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Unit 1 Cambodian Geography
1. Officially/əˈfɪʃ. ə l.i/ (adv): formally and in a way agreed to positions of authority
2. Empire /ˈem.paɪə r/ (n): a group of countries ruled by a single government
3. Locate /lə ʊ ˈkeɪt/ (v): to be in a particular place
4. Southern /ˈsʌð.ən/ (adj): in or from the south part of an area
5. Portion /ˈpɔː.ʃ ə n/ (n): a part or share of something larger
6. Peninsula /pəˈnɪn t .sjʊ.lə/(n): a long piece of land which sticks out from a larger area of
land into the sea or into a lake
7. Lie /laɪ/ (v): to be in or move into a horizontal position on a surface
8. Entirely /ɪnˈtaɪə.li/ (adv): completely
9. The tropics /ˈtrɒp.ɪk/ (n): the hottest area of the Earth, between the Tropic of
10. Latitude /ˈlæt.ɪ.tjuːd/ (n): the position north or south of the equator measured from
0° to 90°
11. Longitude /ˈlɒn.dʒɪ.tjuːd/ (n): the distance of a place east or west of an imaginary line
from the top to the bottom of the Earth, measured in degrees
12. Northeast /ˌnɔːθˈiːst/ (n): the direction which is between north and east
13. Southwest /ˌsaʊθˈwest/ (n): the direction which is between south and west
14. Landscape /ˈlænd.skeɪp/ (n): a large area of countryside, especially in relation to its
15. Characterize /ˈkær.ɪk.tə.raɪz/ (v): to describe something by stating its main qualities
16. Low-lying /ˌləʊˈlaɪ.ɪŋ/ (adj): describes land that is at or near the level of the sea
17. Central /ˈsen.trəl/ (adj): in, near the centre or most important part of sth
18. Surround /səˈraʊnd/ (v): to be everywhere around something
19. Upland /ˈʌp.lənd/ (n): high areas of land
20. Include /ɪnˈkluːd/ (v): to contain something as a part of something else, or to
make something part of something else
21. Reach /riːtʃ/ (v): to arrive at a place, especially after spending a long time or
a lot of effort travelling
22. Outward /ˈaʊt.wəd/ (adj): relating to how people, situations or things seem to be,
rather than how they are inside
23. Transitional /trænˈzɪʃ. ə n.əl/ (adj): belonging or relating to a change, or the process of
change, from one form or type to another
24. Plain /pleɪn/ (adj): not decorated in any way; with nothing added
25. Forest /ˈfɒr.ɪst/ (n): a large area of land covered with trees and plants, usually
larger than a wood, or the trees and plants themselves
26. Elevation /ˌel.ɪˈveɪ.ʃ ə n/ (n): the height of a place above the level of the sea
27. Abut /əˈbʌt/ (v): If a building or area of land abuts on something, it is next to
it or touches it on one side
28. Sandstone /ˈsæn d .stəʊn/(n): a type of rock formed from sand
29. Escarpment /ɪˈskɑːp.mənt/(n): a steep slope or cliff, such as one which marks the edge of
a range of hills
30. Southward /ˈsaʊθ.wəd/ (adj): towards the south
31. Cliff /klɪf/ (n): a high area of rock with a very steep side, often on a coast
32. Stretch /stretʃ/ (v): to spread over a large area or distance
33. Abruptly /əˈbrʌp t .li/ (adv): suddenly and unexpectedly
34. Height /haɪt/ (n): the distance from the top to the bottom of something, or
the quality of being tall
35. Southern /ˈsʌð.ən/ (adj): in or from the south part of an area
36. Population /ˌpɒp.jʊˈleɪ.ʃ ə n/ (n): all the people living in a particular country, area or place
37. Populous /ˈpɒp.jʊ.ləs/ (adj): A populous country, area or place has a lot of people
living in it
38. Official /əˈfɪʃ. ə l/ (adj): relating to a position of responsibility
39. Religion /rɪˈlɪdʒ. ə n/ (n): the belief in and worship of a god or gods, or any such
system of belief and worship
40. Approximately /əˈprɒk.sɪ.mə (adv): close to a particular number or time although not
exactly that number or time
41. Minority /maɪˈnɒr.ɪ.ti/ (n): any small group in society that is different from the rest
because of their race, religion or political beliefs, or a person
who belongs to such a group
42. Tribe /traɪb/ (n): a group of people, often of related families, who live
together, sharing the same language, culture and history,
especially those who do not live in towns or cities
43. Political /pəˈlɪt.ɪ.k ə l/ (adj): relating to politics
44. Economic /iː.kəˈnɒm.ɪk/ (n): relating to trade, industry and money
45. Cultural /ˈkʌl.tʃ ə r. ə l/ (adj): relating to the habits, traditions and beliefs of a society
46. Constitutional /ˌkɒn t .stɪˈtjuː.ʃ ə n. ə l/ (n): allowed by or contained in a constitution
47. Monarchy /ˈmɒn.ə.ki/ (n): a country which has a king or queen
48. Monarch /ˈmɒn.ək/ (n): a king or queen

Unit 2 Cambodian Provinces

1. Divide /dɪˈvaɪd/ (v): to (cause to) separate into parts or groups
2. Special /ˈspeʃ. ə l/ (adj): not ordinary or usual
3. Administrative /ədˈmɪn.ɪ.strə.tɪv/ (adj): relating to the arrangements and work which is
needed to control the operation of a plan or organization
4. Administer /ədˈmɪn.ɪ.stə r / (v): to control the operation or arrangement of sth; or govern
5. Respective /rɪˈspek.tɪv/ (adj): relating or belonging to each of the separate people or
things you have just mentioned
6. Capital /ˈkæp.ɪ.t ə l/ (n): a city which is the centre of government of a country or
smaller political area
7. Density /ˈden t .sɪ.ti/ (n): the number of people or things in a place when compared
with the size of the place
8. Census /ˈsen t .səs/ (n): a count for official purposes, especially one to count the
number of people living in a country and to collect information
9. Organize /ˈɔː.g ə n.aɪz/ (v): to do or arrange sth according to a particular system
10. Municipality /mjuːˌnɪs.ɪˈpæl.ə.ti/ (n): a city or town with its own local government, or the
local government itself
11. Further /ˈfɜː.ðə r / (adv): to a greater distance or degree; at a more advanced level
12. Subdivision /ˈsʌb.dɪˌvɪʒ. ə n/ (n): any of the parts into which something is divided, or the
act of creating these
13. Quarter /ˈkwɔː.tə r / (n): an area of a town where a particular group of people live or
work or where a particular activity happens
14. Decree /dɪˈgriː/ (n): amount or level of something
15. Provincial /prəˈvɪn. t ʃ ə l/ (adj): relating to an area which is governed as part of a country
or an empire
16. Adjust /əˈdʒʌst/ (v): to change something slightly, especially to make it more
correct, effective, or suitable
17. Sign /saɪn/ (v): to write your name, usually on a written or printed
document, to show that you agree with its contents or have
written or created it yourself
18. Split /splɪt/ (v): divide into two or more parts, especially along a particular

Unit 3 Phnom Penh

1. Abbreviation /əˌbriː.viˈeɪ.ʃ ə n/ (n): a short form of a word or phrase
2. Loosely /ˈluː.sli/ (adv): in a way that is not firmly fixed
3. Happiness /ˈhæp.ɪ.nəs/ (n): the feeling of being happy
4. Impregnable /ɪmˈpreg.nə.bl / (adj): powerful and impossible to beat, especially in sport
5. Situate /ˈsɪt.ju.eɪt/ (v): to put in a particular position
6. Division /dɪˈvɪʒ. ə n/ (n): when something is separated into parts or groups, or the
way that it is separated
7. Inhabit /ɪnˈhæb.ɪt/ (v): to live in a place
8. Represent /ˌrep.rɪˈzent/ (v): to speak, act or be present officially for another person or
9. Account /əˈkaʊnt/ (v): to think of someone or something in the stated way; judge
10. Portion /ˈpɔː.ʃ ə n/ (n): a part or share of something larger
11. Economy /ɪˈkɒn.ə.mi/ (n): the system of trade and industry by which the wealth of a
country is made and used
12. Industrial /ɪnˈdʌs.tri.əl/ (adj): in or related to industry, or having a lot of industry and
factories, etc
13. Security /sɪˈkjʊə.rɪ.ti/ (n): protection of a person, building, organization or country
against threats such as crime or attacks by foreign countries
14. Heritage /ˈher.ɪ.tɪdʒ/ (n): features belonging to the culture of a particular society,
such as traditions, languages or buildings, which still exist from
the past and which have a historical importance
15. Diplomacy /dɪˈpləʊ.mə.si/ (n): the management of relationships between countries
16. Rate /reɪt/ (n): the speed at which something happens or changes, or the
amount or number of times it happens or changes in a
particular period
17. Trigger /ˈtrɪg.ə r / (v): a part of a gun which causes the gun to fire when pressed
18. Boom /buːm/ (v): a period of sudden economic growth, especially one that
results in a lot of money being made
19. Residential /ˌrez.ɪˈden. t ʃ ə l/ (adj): A residential road, area, etc. has only private houses,
not offices and factories.

Unit 4 Kandal Province

Peanuts (n) Pepper (n) Sesames (n)

1. Border /bɔː.də r / (v): to be next to and have a border with another country
2. Share /ʃeə r / (v): to have or use something at the same time as someone else
3. International /ˌɪn.təˈnæʃ. ə n. ə l/ (adj): involving more than one countries
4. Cover /ˈkʌv.ə r / (v): to put or spread something over something, or to lie on the
surface of something
5. Subdivide /ˌsʌb.dɪˈvaɪd/ (v): to divide something into smaller parts
6. Further /ˈfɜː.ðə r / (adv): to a greater distance or degree; at a more advanced level
7. Consist /kənˈsɪst/ (v): to have something as a main and necessary part or quality
8. Area /ˈeə.ri.ə/ (n): a particular part of a place, piece of land or country
9. Agricultural /ˌæg.rɪˈkʌl.tʃ ə r. ə l/ (adj): used for farming or relating to farming
10. Plantation /plænˈteɪ.ʃ ə n/ (n): a large farm, especially in a hot part of the world, on which
a particular type of crop is grown
11. Average /ˈæv. ə r.ɪdʒ/ (n): the result you get by adding two or more amounts together
and dividing the total by the number of amounts
12. Altitude /ˈæl.tɪ.tjuːd/ (n): height above sea level
13. Feature /ˈfiː.tʃə r / (v): to include someone or something as an important part
14. Serve /sɜːv/ (v): to provide with something that is needed
15. Belt /belt/ (n): a strip of leather or material
16. Industry /ˈɪn.də.stri/ (n): the companies and activities involved in the process of
producing goods for sale, especially in a factory or special area
17. Include /ɪnˈkluːd/ (v): to contain something as a part of something else, or to
make something part of something else
18. Addition /əˈdɪʃ. ə n/ (n): the process of adding numbers or amounts together
19. Support /səˈpɔːt/ (v): to agree with and give encouragement to someone or
something because you want them to succeed
20. Thrive /θraɪv/ (v): to grow, develop or be successful
21. Cottage /ˈkɒt.ɪdʒ/ (n): a small house, usually in the countryside
22. Specialize /ˈspeʃ. ə l.aɪz/ (v): to spend most of your time studying one particular subject
or doing one type of business
23. Handicraft /ˈhæn.dɪ.krɑːfts/ (n): a skilled activity in which something is made in a
traditional way with the hands rather than being produced by
machines in a factory
24. Garment /ˈgɑː.mənt/ (n): a piece of clothing
25. Hire /haɪə r / (v): to pay to use something for a short period

Unit 5 Takeo Province

1. Crystal /ˈkrɪs.t ə l/ (adj): transparent glass of very high quality, usually with its
surface cut into delicate patterns
2. Seem /siːm/ (v): to give the effect of being; to be judged to be
3. Everywhere /ˈev.ri.weə r / (adv): to, at or in all places or the whole of a place
4. Surround /səˈraʊnd/ (v): to be everywhere around something
5. Countryside /ˈkʌn.tri/ (n): an area of land that has its own government, army, etc.
6. Season /ˈsiː.z ə n/ (n): one of the four periods of the year; spring, summer,
autumn or winter
7. Therefore /ˈðeə.fɔː r / (adv): for that reason
8. Field /fiːld/ (n): an area of land, used for growing crops or keeping animals,
usually surrounded by a fence
9. Subdivide /ˌsʌb.dɪˈvaɪd/ (v): to divide something into smaller parts
10. Recently /ˈriː.s ə (adv): not long ago, or at a time that started not long ago
11. Formerly /ˈfɔː.mə.li/ (adv): in the past
12. Basically /ˈbeɪ.sɪ.kli/ (adv): used when referring to the main or most important
characteristic or feature of something
13. Fishery /ˈfɪʃ. ə r.i/ (n): an area of water where fish are caught so they can be sold
14. Crop /krɒp/ (n): a plant such as a grain, fruit or vegetable grown in large
15. Rural /ˈrʊə.rəl/ (adj): in, of or like the countryside
16. Household /ˈhaʊs.həʊld/ (n): a group of people, often a family, who live together
17. Depend /dɪˈpend/ (v): to be decided by or to change according to the stated thing
18. Agriculture /ˈæg.rɪ.kʌl.tʃə r / (n): farming
19. Relate /rɪˈleɪt/ (v): to find or show the connection between two or more things

Unit 6 Prey Veng Province

Cassava (n) Cashews (n) Tobacco (n)

1. Grand /grænd/ (adj): important and large in degree
2. Densely /ˈden t .sli/ (n): with a lot of things close together
3. Populate /ˈpɒp.jʊ.leɪt/ (v): to live in an area or place
4. Literally /ˈlɪt. ə r. ə l.i/
(adv): used to emphasize what you are saying
5. Gradually /ˈgræd.jʊ.li/ (adv): slowly over a period of time or a distance
6. Disappear /ˌdɪs.əˈpɪə r / (v): If people or things disappear, they go somewhere where
they cannot be seen or found
7. Cross /krɒs/ (v): to go across from one side of something to the other
8. Major /ˈmeɪ.dʒə r / (adj): more important, bigger or more serious than others of
the same type
9. Namely /ˈneɪ (adv): used when you want to give more detail or be more exact
about something you have just said
10. Contain /kənˈteɪn/ (v): to have something inside or include something as a part
11. Organize /ˈɔː.g ə n.aɪz/ (v): to make arrangements for something to happen
12. Devote /dɪˈvəʊt/ (v): to give all of something, especially your time, effort or love,
or yourself, to something you believe in or to a person
13. Contribute /kənˈtrɪb.juːt/ (v): to give something, especially money, in order to provide or
achieve something together with other people
14. Emerge /ɪˈmɜːdʒ/ (v): to appear by coming out of something or out from behind
15. Surplus /ˈsɜː.pləs/ (n): (an amount which is) more than is needed
16. Abandon /əˈbæn.dən/ (v): to leave a place, thing or person forever
17. Bloody /ˈblʌd.i/ (v): to make something bloody
18. Decade /ˈdek.eɪd/ (n): a period of ten years
19. Despite /dɪˈspaɪt/ (prep): without taking any notice of or being influenced by; not
prevented by
20. However /ˌhaʊˈev.ə r / (adv): despite whatever amount or degree
21. Wealthy /ˈwel.θi/ (adj): rich
22. Migration /maɪˈgreɪ.ʃ ə n/ (n): when someone comes to live in a different place
23. Indicate /ˈɪn.dɪ.keɪt/ (v): to show, point or make clear in another way
24. Homeland /ˈhəʊm.lænd/ (n): the country you were born in
25. Subsistence /səbˈsɪs.t ə n t s/ (n): the state of having what you need in order to stay alive,
but no more

Unit 7 Svay Rieng Province

1. Align /əˈlaɪn/ (v): to put two or more things into a straight line
2. National /ˈnæʃ. ə n. ə l/ (adj): relating to or typical of a whole country and its people,
rather than to part of that country or to other countries
3. Highway /ˈhaɪ.weɪ/ (n): a public road, especially an important road that joins cities
or towns together
4. Checkpoint /ˈtʃek.pɔɪnt/ (n): a place where people are stopped and asked questions and
vehicles are examined, especially at a border between two
5. Sleep /sliːp/ (v): the resting state in which the body is not active and the
mind is unconscious
6. Happen /ˈhæp. ə n/ (v): to have existence or come into existence
7. Straight /streɪt/ (adj): continuing in one direction without bending or curving
8. Link /lɪŋk/ (v): a connection between two people, things or ideas
9. Ferry /ˈfer.i/ (n): a boat or ship for taking passengers and often vehicles
across an area of water, especially as a regular service
10. Quality /ˈkwɒl.ɪ.ti/ (n): how good or bad something is
11. Basically /ˈbeɪ.sɪ.kli/ (adv): used when referring to the main or most important
characteristic or feature of something
12. Location /lə ʊ ˈkeɪ.ʃ ə n/ (n): a place or position
13. Trade /treɪd/ (v): to buy and sell goods or services, especially between
14. Evolve /ɪˈvɒlv/ (v): to develop gradually, or to cause something or someone to
develop gradually
15. Recent /ˈriː.s ə nt/ (adj): happening or starting from a short time ago
16. Especially /ɪˈspeʃ. ə l.i/ (adv): very much; particularly; for a particular reason
17. Plenty /ˈplen.ti/ (adv): enough or more than enough, or a large amount
18. Readily /ˈred.ɪ.li/ (adv): quickly, immediately, willingly or without any problems

Unit 8 Tboung Khmum Province

1. Diamond /ˈdaɪə.mənd/ (n): an extremely hard valuable stone which is used in
jewellery, and in industry for cutting hard things
2. Central /ˈsen.trəl/ (adj): in, at, from or near the centre or most important part of
3. Lowland /ˈləʊ.lənd/ (n): flat land that is at the same level as the sea
4. Large /lɑːdʒ/ (adj): big in size or amount
5. Amber /ˈæm.bə r / (n): a hard transparent yellowish-brown substance which was
formed in ancient times from the liquid of trees and is used in
6. Margin /ˈmɑː.dʒɪn/ (n): the amount by which one thing is different from another
7. Slightly /ˈslaɪ (adv): a little
8. Ratio /ˈreɪ.ʃi.əʊ/ (n): the relationship between two groups or amounts, which
expresses how much bigger one is than the other
9. Rural /ˈrʊə.rəl/ (adj): in, of or like the countryside
10. Significantly /sɪgˈnɪf.ɪ.kə (adv): in a way that is easy to see or by a large amount
11. Form /fɔːm/ (v): to begin to exist or to make something begin to exist
12. Recommendation /ˌrek.ə.menˈdeɪ.ʃ ə n/ (n): a suggestion that something is good or
suitable for a particular purpose or job

Unit 9 Kampong Cham Province

Rambutans (n) Lychees (n) Durians (n)


Soya-Beans (n) Cashews (n) Rubber Plantations (n)

1. Lowland /ˈləʊ.lənd/ (n): flat land that is at the same level as the sea
2. Port /pɔːt/ (n): a town by the sea or by a river which has a harbour, or the
harbour itself
3. Harbor /ˈhɑː.bə r / (n): an area of water next to the coast, often protected from the
sea by a thick wall, where ships and boats can shelter
4. Refer /rɪˈfɜː r / (v): to talk or write about someone or something, especially in
only a few words
5. Ethnic /ˈeθ.nɪk/ (adj): of a national or racial group of people
6. Primarily /praɪˈmer.ɪ.li/ (adv): mainly
7. Separate /ˈsep. ə r.eɪt/ (v): to (cause to) divide into parts
8. Fertile /ˈfɜː.taɪl/ (adj): describes land that can produce a large number of good
quality crops
9. Soil /sɔɪl/ (n): the material on the surface of the ground in which plants
10. Export /ɪkˈspɔːt/ (v): to put something from one country into use in other
11. Generally /ˈdʒen. ə r. ə l.i/ (adv): usually, or in most situations
12. Product /ˈprɒd.ʌkt/ (n): something that is made to be sold
13. Array /əˈreɪ/ (n): a large group of things or people, especially one which is
attractive or causes admiration and often one which has been
positioned in a particular way
14. Orchard /ˈɔː.tʃəd/ (n): an area of land where fruit trees are grown

Unit 10 Kratie Province

1. Powder /ˈpaʊ.də r / (n): a soft dry substance which is spread over the skin of the
face, in order to stop the skin from looking oily
2. Cosmetic /kɒzˈmet.ɪk/ (n): substances that you put on your face or body which are
intended to improve its appearance
3. Categorize /ˈkæt .ə.gə.raɪz/(v): to put people or things into groups with the same features
4. Several /ˈsev. ə r. ə l/ (adj): some; an amount that is not exact but is fewer than many
5. Agricultural /ˌæg.rɪˈkʌl.tʃ ə r. ə l/ (adj): used for farming or relating to farming
6. Mighty /ˈmaɪ.ti/ (adj): very large, powerful or important
7. Emboss /ɪmˈbɒs/ (v): to decorate an object, especially with letters, using special
tools which make a raised mark on its surface
8. Mainly /ˈmeɪ (adv): usually or to a large degree
9. Crater /ˈkreɪ.tə r / (v): the round hole at the top of a volcano, or a hole similar to
10. Fill /fɪl/ (v): to make or become full; to use empty space
11. Critically /ˈkrɪt.ɪ.kli/ (adv): saying that someone or something is bad or wrong
12. Endanger /ɪnˈdeɪn.dʒə r / (n): to put someone or something at risk or in danger of being
harmed, damaged or destroyed
13. Remain /rɪˈmeɪn/ (v): to stay in the same place or in the same condition
14. Surely /ˈʃɔː.li/ (adv): used to express that you are certain or almost certain
about something
15. Attraction /əˈtræk.ʃ ə n/ (n): something which makes people want to go to a place or do
a particular thing
16. Investment /ɪnˈves t .mənt/ (n): the act of putting money, effort, time, etc. into something
to make a profit or get an advantage, or the money, effort, time,
etc. used to do this
17. Invest /ɪnˈvest/ (v): to put money, effort, time etc. into something to make a
profit or get an advantage
18. Generous /ˈdʒen. ə r.əs/ (adj): willing to give money, help, kindness, etc., especially
more than is usual or expected
19. Concession /kənˈseʃ. ə n/ (n): something which is allowed or given up, often in order to
end a disagreement, or the act of allowing or giving this
20. Abundance /əˈbʌn.d ə n t s/ (n): when there is more than enough of something
21. Resource /rɪˈzɔːs/ (n): a useful or valuable possession or quality of a country,
organization or person
22. Ideal /aɪˈdɪəl/ (adj): without fault; perfect, or the best possible
23. Condition /kənˈdɪʃ. ə n/ (n): the particular state that something or someone is in

Unit 11 Mondulkiri Province

1. Southeastern /ˌsaʊθˈiː.st ə n/ (adj): in or from the southeast
2. Connect /kəˈnekt/ (v): to join or be joined with something else
3. Development /dɪˈvel.əp.mənt/ (n): when someone or something grows or changes and
becomes more advanced
4. Impact /ˈɪm.pækt/ (n): the force or action of one object hitting another
5. Seriously /ˈsɪə.ri.ə.sli/ (n): badly or severely
6. Indigenous /ɪnˈdɪdʒ.ɪ.nəs/ (adj): naturally existing in a place or country rather than
arriving from another place
7. Community /kəˈmjuː.nə.ti/(n): the people living in one particular area or people who are
considered as a unit because of their common interests, social
group or nationality
8. Tribal /ˈtraɪ.b ə l/ (adj): relating to a tribe
9. Majority /məˈdʒɒr.ə.ti/ (n): the larger number or part of something
10. Plant /plɑːnt/ (v): to put something firmly and strongly in a particular place
11. Variety /vəˈraɪə.ti/ (n): the characteristic of often changing and being different
12. Traditional /trəˈdɪʃ. ə n. ə l/ (adj): following or belonging to the customs or ways of
behaving that have continued in a group of people or society for
a long time without changing
13. Hunt /hʌnt/ (v): to chase and try to catch and kill an animal or bird for food
14. Must /mʌst/ (n): something which is necessary
15. Believe /bɪˈliːv/ (v): to think that something is true, correct or real
16. Belief /bɪˈliːf/ (n): the feeling of being certain that something exists or is true
17. Derive /dɪˈraɪv/ (v): to get something from something else
18. Common /ˈkɒm.ən/ (adj): the same in a lot of places or for a lot of people
19. Production /prəˈdʌk.ʃ ə n/(n): the process of making or growing goods to be sold
20. Handmade /ˌhændˈmeɪd/ (n): made using the hands rather than a machine
21. Bracelet /ˈbreɪ.slət/ (n): a piece of jewellery which is worn around the wrist or arm

Unit 12 Ratanakiri Province

gemstone (n) gem (n) gold (n)

granite (n) onyx (n) Scenery (n)

1. Mountainous /ˈmaʊn.tɪ.nəs/ (adj): having a lot of mountains

2. Frontier /frʌnˈtɪə r / (n): a border between two countries, or (especially in the past
in the United States) a border between land used to grow crops
where people live and wild land
3. Remote /rɪˈməʊt/ (adj): far away in distance, time or relation
4. Respectively /rɪˈspek.tɪvli/(adj): relating or belonging to each of the separate people or
things you have just mentioned
5. Extend /ɪkˈstend/ (v): reach, stretch or continue; to add to something in order to
make it bigger or longer
6. Hilly /ˈhɪl.i/ (adj): having a lot of hills
7. Plateau /ˈplæt.əʊ/ (n): a large flat area of land that is high above sea level
8. Deciduous /dɪˈsɪd.ju.əs/ (adj): specialized
9. Resident /ˈrez.ɪ.d ə nt/ (n): a person who lives or has their home in a place
10. Slash /slæʃ/ (v): to cut with a sharp blade using a quick strong swinging
11. Shift /ʃɪft/ (v): move or change from one position, especially slightly
12. Trend /trend/ (n): a general development or change in a situation or in the
way that people are behaving
13. Accelerate /əkˈsel.ə.reɪt/ (v): When a vehicle or its driver accelerates, the speed of the
vehicle increases
14. Traditionally /trəˈdɪʃ. ə n. ə l.i/ (adv): according to tradition; in a traditional way
15. Barter /ˈbɑː.tə r / (v): to exchange goods for other things rather than for money
16. Widespread /ˌwaɪdˈspred/ (adj): existing or happening in many places and/or among
many people
17. Reconstruction /ˌriː.k ə nˈstrʌk.ʃ ə n/ (n): the process of building or creating something
again that has been damaged or destroyed
18. Anyhow /ˈen.i.haʊ/ (adv): without care or interest; in an untidy way
19. Adequate /ˈæd.ə.kwət/ (adj): enough or satisfactory for a particular purpose
20. Mineral /ˈmɪn. ə r. ə l/ (adj): a valuable or useful chemical substance which is formed
naturally in the ground
21. Scenery /ˈsiː.n ə r.i/ (n): the general appearance of the natural environment,
especially when it is beautiful
22. Perennial /pəˈren.i.əl/ (adj): lasting a very long time, or happening repeatedly or all
the time


To Be
Level 5

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