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Handout #23

Sections 9.1-9.2 (Final Exam)

Learning Objectives
• Explain first moment of an area and centroid.
• Determine the center of gravity of a 2D object or line
• Apply known centroids of common shapes to find the centroid of complex shapes.

Center of Gravity (CG)

• Point on a rigid body through which the resultant _______________ vector is located.
• For 2D objects, the CG needs to be located with respect to 2 axes.
• For 3D objects, the CG needs to be located with respect to 3 axes.
x W = x W =  x dW , y W = y W =  y dW , z W = z W =  z dW

• For objects with a uniform thickness, the same method can be applied to the area. The
center of an area is called the __________________.
• W = γtA, where γ is the specific weight measured in force/volume.
• Therefore, x W = xW =  x (  t ) dA = x (  tA )

Factoring out (γt) from both sides, we get xA =  xdA ,

which is called the __________ ___________ of _______ with

respect to the y-axis.
• Similarly, y A =  ydA is the _______ _________ of _______

with respect to the x-axis.

• For a homogeneous line with a uniform cross sectional area a
and length L,
xW = x aL =  x (  a ) dL . Factoring out γa gets x L =  xdL .

Similarly, y L =  ydL .

• Centroids are known for many common shapes, so complex shapes can often be treated
as a composite of common shapes.
• For composites, xA =  x i Ai , yA =  y i Ai .

Handout #23
Sections 9.1-9.2 (Final Exam)

Composite Examples:

Ex. #1 Locate the centroid of the plane area shown.

Handout #23
Sections 9.1-9.2 (Final Exam)

Ex. #2 Two L3x3x1/4” angles are welded to the C10x20

channel as shown. Find of the composite section.

Handout #23
Sections 9.1-9.2 (Final Exam)


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