Run Control Option Keywords Purpose

Retention Period HISTRETPD Number of calendar days that run, file, and
batch data (history information) is retained on
the Edit Package History File before it is
deleted during purge processing. Up to 100
days of history can be retained on the History

Purged During HISTPURGE Specifies whether history maintenance is to be

performed during an incoming or outgoing
edit run.

Bypass Business Edits Validate Enables the Business Rule Edits Bypass option
during an outgoing edit run.

Environmental Run Options Buttons in Edit Package

Each button in the Environmental Run Options window is described.

Environmental Run Options Buttons

Button Name Description

Save Accepts changes and closes the window.

Close Closes the window without saving changes.

Defaults Returns all fields to their default values.

Outgoing Opens the Outgoing Run Options window.

Note: This button is disabled in temporary mode during an incoming edit


Incoming Opens the Incoming Run Options window.

Note: This button is disabled in temporary mode during an outgoing edit


Table Overrides Opens the Table Overrides window.

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 52

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Assigning Edit Package Settings and Run Control Options

Incoming Run Control Options Settings in Edit

Incoming run control options are only used for incoming edit runs and are identical whether
permanent or temporary. Incoming run control settings can be named and saved as a run control
profile. Profiles are created in the Incoming Run Options screen on the General tab.
When "Temporary" appears in the title of the Incoming Run Options windows, the settings override
the permanent options. Temporary incoming run control options are lost when the Incoming Edit
Package Run Setup window is closed.
To open the Incoming Run Options window in Permanent mode, select Settings > Run Control
Options > Incoming from the main menu.

Settings Menu - Run Control Options Incoming Menu

To open the Incoming Run Options - Temporary window, click Incoming on the Incoming Edit
Package Run Setup window.

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 53

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Assigning Edit Package Settings and Run Control Options

Incoming Run Setup Window

After temporary incoming run control options have been set, the caption of the Incoming
button in the Override Run Control Options box of the Incoming Edit Package Run Setup
window will appear in green.

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BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Assigning Edit Package Settings and Run Control Options

Incoming Run Options Window, General Tab in Edit Package

The General tab of the Incoming Run Control Options window in permanent mode is shown.

Incoming Run Options (General Tab)

Run Control Profiles in Edit Package

Run Control Profiles is a feature of incoming run control options that allows saving and naming sets
of run control options.
Examples of uses for run control profiles include:
l Saving a test profile and also a production profile.
l An internal testing profile and also a VCMS testing profile.
l Profiles for specific transaction types.
l Online edit run profile and also a Batch edit run profile.
l Historical reference: saving present settings in case they may be needed in the future.
The Incoming Profiles field includes a list box of all the existing run control profiles.

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 55

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Assigning Edit Package Settings and Run Control Options

Add a Run Control Profile in Edit Package

Follow this procedure to add a run control profile.
1. Click Add in the Incoming profiles frame.
The Profile name field changes to allow a unique name.
2. Enter a name in the profile name field.
The default settings for ALL the tabs, general, transaction-based reports, pass options, split
by criteria will become active.
3. Change the setting on all tabs, as needed.
4. When finished, click Save.

The profile is added to the system and appears in the profile name list box.

Copy a Run Control Profile in Edit Package

Use this procedure to copy a run control profile.
1. To use the settings of an existing run control profile and give it a different name, select the
run control profile you want to copy.
2. Click Copy.
The profile is added to the system and appears in the profile name list box.
3. Change the settings, as needed.

Delete a Run Control Profile in Edit Package

Use this procedure to delete a run control profile. Click Delete to delete any run control profile from
the profile name list.
The run control profile is deleted and removed from the profile name list.

Incoming Run Options Window, General Tab Data Fields in Edit

The General tab of the Incoming Run Options window contains fields with corresponding keywords.
Keywords can be used to find detailed descriptions in BASE II Clearing Edit Package (Release 4)
Operations Guide.

Incoming Run Options – General Fields

Field Name Keyword Description

No Separate Returned File SAVERETURN Returned transaction are not written to a

separate file.

Separate Returned File in CTF Format SAVERETURN Writes returned transactions to a separate file.

Separate Returned File with TCR9 SAVERETURN Writes returned transactions to a separate file
with TCR9.

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Assigning Edit Package Settings and Run Control Options

Incoming Run Options – General Fields

Field Name Keyword Description

Include Header (TC90) on Incoming WRITEHFADR Creates a TC 90 header record on all incoming

File In DLLNAME Sets the PRS value for what type of file is
being read.

File Out DLLNAME Sets the BLD value for what type of file is
being written.

Fee Transaction Report

Report Only Visa-Originated Fee FEERPTFMT Incoming reports containing only Visa-
Transactions originated fee transactions are produced.

Report Only Non-Visa-Originated Fee FEERPTFMT Incoming reports containing only non-Visa
Transactions fee transactions are produced.

Combined Report of Visa-Originated FEERPTFMT Combined incoming reports containing Visa-

and non-Visa-Originated Fee originated and non-Visa-originated fee
Transactions transactions are produced.

Separate Reports of Visa-Originated FEERPTFMT Separate incoming reports containing Visa-

and non-Visa-Originated Fee originated fee transactions and non-Visa-
Transactions originated transactions are produced.

Split Incoming Interchange

Enabled When checked, the Split By Criteria is

activated and the Split By Transaction Code
Criteria tab is enabled.

Split By Criteria - Account Number SPLITBYARD Splits transactions from incoming ITFs into
Range separate CTFs based on the account range.

Split By Criteria - ACQ/ISS ID SPLITBYBIN Splits transactions from incoming ITFs into
separate CTFs based on the Destination

Split By Criteria - Product ID SPLITBYPID Splits transactions from incoming ITFs into
separate CTFs based on the product ID.

Split By Criteria - Settlement Flag SPLITBYSET Splits transactions from incoming ITFs into
separate CTFs based on the settlement flag.

Split By Criteria - Transaction Code SPLITBYTC Splits transactions from incoming ITFs into
separate CTFs based on the transaction code.

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Assigning Edit Package Settings and Run Control Options

Incoming Run Options Window, Transaction-Based Reporting Tab in

Edit Package
The Transaction-Based Reporting tab of the Incoming Run Control Options window in permanent
mode is shown.

Transaction-Based Reporting Tab, Incoming Run Options

Click the check box in front of each transaction type to activate or deactivate transaction-based
reporting for the transaction type during an outgoing edit run. Transaction-based reports will be
generated only for those transaction types that are checked. Only those transactions types whose
print option can be changed are included in the Selection list. Transaction types whose option cannot
be changed are listed in the Fixed Print Option Transaction box.
Some transaction-based reports can take up considerable disk space. This should be
accounted for when choosing the report archiving options.

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Assigning Edit Package Settings and Run Control Options

Related Information
Edit Package Report Archiving Options

Incoming Run Options Window, Pass Options Tab in Edit Package

The Pass Options tab of the Incoming Run Control Options window in permanent mode is shown.

Pass Options, Incoming Run Options

Click on the check box in front of the transaction types that you want to be passed to incoming CTFs.
Only those transactions types whose Pass Option can be changed are included in the Selection list.
Transaction types whose Pass Option cannot be changes are listed in the Fixed Pass Option
Transaction box.

Incoming Run Options Window Split By Criteria Tab in Edit Package

The fourth tab of the Incoming Run Control Options window can be used to split transactions from
incoming ITFs into in separate CTFs. Up to 25 CTFs can be designated. The tab is activated when the

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Enabled check box in the Split Incoming Interchange box of the General tab is checked, as shown in
the next figure.
The title of the Split By Criteria tab will change to the type of Split By Criteria selected in the General
Tab split incoming interchange frame.
Only one split by criterion can be used at a time, that is, transactions can be split by Account Number
Range, or ACQ/ISS ID, or Product ID, Settlement Flag, Transaction Type. Transactions cannot be split
by Account Number Range, and ACQ/ISS ID, and so on. All Split By criteria are used in incoming runs

Split Incoming Interchange Enabled

Split By Criteria and Corresponding Titles on the Tab

Split By Criteria Title of Fourth Tab

Account Number Range Split By Account Criteria

ACQ/ISS ID Split By Destination Identifier Criteria

Two-character Product ID Split By Product ID Criteria

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Assigning Edit Package Settings and Run Control Options

Split By Criteria and Corresponding Titles on the Tab

Split By Criteria Title of Fourth Tab

One-digit Settlement Flag Split By Settlement Type Criteria

Transaction Code Split By Transaction Code Criteria

Split By Criteria and Corresponding Criterion Value

Split By Criteria Keyword Criterion Value

Account Number Range SPLITBYARD Six to nine digit starting Account Range Number; six to
nine digit ending Account Range Number. Example:

ACQ/ISS ID SPLITBYBIN Six-digit Destination Identifier number. Example: 400552

Product ID SPLITBYPID Select Product ID.

Settlement Flag SPLITBYSET Select Settlement Flag.

Transaction Code SPLITBYTC The numeric portion of any Transaction Code. Examples:
05, 38, or 51

The complete range of valid values for Product ID, Settlement Flags, and Transaction Codes
can be found in BASE II Clearing Data Codes.

Incoming Run Options Window Split By Account Tab in Edit Package

Entries for the Split By Account tab must be manually entered into the screen displayed.
To facilitate formatting these entries, instead of entering a cell directly, a pop-up dialogue box opens
to add and update entries shown in the figure below. Each ARDEF Range entry must include a
starting and ending range number entered in the correct format.
Click in a cell to add, change, or remove an option entry.
Click Save when finished and selections will be added to the system.

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Split By Account Range Criteria Screen

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Assigning Edit Package Settings and Run Control Options

Split By ACQ/ISS ID Criteria Tab in Edit Package

Entries for the Split By ACQ/ISS ID tab must be manually entered. The left column indicates a row for
each ACQ/ISS ID. (A specific ACQ/ISS ID cannot be included in more than one split-by file.)
1. Type the ACQ/ISS ID number in the file column.
2. Click in a cell to add, change, or remove an option entry.
3. Click Save when finished and selections will be added to the system.
Split By ACQ/ISS ID Criteria Tab

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Assigning Edit Package Settings and Run Control Options

Split By Product ID Criteria Tab in Edit Package

The first column lists each product ID. Click in a cell to add or remove an option entry.

Split By Product ID Criteria Tab

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Assigning Edit Package Settings and Run Control Options

Split By Settlement Type Criteria Tab in Edit Package

In the first column is a heading for each Settlement Type. Click in a cell to add or remove an option

Split By Settlement Type Criteria Tab

Split By Transaction Code Criteria in Edit Package

The left column shows the list of transaction codes that can be selected. Selection is either at the
Transaction Code level (TC 05) or by a specific Transaction Code, TC 05 – Originals (05O) or TC 05 –
Representments (05R). These selections are mutually exclusive and each selection is written to a
separate subfile. However, multiple transaction codes of the same type can be written to the same
subfile, for example TC 05 – Originals (05O) and TC 06 – Originals (06O) can be in the same subfile.
Only those transaction codes that are actually being passed to incoming CTFs will be included on the
Split By Transaction Type tab.
These are:
l Transaction codes that are always passed.
l Transaction codes whose pass option is set to pass on the Pass Options tab.
See the Pass Options tab for more information. Click in a cell to add or remove an option entry.

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Split By Transaction Code Criteria Tab

Incoming Run Options Window Buttons in Edit Package

Each button in the Incoming Run Options Window is described.

Incoming Run Options Buttons

Button Name Description

Save Saves new or updated settings of a run control profile.

Cancel Closes the window without saving changes.

Defaults Changes the settings of the Current tab to the default settings.

Environmental Opens the Environmental Run Options window.

Outgoing Opens the Outgoing Run Options window.

Note: This button is disabled in temporary mode.

Table Overrides Opens the Table Overrides window.

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Assigning Edit Package Settings and Run Control Options

Outgoing Run Control Options Settings in Edit

Outgoing run control options are only used for outgoing edit runs and are identical whether
permanent or temporary. Outgoing Run control settings can be named and saved as a run control
profile. Profiles are created in the Outgoing Run Options screen on the General tab.
The word "Temporary" appears in the title of run control options windows in temporary mode and
the settings override the permanent outgoing run control options. Temporary outgoing run control
options are lost when the Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window is closed.
One way to open the Outgoing Run Options window in permanent mode is to select Settings > Run
Control Options > Outgoing from the main menu.

Settings Menu – Run Control Options Outgoing

One way to open the Outgoing Run Options – Temporary window is to click Outgoing on the
Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window.

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Assigning Edit Package Settings and Run Control Options

Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup Window

After temporary outgoing run control options have been set, the caption of the Outgoing
button in the Override Run Control Options box of the Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup
window will appear in green.

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Assigning Edit Package Settings and Run Control Options

Outgoing Run Options Window, General Tab in Edit Package

The General tab of the Outgoing Run Options window in permanent mode is shown.

General Tab, Outgoing Run Options in Permanent Mode

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Assigning Edit Package Settings and Run Control Options

Add, Copy, and Delete Run Control Profiles in Edit Package

Run Control Profiles is a feature of Outgoing run control options that allows saving and naming sets
of run control options.
Outgoing Profiles field includes a list box of all the existing run control profiles.

To add a new run control profile:

1. Click Add in the Outgoing profiles frame.
The Profile name field changes to allow a unique name.
2. Enter a name in the profile name field.
The default settings for all the tabs, general, transaction-based reporting, item tolerance
amounts, and extended service modules will become active.
3. Change the settings on all tabs as needed.
4. When finished, click Save.
The profile will be added to the system and will appear in the profile name list box.

To copy a run control profile:

5. To use the settings of an existing run control profile and give it a different name, select the
run control profile you want to copy.
6. Press Copy.
The profile will be added to the system and will appear in the profile name list box.
7. Change the settings, as needed.

To delete a run control profile:

8. Click Delete to delete any run control profile from the profile name list.

Outgoing Run Options Window, General Tab Data Fields in Edit

Each field on the General tab of the Outgoing Run Options window is described. Keywords can be
used to find detailed descriptions in BASE II Clearing Edit Package (Release 4) Operations Guide.

Outgoing Run Options, General Fields

Field Name Keyword Description

Duplicate Batch Detection

Enabled When checked, activates duplicate batch detection.

Severity Level - Warning DUPBATCH If a duplicate batch is found, a warning message is

displayed, the batch is written to the ITF, and
processing continues.

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Outgoing Run Options, General Fields

Field Name Keyword Description

Severity Level - Error DUPBATCH If a duplicate batch is found, processing stops as

soon as an error is detected and an ITF is not

Detection Method - Hashing DUPBATCH Provides duplicate checking using an Edit Package
Technique hashing algorithm.

Detection Method – Center Batch ID DUPBATCH Provides duplicate checking using the Center Batch
ID on the TC 91 batch trailer record.

History Search Days DUPBATCH Number of days of Edit Package history data that will
be searched for duplicate batches.

Error Thresholds

Rejected Message Limit REJITFLIM Maximum percentage of total transactions in an

outgoing edit run with edit errors that are allowed
before terminating the edit run and reporting the
errors found to that point.

ITF Creation Limit REJMSGLIM Maximum percentage of transactions in a single

outgoing ITF with edit errors that are allowed before
terminating the edit run and reporting the errors
found to that point.


Max Records in Batch MAXBATRECS Maximum number of TCRs that can be included for a
single outgoing batch. If a batch is encountered that
contains more TCRs than specified, an error message
is generated and the run is aborted.

File Header Information

Source Name SOURCENAME Twelve-character name identifying the processing

center. If Visa has not provided a name, this field
must be left blank.

File Type FILETYPE File Type Field in the outgoing ITF TC 90 File Header
Record. Example: RDMS = Report Distribution
Management System.

Modifier FILEIDMOD Included in the Unique File ID field of an outgoing

ITF TC 90 File Header Record. If the Modifier field is
left blank, the value in Unique File ID is based on the
run mode (P = Production, T = Test). If entered, valid
values for the Modifier field are A through Z, and 0
through 9.

File Format

File Out FILEOUT Identify the output file format (VML, ITF)

Run-Level Tolerance Checking

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Assigning Edit Package Settings and Run Control Options

Outgoing Run Options, General Fields

Field Name Keyword Description

Enabled When checked, activates outgoing Run-Level

Tolerance Checking.

Severity Level - Warning RUNTOLER If an out-of-tolerance condition occurs, a warning

message appears on the EP-199 Log Report and
processing continues.

Severity Level - Error RUNTOLER If an out-of-tolerance condition occurs, an error

message appears on the EP-199 Log Report and
processing stops.

Average Amount RUNCURAVG Maximum average amount per transaction.

Exceeding this amount results in an out-of-tolerance

Currency Code RUNCURAVG The ISO Alpha Currency Code that the Average
Amount is in. Example: USD = United States Dollars.

Note: For a complete list of valid ISO Alpha

Currency Codes, refer to the Country and
Currency Codes table in the Data Codes

Item-Level Tolerance Checking

Enabled When checked, activates outgoing Item-Level

Tolerance Checking.

Severity Level - Warning ITEMTOLER If an out-of-tolerance condition occurs, a warning

message will be issued on EP-100A Validation
Exception Detail Report and the run will continue.

Severity Level - Error ITEMTOLER If an out-of-tolerance condition occurs, the

transaction is rejected, and the error appears on the
EP-100A Validation Exception Detail Report.

Scope of Checking - All Items, All ITEMTOLER Every item is checked against the amount for the
Currencies currency that has been entered on the Item
Tolerance Amounts tab. Two situations can cause an
out-of-tolerance condition. First, when the amount of
the item exceeds the amount specified on the Item
Tolerance Amounts tab for the currency. Secondly,
when an amount has not been entered for the
currency on the Item Tolerance Amounts tab.

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Assigning Edit Package Settings and Run Control Options

Outgoing Run Options, General Fields

Field Name Keyword Description

Scope of Checking - Only Specified ITEMTOLER Every item is checked against the amount for the
Currencies currency that has been entered on the Item
Tolerance Amounts tab. However, an out-of-
tolerance condition occurs only when the amount of
the item exceeds the amount specified on the Item
Tolerance Amounts tab for the currency. If an
amount for the currency has not been entered on
the Item Tolerance Amounts tab, Item-Level
Tolerance Checking is bypassed for the item.

Force Post Tolerance Checking

Enabled FPOSTTOLER When checked, activates outgoing Force Post

Tolerance Checking.

Blank Tran ID Tolerance Checking

Enabled BLKTRNIDTOL When checked, activates outgoing Blank Tran ID

Tolerance Checking.

Rejected Item File

No Separate Reject File SAVEREJECT Rejected transactions found during an outgoing run
are not written to a separate file.

Separate Reject File in CTF Format SAVEREJECT Rejected transactions found during an outgoing run
are written to a separate file in transaction format.

Separate Reject File With TCR9 SAVEREJECT Rejected transactions found during an outgoing run
Added are written to a separate file in reject format that
contains TCR 9 data.

Edit Package Table Updates

Automatically Update Tables AUTOUPDT Enables automatic table updates option to automat­
ically receive all updates needed to bring ARDEF, VID,
Rules, and Language tables current.


Write Collection-Only Transactions SPLITCONLY Splits Outgoing Collection-Only transactions into a

separate file.

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Assigning Edit Package Settings and Run Control Options

Outgoing Run Options Window, Transaction-Based Reporting Tab in

Edit Package
The Transaction-Based Reporting tab of the Outgoing Run Control Options in permanent mode is

Transaction-Based Reporting Tab, Outgoing Run Options in Permanent Mode

Click the check box in front of each transaction code to activate or deactivate transaction-based
reporting for the transaction type during an outgoing edit run. Transaction-based reports will be
generated only for those transaction codes that are checked.
Some transaction-based reports can take up considerable disk space. This should be
accounted for when choosing the report archiving options.

Related Information
Edit Package Report Archiving Options

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Assigning Edit Package Settings and Run Control Options

Outgoing Run Options, Item Tolerance Amounts Tab in Edit Package

The Item Tolerance Amounts Tab on the Outgoing Run Options window in permanent mode is

Item Tolerance Amounts Tab, Outgoing Run Options in Permanent Mode

Click Amount to enter an amount for the currency code in the Currency column. This value is the
maximum allowable amount for Item-Level Tolerance Checking.
Item-Level Tolerance Checking is performed only when the Enabled check box in the Item-Level
Tolerance Checking box of General tab has been checked.

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Assigning Edit Package Settings and Run Control Options

Outgoing Run Options, Force Post Tolerance Amounts Tab in Edit

The Force Post Tolerance Amounts Tab on the Outgoing Run Options window in permanent mode is

Click Amount to enter an amount for the currency code in the Currency column. This value is the
maximum allowable amount for Force Post Tolerance Checking.
Force Post Tolerance Checking is performed only when the Enabled check box in the Force Post
Tolerance Checking box of General tab has been checked.

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Assigning Edit Package Settings and Run Control Options

Outgoing Run Options, Blank Tran ID Tolerance Amounts Tab in Edit

The Blank Tran ID Tolerance Amounts Tab on the Outgoing Run Options window in permanent mode
is shown.

Click Amount to enter an amount for the currency code in the Currency column. This value is the
maximum allowable amount for Blank Tran ID Tolerance Checking.
Blank Tran ID Tolerance Checking is performed only when the Enabled check box in the Blank Tran ID
Tolerance Checking box of General tab has been checked.

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Assigning Edit Package Settings and Run Control Options

Reports Tab, Outgoing Run Options in Edit Package

The Reports tab of the Outgoing Run Options window is shown.

Reports Tab, Outgoing Run Options in Permanent Mode

Click the box to the left of the Report to enable that report to be produced during the Outgoing Run.

Outgoing Run Options Window Buttons in Edit Package

Each button in the Outgoing Run Options window is described.

Outgoing Run Options Buttons

Button Name Description

Save Saves new or updated settings of a run control profile.

Close Closes the window without saving changes.

Defaults Changes the settings of the Current tab to the default settings.

Environmental Opens the Environmental Run Options window.

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Assigning Edit Package Settings and Run Control Options

Outgoing Run Options Buttons

Button Name Description

Incoming Opens the Incoming Run Options window.

Note: This button is disabled in temporary mode.

Table Overrides Opens the Table Overrides window.

Edit Package Table Overrides

PC Edit Package for Windows table files are used to validate transaction data during incoming and
outgoing edit runs and during data entry. They contain current data regarding ACQ/ISS ID, card
account ranges, and validation edits. Updates to the table files are made daily and the changes
placed on the EA Server or Secure DEX. During an incoming edit run, the updates are applied
automatically to the original table files in each user's system.
Like run control and data entry options, table overrides are specific to a particular ACQ/ISS ID.
Table overrides are optional and can be used to supersede entries in the original table files, or add
new ones. They can be used to add, change, or delete an original table entry. A table override does
not change the entry in the original table file; instead, when a table override is invoked, an entry is
made into a separate file. They simply override the entry in the original copy of the table file while
keeping it intact.

Permanent Table Overrides in Edit Package

Permanent table overrides supersede entries in the original table files. Once they are set, permanent
table overrides remain in effect for all incoming or outgoing edit runs, and data entry sessions. If
changed, the change remains in effect for all subsequent edit runs and data entry sessions.
Entries for permanent table overrides are stored in epwin400.exe.Config at the application root
Permanent table overrides can be superseded by temporary table overrides.

Temporary Table Overrides in Edit Package

Temporary table overrides supersede original table file entries and permanent table overrides. There
does not need to be a corresponding permanent table override for a temporary table override. If

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Assigning Edit Package Settings and Run Control Options

there is a corresponding permanent table override, the temporary override is, in effect, an override of
an override.
Temporary overrides remain in effect only while the Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup or Incoming
Edit Package Run Setup window is open. They can only be used for incoming or outgoing edit runs
and cannot be used for data entry.

Types of Table Overrides and the Table Override Window Tabs in Edit
There are four PC Edit Package for Windows table files for which table overrides can be done. The
following table describes each type.

PC Edit Package for Windows Table File Types

Name Description

VID Contains Acquirer/Issuer Identifier information.

ARDEF Contains Account Range Definition (ARDEF) information.

Value Defines the fields and messages used in transaction data edits.

VID and ARDEF Table Overrides in Edit Package

The VID and ARDEF table files have separate tabs on the Table Overrides window for adding,
changing, and deleting table override entries. Both of these tabs have discrete fields for entering
table file data. They automatically format each entry for the appropriate table override file. Normally,
only VID and ARDEF table files have overrides.
In very rare situations, the Other Table Overrides tab can also be used to manually add or
change VID or ARDEF table file overrides.

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Assigning Edit Package Settings and Run Control Options

Open the Table Overrides Window in Permanent

Mode in Edit Package
There are two ways to open the Table Overrides window in permanent mode.

Use the Table Overrides Menu Item:

1. Select Settings > Run Control Options > Table Overrides from the main menu.
Settings Menu – Run Control Options Table Overrides

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Assigning Edit Package Settings and Run Control Options

Use the Table Overrides Button:

2. Click Table Overrides in any run control option window in permanent mode.
The Environmental Run Options Window in Permanent Mode

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Assigning Edit Package Settings and Run Control Options

Open the Table Overrides Window in Temporary

Mode in Edit Package
There are two ways to open the Table Overrides window in temporary mode.

Use the Table Overrides Button From the Outgoing or Incoming Edit Package Run Setup
1. Click Table Overrides in the Override Run Control Options section of the Incoming or
Outgoing Edit Package Run window.
Incoming Run Setup Window

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Assigning Edit Package Settings and Run Control Options

Use the Table Overrides Button on Run Options Windows in Temporary Mode:
2. Click Table Overrides in any Incoming or Outgoing Edit Package Run Options window in
temporary mode.
Incoming Run Options Temporary Window

After either a permanent or temporary table override has been added, the caption of the
Table Overrides button in the Outgoing or Incoming Run Setup window will appear in green.

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Assigning Edit Package Settings and Run Control Options

Setting VID Table Overrides in Edit Package

The tab of the Table Overrides window in permanent mode is shown.

ACQ/ISS ID Overrides Tab

ACQ/ISS ID Overrides Tab Data Fields in Edit Package

This table describes the each field on the ACQ/ISS ID Overrides tab of the Table Overrides window.
Keywords can be used to find detailed descriptions in BASE II Clearing Edit Package (Release 4)
Operations Guide.

ACQ/ISS ID Table Overrides Tab Data Fields

Field Name Keyword Description

General Attributes

ACQ/ISS ID TBLDATA Six-digit Acquirer/Issuer Identifier.

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ACQ/ISS ID Table Overrides Tab Data Fields

Field Name Keyword Description

Country TBLDATA Two-digit ISO Country Code for the ACQ/ISS ID.

Note: For a complete list of ISO Country Codes,

see the Country and Currency Codes table in BASE
II Clearing: Data Codes.

Region TBLDATA Visa region for the ACQ/ISS ID Country.

ACQ/ISS ID Type: TBLDATA Type of service for the ACQ/ISS ID.

l Full Service
l Issuer Only
l Merchant Only
l Non-financial
l On Behalf Of

Acquirer Indicators TBLDATA Sets the Participation Flag to GSA Igots or Airline. If not
applicable, should be "none".

Is BASE II CIB TBLDATA When checked, indicates that ACQ/ISS ID field in the
General Attributes box is the BASE II CIB. If not checked, a
valid BASE II CIB must be entered in BASE II CIB Attributes


Additional ACQ/ISS ID Attributes

Visa Direct TBLDATA When checked, indicates that the ACQ/ISS ID is a Visa
Direct participant.

Bypass TIF TBLDATA When checked, indicates ACQ/ISS ID participation in

Bypass TIF program.

Multinatl Merch Acq TBLDATA When checked, indicates that the ACQ/ISS ID is a MMAP
program participant.

Domestic OCT PIF TBLDATA When checked, indicates that the ACQ Identifier is allowed
to send domestic Non-Money Transfer OCTs.

Cross-Border OCT PIF TBLDATA When checked, indicates that the ACQ Identifier is allowed
to send Cross-border Non-Money Transfer OCTs.

OCT GEO Blocking Indicator TBLDATA This field indicates type of OCT GEO Blocking.

l D – Domestic Blocking
l X – Cross-Border Blocking
l B – Block all OCT

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ACQ/ISS ID Overrides Tab Buttons in Edit Package

Each button on the ACQ/ISS ID Overrides tab is described.

ACQ/ISS ID Overrides Tab Buttons

Button Name Description

New/Add When the button title is New, clicking it will activate the fields in the VID Table
Override window. The button title will change to Add.
When the button title is Add, clicking it will validate the values entered in the
window. If no errors are found, it will generate the VID Table Override and place the
entry in the list box below. The button title will change to New.

Edit/Replace When the button title is Edit, clicking it will load the values from the VID Table
Override selected and will activate the fields in the window. The button title will
change to Replace.
When the button title is Replace, clicking it will validate the values entered in the
window. If no errors are found, the VID Table Override selected will be replaced in
the list box below. The button title will change to Edit.

Delete/Cancel When the button title is Delete, clicking it will remove the selected list box entry in
the VID Table Override window.
When the button title is Cancel, any updates made in the window will be lost and all
fields will be reset to default values. All button titles will change to their default

Reset When clicked and the New/Add button is set to Add, all values on the window will
be reset to their default values.
When clicked and the Edit/Replace button is set to Replace, all values in the window
will be reset to the values of the selected VID Table Override.

ACQ/ISS ID Table Overrides Tab List Box in Edit Package

The list box on the ACQ/ISS ID Overrides tab lists the ACQ/ISS ID overrides that currently exist for the
mode. For example, when in temporary mode only the existing temporary ACQ/ISS ID overrides

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appear. Keywords can be used to find detailed descriptions in BASE II Clearing Edit Package (Release
4) Operations Guide.

ACQ/ISS ID Overrides Tab List Box

Column Name Keyword Description

Table Key TBLKEY Contains the key values that uniquely identify the entry.
Includes such fields as the table name (BINTBL), table type
(VL), record type (R) and ACQ/ISS ID. These fields are
automatically formatted when the ACQ/ISS ID override is
added or changed. This value must match the TBLDATAnn

Table Data TBLDATA Contains the information entered in the data fields above
that is used to override a VID table file entry. These fields
are automatically formatted when the ACQ/ISS ID override
is added or changed.

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Setting ARDEF Table Overrides in Edit Package

The ARDEF tab of the Table Overrides window is shown.

ARDEF Table Overrides Tab

ARDEF Table Overrides Tab Data Fields in Edit Package

This table describes each field on the ARDEF Table Overrides tab of the Table Overrides window.
Keywords can be used to find detailed descriptions in BASE II Clearing Edit Package (Release 4)
Operations Guide.

ARDEF Table Overrides Tab Data Fields

Field Name Keyword Description

General Attributes

Low Range TBLDATA Nine-digit starting number for the account range.

High Range TBLDATA Nine-digit ending number for account range.

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ARDEF Table Overrides Tab Data Fields

Field Name Keyword Description

Issuing Identifier TBLDATA Six-digit BASE Identification Number for the issuer.

County TBLDATA Two-digit ISO Country Code for the ACQ/ISS ID. Should be the same as
the Country field for the BASE II CIB on the VID table file.

Note: For a complete list of ISO Country Codes, refer to the

Country and Currency Code table in BASE II Clearing: Data


Region TBLDATA Visa region for the ACQ/ISS ID Country. Should be the same as the
Region field for the BASE II CIB on the VID table file.

Combo Card TBLDATA Indicates where the account range is valid for Combo Card.

Fast Funds TBLDATA Indicates where the account range is valid for Fast Funds.

Check Digit TBLDATA When checked, Visa Modulus-10 checking will be performed to validate
that the data has not been corrupted.

Technology Ind. TBLDATA Indicates an advanced technology card. Currently, the only valid value is
"A" for Chip Card. If not an advanced technology card, should be blank.

ARDEF Country TBLDATA Two-digit ISO Country Code for the country in which the card was
issued and whose business rules will be applied. If different from the
ACQ/ISS ID Country field, the card has been issued Cross-Border.

Note: For a complete list of ISO Country Codes, refer to the

Country and Currency Code table in BASE II Clearing: Data

ARDEF Region TBLDATA Visa region in which the card was issued and whose business rules will
be applied. If different from the ACQ/ISS ID Region field, the card has
been issued Cross-Border.

L2 Data TBLDATA Commercial Card Level 2 Data Indicator. Check the box if Level 2 is

L3 Data TBLDATA Commercial Card Level 3 Data Indicator. Check the box if Level 3 is

POS Prompt TBLDATA Commercial Card POS Prompting Indicator. Check the box if POS
Prompting is required.

VAT Reclaim TBLDATA Commercial Card Electronic VAT Evidence Indicator. Check the box if
Electronic VAT Evidence is supported.

Product Type TBLDATA Product Type Extension T = Traditional Credit W = Traditional Rewards
X = Traditional non Rewards Y = Reserved Space = Not Qualified

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ARDEF Table Overrides Tab Data Fields

Field Name Keyword Description

Product Subtype TBLDATA Product Subtype VA = Brazil Food or Supermarket/Alimentacao Visa

Vale VR = Brazil Food or Restaurant/Refeicao Visa Vale VF = Brazil Fuel/
Flex Visa Vale AG = Brazil Agriculture AE = Brazil Agriculture Debit
Account/Electron AC = Brazil Agriculture Maintenance Account/Custeio
AI = Brazil Agriculture Investment Loan/Investimento CG = Brazil Cargo
CS = Construction DS = Distribution EN = Large Market Enterprise EX =
Small Market Expenses HC = Healthcare LP = Visa Large Purchase
Advantage (VLPA) MA = mVisa Agent MB = mVisa Merchant Payment
MS = Multicurrency Solution MG = Visa Mobile General MX =
Merchant Agent and Merchant Payment VM = Meal Voucher VN = Visa
Vale Food Voucher TK = Service Advantage

Product ID TBLDATA Two-digit identifier for Visa products.

Note: For a complete list of product IDs, refer to the Product

ID Values table in BASE II Clearing: Data Codes.

Reject OC TBLDATA Original Credit. Check the box to block original credits.

Block MT TBLDATA Original Credit Money Transfer. Check the box to block money transfers.

Block OG TBLDATA Original Credit Online Gambling. Check the box to block online

Issuer Indicators TBLDATA Commercial Product ID indicator. If not applicable, should be "none".

Travel Indicator TBLDATA Travel Indicator Y – Travel Capable Space – Not Applicable

Account Length

l 13 digits TBLDATA Number of total digits in the account range number, including leading
l 16 digits
l 13 and 16 mix
l 19 digits


l Worldwide TBLDATA Visa domain.

l Regional Note: The domain must not be changed from its default value
unless instructed to do so by Visa.
l National
l Domestic

Token Indicator

No TBLDATA Indicates whether this is a Token ARDEF Range.


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ARDEF Table Overrides Tab Buttons in Edit Package

Each button on the ARDEF Overrides tab is described.

ARDEF Table Overrides Tab Buttons

Button Name Description

New/Add When the button title is New, clicking it will activate the Token Indicator field
in the ARDEF Table Override window. The user must select No or Yes to
enable other fields in the window. If Token Indicator is No, all fields in the
window will be enabled; If Token Indicator is Yes, only selected fields will be
enabled. The button title will change to Add.
When the button title is Add, clicking it will validate the values entered on the
window. If no errors are found, it will generate the ARDEF Table Override and
place the entry in the list box below. The button title will change to New.

Edit/Replace When the button title is Edit, clicking it will load the values from the selected
ARDEF Table Override. If Token Indicator is No, all fields on the window will be
enabled. If Token Indicator is Yes, only select fields will be enabled. The button
title will change to Replace.
When the button title is Replace, clicking it will validate the values entered in
the window. If no errors are found, the ARDEF Table Override selected will be
replaced in the list box below. The button title will change to Edit.

Delete/Cancel When the button title is Delete, clicking it will remove the selected list box
entry in the ARDEF Table Override window.
When the button title is Cancel, any updates made in the window will be lost
and all fields will be reset to their default values. Then all button titles will be
changed to their default values.

Reset When clicked and the New/Add button is set to Add, all values on the
window will be reset to the default values.
When clicked and the Edit/Replace button is set to Replace, all values in the
window will be reset to the values of the selected ARDEF Table Override.

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ARDEF Table Overrides Tab List Box in Edit Package

The list box on the ARDEF Overrides tab lists the ARDEF overrides that currently exist for the mode.
For example, in temporary mode only the existing temporary ARDEF overrides appear. Keywords can
be used to find detailed descriptions in BASE II Clearing Edit Package (Release 4) Operations Guide.

ARDEF Table Overrides Tab List Box

Column Name Keyword Description

Table Key TBLKEY Contains the key values that uniquely identify the entry. Includes
such fields as the table name (EPACRN), table type (VL), record
type (R) and ARDEF. These fields are automatically formatted
when the ARDEF override is added or changed. This value must
match the TBLDATAnn entry.

Table Data TBLDATA Contains the information entered in the data fields above that is
used to override an ARDEF table file entry. These fields are
automatically formatted when the ARDEF override is added or

Setting OTHER Table Overrides in Edit Package

The OTHER Table Overrides tab is primarily used for LANGUAGE and RULE table file overrides.
Overriding the edit logic contained in the LANGUAGE and RULE table files usually requires numerous
override entries. Record layouts and field values for these overrides are highly complex and in
formats used only by the Edit Package. Therefore, overrides for the LANGUAGE and RULE table files
are rarely done. When they are, it is highly recommended that you contact Visa Technical Support or
your country-specific number for Edit Package 4 Support.
In very rare situations, the OTHER Table Overrides tab can also be used to manually add or
change VID or ARDEF table file overrides. This should not be attempted without assistance
from Edit Package technical support.
The OTHER Table Overrides tab of the Table Overrides window in permanent mode is shown.

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OTHER Table Overrides Tab

OTHER Table Overrides Tab Data Fields in Edit Package

Each field on the OTHER Table Overrides tab of the Table Overrides window is described. Because the
file layouts and values for the various LANG and RULE table record types are not included in any of
the BASE II manuals, there are no keywords for them.

OTHER Table Overrides Tab Data Fields

Field Name Description

TBLKEYnn Contains key values that uniquely identify the entry. These include such fields as the
table name, table type, and record type. Because the table key file layouts and values
for the various LANG and RULE table record types are not included in any of the
BASE II manuals, you must manually enter values provided by Edit Package technical

TBLDATAnn Contains the information entered in the data fields above that is used to override a
table file entry. Because the table data file layouts and values for the various LANG
and RULE table record types are not included in any of the BASE II manuals, you
must manually enter values provided by Edit Package technical support.

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OTHER Table Overrides Tab Buttons in Edit Package

Each button on the OTHER Table Overrides tab is described.

OTHER Table Overrides Tab Buttons

Button Name Description

New/Add When the button title is New, clicking it will activate the fields in the OTHER Table
Override window. The button title will change to Add.
When the button title is Add, clicking it will validate the values entered in the
window. If no errors are found, it will generate the OTHER Table Override and place
the entry in the list box below. The button title will change to New.

Edit/Replace When the button title is Edit, clicking it will load the values from the OTHER Table
Override selected and activate the fields in the window. The button title will change
to Replace.
When the button title is Replace, clicking it will validate the values entered in the
window. If no errors are found, the OTHER Table Override selected will be replaced in
the list box below. The button title will change to Edit.

Delete/Cancel When the button title is Delete, clicking it will remove the selected list box entry in
the OTHER Table Override window.
When the button title is Cancel, any updates made in the window will be lost and all
fields will be reset to default values. All button titles will change to their default

Reset When clicked and the New/Add button is set to Add, all values in the window will be
reset to their default values.
When clicked and the Edit/Replace button is set to Replace, all values in the window
will be reset to the values of the selected OTHER Table Override.

OTHER Table Overrides Tab List Box in Edit Package

The list box on the OTHER Table Overrides tab lists the Repository Table overrides that currently exist
for the specific mode. For example, when in temporary mode, only the existing temporary Repository
Table overrides appear.
Because the file layouts and values for the various Repository Table record types are not included in
any of the BASE II manuals, there are no keywords for them.

OTHER Table Overrides Tab List Box

Column Name Description

Table Key Contains the key values entered in the TBLKEYnn field that uniquely identify the
Repository Table file entry. Includes such fields as the table name, table type and
record type.

Table Data Contains the information entered in the TBLDATAnn field that is used to override a
Repository Table file entry.

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Table Overrides Window Buttons in Edit Package

Each button on the Table Overrides window is described.

Table Overrides Buttons

Button Name Description

OK Accepts changes and closes the window.

Cancel Closes the window without saving changes.

Environmental Opens the Environmental Run Options window.

Outgoing1 Opens the Outgoing Run Options window.

Incoming1 Opens the Incoming Run Options window.

1This button is disabled in temporary mode during an outgoing edit run.

Edit Package Data Entry Options

Data entry options are used to customize the Data Entry and Corrections windows when adding new
transactions or correcting returned or rejected transactions. Like run control options, data entry
options are mandatory. Users must choose data entry options the first time the main application is
run after installation or when epwin400.exe.Config has been lost or corrupted. Unlike run
control options and table overrides, there are only permanent data entry options.

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Open the Data Entry Options Window in Edit

The only way to open the Data Entry Options window is to select Settings > Data Entry Options
from the main menu.

Settings Menu - Data Entry Options

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Data Entry Options Window

Data Entry Options Data Fields in Edit Package

Each field on the Data Entry Options window is described.

Data Entry Options Data Fields

Field Name Description


Days to Retain Old Batches Number of days that processed batches are retained. Processed batches are those
that have been included in a CTF, processed by an outgoing edit run, and are in "old"
status. Data entry batches that are in process remain in the system indefinitely.

TC90 Header On Data Entry When checked, a TC 90 header record for each data entry CTF is generated. If your
CTF pre-edit system generates CTF headers for duplicate file checking, you may want to
select this option so that corrected CTFs will be checked for duplication when they
are submitted to the batch edit process.

Auto Tab When Field Full When checked, the cursor is advanced to the next field once the current field is full.

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Data Entry Options Data Fields

Field Name Description


ARN Compute Check Digit When checked, Visa Modulus-10 checking will be performed to validate that the data
has not been corrupted. Can be performed on:

l Original Drafts
l Non-Original Drafts

Transaction Format – TC Data entry transactions will be validated using TC rules.

Transaction Format – VML Data entry transactions will be validated using VML rules.

Purging Deleted Transactions

Always Purge Deleted transactions are always purged when the batch is closed and will no longer
be available.

Never Purge Deleted transactions are never purged and can be reinstated.

Ask Before Purging Prompt user for desired option when the batch is closed.

Zoom Data Entry Field

- None Enlarges the display area of the data entry field that is currently in focus.
- 2-X 2-X doubles the display area and 3-X triples the display area.
- 3-X

Validation Edit Control Parameters

Run Date: Affects the results of certain timeliness edits that occur during data entry.
- Use Current Date - Run When Use Current Date is checked, your system date is used. Otherwise, the date that
Date OverrideKeyword: has been entered in the Run Date Override field is used.

Table Effective Date: Determines the effective date for table-driven edits during data entry.
- Use Current Date - Run When Use Current Date is checked, your system date is used. Otherwise, the date that
Date OverrideKeyword: has been entered in the Run Date Override field is used.
TABLEDATE Skip Validation
If checked, during data entry transactions are saved and closed without edits being

The core Edit Package does not support data entry so there are no keywords for most of
these fields.

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Data Entry Options Buttons in Edit Package

Each button on the Data Entry Options window is described.

Data Entry Options Window Buttons

Button Name Description

OK Saves all changes and closes the window.

Cancel Closes the window without saving any changes.

Defaults Returns all fields to their default values.

Edit Package Report Archiving

Report Archive options are used to designate how sets of reports from incoming and outgoing edit
runs are archived. Only reports from incoming and outgoing edit runs are archived. Other reports,
such as the Edit Package history, log and table file reports cannot be archived.
Sets of archived reports can be viewed and printed using the Browse/Print Edit Package Reports
Archiving some large reports, especially transaction-based reports, can take a lot of disk
space on your hard drive. If you wish to archive large reports and have limited disk space, you
may need to limit the number of archives.

Report Archiving

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Report Archiving Days

The user can specify from 0 to 999 days to archiving Incoming or Outgoing Reports. This value is
used in Batch processing as well as Incoming and Outgoing edit run windows. Specifying 0 days
means that reports will not be archived.

Printer Selection in Edit Package

The Printer Selection window allows users to view the printers that have been defined to their
To define printers to your workstation, users must use the Printers window of their operating system.
For most workstations, this window can be opened two ways. The first way is to click Start at the
bottom left of your screen, then choose Settings > Printers. The second way is to click My
Computer on the Windows desktop, and then select Printers.

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Open the Printer Selection Window in Edit

There are two ways to open the Printer Selection window.
1. The first way is to select Settings Menu > Printer on the main menu.
Settings Menu Printer

2. The second way to open the Printer Selection window is to click Printer in the upper-right
corner of the Browse Print Edit Package Reports Window.
Printer Button

Printer Selection Window

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3. To change the default printer, select the desired printer from the list and click OK. The
selection is saved and the Printer Selection window closes. Click Cancel to close the window
without saving any changes.

Visa Interface Type in Edit Package

There are three Visa interface types used to electronically transfer interchange data and Edit Package
maintenance files between your processing center and Visa. The interface types are: Secure EA
Server, Secure DEX Server and Visa File Gateway.
The setting of the Visa Interface Type determines the icon headings on the Roadmap Navigator. For
example, when the Visa Interface Type is set to Secure EAS, the To Visa and From Visa icon headings
on the Roadmap Navigator will be Secure EAS. However, when the Visa Interface Type is set to Secure
DEX, the To Visa and From Visa icon headings on the Roadmap Navigator will be Secure DEX.
Also, the setting of the Visa Interface Type determines submenu items and which windows are
opened. For example, when the Visa Interface Type is set to Secure EAS, the first submenu item
under the Incoming main menu item is Retrieve Files from Secure EAS. When the Retrieve Files from
Secure DEX submenu item or the From Visa/EAS icon on the Roadmap Navigator is selected, the
Transfer Incoming ITF Files from Secure EAS window is opened. However, when the Visa Interface
Type is set to Secure DEX, the first submenu item under the Incoming main menu item is Retrieve
Files from Secure DEX. When the Retrieve Files from Secure DEX submenu item or the From Visa /
DEX icon on the Roadmap Navigator is selected, the Retrieve Incoming ITF from Secure Direct
Exchange window is opened.

Set the Visa Interface Type in Edit Package

Use this procedure to set the Visa Interface Type. Select Settings > Visa Interface Type in the main

Settings Menu Visa Interface Type

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Miscellaneous Settings for Edit

The FTP Compression, Incoming ITF Disposition, Outgoing CTF Disposition and Run Mode menu
items are directly under Settings in the main menu.
l FTP Compression — FTP Compression is used to send and receive compressed ITF files to or
from EAS.
l Incoming ITF Disposition — Incoming ITF Disposition specifies the disposition procession
for Incoming ITF upon successful completion of an Incoming edit run. The dispositions are
Keep = keep ITF, Delete=delete ITF and Rename=retaining ITF after renaming it to a unique
filename. The default disposition is Delete.
l Outgoing CTF Disposition — Outgoing CTF Disposition specifies the disposition procession
for Outgoing CTF upon successful completion of an Outgoing edit run. The dispositions are
Keep = keep CTF, Delete=delete CTF and Rename=retaining CTF after renaming it to a
unique filename. The default disposition is Keep.
l Run Mode — Run Mode is used to toggle between production and test mode for a BASE II
CIB that has been defined in both modes. A single BASE II CIB can be defined in the Edit
Package BASE II CIB Setup window as being both a test and a production BASE II CIB. When
this has been done for the BASE II CIB that you are currently signed on to, the Run Mode
option allows you to toggle between test and production mode.
To toggle between test and production mode, click Run Mode under Settings on the main
menu. When in production mode, the Prod option under the Run Mode menu item will be
checked, the Test option will be unchecked and vice-versa.

Settings Menu Run Mode

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Chapter 6
Browsing, Printing, and Archiving
Edit Package Reports

The Browse/Print Edit Package Reports window is used to browse (view online) and print Edit
Package reports and logs. Included here are procedures for how to open and use the Browse/Print
Edit Package Reports window, and how to access sets of archived outgoing and incoming reports.

Browse/Print Reports Window in Edit

The Browse/Print Edit Package Reports window is used to display and print reports and logs. The
reports or logs that are available depend on how the window is opened. For example, when the
Browse/Print window is opened from the Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window, only outgoing
reports are available.
All available reports and logs are shown, along with how the Browse/Print Edit Package Reports
window can be opened to access them.

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Browsing, Printing, and Archiving Edit Package Reports

Report/Logs and Opening the Browse/Print Window

Report or Log Browse/Print Edit Package Window Access

All Outgoing Reports (See Edit Package Reports icon in the Outgoing section of the Roadmap Navigator.
(Release 4) Reports for a complete list of all
Browse/Print Reports button on the Outgoing Edit Package Setup
outgoing reports.)
Browse/Print Reports menu item under the Outgoing main menu

All Incoming Reports (See Edit Package Reports icon in the Incoming section of the Roadmap Navigator.
(Release 4) Reports for a complete list of all
Browse/Print Reports button on the Incoming Edit Package Setup
incoming reports.)
Browse/Print Reports menu item under the Incoming main menu

Incoming History Report Outgoing History View Report button on the History File Reporting window.
Report History Log Report

Log File Report View Report button on the Edit Package Log Report window.

VID Table File Report window ARDEF Table View Report button on the Edit package Tables Reporting.
File Report Other Table Files Report

FTP Log FTP Log button on the Transfer Incoming ITFs/VML... window.

FTP Log button on the Transfer Outgoing ITFs/VML... window.

Access Incoming Edit Run Reports in Edit Package

Incoming edit run reports can be accessed in three ways.
1. Click Browse/Print Reports on the lower-right corner of the Incoming Edit Package Setup
2. Select lncoming > Browse/Print Reports on the main menu.
Incoming Menu>Browse/Print Reports

3. On the lower half of the Roadmap Navigator, double-click Reports for incoming or outgoing.

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When the Browse/Print Edit Package Reports window is opened in any of the three ways
described, the most recent incoming edit run reports are automatically displayed in the list

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box at the upper-left corner. If any sets of incoming reports have been archived, the Archives
button is displayed near the upper-right corner. Selecting Archives opens a list box with each
set of archived reports.
The Browse/Print Edit Package Reports window for incoming edit run reports is shown.
Browse/Print Window

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Browse a Report in Edit Package

The set of reports currently available on the Browse/Print Edit Package Reports window are shown in
a list box at the upper-left corner.

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List Box With Edit Package Reports

To access a report from list box:

1. Click a report in the list box to select it, then click Browse to view the report.
2. Double-click the report in the list box.
The selected report will appear in the text box area of the window.
Reports Displayed Text Box

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Browsing, Printing, and Archiving Edit Package Reports

Each function button in the Browse/Print Edit Package Reports window is described.

Browse/Print Edit Package Reports Function Buttons

Button Name Description

Browse Displays a report selected from the list box in the text area.

Print Opens the Select Report Pages dialog box to print a selected report.

Print All Prints every report in the list box in their entirety.

Next, Prev, Top, Bottom Used to navigate through large reports that are displayed in the text area. These
buttons are disabled for small to medium-sized reports.

Close Closes Browse/Print Edit Package Reports and returns to the previous window.

Printer Opens the Printer Selection dialog box where all printers defined for the
workstation are listed and can be chosen as the default Edit Package printer.

Font Opens the Font dialog box where the display box and print font for Edit Package
reports can be designated.

Archives Lists sets of available archived reports.

Edit Package Report Printing

PC Edit Package for Windows has several options for printing reports.

Print All Edit Package Reports

Use this procedure to print every report in the list box at the upper-left corner in its entirety.
1. Click Print All at the top of the Browse/Print Edit Package Reports window.
A dialog box appears, asking for confirmation.
2. Click Yes to submit the print request or No to abandon the action.

Print a Single Edit Package Report

Use this procedure to print an entire single report.
1. Select the report from the list box in the upper-left corner of the Browse/Print Edit Package
Reports window.
2. Click Print at the top of the Browse/Print Edit Package Reports window.

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Print Selected Text in Edit Package

Use this procedure to print selected text.
1. Double-click the report in the list box at the upper-left corner of the Browse/Print Edit
Package Reports window to display the report in the text area.
2. Highlight the text to be printed by placing the cursor in one corner of the desired text area,
holding the left mouse button down, and dragging the mouse over the desired text area.
When the desired text has been highlighted, release the left mouse button, as shown in the
following figure.
Selected Text

3. Click Print at the top of the Browse/Print Edit Package Reports window to print the report.

Archived Edit Package Reports

PC Edit Package for Windows automatically archives (saves) sets of incoming and outgoing reports at
the completion of an edit run. However, only incoming and outgoing sets of reports are archived. The
maximum number of archived sets and the reports within each set that is archived are determined by

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Browsing, Printing, and Archiving Edit Package Reports

the report archive option settings. The maximum number of archived reports is applied to
production mode and test mode runs independently.

Retrieve Archived Edit Package Reports

Use this procedure to retrieve and view archived reports.
1. Open the Browse/Print Edit Package Reports window for outgoing or incoming edit run
2. If there are any sets of archived reports, an Archives button will appear near the upper-right
corner of the window. Click this button to open a list box containing the sets of available
incoming or outgoing reports.
Sets Archived Reports Box

3. Double-click the desired set of reports. The set of reports that has been selected will now
appear in the list box near the upper-left corner of the window.
Reports List Archived Edit Run

The listed reports can now be viewed and printed.

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Chapter 7
Execute an Incoming Edit Run With
EA Server File Transfer

This chapter describes procedures for processing incoming files, ITFs/VTFs from BASE II using EA
Server file transfer. With these windows you can transfer selected files from an EA Server, set
temporary incoming run control options and table overrides, include ITFs/VTFs in an incoming edit
run, execute an incoming edit run, and browse and print incoming Edit Package reports.

BASE II Incoming Interchange

Transaction Process Using an EA
Server File Transfer
The following is an overview of the usual process by which incoming interchange transactions sent
by BASE II are received and processed by the Edit Package for Windows.

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Execute an Incoming Edit Run With EA Server File Transfer

Only steps 2, 3, and 4 are covered here. Step 1 is outside the scope of the Edit Package.
1. Incoming files, ITFs/VTFs are created by BASE II and sent by a Visa Interchange Center (VIC)
to your Visa Extended Access Server (EAS). These incoming files include transaction data and
table file updates (TC 54s).
2. Using the Transfer Incoming files From EA Server window, ITFs/VTFs ready for transfer are
selected and transferred. EA Server and file transfer logs can be browsed and printed.
3. Using the Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window, temporary incoming run control
options and table overrides may be set. Incoming files, ITFs/VTFs that have been transferred
but not processed are then selected for an incoming edit run. Finally, an incoming edit run is
executed. During the run, table updates are automatically applied, incoming run control
options are validated, transactions are edited, and incoming Center Transaction Files (CTFs) or
VisaNet Markup Language (VMLs) are created. Transactions returned by BASE II due to errors
are written to separate CTFs/VMLs of "returned" batches.
4. Current and archived incoming reports can be viewed and printed using the Browse/Print
Edit Package Reports window.
5. During data entry, "returned" batches are corrected. The corrections are then re-sent to BASE
II in a subsequent outgoing edit run and file transfer.

Related Information
l Data Entry and Corrections in Edit Package

l Outgoing Edit Run Execution With EA Server File Transfer

l Executing an Incoming Edit Run With Direct Exchange

Incoming Files Transfer in Edit

Package Using an EA Server
When BASE II processes outgoing interchange transactions, those with errors are returned for
correction. Returned transactions and TC 54s that automatically update the Edit Package tables are
used to create incoming files, ITFs/VTFs. There are several ways that incoming files can be transferred
to the PC Edit Package for Windows for processing.
l Electronically by means of an EA Server (EAS)
l By CD
l Directly from the Visa mainframe (for Visa use)
The Visa Interface option determines whether the ITF/VTF files transferred electronically are sent by
means of an EA Server or Direct Exchange. If the Visa Interface option is set to EAS, the Transfer
Incoming Files From EAS window is used to transfer incoming files. If the option is set to Secure EAS,
the Transfer Incoming Files from Secure EAS window is used to transfer incoming files. If the option is

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Execute an Incoming Edit Run With EA Server File Transfer

set to Direct Exchange, the Transfer Incoming Files from Direct Exchange window is used to transfer
incoming files.
During an incoming electronic file transfer, the following steps are automatically executed:
1. Incoming files, ITFs/VTFs are converted from EBCDIC (mainframe) to ASCII (PC) format.
2. If the compression option has been chosen, the files are uncompressed.
3. If the Visa Interface Type option is Direct Exchange the files may be decrypted.

Incoming ITFs Window Transfer in

Edit Package Using an EA Server
To transfer incoming files from an EA Server, the Visa Interface Type option must first be set to EAS,
or Secure EAS. When this is done, the Retrieve Files from submenu item will appear in the Incoming
main menu item. When the Retrieve Files from window is opened, it automatically connects to the
default EA Server and displays all files ready for transfer in the Files Available From list box towards
the bottom of the window.

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Execute an Incoming Edit Run With EA Server File Transfer

Change the Default Secure EA Server in Edit

Use either of these steps to open the Transfer Incoming ITFs window.
1. Select Incoming > Retrieve Files from the main menu.
Incoming Retrieve Files From

2. On the upper-right section of the Roadmap Navigator, double-click EAS.
The Transfer Incoming ITFs window appears.
Transfer Incoming ITFs Window Initial Display

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Files Available On List Box in Edit Package

Each column in Files Available On list box is described.

Files To Be Transferred to List Box

Column Description

Date Central Processing Date and year in Julian format that BASE II created the file.

Seq Sequence number assigned by the EA Server for the Central Processing Date.

Batch Starting batch number within the ITF.

Description Type of file. "Undifferentiated" denotes a file with various transaction data.

Key Pull key for the file type.

File# File number on the EA Server.

Status File transfer status. Select - Selected for transfer Transfer - File is being transferred
from a EA Server Recvd - File transfer completed
RDYIN - Ready to be transferred

File Identifier Unique Edit Package file identifier that is automatically assigned during file

Records Number of records in the file that has been transferred.

Transfer Incoming ITFs Function Buttons in Edit

Each function button in the Transfer Incoming ITFs window is described.

Transfer Incoming ITFs Function Buttons

Button Function
Close Closes the Transfer Incoming ITFs window and returns to the main window.

Cancel Prevents any files not already transferred or in the process of being transferred from
being sent. Does not recall sent files or interrupt the file currently being sent.

FTP Log Displays a log of FTP process for the last file transfer in a text box to the left of the
function buttons.

File List Displays the EA Server directories and their files in a text box to the left of the function

Refresh Redisplays all files that are ready for transfer from the EA Server in the Files Available
On list box.

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Execute an Incoming Edit Run With EA Server File Transfer

Transfer Incoming ITFs Function Buttons

Button Function
Large View Opens the Browse/Print Edit Package Reports window with the FTP Log, EAS Log, EAS
file directory, or file details displayed.

Select Selects a file highlighted in the Files Available On list box for transfer.

Select All Selects all files in the Files Available On list box for transfer.

Deselect Deselects a file highlighted in the Files Available On list box from transfer.

Deselect All Deselects all files in the Files Available On list box from transfer.

File Details Displays file details in a text box to the left of the function buttons.

Transfer Starts the incoming file transfer process.

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Execute an Incoming Edit Run With EA Server File Transfer

Transfer Incoming ITFs from an EA Server in Edit

Use this procedure to transfer incoming ITFs from an EA Server.
1. In the Supported box in the upper-left of the window, select the appropriate interface.
2. Select one or more entries from the Files Available On list box. Selected files will be in Select
3. Click Transfer in the lower-right part of the window.
The icons and text messages shown will represent the progress of the file transfer process.
When a file is being transferred, its status will change to Transfer, a file identifier will be
assigned and the number of records that have been transferred will be displayed. When a file
has completed being transferred, its status will change to Recvd.
Transfer Incoming ITFs During File Transfer

The file transfer process may take anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes,
depending on many factors. These include the size of the files being sent, whether
the files are compressed, the speed of your EA Server connection, and the speed of
your PC.

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Execute an Incoming Edit Run With EA Server File Transfer

When the file transfer is complete, the icons disappear and a transfer complete message is
displayed. Also, each selected file should now be Recvd status.
Transfer Incoming ITFs After a File Transfer

Log, File Directory, and File Details Function

Buttons in Edit Package Using an EA Server
When one of the function buttons is clicked, the pertinent report is shown in a text box to the left of
the function button.
The Transfer Incoming ITFs From Secure EAS window with the FTP log and file details text box is
displayed. Clicking Large View opens the Browse/Print Edit Package Reports window with the report

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Execute an Incoming Edit Run With EA Server File Transfer

Log and File Details Text Box

Close the Transfer Incoming ITFs Window in Edit

After a successful file transfer, use this procedure to close the Transfer Incoming ITFs Window.
Click Close in the upper-right corner of the window to close the Transfer Incoming ITFs
window and return to the main window.

Incoming Edit Package Run Setup

Window Using an EA Server
The Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window is used to perform an incoming edit run. It is used to
set the run and table effective dates, include ITFs transferred from the EA Server or from user input,
start an incoming edit run, and view the incoming edit run log file. It can also be used to initiate
temporary overrides for environmental and incoming run control options, and table overrides. These
temporary overrides are canceled when the Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window is closed.

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Execute an Incoming Edit Run With EA Server File Transfer

Open the Incoming Edit Package Run Setup

Window Using an EA Server
Use this procedure to open the Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window.
Select Incoming > Start Incoming Edit Run from the main menu.
Incoming Menu Start Incoming Edit Run

or: On the right-center of the Roadmap Navigator, double-click Incoming.

Incoming Icon Navigator

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Execute an Incoming Edit Run With EA Server File Transfer

The Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window opens.

Incoming Edit Package Run Setup Window

Select an RCO Profile for an Edit Run in Edit Package

Use this procedure to select an RCO profile for an edit run. Select RCO profile from the "Run Control
Profile" list box in the "Profiles" frame of the Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup or Incoming Edit
Package Run Setup window.

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Execute an Incoming Edit Run With EA Server File Transfer

Incoming Edit Run Parameters

The Incoming Run Parameters section of the Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window are

Incoming Run Parameters

Parameter Description

Run Date Date that will be included in the header of the incoming CTF files. Default is the
current system date. Format is YYYY/MM/DD.

Use ITF CPD When checked, the date in the incoming ITF header is used as the table effective
date. When unchecked, the date in the Table Effective Date field is used.

Table Effective Date Effective date for Edit Package edits. Can be set forward to test edits that will
become effective at a future date. Default is the current system date. Format is

Note: To activate transaction data entry changes that become effective at

a future date, you must close the Edit Package, set your system date to the
future date, and relaunch the Edit Package.

Rerun Check box to identify an incoming edit run that includes an ITF that has previously
been processed.

Defaults Returns all fields in the Incoming Run Parameters section to their default values.

If the Separate File for Returned Transactions incoming run control option is checked, a separate
incoming Center Transaction File (CTF) with only returned transactions is created.

Initiate Temporary Run Control Options and

Table Overrides in Edit Package Using an EA
The Override Run Control Options section of the Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window is used to
open the Environmental Run Control Options, Incoming Run Control Options, and Table Overrides
windows in temporary mode. Temporary options have the same functionality as permanent options
but override the permanent run control options and table overrides. However, temporary overrides
are lost when the Incoming Edit Package Run Setup Window is closed.

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Execute an Incoming Edit Run With EA Server File Transfer

To initiate Temporary Run Control Options or Table Overrides

Click Environmental, Incoming, or Table Overrides to open their corresponding run control
and table overrides windows in temporary mode.
Incoming Override Buttons

When temporary incoming options are in effect, the caption of the corresponding
button will appear in green. For example, when there are temporary environmental
overrides, the Table Overrides caption will be green.

ITFs Included In This Run in Edit Package

The ITFs Included In This Run section is used to designate the ITFs that will be included in the
incoming edit run.

ITFs Included In This Run Section

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Execute an Incoming Edit Run With EA Server File Transfer

Add EA Server ITFs in Edit package

Use this procedure to add ITFs transferred from the EA Server.
1. Click Add EAS ITF.
If no ITF files are available, the Add EAS ITF button will be disabled.
The Incoming ITF Selection window appears. All ITFs that have been transferred from the EA
Server, but are not yet included in an incoming edit run, will be displayed in the Files
Available For Selection list box.
Incoming EAS ITF Selection Box

2. To select or deselect an ITF, double-click on the entry. Alternatively, select an ITF and use the
buttons to the right of the Files Available For Selection section to designate which ITFs should
be included in the incoming edit run or deleted.
ITFs that will be included will have Select in the Status column. ITFs that have been deleted
(i.e., removed from subsequent edit runs) will have Delete in the Status column.
3. Click OK to accept the changes or Cancel to exit without any changes.
The ITFs Included In This Run section with an EA Server ITF is shown.
ITFs Included In This Run With EA Server ITFs

The Incoming ITF Selection window will close and you will be returned to the Incoming Edit
Package Run Setup window.

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Execute an Incoming Edit Run With EA Server File Transfer

Add User ITFs in Edit Package for EA Server File Transfer

Use this procedure to add user-created ITFs.
1. Click Add User ITF.
The Select ITF window appears.
Select ITF Window

2. Select a file and click Open to close the Select ITF window and return to the Incoming Edit
Package Setup window.
3. Repeat the above steps to add additional User ITFs.
ITFs Included in Run With Secure EAS ITFs and User ITF

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Execute an Incoming Edit Run With EA Server File Transfer

Remove User ITFs in Edit Package

Use this procedure to remove a User ITF from the list.
1. Select the ITF from the list and click Remove ITF.
2. To remove all ITFs from the list, click Reset.

Remove EA Server ITFs in Edit Package

Use this procedure to remove EA Server ITFs from the list.
1. Select the ITF from the list and click Remove ITF.
The Incoming ITF selection Window appears.
2. Deselect the file to be removed from the list and click OK.

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Execute an Incoming Edit Run With EA Server File Transfer

Execute an Incoming Edit Run Using an EA Server

Use this procedure to execute an incoming edit run.
Click Start Run.
The Progress box displays information about the incoming edit run. It includes the number of
records staged for each ITF, the current step that is being executed, and the final Return Code
(RC) for the edit run.
Depending on the size of the incoming ITF files, it may take several minutes to
complete the incoming edit run.
The Incoming Edit Run Progress Box after the completion of a successful edit run is shown.
This run is considered successful because the Return Code (RC) is 0.
Incoming Edit Run Progress Box With a Successful Run

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Execute an Incoming Edit Run With EA Server File Transfer

The Incoming Edit Run Progress Box after the completion of a successful edit run but with a
failed Table Update is shown.
Incoming Edit Run Warning

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Execute an Incoming Edit Run With EA Server File Transfer

A Warning message will appear: “TC 54 Table Update process failed”.

Successful Incoming Edit Run With Table Update Error

Incoming Edit Package Run Setup Function

Buttons for EA Server File Transfer
After the completion of an incoming edit run, function buttons appear on the far right of the
Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window. However, one set of buttons appears for a successful edit
run while a different set appears for an unsuccessful edit run.
The function buttons are on the far right of the Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window after a
successful edit run.

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Execute an Incoming Edit Run With EA Server File Transfer

Incoming Edit Run Successful

The function buttons on the Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window after a successful incoming
edit run are described.

Successful Incoming Edit Run Function Buttons

Button Name Function

Done Completes the incoming edit run by importing any returns. Then, closes the
Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window and returns to the main window.

New Run Completes the incoming edit run by importing any returns. Then, returns all fields
to their default values to execute another incoming edit run.

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Execute an Incoming Edit Run With EA Server File Transfer

Successful Incoming Edit Run Function Buttons

Button Name Function

View Log Displays the Sys Print (Release 3 EP-299 Incoming Interchange Processing Log) in
the Progress box.

Browse/Print Reports Opens the Browse/Print Edit Package Reports window with most recent incoming
reports in the list box on the upper-left corner. Click Archives to display the sets of
incoming edit run reports.

Save CTF Opens the Save Incoming CTF window to save the CTF that has been generated
during the edit run to a file in either ASCII or EBCDIC format. (See "Saving Incoming
CTFs" later in this chapter for a detailed description of saving incoming CTFs.)

When you click Done on the Incoming Edit Run Setup window, the following process occurs:
l Processed files are deleted, renamed, or left (depending on a Run Control Option setting).
The function buttons are on the far right of the Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window after an
unsuccessful edit run.

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Execute an Incoming Edit Run With EA Server File Transfer

Incoming Edit Run Unsuccessful

The function buttons on the Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window after an unsuccessful edit run
are described.

Unsuccessful Incoming Edit Run Function Buttons

Button Name Function

Done Cancels the incoming edit run without importing any returns. Then, closes the
Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window and returns to the main window.

Rerun Same Resets the Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window to execute another
incoming edit run without removing the ITFs that were included in the previous
edit run.

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Execute an Incoming Edit Run With EA Server File Transfer

Unsuccessful Incoming Edit Run Function Buttons

Button Name Function

New Run Returns all fields to their default values to execute another incoming edit run.

View Log Displays the EP-299 Incoming Interchange Processing Log in the Progress box.

View Exceptions Displays the EP-200A Incoming Interchange Validation Exception Detail Report in
the Progress box.

Browse/Print Reports Opens the Browse/Print Edit Package Reports window with most recent incoming
reports in the list box on the upper-left corner. Click Archives to display all the
archived sets of incoming edit run reports.

Save Incoming CTFs Window in Edit

During a successful incoming edit run, returned transactions are written to an incoming CTF. The
Save CTFs window is then used to save the CTF to a file.

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Execute an Incoming Edit Run With EA Server File Transfer

Open the Save Incoming CTFs Window in Edit

Use this procedure to open the Save Incoming CTFs window.
Click Save CTF at the bottom-right of the Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window.
Or: Select lncoming > Save Incoming CTF from the main menu.
Incoming Menu Save Incoming CTF

On the lower right of the Roadmap Navigator, double click CTF Save
The Save the Incoming CTF window appears.
Save Incoming CTF Initial Display

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Execute an Incoming Edit Run With EA Server File Transfer

Save CTFs in Edit Package

Use this procedure to save CTFs.
1. In the Character Set box, choose the EBCDIC or ASCII Text character set format.
EBCDIC is used primarily on IBM mainframes, while ASCII Text is used primarily on
PCs. In most cases, choose ASCII Text, which is the default.
2. In the Save As Filename text box, enter a path and file name or choose a path using Browse
and enter a file name.
Save Incoming CTF

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Execute an Incoming Edit Run With EA Server File Transfer

3. To save a single CTF to the designated file, select a CTF from the CTFs To Be Saved list box
and click Save File. To save every CTF in the CTFs To Be Saved list box to the designated file,
click Save All.
A completion message is displayed near the bottom of the Save Incoming CTF window.
Save Incoming CTF Completion Message

4. Click Close to close the Save Incoming CTF window and return to the window from which it
was initiated.

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Chapter 8
Executing an Incoming Edit Run
With Direct Exchange

This chapter describes procedures for processing incoming files, ITFs/VTFs from BASE II by means of
Direct Exchange (DEX). With these windows you can retrieve selected files using DEX, set temporary
incoming run control options and table overrides, include ITFs/VTFs in an incoming edit run, execute
an incoming edit run, and browse and print incoming Edit Package reports.

BASE II Incoming Interchange

Transaction Process Using Direct
The following is an overview of the usual process by which incoming interchange transactions sent
by BASE II are received and processed by the Edit Package for Windows using Direct Exchange.

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Executing an Incoming Edit Run With Direct Exchange

Only steps 2, 3, and 4 are covered here; Step 1 is outside the scope of the Edit Package.
1. Incoming files, ITFs/VTFs are created by BASE II and sent by a Visa Interchange Center (VIC)
to your Direct Exchange server or PC. These incoming files include transaction data and
return items and table updates (TC 54s).
2. Using the Retrieve Incoming files From Direct Exchange window, ITFs are selected and
3. Using the Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window, temporary incoming run control
options and table overrides may be set. Incoming files, ITFs/VTFs that have been transferred
but not processed are then selected for an incoming edit run. Finally, an incoming edit run is
executed. During the run, table updates and data entry updates are automatically applied,
incoming run control options are validated, transactions are edited, and incoming Center
Transaction Files (CTFs) or VisaNet Markup Language (VMLs) are created. Transactions
returned by BASE II due to errors are written to separate CTFs/VMLs of "returned" batches.
4. Current and archived incoming reports can be viewed and printed using the Browse/Print
Edit Package Reports window.
5. During data entry, returned batches are corrected. The corrections are then re-sent to BASE II
in a subsequent outgoing edit run and file transfer.

Related Information
l Data Entry and Corrections in Edit Package

l Outgoing Edit Run Execution With Direct Exchange

l Execute an Incoming Edit Run With EA Server File Transfer

Retrieve Incoming Files in Edit

Package Using Direct Exchange
When BASE II processes outgoing interchange transactions, those with errors are returned for
correction. Returned transactions and TC 54s that automatically update the Edit Package tables are
used to create incoming files ITFs/VTFs. There are several ways that incoming files can be transferred
to the PC Edit Package for Windows for processing.
l By CD
l Electronically by Direct Exchange (DEX)
l Directly from the Visa mainframe (for Visa use)
The Visa Interface option determines whether the ITF/VTF files transferred electronically are sent via
EA Server, Secure EA Server, Direct Exchange (DEX) or Secure DEX Server. If the Visa Interface option
is set to EA Server, the Transfer Incoming files from EAS window is used to transfer incoming files. If
the option is set to Secure EAS, the Retrieve Incoming files from Secure EAS window is used to

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Executing an Incoming Edit Run With Direct Exchange

retrieve the incoming files. If the option is set to Direct Exchange, the Retrieve Incoming files from
Direct Exchange window is used to retrieve incoming files. If the option is set to Secure Direct
Exchange, the Retrieve Incoming files from Secure Direct Exchange window is used to retrieve
incoming files.
During an incoming electronic file transfer, the following steps are automatically executed:
1. Incoming files, ITFs/VTFs are converted from EBCDIC (mainframe) to ASCII (PC) format.
2. If the compression option has been chosen, the files are uncompressed.
3. If the Visa Interface Type option is Direct Exchange the files may be decrypted.

Retrieve Incoming Files From DEX

Window in Edit Package
To retrieve incoming files using Direct Exchange (DEX), the Visa Interface Type option must first be
set to Direct Exchange. When this is done, the Retrieve Files from Direct Exchange submenu item will
appear in the Incoming main menu item. When the Retrieve Incoming Files From Direct Exchange
window is opened, it automatically connects to the default DEX and displays all files ready for
transfer in the Files Available In Directory list box towards the bottom of the window.
XYGATE software, which is used by Direct Exchange (DEX) for file encryption, compression,
and transfer, is a third-party proprietary product that is licensed and supported by Visa. To
resolve XYGATE problems, refer to XYGATE technical documentation or contact Visa Technical
Support or your country-specific number for Edit Package 4 support.
Zip software may also be used by Direct Exchange for file compression. Zip software is a
third-party product that is not supported by Visa. To resolve Zip problems, contact your
software vendor.

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Executing an Incoming Edit Run With Direct Exchange

Open the Retrieve Incoming ITFs From DEX

Window in Edit Package
Use this procedure to open the Retrieve Incoming ITFs From Direct Exchange window.
Select Incoming > Retrieve Files from Direct Exchange in the main menu. Alternatively,
double-click DEX on the upper right side of the Roadmap Navigator.
Incoming Menu Retrieve Files From DEX

The Retrieve Incoming ITFs from Direct Exchange window appears.

Retrieve Incoming ITF From DEX

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Executing an Incoming Edit Run With Direct Exchange

Files Available in Directory DEX List Box in Edit

Each column in the Files Available in Directory list box is described.

Files Available To Be Transferred From DEX List Box

Column Description

Date Date BASE II created the file.

Type File type code.

Status File transfer status: Select - Selected for transfer Transfer- File is being
transferred from a DEX Recvd - File transfer completed

CPD Central Processing Date of the BASE II cycle when the file was created.

Batch 1 Starting batch number for the file.

Cont Continuation flag.

Unique File ID Unique number assigned by BASE II.

Retrieve Incoming ITFs From DEX Function

Buttons in Edit Package
Each function button on the Retrieve Incoming ITFs From Direct Exchange window is described.

Retrieve Incoming ITFs From DEX Function Buttons

Button Name Function

Close Closes the Retrieve Incoming ITFs From Direct Exchange window and returns
to the main window.

Cancel Prevents any files not already retrieved or in the process of being retrieved
from being sent. Does not recall retrieved files or interrupt the file currently
being retrieved.

View Log Displays the XYGATE Log in a text box to the left of the function buttons.

Refresh Redisplays all files that are ready for retrieval from DEX in the Files Available In
Directory list box.

Select Selects a file highlighted in the Files Available In Directory list box.

Select All Selects all files in the Files Available In Directory list box.

Deselect Deselects a file highlighted in the Files Available In Directory list box.

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Executing an Incoming Edit Run With Direct Exchange

Retrieve Incoming ITFs From DEX Function Buttons

Button Name Function

Deselect All Deselects all files in the Files Available In Directory list box.

Reset File Resets the status of a file selected from the Files Available In Directory list box.

Delete Deletes a file from DEX that has been selected from the Files Available In
Directory list box.

Retrieve Starts the incoming file retrieval process.

Large View Opens the Browse/Print Edit Package Reports window with the FTP Log, DEX
Log, DEX file directory, or file details displayed.

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Executing an Incoming Edit Run With Direct Exchange

Retrieve Incoming ITFs From DEX in Edit Package

Use this procedure to retrieve incoming ITFs from DEX.
1. In the Supported Interfaces box in the upper-left of the window, select the appropriate DEX
2. Select one or more entries from the Files Available In Directory list box. Selected files will be
in Select status.
3. Click Retrieve in the lower-right of the window. Animated icons will appear above the Files
Available In Directory box to represent the progress of the file retrieval process. Also, text
messages displayed below the Files Available In Directory box will report the file retrieval
progress. When a file is being retrieved, its status will change to Transfer, a file identifier will
be assigned, and the number of records that have been retrieved will be displayed. When a
file has completed being retrieved, its status will change to Retrieved.
The file retrieval process may take anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes,
depending on many factors, including the size of the files being retrieved, whether
the files are compressed, the speed of the DEX connection, and the speed of your PC.
When the file transfer is complete, a retrieval completed message appears. Also, each
selected file should now be in Retrieved status.
Transfer Incoming ITFs From DEX

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Executing an Incoming Edit Run With Direct Exchange

View Log Function Button in Edit Package

When the View Log function button is clicked, the DEX XYGATE Log appears in a text box to the left
of the button.
The Log text box is shown. Clicking Large View below the text box opens the Browse/Print Edit
Package Reports window with the log displayed.

Log Text Box

Close the Retrieve Incoming ITFs From DEX

Window in Edit Package
After a successful file retrieval, click Close in the upper-right corner of the window to close the
Retrieve Incoming ITFs From Direct Exchange window and return to the main window.

Incoming Edit Package Run Setup

Window Using DEX
The Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window is used to perform an incoming edit run. It is used to
set the run and table effective dates, include ITFs retrieved from DEX or from user input, start an
incoming edit run, and view the incoming edit run log file. It can also be used to initiate temporary
overrides for environmental and incoming run control options, and table overrides. These temporary
overrides are canceled when the Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window is closed.

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Open the Incoming Edit Package Run Setup

Window Using DEX
Use this procedure to open the Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window.
Select Incoming > Start Incoming Edit Run
Incoming Menu Start Incoming Edit Run

Or: On the right-center of the Roadmap Navigator, double-click Incoming.

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The Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window opens.

Incoming Edit Package Run Setup Window

Select an RCO Profile for an Edit Run in Edit Package

Use this procedure to select an RCO profile for an edit run. Select RCO profile from the "Run Control
Profile" list box in the "Profiles" frame of the Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup or Incoming Edit
Package Run Setup window.

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Incoming Edit Run Parameters

The Incoming Run Parameters section of the Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window are

Incoming Run Parameters

Parameter Description

Run Date Date that will be included in the header of the incoming CTF files. Default is the
current system date. Format is YYYY/MM/DD.

Use ITF CPD When checked, the date in the incoming ITF header is used as the table effective
date. When unchecked, the date in the Table Effective Date field is used.

Table Effective Date Effective date for Edit Package edits. Can be set forward to test edits that will
become effective at a future date. Default is the current system date. Format is

Note: To activate transaction data entry changes that become effective at

a future date, you must close the Edit Package, set your system date to the
future date, and relaunch the Edit Package.

Rerun Check box to identify an incoming edit run that includes an ITF that has previously
been processed.

Defaults Returns all fields in the Incoming Run Parameters section to their default values.

If the Separate File for Returned Transactions incoming run control option is checked, a separate
incoming Center Transaction File (CTF) with only returned transactions is created.

Initiate Temporary Run Control Options and

Table Overrides in Edit Package Using Direct
The Override Run Control Options section of the Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window is used to
open the Environmental Run Control Options, Incoming Run Control Options, and Table Overrides
windows in temporary mode. Temporary options have the same function as permanent options but

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override the permanent run control options and table overrides. However, temporary overrides are
lost when the Incoming Edit Package Run Setup Window is closed.

To initiate Temporary Run Control Options or Table Overrides:

Click Environmental, Incoming, or Table Overrides to open their corresponding run control
and table overrides windows in temporary mode.
Incoming Override Buttons

When temporary incoming options are in effect, the caption of the corresponding
button will appear in green. For example, when there are temporary environmental
overrides, the Environmental caption will be green.

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ITFs Included In This Run in Edit Package

The ITFs Included In This Run section is used to designate the ITFs that will be included in the
incoming edit run.

ITFs Included In This Run Section

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Add DEX ITFs in Edit Package

Use this procedure to add ITFs retrieved from DEX.
1. Click Add DEX ITF.
If no DEX ITF files are available, the Add DEX ITF button will be disabled.
The Incoming Direct Exchange ITF Selection window appears. All ITFs that have been
retrieved from DEX but are not yet included in an incoming edit run will be displayed in the
Files Available For Selection list box.
Incoming DEX ITF Selection Box

2. To select or deselect an ITF, double-click the entry. Alternatively, select an ITF and use the
buttons to the right of the Files Available For Selection section to designate which ITFs should
be included in the incoming edit run or deleted. ITFs that will be included will have Select in
the Status column and will be green. ITFs that have been deleted (removed from subsequent
edit runs) will have Delete in the Status column and will be red.
The Files Available For Selection list box with several ITFs selected and one ITF deleted is
DEX Selection Box With Selected Deleted ITFs

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3. When done, click OK to accept the changes or Cancel to exit without any changes. The
Incoming Direct Exchange ITF Selection window will close and you will be returned to the
Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window. The following figure shows the ITFs Included In
This Run section with two DEX ITFs.
ITFs Included in This Run With DEX ITFs

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Add User ITFs with DEX in Edit Package

Use this procedure to add user-created ITFs
1. Click Add User ITF.
The Select ITF window appears.
Select ITF Window

2. Double-click a file or select a file and click Open to open the file, close Select ITF and return
to the Incoming Edit Package Setup window.
ITFs Included in Run With DEX ITFs User ITF

3. Repeat the above steps to add additional user ITFs.

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Remove User ITFs in Edit Package

Use this procedure to remove a User ITF from the list.
1. Select the ITF from the list and click Remove ITF.
2. To remove all ITFs from the list, click Reset.

Remove DEX ITFs in Edit Package

Use this procedure to remove DEX ITFs from the list.
1. Select the ITF from the list and click Remove ITF.
2. The Incoming ITF selection Window appears. Deselect the file to be removed from the list
and click OK.

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Execute an Incoming Edit Run Using Direct

Use this procedure to execute an Incoming Edit Run.
Click Start Run. The Progress box displays information about the incoming edit run. It
includes the number of records staged for each ITF, the current step that is being executed,
and the final Return Code (RC) for the edit run.
Depending on the size of the incoming ITF files, it may take several minutes to complete the
incoming edit run.
The Incoming Edit Run Progress Box after the completion of a successful edit run is shown.
This run is considered successful because the Return Code (RC) is 0.
Incoming Edit Run Progress Box With a Successful Run

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The Incoming Edit Run Progress Box after the completion of a successful edit run but with a
failed Table Update is shown.
Successful Edit Run With Failed Table Update

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A Warning message will appear, “TC 54 Table Update process failed,” as shown.
TC 54 Warning Display Message

Incoming Edit Package Run Setup Function

Buttons for Direct Exchange
After the completion of an incoming edit run, function buttons appear on the far right of the
Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window. However, one set of buttons appears for a successful edit
run while a different set appears for an unsuccessful edit run.
The function buttons are on the far right of the Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window after a
successful edit run.

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Function Buttons (on the far right) of Successful Incoming Edit Run

The function buttons on the Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window after a successful incoming
edit run are described.

Successful Incoming Edit Run Function Buttons

Button Name Function

Done Completes the incoming edit run by importing any returns. Then, closes the
Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window and returns to the main window.

Rerun Same Resets the Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window to execute another
incoming edit run without removing the ITFs that were included in the
previous edit run.

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Successful Incoming Edit Run Function Buttons

Button Name Function

New Run Completes the incoming edit run by importing any returns. Then, returns all
fields to their default values to execute another incoming edit run.

View Log Displays the EP-299 Incoming Interchange Processing Log in the Progress

View Exceptions Displays the EP-200A Incoming Interchange Validation Exception Detail

Reports Opens the Browse/Print Edit Package Reports window with most recent
incoming reports in the list box on the upper-left corner. If sets of incoming
edit run reports have been archived, they will appear when the Archives
button is pressed.

Save CTF Opens the Save Incoming CTF window to save the CTF that has been
generated during the edit run to a file in either ASCII or EBCDIC format.

The following processing is performed after Done is clicked on the Incoming Edit Run Setup window:
l Processed files are deleted, renamed, or left (depending on a Run Control Option setting).
The function buttons are on the far right of the Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window after an
unsuccessful edit run.

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Incoming Edit Package Run Setup After an Unsuccessful Edit Run

The function buttons on the Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window after an unsuccessful edit run
are described.

Unsuccessful Incoming Edit Run Function Buttons

Button Name Function

Done Cancels the incoming edit run without importing any rejects. Then, closes the
Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window and returns to the main window.

Rerun Same Resets the Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window to execute another
incoming edit run without removing the ITFs that were included in the
previous edit run.

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Unsuccessful Incoming Edit Run Function Buttons

Button Name Function

New Run Returns all fields to their default values to execute another incoming edit run.

View Log Displays the EP-299 Incoming Interchange Processing Log in the Progress

View Exceptions Displays the EP-200A Incoming Interchange Validation Exception Detail
Report in the Progress box.

Save Incoming CTFs Window in Edit

During a successful incoming edit run, returned transactions are written to an incoming CTF. The
Save CTFs window is then used to save the CTF to a file.

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Open the Save Incoming CTFs Window in Edit

Package Using Direct Exchange
Use this procedure to open the Save Incoming CTFs window.
Click Save CTF at the bottom-right corner of the Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window.
Or: Select Incoming > Save Incoming CTF from the main menu.
Incoming Save Incoming CTF

Or: On the lower right of the Roadmap Navigator, double-click CTF.

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The Save Incoming CTF window appears.

Save Incoming CTF Window

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Save CTFs in Edit Package with Direct Exchange

Use this procedure to save CTFs.
1. In the Character Set box, choose either the EBCDIC or ASCII Text character set format.
EBCDIC is used primarily on IBM mainframes and ASCII Text is used primarily on PCs.
In most cases, choose ASCII Text, which is the default.
2. In the Save As Filename text box, enter a path and file name, or click Browse to select path
and file name.
Save Incoming CTF Window Ready for Save

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3. To save a single CTF to the designated file, select a CTF from the CTFs To Be Saved list box
and click Save File. To save every CTF in the CTFs To Be Saved list box to the designated file,
click Save All.
A completion message appears near the bottom of the Save Incoming CTF window.
Save Incoming CTF Completion Message

4. Click Close to close the Save Incoming CTF window and return to the window from which it
was initiated.

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Chapter 9
Data Entry and Corrections in Edit

Data Entry and Corrections in Edit

Package Overview
This chapter describes the windows that are used for data entry functions. These windows are used
to create new transactions (originals), correct BASE II returns and Edit Package rejects, add or delete
data entry batches, change data entry batch status, and add or remove transactions from data entry
batches, and set up data entry override testing.
Unlike Release 3 of Edit Package for Windows, Release 4 does not support the use of function keys
(Ctrl + N, F1, F2,..) to perform any commands.
In addition to data entry batches, there are also user batches. User batches contain transactions
produced entirely by the processor's pre-edit system without using the data entry and corrections

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Data Entry and Corrections in Edit Package

For detailed tutorials on data entry and corrections, and batch management and data entry
override testing, see Appendix B, PC Edit Package for Windows Tutorials. Some of the topics
covered in the tutorials are:
l Entering and Submitting New Transactions
l Correcting and Resubmitting Error Transactions
l Building a New CTF
l Removing Transactions From a Batch
l Resetting Batch Status
l Setting Up a Data Entry Override test
The following is an overview of the usual process by which data entry transactions are created or
corrected using Edit Package for Windows and then sent to BASE II for clearing and settlement.
Only steps 2, 3, and 4 below are covered in this chapter.
1. Using the Transfer Incoming Files From EAS or Transfer Incoming files From Direct Exchange
and Incoming Edit Package Run Setup windows, incoming ITFs/VTFs with transactions
returned by BASE II are imported for data entry corrections.
2. Transactions are created or corrected using the Data Entry and Corrections window. These
transactions may be any combination of the following three data entry categories:
l Original transactions, created using the Edit Package.
l Transactions returned by BASE II due to errors via incoming interchange.
l Transactions with errors rejected during an outgoing edit run.
This step is usually performed concurrently with Step 3.
3. Using the Data Entry and Corrections window, transactions are added or removed from
batches of like data entry transactions. During this step, new batches may be created or old
ones deleted.
4. On the Collect Batches / Build Collection File window, outgoing data entry files, CTF/VML are
built by including one or more data entry batches. The CTFs/VMLs can include any
combination of batches with originals, returns, or rejects.
5. The Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window is used to include one or more data entry
CTFs/VMLs, or user CTFs/VMLs produced by the processor's own pre-edit system, in an
outgoing edit run. Ordinarily, during the edit run, error-free transactions are written to an
outgoing ITF/VTF, while transactions with errors are written to a rejected CTF/VML file.
6. One or more ITFs/VTFs are sent to BASE II using the Transfer Outgoing Files to EAS, Transfer
Outgoing files to Direct Exchange, or Save Data Entry CTF window. During the BASE II
settlement and clearing process, transactions with errors that cannot be detected by the Edit
Package, or have not been edited by it, are returned for data correction.

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Data Entry and Corrections in Edit Package

At any point in this process, the Data Entry Batch Viewer and Utility window can be used to view
batch file details, change the status or category of a batch, or delete a batch.
Many of the functions as well as the appearance of the data entry and corrections windows
are determined by the data entry options.

Data Entry and Corrections Windows

in Edit Package
The Data Entry and Corrections windows are used to create original transactions and to correct
returned or rejected transactions. They are also used to add or delete batches of the same type of
transactions (such as originals, rejects, or returns) and to include or remove transactions from

Transactions Menu Item Selections in Edit

Under the Transactions main menu, there are three options (one for each batch/transaction category)
for opening the Data Entry and Corrections window. These are: New Transaction Entry, Correct Edit
Package Rejects, and Correct BASE II Returns.

Transactions Main Menu

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Double-Click an Icon in Edit Package

There are also three icons on the Roadmap Navigator that can be used to open the Data Entry and
Corrections window. These icons appear directly under the Data Entry Batches heading on the upper-
left and are respectively titled: Originals, Rejects, and Returns.

To open the Data Entry and Corrections Window:

Select Transactions > New Transaction Entry > Correct Edit Package Rejects or
Transactions > New Transaction Entry > Correct BASE II Returns on the main menu. Or:
On the upper-left of the Roadmap Navigator, double-click Originals, Rejects or Returns.

Data Entry Override Set Up in Edit Package

The Data Entry Override (DEO) provides the ability to easily activate all changes for a future business
release during a test mode logon. Most importantly, it eliminates the need to set a PC's system date
ahead in order to activate future Data Entry changes.
During test mode logon, the user has the ability to simply select a specific business release. When
selected, Edit Package works as though it were the future date. Edit Package Run Date for the Data
Entry will also be advanced to the future business release date. However, default Run Date for
incoming and outgoing runs will remain the PC's system date and not the future date. Thus, the Edit
Package history will remain the actual chronological sequence. Edit Package Run date for Data Entry
can be adjusted by the user at any time. However, Table Effective Date for the Data Entry cannot be
None of the changes made to the Data Entry options during DEO session will be saved.

Data Entry Override (DEO) Selection in Edit Package

Data Entry Overrides are available for specific BASE II CIBs. A DEO can only be used in test mode.
Production logons will not be allowed to invoke a DEO. After the Data Entry updates have been
applied for a particular BASE II CIB, you will be able to simply select that business release as a DEO in
the Data Entry Override form. All future business releases processed for the BASE II CIB can be
selected as a DEO. For example, if the current date is 18 March 2009 and business release Data Entry
updates for CPD 01 April 2009 and CPD 30 April 2009 have both been processed, the user could
select either the 01 April 2009 or the 30 April 2009 release.
In this example, selecting the 30 April release would also activate the 01 April release.

Data Entry Override Functions in Edit Package

Logon With Data Entry Override Present

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Data Entry and Corrections in Edit Package

When a Data Entry Override is selected, the following takes place:

1. The default Table Effective Date is the selected Data Entry Override date. When an incoming
Edit Package run setup or an outgoing Edit Package run setup are initiated, or data entry
options are selected, the Edit Package tables will load using the Data Entry Override Table
Effective Date. After Edit Package has been launched, the Table Effective Date cannot be
2. All business rules for the business release will be automatically invoked for Incoming and
Outgoing edit runs and for Data Entry validation.
3. All Data Entry specification changes for the selected business release will be automatically
invoked. For instance, new data fields for the business release will appear on Data Entry
4. The default Run Date will remain the actual date for incoming run setup and outgoing run
setup. However, the Run Date for data entry options will be set to Data Entry Override date.
Unlike Table Effective Date, the Run Data can be modified after Edit Package has been
5. If user decides to switch to a different BASE II CIB:
l Only BASE II CIBs that have test accesses will be listed in the Switch BASE II CIB list box.
l After user selects a BASE II CIB, clicks OK, a message box should display "Switching to
BASE II CIB 99999 in the TEST mode with Data Entry Override option."
l When new BASE II CIB is loaded, the status bar should always indicate TEST mode.
l The Run Date and Table Effective Date settings should be as indicated in items 1 through
Next Normal Logon After Data Entry Override
After the main application is closed and the next normal logon has been done, the Data Entry
Options are the same as in the previous normal logon session. This means that any changes made
during Data Entry Override logon are lost.

New Transactions Entry Window in

Edit Package
The New Transactions Entry Window is used to create original transactions. Once created,
transactions of the same type such as originals, rejects, or returns can be cut, copied, pasted, deleted,
and validated. Additionally, new batches can be created and existing batches removed.

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Data Entry and Corrections in Edit Package

Create a New File in .WTF Format in Edit Package

The files in the Data Entry are in .WTF format. The .WTF Files are stored on the local computer in the
BASE II CIB folder or in a user-defined location. The default folder is C:\ep40\CXXXXXX
\ORIGINALS\, where XXXXXX is the BASE II CIB. As new folders are created,
the 000 value will be incremented by 1.
1. Right-click TreeNode Originals and from the Originals submenu, select Create New File.
The Select Transaction Window will open.
Create New File Menu

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Select Transaction Window

2. From the drop-down list, select the Transaction Type. Click OK.
3. Right-click on the transaction-level node (e.g., Sales Draft) to open up the Transaction Detail

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4. On the Transaction Details Window, enter the values for the fields required for the transaction
A brief description of each field will appear when the cursor is positioned on the field name.
Display Transaction Details

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5. To expand the view of the Transaction Details window, click the icon on the upper right-hand
side of the window.
Expanded Transaction Details Layout

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Add a New Transaction Group in Edit Package

Use this procedure to add a new Transaction Group.
1. From the drop-down list, select the Transaction Group. Click Add.
2. For each transaction group that has been added, it will appear in the Transaction Group to
Remove drop-down list. It can be deleted by selecting it and clicking Remove.
New Transaction Group Detail

For each transaction type selected, a group of fields are displayed initially, for example, Required-
Data; additional transaction groups can be added by selecting the appropriate transaction group and
clicking Add. The list of transaction groups that appear in the drop-down list will only be those
relevant to the original transaction selected.
In this example, Sales Draft - Original was chosen, so the Transaction Groups presented are relevant
to this transaction type.

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Transaction Group List

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Data Entry and Corrections in Edit Package

For TC users, see BASE II Clearing Interchange Formats for a complete list of TC and TCR
translations for the Transaction Group names. For VML users, see BASE II Clearing VML

TCR Name Translations

TCR Transaction Group Name

TCR 1 Additional – Data

TCR 3 Car Rental

TCR 7 Chip Card Transaction Data

TCR 3 Fleet Service

TCR 6 Limited Use Data

TCR 3 Lodging

TCR 2 National Net – Brazil

TCR 2 National Net – Japan

TCR 2 National Net – South Korea

TCR 2 National Net – Mexico

TCR 2 National Net – Sweden

TCR 3 Passenger Itinerary

TCR 5 Payment Service Data

TCR 4 Promotion Data

TCR 4 SMS Data

An example of how to add an additional transaction group, (TCR 2), is shown.

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Add Transaction Group

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Save the Transaction in Edit Package

Use this procedure to save a transaction.
Save the transaction by right-clicking Transaction to open the Transaction submenu or by
selecting Save in the Transaction Actions window. Click Save Transaction.
Save Transaction

New Transaction Validation in Edit

Validate the Transaction by right-clicking TreeNode Transaction (Sales Draft - Original) and selecting
Validate or by selecting Validate in the Transaction Actions window. )
When a transaction is validated and errors are found, an error message, Transaction Validate with
Errors, will appear on the screen. The fields in error will appear in Red. The Batch Status will change
from OK to ERR and the TreeNode for the transaction will contain a + indicating that there are error
messages. If you left-click + on the TreeNode, the error messages will appear at the top of the screen
in a list.

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Validate Transaction

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Validate Transaction With Errors

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Validate Transaction Error List

If you click on the icon, the Transaction Detail window will be expanded and the error list will appear
in the bottom window.
If there are no errors found, the error message, Transaction Validate with No Errors, will appear on
the screen. The + on the TreeNode at the Transaction level will disappear, and the Transaction Status
will change from ERR to OK.

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Validate Transaction Error Detail Expanded

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Validate Transaction No Errors

Edit Package Submenu Summary

The Originals TreeNode is a storage location for data entry files that contain batches. The batches
contain the new transactions. The process of creating a new transaction includes creating a .WTF file
in the Originals TreeNode to hold the batches, creating a Batch to hold the transactions, and creating
the new transaction. The examples below are for Originals, but the same submenu functions apply to
Rejects and Returns.
The Rejects TreeNode is a storage location for data entry files that contain batches. The batches
contain the rejected transactions. The .WTF file for Rejects is located in the default folder
C:\ep40\CXXXXXX\REJECTS\, where XXXXXX is the BASE II CIB. As new
folders are created, the 000 value will be incremented by 1.
The Returns TreeNode is a storage location for data entry files that contain batches. The batches
contain the transactions containing BASE II returns. The .WTF file for Returns is located in the default
folder C:\ep40\CXXXXXX\RETURNS\, where XXXXXX is the BASE II CIB. As
new folders are created, the 000 value will be incremented by 1.

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Originals TreeNode Submenu Options in Edit

The Originals TreeNode functions that can be executed from the Originals TreeNode options are
listed and described. The submenu options can be accessed by right-clicking the Originals TreeNode
in the TreeView.

Originals TreeNode Submenu Options

Originals TreeNode Submenu Quick Reference

Field Description

Create New File Creates a .WTF format file to store the batches in a user-selected location.

Delete File Removes the file from the TreeView.

Load File Adds a previously created file to this TreeView.

File-Level Submenu Options in Edit Package

The file-level functions that can be executed from the TreeNode File submenu options are described.
The submenu options can be accessed by right-clicking the .WTF TreeNode in the TreeView.

File Level Submenu Options

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File-Level Submenu Quick Reference

Field Description

Save Saves changes to a file.

Save As Names the file and location for the file to be saved.

Create New Batch Creates a new batch to be located in the file.

Batch-Level Submenu Options in Edit Package

The batch-level functions that can be executed from the TreeNode Batch Submenu options are
described. The Submenu options can be accessed by right-clicking the Batch-Level TreeNode in the

Batch-Level Submenu Options

Batch-Level Submenu Quick Reference

Field Description

Get Batch Details Shows details of the selected Batch in the Batch Details window below the

Create New Transaction Creates a new transaction and lists it in the Batch-level TreeNode.

Remove Batch Deletes the selected Batch.

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Batch-Level Submenu Quick Reference

Field Description

Cut Transactions Cuts selected transactions from the selected Batch on the Windows
clipboard to be pasted to another batch. Options are:

l Cut All Transactions

l Cut All OK Transactions
l Cut All Error Transactions

Copy Transactions Puts selected transactions from the selected Batch on the Windows
clipboard to be copied to the same or a different batch. Options are:

l Copy All Transactions

l Copy All OK Transactions
l Copy All Error Transactions

Delete Transactions Removes transaction from batch. Options are:

l Delete All Transactions

l Delete All OK Transactions
l Delete All Error Transactions

Paste Transactions Pastes all transactions placed on the Windows clipboard into the currently
active batch.

Validate Transactions Validates the transaction. If any errors are found, validation error code and
error message text are displayed and the fields with errors are highlighted
in red. Options are:

l Validate All Transactions

l Validate All OK Transactions
l Validate All Error Transactions

Print Batch Summary Prints the Batch Detail Report.

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Transaction-Level Submenu Options in Edit

The transaction-level functions for Originals that can be executed from the TreeNode Transaction
submenu options are described. The submenu options can be accessed by right-clicking the
transaction-level TreeNode in the TreeView.

Transaction-Level Submenu Options

Transaction-Level Submenu Quick Reference

Field Description

Get Transaction Details Shows Transaction details in the main Details window below the TreeView.

Delete Transaction Removes transaction from batch.

Validate Validates the transaction. If any errors are found, validation error code
and error message text are displayed and the fields with errors are
highlighted in red.

Copy Transaction Puts a transaction selected from the Batch Submenu list box on the
Windows clipboard to be copied to the same or a different batch.

Save Transaction Keeps values entered into transaction details.

Collect Batches and Build Collection

File Window in Edit Package
The Collect Batches/Build Collection File window is used to include data entry batches in OK status in
an outgoing CTF. For a batch to be in OK status, either all of the transactions are error-free or the
batch was manually put in OK status on the Data Entry Batch Viewer and Utility window. Any
combination of batches with original, returned, or rejected transactions can be included in a single
CTF. Once built, the outgoing CTF can be included in an outgoing edit run.

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Open the Collect Batches and Build Collection File

Window in Edit Package
Use this procedure to open the Collect Batches/Build Collection File Window.
Select Transactions > Collect Batches/Build Collection File on the main menu.
Or: On the upper-left of the Roadmap Navigator, double-click Data Entry CTF.
Transactions Menu Collect Batches/Build Collection File

When the Collect Batches /Build Collection File window is opened, the left list box will first
display all data entry batches in OK status that have not already been included in an
outgoing CTF. The right side is used to display batches that have been added to the CTF in
process. In the center, between the two list boxes, are the function buttons.
Collect Batches Build Collection File

When a batch is added to the CTF in process, the batch is moved from the left list box to the
right list box and all of the functional buttons appear.

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Add a Batch to the Data Entry CTF in Edit

Use this procedure to add a single batch to the Data Entry CTF.
Select the batch from the left list box and click Add to CTF.
Or: Double-click a batch in the left list box.
The Collect Batches/Build Collection File window after at least one batch has been added to
the CTF in process is shown. Above the right list box the number of batches that is currently
included in the CTF, the total number of transactions, and the sum of their amounts is
Collect Batches Build File With Batches

Build a Data Entry CTF in Edit Package

Use this procedure to build a data entry CTF.
Click Build CTF Now.

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Collect Batches and Build Collection File Window

Option Fields in Edit Package
The option fields are contained in the Filters, Sort By, Sequence, and Collection File Format boxes
above the left list box containing batches that are ready to be added.

Collect Batches/Build Collection File Option Fields

Collect Batches/Build Collection File Option Boxes

Box Description

Filters Filters batches according to their status, that is, only batches with the selected
status are displayed. The choices are:

l All
l Originals
l Rejects
l Returns

Note: The number of available batches is to the right of each choice.

Sort By Lists transactions sorted by:

l Category (All, Originals, Rejects and Returns)

l Status (All, OK, ERR, NEW)
l Count
l Amount
l Last Update
l Operator (ID)

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Collect Batches/Build Collection File Option Boxes

Box Description

Sequence Sorts displayed batches:

l Ascending
l Descending
The Defaults button returns all option boxes to the default settings.

Collection File Format Format of Collection produced for Outgoing Run. File Formats:

l TC

Collect Batches and Build Collection File Window

Function Buttons in Edit Package
After at least one batch has been added to the CTF in process, all of the function buttons appear
between the two list boxes.

Collect Batches Build Function Buttons

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Collect Batches/Build Collection File Function Buttons

Button Description

Add To CTF Adds a batch selected from the left list box to the CTF in process by moving
it to the list box on the right.

Add All Adds all available batches displayed in the left list box to the CTF by putting
them in the list box on the right.

Remove From CTF Removes a batch selected from the list box on the right from the CTF by
moving it to the left list box.

Remove All Removes all batches from the CTF by moving them from the list box on the
right to the left list box.

Build CTF Now Builds a data entry outgoing CTF file from the batches in the list box on the
right. The default folder is C:\ep40\CXXXXXX\OUTGOING

Cancel Closes the Collect Batches/Build CTF window without building a data entry
CTF and returns to the main window.

Data Entry CTF Save and Export in

Edit Package
After outgoing data entry CTFs have been built, you have the option of saving one or more to a
separate file for manual exporting using the Save Data Entry CTF window. This is normally done to
include the CTF in an outgoing edit run using another PC workstation or on a mainframe system.
Outgoing data entry CTFs can also be saved to a file on your hard drive, your network, or directly to
a storage medium such as a disk or CD.
Files can be saved in either EBCDIC or ASCII format. EBCDIC is the format used chiefly by IBM
mainframe systems, while ASCII text is used on all PC windows operating systems.

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Open the Save Data Entry CTF Window in Edit

Use this procedure to open the Save Data Entry CTF window.
Select Transactions > Export Data Entry CTF on the main menu.
Transactions Menu – Export Data Entry CTF

When the Save Data Entry CTF window is opened, it will first display a Character Set selection
box and Save As File Name text box.
Save Data Entry CTF Initial Display

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Save Data Entry CTFs in Edit Package

Use this procedure to save one or more data entry CTFs.
1. Select either the EBCDIC (IBM mainframe) or ASCII text (PC) format from the Character Set
2. In the Save As Filename text box, either manually type a filename and path or choose a path
using the Browse button and type a filename. The appropriate file suffix is automatically
appended to the filename.
3. Click OK.
A list of outgoing data entry CTFs that have not been included in an outgoing edit run
appears in the CTFs To Be Saved box in the upper-left of the window.
Save Data Entry CTF With Confirmation Message

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4. To save individual outgoing data entry CTFs to a file, select one or more entries from the
CTFs To Be Saved list box and click Save File. To save all of the CTFs in the CTFs To Be Saved
list box, click Save All (active if multiple CTFs are present).
After the CTFs have been saved to a file, a confirmation message appears in a text area at the
bottom of the window.
5. To save the same or other CTFs to another file, repeat steps 1 through 5. To return to the
main window, click the Close button.
Collect Batches Save CTF Complete

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Data Entry Batch Viewer and Utility

Window in Edit Package
The Data Entry Batch Viewer and Utility window is used to access all batches currently in the system.
This includes batches that have not been included in an outgoing edit run, and those that have been
included in an outgoing edit run but that have not yet been purged from the system.
The History File Retention Period setting on the Environmental Run Options window
determines the length of time that batches included in an outgoing edit run are retained in
the system before being purged.
The Data Entry Batch Viewer and Utility window can be used to manually override a batch’s category
or status or to permanently delete a batch. Also, batch details and the transactions within a batch can
be viewed. Finally, the status of individual transactions within a batch can be manually overridden.
This utility should be used with extreme caution because it overrides the system’s automatic
management of batch and transaction statuses.

Open the Data Entry Batch Viewer and Utility

Window in Edit Package
Use this procedure to open the Data Entry Batch Viewer and Utility window. Select Transaction >
Data Entry Batch Viewer & Utility from the main menu.

Transactions Menu – Data Entry Batch Viewer & Utility

The Data Batch Viewer & Utility Window appears.

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Batch Summary Portion in Edit Package

When the Data Entry Batch Viewer and Utility window is first opened, only the batch summary
portion of the window appears.
The initial display of the Data Entry Batch Viewer and Utility, with the batch summary portion in the
left-half part of the window, is shown.

Batch Summary Portion

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Batch Summary Option Boxes in Edit Package

The upper part of the batch summary portion is used to designate which batches are displayed in the
batch summary list box and the order in which they are sorted.

Batch Summary Option Boxes

Each option box in the batch summary portion of the Data Entry Batch Viewer and Utility window is

Batch Summary Option Boxes

Box Description

Category Limits the category of batches that are displayed in the batch summary list box

l All
l Originals
l Rejects
l Returns

Note: The number of batches in each status group is displayed to the

right of each category choice.

Status Limits the status of the batches that are displayed in the batch summary list box

l All
l OK (none of the transactions in the batch have errors)
l Err (one or more transactions in the batch has errors)
l Ctf (included in a CTF but not in an outgoing edit run)
l New
l Old (included in an outgoing edit run)

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Batch Summary Option Boxes

Box Description

Sort By Sorts batches in the batch summary list box by:

l Category
l Status
l Batch File
l Count (number of transactions)
l Amount (total amount of all transactions)
l Lst Upd (date and time last updated)

Sequence Displays batches in the batch summary list box ordered:

l Ascending
l Descending

Defaults When selected, returns Category, Status, Sort By, and Sequence options to the
default settings.

Batch Summary Function Buttons in Edit Package

In the middle of the batch summary portion are function buttons and drop-down boxes.

Batch Summary Function Buttons

Batch Summary Function Buttons

Button Description

Change Category and Manually changes the category of a batch selected from the batch summary list box to
Drop-down the category selected from the drop-down box directly under the Change Category
Caution: Use with extreme caution.

Change Status and Drop- Manually changes the status of a batch selected from the batch summary list box to the
Down status selected from the drop-down box directly under the Change Status button.
Caution: Use with extreme caution because this function overrides the system's
automatic management of batch and transaction status.

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Batch Summary Function Buttons

Button Description
Delete Batch Permanently deletes a batch selected from the list box below.
Caution: Deleted batches cannot be recovered.

Show Batch Detail Displays details of the batch selected from the batch summary list box below in the right
portion of the Data Entry Batch Viewer and Utility window.

Note: You can also double-click the entry.

Close Closes the Data Entry Batch Viewer and Utility window and returns to the main window.

Batch Summary List Box in Edit Package

In the lower part of the batch summary portion is a list box that displays the qualified batches.

Batch Summary List Box

Each column in the batch summary list box of the Data Entry Batch Viewer and Utility window is

Batch Summary List Box

Column Description

Category Category of all transactions within the batch.

Status Batch status.

Batch File Unique batch identification number.

Batch # Identifies number of batches generated on a given day.

Trans Number of transactions in the batch.

Amount Sum of the amounts of all the transactions within the batch.

Last Update Date and time the batch was last updated.

Operator Operator who last updated the batch.

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Open the Batch Details Portion in Edit Package

Use this procedure to open the Batch Details portion of the Data Entry Batch Viewer & Utility
window. Select an entry from the batch selection list box and click Show Batch Details.
The Batch Details portion of the Data Entry Batch Viewer & Utility window appears.

Batch Details Portion in Edit Package

When an entry from the batch selection list box is chosen, the batch details portion on the right-half
part of the window displays the selected batch.
The Data Entry Batch Viewer & Utility window, with the batch details portion in the right-half part, is

Batch Details Portion Right-Half Part of Window

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Batch Details in Edit Package

The upper part of the batch details portion is used to designate which transactions are displayed in
the batch details list box and the order in which they are sorted.

Batch Details Function Buttons

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Batch Details Option Boxes in Edit Package

Each option box in the batch details portion of the Data Entry Batch Viewer and Utility window is

Batch Details Option Boxes

Box Description

Filters Limits the category of transactions that are displayed in the batch detail list box
by status to:

l All
l OK
l Err
l Del

Note: The number of transactions in each status group and their total
amounts is displayed to the right of each status choice.

Sort By Sorts transactions in the batch details list box by:

l RcdNbr (sequence number within the batch)

l Status
l TC (transaction code)
l Amount (monetary amount of the transaction)
l Date (purchase date)
l Account (card account number)
l Lst Upd (date and time last updated)
l Operator (operator who last updated the transaction)

Sequence Displays transactions in the batch details list box ordered:

l Ascending
l Descending

Defaults When selected, returns Filters, Sort By, and Sequence options to the default

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Batch Details Function Buttons in Edit Package

In the middle of the batch details portion are function buttons and a drop-down box.

Batch Details Function Buttons

Batch Details Function Buttons

Button Description

Change Status and Drop- Manually changes the status of a transaction selected from the batch details list box to
Down the status selected from the drop-down box directly under the Change Status button.
Caution: Use with extreme caution because this function overrides the system's
automatic management of batch and transaction status.

Close Closes the batch details portion of the Data Entry and Batch Viewer and Utility window.

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Batch Details List Box in Edit Package

In the lower part of the batch details portion is a list box that displays the qualified transactions
within the selected batch.

Batch Details List Box (continued)

Batch Details List Box

Column Description

Red Sequence order within the batch.

Stat Transaction status.

Msg Type Edit Package Internal translation of TC/TCQ and VML IDs.

Amount Monetary amount of the transaction.

Date Purchase date.

Account Card account number.

Description Transaction description.

Last Update Date and time the transaction was last updated.

Operator Operator who last updated the transaction.

Reject Item Info For rejected transactions is the date of the edit run. For OK and returned
transactions, this field is blank.

Return Item Info For returned transactions is the BASE II Return Reason Code. For rejected
and OK transactions, this field is blank.

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Chapter 10
Outgoing Edit Run Execution With
EA Server File Transfer

Sending outgoing interchange transactions to BASE II for clearing using a Visa Extended Access
Server (EAS) involves these PC Edit Package windows. With these windows you can set temporary
outgoing run control options and table overrides, include Center Transaction Files (CTFs) or Visa
Markup Language (VMLs) in an outgoing edit run, execute an outgoing edit run, browse and print
outgoing reports, create outgoing Interchange Transaction Files (ITFs) or VML Transaction Files
(VTFs), save ITFs/VTFs, and send ITFs/VTFs to BASE II.

Outgoing Interchange Transactions to

BASE II Process Overview
This is an overview of the usual process by which outgoing interchange transactions are sent to BASE

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Only steps 3, 4, and 5 below are covered here.

1. Outgoing user files, CTFs/VMLs containing transactions produced by the processing centers
own pre-edit system are created.
2. During data entry and corrections new transactions are created, and rejected or returned
transactions are corrected. Batches of transactions are then included in outgoing data entry
3. Using the Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window, temporary outgoing run control
options and table overrides may be set. Any combination of data entry and user CTFs/ VMLs
are then included in an outgoing edit run. Finally, an outgoing edit run is executed. During
the run, outgoing run control options are validated, transactions are edited, and outgoing
transaction files, ITFs/VTFs are created. Normally, transactions with errors are written to a
separate reject file for data entry and corrections.
4. Current and archived outgoing reports can be viewed and printed using the Browse/Print Edit
Package Reports window.
5. One or more ITFs/ VTFs are sent to BASE II using the Transfer Outgoing Files To or Save Data
Entry CTF window. During the BASE II settlement and clearing process, transactions with
errors that cannot be detected by the Edit Package, or have not been edited by it, are
returned for data correction.

Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup

The Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window is used to perform an outgoing edit run. It is used to
set the run and table effective dates, include data entry and user CTF/VMLs, start an outgoing edit
run, and view the outgoing edit run log file. It can also be used to initiate temporary overrides for
environmental and outgoing run control options, and table overrides.
These temporary overrides are canceled when the Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window is

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Open the Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup

Use this procedure to open the Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window. Select Outgoing > Start
Outgoing Edit Run from the main menu. Alternatively, double-click Outgoing on the left-center of
the Roadmap Navigator.

Outgoing Main Menu

The Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window opens.

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Outgoing Run Initial Setup

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Outgoing Edit Run Parameters

The Outgoing Run parameters of the Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window are described.

Outgoing Run Parameters

Parameter Description

Run Date Date that will be included in the header of the outgoing ITF/ VTF files.
Default is the current system date. Format is YYYY/MM/DD.

Table Effective Date Effective date for Edit Package edits. Can be set forward to test edits that
will become effective at a future date. Default is the current system date.
Format is YYYY/MM/DD.

Note: To activate transaction data entry changes that take effect

at a future date, you must close the Edit Package, set your system
date to the future date, and relaunch the Edit Package.

Trial Run When checked, during the outgoing edit run transactions are edited and
reports are generated. However, an outgoing ITF/ VTF is not created and the
history file is not updated.

Rerun Nbr If entered, processing for the processing day will start over from the entered

Defaults Returns all fields in the Outgoing Run Parameters section to their default

Save Reports Archives reports for the run.

Temporary Run Control Options and Table

Overrides in Edit Package
The Override Run Control Options section of the Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window is used
to open the Environmental Run Control Options, Outgoing Run Control Options, and Table Overrides
windows in temporary mode. Temporary options perform the same functions as permanent options
but override permanent run control options and table overrides. Temporary overrides are lost when
the Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window is closed.
To initiate Temporary Run Control Options or Table Overrides, click Environment, Outgoing, or
Table Overrides to open their corresponding run control and table overrides windows in temporary

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Outgoing Override

When temporary outgoing options are in effect, the caption of the corresponding button will
appear in green. For example, when there are temporary Outgoing overrides, the "Outgoing"
caption will be green.

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Include CTF/VMLs in Edit Package

The CTF/VMLs Included In This Run box is used to designate the CTF/VMLs that will be included in
the outgoing edit run.

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Include CTF

To add a Data Entry CTF/ VML:

1. Click Add Data Entry CTF.
Note: If no data entry CTF/VML is available, the Add Data Entry CTF button will be
The data entry CTF/VML appears in the list box.
Data Entry CTF Included In This Run Box

To add User CTF/VMLs:

2. Click Add User CTF.
The Select CTF/ VML window appears.
Select CTF

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3. Double-click a file or select a file and click Open to open the file, close the Select CTF
window, and return to the Outgoing Edit Package Setup window.
4. Repeat the above steps to add additional user CTF/VMLs.
Data Entry CTF

To remove a CTF/VML from the list:

5. Select the CTF/VML from the list and click Remove CTF.

To remove all CTF/VMLs from the list:

6. Click Reset.

Execute an Outgoing Edit Run

Use this procedure to begin an Outgoing Edit Run. Click Start Run.
The Progress box displays information about the outgoing edit run. It includes the number of records
staged for each CTF/ VML, the current step that is being executed, and the final Return Code (RC) for
the edit run.
After the completion of the edit run, the number of accepted transactions (without errors), rejected
transactions (with errors), and the total number of transactions processed is displayed below the text
Depending on the size of the outgoing CTF/ VML files, it may take several minutes to
complete the outgoing edit run.
The Outgoing Edit Run Progress Box after the completion of a successful edit run is shown. This run
is considered successful because the Return Code (RC) is equal to or less than 4.

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Progress Status

Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup Function

Buttons Using EA Server
After the completion of an outgoing edit run, function buttons appear on the far right side of the
Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window.
The function buttons on the far right of the Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window after an edit
run are shown.

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Outgoing Run

The function buttons on the Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window are described.

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Outgoing Edit Run Function Buttons

Button Name Function

Done Completes the outgoing edit run by importing any returns and closing the
Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window. If Intelligent Navigation is turned on,
the Transfer Outgoing ITFs to EA Server window is automatically opened;
otherwise, the main window appears.

Note: Simply closing the Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window does
not automatically save the outgoing ITF/VTFs or transfer them to an EA
Server, or DEX. If another outgoing edit run is attempted before the ITF/
VTFs are saved or transferred, a step-lock warning message will be

Rerun Same Performs another edit run on the same CTF/VMLs.

Note: Enter a unique number in the Rerun Nbr field to perform another
edit run without overwriting a previous run. Step-lock warning messages
are not displayed when the Rerun Nbr field is not entered.

New Run Initiates a new outgoing edit run by returning all fields to their default values.

Note: If the ITF/VTFs created in a previous run have note been saved or
transferred, a step-lock warning message will be displayed.
If the ITF/VTFs created in a previous run have note been saved or transferred, a
step-lock warning message will be displayed.

View Log Displays the EP-199 Outgoing Interchange Processing Log in the Progress box.

View Exceptions Displays the EP-100A Exception Detail Report in the Progress box.

Reports Opens the Browse/Print Edit Package Reports window with most recent outgoing
reports in the list box in the upper-left corner. Click Archives to display the
archived sets of outgoing reports.

File Transfer to EA Server Opens the Transfer Outgoing ITFs window.

Save ITF Opens the Save Outgoing ITF window to save the ITF/VTFs that have been
generated during the edit run to a file in either ASCII or EBCDIC format.

When you click Done on the Outgoing Edit Run Setup window, processed files are deleted, renamed,
or left (depending on a Run Control Option setting).

Select an RCO Profile for an Edit Run in Edit Package

Use this procedure to select an RCO profile for an edit run. Select RCO profile from the "Run Control
Profile" list box in the "Profiles" frame of the Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup or Incoming Edit
Package Run Setup window.

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Outgoing Edit Run Execution With EA Server File Transfer

Outgoing ITF/VTF Transfer Process in

Edit Package
After outgoing ITF/VTFs have been created by an outgoing edit run, they are ready to be transferred
to BASE II for settlement and clearing. There are several ways that files can be transferred to BASE II
from a PC Edit Package for Windows workstation.
l Electronically by a Visa Extended Access Server(EAS)
l Electronically by a Direct Exchange (DEX)
l By CD
l Directly to the Visa mainframe (for Visa use)
The Visa Interface option determines whether files transferred electronically are sent via an EA Server
(EAS) or Direct Exchange (DEX). If the Visa Interface option is set to an EA Server, the Transfer
Outgoing ITFs to EAS window is used to transfer outgoing files. If the option is set to Direct
Exchange, the Transfer Outgoing ITFs to Direct Exchange window is used to transfer outgoing files. If
the Visa Interface option is set to Secure EAS, the Transfer Outgoing ITF's to Secure EAS window is
used to transfer outgoing files.
To save files to a disk or CD, use the Save Outgoing ITF window.
During an electronic file transfer, these steps are automatically executed:
1. Outgoing ITF/VTFs are converted from ASCII to EBCDIC format.
2. One or more staging files are created, depending on the size of the ITF/VTFs and the
Maximum Records on Outgoing ITF/VTF run control option setting.
3. If the compression option has been chosen, the staging files are compressed.
4. If the Visa Interface Type option is Direct Exchange the staging files may be encrypted.
5. The staging files are sent to the EA Server or Direct Exchange.

Transfer Outgoing ITFs Window in

Edit Package Using EA Server
To transfer outgoing files using an EA Server, the Visa Interface Type option must first be set to EA
Server. When this is done, the Transfer Files to submenu item will appear in the Outgoing main menu

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Open the Transfer Outgoing ITFs Window in Edit

Package Using EA Server
Use this procedure to open the Transfer Outgoing ITFs window. Select Outgoing > Transfer Files to
EAS from the main menu. Alternatively, click File Transfer at the bottom-right side of the Outgoing
Edit Package Run Setup window, or double-click the EA Server to Visa desktop icon on the upper-
right of the Roadmap Navigator.

Outgoing Menu File Transfer

The Transfer Outgoing ITFs window appears.

Transfer Outgoing ITFs

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Files To Be Transferred to EA Server List Box in

Edit Package
Each column in the Files To Be Transferred to list box is described.

Files To Be Transferred to List Box Columns

Column Function

Date Date the ITF/VTF was built by an outgoing edit run.

Batch Batch number. Either system generated or entered in the Rerun Nbr field on the
Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window.

Records Number of records (transactions).

Amount – To be added Total monetary amount of all transactions.

File Identifier Unique file identification number.

Status File transfer status.

Staged - Selected for transfer

XferRdy - Staged and ready for transfer to an EA Server

FileXfer- File is being transferred to an EA Server

XferDone - File transfer to a EA Server is complete

Sent - File has already been sent to an EA Server

Error - File transfer not completed due to errors

Transfer Outgoing ITFs to EA Server Function

Buttons in Edit Package
The function buttons on the Transfer Outgoing ITFs window are described.

Transfer Outgoing ITFs Function Buttons

Button Function
Close Closes the Transfer Outgoing ITFs window and returns to the main window.

Cancel Prevents any files not already transferred or in the process of being transferred from
being sent. Does not recall sent files or interrupt the file currently being sent.

FTP Log Displays a log of FTP process for the last file transfer in a text box to the left of the
function buttons.

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Outgoing Edit Run Execution With EA Server File Transfer

Transfer Outgoing ITFs Function Buttons

Button Function
File List Displays the EA Server directories and their files in a text box to the left of the
function buttons.

Transfer Starts the outgoing file transfer process.

Large View Opens the Browse/Print Edit Package Reports window with the FTP Log or file
directory displayed.

Transfer Outgoing ITF/VTFs to an EA Server in

Edit Package
Use this procedure to transfer outgoing ITF/VTFs.
1. In the Supported box in the upper-left section of the window, select the appropriate
2. Select one or more entries from the Files To Be Transferred To list box. Selected files will be in
Staged status.
3. Click Transfer in the lower-right side of the window.
The animated icons and text message show the progress of the file transfer process. The file
transfer stage of each selected file appears in the Status column.

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Outgoing Edit Run Execution With EA Server File Transfer

Transfer ITF

The file transfer process may take anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes,
depending on many factors, such as the size of the files being sent, whether the files
are compressed, the speed of your EA Server connection, and the speed of your PC.
When the file transfer is complete, the animated icons disappear and a transfer complete
message is displayed. Files that have completed the transfer process successfully will be in
Sent status, and those that have not will be in Error status.

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Outgoing Edit Run Execution With EA Server File Transfer

ITF Transfer Complete

Log and File Directory Function Buttons in Edit

After a file transfer is complete, the log and file directory function buttons on the far right of the
Transfer Outgoing ITFs window are activated.

Log File List

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Outgoing Edit Run Execution With EA Server File Transfer

When one of the log or file directory function buttons is clicked, the appropriate log or file directory
is displayed in a text box to the left of the function buttons, as shown in the following figure. The
Large View button below the text box opens the Browse/Print Edit Package Reports window with the
log or file directory displayed.
If a file transfer was not successful, the Transfer button in the lower-right side of the window
may be used to resend the files.

Log List Text Box

Close the Transfer Outgoing ITFs Window in Edit

After a successful file transfer, click Close in the upper-right corner of the window to close the
Transfer Outgoing ITFs window and return to the main window.

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Outgoing Edit Run Execution With EA Server File Transfer

Save Outgoing ITF Window in Edit

During a successful outgoing edit run, an outgoing ITF/VTF is created. The Save Outgoing ITFs
window is then used to save the ITF/VTF to a separate file. This is normally done when ITF/VTFs are
sent to Visa by disk or tape instead of electronically (EA Server or DEX). Saving outgoing ITF/VTFs to
a separate file can also be done to manually archive ITF/VTFs for future reference.

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Outgoing Edit Run Execution With EA Server File Transfer

Open the Save Outgoing ITFs Window in Edit

Use this procedure to open the Save Outgoing ITFs window. Click Save ITF at the bottom-right
corner of the Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window. Alternatively, select Outgoing > Save ITF,
or double-click Save ITF on the lower-left of the Roadmap Navigator.

Save ITF

The Save Outgoing ITF window appears.

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Outgoing Edit Run Execution With EA Server File Transfer

Save Outgoing ITF Window

Save ITF/VTFs in Edit Package

Use this procedure to save an ITF/VTF.
1. In the Character Set box, choose either the EBCDIC or ASCII Text character set format.
EBCDIC is used primarily on IBM mainframes and ASCII Text is used primarily on PCs.
In most cases, choose ASCII Text, which is the default.
2. In the Save As Filename text box, enter a path and file name, or choose a path using the
Browse button and enter a file name.

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Outgoing Edit Run Execution With EA Server File Transfer

3. Click Save.
Save Outgoing ITF After Save

The ITF/VTFs To Be Saved list box appears in the upper-left section of the Save Outgoing ITF
window, as shown in the following figure. The ITF/VTF displayed in the list box is saved to the
path and name specified in the Save As Filename text box and a confirmation message is
displayed near the bottom of the window.
4. To save the ITF/VTF to another file or directory, enter another path or file name in the Save As
Filename text box and click Save again.
5. Click Close to close the Save Outgoing ITF window and return to the window from which it
was initiated.

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Chapter 11
Outgoing Edit Run Execution With
Direct Exchange

This chapter describes the windows that are used for sending outgoing interchange transactions to
BASE II for clearing using Direct Exchange (DEX).
With these windows, you can set temporary outgoing run control options and table overrides,
include Center Transaction Files (CTFs) or Visa Markup Language files (VMLs) in an outgoing edit run,
execute an outgoing edit run, browse and print outgoing reports, create outgoing Interchange
Transaction Files (ITFs) or VML Transaction Files (VTFs), save ITFs/VTFs, and send ITFs/VTFs to BASE II.

Outgoing Interchange Transactions to

BASE II Process Overview
This is an overview of the usual process by which outgoing interchange transactions are sent to BASE

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Outgoing Edit Run Execution With Direct Exchange

Only steps 3, 4, and 5 below are covered.

1. Outgoing files, CTFs/VMLs containing transactions produced by the processing centers own
pre-edit system are created.
2. During data entry and corrections new transactions are created, and rejected or returned
transactions are corrected. Batches of transactions are then included in outgoing data entry
3. Using the Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window, temporary outgoing run control
options and table overrides may be set. Any combination of data entry and user CTFs/VMLs
are then included in an outgoing edit run. Finally, an outgoing edit run is executed. During
the run, outgoing run control options are validated, transactions are edited, and outgoing
transaction files ITFs/VTFs are created. Normally, transactions with errors are written to a
separate reject file for data entry and corrections.
4. Current and archived outgoing reports can be viewed and printed using the Browse/Print Edit
Package Reports window.
5. One or more ITFs/VTFs are sent to BASE II using the Transfer Outgoing Files to Direct
Exchange or Save Date Entry CTF window. During the BASE II settlement and clearing
process, transactions with errors that cannot be detected by the Edit Package, or that have
not been edited by it, are returned for data correction.

Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup

The Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window is used to perform an outgoing edit run. It is used to
set the run and table effective dates, include data entry and user CTF/VMLs, start an outgoing edit
run, and view the outgoing edit run log file. It can also be used to initiate temporary overrides for
environmental and outgoing run control options, and table overrides.
These temporary overrides are canceled when the Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window is

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Outgoing Edit Run Execution With Direct Exchange

Open the Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup

Use this procedure to open the Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window. Select Outgoing > Start
Outgoing Edit Run from the main menu. Alternatively, double-click Outgoing on the left-center of
the Roadmap Navigator.

Outgoing Main Menu

The Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window opens.

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Outgoing Edit Run Execution With Direct Exchange

Outgoing Run Initial Setup

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Outgoing Edit Run Execution With Direct Exchange

Outgoing Edit Run Parameters

The Outgoing Run parameters of the Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window are described.

Outgoing Run Parameters

Parameter Description

Run Date Date that will be included in the header of the outgoing ITF files. Default is the
current system date. Format is YYYY/MM/DD.

Table Effective Date Effective date for Edit Package edits. Can be set forward to test edits that will
become effective at a future date. Default is the current system date. Format is

Note: When doing a data entry override, the Table Effective date field will
default to the future override date.

Trial Run When checked, during the outgoing edit run transactions are edited and reports are
generated. However, an outgoing ITF is not created and the history file is not

Rerun Nbr If entered, processing for the processing day will start over from the entered

Defaults Returns all fields in the Outgoing Run Parameters section to their default values.

Set Temporary Run Control Options and Table

Overrides in Edit Package
The Override Run Control Options section of the Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window is used
to open the Environmental Run Control Options, Outgoing Run Control Options, and Table Overrides
windows in temporary mode.
Temporary options have the same functionality as permanent options but override the permanent
run control options and table overrides. However, temporary overrides are lost when the Outgoing
Edit Package Run Setup window is closed.
To Initiate Temporary Run Control Options or Table Overrides, click Environmental, Outgoing, or
Table Overrides to open their corresponding run control and table overrides windows in temporary

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Outgoing Edit Run Execution With Direct Exchange

Override Run Control Options Box

When temporary outgoing options are in effect, the caption of the corresponding button will
appear in green. For example, when there are temporary environmental overrides, the
"Environment" caption will be green.

Include CTFs/VMLs in Edit Package

The CTFs/VMLs Included In This Run box is used to designate the CTFs/VMLs that will be included in
the outgoing edit run.

CTFs/VMLs Included in Run Box

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Outgoing Edit Run Execution With Direct Exchange

To add a data entry CTF/VML:

1. Click Add Data Entry CTF/VML.
If no data entry CTF/VML is available, the Add Data Entry CTF/VML button will be
Data Entry CTF/VML Included

The data entry CTF/VML will appear in the list box.

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Outgoing Edit Run Execution With Direct Exchange

To add user CTFs/VMLs:

2. Click Add User CTF/VML.
Select CTF/VML Window

The Select CTF/VML window appears.

3. Double-click a file or select a file and click Open to open the file, close the Select CTF/VML
window, and return to the Outgoing Edit Package Setup window.
CTFs/VMLs Included In Run Data Entry

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4. Repeat the above steps to add additional user CTFs/VMLs.

To remove a CTF/VML from the list:
5. Select the CTF/VML from the list and click Remove CTF/VML.

To remove all CTFs/VMLs from the list.

6. Click Reset.

Execute an Outgoing Edit Run

Use this procedure to begin an Outgoing Edit Run. Click Start Run.
The Progress box displays information about the outgoing edit run. It includes the number of records
staged for each CTF/ VML, the current step that is being executed, and the final Return Code (RC) for
the edit run.
After the completion of the edit run, the number of accepted transactions (without errors), rejected
transactions (with errors), and the total number of transactions processed is displayed below the text
Depending on the size of the outgoing CTF/ VML files, it may take several minutes to
complete the outgoing edit run.
The Outgoing Edit Run Progress Box after the completion of a successful edit run is shown. This run
is considered successful because the Return Code (RC) is equal to or less than 4.

Progress Status

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Outgoing Edit Run Execution With Direct Exchange

Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup Function

Buttons Using Direct Exchange
After the completion of an outgoing edit run, function buttons appear on the far right of the
Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window.

Outgoing Successful Run

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Outgoing Edit Run Execution With Direct Exchange

Outgoing Edit Run Function Buttons

Button Name Function

Done Completes the outgoing edit run by importing any returns and closing the
Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window. If Intelligent Navigation is turned on,
the Transfer Outgoing ITFs to DEX window is automatically opened; otherwise,
the main window appears.

Note: Simply closing the Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window
does not automatically save the outgoing ITFs or transfer them to an EA
Server or DEX. If another outgoing edit run is attempted before the ITFs
are saved or transferred, a step-lock warning message will be displayed.

Rerun Same Performs another edit run on the same CTFs.

Note: Enter a unique number in the Rerun Nbr field to perform

another edit run without overwriting a previous run. Step-lock warning
messages are not displayed when a unique number in the Rerun Nbr
field is not entered.

New Run Initiates a new outgoing edit run by returning all fields to their default values.

Note: If the ITFs created in a previous run have not been saved or
transferred, a step-lock warning message will be displayed.

View Log Shows the EP-199 Outgoing Interchange Processing Log in the Progress box.

View Exceptions Shows the EP-100A Exception Detail Report in the Progress box.

Browse/Print Reports Opens the Browse/Print Edit Package Reports window with most recent
outgoing reports in the list box in the upper-left corner. Click Archives to view
the archived sets of outgoing reports.

File Transfer to DEX Opens the Transfer Outgoing ITFs to Direct Exchange window.

Save ITF Opens the Save Outgoing ITF window to save the ITFs that have been generated
during the edit run to a file in either ASCII or EBCDIC format.

When you click Done on the Outgoing Edit Run Setup window, processed files are deleted, renamed,
or left (depending on a Run Control Option setting).

Select an RCO Profile for an Edit Run in Edit Package

Use this procedure to select an RCO profile for an edit run. Select RCO profile from the "Run Control
Profile" list box in the "Profiles" frame of the Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup or Incoming Edit
Package Run Setup window.

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Outgoing Edit Run Execution With Direct Exchange

Outgoing ITFs/VTFs Transfer in Edit

After outgoing ITFs/VTFs have been created by an outgoing edit run, they are ready to be transferred
to BASE II for settlement and clearing.
There are several ways that files can be transferred to BASE II from a PC Edit Package for Windows
l Electronically by a Visa Extended Access (EA) Server
l Electronically by a Direct Exchange (DEX)
l Directly from the Visa mainframe (for Visa use)
The Visa Interface option determines whether the ITF/VTF files transferred electronically are sent by
an EA Server, Secure EA Server, Direct Exchange (DEX) or Secure DEX.
If the Visa Interface option is set to EA Server, the Transfer Outgoing Files to EAS window is used to
transfer outgoing files. If the option is set to Secure EAS, the Transfer Outgoing Files to Secure EAS
window is used to transfer outgoing files. If the option is set to DEX, the Transfer Outgoing Files to
Direct Exchange window is used to transfer outgoing files. If the option is set to Secure DEX, the
Transfer Outgoing Files to Secure Direct Exchange window is used to transfer outgoing files.
To save files to a disk or CD, use the Save Outgoing ITF window
During an electronic file transfer, the following steps are automatically executed:
1. Outgoing ITFs are converted from ASCII to EBCDIC format.
2. One or more staging files are created, depending on the size of the ITFs and the Maximum
Records on Outgoing ITF run control option setting.
3. If the compression option has been chosen, the staging files are compressed.
4. If the Visa Interface Type option is Direct Exchange the staging files may be encrypted.
5. The staging files are sent to EA Server or Direct Exchange.

Transfer Outgoing ITFs Window in

Edit Package Using Direct Exchange
To transfer outgoing files using Direct Exchange (DEX), the Visa Interface Type option must first be
set to Direct Exchange. When this is done, the Transfer Files to Direct Exchange submenu item will
appear in the Outgoing main menu item.

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Outgoing Edit Run Execution With Direct Exchange

XYGATE software, which is used by Direct Exchange (DEX) for file encryption, compression
and transfer, is a third-party proprietary product that is licensed and supported by Visa. To
resolve XYGATE problems, refer to XYGATE technical documentation or contact Visa Technical
Support or your country-specific number for Edit Package 4 support.
Zip software may also be used by Direct Exchange for file compression. Zip software is a
third-party product that is not supported by Visa. To resolve Zip problems, contact your
software vendor.

Open the Transfer Outgoing ITFs to DEX Window

in Edit Package
Use this procedure to open the Transfer Outgoing ITFs to Direct Exchange window. Select Outgoing
> Transfer Files to Direct Exchange. Alternatively, click File Transfer to DEX at the bottom-right of
the Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window, or double-click Outgoing DEX to Visa on the lower-
left of the Roadmap Navigator.

Transfer Outgoing ITF to DEX

The Transfer Outgoing ITFs to Direct Exchange window appears.

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Files To Be Transferred to Direct Exchange List

Box in Edit Package
Each column in the Files To Be Transferred to Direct Exchange list box is described.

Files To Be Transferred to Direct Exchange List Box

Column Description

Date Date the ITF was built by an outgoing edit run.

Batch Batch number. Either system generated or entered in the Rerun Nbr field on the
Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window.

Records Number of records (transactions).

Amount Total monetary amount of all transactions.

Unique File ID Unique file identification number.

Status File transfer status.

Staged - Selected for transfer.

Held - Will not be transferred.

FTP - File is being transferred to DEX.

Sent - File has already been sent to DEX.

Error - File transfer not completed due to errors.

Transfer Outgoing ITFs to DEX Function Buttons

in Edit Package
The function buttons on the Outgoing ITFs to Direct Exchange window are described.

Transfer Outgoing ITFs to Direct Exchange Function Buttons

Button Function
Close Closes the Transfer Outgoing ITFs to Direct Exchange window and returns to the
main window.

Cancel Prevents any files not already transferred or in the process of being transferred
from being sent. Does not recall sent files or interrupt the file currently being sent.

View Log Shows the XYGATE Log in a text box to the left of the View Log button.

Hold/Unhold Toggles a file selected from the Files To Be Transferred to Direct Exchange list box
between "Held" and "Staged" status.

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Outgoing Edit Run Execution With Direct Exchange

Transfer Outgoing ITFs to Direct Exchange Function Buttons

Button Function
Reset File Sets a file selected from the Files To Be Transferred to Direct Exchange list box to
"Staged" status. Normally used after a file transfer has been cancelled to resend the

Transfer Starts the outgoing file transfer process.

Large View Opens the Browse/Print Edit Package Reports window with the DEX Log displayed.

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Outgoing Edit Run Execution With Direct Exchange

Transfer Outgoing ITFs to DEX in Edit Package

Use this procedure to transfer outgoing ITFs to DEX.
1. In the Supported Interfaces box in the upper-left of the window, select the appropriate DEX
2. Select one or more entries from the Files To Be Transferred to Direct Exchange list box.
Selected files will be in Staged status.
3. Click Transfer in the lower-right side of the window.
The text message under the Files To Be Transferred to Direct Exchange list box displays the
progress of the file transfer process. Also, the file transfer stage that each selected file is in
will appear in the Status column.
The file transfer process may take anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes,
depending on many factors, such as the size of the files being sent, whether the files
are compressed, the speed of your DEX connection, and the speed of your PC.
When the file transfer is complete, a transfer complete message is shown below the Files To
Be Transferred To Direct Exchange list box, as shown in the following figure. Files that have
completed the transfer process successfully will be in Sent status, and those that have not
will be in Error status.
Transfer Outgoing ITFs to DEX After File

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View Log Function Button in Edit Package

After a file transfer is complete, the log and file directory function buttons on the far right of the
Transfer Outgoing ITFs to Direct Exchange window is activated.
When View Log is clicked, the XYGATE Log is displayed in a text box to the left of the button. Large
View, which is below the text box, opens the Browse/Print Edit Package Reports window with the
XYGATE Log displayed.

XYGATE Log Text Box

Close the Transfer Outgoing ITFs to DEX Window

After a successful file transfer, click Close in the upper-right corner of the window to close the
Transfer Outgoing ITFs to Direct Exchange window and return to the main window.

The Save Outgoing ITF Window in

Edit Package
During a successful outgoing edit run, an outgoing ITF is created. The Save Outgoing ITFs window is
then used to save the ITF to a separate file. This is normally done when ITFs are sent to Visa by disk
or tape instead of electronically (EA Server or DEX). Saving outgoing ITFs to a separate file can also
be done to manually archive ITFs for future reference.

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Open the Save Outgoing ITFs Window in Edit

Use this procedure to open the Save Outgoing ITFs window. Click Save ITF at the bottom-right
corner of the Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window. Alternatively, select Outgoing > Save ITF
from the main menu, or double-click Outgoing Save ITF on the lower left of the Roadmap


The Save Outgoing ITF window appears.

Save Outgoing ITF Window

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Save ITFs in Edit Package

Use this procedure to save an ITF.
1. In the Character Set box, choose either the EBCDIC or ASCII Text character set format.
EBCDIC is used primarily on IBM mainframes and ASCII Text is used primarily on PCs.
Ordinarily, you will want to choose ASCII Text, which is the default.
2. In the Save As Filename text box, enter a path and file name, or choose a path using the
Browse and enter a file name.
3. Click Save. The ITFs To Be Saved list box appears in the upper-left of the Save Outgoing ITF
window. The ITF displayed in the list box is saved to the path and name specified in the Save
As Filename text box and a confirmation message is shown near the bottom of the window.
Save Outgoing ITF Complete

4. To save the ITF to another file or directory, enter another path or file name in the Save As
Filename text box and click Save again.
5. Click Close to close the Save Outgoing ITF window and return to the window from which it
was initiated.

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Chapter 12
Edit Package Utility Menu
Functions and Tasks

Utility tasks are necessary to maintain the PC Edit Package for Windows system.

Edit Package Table File Extraction

Edit Package Table Extract Utility

Edit Package table information can be extracted into sequential files. Table reporting prints reports
EP–301 (VID table), EP–302 (ARDEF table), EP–304 (ACQ/ISS ID & ARD combined table), and EP–303

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Edit Package Utility Menu Functions and Tasks

(Value tables). Use this option to extract sequential files of VID, ARDEF, ACQ/ISS ID, and other value
tables for use by processing centers’ pre- and post-edit systems.

To extract Universal Table data:

1. Click Utilities on the main menu, then click Table Extract Utility.
The Table Extract Utility window opens.
2. Select ACQ/ISS IDs, ARDEFs, Combined ACQ/ISS ID & ARD, or Other Tables.
Selecting Other Tables opens a list next to the option.
3. Use the scroll bars to the right of the list to select a table to extract.
4. Enter date and starting and ending ranges. Click OK to start the extract process.

Apply Table Updates Utility in Edit

Use Apply Table Updates under Utilities to apply TC 54 table update transactions after they are
transmitted from Visa in an Incoming ITF.

Utilities Menu

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Edit Package Utility Menu Functions and Tasks

Apply Table Updates in Edit Package

Use this procedure to apply Table Updates.
1. Click Utilities on the main menu, Table Updates and Recovery, then click Apply Table
Apply Table Updates

The Apply Table Updates window opens.

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Edit Package Utility Menu Functions and Tasks

2. Click Browse to display an open dialog box. Navigate to the directory containing the file with
TC 54 transactions.
Open Incoming File

The Open Incoming file window opens.

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Edit Package Utility Menu Functions and Tasks

3. Click an ITF file to select it; the file appears in the File Name box. Click Open.
Apply Table Updates (File Selected)

The Apply Table Updates window opens, showing the selected file.
4. Click OK.
The system checks the file. If the table update is successful, a confirmation message appears
and the View Log button is enabled. Click View Log to open a Browse/Print window and view
a log of the process.

Edit Package Reports Access

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Edit Package Utility Menu Functions and Tasks

Generate History File Reports in Edit Package

Use this procedure to generate Edit Package History files.
1. Click Utilities on the main menu, then click Reporting > Edit Package History File.
History File Report

The History File Reporting window opens.

2. Enter parameters in the History File Reporting window:
l Select Incoming Runs, Outgoing Runs, or both from the Reporting Direction section.
l Select By Batch, By File, or By Run from the Reporting Level section.
l Enter dates in the Reporting Period section, if necessary.
l Defaults selects Incoming and Outgoing reporting direction, By Batch Reporting level,
and today's date in the Reporting Period.
If Start of File is selected, date is changed to 0000/00/00.
If End of File is selected, date is changed to 9999/99/99.
If Starting Date and Ending date are unchecked, both show today’s date.

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Edit Package Utility Menu Functions and Tasks

3. Click OK.
History Report Complete

The text box at the bottom of the window records the status of processing and indicates
when the task has been completed.
4. Click View Report to open a Browse/Print window with a list of reports available for viewing
or printing.
5. Click Cancel to close the dialog box.

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Edit Package Utility Menu Functions and Tasks

Generate Log Reports in Edit Package

Use this procedure to generate Edit Package Log reports.
1. Click Utilities on the main menu, then click Reporting > Edit Package Log.
Log Report

The Edit Package Log Report window opens

2. Change date parameters, if necessary.
The Defaults button selects today’s date in the Reporting Period.
If Start of File is selected, date is changed to 0000/00/00.
If End of File is selected, date is changed to 9999/99/99.
If Starting Date and Ending date are unchecked, both show today’s date.
3. Click OK to generate the log report.
At completion, the text box at the bottom of the window displays a Request Successfully
Completed message.
4. Click View Report to open a Browse/Print window with a list of reports available for viewing
or printing.
5. Click Cancel to close the dialog box.

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Edit Package Utility Menu Functions and Tasks

Generate Table File Reports in Edit Package

Use this procedure to generate Edit Package Tables reports.
1. Click Utilities on the main menu, then click Reporting > Edit Package Tables.
Table File Report

The Table File Reporting window opens.

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Edit Package Utility Menu Functions and Tasks

2. Enter parameters in the Table File Reporting window:

l Select the type of table from the Table Name section. (Select Other Tables to display a
list of tables not shown.
l Select Formatted or Unformatted from the Report Format section.
l Enter a new Table Effective date, if necessary.
l Enter a new Reporting Range, if necessary.
l The Defaults button selects VID Table Name, Unformatted report format, today’s date in
the Table Effective Date and Start of Table and End of Table Blank in the Reporting
3. Click OK to generate the table report.
At completion, the text box at the bottom of the window displays a Request Successfully
Completed message.
4. Click View Report to open a Browse/Print window with a list of reports available for viewing
or printing.
5. Click Cancel/Close to close the dialog box.

Import From Host Edit Package Utility

Select Utilities > Import From Host Edit Package to import Edit Package tables or rejected and
returned items from the Host Edit Package application.

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Edit Package Utility Menu Functions and Tasks

Import Edit Package Tables

Use this procedure to import Edit Package Tables from the Host Edit Package.
1. Click Utilities on the main menu, then click Import from Host / Batch Edit Package > Edit
Package Tables.
The Import Edit Package Tables window opens.
The Import Edit Package Table function will update all the repository tables using a
Repository Master File as input.
Import Edit Package Tables

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Edit Package Utility Menu Functions and Tasks

2. Click Browse to open a browse window.

Select Import Table

3. Navigate to the directory containing the sequential merged table file.

4. Select a file and click Open.
The Select Import Table File window closes and the name of the table file and its path appear
in the area in the Import Edit Package Tables window.
5. Click Import Tables to import.
At completion, the text box at the bottom of the window displays a Table Import ended
return code – n message. If the Import was successful, the return code will be 0.
6. Click View Report to view the generated log messages in a Browse/Print window.

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Edit Package Utility Menu Functions and Tasks

Import Rejected and Returned Items in Edit

Use this option to import rejected and returned item files created during incoming and outgoing Edit
Package runs performed by a mainframe Edit Package.

To import rejected or returned item files from the Host Edit Package:
1. Click Utilities on the main menu, then click Import from Host Edit Package > Rejected/
Returned Items.
Import Rejected or Returned Items

The Import Rejected or Returned Items window opens.

2. Select either Rejects or Returns in the Type of Import section.

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Edit Package Utility Menu Functions and Tasks

3. Click Browse to open a browse window. Navigate to the directory and select a file to import
and click Open.
The Browse window closes and the name of the file and its path appear in the Import File
Name area in the Import Rejected or Returned Items window.
4. Click OK to import.
Imported To

At completion, the text box at the bottom of the window shows an Import Complete

Incoming Direct Exchange ITF

Selection Window in Edit Package
The Incoming Direct Exchange ITF Selection window is used to review all incoming Direct Exchange
(DEX) ITF files that have been transferred from DEX but have not yet been processed by an incoming
edit run, and optionally delete unwanted ITF or VML files. It is available only when the Visa Interface
Type is set to Direct Exchange.

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Edit Package Utility Menu Functions and Tasks

Perform Incoming DEX File Maintenance in Edit

Use this procedure to perform incoming DEX file maintenance.
1. Select the Delete Incoming Direct Exchange Files submenu item from the Utilities main
menu item.
The Incoming Direct Exchange ITF Selection window opens.
2. Select the ITF to be deleted from the Files Available For Selection list box. (The delete
button is not enabled yet.)
3. Click Delete File to set the status for the selected file to Delete.
4. Click Deselect to deselect the file and remove the Delete status. (This is not enabled yet.)
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for all files to be deleted.
The files are not physically deleted until the window is closed.
6. Click OK to physically delete the selected files and close the window.
7. Click Cancel to close the window without deleting any files.

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Chapter 13
Edit Package Tools Menu Functions

This chapter describes the tools that are available when using the PC Edit Package for Windows
system. The tools include the Roadmap Navigator, Switch BASE II CIB, and the System Log.

Switch BASE II CIBs Without Logoff in

Edit Package
This function allows users to switch to a different BASE II CIB without having to log off from Edit
Package and log back on to select a different BASE II CIB.

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Edit Package Tools Menu Functions

Initiate a BASE II CIB Switch in Edit Package

Follow this procedure to initiate a BASE II CIB switch. Select Tools > Switch BASE II CIB from the
main menu.


The Switch BASE II CIB screen appears, with the default BASE II CIB or the BASE II CIB last used
appearing in the selection box. When you right-click the arrow, a drop-down box containing a valid
list of BASE II CIBs that can be selected will appear. Only one BASE II CIB can be selected.

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Edit Package Tools Menu Functions

Current BASE II CIB Selection

When a different BASE II CIB is selected, OK is ready for clicking. Pressing Enter is the same as
clicking OK.

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Edit Package Tools Menu Functions

Changed BASE II CIB Selection

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Edit Package Tools Menu Functions

BASE II CIB Switch in Edit Package

Potential problems with initiating a BASE II CIB switch are described, along with possible reasons.

Troubleshooting Solutions

Problem Possible Reasons

OK button is disabled. This can happen under two conditions:

1. When the Switch BASE II CIB screen first appears.

2. Whenever a selection returns to the BASE II CIB first started from.
Possible solution: Select a different BASE II CIB.

BASE II CIB number is not in the list 1. Operator not authorized to access BASE II CIB.
2. Operator was set up to access test BASE II CIB only.
3. BASE II CIB has not been set up.

Binsfile.inf Does Not Exist Possibly not created or created in a wrong folder.

Fatal File/Software error - Try Signon Again binsfile.inf possibly corrupted.

EP Admin is in progress. Retry later File contention.

OperlD is already logged on Operator contention (OperlD - substituted by Operator ID).

Switch BASE II CIB From Production Mode to Test

Mode in Edit Package
This is done using the PCEP BASE II CIB setup facility in which a new BASE II CIB may be added or an
existing BASE II CIB may be changed to TEST, PROD, or both.

Switch a BASE II CIB From EA Server to Direct

Exchange (DEX) in Edit Package
This is accomplished via the PC Edit Package Roadmap Navigator where SETTINGS (on the toolbar) is
selected. That is followed by choosing the Visa Interface Type and finally selecting either EA Server
(EAS) or Direct Exchange (DEX).

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Edit Package Tools Menu Functions

Edit Package System Log

The System Log can be used as a quick reference to view various kinds of information pertaining to
the CORE operating system.
The types of information that can be included in this log are the following:
1. Run Control Options
2. Logon to Edit Package
3. Logoff of Edit Package
4. Stop CORE (Service)
5. Start CORE (Service)
6. Admin Table Updates
7. Admin Operator Updates
8. Admin DEX Interface Updates
9. Admin Secure DEX Interface Updates
10. Admin EAS Interface Updates
11. Admin EAS Secure Interface Updates
12. Incoming Edit Run
13. Outgoing Edit Run
14. Extract reports
15. File Transfers
16. Lock Processing
17. Utilities - Import Reject / Returns
18. Utilities - Table Extracts
19. Utilities - Table Reports

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Edit Package Tools Menu Functions

System Log

EAS Internet Logs in Edit Package

The EAS Internet Logs are a set of logs for EA Server Internet to allow a client to retrieve these items.
l EFS (File Service) Events
l EMS (Messaging Service) Events
l EMS (Messaging Service) Statistics

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Edit Package Tools Menu Functions

EAS Internet Logs

These logs are only available if the EAS or Secure EAS used by client is a valid EAS Internet interface,
and “EAS Internet” was checked in the interface configuration.
EFS events are messages about significant file collection and delivery activities by clients and Visa.
Commonly processed files include Clearing and Settlement (BASE II) files. EFS events are available to
be retrieved from the EA server for a maximum of 2 days.
EMS events are messages about significant messaging activities by clients and Visa. Commonly
processed messages include Authorization (V.I.P.) messages. EMS events are cumulative and may be
available for an indeterminate period of time.
EMS statistics are a summary of messages processed by the EA server to and from clients and Visa.
Commonly processed messages include Authorization (V.I.P.) messages. EMS statistics are available to
be retrieved from the EA server for a maximum of 2 days.

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Edit Package Tools Menu Functions

The EA EFS Tool in Edit Package

The EAS EFS Tool can be used to list files on an EA Server that is version 3.5 or greater. It will display
files that are in Purge status or Ready status by CIB and Run Mode.

1. To use the EA EFS Tool go to Tools -> EA EFS Tool.

2. The following window will be displayed. Click the "List Purge Files" to display files that are in
Purge status but have not been deleted from the EA Server.

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Edit Package Tools Menu Functions

3. After generating the Purge File list report you can select an entry and click the "Restore
Purge File" button.

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Edit Package Tools Menu Functions

4. When the request to restore is done it will display the window below. If successful it will show
Successfully restored files nnn message. If it is failed click on the View FTP Log to determine
why it failed.

5. Click the List Ready Files button to show all files in RDY status. You can select an entry by
clicking the Cancel Ready File button and it will send a request to change the file to PRG

Edit Package About Log

The About Log can be used as a quick reference to view various kinds of information pertaining to
the operating system, PC Edit Package for Windows version, system option settings, the location of
system folders, control files, and business specification files.
Information in the About Log can be used to check whether you are running current and correct
versions of the PC Edit Package for Windows application and specification files. This information
should be readily available when contacting Visa Technical Support or your country-specific number
for Edit Package 4 support.
Some of the information shown in the About Log is also periodically sent to a VIC. This
information can be used by Visa Technical Support to help you resolve problems.

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Edit Package Tools Menu Functions

View the About Log in Edit Package

Use this procedure to view the About Log. Select Help > About the PC Edit Package from the main

The About Log

The Browse/Print Edit Package Reports window opens with the About Log displayed.

Edit Package Operator Logs

An Operator Log provides logging of Edit package events based on user-defined criteria. The format
of the log includes the Date, Time, Operator ID, BASE II CIB number, Run mode, Log mode, Message

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Edit Package Tools Menu Functions

level, and Message text that identifies the event the user is performing. The default number of days
to purge log entries is 10 days.
Minimum logging will include the following events:
1. Logon, Logoff, Shutdown events
2. Incoming/ Outgoing Edit run
3. Incoming / Outgoing file transfer
5. Data Entry start / stop
6. Switch BASE II CIB
7. Step-lock warnings where CTF/ITF file process is incomplete
Additional events that may be logged include:
1. Data Entry utility functions
2. Data entry build CTF
3. Export data entry CTF
4. DEX encryption / decryption begin and end
5. DEX expansion / compression begin and end
6. Table imports
7. Data Entry utility functions
8. Admin functions:
l Delete BASE II CIB, DEX or VAP
l Add or Delete Operator IDs
l Scheduled procedures begin and end

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Chapter 14
Edit Package Application

PC Edit Package 4 (PCEP 4) includes a number of administrative functions that are used to configure
and maintain an installation. These features include BASE II CIBs, EA Servers, Direct Exchange,
Operator Ids, LAN activity monitor (for use with multi-user configurations), and Batch facility.

Administrative Function in Edit

The Administrative function allows add/update access to the Edit Package features shown. You must
have an Edit Package logon ID with Edit Package administrative privileges to access these features.

Edit Package Features

Operator Setup Establishes operator IDs, and privileges.

BASE II CIB Setup Initializes the BASE II CIB (also called Data) folder with
tables and other necessary files.

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Edit Package Application Configurations

Edit Package Features

EAS Setup Maintain interfaces for connection between EA Server

and Edit Package.

EAS Secure Setup Maintain interfaces for connection between EA Secure

Server and Edit Package.

DEX Setup Maintain interfaces for connection between DEX Server

and Edit Package.

DEX Secure Setup Maintain interfaces for connection between DEX Secure
Server and Edit Package.

Activity Monitor Display/Release Active connections between Edit

Package User Interface and Edit Package Service.

Lock Monitor Display/Release Active Edit Package Locks.

Performance Settings Display/Update Wait Time parameter used for communi­

cation between Edit Package User Interface and Edit
Package Service.

Batch Facility GUI to create or modify Batch Procedures, submit Batch

Procedures and view the logs from completed Batch

Invoke the Administration Function in Edit

Use this procedure to invoke the Administration function.

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Edit Package Application Configurations

1. Start the PCEP 4 GUI application.

2. Get to the setup screens by selecting one of the options from the Administration menu.
PC Edit Package Admin

Operator ID Configuration in Edit

Each Operator ID is given authorization to each function in the Operator ID setup screen. For any
user, only options that are selected in the Operator ID Setup screen will be enabled. Any feature that
the logged-on operator ID is not authorized to use will be disabled (gray) on the specific functions

First Logon After Edit Package Installation

When the PC Edit Package is installed, the default Operator ID is your NT Logon ID. This is the only
valid operator ID at this time. That person's network ID will be given Operator ID access and access to
the Administrative features in the Edit Package Operator ID setup screen. Additional Operator IDs can
be added and given authority to access Operator ID setup and specific Edit Package features. The
Edit Package Operator ID Setup screen appears.
It is suggested that two Operator IDs be set up with Administration Access. All NT logon IDs
used for EP4 should have Full Access to the EP4 installation directory.

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Edit Package Application Configurations

New Operator Setup Window

l The Operator IDs currently on File field will show the NT logon ID of the person running the
Edit Package.
After the initial logon, only the logon ID applied when Edit Package was installed will
have permission to log on until additional Operator IDs are established.
l The Operator Identification frame will automatically have the operator ID and last name fields
filled in with the operator's NT logon ID. Also, the check box for Operator ID setup will be
checked. This means access is granted to set up additional Operator IDs.

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Edit Package Application Configurations

Add a New Operator ID in Edit Package

Use this procedure to add a new operator.
1. Open the PCEP 4 GUI application, then select Operator ID from the Administration menu.
The Operator ID setup screen appears. The Operator IDs currently on File field will show the
Operator IDs that have already been assigned.
2. Select New to add a new operator.
3. In the Operator Identification frame, enter the new Operator ID in the Operator ID field.
This ID cannot exceed twenty (20) alphanumeric characters. In order for someone to use the
Operator ID, it must match an NT logon ID.
4. Enter the First and Last name of the Operator.
5. Select the Operator ID check box if Operator ID setup access is desired.
6. Select specific Edit Package features for the operator to be able to access or click a radio
button in the profiles section to authorize an operator for a particular set of features.
Edit Package Operator ID Setup

7. Click Add to save the new operator definitions.

The new operator's name appears in the list of operators in the upper-left corner of the

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Edit Package Application Configurations

Edit an Existing Operator ID in Edit Package

Use this procedure to edit an existing Operator ID.

To edit an existing operator ID:

1. Check the boxes in the Administrative Options frame of the Operator Setup Screen to grant
access to those functions.
2. Check the boxes in the Utilities frame to grant access to the functions listed in the Utility
frame on the Operator Setup screen.

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Edit Package Application Configurations

3. Highlight a specific operator on the list and click Edit.

Operator List

The window is populated with the operator's current profile.

4. Change the parameters as necessary, then click Replace to save the edited profile.

Delete an Operator in Edit Package

Use this procedure to delete an operator.

1. Select the Operator ID to delete from the Operator IDs Currently on File list.
2. Click Delete.
A dialog box appears, asking for confirmation.

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Edit Package Application Configurations

3. Click Yes to delete the Operator ID.

An additional confirmation message will appear.
4. Click OK to close.

When all Operator IDs have been deleted, an Authorization Error message will be displayed and all
Main Menu Functions, except Administration will be disabled. At least one Operator ID must be

Select Edit Package Features

Select or deselect the Features boxes to allow or disallow access to that function.

Use Operator Profiles in Edit Package

Select a Profile button to automatically set the individual features check boxes. Select or deselect
individual features, as appropriate.

Set Transaction Code Access in Edit Package

Select or deselect individual transaction codes to allow or disallow the operator data entry access to
that transaction type.

Set Up BASE II CIB in Edit Package

The Edit Package BASE II CIB Setup is used to maintain BASE II CIBs. Use this procedure to set up

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Edit Package Application Configurations

1. Open the PCEP 4 GUI Application.

2. Select BASE II CIB Setup from the Administrative menu.
The Edit Package BASE II CIB Setup window opens.
Edit Package BASE II CIB Setup Window

Add a New BASE II CIB in Edit Package

Use this procedure to add a new BASE II CIB.

1. Click New.
2. Enter the BASE II CIB number.
3. Select Production BASE II CIB if this BASE II CIB will be used for production.
4. Select Test BASE II CIB if this BASE II CIB will be used for testing.
5. Click Add to save the new BASE II CIB entry.
A dialog box appears indicating that successful creation of necessary folders has occurred.

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Edit Package Application Configurations

Edit an Existing BASE II CIB in Edit Package

Use this procedure to edit an existing BASE II CIB.

1. Select a BASE II CIB to edit from the BASE II CIBs Currently on File list.
2. Click Edit.
3. Edit the Security Code, Center Name, or Production and Test options.
The BASE II CIB number cannot be changed.
4. Click Replace to update the BASE II CIB entry, Cancel to cancel changes, or OK to accept

To exit without saving the current BASE II CIB’s changes:

5. Click Cancel.
A dialog box appears, asking whether to save changes.
6. Click No.

Delete a BASE II CIB in Edit Package

Use this procedure to delete a BASE II CIB.

1. Select the BASE II CIB entry to delete from the BASE II CIBs Currently on File list.
2. Click Delete.
A confirmation dialog box appears.
3. Click OK to delete the BASE II CIB entry.
Deleting the BASE II CIB data folder will cause all data accumulated on the BASE II CIB
to be lost.

Activity Monitor and Lock-Monitor in

Edit Package
The PC Edit Package Activity Monitor and Lock-Monitor provides visibility for all Edit Package activity
on the network and reflects the current status of the lock environment. It is generally used by an
administrator for multi-lock configuration.

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Edit Package Application Configurations

Access the Activity Monitor and Lock-Monitor in

Edit Package
1. Open the Edit Package application.
2. Open the PCEP 4 GUI application, then click Activity Monitor from the Administration menu.
The Activity Monitor screen appears.
Activity Monitor Menu

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Edit Package Application Configurations

Activity Monitor and Lock-Monitor Features in

Edit Package

Activity Monitor Screen

Edit Package Lock-Monitor

This feature shows all locks currently obtained for the Edit Package application: the type of lock, the
date the lock was obtained, which user generated the lock, and which BASE II CIB the lock is being
associated to.
If authorized to use the feature, click Lock Monitor on the Admin Menu to start.
To release an obtained lock, select the lock to be released and click Release on the screen.

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Edit Package Application Configurations

Lock Monitor Menu

Lock Monitor Screen

Synchronize the Multi-User Environment Using

Locks in Edit Package
The Locking mechanism is facilitated by the Lock Manager. Locks will be obtained and released by
Edit Package to prevent multiple users from updating common resources. The Lock Monitor is used

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Edit Package Application Configurations

to list and release locks that have been obtained by Edit Package. Locks are kept at a global and
BASE II CIB level.

Edit Package Lock Types

PC Edit Package for Windows generates three types of locks.
l Global Locks: Global Locks are used to prevent all users from using the locked feature until
the lock has been released.
l Run Locks: Run Locks are used to prevent other users from executing either an Incoming or
Outgoing Run while a run is in progress. Once the Incoming or Outgoing run is completed,
the lock will be released by the application.
l Batch Locks: Batch Locks are used to prevent other users from updating or processing a
Batch file when the file is either being edited of processed in an Incoming or Outgoing Run.
Once the function for the Batch has been completed, the lock will be released by the

Configure an EA Server in Edit

The Edit Package EAS File Setup is used to maintain the EA Server.

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Edit Package Application Configurations

1. Open the Edit Package application, then click Administration Menu from the Windows main
Edit Package EAS Setup Menu

2. Click EAS Setup.

Edit Package EAS File Transfer Setup

The EAS File Transfer Setup screen opens.

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Edit Package Application Configurations

Add a New EA Server in Edit Package

Use this procedure to add a new EA server.

1. Click New.
2. Enter an alias for the EA Server in the EAS Friendly Name field.
3. Enter the EA Server Login ID and Password.
4. Enter the IP address for the new EA server.
5. Click Verify to test the connection.
If the connection fails the Ping test, check to make sure that the version number and IP
address are correct and try again. If the test shows “Invalid EA Interface”, check to make sure
that the IP address is a valid EA IP address. If the test shows “Invalid EA Internet Interface”,
make sure that EA being setup is a valid EA Internet interface, else, deselect the EA Server
Internet checkbox.
6. Click Add to save the new EA Server entry.
Adding a New EA Server Screen

Change an Existing EA Server in Edit Package

Use this procedure to edit an existing EA Server.

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Edit Package Application Configurations

1. Select the EA Server to edit from the Currently Supported EAS Interfaces field.
2. Click Edit.
3. Edit the version and IP address as needed.
The EA Server name cannot be altered.
4. Click Verify to test the connection.
If the connection fails the Ping test, check to make sure that the version number and IP
address are correct. If the test shows “Invalid EA Interface”, check to make sure that the IP
address is a valid EA IP address. If the test shows “Invalid EA Internet Interface”, make sure
that EA being setup is a valid EA Internet interface, else, deselect the EA Server Internet
5. Click Replace to update the EA Server entry.

Delete an EA Server in Edit Package

Use this procedure to delete an EA Server.

1. Select the EA Server to edit from the Currently Supported EAS Interfaces field.
2. Click Delete.
A dialog box appears, asking for confirmation.
3. Click OK to delete the EA Server entry.

VFG File Transfer

VFG File Transfer will be a replacement to the DEX File Transfer, so the functionality is similar.
The Edit Package user must setup an VFG Secure file transfer interface. To do this the user will need
to go to Administration ->VFG Secure Setup.

VFG Setup

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Edit Package Application Configurations

Sample Secure VFG Setup window is shown.

Sample Secure VFG Setup window

Note that a file will be created that contains the File Transfer interface information and is
VFGFILEA.TXT in the EP40\Cnnnnnn\WORKSPACE folder.
If no interfaces are defined click on the New button.
The user must have valid certificates before performing any VFG modifications.
User will need to fill in the appropriate data on the window.

Field Definitions

Parameter Description

Interface Name Any unique interface name up to 35 characters,

Example, "Primary VFG".

File Transfer Type Select a value from the drop down.

Incoming Files Directory Required specifies the fully qualified path of the directory containing the
incoming ITFs pushed by the VFG Gateway to the Edit Package machine.
Maximum 128 characters, cannot contain spaces.

Compression\Encryption Specifies the location of the Compression or Encryption software modules.

Software Directory
Required if Compression is checked. Otherwise, should be blank.

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Field Definitions

Parameter Description

Compression Success Text The text string generated by the zip product indicating a successful zip
Everything is ok.
Note - currently not being used.

IP Address/Hostname The IP Address of the BASE II VFG Gateway.

Port The port number for the VFG Gateway. Valid values are 0-99999.
Usually set to 8443.

Client Certificate Required. Specifies the fully qualified path of the directory and certificate name of
the Client Certificate file.
Maximum is 64 characters, cannot contain spaces.

Client Certificate Required. Specifies the fully qualified path of the directory and certificate name of
the Server Certificate file.
Maximum is 64 characters, cannot contain spaces.

Production User ID Production user login User ID.

Maximum 32 characters.

Production Password Production user login password.

Maximum 32 characters.

Production Password Verification Production user login password.

Maximum 32 characters.

Production FTP Target Directory Production target directory on the VFG for outgoing files.
Usually FIC.
Maximum 32 characters.

Test User ID Test user login User ID.

Maximum 32 characters.

Test Password Test user login password.

Maximum 32 characters.

Test Password Verification Test user login password.

Maximum 32 characters.

Test FTP Target Directory Test target directory on the VFG for outgoing files.
Usually FIC.
Maximum 32 characters.

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Edit Package Application Configurations

Field Definitions

Parameter Description

Tool for performing FTPS Check the FTPS Tool that you want to use.
If Other is checked Edit Package may not be able to execute the FTPS tool or be
able to determine if the file transfer was successful.

FTPS File Directory Required. Specifies the fully qualified path of the directory containing the .jar files
required to execute FTPS product being used.
C:\EP40\FTPS_TOOL (Edit Package supplied FTPS tool)
Maximum is 64 characters, cannot contain spaces.

Once the information on the window has been entered the user can click on the 'Edit FTPS
Commands Stream' button, this will display the basic commands used to create the FTSCRPTS.txt
used to execute the File Transfer.
set tlsdebug=on
set timeout=30
set passivenatworkaround=false
set connectmode=passive
set ignorecn=true
set clientcert=C:\SECEA\Client.bk.cert
set certpassword=
set servercert=C:\SECEA\Server.bk.cert
set remotehost=<ipaddress>
set port=<port>
CD <Target>
put <pc source file path/name> <unique file ID>
rename <unique file ID> cmp
To set VFG as your default interface type in Edit Package, go to EP Main Menu>Visa Interface Type
and select "Visa File Gateway".

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Once you have set up VFG as the Interface Type, to retrieve incoming files using VFG, go to
Incoming>Retrieve Files from VFG.

Highlight the files you want to process and click the select button. Then click on the Retrieve button.

To send Outgoing files using VFG, go to Outgoing->Transfer Files to VFG.

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Edit Package Application Configurations

All the files shown in the window will be transferred, no need to highlight the files.
Select a file transfer interface then click the Transfer button.

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Edit Package Application Configurations

Secure User Connection Feature in

Edit Package
Secure User Connection is a feature that is available with PCEP 4 of the PC Edit Package for Windows.
It provides file transfer encryption and authentication features to endpoints.
Requirements for its use are:
l PCEP 4
l An EA Server version that supports Secure User Connection
l FTP/S client software that is RFC 4217-compliant
l The FTP/S client must support a scripting (command line) interface in order to use the Edit
Package to initiate file transfers
l A software solution/tool to manage PKI x.509 digital certificates
l Path and file names must not contain spaces
The FTP/S client is not provided or supported by Visa. Requesting and supporting
certificates will not be an Edit Package function. Additional software may be required for
requesting and managing certificates and private keys. Questions or technical support
pertaining to chosen third-party products must be directed to the respective third party
See Visa Extended Access Server Endpoint Guide (September 2007 or later) for additional information
regarding Secure Member Connection.
Users who want to use secure file transfer should contact their regional account management for
setup and certificate support. This section describes how Edit Package users define an EAS interface
for the Edit Package to use to initiate file transfers.
Setting up the EAS interface requires a user to have Edit Package administrative authority, granted
using the Edit Package Operator ID Setup.
The Edit Package will have a limit of 20 interface definitions. Most users would have no more than
two, a primary and a backup.
The login ID and password for the EA secure server are both assigned by users. The same login ID
and password established for EAS must be entered into the Edit Package interface definition. The EAS
login ID and password are not related to the Edit Package login ID.

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Edit Package Application Configurations

Set Up a Secure User Connection in Edit Package

Use this procedure to get to the setup screen. Select Secure EAS Setup from the Administration

Secure EAS Setup Screen

The EAS File Transfer Setup screen appears.

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Supported EAS Interfaces List in Edit Package

When the form appears, all defined interfaces appear in the Supported EAS Interfaces list. Clicking an
interface populates the text boxes with the data for that interface. The data for the first interface in
the list always appears when the form is opened.

Supported EAS Interfaces

Definition of form elements:

Add – Click to add an interface. You cannot add a new interface without filling in all the required
fields. Filling in the required fields will not guarantee that a working interface has been defined.
Clicking Verify Interface will validate the content by using the entered data to log on to the Secure
Change – Click to change an existing interface. To see the definitions for an existing interface, select
it in the Supported Interface list box. You cannot change an interface without filling in all the
required fields.

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Delete – Click after selecting select an interface in the list box. The interface is deleted and no longer
available for use.
OK – Click to commit any outstanding Add or Change and close the window. Pressing Enter
performs the OK function too.
Cancel/Exit – Clicking Cancel will cancel the last change that has not been applied and will exit the
form. Pressing Esc performs the Cancel function. The caption of Cancel is changed to Exit at any
time the form is displayed and no action is in progress. Actions include add, change, and delete.
Apply – Click to apply any outstanding change but not exit the form. Additional Add, Change, Delete
activities can be performed.
Verify Interface – Click to initiate a logon to the specified EAS device using the login ID, password,
and certificates. A message will appear, indicating if the login was successful. If login fails, one of the
login parameters does not match the EAS device, the certificates are not valid, or some other setup,
network, or firewall problem exists. This button is only enabled when an interface is selected and
displayed in the Interface Information boxes. This button is hidden if the Add or Change buttons are
selected. The failure message is: "Interface verification failed, check your login ID, password, and
network connections. Correct the problem and try verification again."
FTPS Tool – Here you enter information about the choice of FTPS tool you are using. You can choose
among the three check boxes.
EDTJPro – This is a tool supported by Edit Package.
EPFTPSClient –This is an in-house tool supported by Edit Package and provided to user when they
download Edit Package for free.
Other – If user chooses to use a tool other than the supported tools, selecting this opens a pop-up
message alerting user that third-party tools are not supported by Edit Package and any support
required for these tools will require client to contact the respective third-party tool support.
File Location <FTPexePath> – This is the path to the FTPS product that the user is using. For Java
based products, this is the path to the jar files required by the product. If the FTPS product is an exe,
this is the path to the folder containing the exe. This path name is used in the FTP scripts when
running an FTPS file transfer. This field will pre-populate the path to the appropriate jar file folder, if
client chooses to use the in-house EPFTPSClient tool. The Ul will populate this field with a path name
only. This is because some FTPS products require multiple files in the same folder in order to run
Interface Information – Other than field length, there are no edits on the content entered in any of
these text boxes. The content entered in the text boxes in this section of the form can be used by the
FTPS script when it is executed. Each field (except Name) in the list below has an angle bracket <>
symbol associated with it. Anywhere within the FTPS script that an angle bracket symbol occurs, the
content from this form is substituted when the script is generated. If your FTPS product requires
additional commands, they can be entered directly in the form.
Name – The name assigned by a user to the interface. Any alphanumeric data will be accepted.
Leading and trailing spaces will be trimmed.
Login <username> – Any alphanumeric data. The Login must match one defined on EAS or the file
transfer will fail. Leading and trailing spaces are trimmed.

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Login Password< password > – Any alphanumeric data. The password must match one defined on
EAS or the file transfer will fail. When the password is entered, it will not appear; asterisks will instead.
Leading and trailing spaces are trimmed. The Login and Password combination must match a pair
that is defined on the EAS.
IP Address <ipaddress> – The IP address or host name of the destination EAS device.
Port <port> – The control port used by FTP. This field is optional and defaults to the standard FTP
Server Certificate – The full path and file name of the server certificate.
Client Certificate – The full path and file name of the client certificate.
A message appears and states if the Verify Interface function was successful or not.

Verify Interface Function

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Clicking the Edit FTPS Command Stream will display the Edit FTPS Commands form. This form lets a
user specify any commands that their FTPS product requires to properly execute. The commands
required by the selected FTPS product would be entered in the sequence that is required for correct
execution. If client chooses to use the EDTJpro or EPFTPSClient tool, the basic commands needed to
perform file transfer will be pre-filled upon clicking Apply.

Edit FTPS Commands Screen

Transfer Files Using Secure User Connection in

Edit Package
Use this procedure to transfer files using a Secure User Connection.

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1. Log on to the BASE II CIB for which you intend to use Secure Member Connection.
2. On the main menu, select the Secure EAS Visa Interface Type.
Interface Type Main Menu

If a Secure User Connection has been created, any file transfers done while the Visa Interface Type is
set to Secure EAS will use the selected connection.

Secure Direct Exchange Interface

Setup in Edit Package
Secure Direct Exchange Interface is a feature that is available with the PC Edit Package for Windows.
It provides file transfer functionality via FTPS between Direct Exchange and Edit Package PC FTPS.
Requirements are:
l FTPS client software must be compliant with RFC 4217/RFC 2228 which requires that the
client send an explicit 'AUTH/TLS'. For endpoints using FTPS, Visa Open File Delivery supports
passive FTP and explicit SSL.
l FTPS must support SSL version 3.2 or higher or TLS 1.1 or higher and a scripting (command
line) interface in order to use the Edit Package to initiate file transfers.
l A software solution/tool to manage PKI x.509 digital certificates.
l Path and file names must not contain spaces.
The PC Edit Package Secure DEX interface was tested using a third party FTPS client software
edtFTPj/PRO Java Version 4.7.0 (23 January, 2015). It supports TLS version 1.1 (SSL version
3.2) and is compatible with Java 1.4 and higher versions.
The FTPS client is not provided or supported by Visa. Requesting and supporting certificates
will not be an Edit Package function. Additional software may be required for requesting and

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managing certificates and private keys. Questions or technical support pertaining to chosen
third-party products must be directed to the respective third-party vendors.
See Visa Direct Exchange Open File Delivery Service Implementation Guide (20 March 2015 or later)
for additional information regarding OFD Channel Encryption using FTPS.
Users who want to use secure DEX file transfer should contact their regional account management
for setup and certificate support. This section describes how Edit Package users define a Secure DEX
interface for the Edit Package to use to initiate file transfers using FTPS.
Setting up the Secure DEX interface requires a user to have Edit Package administrative authority,
granted using the Edit Package Operator ID Setup.
The Edit Package will have a limit of 20 interface definitions. Most users would have no more than
two, a primary and a backup.
The login ID and password for the Secure DEX are both assigned by users. The same login ID and
password established for Secure DEX must be entered into the Edit Package interface definition. (The
Secure DEX login ID and password are not related to the Edit Package login ID.)

Set Up Secure DEX Interface in Edit Package

Use this procedure to set up a secure DEX interface. To get to the setup screen, select DEX Secure
Setup from the Administration menu.

DEX Secure Setup Screen

The Secure Direct Exchange Setup screen appears.

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PC Edit Package Secure Direct Exchange Setup

Additional DEX Hardware and Software

Requirements for Edit Package
In addition to the requirements for installing the PC Edit Package for Windows basic system, using
Direct Exchange requires the following hardware and software.
l A supported Windows operating system. No other operating system can be used for Direct
l If interchange files are to be encrypted or compressed, XYGATE/FE software, key, and license
by XYPRO Technology Corporation is required. This can be obtained through your Visa
l If interchange files are to be Zip-compressed, industry standard Zip software that has a
command line version is required.
l Connectivity to the Direct Exchange OFD Gateway.

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Additional DEX Installation Steps for Edit

After installing the PC Edit Package for Windows basic system, follow these steps to install Direct
Exchange (DEX).
1. If interchange files are to be encrypted or compressed, install XYGATE/FE software.
a. Obtain XYGATE software, license, and key from your Visa representative.
b. Move the XYGATE files to the directory that will be specified in the XygateFolder
2. Set up DEX interface(s).
In the main application, choose Settings > Visa Interface Type from the main menu, then
select Direct Exchange.
3. Change interface setting.
4. Test your DEX interfaces.
5. If interchange files are to be Zip-compressed, install Zip software.
Obtain Zip software from the vendor of your choice and install it.
The path to the location of the Zip executable must not contain spaces and must be less than
64 characters.

Secure DEX Interface Setup Parameters for Edit

Direct Exchange (DEX) Interface Setup parameters are described.

Direct Exchange Interface Setup Parameters

Parameter Description

General Information

BASE II CIBs BASE II CIB that will use the Secure DEX Interface

Interface Name Any unique interface name up to 35 characters, for example,

“Primary DEX”.

Encryption Specifies whether XYGATE encryption is to be performed.

Note: Compression is automatically selected when

Encryption is selected.

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Direct Exchange Interface Setup Parameters

Parameter Description

General Information

Compression Specifies whether XYGATE compression is to be performed.

Note: Selecting encryption automatically enables

XYGATE software is obtained from your Visa

Zip Compression Specifies whether Zip compression is to be performed.

Note: If Zip is selected, Encryption and

Compression are disabled.
Zip software is a third-party product that is not
provided or supported by Visa.

Key File Name Required when encryption is selected. Specifies the name of
the XYGATE file containing the Encryption keys. Maximum
128 characters.

Incoming Files Directory Required when encryption is selected. Specifies the fully
qualified path of the directory containing the incoming ITFs
sent by the OFD Gateway. Maximum 128 characters.

Zip File Directory Required if Zip is selected. Specifies the fully qualified path of
the directory containing the executable of the Zip product
being used. Maximum is 128 characters, spaces are not

Tool for performing FTPS EDTJPro – This tool is supported by Edit Package.
EPFTPSClient – This is an in-house tool supported by Edit
Package and provided to user when they download Edit
Package for free.
Other – If user chooses to use a tool other than the
supported tools, clicking on this radio Button will give a pop-
up message alerting user that third-party tools are not
supported by Edit Package and any support required for
these tools will require client to contact the respective third-
party tool support.

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Direct Exchange Interface Setup Parameters

Parameter Description

General Information

FTP File Directory Required for Secure DEX Setup. Specifies the qualified path of
the directory containing the FTPS client.
This is the path to the FTPS product that the user is using. For
Java-based products, this is the path to the jar files required
by the product. If the FTPS product is an exe, this is the path
to the folder containing the exe. This path name is used in
the FTP scripts when running an FTPS file transfer. The UI will
populate this field with a path name only.

Note: This field will pre-populate the path to the

appropriate jar file folder, if client chooses to use the
in-house EPFTPSClient tool.

XYGATE Folder Location Specifies the location of the XYGATE software modules.
Is required if DEX encryption or compression is used.
If XYGATE software is installed, a fully qualified directory path;
otherwise, it should be blank.

Zip Success Text The text string generated by your Zip product indicating a
successful Zip procedure.

FTP Information

IP Address The IP Address of the BASE II OFD Gateway. *

Port The port number for the OFD Gateway.

Valid values are 0–99999. *

Server Certificate The full path and file name of the server certificate.

Client Certificate The full path and file name of the client certificate.


User ID Production user login User ID. Maximum 32 characters.

Password Production user login password. Maximum 32 characters.

Password Verify Production user login password verification. Maximum 32


FTP Target Directory Production target directory on the OFD Gateway for
outgoing files. Maximum 32 characters. *


User ID Test user login User ID. Maximum 32 characters.

Password Test user login password. Maximum 32 characters.

Password Verify Test user login password verification. Maximum 32 characters.

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Direct Exchange Interface Setup Parameters

Parameter Description

General Information

FTP Target Directory Test target directory on the OFD Gateway for outgoing files.
Maximum 32 characters.

Edit FTP Commands Stream Form to specify any commands that the user’s product
requires to properly execute. The commands required by the
selected FTPS product would be entered in the sequence that
is required for correct execution.

Note: If client chooses to use the EDTJpro or

EPFTPSClient tool, the basic commands needed to
perform file transfer will be pre-filled upon clicking
the “Apply” button.

The FTP parameters listed support independent values for sending production versus test ITFs.

Add a New Secure DEX Interface in Edit Package

To add a new DEX interface:

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1. Click New.
Adding a New Secure DEX Screen

2. Enter an alias for the DEX in the Interface Name field.

3. Choose the appropriate Encryption and Compression options.
4. Fill in the Key File Name field.
If the Encryption box is checked, enter the location of the XYGATE Key File in the text box or
click Browse to find and select the XYGATE Key file. For Client/Server Installs, enter the
location of the XYGATE Key file in the text box.
5. Fill in the Incoming File Directory field.
Enter the folder location that DEX will write all Incoming files to be processed for the BASE II
CIB or click Browse to find and select the DEX Incoming File Directory. For Client/Server
installs, enter the location of the Incoming File Directory.

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6. Fill in the Zip File Directory field.

If the Zip Compression box is checked, enter the location of the WINZIP or 7Zip executable or
click Browse to find and select the location of the Zip executable. For Client/Server installs,
enter the location of the Zip Executable Directory.
In order to get 7Zip to work, you will have to edit FILETRANSFER.TXT in EP40/
WORKSPACE on the client machine, update the sections entitled (ZIP) and (UNZIP)
adding the comment character * to the lines for WZZIP.exe and WZUNZIP.exe and
removing the comment character for 7z.exe. A sample is shown.

(ZIP)*Zip outgoing DEX zip file* change the Sample command line
for your zip program*<zipexefolder> - the path name to the zip
executable*<outbinpath> - the OUTGOING folder of the CIB being
processed*ftpdat.@@@ is the name of the zip archive being
created*ftpdat.~~@ is the name of the file being zipped into the
archive*Sample command line for 7-zip<zipexefolder>7z.exe a -tzip
<outbinpath>ftpdat.@@@ <outbinpath>ftpdat.~~@> zip.log*Sample
command line for WinZip*<zipexefolder>WZZIP.exe -ex -ybc
<outbinpath>ftpdat.@@@<outbinpath>ftpdat.~~@ > zip.log
[UNZIP]*UnZip incoming DEX zip file* change the Sample command
line for your zip program*<zipexefolder> - the path name to the
zip executable*<inbinpath> - the INCOMING folder of the CIB being
processed*<inbinpath>\dexdat.@@@ - the name of the zip file to
extract from*<inbinpath> - the folder destination for the
unzipped file*Sample command line for 7-zip<zipexefolder>7z.exe e
-y <inbinpath>dexdat.@@@ -o<inbinpath> > zip.log*Sample command
line for WinZip*<zipexefolder>WZUNZIP.exe -ybc -e
<inbinpath>dexdat.@@@ <inbinpath> > zip.log

7. Fill in the FTP File Directory field.

Enter the qualified path of the directory containing the FTPS client in the text box or click
Browse to find the path to the FTPS product.
8. Fill in the XYGATE Folder Location field with the folder location where XYGATEFE.EXE
9. Enter the IP address, certificate location (and port if required) for the DEX Interface.
10. Enter the Production Userid, password, and FTP target directory, used when Run Mode is
11. Enter the Test Userid, password, and FTP target directory, used when Run Mode is TEST.
12. Click Ping to test the connection.
If the connection fails the Ping test, check to make sure tht the IP address and port are
correct and try again. If the Ping Test continues to fail, confirm that your network is set up
13. Click Add to save the new DEX.

Clicking Edit FTPS Command Stream will display the Edit FTPS Commands form, which lets a user
specify any commands that their FTPS product requires to properly execute. The commands that run
the FTPS script would be entered first, with the identifier *## at the beginning of the line. After that,

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the commands required by the selected FTPS product would be entered in the sequence that is
required for correct execution.

Edit FTPS Commands Screen

Change an Existing Secure DEX in Edit Package

Use this procedure to edit an existing Secure DEX.

1. Select the DEX to edit (from the DEX Interfaces Currently Supported list).
2. Click Edit.
3. Edit the information and IP address as needed.
The DEX name cannot be altered.
4. Click Ping to test the connection.
If the connection fails the Ping test, check to make sure that the IP address and port are
correct and try again or consult the log on the screen.
5. Click Replace to update the DEX entry.

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Delete a Secure DEX in Edit Package

Use this procedure to delete a DEX.

1. Select the DEX to edit (from the DEX Interfaces Currently Supported list.)
2. Click Delete.
A dialog box appears, asking for confirmation.
3. Click OK to delete the DEX entry.

Transfer Files Using Secure DEX Interface in Edit

Use this procedure to transfer files using a Secure DEX Interface.
1. Log on to the BASE II CIB for which you intend to use Secure DEX interface.
2. On the main menu, select Settings > Visa Interface Type > Secure DEX.
Interface Type Main Menu

If a Secure DEX interface has been created, any file transfers done while the Visa Interface Type is set
to Secure DEX will use the selected connection.

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Edit Package Batch Facility

The user interface for the Batch Facility is located in the Windows Main Administration menu. It is
used to set up and to maintain batch procedures, submit them for immediate execution, and view
completed jobs and batch job history.

Batch Facility Menu Screen

The Batch Facility interfaces directly with the PC Edit Package for Windows main application. Run
control options, EA/DEX interfaces, file locations, and BASE II CIBs used by the Batch Facility interface
with the main application. Also, functions in the main application such as data entry and batch
management, report browsing/printing and report archiving interface directly to the Batch Facility.
Edit runs and file transfers can be done using either the Batch Facility or the main application. For
example, an incoming edit run for BASE II CIB "400552" can be scheduled using the Batch Facility.
Then, an incoming edit run for "400552" can be submitted online using the main application. All
reports (including archives), and history and for both edit runs will then be combined as though they
were executed by the same method.
There are six Edit Package processes for which the Batch Facility is used.
l Incoming File Transfer (EAS or Secure EAS or DEX or Secure DEX)
l Incoming Edit Run
l Outgoing Edit Run
l Outgoing File Transfer (EAS or Secure EAS or DEX or Secure DEX)
l Table Extracts
l Table Reports

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Multiple processes (for example, incoming file transfer and incoming edit run) can be performed for
a BASE II CIB and can be included in a single batch job. However, Incoming and Outgoing processes
cannot be combined in a batch procedure.

Use the Batch Facility in Edit Package

The Batch Facility is launched from Main Administration menu. The Batch Facility main menu has four
buttons that are used to initiate Batch Facility functions. Only one user can access the Batch Facility at
a time. Also, within the Batch Facility, only one function can be performed at a time.

Batch Facility Main Menu

Batch Procedures in Edit Package

The beginning step in setting up a Batch Facility job is to create a Batch Procedure. The Batch
Procedure Wizard must be used to create the first Batch Procedure. After the first Batch Procedure is
created, others can be created by using either the Batch Procedure Wizard or the Maintain Batch
Procedures function. The Maintain Batch Procedures function can also be used to copy, update, view,
or delete existing Batch Procedures.
Batch Procedures contain all of the information needed to execute a batch job. For example, a Batch
Procedure contains all of the processes like edit runs and/or file transfers that are to be executed.
They also specify the BASE II CIBs for which these processes are to be run. Batch Procedures
designate input and output files and their directory paths. And, Batch Procedures contain all setup
information such as EAS/DEX interfaces and run control Profiles that are to be used.

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Any number of Batch Procedures can be defined for various purposes. For example, one Batch
Procedure can be used for incoming file transfers and edit runs, while another is used for outgoing
edit runs and file transfers. Or, more specialized Batch Procedures can be created for test outgoing
runs, table extracts and reports, or incoming file transfers for Customized File Delivery files (using
Pull Keys).
The information needed to create a Batch Procedure depends largely on the job steps to be included.
However, the primary information includes:
l "Friendly Name" for the Batch Procedure, i.e., "Incoming Batch Job".
l Run Mode (test or production)
l Process (incoming or outgoing)
l Job Steps (edit runs, file transfers, table extracts and/or table reports)
l Run control profiles (for each BASE II CIB if edit runs are included)
l EAS or Secure EAS or DEX or Secure DEX interface (if file transfers are included)

Logical Execution Groups in Edit Package

Batch Procedures are created within a logical execution group; certain processes or job steps are
typically executed together. For example, it is common to execute an incoming file transfer with an
incoming edit run.
A single Batch Procedure can only be created within the following logical execution parameters.
1. All job steps must be either in production or test mode. You cannot have one job step in
production and another in test mode in the same Batch Procedure.
2. All edit runs and/or file transfers must be for an incoming or an outgoing process. For
example, you cannot have one job step for an incoming edit run and another job step for an
outgoing edit run in the same Batch Procedure.
Although it is possible to include multiple BASE II CIBs in a single batch procedure, it is
recommended to include only one BASE II CIB per procedure. When a procedure with
multiple BASE II CIBs fails, the logs and reports generated by the procedure must be
examined to determine which steps were successful and which failed.
File extracts and file reports are independent of the rules (above). Any number of file
extracts or file reports can be included in a Batch Procedure with either incoming or
outgoing job steps. Also, it is possible to create a Batch Procedure that only includes file
extracts or file reports, without an edit run or file transfer.

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Edit Package Batch Procedure Preparatory Steps

Because the Batch Facility interfaces directly with the PC Edit Package for Windows main application,
any Edit Package setups used by a Batch Procedure must be done prior to creating it. For example, if
an EAS file transfer is to be included in a Batch Procedure, at least one EAS interface must exist. This
setup is done using the EAS Setup screen from the Main Administration menu.

The setups and definitions required before creating a Batch Procedure are:
1. If an incoming file transfer is included:
l All BASE II CIBs to be included must be defined using the BASE II CIB Setup window.
l If an EAS transfer, the desired EAS interface.
l If a Secure EAS transfer, the desired Secure EAS interface.
l If a DEX or Secure DEX is used to retrieved files, the desired DEX interface for each BASE
II CIB selected.
l The Pull Key types if only Customized File Delivery files are to be transferred.
l The maximum number of files to be transferred, if a maximum number is to be specified.
2. If an incoming edit run is included, for each BASE II CIB selected:
l All BASE II CIBs to be included must be defined using the BASE II CIB Setup window.
l The desired incoming run control Profile.
l The location of Edit Package table files, if the location on the main application is not to
be used.
l The location of the input ITFs, if the location on the main application is not to be used.
l The name of the input ITF, if a specific file is to be processed.
l The location of the output CTFs, if the location on the main application is not to be used.
l The location of the output ITFs, if the location on the main application is not to be used.

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3. If an outgoing run is included, for each BASE II CIB selected:

l All BASE II CIBs to be included must be defined using the BASE II CIB Setup window.
l The desired outgoing run control Profile.
l The location of Edit Package table files, if the location on the main application is not to
be used.
l The location of the returned item CTFs, if the location on the main application is not to
be used.
l The location of the rejected item CTFs, if the location on the main application is not to
be used.
l The location of the user CTFs, if the location on the main application is not to be used.
l The location of the output ITFs, if the location on the main application is not to be used.
4. If an outgoing file transfer is included:
l All BASE II CIBs to be included must be defined using the BASE II CIB Setup window.
l If an EAS transfer, the desired EAS interface.
l If a Secure EAS transfer, the desired Secure EAS interface.
l If a DEX transfer, the desired DEX interface for each BASE II CIB selected.
l If a Secure DEX transfer, the desired Secure DEX interface for each BASE II CIB selected.
l The location of the input ITFs, if the location on the main application is not to be used.

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5. If file extracts are included, for each extract:

l All BASE II CIBs with file extracts must be defined using the BASE II CIB Setup window.
l The extract type (ID or name).
l The output file location, if the CIBs data folder is not be used.
l The output file name, if the default name is not to be used.
l The Table Effective Date, if the current date is not to be used.
l The starting range, if the start of the table is not to be used.
l The ending range, if the end of the table is not to be used.
6. If file reports are included, for each report:
l All BASE II CIBs with file reports must be defined using the BASE II CIB Setup window.
l The report type (ID or name).
l The output file location, if the CIBs data folder is not be used.
l The output file name, if the default name is not to be used.
l The Table Effective Date, if the current date is not to be used.
l The starting range, if the start of the table is not to be used.
l The ending range, if the end of the table is not to be used.
l The report format, if not a Language or Rules file report.

Add Batch Procedure Wizard in Edit Package

The Add Batch Procedure Wizard takes the user step-by-step through the process of adding a Batch
Procedure. During this process, only the steps that are necessary to add a particular Batch Procedure
are presented. Also, each step includes a description of the information that is needed and edits to
prevent errors.
The Add Batch Procedure Wizard must be used to add the first batch procedure to understand what
elements make up a batch procedure. Subsequent Batch procedures can be added by using the Add
Batch Procedure Wizard or the Maintain Batch Procedures function.

Add Batch Procedure Wizard Navigation in Edit Package

Batch Facility Procedures use items that have already been defined using the Main Administration
menu. Each step that the Wizard takes uses a logical sequence and includes a brief description of the
data element and how it is used. During startup, the Wizard gathers the available system information
to determine what can and cannot be included in the Batch Procedure. This information is then
stored internally. For example, if there are no DEX or EAS or Secure EAS or Secure DEX interfaces, no
incoming or outgoing file transfers will be allowed. The user can move forward and backwards
through the Wizard screens.

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System information is used to determine default file locations and the available Incoming and
Outgoing Run Control Profiles for each BASE II CIB. One of the purposes of the Add Procedure
Wizard is to explain each data element and to provide other useful information and
The Notes button is at the top of the Batch Procedure Wizard Screens. You can access the Batch
Procedure Notes dialog at nearly anytime to add any free-form notes you wish. These notes remain
for the life of the Batch Procedure and can be referenced or modified anytime later.

Batch Procedure Name Selection in Edit Package

Selecting a Batch Procedure name is the first step in defining a batch procedure. You can choose a
custom name or use the default name. It must be a unique name and can have embedded spaces.
Then, you must select a BASE II CIB.

Batch Procedure Wizard – Batch Procedure Name

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Select BASE II CIB – If More Than One CIB Exists in Edit Package
The Select BASE II CIB list shows all the available CIBs. Each BASE II CIB can be used for run mode,
edit run, or file transfer functions.
The list shows which actions can be performed for each selected BASE II CIB, including Production
mode, Test mode, Incoming or Outgoing edit run, DEX or EAS or Secure EAS or Secure DEX file
transfer. Select a BASE II CIB by clicking on the select field or CIB number. You can select one or more
CIBs in the list.
The codes in the EAS column indicate what kinds of connections have been defined. The meaning of
the codes is:
l S – Secure EAS connection only
l Y – EAS connection
l N – No EAS or Secure EAS connection
l B – Both EAS and Secure EAS connections
The codes in the DEX column indicate what kinds of connections have been defined. The meaning of
the codes is:
l S – Secure DEX connection only
l Y – DEX connection
l N – No DEX or Secure DEX connection
l B – Both DEX and Secure DEX connections

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Batch Procedure Wizard – Select BASE II CIBs

Select Batch Procedure Job Steps in Edit Package

Select a Batch Procedure Process by selecting a check box. Each batch can contain only incoming or
outgoing processes. Incoming and outgoing edit runs, file transfers, table extracts, and table reports
will apply to every BASE II CIB.
The file type must be selected to identify the type of file being processed.

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Batch Procedure Wizard – Batch Procedure Job Steps

Specify Table Output Location in Edit Package

Select the Use Default Location check box. The Table Location screens are part of the Table Extract
process and the Table Reports process.
An example of the use default location check box is shown.

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Batch Procedure Wizard – Table Extract Output Location

Import Edit Package Tables Location

Select the Use Default Location check box. The default will be the setting displayed on the screen. If
it is not specified, it will be the location in the text box. If unchecked, type in a location or click
If the location you type in does not exist, you will be asked if you want it to be created. If you check
Yes, the file location will be created. If you check No, Edit Package will not stop, but when it runs, the
procedure may end.

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Specify File Transfer Type in Edit Package

Check the file transfer type to be used during the batch procedure. Currently, the available options
are DEX, EAS, Secure EAS, or Secure DEX.

Batch Procedure Wizard – File Transfer Type

If Secure DEX is specified, clicking Next will show the Secure DEX interfaces available for the CIBs.
Check the Interface Name to be used for the batch procedure.

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Batch Procedure Wizard – Secure DEX Interface For Each BASE II CIB

Specify Customized Delivery File Transfer in Edit Package

When Incoming File transfers are selected in the Batch Procedure Job Steps, an option to select
customized file delivery becomes available, called Specify Pull-Key Option. Pull Keys can be set up for
EAS or DEX file transfers.
A pull key is a custom delivery file type which restricts the files to be transferred to only the files
named in the pull key. If the file transfer uses EA Server, only the EA Server pull keys will show in the
pull-key list. If the file transfer uses DEX, only the DEX pull keys will show in the pull-key list.
Select the Specify Pull-Keys check box; the list of pull keys is enabled for selecting. At least one pull
key must be selected if the Specify Pull-Keys check box is checked.
EAS pull keys are shown below. DEX pull keys work the same as EA server pull keys.

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Batch Procedure Wizard – Specify Pull-Key Option

Selecting or Deselecting Pull-Key Option:

l Click at the row of the pull key to select the key.
l Click or double-click at the row of the pull key to deselect the key.
Deleting the pull key from the list:
l Select the pull key to be deleted by clicking at the row of the pull key.
l Click Delete to delete the selected key.

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Adding new pull key to the list:

l Enter three (for DEX) or five (for EAS) characters for the pull key in the Type text box.
l Enter up to 75 characters for the pull-key description in the Description text box.
l Click Add to add the new key to the list.

Batch Procedure Wizard – Add New Pull-Key Option

Saving the pull-key options:

l Click Save to save all changes to the pull-key options.

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Batch Procedure Wizard – Save Pull-Key Option

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Select a Run Control Option Profile in Edit Package

A run control profile must be selected. The profile selected should be the one defined during the
initial setup. If a profile has not been defined, you must exit the Batch Procedure and return to the
main application to define a profile.

Batch Procedure Wizard – Run Control Option Profile

Specify ITF and CTF Locations in Edit Package

Select Default. The default will be the setting displayed on the screen. If it is not specified, it will be
the location in the text box. If a default location does not appear, type in a location or click Browse.
If the location you type in does not exist, you will be asked if you want it to be created. If you check
Yes, the file location will be created. If you check No, Edit Package will not stop, but when it runs, the
procedure may end.

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Batch Procedure Wizard – ITF Location

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Batch Procedure Wizard – CTF Location

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Retain Edit Package Batch History

Select the number of days to retain the completed Batch Jobs in the Batch Facility database. The
number of days to retain batch history must be between 0 and 365 days. If you click Default, the
number of days to retain history defaults to 90 days.

Batch Procedure Wizard – Days To Retain Batch History

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Continue Return Code in Edit Package

The Continue Return Code indicates the highest Return Code for each Job Step that will allow
subsequent Job Steps to execute. If you click Default, the highest return code for each job step is 4.

Batch Procedure Wizard – Continue Return Code

Overwrite Incoming CTFs in Edit Package

The Overwrite Incoming CTFs option indicates to Batch Facility what to do with Incoming CTF files if
they exist from a previous Incoming run. If the value is set to Yes and Incoming CTF files exist, they
will be overwritten. If the value is set to No and Incoming CTF files exist, the Incoming Run will
terminate. If you click Default, the Overwrite Incoming CTFs will be set to No.

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Batch Procedure Wizard – Continue Return Overwrite

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Add Batch Procedure in Edit Package Complete

The screen shown indicates that you have successfully added a Batch Procedure. You can review the
procedure and make updates before saving or you can continue with the process without reviewing
the procedure.

Batch Procedure Wizard – Adding Batch Procedure Complete

Edit Package Maintain Batch Procedures Function

The Maintain Batch Procedures function is used to perform various actions such as add, change,
copy, view, and delete a Batch Procedure.
On the Batch Facility main menu, the Maintain Procedures button is enabled whenever at least one
Batch Procedure currently exists. The first Batch Procedure must be added using the Add Batch
Procedure Wizard. After the first Batch Procedure has been added, others may be included by using
the Maintain Procedures function (add or copy) or by using the Add Batch Procedure Wizard again.

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When the Maintain Batch Procedures button is pressed, the Select Procedure and Action screen is

Select Procedure and Action

There are 5 actions available on this screen:

l Add – Add a new batch procedure
l Change – Update the selected batch procedure
l Copy – Copy the selected batch procedure to a new one
l View – View the selected batch procedure
l Delete – Delete the selected batch procedure

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Maintain Batch Procedure – Add Batch Procedure

General Tab in Edit Package

The General tab includes both the Primary data elements and the Batch Procedure Option fields. The
Primary fields are highly interactive, especially the BASE II CIB’s grid. For example, if all of the selected

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BASE II CIBs are defined only as test, only the Test mode option radio button will be enabled. If there
are no EAS Interfaces defined to the system and the selected BASE II CIBs do not have at least one
DEX Interface defined for it, the DEX and EAS Transfer check boxes will be disabled. The File Type
radio options are enabled when at least one of the DEX, EAS, or Secure EAS or Secure DEX transfer
check boxes is enabled.
It is highly recommended, especially when adding a new Batch Procedure, that entries be
made in top-down order, that is, you should begin by first designating the BASE II CIBs. Then,
based on which batch processes are available, designate all of the other Primary Fields in
order. When this is done, the rest of the tabs will be setup to accept whatever data elements
are necessary.

Details Tab in Edit Package

The Details tab is enabled whenever an incoming or outgoing edit run has been included in the
Batch Procedure. For each BASE II CIB, it is used to designate an incoming or outgoing run control
profile, an input file name (optional for incoming only), and various paths for input, output, and
system files.
The BASE II CIBs designated for the Batch Procedure on the General tab appear in a list box at the
top of the tab. When a BASE II CIB is selected from the list, all of the data elements for it on the Edit
Run tab are displayed. The data elements can then be changed at will.
The file paths that are enabled depend on the Process (Incoming or Outgoing) and whether a File
Transfer is included with the Edit Run. For each file path, either the default location or another
location can be designated. The default locations are those designated in the main application Paths
Window. If the default location is chosen, whatever the setting for that location is on the main
application when the Batch Procedure is run will be used. However, if another location is entered,
only that location will be used at runtime.
The Browse buttons to the right of each location are enabled whenever the corresponding Use
Default Location check box is not checked. The Browse buttons display the EP Select Drive and Path
dialog box where an existing location can be selected. When selected, the drive and path will
automatically appear in the corresponding location field.
If a location that does not exist is manually entered, the system will ask whether you want to
automatically create it. If so, the location is immediately created.
The following example is of an EAS Transfer and Incoming Edit Run.

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Maintain Batch Procedure Details Tab

The following example is of a Secure DEX transfer and Outgoing Edit Run.

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Maintain Batch Procedure Details 5 Tab

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Select a Custom Delivery File Transfer in Edit Package

A Pull Key is a custom delivery file transfer type which restricts the files to be transferred to only the
files named in the Pull Key. A Pull Key can be set up for EAS or DEX.
The Specify Pull Keys option at the bottom of the Add Batch Procedure screen will be active when a
batch includes an Incoming File Transfer in the selected job steps on the General tab. Then the
Details tab will have an activated Pull Key option. Select the Specify Pull Keys check box and the
Select button to open the Specify Pull Key Option screen.
The screen displayed shows EAS Pull Keys. DEX Pull Keys work the same as EA Server Pull Keys.

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Maintain Batch Procedure Specify Pull-Key Option

To select a Pull Key:

1. Open the Specify Pull Key Option screen.
2. On the Select Pull Key Option field, select a pull key from the list, or select Add to add a
custom pull key.
3. To save the selection, click Done. Click Exit to exit without saving.

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Add a Pull Key in Edit Package

If the file transfer uses EA Server, only the EA Server Pull Keys will show in the Pull Key list box. If the
file transfer uses DEX, only the DEX Pull Keys will show in the Pull Key list box.
The Delete button is available to delete user-defined pull keys.

To add a Pull Key:

1. Click Add on the Add New Pull-Key Option field.
2. Add Type by entering a three- to five-character pull-key Type.
The type must be a correct value for the files to be transferred.
3. Add a Description that is up to 75 characters.

Maintain Batch Procedure Extracts Tab in Edit

Extracts are only available for an Incoming Process and that have been included in the Batch
Procedure. The Extracts tab is enabled whenever the Table Extracts box is selected in the Batch
Procedure Job Steps screen. The Extracts tab has two separate layouts and sets of functionality. One
layout and set of functionality is for the "change" mode, which includes adding, updating, and
copying Batch Procedures. The other layout and set of functionality is for the "view" mode.

Add, Change, and Copy Mode in Edit Package

The Extracts tab in change mode is divided into three sections.
The top section is the For BASE II CIB list box where the user designates which CIB the extract is for.
Each BASE II CIB that has been included in the Batch Procedure can have none to many Extracts.
However, at least one BASE II CIB must have at least one Extract. Otherwise, the Extracts Job Step
must be unselected.
The second part of the Extracts tab in change mode is the "Add Extract" section. It includes the
Extracts that have not yet been added for the BASE II CIB. If a VID or ARDEF Extract has been added,
its radio button will be disabled. If the Other radio button is selected, all the "other" kinds of the
Extracts available for the BASE II CIB will appear in a grid below.
To add a new Extract, select the desired Extract and click Add; the Table Extract Details window
The bottom part of the Extracts tab in change mode is the "Maintain Extracts" section. It includes all
of the Extracts that have already been added for the BASE II CIB. An existing extract can be changed,
viewed, or deleted by selecting it and pressing the appropriate button.

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Batch Facility – Maintain Batch Procedures – Extract Tab

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View Mode in Edit Package

The Extracts tab in view mode includes a grid with all of the Extracts that have been added for every
BASE II CIB in the Batch Procedure displayed.
To view all of the details for a particular Extract, simply select it from the grid and click View. Then,
the selected Extract is displayed on the Table Extract Details window.

Table Extract Details Window in Edit Package

The Table Extract Details window is essentially the same in change or view mode. The main
differences are that in view mode, the Browse and Save buttons are hidden and all data elements are
In change mode, the following functionality is available:
l The Output Location can be the default (the BASE II CIB’s data folder) or a user-designated
location. If the default is not chosen, the user can press Browse to launch the Common
Dialog and navigate to the desired location. When selected, the location will appear in the
appropriate text area. If the entered location does not exist, the user is asked whether they
want the system to automatically create it.
l The Output File Name can be a system-generated name or one input by the user. If input by
the user, the name cannot be a default name for any of the other Extracts or the same name
as any of the other Extracts for the Batch Procedure.
If the default File Name for an Extract is already in use for another BASE II CIB, the user
must enter another File Name.
l The Table Effective Date can be the Current Date at runtime or a specific user-defined date. If
the user chooses to input a specific date and opens the list box, a date selection calendar is
l The Starting Range and Ending Range can be the beginning and end of the extract table
respectively, or a range designated by the user. If the user chooses to input a specific range,
the Starting Range must be less than the Ending Range.

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Batch Facility – Maintain Extracts – Add Extract

Edit Package Reports Tab

The Reports tab is enabled whenever Table Reports (only available for an Incoming Process) have
been included in the Batch Procedure. The Reports tab has two separate layouts and sets of
functionality. One layout and set of functionality is for the "change" mode, which includes adding,

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updating, and copying Batch Procedures. The other layout and set of functionality is for the "view"
mode. Choose between the change and view modes by selecting the buttons at the bottom of the

Reports Tab Change Mode in Edit Package

The Reports tab in change mode is divided into three sections.
The top section is the For BASE II CIB list box where the user designates which CIB the Report is for.
Each BASE II CIB that has been included in the Batch Procedure can have none to many Reports.
However, at least one BASE II CIB must have at least one Report. Otherwise, the Reports Job Step
must be deselected.
The second part of the Reports tab in change mode is the "Add Report" section. It includes the
Reports that have not yet been added for the BASE II CIB. If a VID or ARDEF Report has been added,
its radio button will be disabled. If the Other radio button is selected, all the "other" kinds of Reports
available for the BASE II CIB will appear in a grid below. To add a new Report, the desired Report is
selected and the user clicks Add; the Table Report Details window appears.
The bottom part of the Reports tab in change mode is the "Maintain Reports" section. It includes all
of the Reports that have already been added for the BASE II CIB. For these, the user can change, view,
or delete the Report by selecting it and pressing the appropriate button.

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Batch Facility – Maintain Batch Procedures – Reports Tab – Change Mode

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Reports Tab View Mode in Edit Package

The Reports tab in view mode includes a grid with all of Reports that have been added for every
BASE II CIB in the Batch Procedure displayed.
To view all of the details for a particular Report, the user simply selects it from the grid and clicks
View. Then, the selected Report appears in the Table Report Details window.

Batch Facility – View Extract Report Details

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Table Report Details Window in Edit Package

The Table Report Details window is essentially the same in change or view mode. The main
differences being that in view mode, the Browse and Save buttons are hidden and all data elements
are protected.
In change mode, the following functionality is available:
l The Output Location can be the default (the BASE II CIB’s data folder) or a user-designated
location. If the default is not chosen, the user can press Browse to launch the Common
Dialog and navigate to the desired location. When selected, the location will appear in the
appropriate text area. If the entered location does not exist, the user is asked whether they
want the system to automatically create it.
l The Output File Name can be a system-generated name or one input by the user. If input by
the user, the name cannot be a default name for any of the other Extracts or the same name
as any of the other Reports for the Batch Procedure.
If the default File Name for a Report is already in use for another BASE II CIB, the user
must enter another File Name.
l The Table Effective Date can be the Current Date at runtime, or a specific user-defined date. If
the user chooses to input a specific date and opens the list box, a date selection calendar is
l The Starting Range and Ending Range can be the beginning and end of the Report,
respectively, or a range designated by the user. If the user chooses to input a specific range,
the Starting Range must be less than the Ending Range.

Submit Batch Job Button in Edit Package

The Submit Batch Job button is enabled whenever a Batch Job is not currently executing and at least
one Batch Procedure currently exists. When the Submit Batch Job button is pressed, the Submit Batch
Job window is displayed. From this window, the user can select a Batch Procedure to execute or to
view all of its details.
While a Batch Job is executing all Batch Facility functions (including submitting another Batch Job)
except for viewing Batch Procedures and completed Batch Jobs are disabled.

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Batch Facility – Submit Batch Job

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Batch Facility – Submit Batch Job Details

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Batch Procedure Directory Path in Edit Package

When a new Batch Procedure is created using either the Add Batch Procedure Wizard or the Maintain
Batch Procedure function in Add or Copy mode, a new data directory is created under the
application folder EP40.
The name of this folder is the same as the new Batch Procedure with any spaces replaced by
underscores. For example, the directory path below may be created for a new Batch Procedure
named 'My First Batch Procedure'.


Each Batch Procedure will have its own data directory in which job log files for completed batch jobs
will be stored. Also, the .bat PC execution file for the Batch Procedure will be created in this folder.

.BAT PC Execution File in Edit Package

A file with a '.bat' extension is used to execute PC programs just as execution JCL is used to submit
mainframe jobs. When the new directory noted above is created, a corresponding .bat file for the
Batch Procedure is also created in the new data directory.
Like the data directory itself, this file is named the same as the Batch Procedure with any spaces
replaced by underscores and the extension '.bat'. For instance, the .bat PC execution file for a new
Batch Procedure named 'My First Batch Procedure' would be called:


The full execution path for the .bat PC execution file may then be:


In order to run a Batch Procedure, all you need to do is execute its .bat file. The .bat file will call the
Batch Facility batch program, passing to it the name of Batch Procedure that is to be run.

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Executing a .BAT File in Edit Package

Three of the common ways to execute .bat files are described.
l Scheduling
One of the most useful ways that Batch Facility jobs can be run is by scheduling the .bat file.
For example, the Windows Scheduler that is included with every Windows operating system
can be used automatically execute Batch Facility jobs at specific days and times. Other third-
party schedulers that may be more sophisticated can be used as well.
l DOS Command Line
The .bat file for a Batch Procedure can be execution from a DOS command line, either in a
DOS window or the Windows Run button dialog box. For example, first press the Windows
Start button that is usually in the lower-left corner. Then press the Run button in the menu. In
the Run dialog box, input the full path and .bat file in the text box, as in the following


Then, click OK to run the Batch Procedure.

l Submit Batch Procedures Function
The Submit Batch Jobs function within the Batch Facility can be used to submit batch jobs ad
hoc. This method may be particularly useful when testing Batch Procedures, resubmitting
scheduled jobs, or submitting Batch Procedures that are executed only occasionally, such as
for some file extracts or Customized File Delivery files.
The main application and the Batch Facility share many system resources. For example,
the BASE II CIBs defined on the BASE II CIB Setup window are those used by the Batch
Facility. Because these resources are shared, it is recommended that they are not
accessed simultaneously. This means that a Batch Facility job and the main application
other than the Submit Batch Procedures function should not be running at the same
time. If when a Batch Facility job is submitted, the main application other than the
Submit Batch Procedures function is running, the batch job can be aborted due to the
global locking.

Use The Windows Scheduler in Edit Package

A Batch Procedure can be run any number of ways simply by executing its corresponding .bat file.
One of most effective ways is using the Windows Scheduler that is bundled with every Windows
operating system. Once registered to the Windows Scheduler, the .bat file will be automatically
executed at the designated day and time. Also, a Batch Procedure can be scheduled multiple times.
The only caveat to doing this is that the name of the scheduled task defaults to the name of the file
that is being executed (see Step 6). When the same executable .bat file is scheduled multiple times,
the user must change the default name and designate a unique name for each scheduled task.

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There are available third-party applications that perform scheduling for Windows operating
systems. Some of these applications include features that are not present in the standard
Windows Scheduler such as dependency checking and enhanced reporting. Nearly all of
these applications can also be used to schedule Batch Procedures simply by executing the
Batch Procedure's .bat file.
Register a Scheduled Task
The Windows Scheduler is a simple, straightforward application. Anyone capable of creating or
maintaining Batch Procedures should have no problems using it. Below are the steps necessary to
register a scheduled task for the XP Professional operating system. Other Windows operating
systems may have slightly different dialogs, but the procedures are always quite similar.
1. Access the Windows Scheduler from the Control Panel by clicking Scheduled Tasks.
The Windows Scheduler can also be accessed on most Windows operating systems
by clicking Start in the lower-left corner, then selecting Programs > Accessories >
System Tools > Scheduled Tasks.
The Scheduled Tasks window appears and displays all the tasks that have been registered to
2. To add a new scheduled task, click Add Scheduled Task.
The initial dialog box in the Scheduled Task Wizard is simply introductory.
3. Click Next.
The next dialog box is used to identify the program to be executed. For all Batch Facility jobs,
this is the .bat PC execution file for the Batch Procedure you would like to execute. You can
use the Browse button to navigate to the desired .bat file. For example, the path and file for
the 'My First Batch Procedure' may be: C:\EP40\BatchFacility
4. After you have identified the appropriate .bat file, click Next.
The third dialog box is used to give the scheduled task a unique name. The dialog box will
default to the name of the .bat file without the .bat extension, such as
'My_First_Batch_Procedure'. However, you may change the name as you wish.
Scheduled task names must be unique, so if you schedule a particular Batch
Procedure more than once (which is acceptable to do), you will only be able to use
the default name once.
This dialog box is used to designate the frequency with which the scheduled task is to be run.
5. After you have give the scheduled task an appropriate name and chosen a frequency, click
The next dialog box is used to choose the time of day you would like the scheduled task to
start running. You can also designate more frequency options such as only on week days, or
only every 30 days. The Start Date field at the bottom is the first date that the scheduled task
is to be run.

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BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Edit Package Application Configurations

6. After you have selected the desired date and times, click Next to continue.
The fifth dialog box is used to enter your Windows operating system user name (ID) and
Most systems require that your password be changed periodically When this
happens, you must also change the password for each of your scheduled tasks;
otherwise, the Windows Scheduler will not run the scheduled task. Also, it is
important that when the scheduled task is supposed to run, the user identified with
the task is the user that is currently logged on to the PC.
7. After you have carefully entered you user name (ID) and password (twice), click Next to
The last dialog box in the Wizard is the completion panel.
8. Review the information presented and step back by clicking Back to make any changes.
9. When all of the information is correct, select the Open advanced properties for this task
when I click Finish check box and click Finish.
If the “Open advanced properties for this task when I click Finish” check box has been
selected, the Task Properties dialog box appears next. It can be used to add comments and
change any information for the scheduled task. This dialog box can also be opened by right-
clicking on an existing scheduled task from the Windows Scheduler main window (see Steps
1 and 2) and selecting Properties. The information you have just entered for the scheduled
task will be displayed.
This dialog box has four tabs.

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Edit Package Application Configurations

10. It is recommended that you carefully review all of the information displayed and make any
necessary changes. It is also recommended that you do the following:
l On the Task tab, enter a meaningful description of purpose of the Batch Procedure in the
Comments text box.
l Near the top of the Setting tab, select Stop the task if it runs for xx hours nn minutes.
Here, xx and nn should be the maximum amount of time you would want the Batch
Procedure to run before automatically terminating.
l At the bottom of the Settings tab, select the Wake the computer to run this task check
box just in case the PC is in standby mode when the scheduled task is set to run.
l On the Security tab, ensure that the appropriate security and access has been granted
for the scheduled task.
When all of the settings have been done, click Apply and then OK.
The Scheduled Tasks window reappears. The scheduled task you have just defined should
11. You may add another scheduled task or change/review an existing scheduled task by right-
clicking on it and selecting Properties.
The steps and description above are for informational purposes only. Visa has no
vested interest in the Windows Scheduler or any other Microsoft product, nor does
Visa advocate any software applications not developed by Visa. Also, the Windows
Scheduler and all other non-Visa-developed applications are outside of the control of
Visa and therefore cannot be supported by Visa. If you require any support for the
Windows Scheduler or any other non-Visa-application, you must contact the
application's support service. Visa is not be able to provide any support for non-Visa

View Completed Jobs in Edit Package

The View Completed Jobs function can be used to browse a list of the completed jobs that are
currently in the system. History for each Batch Procedure is retained by the system up to its Days to
Retain Batch History option setting.
When the View Completed Jobs button is pressed, the Completed Batch Jobs window is displayed.
This window includes a list box with key information for each completed Batch Job. From this window
the user can also select a completed Batch Job to view its Job Log file or to view all details of the
Batch Procedure. It displays a summary list of all Batch Facility jobs that have ended, with the most
recent jobs displayed first. The summary list can also be printed.
The number of completed Batch Facility jobs listed is determined by the retention period (Days to
Retain History) that is established when setting up the procedure. The retention period is established
per Batch procedure.
When a Batch Facility job is selected from the summary list, its Batch Job Log File containing detail
messages will be displayed. This log can also be printed.

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Edit Package Application Configurations

The View Completed Jobs button is enabled whenever at least one completed job currently exists in
the system.

View Completed Jobs

The following figure shows the complete jobs grid when scrolled to the far right to view the start
date, end date, and log file information.

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Edit Package Application Configurations

View Completed Job Log

Edit Package Batch Job Log

The PC Edit Package Batch Program (BPBatch) allows the principal functions of Edit Package to run in
stand-alone batch mode. In batch mode, the outgoing and incoming edit runs and utility programs
operate in the same fashion as they do on their mainframe platform counterparts. The Batch Facility
jobs can be submitted manually for immediate execution or they can be scheduled.
The PC Edit Package Batch Program (BPBatch) allows the principal functions of Edit Package to run in
stand-alone batch mode. In batch mode, the outgoing and incoming edit runs and utility programs
operate in the same fashion as they do on their mainframe platform counterparts. The Batch Facility
jobs can be submitted manually for immediate execution or they can be scheduled.
A Batch job log is created during execution of a batch procedure and is stored in the batch procedure
folder in the EP40 directory. The log contains a detailed summary of the functions executed within a
procedure with a list of all the messages and return codes generated by the Batch program. The
format of the Batch Job log name is BFDDMONYYHHMMSS.log. An example of a Batch job log name
is BF17SEP05182837.log.
Examples of Batch Job Log messages are shown.

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Edit Package Application Configurations

Example of an Outgoing Run

19-Jan-11 10:41:18 Edit Package Batch Processor (EPBatch) started on

Computer: WW7508160
19-Jan-11 10:41:18 (c)Copyright 2008 Visa International Service
Association, All Rights Reserved
19-Jan-11 10:41:18 EPBatch-successfully created log file
19-Jan-11 10:41:18 EPBatch-processor procedure name: Batch Procedure 2
19-Jan-11 10:41:18 EPBatch-running on Computer type: X86-based PC
19-Jan-11 10:41:18 EPBatch-running with number of Processors: 2
19-Jan-11 10:41:18 EPBatch-CPU Manufacturer Dell Inc.
19-Jan-11 10:41:18 EPBatch-CPU Max clock speed 2527
19-Jan-11 10:41:18 EPBatch-total disk space on application drive is:
19-Jan-11 10:41:18 EPBatch-disk space available on application drive
is : 34,331,811,840
19-Jan-11 10:41:18 EPBatch-disk space used on application drive by
percentage is: 57%
19-Jan-11 10:41:19 EPBatch-found EAS Name TEST EAS in EAfile.inf, EAS
information collected
19-Jan-11 10:41:19 EPBatch-start building steps for procedure <Batch
Procedure 2>, BASE II CIB 400552
19-Jan-11 10:41:19 EPBatch-building incoming or outgoing edit run step
for procedure <Batch Procedure 2>, BASE II CIB 400552
19-Jan-11 10:41:19 EPBatch-creating step 1 for outgoing edit run for
procedure <Batch Procedure 2>, BASE II CIB 400552
19-Jan-11 10:41:19 EPBatch-building EAS file transfer step for
outgoing procedure <Batch Procedure 2>, BASE II CIB 400552
19-Jan-11 10:41:19 EPBatch-building outgoing EAS step for procedure
<Batch Procedure 2>, BASE II CIB 400552 step 2
19-Jan-11 10:41:19 EPBatch-created EAS outgoing step 2
19-Jan-11 10:41:19 EPBatch-executing steps for procedure <Batch
Procedure 2> has begun
19-Jan-11 10:41:19 Step 1 Starting outgoing run
19-Jan-11 10:41:19 Step 1 Staging outgoing file
19-Jan-11 10:41:19 Step 1 Executing outgoing with the following
parameters: FILELOC=C:\EP40\C400552\OUTGOING\*.ctf
19-Jan-11 10:41:19 Step 1 started at 1/19/2011 10:41:19 AM
19-Jan-11 10:41:25 Step 1 ended at 1/19/2011 10:41:25 AM with RC= 0

Example of Outgoing EA Server Transfer

18-Sep-05 12:41:36 Step 2 FTF header for ITF

402206020050918T010100.ITF successfully transfered to EA Server
18-Sep-05 12:41:36 Step 2 ITF file 402206020050918T010100.ITF
successfully transfered to EA Server

Example of Table File Extract

21-Jan-11 14:35:19 Edit Package Batch Processor (EPBatch) started on

Computer: WW7508160
21-Jan-11 14:35:19 (c)Copyright 2008 Visa International Service
Association, All Rights Reserved
21-Jan-11 14:35:19 EPBatch-successfully created log file

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Edit Package Application Configurations

21-Jan-11 14:35:19 EPBatch-processor procedure name: Batch Procedure 3
21-Jan-11 14:35:19 EPBatch-running on Computer type: X86-based PC
21-Jan-11 14:35:19 EPBatch-running with number of Processors: 2
21-Jan-11 14:35:19 EPBatch-CPU Manufacturer Dell Inc.
21-Jan-11 14:35:19 EPBatch-CPU Max clock speed 2526
21-Jan-11 14:35:19 EPBatch-total disk space on application drive is:
21-Jan-11 14:35:19 EPBatch-disk space available on application drive
is : 33,744,187,392
21-Jan-11 14:35:19 EPBatch-disk space used on application drive by
percentage is: 58%
21-Jan-11 14:35:20 EPBatch-start building steps for procedure <Batch
Procedure 3>, BASE II CIB 400552
21-Jan-11 14:35:20 EPBatch-building extracts step for procedure <Batch
Procedure 3<, BASE II CIB 400552
21-Jan-11 14:35:20 EPBatch-creating step 1 for extract
21-Jan-11 14:35:20 EPBatch-created extract step 1
21-Jan-11 14:35:20 EPBatch-executing steps for procedure <Batch
Procedure 3> has begun
21-Jan-11 14:35:20 Step 1 starting extract step
21-Jan-11 14:35:20 Step 1 Executing extract with the following
21-Jan-11 14:35:20 Step 1 started at 1/21/2011 2:35:20 PM
21-Jan-11 14:35:23 Step 1 ended at 1/21/2011 2:35:23 PM
21-Jan-11 14:35:23 Step 1 file name EP303F.txt will be copied to
21-Jan-11 14:35:23 EPBatch-procedure <Batch Procedure 3> ended without
step execution errors. RC=0

Example of Table Report

21-Jan-11 14:35:43 Edit Package Batch Processor (EPBatch) started on

Computer: WW7508160
21-Jan-11 14:35:43 (c)Copyright 2008 Visa International Service
Association, All Rights Reserved
21-Jan-11 14:35:43 EPBatch-successfully created log file
21-Jan-11 14:35:43 EPBatch-processor procedure name: Batch Procedure 4
21-Jan-11 14:35:43 EPBatch-running on Computer type: X86-based PC
21-Jan-11 14:35:43 EPBatch-running with number of Processors: 2
21-Jan-11 14:35:43 EPBatch-CPU Manufacturer Dell Inc.
21-Jan-11 14:35:43 EPBatch-CPU Max clock speed 2526
21-Jan-11 14:35:43 EPBatch-total disk space on application drive is:
21-Jan-11 14:35:43 EPBatch-disk space available on application drive
is : 33,744,060,416
21-Jan-11 14:35:43 EPBatch-disk space used on application drive by
percentage is: 58%
21-Jan-11 14:35:44 EPBatch-start building steps for procedure <Batch
Procedure 4>, BASE II CIB 400552
21-Jan-11 14:35:44 EPBatch-building reports step for procedure <Batch
Procedure 4>, BASE II CIB 400552
21-Jan-11 14:35:44 EPBatch-creating step 1 for report
21-Jan-11 14:35:44 EPBatch-created report step 1
21-Jan-11 14:35:44 EPBatch-creating step 2 for report
21-Jan-11 14:35:44 EPBatch-created report step 2

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Edit Package Application Configurations

21-Jan-11 14:35:44 EPBatch-creating step 3 for report

21-Jan-11 14:35:44 EPBatch-created report step 3
21-Jan-11 14:35:44 EPBatch-executing steps for procedure <Batch
Procedure 4> has begun
21-Jan-11 14:35:44 Step 1 starting report step
21-Jan-11 14:35:44 Step 1 Executing report with the following
21-Jan-11 14:35:44 Step 1 started at 1/21/2011 2:35:44 PM
21-Jan-11 14:35:48 Step 1 ended at 1/21/2011 2:35:48 PM
21-Jan-11 14:35:48 Step 1 file name EP303.txt will be copied to
21-Jan-11 14:35:48 Step 2 starting report step
21-Jan-11 14:35:48 Step 2 Executing report with the following
21-Jan-11 14:35:48 Step 2 started at 1/21/2011 2:35:48 PM
21-Jan-11 14:35:51 Step 2 ended at 1/21/2011 2:35:51 PM
21-Jan-11 14:35:51 Step 2 file name EP301.txt will be copied to
21-Jan-11 14:35:51 Step 3 starting report step
21-Jan-11 14:35:51 Step 3 Executing report with the following
21-Jan-11 14:35:51 Step 3 started at 1/21/2011 2:35:51 PM
21-Jan-11 14:35:55 Step 3 ended at 1/21/2011 2:35:55 PM
21-Jan-11 14:35:55 Step 3 file name EP303.txt will be copied to
21-Jan-11 14:35:55 EPBatch-procedure <Batch Procedure 4> ended without
step execution errors. RC=0

Example of Incoming File Transfer From EA Server

17-Sep-05 22:25:11 EPBatch building EA Server incoming file list

17-Sep-05 22:25:11 EPBatch added file number 004 from BASEII File
Status report to transfer from EA Server
17-Sep-05 22:25:11 EPBatch added file number 005 from BASEII File
Status report to transfer from EA Server
17-Sep-05 22:25:11 Step 1 Unique File ID 412174020051001A02160CE
successfully transfered from EA Server

Example of Incoming Edit Run

17-Sep-05 22:25:15 Step 2 Executing EXE3IN with parameters

4\EPSERVER\EP41217 4
17-Sep-05 22:25:15 Step 2 started at 9/17/2005 10:25:15 PM
17-Sep-05 22:25:25 Step 2 EXE3IN ended at 9/17/2005 10:25:25 PM with
messages = ASCII ITF is being staged ...
17-Sep-05 22:25:25 Step 2 EXE3IN ended at 9/17/2005 10:25:25 PM with
messages = Initialization Phase...
17-Sep-05 22:25:25 Step 2 EXE3IN ended at 9/17/2005 10:25:25 PM with
messages = Transaction Processing Phase...
17-Sep-05 22:25:25 Step 2 EXE3IN ended at 9/17/2005 10:25:25 PM with
messages = 000000000 Transactions Staged for Processing
7-Sep-05 22:25:25 Step 2 EXE3IN ended at 9/17/2005 10:25:25 PM with
messages = Transaction Processing Phase...
17-Sep-05 22:25:25 Step 2 EXE3IN ended at 9/17/2005 10:25:25 PM with
messages = 000000100 Transactions Staged for Processing

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Edit Package Application Configurations

17-Sep-05 22:25:25 Step 2 EXE3IN ended at 9/17/2005 10:25:25 PM with

messages = Transaction Processing Phase...
17-Sep-05 22:25:25 Step 2 EXE3IN ended at 9/17/2005 10:25:25 PM with
messages = 000000200 Transactions Staged for Processing
17-Sep-05 22:25:25 Step 2 EXE3IN ended at 9/17/2005 10:25:25 PM with
messages = Transaction Processing Phase...
17-Sep-05 22:25:25 Step 2 EXE3IN ended at 9/17/2005 10:25:25 PM with
messages = 000000300 Transactions Staged for Processing
17-Sep-05 22:25:25 Step 2 EXE3IN ended at 9/17/2005 10:25:25 PM with
messages = Transaction Processing Phase...
17-Sep-05 22:25:25 Step 2 EXE3IN ended at 9/17/2005 10:25:25 PM with
messages = 000000400 Transactions Staged for Processing
17-Sep-05 22:25:25 Step 2 EXE3IN ended at 9/17/2005 10:25:25 PM with
messages = Transaction Processing Phase...
17-Sep-05 22:25:25 Step 2 EXE3IN ended at 9/17/2005 10:25:25 PM with
messages = 000000500 Transactions Staged for Processing
17-Sep-05 22:25:25 Step 2 EXE3IN ended at 9/17/2005 10:25:25 PM with
messages = Transaction Processing Phase...
17-Sep-05 22:25:25 Step 2 EXE3IN ended at 9/17/2005 10:25:25 PM with
messages = 000000600 Transactions Staged for Processing
17-Sep-05 22:25:25 Step 2 EXE3IN ended at 9/17/2005 10:25:25 PM with
messages = Transaction Processing Phase...
17-Sep-05 22:25:25 Step 2 EXE3IN ended at 9/17/2005 10:25:25 PM with
messages = 000000700 Transactions Staged for Processing
17-Sep-05 22:25:25 Step 2 EXE3IN ended at 9/17/2005 10:25:25 PM with
messages = Transaction Processing Complete
17-Sep-05 22:25:25 Step 2 EXE3IN ended at 9/17/2005 10:25:25 PM with
messages = 000000760 Total Transactions Processed
17-Sep-05 22:25:25 Step 2 EXE3IN ended at 9/17/2005 10:25:25 PM with
messages =
17-Sep-05 22:25:25 Step 2 EXE3IN ended at 9/17/2005 10:25:25 PM with
messages = Reporting Phase...
17-Sep-05 22:25:25 Step 2 EXE3IN ended at 9/17/2005 10:25:25 PM with
17-Sep-05 22:25:25 Step 2 general option incoming ITF DISP set to
delete C:\EPWIN304\EPSERVER\EP41217 4\ 41217 4 02 00 51001A0216OCE.itf
17-Sep-05 22:25:25 Step 2 general option incoming ITF DISP set to
delete C:\EPWIN304\EPSERVER\EP41217 4\ 41217 4 02 00 51001B0216OCE.itf
17-Sep-05 22:25:25 Step 2 RETDITEM.EPD renamed to

Example of Outgoing DEX File Transfer

21-Jan-11 15:34:05 Edit Package Batch Processor (EPBatch) started on

Computer: WW7508160
21-Jan-11 15:34:05 (c)Copyright 2008 Visa International Service
Association, All Rights Reserved
21-Jan-11 15:34:05 EPBatch-successfully created log file
21-Jan-11 15:34:05 EPBatch-processor procedure name: Batch Procedure 5
21-Jan-11 15:34:05 EPBatch-running on Computer type: X86-based PC
21-Jan-11 15:34:05 EPBatch-running with number of Processors: 2
21-Jan-11 15:34:05 EPBatch-CPU Manufacturer Dell Inc.
21-Jan-11 15:34:05 EPBatch-CPU Max clock speed 2526
21-Jan-11 15:34:05 EPBatch-total disk space on application drive is:

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 368

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Edit Package Application Configurations

21-Jan-11 15:34:05 EPBatch-disk space available on application drive
is : 33,744,121,856
21-Jan-11 15:34:05 EPBatch-disk space used on application drive by
percentage is: 58%
21-Jan-11 15:34:06 EPBatch-start building steps for procedure <Batch
Procedure 5>, BASE II CIB 400552
21-Jan-11 15:34:06 EPBatch-building outgoing DEX file transfer step
for procedure <Batch Procedure 5>, BASE II CIB 400552
21-Jan-11 15:34:07 EPBatch-executing steps for procedure <Batch
Procedure 5> has begun
21-Jan-11 15:34:07 EPBatch-building file list from folder C:\EP40\
\C400552\OUTGOING for file EPOUT.TXT .
21-Jan-11 15:34:07 C:\EP40\WORKSPACE\EPOUT.TXT - file exist
21-Jan-11 15:34:07 EPBatch-adding file EPOUT.TXT from folder C:\EP40\
\C400552\OUTGOING to file list
21-Jan-11 15:34:11 Step 1 FTP ended. --- FTP messages follow.
21-Jan-11 15:34:11 Step 1 FTP = ftp> Connected to
21-Jan-11 15:34:11 Step 1 FTP = OPEN 21
21-Jan-11 15:34:11 Step 1 FTP = 220 DataExpress FTP Server ready.
21-Jan-11 15:34:11 Step 1 FTP = User ( --->
21-Jan-11 15:34:11 Step 1 FTP = USER 402206
21-Jan-11 15:34:11 Step 1 FTP = 331 Password required for 402206.
21-Jan-11 15:34:11 Step 1 FTP = --->
21-Jan-11 15:34:11 Step 1 FTP = 230 User PCEDIT TESTING logged in to
21-Jan-11 15:34:11 Step 1 FTP = ftp> ---> CD CCDP2
21-Jan-11 15:34:11 Step 1 FTP = CWD CCDP2
21-Jan-11 15:34:11 Step 1 FTP = 250 XCWD command successful.
21-Jan-11 15:34:11 Step 1 FTP = ftp> ---> BINARY
21-Jan-11 15:34:11 Step 1 FTP = TYPE I
21-Jan-11 15:34:11 Step 1 FTP = 200 Type set to I.
21-Jan-11 15:34:11 Step 1 FTP = ftp> ---> PUT C:\EP40\C400552\outgoing
\400552020110118T010100.itf 400552020110118T010100
21-Jan-11 15:34:11 Step 1 FTP = PORT 11,13,4,181,15,65
21-Jan-11 15:34:11 Step 1 FTP = 200 PORT command successful.
21-Jan-11 15:34:11 Step 1 FTP = ---> STOR 400552020110118T010100
21-Jan-11 15:34:11 Step 1 FTP = 150 Opening data connection for /
CCDP2/400552020110118T010100 (,3905d).
21-Jan-11 15:34:11 Step 1 FTP = 226 Binary Transfer complete.
21-Jan-11 15:34:11 Step 1 FTP = ftp: 46920 bytes sent in 0.00Seconds

Example of Outgoing DEX File Transfer (continued)

21-Jan-11 15:34:11 Step 1 FTP = ftp> ---> RENAME

400552020110118T010100 CMP
21-Jan-11 15:34:11 Step 1 FTP = RNFR 400552020110118T010100
21-Jan-11 15:34:11 Step 1 FTP = 350 Send destination name
21-Jan-11 15:34:11 Step 1 FTP = ---> RNTO CMP
21-Jan-11 15:34:11 Step 1 FTP = 250 RNTO command successful
21-Jan-11 15:34:11 Step 1 FTP = ftp> ---> BYE
21-Jan-11 15:34:11 Step 1 FTP = QUIT
21-Jan-11 15:34:11 Step 1 FTP = 221 Goodbye.
21-Jan-11 15:34:11 Step 1 End FTP messages
21-Jan-11 15:34:11 Step 1400552020110118T010100.itf successfully
transfered to DEX

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 369

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Edit Package Application Configurations

21-Jan-11 15:34:12 EPBatch-procedure <Batch Procedure 5> ended without

step execution errors. RC=0

12-Mar-09 09:22:53 Step 1 FTP = ftp: 7140 bytes sent in 0.00Seconds

12-Mar-09 09:22:53 Step 1 FTP = ftp> ---> RENAME
402001020080801A0003BT003 CMP
12-Mar-09 09:22:53 Step 1 FTP = RNFR 402001020080801A0003BT003
12-Mar-09 09:22:53 Step 1 FTP = 350 Send destination name
12-Mar-09 09:22:53 Step 1 FTP = ---> RNTO CMP
12-Mar-09 09:22:53 Step 1 FTP = 250 RNTO command successful
12-Mar-09 09:22:53 Step 1 FTP = ftp> ---> BYE
12-Mar-09 09:22:53 Step 1 FTP = QUIT
12-Mar-09 09:22:53 Step 1 FTP = 221 Goodbye.
12-Mar-09 09:22:53 Step 1 End FTP messages
12-Mar-09 09:22:53 Step 1402001020080801A0003BT003.itf successfully
transfered to DEX
12-Mar-09 09:22:53 EPBatch-procedure <Batch Procedure 1> ended without
step execution errors. RC=0

The Batch Job will set a return code after each job step in the batch procedure.

Batch Job Return Codes

Return Process Explanation Results


0* Outgoing edit No errors. EPZOS return code of 0 means that the output file(s) and
run reports were created.

0 Incoming edit No errors or non- EPZOS return code of 0 means that the output file(s) and
run monetary warning reports were created. If return items are present in input
messages. file, the returned items will be imported into data entry
for correction.

1 Incoming TC 54 Successful TC 54 EPTBLUPD return code of 1 means that TC 54 repository

processing processing. updates were successfully processed. Repository updates
include VID, ARDEF, value, profile, and repository

3 Incoming TC 54 Codebase updates EPTBLUPD return code of 3. The TC 54s updates include
processing present and successfully software updates and they were successfully processed.
applied to the master For PC, the PCDLLOUT.exe was successfully created.

4 Outgoing edit Outgoing transactions

run were rejected.

4 Incoming File Incoming File transfer The Batch Facility log must be reviewed for error
transfer failed. messages. Succeeding steps are not executed. Batch
Facility Log can be found at: C:\EP40\BatchFacility\<Batch
Facility Log Name>\BF130426120652.log.
Format of file: BF<yymmdd><timestamp>.log.

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 370

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Edit Package Application Configurations

Batch Job Return Codes

Return Process Explanation Results


4 Incoming TC 54 TC 54 informational EPTBLUPD return code of 4. The TC 54 updates include a

processing – broadcast from Visa. message or instructions from Visa. The message will be
EPTBLUPD written to the EP-299 report, e.g., the message may
instruct the client to check the Visa Online (VOL) EP
Release 4 for Upgrade instructions for a given effective

5 Incoming TC 54 TC 54 repository and All succeeding steps pertaining to TC 54 processing will

processing software updates were be bypassed.
not present in the input

6 Incoming TC 54 Processing of TC 54 EPTBLUPD return code of 6 indicates that the TC 54

processing – updates failed. update process failed.

16 Outgoing edit Fatal errors encountered. Review the Batch log for detailed information about the
run error and the reports generated, if any.
In cases where the application encounters abnormal
termination for unknown reasons, ITF/VML file(s) are
created. A return code of 16 is recorded in the EP-199
report; this means that an inspection or cleanup is
necessary. The EP-199 report can be found at:
Batch Facility Log can be found at: C:\EP40\BatchFacility
\<Batch Facility Log Name>\BF130426120652.log
Format of file: BF<yymmdd><timestamp>.log

16 Incoming File Incoming File transfer The Batch Facility log must be reviewed for error
transfer failed. messages. Succeeding steps are NOT executed.
Batch Facility Log can be found at: C:\EP40\BatchFacility
\<Batch Facility Log Name>\BF130426120652.log
Format of file: BF<yymmdd><timestamp>.log

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 371

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Edit Package Application Configurations

Batch Job Return Codes

Return Process Explanation Results


16 Incoming edit Fatal errors encountered. Depending on the nature of the error output CTF/VML
run file(s), EP-200A and EP–299 reports may or may not be
created. Review the Batch log for detailed information
about the error and the reports generated, if any.
In cases where the application encounters abnormal
termination for unknown reasons, CTF/VML file(s) are
created. A return code of 16 is recorded in the EP-299
report; this means that an inspection or cleanup is
EP-200A and EP-299 reports can be found at:
Batch Facility Log can be found at: C:\EP40\BatchFacility
\<Batch Facility Log Name>\BF130426120652.log
Format of file: BF<yymmdd><timestamp>.log

20 or Outgoing or Fatal Errors encountered. Possible causes are no input file specified or no run
more Incoming edit control options are in effect. Review the Batch log for
run detailed information about the error and the reports
generated, if any. For Outgoing run, review the EP-100A
and EP-199 reports and for Incoming, review EP-200A
and EP-299 reports.

Importing Rejected and Returned Items

Generated by the Batch in Edit Package
If the Batch Procedure log indicates a Return Code=4 for the Outgoing process, the Rejected
transactions file (REJECT.TRANS.TXT) will be converted to data entry format and written to a dataset
in the EP40\Cnnnnnn\REJECTS folder as
If the Batch Procedure log for Incoming run indicates existence of data in the Returned Items file
(RETURN.ITEMS.TXT), the data will be converted to data entry format and written to a dataset in
the EP40\Cnnnnnn\RETURNS folder as The EP-204 and EP-206 reports
can be browsed/printed through the Browse/Print facility in the main application.
After the rejected item file or returned item file is successfully imported into the PC Edit
Package Data Entry, the rejected item or returned file is deleted.

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Edit Package Application Configurations

Edit Package Report Archiving

The batch procedure uses the same report archiving options as the main application. After execution
of a Batch Procedure, the Edit Package Incoming and Outgoing reports can be accessed through the
Browse/Print facility in the main application.

Batch Facility in a Multi-User Environment in Edit

The Batch Facility is designed for a single-user installation. A multi-user environment is manually set
up after the Edit Package is installed; Batch Facility will not work in this environment. The Batch
Facility can be used in a multi-user environment if one PC is set up like a single-user PC with the
Batch Facility running only on the single-user PC. Key processes such as setting up of run control
options, BASE II CIBs, DEX interfaces, and the procedures for Outgoing Edit Run, Outgoing File
Transfer, Incoming Edit Run, and Incoming File Transfer can be set up on the Batch Facility PC.
The batch procedures can be initiated using a scheduler. The other PCs can be set up in a multi-user
environment for data entry of new transactions as well as correction of rejected and returned items.
(This is similar to the way a client would use the mainframe Edit Package for batch processes and
take advantage of the PC Edit Package.) Rejected and returned items and tables can be imported
from the Batch Facility PC into the multi-user environment. After correcting the transactions and
building the data entry CTF, it can be copied to the Batch Facility PC for the outgoing edit run and
file transfer.

Batch Incoming Edit Run Failure

If a procedure has a single BASE II CIB, the Batch Facility program (BpBatch) creates a \BFyymmdd
folder under the C:\EP40\CXXXXXX\ITFProcessed folder when any failure of a step in a given
procedure occurs. For example, an incoming run ends with a return code greater than “04”. The
folder will contain the *.ITF files used as input to the Incoming Edit Run. All the *.ITF files in the
Incoming folder will not be deleted after a failure. If a procedure has multiple BASE II CIBs, and all the
BASE II CIBs before the failure are successful, none of the following job steps is processed. ITFs of the
failed BASE II CIB remains in the designated input folder.

Batch Incoming Edit Run Successful

If the disposition of the Incoming ITF as defined in the EPWin400.exe Config file as Keep or
Rename, and the run is successful (return code not > 4), the input *.ITF files will be moved to the
default folder: C:\EP40\CXXXXXX\ITFProcessed\BFyymmdd folder.

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Edit Package Application Configurations

Batch Incoming Edit Run Purging

The BFyymmdd folders will be purged after the History retention period for the procedure. (The
History retention period is defined in the Batch Facility GUI as Days to Retain History parameter.)
There will be no *.ITF files in the BASE II CIB if that job step is executed.

Edit Package Performance Settings

The Performance Settings allows the Edit Package user to determine the speed that the messages
between the Edit Package User Interface and the Edit Package Service is processed. The default
setting is 10 (1/100) of a second. The number of messages being processed can vary between a
couple of messages to thousands of messages depending on the type of request that is being
For all Edit Package installs it affects updating files that are controlled by the Edit Package Service –
file transfer interfaces, run control options, BASE II CIB Settings, Operator Settings and Edit Package
For Edit Package Client/Server installs, it also affects saving data entry files, temporary files used for
file transfer processing and report indexes used to display reports available in the user interface.

Performance Settings

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Edit Package Application Configurations

Performance Settings Window

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Appendix A
Installing PC Edit Package for

Procedures for installing PC Edit Package for Windows, Release 4 are provided.

PC Edit Package Installation Checklist

Installation procedures are summarized.

Installation Tasks

Task Description

1. Verify operational requirements. 1. Confirm hardware availability.

2. Confirm software/operating systems availability.
3. Confirm memory availability.
4. Confirm hard disk space availability.

2. Check the installation package. 1. Confirm installation media and contents.

2. Confirm receipt of cover letter.

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Installing PC Edit Package for Windows

Installation Tasks

Task Description

3. Install Windows .Net Framework 4.6.1 (if there is no 1. Insert CD.

Internet connection).
2. Double-click NDP452-KB2901907-x86-x64-
AllOS-ENU.exe and follow onscreen instructions.

4a. Install PC Edit package software from CD 1. Insert CD. Setup should start automatically. Restart the
system, if required.
2. View or print Readme.rtf for setup or processing
information not documented elsewhere.

4b. Install PC Edit package software from Visa Online 1. Download executables from VOL website.
2. View or print Readme.rtf for setup or processing
information not documented elsewhere.

5. If using Direct Exchange, set up DEX interfaces and

install XYGATE software (optional).
install Zip software (optional).

6. If using EAS Secure or Secure DEX, setup Secure EAS

interfaces or Secure DEX interfaces and install necessary
FTPS software (optional).

7. If Incoming or Outgoing files will contain draft Host Integration Server is not supplied by Visa.
transactions that include TCR 2 records for Japan
(country code JP) or South Korea (country code KR) –
install the Host Integration Server 2013 or 2016.

8. Verify and/or update epwin400.exe.config and 1. Review epwin400.exe.config and

BPBatch.exe.config for your installation if needed. BPBatch.exe.config for user parameters.
2. Modify parameters for your installation if needed.

9. Set up multi-user functionality if needed.

10. Test the install. 1. Log on to the Test CIB.

2. Execute outgoing test edit run.
3. Execute incoming test edit run.

A pictorial representation of the provided steps is shown.

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Installing PC Edit Package for Windows

PCEP Installation

Operational Requirements Check for

Edit Package

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Installing PC Edit Package for Windows

PC Hardware and Software Requirements for Edit

All PCs should meet the minimum hardware and disk space requirements defined by Microsoft for
the installed operating system. In addition, these are Edit Package’s minimum requirements:
l A supported operating system.
l Hard drive with at least 500 MB of free space.
l 16 GB of RAM.
l Monitor with a minimum display area of 800 x 600 pixels.
l LAN Connectivity to EAS or Secure EAS Server (for TCP/IP connections).
n Ethernet or token-ring adapters.
n LAN hardware and cables to connect the PC Edit Package system and the EAS or Secure
EAS Server to the LAN.
l XYGATE software, if Direct Exchange (DEX) is used.
l Zip software, if Direct Exchange (DEX) is used.
l JAVA 1.8 or greater
l FTPS software, if Secure EAS or Secure DEX is used.
l Microsoft .Net Framework 4.6.1
l Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2017 (x86)
l Local or network printer for printing reports
l Operating system supports Advanced Encryption Standard 256 (AES); it is the encryption
algorithm used for encrypting data in Edit Package.
l Edit Package stores encryption information in the registry of the Edit Package Server
machine. Any user performing Edit Package Install, modification of File Transfer Interfaces or
execution of Incoming or Outgoing File Transfers must have permission to read/modify the
l Edit Package secure LDAP is implementing the NTLM or Kerberos protocol. If secure
authentication login is not working, please make sure that these protocols and connection is
enabled in the active directory server.
(Refer to the technical information that came with your LAN adapter to install and configure the
adapter on your PC Edit Package system.)
The EAS or Secure EAS or DEX or Secure DEX must be configured so that the BASE II client
host is specified as Ethernet or token ring for the appropriate connection.

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Installing PC Edit Package for Windows

Subscribe to Visa's Edit Package, Version 4

Use this procedure to subscribe to Visa's Edit Package, version 4.
1. Obtain access to Visa Online
Endpoint subscribers must have access to Visa Online to obtain Edit Package software and
updates. Enroll via your regional Visa Online website or contact your regional Visa client
representative with questions.
2. Request access to Edit Package, version 4.
Endpoints that do not currently have access to Edit Package, will either request access via
VOL or through their regional Visa client representative.
Access requests will be reviewed by Visa staff and upon approval, endpoints will be able to
access and download Edit Package, version 4 software and updates. When the subscription is
set up and the necessary Visa Online access to the site has been granted, you will receive an
email notification from Visa Online.

Instructions To Download PC Edit Package

PC EP Software setup programs or updates are always in RAR (compression similar to ZIP) packages
on Visa Online (VOL). Log on to the Edit Package Downloads page on VOL and select the required
package depending on client platform either Mainframe or PC EP. Updates are different for
Mainframe and Windows EP. Download required package to a local PC and double-click that package
to decompress update files. These downloaded packages are self extracting RAR files; no separate
application is required to extract files from package.
Every package will be included with “Readme” file and one or more files for software updates.
“Readme” file gives instructions to the clients on how to apply software updates to their system.
Clients should follow the instructions from the “Readme” document.

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Installing PC Edit Package for Windows

First Page

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Installing PC Edit Package for Windows

Second Page

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Installing PC Edit Package for Windows

Message Box

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Installing PC Edit Package for Windows

PC Edit Package for Windows

Use this procedure to install PC Edit Package for Windows.
1. Insert the PC Edit Package for Windows Installation CD-ROM in the drive.
The installation wizard starts automatically.
If the installation wizard does not start automatically, open the CD on Windows Explorer.
Double-click Setup.exe to begin the install, or select Run from the Start menu and enter
x:\setup.exe, where x is the drive letter of your CD. Click Next. If the PC or workstation
does not have Internet connection, double-click dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe in the
CD to install the .Net Framework 4.6.1.
2. Click Accept.
NET Installation Dialog Box

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Installing PC Edit Package for Windows

3. Click Next.
Welcome Dialog Box

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Installing PC Edit Package for Windows

4. Select I Agree, then click Next.

License Agreement Dialog Box

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Installing PC Edit Package for Windows

5. Select Install Client and Server, then click Next.

Component Selection Dialog Box

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Installing PC Edit Package for Windows

6. Confirm the installation folder and select Everyone (if workstation is to be shared by multiple
users) or Just me. Then, click Next.
Installation Folder Dialog Box

It is recommended that the Install Folder name remains as C:\EP40\. To install EP Server
and an EP Workstation in an alternate location, click Browse and navigate to the root
directory or enter the full directory path in the text box.
The Edit Package application has two limitations for folder names.
a. The folder name cannot contain any embedded spaces because EP Directory names are
passed in command line parameters and spaces are interpreted as delimiters.
b. The length of any full file name cannot be greater than 64 characters; making the install
folder name too long can cause the application not to work.
Directory naming restrictions
Directory names cannot contain embedded spaces for any directory used in the EP
environment. This is because EP directory names are passed in command line parameters and
spaces are delimiters. Additionally, the length of the Directory name and the files in it cannot
exceed 64 characters.

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Installing PC Edit Package for Windows

7. Click Next.
Confirmation Dialog Box

When the installation is complete, Back and Next will become active, and a completion
message will appear.

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Installing PC Edit Package for Windows

8. Click Next.
Installation Progress Dialog Box

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Installing PC Edit Package for Windows

9. Fill in the Server Port, Operator ID (i.e., logon ID), First Name, and Last Name text fields, then
click OK.
Server Port Operator Information Dialog Box

The Port number should be greater than 1024. If the server uses firewall, contact your
information security department to open a particular port and enter the corresponding Port
number here.

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Installing PC Edit Package for Windows

10. Click Next.

EP4 Information Dialog Box

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Installing PC Edit Package for Windows

11. Click Close.

Installation Completion Dialog Box

Shortcut EPWIN400.LNK

The Edit Package 4 Setup Wizard will close. The Edit Package 4 icon for EP Edit Package 4 for
the EP Workstation should be placed on the desktop.
Do not rename the EP4 installation folder name after installation is finished.

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Installing PC Edit Package for Windows

12. Remove the install media from the CD-ROM drive.

13. Navigate to installation folder, e.g. C:\ep40, then open Readme.rtf.

Edit Package Installation

After installing the PC Edit Package, the following must be set up.
1. Operator IDs.
2. After Initial Operator Setup, the application will set up test CIB 400552.
3. Setting Up BASE II CIBs.
4. Configuring EAS/Secure EAS.
5. Setting Up Direct Exchange Interface.
6. Verifying epwin400 exe.config and BPBatch exe.config.
7. Configuring EA Server with Secure User Connection.

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Installing PC Edit Package for Windows

Only one of the available interfaces needs to be set up (items 4, 5, 7). The default interface is EAS if a
different interface is to be used; then, after setup, the appropriate one must be selected from the
Visa Interface Type on the Settings menu from the Roadmap Navigator.

Remove Edit Package

If you try to install a second copy of the PC Edit Package, a screen appears and requires you to
remove the existing copy of PCEP before it will continue with the install.

Remove Screen

Click Yes and the system will uninstall the PC Edit Package.

Test the Edit Package Install

Log On to Edit Package With the Test CIB

Use this procedure to log on with the test CIB.
1. Start the Edit Package application.
The main window appears.
2. Select the test CIB 400552, then click Sign In.
The main window appears.
3. Check the Runmode in the status line. If RunMode=Prod, choose Settings > Run Mode >
Test from the main menu.
The status line should display Runmode=Test.

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Installing PC Edit Package for Windows

Execute an Outgoing Test Run in Edit Package

Use this procedure to execute an outgoing test run.
1. Click Outgoing on the Roadmap Navigator, or choose Outgoing > Start Outgoing Edit Run
from the main menu.
The Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window appears. Run Control Profile is set to
OutgoingTC by default.
2. Click Add User CTF/VML.
The Open window appears.
3. Select ep40\Testfiles\Test.Ctf, then click Open.
The CTF/VML file you selected is now listed in the Outgoing Run Setup window.
4. Click Start Run to begin the outgoing run process.
The Progress display keeps you informed of the processing status.
When the run is complete, the Progress area displays a "Run ended" message.
5. Click Reports.
6. Double-click EP-100A Validation Exception Detail Report.
The first page of the report should include the message "Interchange Created." This indicates
that the test was successful.

Execute an Incoming Test Run in Edit Package

Use this procedure to execute an incoming test run.
1. Click Incoming on the Roadmap Navigator, or choose Incoming > Start Incoming Edit Run
from the main menu.
The Incoming Edit Run Set up window appears. Run Control Profile is set to IncomingTC by
2. Click Add User ITF.
The Open window appears.
3. Select ep40\Testfiles\Test.ltf, then click Open.
The ITF file you selected is now listed in the Run Setup window.
4. Deselect the Use ITF CPD check box in the Incoming Run Parameter section.
The incoming run may fail if this step is not completed.
5. Click Start Run to begin the incoming run process.
The Progress display keeps you informed of the processing status.
When the run is complete, the Progress area displays a "Run ended" message.
6. Click Reports.
7. Double-click EP-200A.
The first page of the report should include the message "Center Transaction File Created,"
which indicates that the test was successful.

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 396

Appendix B
PC Edit Package for Windows

Tutorials for entering and submitting new transactions, correcting and resubmitting error
transactions, performing an edit run, and setting up data entry options testing are provided.

Test CIB Logon in Edit Package

If you have never launched the PC Edit Package for Windows application, first follow the instructions
to launch the application and set up user options and preferences before beginning the tutorials.

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PC Edit Package for Windows Tutorials

Start PC Edit Package for Windows

Use this procedure to start PC Edit Package for Windows.
1. From the Windows Start menu, choose Programs > PC Edit Package 4
Or: Double-click PC Edit Package for Windows.

A warning screen appears.

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PC Edit Package for Windows Tutorials

2. Click OK.

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PC Edit Package for Windows Tutorials

Log On to the Main Edit Package Application

Use this procedure to log on to a BASE II CIB using PC Edit Package.
1. Select a CIB from the BASE II CIB drop-down list.
2. Select a BASE II CIB window with the CIB selection list showing the BASE II CIBs approved for
the Operator ID.
Sign In

3. Click Sign In! to open the main application window.

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PC Edit Package for Windows Tutorials

Set Up Data Entry Options in Edit Package

Go to Setting and select Data Entry Options (DEO) which lets users select the Run date and Table
effective date based on the business releases. It provides various options for purging the deleted
transactions, data entry zoom size, and the preference for users to compute the ARN (Acquirer
Reference Number) check digits for original and non-original drafts.

New Transaction Entry and

Submission in Edit Package
Entering and submitting new transactions begin with data entry and end with transferring an
Interchange Transaction File (ITF) to the Visa Extended Access (EA), Secure EAS, Direct Exchange
(DEX), or Secure DEX Server.
This process includes multiple steps.
l Entering new transactions.
l Resetting the batch status.
l Building a CTF.
l Starting an outgoing edit run.
l Browsing the outgoing reports.
l Transferring the outgoing ITF to the EAS, Secure EAS, DEX, or Secure DEX Server.

Enter New Transactions in Edit Package

1. From the main menu, choose Transactions > New Transaction Entry, or click Originals on
the Roadmap Navigator.
2. Right-click the Originals branch of the Edit package Home tree and select Create New File.
3. Select TC50—Text Message from the Supported Transactions list and click OK.
The Batch Item window appears.
4. Double-click Text Message Transaction.
5. Enter the following data into the TCR 0 screen, using the Tab key to move from field to field.

Field Enter

Destination Identifier 400552

Source Identifier 400552

Reimbursement Attribute 0 (zero)

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PC Edit Package for Windows Tutorials

6. On the top Text Message transaction, right-click and select Save Transaction.
7. On the top Text Message transaction, right-click and select Validate Transaction.
The new transaction is added to the Batch Detail list as an error transaction.
8. Repeat steps 5 and 6 to create and save another error transaction.
9. Close the New Entry transaction window and click Yes on the confirmation windows to save
the transaction details.

Reset Batch Status in Edit Package

In certain situations, you may need to manually reset batch status to be able to submit a batch that
you know contains errors. The need to do this depends on the error involved and your specific
working concerns.
1. From the main menu, choose Transactions > Data Entry Batch Viewer & Utility.
2. Select the error batch.
3. Choose OK from the Change Status drop-down list.
4. Click Change Status.
The status for the selected batch now reads OK instead of ERR.
5. Click Close to exit the Data Entry Batch Viewer & Utility window.

Build a CTF in Edit Package

Batches must be compiled into a CTF before you can perform an outgoing edit run.
1. From the main menu, choose Transactions > Collect Batches / Build CTF or click Data
Entry CTF on the Roadmap Navigator.
The Collect Batches / Build CTF window appears. The left portion of the window lists all
batches available for inclusion in a CTF.
2. Select the batch you just entered, then click Add to CTF.
The batch is moved to the right side of the window.
3. Click Build CTF Now, then click OK.

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PC Edit Package for Windows Tutorials

Start an Outgoing Edit Run Using Secure EAS or

EAS Server
1. Choose Outgoing > Start Outgoing Edit Run from the main menu, or click Outgoing on
the Roadmap Navigator.
The Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window appears.
2. Click Add Data Entry CTF to include the CTF you just created.
3. Click Start Run to begin the outgoing run process.
The Progress display keeps you informed of the processing status.
When the run is complete, the Progress area displays a result code. This run should result in
an RC=4, meaning that the run was successful and an ITF was created, but some errors
occurred. Error transactions have been placed into a reject batch.

Browse and Print Outgoing Edit Package Reports

1. In the Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window, click Browse/Print Reports to view the
outgoing reports.
The Browse/Print Reports window opens, and the list of available reports appears in the
upper-left corner. The reports available depend on the outgoing options in effect during the
2. Select 1OOB Validation Exception Summary by ACQ/ISS ID from the list of reports and
click Browse.
The report appears in the Browse window. This report lists each rejected item by ACQ/ISS ID.
3. To print the currently displayed report, click Print.
4. Click Close to exit the Reports window and return to the Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup
Make sure the Visa Interface Type option (under the Settings main menu item) is set
for Secure EAS or EAS Server.
On the Roadmap Navigator, the Data Entry CTF disk is displayed in full color. This is a
reminder that a CTF is ready to be processed.

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PC Edit Package for Windows Tutorials

Transfer the New Outgoing ITF to Secure EAS or

EAS Server in Edit Package
1. In the Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window, click Transfer ITF to EAS /Secure EAS.
2. Click Transfer to transfer the ITF file.
The Progress status appears in the status bar at the bottom of the screen.
3. When the status reads Transfer Complete, click Close to close the window.
4. Click Done to close the Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window.
The rejected item is imported into the data entry environment and you are returned to the
Roadmap Navigator.

Transaction Error Correction and

Resubmission in Edit Package
The process for correcting and resubmitting reject transactions is explained.
Once included in an outgoing edit run, transactions containing errors are handled in one of two
l They can be rejected by the Edit Package. When an outgoing BASE II transaction contains
errors, the outgoing Edit Package run will reject it rather than pass it on. The transaction item,
along with any other transactions containing errors, is placed into a single batch called a
reject batch. Reject batches accumulate on a disk from each outgoing edit run until you
correct and resubmit them.
l They can be returned by the VIC. When transaction errors are encountered at the VIC, the
item is returned.
The process for correcting returns involves multiple steps.
l Correcting transaction errors.
l Removing transactions that cannot be corrected.
l Building a new CTF.
l Starting an outgoing edit run.
l Transferring the ITF to the Secure EAS, EAS, Secure DEX or DEX Server.

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PC Edit Package for Windows Tutorials

Correct Transaction Errors in Edit Package

1. On the Roadmap Navigator, click Rejects, or choose Transactions > Correct Edit Package
Rejects from the main menu.
The Batch Summary window opens to display one rejected batch.
2. Double-click the batch.
The Batch Detail window opens, listing all the transactions in the batch.
3. Expand the batch.
The two transactions should be listed, both with a status of ERR.
4. Double-click the first transaction.
The transaction appears in the Batch Item window while the Edit Tables load. When the edit
tables are loaded, any fields containing errors are highlighted in red. Your cursor is placed in
the first (and only) error field, Reimbursement Attribute.
5. Click Validate transaction.
The Validation Errors dialog box identifies this error as error 0175.
6. Enter 0 (zero) to correct the error.
7. Click Save Transaction to save changes.
There are no more errors in this transaction so you are returned to the Batch Detail window.
The corrected transaction displays a status of OK.

Remove Transactions From a Batch in Edit

Transactions can be removed from a batch and included in the next outgoing edit run, for example.
This involves cutting and pasting the error transaction batch from one batch into a new batch. Right-
click the selected transaction from one batch and click Copy transaction, then select another batch
file or create a new batch and paste the selected transaction.

Build a New CTF in Edit Package

1. From the main menu, choose Transactions > Collect Batches / Build CTF or from the
Roadmap Navigator, click Data Entry CTF.
The left side of the window lists all batches available for inclusion in a CTF.
2. Select the batch description and click Add to CTF.
The batch is moved to the right side of the window. The Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup
window appears.

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PC Edit Package for Windows Tutorials

3. Click Build CTF Now.

A message appears: " The Data Entry CTF has been successfully created. You may now run an
outgoing Edit Package."
4. Click OK.
You are returned to the Roadmap Navigator.

Start an Outgoing Edit Run

1. On the Roadmap Navigator, click Outgoing, or choose Outgoing > Start Outgoing Edit
Run from the main menu.
The Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window appears.
2. Click Add Data Entry CTF to include the CTF you just created.
3. Click Start Run to begin the outgoing run process.
The Progress status keeps you informed of the processing status.
When the run is complete, the Progress area displays a result code. This run results in an
RC=0, meaning that the run was successful, an ITF was created, and no errors were found.

Transfer the Existing Outgoing ITF to Secure EAS

or EAS Server in Edit Package
1. In the Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window, click Transfer ITF to EAS/ Secure EAS.
2. Select the appropriate EAS Interface from the Supported EAs list.
This is the EA or Secure EAS Server, to which you will transfer the ITF.
3. Click Transfer to transfer the ITF file.
The Transfer status appears in the status bar at the bottom of the screen.
4. When the status reads Transfer Complete, click Close to close the window.
You are returned to the Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window.
5. Click Done to exit the Outgoing Edit Package Run Setup window.

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PC Edit Package for Windows Tutorials

Incoming Edit Run Using a Secure EAS

or EAS Server
Performing an incoming edit run begins with transferring ITFs from the Secure EAS or EAS Server or
DEX or Secure DEX and ends with saving incoming CTFs.
This process has multiple steps:
l Transferring incoming ITFs from a Secure EAS or EAS Server.
l Starting an incoming edit run.
l Saving incoming CTFs.

Transfer Incoming ITFs From Secure EAS or EAS

Server in Edit Package
1. From the main menu, choose Incoming > File Transfer ITFs from Secure EAS or EAS Server,
or from the Roadmap Navigator, click VISA > EAS ITFs on the Incoming side.
The Transfer Incoming ITFs from EAS window appears.
2. Select the appropriate EAS interface from the Supported EAs list, if not already selected.
A list of ITFs appears.
3. Highlight an ITF file description and click Select.
The selected ITF displays a status of Select.
4. Click Transfer to transfer the selected file.
The transfer will take a moment.
The Progress status appears in the status bar at the bottom of the screen.
5. When the status reads Transfer Complete, click Close to close the window.

Start an Incoming Edit Run

1. From the main menu, choose Incoming > Start Incoming Edit Run, or from the Roadmap
Navigator, click Incoming.
2. Select an RCO Profile from the Run Control Profile list box in the Profiles frame.
3. Click Add EAS ITF to select the ITFs you just transferred from the EAS.
The Incoming EAS ITF Selection screen appears.
4. Click Select All.

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5. Click OK.
The ITFs selected are now listed in the Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window.
6. Click Start Run to begin the incoming run process.
The Progress display keeps you informed of the processing status.
When the run is complete, the Progress area displays a result code. Successful runs will result
in RC=04 or less. This run should result in an RC=0, meaning that the run was successful and
no errors were found.

Save Incoming CTFs in Edit Package

1. In the Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window, click Save CTF to save the incoming CTFs to
The Save Incoming CTF window appears.
2. Select the ASCII Text character set.
3. Enter a Save As file name of TESTCTF.
4. Click OK.
The default directory path and file extension is automatically added to the file name you
entered. A list of the CTF subfiles created during the run appears. The number of subfiles and
what they contain depends upon the Incoming Run Options effective during the run.
5. Click Save All.
Each CTF subfile is written to an individual file to the appropriate folder. (For example,
6. Click Close to exit the window.
You are returned to the Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window.
7. Click Done to exit the Incoming Edit Package Run Setup window.
A dialog box appears and asks if you want to delete the processed Secure EAS or EAS Server,
or DEX or Secure DEX files.
8. Click Yes.

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PC Edit Package for Windows Tutorials

Set Up Data Entry Options Testing in Edit

Data Entry Override testing is available after the Table updates (TC 54s) for a business release have
been processed for a particular BASE II CIB in an incoming edit run.
1. From the Settings menu, select Data Entry.
The Data Entry Options window appears.
2. Select a DEO from the list box.
The system will verify that the user has authority to test with DEO.
3. Click OK.
PC Edit Package will now work exactly as if it was the future date. All EP table file changes
and Data Entry changes for the business release are automatically activated.
You can now start an outgoing edit run or incoming edit run or enter new transactions or
correct transactions using all the functionality that is implemented in the future business

You have learned how to:
l Enter new transactions.
l Build a CTF.
l Start an outgoing run.
l Transfer outgoing ITFs to EA/EAS.
l Correct error transactions.
l Transfer incoming ITFs from EA/EAS.
l Start an incoming run.
l Save an incoming CTF.
l Set up data entry override testing.

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 409

Appendix C
Multi-User Configuration in Edit

Multi-User Configuration in Edit

Package Overview
The term "multi-user configuration" refers to the installation and configuration of multiple PC Edit
Package for Windows workstations, operating cooperatively and in synchronization with each other
on a common network. A multi-user configuration requires that all workstations be connected to a
network (assumed to be a LAN) that can access common disk storage. The multi-user configuration
support that is integral to the PC Edit Package for Windows software is based on client-server
orientation. Therefore, a network server is required to set up a multi-user configuration.
Configuring more than one BASE II CIB to be supported by PC Edit Package for Windows for either a
single or multi-user configuration. In a multi-user configuration, multiple users can be logged in to
the same BASE II CIB, or any other BASE II CIB, in any combination.

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Edit Package Installation Instructions

This section describes the steps that are necessary to install Edit Package for Windows, Release 4, in a
two-tier configuration. In a two-tier configuration, the EP Server is first installed on a server machine,
and then the EP workstations are installed on separate PCs which acts as clients.
Once all of the preparations have been done, installing the EP Server and the EP Workstations should
be quick and easy. The steps for a two-tier installation are:
1. Install EP Server
2. Complete EP Server setup.
3. Install EP workstations.

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Install EP Server
Use this procedure to install the EP server.
1. Double-click Setup.exe to begin the install from the location where you have downloaded
setup.exe from VOL site or take the install media and insert it into a CD-ROM drive on the
target server. If the Edit Package 4 Setup Wizard does not automatically launch, open an
Explorer window and select the CD-ROM drive that you inserted the install media into.
Double-click setup.exe to launch the Edit Package 4 Setup Wizard.
If the .NET Framework 4.6.1 (or later) has not been installed on the server, a dialog box
appears. If the Server does not have Internet connection, install the .Net Framework 4.6.1
from the CD by double clicking dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe. After completing this
install, resume EP install process by double-clicking setup.exe.
NET Framework 4.0 Installation

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2. Click Accept.
Welcome Dialog Box

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3. Click Next.
License Agreement Dialog Box

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4. Select I Agree and click Next.

Component Selection Dialog Box

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5. Select Install Server (do not select Install Client and Install Client and Server), and click
Select Installation Folder Dialog Box

6. To accept the recommended installation location for EP Server, click Browse, navigate to the
root directory, and select \ep40\. If this directory does not exist, enter C:\ep40\ in the text
7. To install an EP Server in an alternate location, click Browse and navigate to the root
directory or enter the full directory path in the text box.
The selections Everyone and Just me only apply to EP Workstation installations and
can be ignored for EP Server installation.

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8. Click Next.
Confirmation Dialog Box

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9. Click Next.
Installation Progress Dialog Box

When the installation is complete, Back and Next will become active and the completion
message will be displayed.

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10. Click Next.

Server IP Address Port Dialog Box

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11. Fill in the Server IP Address and Server Port text fields, then click Next.
A dialog box appears.
EP 4 Information Dialog Box

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12. Click Next.

A dialog box appears.
Installation Completion Dialog Box

13. Click Close.

The Edit Package 4 Setup Wizard closes.
14. Remove the install media from the server’s CD-ROM drive.

Install EP Workstations
This procedure must be repeated for every PC on which an EP Workstation is installed.

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For every PC that an EP Workstation is installed on, the Edit Package 4 Setup Wizard must be
completed. Simply copying files from one PC to another will not successfully install EP
Workstations on multiple PCs.
1. Close all other applications on the target PC before installing Edit Package for Windows,
Release 4.
2. Double-click Setup.exe to begin the install from the location where you have downloaded
setup.exe from VOL site or take the install media and insert it into a CD-ROM drive on the
target PC. If the Edit Package 4 Setup Wizard does not automatically launch, open an Explorer
window and select the CD-ROM drive that you inserted the install media into. Double-click
setup.exe to launch the Edit Package 4 Setup Wizard.
If the .NET Framework 4.6.1, or later, has not been installed, a dialog box appears. If the PC or
workstation does not have an Internet connection, install the .Net Framework 4.6.1 from the
CD by double-clicking dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe. After completing this install,
resume the EP install process by double-clicking setup.exe.
NET Framework 4.0 Installation Dialog Box

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3. Click Accept.
Welcome Dialog Box

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4. Click Next.
License Agreement Dialog Box

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5. Select I Agree and click Next.

Component Selection Dialog Box

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6. Select only Install Client (do not select Install Server and Install Client and Server), and
click Next.
Select Installation Folder Dialog Box

7. To accept the recommended installation location for an EP Workstation, click Browse,

navigate to the root directory, and select C:\Program Files\Visa\Edit Package 4. If
this directory does not exist, enter C:\ep40 in the text box.
To install an EP Workstation in an alternate location, click Browse and navigate to the root
directory, or enter the full directory path in the text box. If the workstation is to be shared by
multiple users, select Everyone. Otherwise, select Just me.

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8. Press Next.
Confirmation Dialog Box

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9. Click Next.
Installation Progress Dialog Box

When the installation is complete, Back and Next will become active, and the completion
message will appear.

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10. Click Next.

Server Name Client Install Dialog Box

11. Enter the IP address of the server that this client will be connecting to. Enter the Server Folder
where the Edit Package was installed on the server. The Port number should be 49990.

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12. Click OK.

EP 4 Information Dialog Box

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13. Click Next.

Installation Completion Dialog Box

14. Click Close.

The Edit Package 4 Setup Wizard will close and the Edit Package 4.0 icon appears on the
Shortcut EPWIN400lnk

15. Remove the install media from the PC’s CD-ROM drive.

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Edit Package Folders Overview

The PC Edit Package for Windows application views its environment as a set of logical folders (also
called directories) where it can isolate different types of data. These folders are described below.
l System Folder — The System Folder (also referred to as the Product Folder) contains the
primary PC Edit Package for Windows GUI application, all support utility executables, on-line
Help and online books, and test files. Each workstation running PC Edit Package for Windows
contains a System Folder.
l Common Folder — The Common Folder contains configuration files that are shared by all
PC Edit Package for Windows workstations. Only one Common Folder is required for any
number of workstations.
l EP Server Folder — The EP Server Folder contains all EP Server product executables and
data files. This includes all common core Edit Package components and a number of PC-
specific command-line drivers. PC Edit Package for Windows requires the EP Server product
to perform all core Edit Package functionality, such as running an outgoing edit run,
performing table and history file extracts, or initializing edit tables.
The EP Server also includes a special module which is used to provide interactive services for
PC Edit Package for Windows, such as real-time transaction validation during data entry. The
EP Server Folder is installed on a server in a multi-user scenario.
l XYGATE Folder — The XYGATE Folder contains all XYGATE system files that will be used to
run Direct Exchange, including the XYGATE executable, the key file, and the XYGATE license
l Data Folder — The Data Folder contains all Edit Package data files that pertain to a specific
BASE II CIB. This includes table files, data entry files, ITFs, CTFs, report files, work files, and
more. Multiple BASE II CIBs can be configured for a single- or multi-user environment, where
each BASE II CIB will have its own Data Folder.
l Table Folder — This refers to another BASE II CIB’s Data Folder that provides current edit
tables to the logged-in BASE II CIB. The Table Folder and Data Folder will be the same if the
logged-in BASE II CIB maintains its own edit tables.

Edit Package Folder Locations

In a single-user configuration, all folders reside on the local hard drive. In a multi-user configuration,
certain folders are required on the local hard drive of each PC Edit Package for Windows workstation,
while shared folders must reside on the server.
Local Folders:
l System Folder
l Common Folder (Workspace Folder & Specification Folder & Miscellaneous Folder)
l XYGATE Folder

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EP Server Folders:
l System Folder
l BASE II CIB Folder, i.e., Data Folders & Table Folders

Edit Package Folder Naming Conventions

System Folder local drive: \Ep40 by default *

EP Server Folder Server drive: \EP40 by default *

Common Folder (Work Space Folder & Specifi­ Local drive : \ EP40\WorkSpace Local drive: \Ep40\SpecFiles
cation Folder & Miscellaneous Folder) Local Drive: \Ep40\Misc_Files

BASE II CIB Folder -Data Folders & Table Server drive : \Ep40\C\<BASE II CIB>\

"C\<BASE II CIB>\" represents a BASE II CIB folder.

Edit Package Folders Creation

Single-User Configuration Folder Creation in Edit Package

The PC Edit Package for Windows installation program is oriented around installation of a single-user
configuration; this satisfies most users' requirements. The typical installation will create a combined
System Folder and Common Folder and an EP Server Folder.

Multi-User Configuration Folder Creation in Edit Package

In multi-user configurations, the PC Edit Package for Windows installation program must be used to
set up the System Folder and Common Folder on each PC Edit Package for Windows workstation and
The PC Edit Package for Windows BASE II CIB Setup, Administrative functions can be used at any
time thereafter to create, modify, or delete data folders. Additionally, Operator ID Setup, EAS and
Secure EAS Setup, and DEX Setup Administrative functions can be used at any time after installation
to manage Operator IDs, or EA Servers and DEX interfaces.

Important Edit Package Files

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Edit Package Configuration Files

Configuration files define the global environment for all PC Edit Package for Windows workstations,
which must reside in the Common Folder.

Configuration Files

File Contains Maintained By Comments

BINfile.txt BASE II CIB Configuration Edit Package Adminis­ Defines all BASE II CIBs
trator, using Adminis­ supported by PC Edit Package
trative Functions feature. for Windows and their attributes.

EAFile.Inf EA Server Configuration Edit Package Adminis­ Defines all EA Servers available
trator, using Adminis­ to PC Edit Package for Windows
With the October 2017
trative Functions feature. and their attributes (IP Address
install, this file will be
and so forth).
replaced by EAFILEA.TXT

Operdata.txt Operator ID Configu­ Edit Package Adminis­ Defines all Operators that may
ration trator, using Adminis­ log in to PC Edit Package for
trative Functions feature. Windows and their attributes.

EASFile.inf Secure EA configuration Edit Package Adminis­ Defines all secure EA servers
trator, using Adminis­ available to PC Edit Package and
With the October 2017
trative functions feature. their attributes (Login ID,
install, this file will be
password, and so forth).
replaced by

DEXSFile.inf DEX Configuration Edit Package Adminis­ Defines all DEX servers available
trator, using Adminis­ to PC Edit Package and their
With the October 2017
trative functions feature. attributes (Login ID, password,
install, this file will be
and so forth).
replaced by

DEXSSFile.xml Secure DEX Configuration Edit Package Adminis­ Defines all Secure DEX servers
trator, using Adminis­ available to PC Edit Package and
With the October 2017
trative functions feature. their attributes (Login ID,
install, this file will be
password, and so forth).
replaced by

EAFILEA.TXT EA Server Configuration Edit Package Adminis­ Defines all EA servers available
trator, using Adminis­ to PC Edit Package for Windows
trative Functions feature. and their attributes (IP Address
and so forth).

EASFILEA.TXT Secure EA Configuration Edit Package Adminis­ Defines all Secure EA servers
trator, using Adminis­ available to PC Edit Package and
trative functions feature. their attributes (Login ID,
password, and so forth).

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Configuration Files

File Contains Maintained By Comments

DEXFILEA.TXT DEX Configuration Edit Package Adminis­ Defines all DEX servers available
trator, using Adminis­ to PC Edit Package and their
trative functions feature. attributes (Login ID, password,
and so forth).

DEXSFILEA.TXT Secure DEX Configuration Edit Package Adminis­ Defines all Secure DEX servers
trator, using Adminis­ available to PC Edit Package and
trative functions feature. their attributes (Login ID,
password, and so forth).

EPWIN400.exe.config EP PC configuration Edit Package User Contains PC Edit Package

updates using GUI Menu application parameters.

Edit Package Specification Files

Specification files define the Business Release level for all PC Edit Package for Windows workstations
and, therefore, must reside in the Common Folder. All Specification Files (also called Spec files)
include an effective date in their filenames, as denoted by "*", as shown. Specification files are
dynamically maintained by Visa.

Specification Files

File Contains Maintained By Comments

TC_VML_MapYYYYMM Transaction Names Automatically Contains the descriptive names of all

DD.csv updated by Visa transaction types that can be selected
for data entry.

EPPCDataYYYYMM DD.xml Miscellaneous Automatically Contains various literals, constants,

Business Definitions updated by Visa and parameters used by PC Edit
Package for Windows that may
change between Business releases.

*.XAML Data Entry Specifi­ Automatically A number of files that contain

cations updated by Visa parameters used to control data entry
for various transaction format groups.

Administrative Functions in Edit

In addition to the main application, PC Edit Package for Windows includes a number of separate
functions that are used to configure and maintain an installation. These tasks are usually considered
to be administrative responsibilities. The Administrative function allows add/update access to these
application features. These features include BASE II CIBs, EAS, Secure EAS, Direct Exchange, Secure

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Multi-User Configuration in Edit Package

DEX, Operator IDs, LAN activity monitor (for use with a multi-user configuration), and Batch facility.
There is also a separate function for freeing locked resources as part of this application.
When the PC Edit Package is installed, the default BASE II CIB is 400552. That person's network ID will
be given Operator ID access and access to the Administrative functions in the Edit Package Operator
ID setup screen.
Additional Operator IDs can be added and given a different level of authority depending on the
actual needs. All Edit Package Operator IDs have to match the Network IDs of the persons using the
Edit Package.
A multi-user configuration is assumed to designate at least one user as an independent Edit Package
Administrator. In this case, the Administrator installs the complete product on his or her own PC, then
configures Operator IDs, BASE II CIBs, EA Servers, and DEX interfaces, using the Administrative
functions. After that, the Administrator installs the software on all other workstations.

Synchronizing the Multi-User

Environment in Edit Package
The Locking mechanism is facilitated by the Lock Manager. Locks will be obtained and released by
Edit Package to prevent multiple users from updating common resources. The ‘Lock Monitor’ is used
to list and release locks that have been obtained by Edit Package. Locks are kept at a global and
BASE II CIB level.

Edit Package Lock Types

PC Edit Package for Windows generates three types of locks.
l Global Locks — Global Locks are used to prevent all users from using the locked feature
until the lock has been released.
l Run Locks — Run Locks are used to prevent other users from executing either an Incoming
or Outgoing Run while a run is in progress. Once the Incoming or Outgoing run is completed,
the lock will be released by the application.
l Batch Locks — Batch Locks are used to prevent other users from updating or processing a
Batch file when the file is either being edited or processed in an Incoming or Outgoing Run.
Once the function for the Batch has been completed, the lock will be released by the

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Edit Package Lock Monitor

This feature shows all locks currently obtained for the Edit Package application: the type of lock, the
date the lock was obtained, which user generated the lock, and which BASE II CIB the lock is being
associated with.
If the user is authorized to use the feature, it can be started from the Admin Menu option titled Lock
Sample of Admin Lock Monitor start
To release an obtained lock, select the lock to be released and click the release button on the screen.
Sample of Release Lock

Edit Package Administrator Installation

Perform software installation on the Administrator's PC.
1. Configure Operator IDs
a. Log in to PC Edit Package using the default BASE II CIB.
b. Add additional Operator IDs for all PC Edit Package users.
2. Configure Test BASE II CIBs
a. The test BASE II CIB 400552 will be automatically set up during the first logon.
b. Edit the CIB 400552 settings by overriding the default settings.
c. Configure Production BASE II CIBs.
d. If EAS or Secure EAS Server or DEX or Secure DEX interface is used, configure the
interface using EAS Setup, Secure EAS Setup, or DEX or Secure DEX Setup Administrative

Test Edit Package Configuration

Use this procedure to test configuration.
1. Launch the main PC Edit Package for Windows application using the icon on the Windows
2. Select the test CIB 400552.

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3. Establish Edit Package options for the BASE II CIB.

A message appears notifying the user that no options file was found for the BASE II CIB, and
a wizard moves through dialog boxes that are used to set options. For testing, select all the
default settings.
Options must be set up for each production BASE II CIB when it is logged in to for
the first time. It is recommended that the Administrator perform the initial options
set up for all BASE II CIBs, and that only the Administrator be granted authority to
change options in the future.
4. After setting up the Edit Package options, run tests to verify that the PC Edit Package for
Windows application and the EP Server are operating normally.

Install Edit Package on Operator Workstations

Use this procedure to install PC Edit Package for Windows on operator workstation PCs
1. Install PC Edit Package for Windows on every Operator Workstation.
2. Test Workstation.
Using the desktop icon, launch the PC Edit Package for Windows application. The operator
workstation should be able to log in to any BASE II CIB for which the operator ID has access.

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Appendix D
Edit Package Application System

The files associated with PC Edit Package processing are described.

Edit Package Report Files

These listed files are produced by the outgoing and incoming edit runs. All report files are in ASCII
text file format and contain ASCII printer control codes. These files cannot be printed on a printer
that is configured for PostScript.

Report Files

File Name Description

EP7NN.TXT Outgoing & Incoming transaction-based reports.

EP299.TXT Outgoing Edit Package processing log report.

EP999.TXT Outgoing Edit Package index of reports.

EP199.TXT Incoming Edit Package processing log report.

EP399.TXT Extract Edit Package processing log report.

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Edit Package Application System Files

Edit Package Member-Maintained

Configuration Files
These files can be updated with any editor capable of editing an ASCII text file, such as Microsoft

Member-Maintained Configuration Files

File Name Description

Epwin400.exe.config User-specified parameters.


Edit Package Extract Files

These files are produced by Edit Package table files' report and extract utilities.

Extract Files

File Name Description

EP301.TXT ACQ/ISS ID extract file produced through menu option Extract Table Data.

EP301.TXT ACQ/ISS ID extract file produced by EP40EXT menu option Report On Edit Package

EP302.TXT ARDEF pass file produced through menu option Extract Table Data.

EP302.TXT ARDEF extract file produced through menu option Extract Table Data.

EP302.TXT ARDEF extract file produced by EP40EXT through menu option Report On Edit Package

EP303.TXT Table pass file produced through menu option Extract Table Data.

EP304.TXT ACQ/ISS ID & ARD extract file produced through menu option Extract Table Data.

EXTRACTS.TXT Value table extract file produced by EP40EXT through menu option Report On Edit
Package Files.

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Edit Package Application System Files

Edit Package Business Specification

Files (SPEC Files)
These files comprise the Business Specification File group. These files contain information that is
updated for each Visa business release. The files are dynamically updated by Visa using TC 54 update
transactions that are included in incoming delivery files.
Specification files include an effective date in their filename and are automatically loaded when the
calendar date is reached.

Business Specification File Group

File Name Description

EPPCDATACCYYMMDD.xml Contains the supported transaction configuration information.
Contains miscellaneous business definitions, such as product IDs.

????????.XAML Contains data entry specifications for each transaction type. Note
that there is an .XAML file for each transaction type,
where ???????? is the transaction type.

The ccyymmdd appearing in the file names represent the file's effective date.

Alphabetic List of Edit Package Files

The files used by PC Edit Package and the Edit Package Data Entry System are listed in alphabetical
order by file name.

Terms Used In Edit Package Files

Term Description

System Component Column

Core Files used by the core Edit Package component that performs the outgoing and incoming
edit runs.

Ul Files used by PC Edit Package for Windows user interface.

Core Utility Files used by the utility programs that support the core Edit Package, such as E3U510.

Core/UI Files used by both the core Edit Package and the user interface.

Batch Facility Files used by batch facility.

Type Column

Cnfg Configuration options, parameters, and defaults.

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Edit Package Application System Files

Terms Used In Edit Package Files

Term Description

Cntl Internal control information.

Data Application data (transactions, logs, and so forth.)

Exe Program executables.

Extract File produced by an extract utility.

Parm A parameter file, generally for a utility program.

Report Formatted reports.

Table VID, ARDEF and other table information.

Text Readable ASCII text.

Maintained by Column

Member PC Edit Package and Edit Package Data Entry System user-maintained file, generally by
editing or by copying data into it.

System Automatically maintained by shell or core components.

Visa Maintained by Visa and generally distributed with each new software release.

Folder Column

Data BASE II CIB data folder.

Common Common folder for global configuration and control files.

System PC Edit Package product folder, containing all PC Edit Package program executables and
system files.

In a single-user environment, the Common folder and System folder are combined, and all Common
folder files reside in the System folder. This is the default configuration of the PC Edit Package for
Windows application.
The files used by PC Edit Package and the Edit Package Data are listed in alphabetical order by file
Depending on the features and options that you use, some files may not be present in your

Alphabetic List of Edit Package Files

File Name Description System Type Maintained Folder

Component by

*.BMP Bitmaps. Ul Data Visa System

*.BKUP Data file. Core Cnfg Visa System

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Edit Package Application System Files

Alphabetic List of Edit Package Files

File Name Description System Type Maintained Folder

Component by

*.BKUPA Data file. Core Cnfg Visa System

*.BKUPB Data file. Core Cnfg Visa System

BF* Data file back up. Batch facility Data System Data

BFddMMMyy HHMMSS.log Batch facility job Batch facility Data System Common
run log.

BFddMMMyy ttmmss.log Captures the Edit Ul Text System System

Package events run
during the
execution of a Batch
Facility Procedure

binfile.txt BASE II CIB configu­ Ul Cnfg Member Common

ration file. through Ul

Bpbatch.exe.config Configuration file. Batch facility Cnfg Visa/Member System

BPREJDddMMM yyHHMMSS.ctf TC rejected item file Batch facility Data System Data
generated by Batch

BPREJDddMMM yyHHMMSS.vml VML rejected item Batch facility Data System Data
file generated by
Batch facility.

BPRETDddMMM yyHHMMSS.ctf TC Return item file Batch facility Data System Data
generated by
Incoming Edit Run
in Batch facility.

BPRETDddMMM yyHHMMSS.vml VML Return item Batch facility Data System Data
file generated by
Incoming Edit Run
in Batch facility.



*.CSV Miscellaneous file. UI Cnfg System System

COLLECT.BATCH.CTF / CTF/VML created Ul Data System Data

COLLECT.BATCH.VML from data entry
batches, when user
selects main menu
Collection Files.

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 443

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Edit Package Application System Files

Alphabetic List of Edit Package Files

File Name Description System Type Maintained Folder

Component by

*.DLL Executable files. Core Exe Visa System

*.DONE Backup data file. Batch facility Data System Data

EP.HISTORY History file, Core Data System Data


*.EXE Executable files. Ul Exe Visa System

*.EXE Executable files. Core Exe Visa System

Eafile.inf EAS configuration Ul Cnfg Member Common

file. through Ul

EASFile.inf EAS configuration Ul Cnfg Member Common

file. through Ul

EASSTATSRPT.TXT File Transfer Status Batch facility Data System Data


EASStatsRpt.txt Secure EA File Ul Text System Data

Status report
retrieved from EA to
determine file

EASStatsRpt.txt EAS File Status Ul Text System Data

report retrieved
from EAS to
determine file

ENVINF.TXT Environmental TC Core Data System Data

50 hold file.

ep.cur.rate.txt Currency Core/UI Cnfg System Data

conversion rate
Updated by
received on
incoming ITFs.

EP.HISTORY.BKUPA History file, Core Data System Data

EP.HISTORY.BKUPB sequential backup.

EP_BFData.xml Batch Facility XML Ul CNTL System System

file that holds the
details of all Batch

EP_BFData.xml Data file. Batch facility Data System System

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 444

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Edit Package Application System Files

Alphabetic List of Edit Package Files

File Name Description System Type Maintained Folder

Component by

EP199.TXT Incoming Edit Core Data System Data

Package processing
log report.

EP299.TXT Outgoing Edit Core Data System Data

Package processing
log report.

EP301.TXT ACQ/ISS ID extract Core Utility Extract System Data

file produced
through menu
option Extract Table

EP301.TXT ACQ/ISS ID extract Core Utility Extract System Data

file produced by
E3U510 through
menu option
Report On Edit
Package Files.

EP302.TXT ARDEF pass file Core Utility Extract System Data

produced through
menu option
Extract Table Data.

EP302.TXT ARDEF extract file Core Utility Extract System Data

produced through
menu option
Extract Table Data.

EP302.TXT ARDEF extract file Core Utility Extract System Data

produced by
EP40EXT through
menu option
Report On Edit
Package Files.

EP303.TXT Table pass file Core Utility Extract System Data

produced through
menu option
Extract Table Data.

EP304.TXT ACQ/ISS ID & ARD Core Utility Extract System Data

extract file
produced through
menu option
Extract Table Data.

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 445

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Edit Package Application System Files

Alphabetic List of Edit Package Files

File Name Description System Type Maintained Folder

Component by

EP399.TXT Extract Edit Package Core Data System Data

processing log

EP7NN.TXT Outgoing & Core Data System Data


EP999.TXT Outgoing & Core Data System Data

Incoming Edit
Package index of

epinst.log.txt Created when user UI Text System Data

selects About PC
edit package from
the main menu.

EPOUT.TXT Contains one or Core Data System Data

more outgoing ITF
produced by an
outgoing edit run.
The file may contain
multiple logical ITFs
depending on the

EPPCDATACCYYMM DD.XML Supported Ul Cnfg Visa Common

transaction configu­
ration, where
ccyymmdd is the
effective date.

EPPCDATACCYYMM DD.XML Miscellaneous Ul Cnfg Visa Common

business definitions,
where ccyymmdd is
the effective date.

EPRC.TXT Contains the result Core/UI Text System Data

(RC) of the last
called core Edit
Package program

EXTRACTS.TXT Value table extract Core Utility Extract Data

file produced by
E3U510 through
menu option
Report On Edit
Package Files.

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 446

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Edit Package Application System Files

Alphabetic List of Edit Package Files

File Name Description System Type Maintained Folder

Component by

ExtractTable.txt Maintains Ul Cntl System Data

information about
the last directory
path and file name
selected by the user
in various dialogs.
Used to populate
the dialogs on
subsequent usage.

Filetransfer.txt Configuration file UI/Batch Cnfg System Data

used for file facility

*.FILe Procedure Library Core Cnfg System Data


*.FTP FTP command Ul Cntl Visa Data

scripts used for file

FileTransfer.txt FTP script file. Ul CNTL System

FTFREPRT.RPT FTF Report Header Batch facility Data System Data


FTPCmdScript.FTP FTP Command File. Batch facility Data System Data

FTPS. log Secure FTP Ul Data System Data

command log.

FTPSCmds.txt Input command Ul Data System Data

stream for secure

FTPScript.Cmd Request for EAS Ul Text System Data

delivery file transfer,
built dynamically
when user selects
file for transfer.

FTPScript.cmd FTP Command File. Batch facility Data System Data

FTPSJava.cmd Executable Ul Data System Data

command file for
secure FTP.

GOFTP.LOG File transfer log file. Core Data System Data

*.GIF Image file. UI EXE Visa System



15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 447

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Edit Package Application System Files

Alphabetic List of Edit Package Files

File Name Description System Type Maintained Folder

Component by

IEPOUTnn.TXT Incoming CTF Core Data System Data

produced by an
incoming edit run.
nn is a file number
and is determined
by the Split options
that have been

*.ICO Icons. Ul Data Visa System

*.ICO Image file. Ul EXE Visa System

*.INSTALLSTATE Setup related instal­ Core EXE System System

lation file.

*.iTEXT Data file. Core Cnfg Visa System

ITEMP.OPTS.TXT Parameter file for Core Utility Parm System Data


*.JCL Configuration file. Core Cnfg Visa System

operator.txt Operator ID config­ Ul Cnfg Member Common

uration file. through Ul

OperLog.txt Captures logging of Ul Text System System

Edit Package events
based on user and
system defined

PERM.ENV.OPTS.TXT Permanent run UI Control System System

control options.
specified options
entered through the
Environment Run
Control screens.

PERM.TABLE.OVERRIDES.TXT Permanent run UI Control System System

control options.
specified options
entered through the
Table Overrides

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 448

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Edit Package Application System Files

Alphabetic List of Edit Package Files

File Name Description System Type Maintained Folder

Component by

profile.rco.txt BASE II CIB run Core/UI Cntl Member Data

control options and through Ul
preferences that are
set through the
Settings menu

profile.rco.txt Permanent run Core/UI Cnfg System Data

control options.
specified options
entered through
the, Outgoing
Options and
Incoming Options.

*.PDF User guide. UI Data Visa System

*.PNG Image file. UI EXE Visa System

repository.ARDEF.txt Table-indexed file of Core/UI Table System Data

ARDEF information.

*.RTF Document. UI Data Visa System

README.RTF ReadMe file. UI Text Visa System

Reject.VML.txt Rejected item file Ul Data System Data

produced by the
Batch Facility.

REJECT.VML.TXT Produced by an Core Data System Data

outgoing edit run
when a separate file
for rejects is
specified as an
outgoing run
control option, and
rejected items are
created by the edit

repository.BIN.txt Table-indexed file of Core/UI Table System Data


repository.VALUE.txt Table-indexed file of Core/UI Table System Data

Rules information.

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 449

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Edit Package Application System Files

Alphabetic List of Edit Package Files

File Name Description System Type Maintained Folder

Component by

REQDATA.FTP EA FTP Command Batch Facility Data System Data


Returns.items.txt Returned item file UI Data System Data

produced by the
Batch Facility.

RETURNS.ITEMS.TXT Produced by an Core Data System Data

incoming edit run
when a separate file
for returned
transactions is
specified as an
incoming run
control option, and
returned items are
on the incoming

RUN.LOG.GnnnnVnn Log file, sequential Core Data System Data


Runscript.log Run log created for Core Data System Data

file transfer.

*.SYSPRINTA Log file. Core Data System System

TRACE.LOG, OPERLOG.TXT Captures error log Ul Text System System

entries produced by
the GUI.

TC33EX.TXT Produced by an Core Data System Data

incoming edit run
when special types
of TC 33s are

TEMP.ENV.OPTS.TXT Temporary run UI Control System System

control options.
Contains temporary
specified options
entered through the
Environment Run
Control screen.

TEMP.OPTS.TXT Parameter file used Core Utility Parm System Data

by E3U510.

TEMP.OPTS.TXT Parameter file for Core Utility Parm Visa Data


15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 450

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Edit Package Application System Files

Alphabetic List of Edit Package Files

File Name Description System Type Maintained Folder

Component by

TEMP.OPTS.TXT Parameter file for Core Utility Parm System Data


TEMP.OPTS.TXT Table control file. Core/UI Table System Data

Temp.opts.txt Temporary Run Core/Shell Cnfg System Data

Control Options.
specified options
entered through the
Options, Outgoing
Options, Incoming
Options, and
Temporary Options
screens while
initiating an
outgoing or
incoming edit run.

TEMp.OPTS.TXT Parameter file for Core Utility Parm Visa Data


TEMp.OPTS.TXT Parameter file for Core Utility Parm Visa Data

on-request Visa
utility E3U135.

TEMp.OPTS.TXT Parameter file for Core Utility Parm Visa Data


TEMP.TABLE.OVERRIDE.TXT Temporary run UI Control System System

control options.
Contains temporary
specified options
entered through the
Table Overrides

TEST.CTF Outgoing test CTF Ul Data Visa System

for test CIB 400552.

TEST.ITF Incoming test ITF Ul Data Visa System

for test CIB 400552.

TEST.VML Outgoing VML. Ul Data Visa System

TEST.VTF Incoming VML Ul Data Visa System

TEST_EBCDIC.ITF Incoming in EBCDIC Ul Data Visa System


15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 451

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Edit Package Application System Files

Alphabetic List of Edit Package Files

File Name Description System Type Maintained Folder

Component by

XYGATE.BAT Xygate Command Batch Facility Data System Data


*.XAML Specification Files. UI Cnfg Visa System

*.XML Log file. UI Data Visa System

XYGATE.LOG Xygate run job log. Batch Facility Data System Data

*.WTF Data entry batch Ul Data System Data

file containing
original, rejected, or
transactions. The
file name is
composed of a date
stamp, data entry
type and sequence
number, such as

*.~~@ Temporary file for Batch facility Data System Data

file transfer in Batch

*.@@? Temporary files. Ul Misc System Data

*.@@@ Temporary file for Batch facility Data System Data

file transfer in Batch

*.~@@ Temporary file for Batch facility Data System Data

file transfer in Batch

*.~FP Incoming Ul Data System Data

production ITF FTF
header received
from the VAR.

*.~FT Incoming test ITF Ul Data System Data

FTF header received
from the VAR.

*.~IP Incoming Ul Data System Data

production ITF
received from the

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 452

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Edit Package Application System Files

Alphabetic List of Edit Package Files

File Name Description System Type Maintained Folder

Component by

*.~IT Incoming test ITF Ul Data System Data

received from the

Run Control Profiles


15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 453

Appendix E
Using Edit Package Online Help

This describes the Online Help function for BASE II Edit Package for Windows.

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 454

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Using Edit Package Online Help

Open Edit Package Online Help and

Print Help Topics
Follow this procedure to open Online Help and print Help Topics.
1. On the PC Windows Edit package, click Help > Online Help.
Opening Online Help

Opening Online Help

2. Click on PC Edit Package for Windows Release 4.0 User’s Guide.

The system will open a PDF form of online Help.
3. Once the online Help PDF file is open, choose File > Print to print the online Help document.
4. Click Close to close the online Help screen.

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 455

Appendix F
Troubleshooting Edit Package

This appendix describes how to resolve system errors and problems. It includes the log files that
contain useful messages and some general procedures for troubleshooting. There is also information
about contacting Visa Technical Support at 1-800-VISANET or your country-specific number for Edit
Package 4 support.

Use the EPSERVER Log

With the EP SERVER Log, you can trace the history of EP SERVER activities and search for error
messages. Error messages in the EPSERVER Log can be used to debug system errors that are
encountered while running EPSERVER activities during data and edit runs.
To view the EP SERVER Log, click Tools > View System Log from the menu bar.
The Browse/Print Edit Package Reports window opens with the EP SERVER Log displayed.
If you do not have any log file to view through GUI, go the Installed folder location (e.g., C:\ep40)
and check the log files under the "jes" subfolder.

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 456

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Troubleshooting Edit Package

Use the Edit Package About Log

The About Log can be used as a quick reference to view various kinds of information pertaining to
the operating system, PC Edit Package for Windows versions, and the location of system folders.
Information in the About Log can be used to check whether you are running current and correct
versions of the PC Edit Package for Windows application and specification files. This information
should be readily available when contacting Visa Technical Support or your country-specific number
for Edit Package 4 support. To view the About Log, click Help > About the PC Edit Package from
the main menu.
The Browse/Print Edit Package Reports window opens with the About Log displayed.
Some of the information displayed in the About Log is also periodically sent to a VIC. This
information can be used by Visa Technical Support to help you resolve problems.

Resolve Errors for Edit Package

1. Record Windows operating system errors.
If you have received an error message from the Windows operating system, such as a "Run-
time Error", write down the error message and number and reboot your computer, if
If the same error happens again, but only while you are running the PC Edit Package, contact
Visa Technical Support.
If the error happens with other applications as well as with PC Edit Package, contact your
processing center's Workstation Support for assistance.
2. Try using Online Help.
If you are having problems performing an Edit Package operation or procedure, try using PC
Edit Package for Windows online Help facility.
To do so, click Help > Online Helpfrom the main menu.

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 457

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Troubleshooting Edit Package

3. Gather all error messages.

You should write down or print out any pertinent error messages that are displayed or
included in logs and reports.
The source of error messages depends largely on the nature of the error; however, some
common sources are:
l Displayed on your screen by the PC Edit Package application, or the Windows operating
l Outgoing edit run error messages are found on the EP100A and EP199 reports. These
reports are viewed and printed by selecting Reports in the Outgoing section of the
Roadmap Navigator.
l Incoming edit run error messages are found on the EP200A and EP299 reports. These
reports are viewed and printed by selecting Reports in the Incoming section of the
Roadmap Navigator.
l EP SERVER error messages and processing history are on the EP SERVER log. This log is
viewed and printed by selecting Tools > View System Log from the main menu.
4. Check messages and codes.
Check whether any of the error messages from Step 3 match the messages and error codes. If
they are, try using the error descriptions to resolve the problem.
5. Check the Edit Package (Release 4) Messages.
Access Edit Package (Release 4) Messages online by clicking Help > Online Help from the
main menu. Acrobat Reader opens with the manual displayed. If any error messages from
Step 3 appear in BASE II Clearing Edit Package (Release 4) Messages, try completing the
indicated Action to resolve the problem.
6. Check other BASE II manuals.
Check other BASE II documentation, such as BASE II Clearing Edit Package (Release 4)
Operations Guide.

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 458

Appendix G
Edit Package Messages and Codes

This section reviews some of the messages and error codes that you may encounter while using PC
Edit Package. Some message numbers are preceded by a letter to distinguish general error messages
(E) from validation error messages (V), and Return/Reclassification reason codes (R). Because the
numbering of different message types can overlap (for example, V100 and E100 messages), you need
to use the initial letter on the message number to determine the type of message. If you encounter
an error message that is not listed here, contact Visa Technical Support or your country-specific
number for Edit Package 4 support.

General Edit Package Messages

Edit Package Application Messages

All routine application messages produced by the PC Edit Package user interface use the standard
Message Box window. The text of the message is context-dependent, descriptive, and self-
explanatory. For example, when you specify a file name to input into an outgoing edit run, you may
receive a message similar to the one shown in the next. This message needs no further explanation,
and only requires that the user acknowledge the message by clicking OK.

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 459

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Edit Package Messages and Codes

Alert Message

Critical errors usually indicate that the program cannot proceed. When this occurs, the program is
aborted after the user acknowledges the message. For example, if the user attempted to log in to a
BASE II CIB for which there was not an ITF file header file, the critical error message appears.

Critical Error Message

Edit Package Run-Time Errors

PC Edit Package for Windows is a Visual Basic application. Run-time errors that are not automatically
handled by the application are presented in a window.

Run Time Error Message

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 460

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Edit Package Messages and Codes

EP Win 400 Message

All Visual Basic run-time errors should be documented and reported to Visa immediately. It is also
important to document the specific scenario and procedure that was being performed then the error
was encountered, and to determine if the error is repeatable or not.

EP SERVER Messages
You can view EP SERVER informational and error messages directly from the Edit Package for
Windows application. Each message includes a date/time stamp, the Operator ID, and a severity
code. Each message logged is also displayed in the EPSERVER console window.
To view EP SERVER messages:
Select Tools/View System Log.
If you do not have any log file to view through GUI, go the Installed folder location (e.g., C:\ep40
and then check the log files under the “jes” sub-folder.

Incoming Edit Package Messages

00 Successful Completion of Incoming Run

Description: The incoming Edit Package run was completed successfully; no errors were
Action: Informational only.

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 461

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Edit Package Messages and Codes

04 Table Update Errors, Interchange Transaction

File, and Reports Created
Description: The incoming Edit Package run completed the interchange successfully, but errors were
found when attempting to update tables.
Action: Incoming files containing TC 54 update transactions must be processed in the sequence in
which they were created by BASE II. If incoming files from previous days have not been processed,
process them through the incoming Edit Package before rerunning the file that received the Return
Code 04. If this does not resolve the problem, contact Visa Technical Support or your country-specific
number for Edit Package 4 support. Be prepared to provide information from your EP-299 Processing
Log to Visa.

8 TC 54 Sequence Error
Description: The TC 54 transactions not processed in the correct sequence.
Action: Verify that input file(s) are correct and contact Visa Technical Support to confirm that TC 54
data is correct.

16 Unsuccessful Completion of Incoming Run

Description: The incoming Edit Package run was not completed successfully. CTFS were not created.
Action: Review the EP-200 and EP-299 reports for error messages that indicate the problem. Take the
appropriate action according to the description and action associated with the message.
In cases where the application encounters abnormal termination for unknown reasons, CTF/VML
file(s) are created. A return code of 16 is recorded in the EP-299 report; this means that an inspection
or cleanup is necessary. The EP-299 report can be found at: C:\EP40\CXXXXXX\Reports

Outgoing Edit Package Messages

00 Successful Completion of Outgoing Run

Description: The outgoing Edit Package run was completed successfully; no errors were
encountered. The outgoing ITF was created.
Action: Informational only.

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 462

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Edit Package Messages and Codes

02 Successful Completion of Outgoing Run With

Description: The outgoing Edit Package run was completed with warnings; no transactions were
rejected. The outgoing ITF was created.
Action: Review the EP-100 and EP-199 reports for warning messages. Take the appropriate action
according to the description and action associated with the message.

04 Successful Completion of Outgoing Run With

Description: The outgoing Edit Package run was completed with errors; some transactions were
rejected from the CTF. The outgoing ITF was created.
Action: Review the EP-100 report for transaction warning and error messages. Rejected transactions
must be corrected and submitted in another run of the outgoing Edit Package.

16 Unsuccessful Completion of Outgoing Run

Description: The outgoing Edit Package run was not completed successfully. The outgoing ITF was
not created.
Action: Review the EP-100 and EP-199 reports for error messages that indicate the problem. Take the
appropriate action according to the description and action associated with the message.
In cases where the application encounters abnormal termination for unknown reasons, ITF/VML file(s)
are created. A return code of 16 is recorded in the EP-199 report; this means that an inspection or
cleanup is necessary. The EP-199 report can be found at: C:\EP40\CXXXXXX\Reports\Outgoing.

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 463

Appendix H
Miscellaneous Edit Package

Included here are miscellaneous utility programs that may be executed from the MS-DOS prompt.
These utilities are called from some core Edit Package utilities, but they may be also be invoked as
independent utilities.

UXFILE - General File Conversion

Utility in Edit Package
Use UXFILE to convert a PC file between Text and Binary file formats, and to perform character
translation between ASCII and EBCDIC.

Text File Format in Edit Package

Each record in a PC text file is considered a line, and a line is terminated with an ASCII Carriage
Return (Hex 0D) and Line Feed (Hex 0A) control character. Other ASCII control characters, such as the
Tab (Hex 09) character, may also be included in text file format. Because control characters delimit

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 464

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Miscellaneous Edit Package Utilities

lines, trailing spaces at the end of each line are normally truncated, generally producing smaller files
than in flat file format.
PC text files usually contain ASCII character data so there is no conflict with the ASCII control
characters. Text files, however, may contain other character encoding, such as EBCDIC, providing that
all character representations have values above the ASCII control character range, which is below Hex
20. Text files should never contain pure binary data, such as images or IBM packed-decimal format.

Binary File Format in Edit Package

Binary file format, also called flat-file format or fixed-length-record format, contains records of equal
length and do not use any control characters within the data. Because there are no control characters
in the file, records can contain any desired data encoding, provided the programs that read the data
can recognize it.

Using UXFILE in Edit Package

UXFILE requires character code conversion table files that reside in the BASE II CIB’s data directory,
requiring the data directory to be the current directory when UXFILE is executed.
UXFILE's primary purpose is to convert between Text file format and Binary file format. During this
file format conversion, character data can be translated between ASCII and EBCDIC.
If character translation is performed, UXFILE assumes that all bytes of the file (except for
ASCII control characters) contain valid character encoding. Non-character data, such as
images or packed-decimal numbers, will not be converted properly.
You may also use UXFILE to perform character translation between ASCII and EBCDIC without
converting the file format.
To invoke UXFILE from the MS-DOS prompt, enter:
UXFILE [parameters]
To obtain a description of the command line syntax without actually executing the program, enter
the program name without any parameters:

Command Line Parameters in Edit Package

Unlike the core Edit Package utilities, UXFILE uses positional command line parameters, interpreting
each parameter by its relative position in the command line.
The overall syntax for the command line is:

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 465

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Miscellaneous Edit Package Utilities

UXFILE infile outfile fmode xmode lrecl

Command Line Parameters Used to Direct the Core Edit Package Utility Function: UXFILE -
General File Conversion

Parm Description Comments

Specifies the name of the input file to be converted. The file name
infile Input file name – required may include a drive letter as well as path information. If spaces are
impeded in the name, the entire name must be enclosed in quotes.

Specifies the name of the output file. The file name may include a
outfile Output file name – required drive letter as well as path information. If spaces are impeded in the
name, the entire name must be enclosed in single quotes.

Specifies file format conversion mode. Select one:

l B2B – infile=binary, outfile=binary

fmode Format mode – required l B2T – infile=binary, outfile=text
l T2T – infile=text, outfile=text
l T2B – infile=text, outfile=binary

Specifies the character translation mode. Select one from the

following list:

xmode Translation mode – required l A2E – infile=ASCII, outfile=EBCDIC

l E2A – infile=EBCDIC, outfile=ASCII
l XNO – no translation performed

Specifies logical record length. Cannot exceed 1024. Use depends

on file conversion mode (fmode) in effect:

l B2B – not used, but some value must be specified.

Logical record length –
lrecl l B2T – specifies size of input records; specifies maximum output
record size.
l T2T – not used, but some value must be specified.
l T2B – specifies size of output record.

Examples of File Conversions in Edit Package

Examples are provided. Using the Command Line File Transfer utilities UFSEND and UFRECV will
automatically provide the necessary conversions.
The following example would be used to convert an incoming EBCDIC ITF as delivered by Visa, into
an ASCII ITF to be processed by PC Edit Package.
UXFILE visaitf.ebc initf.epd b2t e2a 170
The following example would convert an outgoing collection ITF, as produced by an outgoing PC Edit
Package run, into an EBCDIC collection file that can be sent to Visa.

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 466

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Miscellaneous Edit Package Utilities

UXFILE outitf.epd visaitf.ebc t2b a2e 170

Backup Restore Tool in Edit Package

The Backup Restore tool can be found in the Edit Package installation folder (default installation
folder is C:\EP40). This tool is used to back up the settings and the configuration of Edit Package to
a separate folder outside of their EP40 installation folder and restore those settings and
configurations to the new environment.
This tool creates a Log.txt file in the same folder location where BackupRestore.exe resides.
The backup folder will be created with date and timestamp for easy identification of the latest or
oldest backup. If some file or folder exists in the installation folder at the time of Restore, then the
existing folder or file will be renamed with date and timestamp and the folder or file will be restored
from the backup folder. The client can remove the renamed file or folder later. A new folder will be
created in the specified folder location with date and timestamp and installation type (client, server,
stand-alone) at the time of the backup process. The sample folder name while C:\ is specified for the
backup location would be EP_Backup_Standalone_073115_115403.
This procedure is applicable using the same version of Edit Package installed in the current
and new machine.
Backup Restore Tool Features
While restoring old backed-up settings and configuration, the same back-up folder should be
pointed that was created by this application. The name of the backed-up folder cannot be changed.
The tool will consider the naming convention of the backup folder to determine client/server/stand-
alone type of installation while it is used for restore process. A similar kind of installation can only be
restored. That means a backup of client-type installation can only be restored to another client type
of installation. A similar rule will be applied for server or stand-alone types of installation. This tool
will not check for available disk space in the target directory for backup or restore. The operator
should check for adequate available disk space in the target backup or restore directory. If the back
process fails because of space issues or for other reasons, that folder should be deleted and should
not be used.
This tool will copy and restore the following files:
Stand-alone installation:
Folders to Copy/Restore
1. EP40\BATCHFACILITY (if it exists)
2. EP40\Cnnnnnn (all BASE II CIB folders)
Files to Copy/Restore
1. EP40\BPBatch.exe.Config
2. EP40\EPWin400.exe.Config

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Miscellaneous Edit Package Utilities

10. EP40\REPOSIT.MASTER.TXT.GnnnnnV00 – the last 3 created
13. EP40\EPWINSH\dexsfile.inf
16. EP40\WORKSAPCE\EP_BFData.xml
Client installation:
Folders to Copy/Restore
1. EP40\BATCHFACILITY (if it exists)
Files to Copy/Restore
1. EP40\BPBatch.exe.Config
2. EP40\EPWin400.exe.Config
Server Installation:
Folders to Copy/Restore
1. EP40\Cnnnnnn (all BASE II CIB folders)
Files to Copy/Restore

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 468

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Miscellaneous Edit Package Utilities

7. EP40\REPOSIT.MASTER.TXT.GnnnnnV00– the last 3 created
10. EP40\EPWINSH\dexsfile.inf
How To Access the Backup Restore Tool
Look for BackupRestore.exe in the Edit Package installation folder (default installation folder is
C:\EP40). Double-click or right-click and run as administrator. This will open up the GUI for the tool.

Edit Package Backup Process

This process will take a backup from the existing EP 4 Installation Directory to the Backup Directory
as specified by the user. The client can select the Backup folder by clicking Browse or by writing or
pasting the path in the text box for the Backup Directory.
The type of installation (Standalone/Client/Server and EP4 Installation Directory) is
automatically detected by the tool and cannot be edited.

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Miscellaneous Edit Package Utilities

Backup Process Startup Screen

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 470

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Miscellaneous Edit Package Utilities

Backup Process Completion Screen

Edit Package Restore Process

The restore process will restore the previously backed-up configuration and settings from a backup
folder that was created by this Backup Restore tool.
This tool will use the naming convention of the backup folder to determine whether correct type of
backup (Standalone, Client or Server) is being restored. This tool will accept only the backup folder
that was backed up and created by this Backup Restore tool. Stand-alone backup should be restored
to a stand-alone installation only (Likewise for Client and Server installation). The user can select the
Backup folder by clicking Browse or by writing or pasting the path in the text box for the Backup

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 471

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Miscellaneous Edit Package Utilities

Restore Process Startup Screen

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 472

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Miscellaneous Edit Package Utilities

Restore Process Completion Screen

Error Messages:
Generally, the error message will pop up in a new message window. Follow the instruction in the
pop-up message.
The Backup Directory cannot be left blank while backing up or restoring the Edit Package settings
and configuration.

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 473

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Miscellaneous Edit Package Utilities

Path Cannot Be Empty Error Message

Either Backup or Restore must be selected before clicking Start.

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Miscellaneous Edit Package Utilities

Either Backup or Restore Button Must Be Selected

The Backup and Restore path cannot be the same.

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 475

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Miscellaneous Edit Package Utilities

Backup and Restore Path Cannot be the Same

The correct backup folder must be selected for the Restore process to work. The Backup folder name
cannot be changed. The Backup folder name must be same as when it was first created by this tool.
The backup folder selected for the Restoration process must be a backup folder created by this tool

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 476

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide
Miscellaneous Edit Package Utilities

Correct Backup Folder Must Be Selected for Restore Process

The Backup location must have enough disk space to copy existing settings and the configuration of
the Edit Package application. If the backup process fails because of low disk space, the incomplete
backup folder should be deleted and must not be used. Similarly, ensure there is sufficient disk space
before restoring from the backup location.

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 477

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Miscellaneous Edit Package Utilities

Backup and Restore Path Cannot Be the Same

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 478

BASE II Glossary

account funding source Identifies the source of the funds associated with the primary account for the
For example, credit, debit, prepaid, and charge.

account number extension A three-position extension of the account number that allows account numbers
up to 19 digits in length.

account prefix The first nine digits of a cardholder account number.

account prefix range The set of a low-account prefix and a high-account prefix that defines the range
of cardholder account numbers used by an issuer. (A single issuer may use more
than one range.) All ranges are maintained on the ARDEF Table for cardholder
account number and Issuing Identifier validation purposes.

account restricted use Identifies whether any processing restriction exists for the account range.

acquirer A client financial institution that has agreements with merchants to accept Visa
card transactions or offers cash disbursement services to cardholders, or both.
The acquirer is responsible for:

l Accepting card transaction data from merchants and its own ATMs and bank

l Providing authorization decisions to those card-accepting locations.

l Conveying transaction information to Visa as interchange transactions.

acquirer center A BASE II processing center supporting one or more Visa acquirers. The
processing center receives transaction information from merchants and cash
dispensing locations on behalf of acquirers; processes local transactions and
sends interchange transactions to a VIC for distribution to the issuer processing
centers; and settles the value of transactions with merchants and agents and, for
interchange transactions, with other clients through the BASE II System.

Acquirer Reference Number A 23-digit identification number associated with every draft and voucher. It
consists of a Format Code, Acquiring Identifier, Capture Date, Film Locator, and
Check Digit.

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administrative messages All transactions that pass information between processing centers but do not
result in debits or credits in the settlement process.

Advice File The BASE I file containing records of authorization and verification responses
generated at the VIC.

ARDEF File The permanent file for the ARDEF (Account Range Definition) Table, which is used
to control the accuracy of Edit Package processing. The table contains all valid
ARDEF entries, namely: the account prefix range, its associated Issuing Identifier,
card-number length indicator, check-digit indicator, product ID and account
funding source..

balancing and reconciliation The process of accounting for the number and amount of transactions and the
currency of each transaction in a BASE II cycle.

BASE I System See V.I.P. System.

BASE II CIB A six-digit system number used by Visa to identify the processing centers and
clients. Center Identification Blocks (CIBs) are assigned to processing centers
operated by clients, nonclient processing centers designated by clients, and the
clients that operate processing centers.

Note: The BASE II CIB of a given processing center does not necessarily appear in the cardholder account
numbers processed by that center.

BASE II processing center See processing center.

BASE II System An electronic batch transmission system primarily used for the exchange of Visa
interchange transaction data and for settlement of the value of those transactions
between acquirers and issuers. This system is also used by centers to retrieve
records from the Advice File and by Visa to settle various fees with clients.

batch A set of transaction records, terminating with a batch trailer, sent through BASE II.

batch acknowledgment A receipt confirmation generated at a VIC of each batch of outgoing transactions.
transaction These transactions are received in the center's incoming Interchange Transaction

batch reject See rejected batch.

batch trailer record A record designating the end of a batch of BASE II transactions. It contains count
and monetary totals used to control the integrity of the batch's transaction data.
See also merchant batch trailer record.

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Bill Payment Service A service allowing a client to accept payment from a Visa cardholder whose
account belongs to another client and to credit the issuer through BASE II. Both
the issuer and the client receiving the payment must be in the same country.
Used in Canada and Brazil.

billing currency The currency in which the issuer bills the cardholder for transactions.

card issuer processing center See issuer center.

Card Recovery Bulletin (CRB) A paper listing, published and distributed by Visa, that contains Visa account
numbers for which card pickup is required.

cardholder processing center See issuer center.

cash advance The disbursement of cash from an ATM, bank teller, or authorized merchant
based on use of a Visa or Plus card.

cashback field A nine-digit field that specifies the currency amount that is paid out when a
purchase transaction occurs.

Center Transaction File (CTF) The outgoing Center Transaction File contains interchange transactions generated
by a processing center's pre-edit program. If the format is acceptable to the Edit
Package, it is converted to an ITF and is submitted to the VIC.The incoming
Center Transaction File contains ITF data transmitted from the VIC through the
VAP to the Edit Package for processing. If there are no errors, the ITF is converted
to a CTF and used as input to the post-edit program.

central processing date (CPD) The date (based on GMT) when the ITF or report in question was generated at a

copy/original A copy of a transaction requested from the acquirer center by the issuer center.
(Synonymous with original/photocopy.)

collection-only transactions (1) An intraprocessor transaction submitted to BASE II for collection only (not
settlement or delivery). Normal BASE II processing charges and interchange
reimbursement fees do not apply to collection-only transactions.

chargeback A sales draft or other item that has been examined by the issuer center, found to
be improper, and sent back to the acquirer center with other outgoing

Chargeback Reduction Service A worldwide service that provides acquirers and issuers with information available
(CRS) from other VisaNet systems to reduce the number of unnecessary chargebacks
and representments and the time needed to research valid chargebacks.

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chargeback reversal The cancellation of a chargeback sent in error to the acquirer center.

check digit A digit added to the end of an account number or Acquirer Reference Number
that is derived from a computation using a predetermined formula and the
preceding digits of the account number. It is used during editing processes to
validate account numbers and Acquirer Reference Numbers.

Chip Card See Integrated Circuit Card.

Chip Debit/Credit See Visa Smart Debit/Visa Smart Credit (VSDC).

clearing All of the functions required to collect a transaction from an acquirer in the
merchant's currency and deliver it to the issuer in the cardholder's currency.

Clear Only Clearing Service Only Transactions.

Coll Only Collection-only Transactions.

CPD See central processing date (CPD).

CRB See Card Recovery Bulletin (CRB).

credit voucher Sometimes referred to as credit return, it is the record of a return or price
adjustment of a purchase.

CRS See Chargeback Reduction Service (CRS).

CTF See Center Transaction File (CTF).

currency conversion rate This rate is applied by Visa International to certain transactions (original sales
drafts, representments, travel vouchers, credit vouchers, and cash disbursements)
and the reversal of such transactions.

currency of purchase See transaction currency.

currency trading cutoff The time at which currency conversion rates expire.

Custom Payment Service (CPS) A Visa payment service that minimizes chargebacks and facilitates transaction
clearing and settlement by assigning a unique identifier that stays with the
transaction throughout its life cycle.

Custom Merchant Service A service that tailors interchange reimbursement fees to specific merchant

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DBA The “doing business as” name of the merchant. (The DBA name is required in all
BASE II records that include merchant ID to ensure cardholder recognition.)

Data Capture Service Merchants' use of electronic terminals at points of sale (POS) to capture sales
transaction data. Clients can receive reports on transactions that have occurred at
each merchant location.

Data Capture Advice A batch transaction that delivers data for transactions captured at merchant
locations to the acquirer center for subsequent submission to BASE II.

descriptive billing A billing method in which the cardholder receives a statement containing a
descriptive section of information identifying the card acceptor (merchant, bank
branch or business location) and the nature of each charge or credit for each
transaction posted to the account. Copies of the original paper are not returned
to the cardholder.

designated currency One of the currencies that may be chosen by a client for settlement and funds

destination Identifier An Identifier to which a BASE II transaction message is sent.

destination currency The currency type presented to the client on incoming transactions. For most
transactions (that is, drafts), it is the billing currency. For other transactions, for
example, fee collection and chargeback, it is the settlement currency of the

DEX See Direct Exchange

Direct Exchange (DEX) Direct Exchange provides a single, secure, and extensible Internet Protocol (IP)-
based connection to the VisaNet network for all Visa USA endpoints.

documentation request See Request for Copy of transaction.

draft data transaction A BASE II financial transaction that contains data for a cardholder transaction and
results in a debit or a credit to clearing clients during the settlement process.

EA Server See Visa Extended Access Server.

Early Delivery Service Option by which transaction data is delivered to the processing center before
settlement is completed.

Edit Package The computer programs supplied by Visa International to processing centers to
validate interchange data, produce the file containing all interchange data to be
sent from the processing center to Visa, and process the file of incoming
transactions received from Visa.

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Edit Package processing date The date used by the Edit Package during a specific run. This can be the
computer's system date or a date specified on the RUNDATE run control option.

electronic terminal A point-of-sale terminal, an automated teller machine, or a cash dispensing

machine used at the point of transaction to generate electronic impulses that are
captured in computer-readable form.

Extended Access Server See Visa Extended Access Server.

fee collection transaction A BASE II transaction representing a miscellaneous financial charge assessed by
one client or by Visa against another client.

File Correction Service A facility invoked at the discretion of Visa management to reverse incorrect
financial transactions submitted by a processing center. All financial transactions
in an entire file or one or more selected batches may be reversed.

File Distribution Service The receipt of files through BASE II based on an arrangement that best meets the
client's needs and processing schedules. It can distinguish and simultaneously
process interchange, nonfinancial, and settlement data. It can separate report
delivery from interchange processing.

file trailer record A record designating the end of a CTF or ITF. It contains count and monetary
totals used to control the integrity of file content. A CTF is terminated with one
file trailer record regardless of the number of volumes used to contain the data;
an ITF on tape is terminated with a file trailer record at the end of each volume, if
multiple volumes are needed.

file transfer Electronic transfer of an ITF between the PC Edit Package and the VAP.

file header record A record designating the beginning of an CTF or ITF. It contains the processing
center ID, security code, and relevant control information.

financial controls Those controls surrounding general ledger activities and procedures relating to
bank card accounting.

floor limit The maximum dollar amount for a transaction without having to obtain

fraud advice transaction A BASE II transaction sent by a center to notify Visa of the possible fraudulent use
of a card. Sent only with outgoing interchange transactions from the issuer

freeform text message See text message.

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funds disbursement transaction A BASE II transaction used to transfer monetary credit from one BASE II entity to
another or to reverse a fee collection transaction.

CPS See Custom Payment Service (CPS).

History File The Edit Package file used to store the history of outgoing and incoming
processing runs, and to control reruns and assign batch numbers for multiple
daily runs.

host computer(s) The computer system used at the processing center to process BASE II
interchange or BASE I inquiries, or both, and other authorization-related

IAF See International Acquiring Fee.

ICC See Integrated Circuit Card.

ICS See Issuers' Clearinghouse Service (ICS).

ICS input/response transaction A BASE II transaction sent (input) or received (response) by a center participating
in the Issuers' Clearinghouse Service.

incoming interchange All BASE II transactions transmitted from a VIC to a processing center, or the
entire process of receiving incoming interchange transaction data from a VIC.

Integrated Circuit Card A plastic card embedded with a silicon chip that has greater storage capabilities
than a magnetic stripe allowing for more robust functionality and multiple
accounts to reside on one physical card.

interchange processing The electronic movement of transaction data between acquirers and issuers.

Interchange Reimbursement Fee A fee paid by issuers and acquirers to each other for transactions entered into
(IRF) interchange (and their reversals) to balance the cost of doing business.

interchange transaction Any transaction where the client that signed the cardholder submits transactions
through a different processing center than the client that signed the merchant.

Interchange Transaction File The outgoing Interchange Transaction File contains transactions sent to VisaNet
(ITF) by an endpoint. This file may be created by the outgoing Edit Package after the
endpoint's pre-edit processing, or it may be sent directly to VisaNet.

The incoming Interchange Transaction File contains transactions delivered to an

endpoint by VisaNet. This file may be read by the Edit Package prior to the
transaction being processed by the endpoint's post-edit processing, or it may be
directly processed by the endpoint.

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interface transaction advice A notice to certain non-Visa card issuers of transactions captured by Visa
terminals at merchant locations. These notices are created by the terminal
provider and are transmitted through the BASE II System to non-Visa card issuers.

International Acquiring Fee An optional regional fee paid by the acquirer when a transaction occurs outside
(IAF) the issuer's country. It may be assessed for Sales Draft (TC 05) original and
representment, Cash Disbursement (TC 07) original and representment, TC 05 and
TC 07 reversals and their SMS Visa or Plus Network equivalent transactions.

International Airline Program A program that permits acquirers of merchants designated by Visa as
international airlines to deposit transactions outside the country where the
transactions occurred.

international airline transactions International Airline Program transactions in which the issuer and merchant are
not in the same country.

International Outgoing See International Acquiring Fees.

Interchange (IOI) fee

International Service The International Service Assessment (ISA) fee applies to international BASE II and
Assessment (ISA) SMS clearing transactions in which the issuer country is different from the
merchant country.

interregional transaction A transaction where the merchant and issuer are not in the same Visa region.

intraprocessor transaction A transaction where the acquirer and the issuer are two different clients but both
are serviced by the same processor.

intraregional transaction A transaction where the merchant and issuer are in the same Visa region but are
not in the same country.

IOI fee See International Acquiring Fees (IAF).

IRF See Interchange Reimbursement Fee (IRF).

ISA See International Service Assessment (ISA).

issuer A client financial institution that issues Visa cards. For a given transaction, the
institution that issued the card used for that transaction to the cardholder. The
issuer is responsible for maintaining the accounts of its cardholders, for providing
authorization decisions, for cardholder billing, and for settlement of transactions
its cardholders have with merchants and cash dispensing locations of other
clients. Each issuer operates or designates an issuer center to perform the
functions related to clearing and settlement of interchange transactions.

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issuer center A BASE II processing center acting in support of one or more issuers. The
processing center processes completed cardholder transactions (local and
interchange) for cardholder account posting and billing. For completed
interchange transactions, the center is also responsible for receiving and
processing incoming transactions for the cardholders of the issuer or issuers.

Issuers' Clearinghouse Service A service developed to curtail the fraudulent or excessive use of credit card
(ICS) applications and the fraudulent use of credit cards. Issuers may access or update
the ICS database through BASE II.

ITF See Interchange Transaction File (ITF).

Julian date A date expressed as the day's position in a year rather than in a particular month.
The format is YDDD or YYDDD.

local airline transaction International Airline Program transactions in which the issuer and merchant are in
the same country.

media request See Request for Copy transaction.

member settlement data An incoming transaction used to transmit settlement report data in machine-
transaction readable format.

merchant batch header record The header record in a data capture advice that carries merchant batch data.

merchant batch trailer record The trailer record in a data capture advice that carries merchant batch data.

Merchant Mailing File A file at the VIC containing the names, addresses, and other pertinent
information for merchants who receive the Card Recovery Bulletin.

Merchant Mailing File The BASE II transaction used by processing centers to update the Merchant
transaction Master File. It is transmitted from acquirer centers to a VIC.

Merchant Master File A computer record of information on all merchants serviced by a center. This file
is maintained at the processing center.

merchant processing center See acquirer center.

multicurrency clearing The clearing of transactions where clients enter financial transactions into BASE II
in the currency as signed by the cardholder, and receive cleared transactions
converted to the issuer's billing currency. This results in uniform conversion rates
for all issuers for the processing day.

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National Net interchange Transactions that are exchanged between processing centers whose issuers and
acquirers are located in the same country where settlement is accomplished
through a central agent bank for each country using the service. BASE II clears
the transactions and records transaction totals on National Net interchange

national settlement transaction A National Net transaction.

national transaction A transaction in which the merchant, issuer, and acquirer are all in the same

net settlement amount The currency amount representing the difference between a settlement entity's
outgoing and incoming interchange for a given day plus or minus fees and
charges. May be a debit or a credit.

nonfinancial transaction A nonmonetary transaction that supports the bankcard business, for example, a
request or confirmation of a photocopy, freeform message, BASE I Advice record,
Merchant Mailing File update, data capture advice, and Issuers' Clearinghouse
Service inquiry or response.

on-us transactions Drafts, vouchers, and other items where the client that signed the merchant also
signed the cardholder, or where the client that signed the merchant and the client
that issued the card have both designated the same processing center.

optional issuer fee An optional additional currency fee that is requested by the issuer and collected
as part of the billing amount, if desired by the issuer. This fee is not included in
the settlement amount. It may be a debit or a credit.

original transaction In the BASE II System, the first presentation of a purchase, credit, or cash advance
submitted into interchange.

original/photocopy See copy/original.

outgoing interchange All BASE II transactions transmitted from a client's processing center to a VIC.
Both acquirer and issuer centers send outgoing interchange.

Plus An automatic teller machine (ATM) network to which Visa clients have access.

Plus Identifier File A file containing Plus table update records that is created through incoming Edit
Package processing for all clients subscribing to the Plus ATM system. The Plus
Table contains numbers of Plus card issuers.

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post-edit program Software written and maintained by a processing center to restructure an

incoming Center Transaction File into a format acceptable for the local posting
and billing process and to apply client-unique edit criteria against the
transactions. This program is executed following the incoming Edit Package run.

pre-edit program Software written and maintained by a processing center to separate on-us items
from interchange items and to apply client-unique edit criteria against the
transactions. This program also formats outgoing interchange into the outgoing
Center Transaction File for processing by the Edit Package according to BASE II
specifications. This program is executed before the outgoing Edit Package run.

presentation See presentment.

presentment Paper (or a transaction) submitted for the first time by an acquirer to an issuer
and processed through VisaNet interchange.

processing center The entity, operated or designated by a clearing client of Visa, responsible for
processing of interchange transactions. It executes the Edit Package and the pre-
or post-edit programs, or both, and sends and receives interchange transactions
to and from a VIC. A single processing center may function as an acquirer center,
an issuer center, or both. It performs interchange transaction services for one
client or a multiple number of clients. Most BASE II processing centers are
operated by Visa clients; nonclient processing centers may be authorized to
process Visa transactions.

processing date See central processing date (CPD) or Edit Package processing date.

proof and capture The process of determining that each deposit or group of deposits balances, and
the process of recording standard information from each draft, voucher, and
transaction in a form acceptable for editing and processing.

PSIRF See Payment Service Interchange Reimbursement Fee (PSIRF).

RCRF See Regional Card Recovery File (RCRF).

Regional Card Recovery File A file of cardholder account records, created by Visa every week for international
(RCRF) users, that contains all BASE I Exception File pickup accounts coded for a given
CRB region, plus specified “Region 0” accounts listed by issuers in that CRB
region. Users receive an RCRF as part of the incoming BASE II interchange
transaction file.

reimbursement attribute A one-digit alphanumeric code designating reimbursement fees applicable to a

specific transaction.

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reimbursement fee Amount paid by one client to another (usually by the acquirer to the issuer), and
can vary according to market requirements.

rejected batch An interchange batch that is not accepted by the VIC due to an error in the audit
integrity of that batch.

rejected transaction An outgoing BASE II transaction record in which the Edit Package detected an
error that affects the financial integrity of the batch. The Edit Package excludes
such transactions from outgoing interchange, that is, the transaction is not
included in the outgoing Interchange Transaction File forwarded to a VIC. (The
batch is not rejected; all valid transactions in the batch are included in the
outgoing Interchange Transaction File.)
Unless the transaction is a batch or file trailer record, the run aborts.

re-presentation See representment.

representment Paper (or a transaction) submitted by an acquirer to an issuer a second time,

following receipt of a chargeback.

Request for Copy transaction A transaction generated when an issuer requests for a copy of the original
transaction, followed by a confirmation that records the sending of the copy. Also
known as a documentation or media request.

returned transaction A cardholder transaction record in which the VIC edit function detected an error
that does not violate the financial integrity of the batch. When such an error is
detected, the transaction is included in the outgoing batch interchange totals (in
a separate category), but it is not forwarded to the issuer center. The transaction
is placed in a new BASE II transaction, with a new transaction code, and returned
to the originating center with incoming interchange. (On the incoming reports for
an originating center, the transactions appear both in outgoing and in incoming

reversal A BASE II transaction used to negate or cancel a transaction that has been sent
through interchange in error.

settlement The actual transfer of funds from the issuing bank to the acquiring bank through
a wire transfer to a settlement account, and the total amount owed by one Visa
client to another. See also net settlement amount.

settlement currency The currency used by the BASE II System to calculate a settlement entity's daily
net settlement position.

Single Message System (SMS) See V.I.P. System.

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source currency The currency type associated with the amount of a transaction entered into

source Identifier The Identifier from which a BASE II transaction message is sent.

special airline fee A fee charged on transactions from International Airlines whenever the issuer,
acquirer, and transaction countries are not all the same. This fee is collected
instead of the IAF fee and is paid to the transaction region.

Stand-In Processor (STIP) For BASE I processing. The function operating at all VICs that provides
authorization decisions on behalf of BASE I card issuers. It acts for transactions in
amounts below the issuer limit, when the issuer center is unavailable, when a
request sent to the issuer center times out, or when a local switch requests STIP

For SMS processing. The function that makes authorization decisions for
authorization and financial requests on behalf of issuer centers. It acts only when
the issuer center is unavailable or when a request has timed out.

STIP See Stand-In Processor (STIP).

substitute draft or substitute A computer-generated version of a sales draft, including items such as account
transaction receipt number, merchant name and location, purchase date, transaction amount,
authorization code, and a description of the goods and services.

suspense A series of general ledger accounts containing drafts and vouchers and other
items that have been rejected by either the processing center's editing programs
or the Edit Package.

system log A VAP disk file that contains messages recording significant events related to
BASE II operations, including net settlement information and all operator actions
and their acknowledgments. (All valid dial terminal inquiries and responses and
the error messages generated by all VAP subsystems are also included.) When
BASE II transmission to or from the VIC completes, the log can be archived to the
center's host computer and center-designed reports may be generated.

TC 33 Extract File A file containing Routing table update records that is created through incoming
Edit Package processing for all clients subscribing to the Plus ATM system. The TC
33 Extract Table contains Plus card issuing Identifiers.

TCR See Transaction Component Record (TCR).

text message An unformatted message exchanged between processing centers, or sent by Visa,
through the BASE II System.

third-party processor See processing center.

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transaction BASE II transaction. The record or records that make up a single financial,
administrative, or text message, as required for transmission between a
processing center and a VIC. BASE II transactions are identified by transaction

Cardholder transaction. The use of a card by a customer (normally assumed to be

the cardholder) to purchase goods or services from a merchant or secure cash
from an ATM or financial institution.

transaction charges Charges paid by clients to Visa for processing services. Transaction charges vary
depending on transaction type and volume.

transaction code (TC) A two-digit code that identifies a specific type of BASE II transaction.

Transaction Component Record A fixed-length record used to contain a component portion of a BASE II
(TCR) transaction. A single BASE II transaction may consist of multiple TCRs.

transaction component A single digit placed in each TCR so multiple records (TCRs) can be combined into
sequence number a single BASE II transaction.

transaction currency The currency of the purchase, as agreed to by the cardholder and the merchant.

VAP See VisaNet Access Point (VAP).

VFG See Visa File Transfer (VFG).

VIC See VisaNet Interchange Center (VIC).

VIC processing date See central processing date (CPD).

VID Table File The permanent file for VID Table, which is used to control the accuracy of Edit
Package processing. The table contains all valid Acquiring/Issuing Identifiers and
their BASE II processing status codes.

V.I.P. System An electronic data transmission system for the real-time delivery and processing
of messages related to authorization of bank, T&E, private label, and proprietary
card and check acceptance transactions. It accepts authorization requests from
acquirer and merchant authorization centers and either provides authorization
decisions or secures authorization decisions from the issuer authorization centers.
The V.I.P. System is made up of the Single Message System (SMS) and BASE I

Visa Extended Access Server The Visa Extended Access Server is the next-generation gateway to Visa products
and services, replacing legacy VisaNet Access Points. The EA Server offers
improved security and a flexible platform for future updates.

15 April 2023 Visa Confidential 492

BASE II Clearing PC Edit Package for Windows – User Guide

Visa File Gateway (VFG) Visa File Gateway (VFG) is an interface type used to electronically transfer
interchange data and Edit Package maintenance files between your processing
center and Visa.

Visa Smart Debit/Visa Smart A payment service involving the use of chip cards and chip capable card
Credit (VSDC) acceptance devices providing a variety of features to support offline
authorization, protect against fraud, enhance cardholder verification, and provide
a platform for multifunction programs.

VisaNet Access Point (VAP) An IBM personal computer supplied by Visa, at which the VisaNet network is
accessed electronically by a processing center. A VAP is in direct communication
with a VIC. BASE II data are generally transmitted or received through a VAP.

VisaNet Copy Request and An automated service that facilitates the exchange of copy requests and their
Fulfillment Service (VCRFS) fulfillments through VisaNet.

VisaNet Interchange Center The computers and all associated peripheral devices and telecommunications
(VIC) support facilities needed for the V.I.P. System, the BASE II System, related systems
(such as CRB and CWB), and backup for these systems.

warehoused transactions Transactions received at the VIC after the settlement window closes. These
transactions are held over for next-day settlement at the new rates.

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