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Medival medicine
 People trougnt it came from deamonds, being a bad person caused death and sickness.
 Agriculture and farming was the main industry.
 Primary sector, Second Sector, tertiary Sector, 4 sector
 Primary sector: people who do farming, fishing and agriculture also work with raw materials.
 Second sector: people who work in industries to transform of raw materials. (Factories, Manufacturies)
 Tertiary sector: commerces or business which provides a service.
 4 sector: any job or service related to technology.

 Medieval times: Primary Sector and a few of secondary sector.

 Food they ate was from the cne's they grew: based on what was available.
 Nearly no education.
 Lack of nutrition, education or sewage systems
 Breathing bacteria= viruses and infections
 Low life expectancy/ little scientific knowledge and religious texts.


 1200-1400
 Raw materials: come from nature
 Procurement: sourcing
 Commers: commercious
 Sewage system: water service and Higine.

History of medicine
 Very religious society
 Tithe- money given to the church each month.
 Malnutrition- illness caused by lack of food.
 Famine- food shortage
 Miracle
 Desease related to sin’s

 Leper colonies: the people were separated from others and malgenarise them from society.
 It leads to paralysis if not treated.
 Caused by mycobacterium laprae.
 Paralysis caused by bacteria and other things.
 What effects? Affects skin, nerves and mucosal surfaces also paralytic.

 Supernatural explanation for disease-study of the stars and explanation of disease.

Ancient Greeks
 The founding father of modern medicine.
 The 4 humours a further theory that sinks to give medical explanation to illness and disease.
 Balance of the body for medicine.
 Blood/phlegm/black blue/yellow bile

 Galen= first doctor of Roman Empire/ through his observation he wrote +350 books.
 Not being able to dissect because people believed there was a unity with physical body and the soul.
 Galen also developed the theory of opposites, he recognised that the balance on the body was very important.

 Sin: when you do something that you are not supposed to do.
 Leprosy: chronic infectious disease that rats and dirty places caused and caused the face skin and body skin to fall
 Barber surgeon: barbers who could provide small surgeries.
 Vivisection: what Galen used to cut people up. They were very bad people with no souls.
 Miasma: bad air that was believed to be filled with harmful fumes swamps, corpses and other reacting matter.
 Soul: fitted with church

The Black Death

 14th Century/1348-49
 Killed half of the European population
 Spread by rodents / bacteria carried in the digestive tract.
 Killed the victim in 3-5 days.
 Causes of Black Death: religious and supernatural- impure air – Jewish population.

 Bubonic plague: the real name of the Black Death
 Scourge:a person or thing that causes great suffering.
 Bubbes: swelling in parts of the body with glands.
 Glands: part of our lymphatic system (to keep us safe and healthy what kills the bacteria.
 Motivated: to encourage someone to do something.
 Exacerbated: making a bad situation worse.
 Underlying: rude cause of something.
 Triggered: problems that you cause.
 Catalyst: something causes a change.

 Started to see shift in mindset
 Also known as age on enlightment
 Development in basic ideas
 Discovery of the world around them
 Humanism/ art/ society/ music= this areas changed a lot
 Italy is the center of the “boom” in the renaissance
 Da Vinci was very important
 A lot of the thinking of the ancient Greeks was proved that it wasn’t true
 They still believed in miasma
 Leonardo da Vinci: Mona Lisa and the last supper
 Michelangelo: David (sculpture) and the Sistine chapel- Raphael (school of Athens)
 Humanism: literature and philosophy

Time period + geography

The renaissance occurred 14-17century. It began in Italy,particularly in cities like Florence, Venice and Rome. later spread
to Europe.
Definition +meaning
Renaissance means “rebirth” referring to the revival of interest in the classical art, literature and learning of Ancient Greece
and Rome.

 Humanism was a key intellectual movement of the renaissance that focused on the potential and the achievements
of humans.
 It emphasised the study of subjects such as literature, philosophy and history (the humanities) rather than just
religious topics.
 love of learning, a new interest in classical scholars and the belief that human beings could make up their own
minds when it came to discovering the truth.

Art+ artistic
 The renaissance is famous for its advancements, including the used of perspective to crate depth and scope

Science + innovation
 The renaissance was a time of great scientific discovery and innovation. Figures like galileo galilei and Nicholas
copernicle challenged traditional views of the universe leading to eventual scientific revolution.
 Inventions like the printing press by Johames Gutenberg around 1440 greatly increased the spread of knowledge.

Literature + philosophy
 Literature saw the creation of timeless works by authors like Dante Alighieri
(The Divine Comedy), Geoffrey Charcer (The Canterburg Tales), and william shakespeare (plays and sonnets).
 Philosophers like Niccolò Machiarelli (The Prince) and Erasmus (In praise of folly) explored new ideas about
politics, ethics and society.

 The renaissance was also a period of exploration, with explorers like Christopher Columbus, Vasco de Cama and
Ferdinand Magellan expanding European knowledge of the world.

Culture + social change

 There was shift towards more secular (non-religious) themes in art and literature.
 Renaissance saw the rise of wealthy merchant families, such as the Medici family in Florence, who became
patrons of the arts and supported artists and thinkers.

 Paracelsus: Swiss scientist and medical profesor.
4 humours rejected and disease seen as something separated from the body.
New chemical treatment being developed- alchemy
 Girolamo fracastoror: Italian physician
1546 on contagion- disease caused by spread of seeds in the air.
 William Harvey: English scientists
1628 new theory published which suggested that blood circulate around the body instead of being made in liver.

 Renaissance or rebirth- revival of interest in art and culture
 Philosophy: thinking about how we think
 Depth and scope- Sistine chapel

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