grammar practice g3 3

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Change the present tense verb to simple past tense:

A young man aged 13 (robs) ________the Simpson Bank in Motown yesterday night. He (uses)
________his toy gun and (travels) by his father's red BMW. He (carries)________ the money in
his sister's school bag. The young man (hurries) __________to his grandma's garden to hide
the money there. When he (enters) __________the garden, he could see a policeman. The
policeman (starts) _________to chase him. The young man ________(drops) the bag with the
money. - Suddenly, he could hear his telephone. "Bob, (are) ___________you still asleep?"
"Oh, mum. I (have) ________a terrible dream!"
Change the present tense verb to future tense:
You (run) ___________across the road, but a car (comes) ____________by and nearly (knocks)
___________you down. You (race)___________ to the corner of the street, then (leap)
__________over a small, green hedge. You (see) ________your friend, Billy. He
(darts)_________ towards you, then you both (run) ___________towards me. I (join)
_________in, and I (tear) ____________along the road next to you. All three of us
(reach)____________ Billy’s house and (speed) ____________up the path to his front door.
We (arrive) ___________at the door, then (ring) ____________the doorbell. Billy’s mum
(answers)____________, then (lets) ____________us in for a drink of orange squash.

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