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Velocity Analysis

Instantaneous Center of Velocity

• A point, common to two bodies in a plane, which point has the same
instantaneous velocity in each body

• The number of instant centers C of n bodies in the plane is:

Kennedy’s Rule
• Any three bodies in the plane will have exactly three instant centers,
and they will lie on the same straight line.
Instantaneous Center of Velocity
Mechanical Advantage

Pout = Pin
 Tout  out = Tin  in
 Fout rout  out = Fin rin  in
Fout rin  in
 M . A. = =
Fin rout  out
F r
Mechanical advantage
M . A. = out = in in
Fin routout (Example)
Fs re 3
M . A. = =
Fe rs 4 P14 1
V3, 4 = 3 R p1, 3 p3, 4 = 4 R p1, 4 p3, 4
3 R p rs P12
 = 1, 4 p 3 , 4
4 R p 1, 3 p 3 , 4
P34 2
re R p1, 4 p3, 4
 M . A. = P13
rs R p1, 3 p3, 4 4

re Fe
• 𝐼15 ICR 𝜔 5 = 𝜔2
𝐼12 𝐼25
𝐼15 𝐼25
𝐼12 𝐼25
𝑉𝐷 = 𝜔5 𝐼15 𝐷 = 𝜔2 𝐼15 𝐷
𝐼15 𝐼25

𝐼34 1
𝐼12 𝐼35 6

5 3
𝐼14 ∞

𝐼16 ∞

IC in case of Slipping between Two Links

The slip velocity must be along the common tangent to the two moving
links at the point of contact.

• slide is to move in continuous contact with a surface, while slip is to lose

the traction on a slippery surface; to slide due to a lack of friction.

• Traction: the friction of a body on some surface

IC in case of Rolling without Slipping between
Two Links
• Let us look at the four-bar mechanism, If we neglect the weight of
links 2, 3, and 4, what reading would you expect the scale to display
as a result of the block weighing 10 lbf on link 2 of the mechanism?
Pout = Pin
 Tout  out = Tin  in
 Fout rout  out = Fin rin  in
Fout r 
 M . A. = = in in
Fin rout  out

V2, 4 = 2 R p1, 2 p2 , 4 = 4 R p1, 4 p2 , 4

2 R p
 = 1 , 4 p2 , 4

4 R p 1 , 2 p2 , 4
For the mechanism shown, find the velocity of the slider, the
angular velocity of link 4, and the velocities of points A and B.

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