2023S1_EEN-203_LabSheet (1)

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Laboratory Document


EEN-203 Electric Circuits Laboratory

Provided by Assistant Professor Dr.Atit

1. รูป
รูปจะต้องเห็นชัด และมีค ำบรรยำยใต้รูปเสมอ ให้ผู้อ่ำนรู้ว่ำรูปนี้คือ
รูปอะไร สำมำรถดูรำยละเอียดใน รุปได้ เพรำะรูปคือหลักฐำนของกำร
ทดลอง ถ้ำไม่สำมำรถอ่ำนค่ำที่วัดได้จำกรูปได้ ก็ไม่สำมำรถตรวจสอบกำร
ทดลองในภำยหลังได้ แบบนี้มีรูปหรือไม่มีรูปก็ไม่ต่ำงกัน
- ใส่รูปไว้ในรำยงำนโดยไม่อธิบำยอะไรเลย
- ใส่รูปที่มองไม่เห็นตัวเลขบน oscilloscope หรือมิเตอร์ ไม่รู้ว่ำใส่มำท

2. กำรบันทึกผลกำรทดลอง
ให้ค ำนึงถึงเลขนัยส ำคัญของเครื่องมือวัดด้วย เช่น ใช้ไม้บรรทัด
วัดควำมยำว แต่ใส่ค่ำที่วัดได้เป็น ทศนิยม 3 ต ำแหน่ง ซึ่งไม้บรรทัดมี
ควำมละเอียดแค่ 1 ต ำแหน่งเท่ำนั้น แบบนี้ไม่เหมำะสม เป็นต้น

3. กำรอธิบำยผลกำรทดลอง
ต้องอธิบำยว่ำผลกำรทดลองที่ได้จะตีควำมว่ำอย่ำงไรได้บ้ำง ไม่ใช่
ใส่แค่ผลกำรทดลองแล้วคิดว่ำเดี๋ยว ผู้อ่ำนจะเข้ำใจเอง แบบนี้เป็นกำรบัน
ทึกผลที่แย่ คนอ่ำนก็ไม่เข้ำใจประเด็น หรือเหตุผลของกำรวัดค่ำ ข้อผิด
- วัดค่ำตำมค ำสั่งของเอกสำรประกอบกำรทดลอง แล้วไม่อธิบำยอะไร

4. กำรสรุป หรืออภิปรำยผลกำรทดลอง
ผลกำรทดลองที่ได้มำเมื่ออธิบำยแล้วต้องน ำมำตีควำมสรุปผล
และน ำมำเปรียบเทียบกับค่ำที่ควรจะ เป็นในทำงทฤษฎี จะต้องบอ
โดย อธิบำยอย่ำงมีหลักกำรสมกับกำรเป็นวิศวกร กำรเขียนว่ำผิดพลำดเพ
รำะผู้ท ำกำรทดลองขำดทักษะ หรืออะไร ก็ตำมที่อ้ำงอิงตำมหลักทฤษฎีไม่
ได้ ไม่สำมำรถแสดงควำมรู้ได้ แบบนี้ก็ไม่ต่ำงอะไรกับไม่ได้เรียนทฤษฎี
และถ้ำ หำกสำเหตุเกิดจำกผู้ทดลองขำดทักษะจริงๆ ก็สมควรวัดใหม่จน
กว่ำจะมีทักษะเพียงพอที่จะได้ค่ำที่ สมเหตุสมผล ซึ่งในควำมเป็นจริงกำรที่


SEMESTER : 1/2566
COURSE : EEN-203 Electric Circuits Laboratory
EXPERIMENT 1 : Series and Parallel connection, Measurement of
Voltage & Current

1. Objectives

1.1 To understand how to use multi-meter for voltage and current

measurement 1.2 To understand equivalent resistor value when
they are connected in series or parallel form

2. Group Members

2.1 Name_____________________________________ID_______________________

2.2 Name_____________________________________ID_______________________ 2.3

Name_____________________________________ID_______________________ 3.

Basic Information

3.1 Multimeter
Multimeter is important equipment for measuring circuit
parameters. Basically, a multimeter can measure the following
parameters; DC Voltage (V), DC Current (A), AC Voltage (V), AC Current
(A), and Resistance (Ohm).
Fig.1 Circuit diagram of general multimeter

There are both analog multimeter and digital multimeter. Most of
digital multimeter (DMM) has function of measuring capacitance also.
Fig.1 shows a circuit diagram of general multimeter [1]. According to
the figure, “Common” jack is normally ground node or reference
terminal of the measured device. The jacks for current measurement
and voltage measurement are different.

(1) Voltage measurement

For ideal volt meter, the impedance of the meter must be as large as
possible to prevent current loss which leads to measurement error. In
the figure, a resistor is connected to the galvanometer in series to
increase the meter impedance.

(2) Current measurement

On the contrary, an ideal ampere meter should have resistance as
less as possible. Thus, the Rshunt is used to connect with the
galvanometer in parallel fashion to reduce the meter impedance and
the jack “A” in the figure is used for this kind of measurement.

(3) Resistance measurement

As you may see in the figure, the resistance measurement use the
same jack with the voltage measurement but the connection is totally
different. In this case, the galvanometer is connected with a battery, a
series resistor, and the measuring device in series fashion. Since the
voltage is fixed by the battery, the galvanometer senses the resistance
from the current through the meter and the measured value is
calibrated to the resistance value.
3.2 Reading a resistor
Fig. 2 shows method of reading resistance value [2]. Each color band
has its own code for reading the resistance. This color code is standard
worldwide. Some resistor may have only 4 bands but the following rule
is applicable for all cases.

Fig.2 Method of reading resistance value

3.3 Reading a capacitor
For digital multimeter (DMM), it can also read capacitance value of a
capacitor. However, the capacitor is easier than the resistor. There is no
color code but it has number code which is following the below rule[3].
Some electrolyte capacitor, the number code is not necessary since the
capacitance is written clearly at its label.
Fig.3 Number code for capacitor

3.7 References
[1] http://www.allaboutcircuits.com/vol_1/chpt_8/8.html
[2] http://www.williamson-labs.com/pu-colorcode.htm

4. Experiment instruction

4.1 Series and Parallel connection

Fig. 4 (a) Series connection, (b) Parallel connection

1) Pick up 2 resistors and record their resistant values based on color

2) Connect the resistors as series connection as shown in Fig.4(a)
3) Calculate equivalent resistance across terminal a-b
4) Measure actual equivalent resistance across terminal a-b
5) Connect the resistors as parallel connection as shown in Fig.4(b)
6) Repeat 3) - 4) again
7) Compare measurement results with calculation results and make

R1 = __________________ Ω R2 = __________________ Ω
Calculation: Equivalent R (Series) = _____________ Ω, Equivalent R
(Parallel) = _____________ Ω Measurement: Equivalent R (Series) =
_____________ Ω, Equivalent R (Parallel) = _____________ Ω

Discussion area

4.2 Combination of Series and Parallel connection


Fig. 5 (a) Series connection, (b) Parallel connection

1) Pick up 3 resistors and record their resistant values based on color

2) Connect the resistors as connection as shown in Fig.5(a)
3) Calculate equivalent resistance across terminal a-b
4) Measure actual equivalent resistance across terminal a-b
5) Connect the resistors as connection as shown in Fig.5(b)
6) Repeat 3) - 4) again
7) Compare measurement results with calculation results and make

R1 = __________________ Ω R2 = __________________ Ω R3 = __________________ Ω

Calculation: Equivalent R = _____________ Ω (Fig. 5(a))
Measurement: Equivalent R = _____________ Ω (Fig. 5(a))
Calculation: Equivalent R = _____________ Ω (Fig. 5(b))
Measurement: Equivalent R = _____________ Ω (Fig. 5(b))

Discussion area

4.3 Voltage measurement

Fig. 6

Circuit for voltage measurement

1) Pick up 2 resistors with any value.

2) Use multimeter in ohm mode measure resistance values and note
3) Connect the above circuit as shown in Fig.4.
4) Use multimeter in DC voltage mode and measure the
voltage across each resistor. 5) Discuss the result.

R1 = ____________ Ω, R2 = _____________ Ω
Theory: V1 = ____________ V, V2 = _____________ V
Experiment: V1 = ____________ V, V2 = _____________ V

Discussion area

4.4 Current measurement

Fig. 7 Circuit

for current measurement

1) Pick up a resistor with any value.

2) Use multimeter in ohm mode measure resistance value and note
3) Connect the above circuit as shown in Fig.5
4) Use multimeter in DC current mode and measure the
current through the resistor. 5) Discuss the result.

R = _______________ Ω
Theory: Current (I) = ____________ A
Experiment: Current (I) = ____________ A

Discussion area
Experimental results
1) Series and Parallel connection
R1 = __________________ Ω R2 = __________________ Ω
Calculation: Equivalent R (Series) = _____________ Ω, Equivalent R
(Parallel) = _____________ Ω Measurement: Equivalent R (Series) = _____________
Ω, Equivalent R (Parallel) = _____________ Ω Discussion area

2) Combination of Series and Parallel connection

R1 = __________________ Ω R2 = __________________ Ω R3 = __________________ Ω
Calculation: Equivalent R = _____________ Ω (Fig. 5(a))
Measurement: Equivalent R = _____________ Ω (Fig. 5(a))
Calculation: Equivalent R = _____________ Ω (Fig. 5(b))
Measurement: Equivalent R = _____________ Ω (Fig. 5(b))
Discussion area

3) Voltage measurement
R1 = ____________ Ω, R2 = _____________ Ω
Theory: V1 = ____________ V, V2 = _____________ V
Experiment: V1 = ____________ V, V2 = _____________ V
Discussion area

4) Current measurement
R = _______________ Ω
Theory: Current (I) = ____________ A; Experiment: Current (I) =
____________ A Discussion area



SEMESTER : 1/2566
COURSE : EEN-203 Electric Circuits Laboratory
EXPERIMENT 2 : Function Generator and Oscilloscope
_____________________________________________________________________________________ 5.


5.1 To understand how to use function generator and oscilloscope

5.2 Knowing 3 types of waveform; Sine, Square, and Triangle and
tuning frequency, amplitude and duty cycle (symmetric).

6. Group Members

6.1 Name_____________________________________ID_______________________

6.2 Name_____________________________________ID_______________________ 6.3

Name_____________________________________ID_______________________ 7.
Basic Information

3.1 Frequency and Period

When a signal moves in periodic pattern, we can measure how many
cycles per second. This is called “frequency (f)” and it has unit of Hertz
(Hz). Reciprocal of frequency is period, which is a time to travel for 1
cycle. Period has unit in second (s).

3.2 Amplitude
Amplitude is a peak voltage of any waveform. We may measure the
minimum voltage to maximum voltage which is called as “peak-to-
peak voltage”.
Fig.1 shows waveform of sine wave with its frequency, period and


Fig.1 Sine wave with frequency, period, and amplitude

3.3 Duty cycle

This is basic term for square wave. The square wave has only two
levels; high and low. The duty cycle is the ratio of time duration
between high-level duration to total period duration. So, the unit of
duty cycle is normally “percentage (%)”. Fig.2 shows how to calculate
the duty cycle for a square wave.

Fig.2 Square wave and duty cycle

8. Experiment
4.1 Sine wave and Triangle wave
1) Connect a waveform generator with an oscilloscope and set
waveform to sine wave. 2) Pick up ID of one member in your group.
Then, set frequency and amplitude must be set by following this rule:
Frequency = I kHz, Amplitude = H V (if the number is 0, set it to
Example: ID = 56112080-4
Frequency = 4 kHz, Amplitude = 10V
3) Record peak-to-peak voltage and period of the measured wave.
4) Change waveform to Triangle wave and repeat 2) and 3) by picking up
ID of another member.
Experime ID Set Peak-to-peak Measured period
nt frequency voltage

Sine wave


Discussion area (if necessary)

4.2 Square waveform
1) Connect a waveform generator with an oscilloscope
2) Set waveform to square wave. Pick up ID of one member in your
Then, set frequency and amplitude must be set by following this rule:
Frequency = I kHz, Amplitude = H V (if the number is 0, set it to
Duty cycle = G x 10% (30% if G is less than 3 and 70% if G is
greater than 7)
Example: ID = 56112080-4
Frequency = 4 kHz, Amplitude = 10V
Duty cycle = 70% because G is 8 which is greater than 7.
3) Record peak-to-peak voltage, period and duty cycle of the
measured wave.
4) Repeat 2) to 3) by picking up ID of another member.
ID Set Peak-to-Peak High Period Duty cycle
frequency voltage interval

Discussion area (if necessary)

4.3 Two-channel measurement
1) Connect each channel of waveform generator to each channel of
an oscilloscope and set coupling mode of both channels to DC.
2) Set waveform generator (channel 1) to below condition.
Sinewave 1kHz, Amplitude 5VPP, Offset = 0V
3) Set waveform generator (channel 2) to below condition.
Triangle 3kHz, Amplitude 3VPP, Offset = 1V
4) Observe the waveform from both channels.
5) Change coupling mode of channel 1 from DC to AC and
then observe the waveform 6) Change coupling mode of
channel 2 from DC to AC and then observe the waveform 7)
Change coupling mode of channel 1 from AC to GND and then
observe the waveform 8) Record all the waveforms and
discuss the results

Discussion area
Experimental results
1) Sine wave & Triangle wave
Experime ID Set Peak-to-peak Measured period
nt frequency voltage

Sine wave


Discussion area (if necessary)

2) Square wave
ID Set Peak-to-Peak High Period Duty cycle
frequency voltage interval
Discussion area (if necessary)

3) Circuit connection and waveform

Record 4 pictures of waveform for both channels.

Discussion area



SEMESTER : 1/2566
COURSE : EEN-203 Electric Circuits Laboratory
EXPERIMENT 3 : Circuit Thoery: Ohm’s Law, Superposition, Thevenin’s

9. Objectives

9.1 To understand basic circuit theories and verify the

theory via the experiment. 9.2 To understand voltage-
current relationship of Ohm’s Law
9.3 To actually see the result of the superposition concept.

10. Group Members


Name_____________________________________ID_______________________ 10.2

Name_____________________________________ID_______________________ 10.3

Name_____________________________________ID_______________________ 11.

Basic Information

3.1 Circuit for Ohm’s law investigation

In order to do basic experiment of Ohm’s law, we use a

simple circuit in the fig.1.

Fig.1 Circuit for Ohm’s Law investigation

3.2 Resistive circuit with two independent sources

This section suggests a circuit with two independent voltage sources
for do the rest of experiments.


Fig.2 Resistive circuit with two independent voltage sources

12. Experiments

4.1 Ohm’s Law

1) Choose R on your own choice and connect a circuit as shown in the
2) Set voltage of DC supply to 0V and use multimeter in ampere
mode to measure current. 3) Increase voltage by step of 0.5V
and measure the current.
4) Record the current and repeat step 3) until the voltage is 5V.
5) Discuss the result.
Experimen Voltage Current Experime Voltage Current
t (V) (A) nt (V) (A)

1 0.00 7 3.00

2 0.50 8 3.50

3 1.00 9 4.00

4 1.50 10 4.50

5 2.00 11 5.00

6 2.50 Calculated R = _____________________


Selected R = __________ =
____________ = x100%
calc select

Discussion area

4.2 Superposition
1) Use final digit of your ID to multiply by 1000 and take this value as
resistance value of RL of the circuit in the Fig.2.
2) Connect the circuit in the Fig.2 and measure voltage across A and
B (VAB).
3) Remove V1 and measure VAB again.
4) Connect V1 and remove V2 and then measure VAB again.
5) Sum-up the result from 3) and 4), and compare with the result
from 2).
6) Express your opinion for the experimental result.

RL = _____________ Ω VAB,1 = ___________ V (Full circuit)

After remove V1 with V2 connected, VAB = ___________ V
(without V1) After remove V2 with V1 connected, VAB =
___________ V (without V2) VAB,2 = ___________ V (Sum-up result)

%Error AB _____________%
,2 AB,1

= x100% =
V Discussion area

4.3 Thevenin’s theorem
1) According the circuit in Fig.2, remove RL and then measure
voltage across A and B (VAB,nl). 2) Remove all voltage sources
and then measure resistance across A and B without RL (R AB). 3)
Connect the circuit in Fig.3 by setting VAB,nl as VS, and RAB as
4) Measure voltage across RL (VAB,eq).
5) Discuss the results.
Fig.3 Equivalent circuit with load.

After remove RL, VAB,nl = ___________ V (no load) After

remove all voltage sources, RAB = ___________ Ω (RAB)
Measurement of circuit in Fig.3; VAB = ___________ V
(VAB,eq) V V

%Error AB _____________%
,eq AB,2

= x100% =
V Discussion area

Compare the results of 4.2 and 4.3 and give your opinions

Experimental results
1) Ohm's Law
Current (A) Measured R = Selected R =
_______ ________

Voltage (V)

2) Superposition
RL = _____________ Ω VAB,1 = ___________ V (Full circuit)
After remove V1 with V2 connected, VAB = ___________ V
(without V1) After remove V2 with V1 connected, VAB =
___________ V (without V2) VAB,2 = ___________ V (Sum-up result)
Discussion area

3) Thevenin's theorem
After remove RL, VAB,nl = ___________ V (no load)
After remove all voltage sources, RAB = ___________ Ω (RAB)
Measurement of circuit in Fig.3; VAB = ___________ V (VAB,eq)
Discussion area

Compare the results of 4.2 and 4.3 and give your opinions

SEMESTER : 1/2566
COURSE : EEN-203 Electric Circuits Laboratory
EXPERIMENT 4 : First order circuit

13. Objectives

1.1 To understand principle of first order circuit

1.2 To investigate the experiments of RC circuit for

understanding its transient operation 14. Group Members


Name_____________________________________ID_______________________ 14.2

Name_____________________________________ID_______________________ 14.3

Name_____________________________________ID_______________________ 15.

Basic Information

Time constant
When we apply a waveform to a first-order circuit, the output voltage
across the capacitor cannot be suddenly changed. It takes time to make
the voltage ramp up to the applied voltage level. During this period, it is
called “transient behavior”.
A very important parameter to determine this transient behavior is
“time constant (τ)”. The time constant can be determined by observe the
signal from the oscilloscope and measure the time from the start until the
signal reaches at 36.8% of final value for the falling phase. For the rising
phase, it is measured from the start until the signal reaches 63.2% as
shown in the Fig.1.


Fig.1 Time constant measurement

16. Experiment

4.1 RC Circuit

Fig.2 A first order RC circuit under investigation.

1) Set your waveform generator to square wave with amplitude of 5V

and frequency of 10kHz with duty cycle of 50%.
2) Choose the resistor from last digit of your ID in kΩ unit, and
capacitor of 1nF.
3) Use oscilloscope to measure the time constant of both rising and
falling signal. If the period time is too short to measure the time constant,
reduce frequency on your own decision. 4) Calculate the time constant
based on the theory (show your calculation also).
5) Calculate %error and give your discussion for the error.
f = _________________ kHz
R = ________________ kΩ C = 1nF
Theory: τ = ____________ s

Experiment: τ (rise) = ____________ s τ (fall) = ____________ s

%Error: Rising : Error = _______% Falling: Error = ______%
Discussion area

4.2 Time constant design problem
1) Choose a resistor with resistance 1.5 times of 4.1.
2) Determine capacitance value in order to achieve time constant as
calculated in 4.1. 3) Connect the circuit and measure the time
constant. Give suggestion to make your circuit work as calculated
Note: There is parasitic capacitance on your protoboard and

Choose new resistor

R = ________________ kΩ (1.5 times of 4.1)
C = ________________ nF

Measurement: τ (rise) = ___________ s τ (fall) = ____________ s

Choose new capacitor to achieve the target time constant

Target value: τ = ___________ s Theory value from 4.1

R = ________________ kΩ C = _______________ nF
Measurement: τ (rise) = ___________ s τ (fall) = ____________ s

Discussion area
Experimental results
1) RC Circuit
f = _________________ kHz
R = ________________ kΩ C = 1nF

Theory: τ = ____________ s

Experiment: τ (rise) = ____________ s τ (fall) = ____________ s

%Error: Rising : Error = _______% Falling: Error = ______%
Discussion area

2) Time constant design problem

Choose new resistor
R = ________________ kΩ (1.5 times of 4.1)
C = ________________ nF
Measurement: τ (rise) = ___________ s τ (fall) = ____________ s

Choose new capacitor to achieve the target time constant

Target value: τ = ___________ s Theory value from 4.1

R = ________________ kΩ C = _______________ nF

Measurement: τ (rise) = ___________ s τ (fall) = ____________ s

Discussion area
You may draw measured waveform if it is necessary for your explanation.



SEMESTER : 1/2566
COURSE : EEN-203 Electric Circuits Laboratory
EXPERIMENT 5 : Second order circuit

17. Objectives

1.1 To understand principle of first order circuit

1.2 To investigate the experiments of RLC circuit for understanding 3
operation types of second-order circuit; over-damping, critical
damping, and under-damping.

18. Group Members


Name_____________________________________ID_______________________ 18.2

Name_____________________________________ID_______________________ 18.3

Name_____________________________________ID_______________________ 19.

Basic Information

Unit step response of second-order circuit

For any second order circuit, there are three types of response; over
damping, critical damping, and under damping. Considering series RLC
circuit, voltage across capacitor has behavior of second order circuit
response due to influence of L and C as follow.
dv dv
o 2ςω 2

2n ω (v V ) 0
n o source
dt dt
According to the above equation, we call ςas “damping factor” which is
the parameter to determine type of second-order circuit response where
1 Over damping

1 Under damping
and ωn=n 2πf= Natural frequency.
1 Critical damping ς < →

Over damping – Response of the circuit is decayed with combination of

two exponential functions since there are only two real poles in the
Critical damping – Response of the circuit is decayed with combination
of a single exponential parameter since two poles have the same position.
Under damping – Response of the circuit is decayed with exponential
parameter and ringing phenomenon due to two complex poles in the
system. With ringing phenomenon, it has overshoot and ringing in a
certain frequency which is defined by ωdas shown in the figure below.

Fig.1 Waveform example of under-damping in second-order circuit

Then, we can obtain the parameters in the figure by using the below
2 π
ω=ω−ς= π →=2

dn d
T T πς
1 ω

− =

pss 1
yy −ς

for 0.6 ς <

t y eM1p 0.6
≈ ω
P 1.8 n

Another important parameter of the second-order circuit is “settling

time”. It is the time to settle to the desired final value. Fig.2 presents
measuring method for the settling time (ts).

Fig.2 Settling time measurement method

20. Experiments
Fig.3 Second-order series RLC circuit

The RLC circuit in the figure contains one square-wave source, a resistor an
inductor, and a capacitor where the inductance is fixed at 2.2mH.
1) Set your waveform generator to square wave with amplitude of 5V
and frequency of 1kHz with duty cycle of 50%.
2) Choose the resistor from last digit of your ID in kΩ unit, and
capacitor of 10nF. However, use minimum resistance of 2kΩ (the one who
has last digit of 0, 1 and 2).
3) Measure the settling time (ts) at 98% accuracy of
both rising and falling signal. 4) Calculate the natural
frequency (ωn) and the damping ratio (ζ).
5) Record your calculation results, measured settling time, and the
waveforms (both of input, and output).
6) Change the resistor to 330Ω (or less) and then do repeat the step
3) to 5).
7) Compare the results from 5) and 6) and give your discussion here.
Resistan ωn(rad/ Damping ts@98% ts@98% Type*
ce s) ratio (ζ) (rise) (fall)

330 Ω

* Damping type: Over-damping, Critical-damping, or Under-damping

Case of R = 330 Ω: Calculation Measureme % Error

overshoot (MP)

Damping period
Rise time (tr)

Measuremen t Calculatio n
%Error −
Calculatio n x100%

Discussion area
Experimental results
Resistan ωn(rad/ Damping ts@98% ts@98% Type*
ce s) ratio (ζ) (rise) (fall)

330 Ω

* Damping type: Over-damping, Critical-damping, or Under-damping

Case of R = 330 Ω: Calculation Measureme % Error

overshoot (MP)

Damping period

Rise time (tr)

Measuremen t Calculatio %Error −

Calculatio n x100%

Waveform when R ≥ 2kΩ Waveform when R = 330Ω or less

Discussion area



SEMESTER : 1/2566
COURSE : EEN-203 Electric Circuits Laboratory
EXPERIMENT 6 : AC Circuit and Phasor

21. Objectives

1.1 To understand AC circuit analysis techniques and phasor theories

1.2 To investigate the experiments of RLC circuit compare with

analysis result by phasor technique 22. Group Members


Name_____________________________________ID_______________________ 22.2
Name_____________________________________ID_______________________ 22.3

Name_____________________________________ID_______________________ 23.

Basic Information

Impedance of inductor, capacitance

In order to analyze AC circuit, it will be much easier to define
impedance of inductor and capacitor via frequency domain and use phasor
technique to do the analysis.

Fig. 1 Impedance of an inductor for phasor technique

Fig.2 Impedance of a capacitor for phasor technique

Phasor concept
Although Ohm’s Law holds for both DC circuit and AC circuit, it is
complicated to calculate AC circuit since most of impedance networks are
in form of complex number.
We may change the complex number into form of phasor showing only
magnitude and phase. Then, we can multiply two phasors by multiply their
magnitudes and sum their phases. On the other hand, we also can divide
two phasors by divide their magnitudes and subtract their phases. Phasor
multiplication and division are shown in (1) and (2) respectively.


Leading signal / Lagging signal
When we compare two signals with phase difference, the signals always
start their cycles on a different time even though the frequency is the
same. One signal is leading and another one is lagging. In the figure
below, we can observe that input voltage is lagging the output voltage. It
means the output voltage has positive phase shift to the input voltage.

Fig.3 Output voltage (with positive phase shift) is leading the input voltage

On the other hand, the output voltage may lag the input voltage if the
output voltage has negative phase shift to the input voltage as shown in
the below figure.

Fig.4 Output voltage (with negative phase shift) is lagging the input voltage

Phase calculation from sinusoid waveforms
Phase measurement method by observing lagging waveform of
sine wave is shown as follow.

Fig.5 Phase shift measurement and calculation

From the above figure, phase shift among two signals can be
calculated by the below equation. Δt
φ = × = ⋅ ⋅ (3) o o
T 24. Experiment
360 f Δt 360

4.1) Phasor diagram of inductor

Fig.6 Circuit for inductor phasor experiment

1) Connect the actual circuit as shown in Fig.6 by choosing L = 2.2mH

and R value depending on last digit of your ID as listed below.

Table 1. Resistance value and last-digit of student ID

ID R (Ω) ID R (Ω) ID R (Ω) ID R (Ω) ID R (Ω)

0 1000 2 220 4 430 6 660 8 780

1 100 3 330 5 550 7 680 9 900

2) Use a waveform generator as input voltage by setting amplitude =

5Vpp, frequency = 10kHz and then use an oscilloscope to measure the
voltage waveform across the resistor and input voltage. 3) Divide the
amplitude of voltage across the resistor by its resistance value and use this
value as inductor current.

4) Use subtraction function in oscilloscope to measure voltage across
inductor. Use digital filter function in oscilloscope and set it to low-pass
filter with bandwidth of 20kHz to suppress noise. 5) Determine phase
difference between inductor voltage and inductor current by the method in
Fig.5 and equation (3).
6) Draw phasor diagram and then give your discussion.
Amplitude of inductor voltage = ___________ V Phase of inductor
voltage = 0o Amplitude of inductor current = ___________ A Phase
of inductor current = __________
Phasor diagram: Discussion:

Current lead / lag


4.2) Phasor diagram of capacitor

Fig.7 Circuit for capacitor phasor experiment

1) Connect the actual circuit as shown in Fig.7 by choosing C = 10nF

and R value depending on last digit of your ID as listed in Table 1.
2) Use a waveform generator as input voltage by setting amplitude =
5Vpp, frequency = 10kHz and then use an oscilloscope to measure the
voltage waveform across the resistor and input voltage. 3) Divide the
amplitude of voltage across the resistor by its resistance value and use this
value as capacitor current.
4) Use subtraction function in oscilloscope to measure voltage across
capacitor. Use digital filter function in oscilloscope and set it to low-pass
filter with bandwidth of 20kHz to suppress noise. 5) Determine phase
difference between capacitor voltage and capacitor current by the method
in Fig.5 and equation (3).
6) Draw phasor diagram and then give your discussion.

Amplitude of capacitor voltage = ___________ V Phase of capacitor
voltage = 0o Amplitude of capacitor current = ___________ A Phase
of capacitor current = __________
Phasor diagram: Discussion:

Current lead / lag


4.3) Phasor diagram of AC circuit

Fig.8 Circuit for phasor diagram experiment of AC circuit

1) Connect the actual circuit as shown in Fig.8 by choosing L = 2.2mH,

C = 10nF and R value depending on last digit of your ID as listed in Table
2) Use a waveform generator as input voltage by setting amplitude =
5Vpp, frequency = 10kHz and then use an oscilloscope to measure the
voltage waveform across the capacitor (v2) and input voltage (vs). 3)
Determine phase difference between source voltage and capacitor voltage
by the method in Fig.5 and equation (3).
4) Draw phasor diagram and then give your discussion.

Amplitude of source voltage (vs) = ___________ V Phase of source

voltage = 0o Amplitude of capacitor voltage (v2) = ___________ V Phase
of capacitor voltage = __________
Phasor diagram: Discussion:
V2lead / lag vs

Experimental results
1) Phasor diagram of Inductor
Amplitude of inductor voltage = ___________ V Phase of inductor
voltage = 0o Amplitude of inductor current = ___________ A Phase
of inductor current = __________
Phasor diagram: Discussion:

Current lead / lag

Amplitude of capacitor voltage = ___________ V Phase of capacitor
voltage = 0o Amplitude of capacitor current = ___________ A Phase
of capacitor current = __________
Phasor diagram: Discussion:

Current lead / lag


3) Phasor diagram of AC circuit

Amplitude of source voltage (vs) = ___________ V Phase of source
voltage = 0o Amplitude of capacitor voltage (v2) = ___________ V Phase
of capacitor voltage = __________
Phasor diagram: Discussion:

V2lead / lag vs



SEMESTER : 1/2566
COURSE : EEN-203 Electric Circuits Laboratory
EXPERIMENT 7 : RMS Value, Average Value, and AC Power

25. Objectives

25.1 To understand difference between RMS value and average value

25.2 To understand how the measurement device like multimeter do
perform measurement for RMS value and average value
25.3 To understand concept of AC power; Real power, Reactive

power, and Apparent power 26. Group Members


Name_____________________________________ID_______________________ 26.2

Name_____________________________________ID_______________________ 26.3
Name_____________________________________ID_______________________ 27.

Basic Information

3.1 Average value and DC mode

For any periodic signal, average value is one of its representatives in
order to express magnitude of that signal. Fig.1 shows examples of
periodic signals and the average values.
Definition of average is defined by equation (1) which is a very
common mathematic function where v(t) is time-varying voltage
signal, t is time, T is period and Vavg is its average value of v(t). 1
=t T


V(1) avg v(t)dt
Naturally, DC measurement of multimeter performs this averaging
function without doing any special adjustment.


Fig.1 Some examples of periodic signals

3.2 RMS value and AC mode

In most case, we are concerning on power dissipation and the
average value cannot provide the correct calculation for power. So, we
need to use Root-Mean-Square (RMS) value to do power calculation.
RMS voltage can be determined from equation (2).


2 v (t)dt
rms T
For better understanding, let do compare power calculation between
using average voltage and RMS voltage. Firstly, we do calculate power
from equation (3).
v (t)
= =(3)
p(t) i(t)v(t) R
Then, average power over period of T is determined by equation (4).
1 v (t) 1

= =t T

avg v (t)dt
t t
T R dt RT
We may compare the below two
equations. 2av gv(t)dt


1 ⎟ ⎜
1 1 ⎜

⎝⎛ ⎠⎞ ⎝⎛ ⎞ ⎝⎛



2 t
R ⎜
T ⎟
t R ⎠ 2

⎜⎜ ⎝⎛ v(t)dt ⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞
∫ +

v (t)dt

1 1
⎝⎛ ⎞

=t T ∫

t ⎠

It is clearly seen that the equation (4) and (6) have the same result
as well. It means only the RMS value, not the average value, can be
used to calculate the average power. This is the reason why do we need
to concern on the RMS value.
If we apply sinusoidal signal into v(t), we can obtain the equation (7).

∫ (7)

tTt 22
V sin (ωt)dt P P

V = = ≈ rms 0.707V M

T 2
From the above equation, it means we can calculate RMS value from
measuring the amplitude and then multiply with 0.707 if the signal is
sinusoidal. This 0.707 is the factor that some of multimeter uses for
RMS measurement in AC mode. We call the reciprocal of this factor as
“Crest factor”.
C =(8)

Some multimeter use this 1/C factor to calibrate RMS measurement

but this is only valid for sinusoidal signal and it is invalid for all other
Some multimeter measures v(t) and use the value to calculate in
mathematic form as equation (2). This is called “true-RMS
measurement”. This type of meter is valid for all kinds of periodic

Fig.2 An example of RMS voltage calculation for 25% duty cycle

square wave

3.3 Real power, reactive power and apparent power (AC power)
Real power (P) is the power that is dissipated in perfect resistive load
which voltage and current have the same phase (in-phase). Real power
is measured in unit of Watt (W).
=rms rms=rms=(9) 2 rms

Reactive power (Q) is the power that is dissipated in perfect non-
resistive load which voltage and current have 90ophase difference.
Reactive power is measured in unit of volt-ampere-reactive (VAR)
=rms rms=rms=where X is load reactance. (10) 2 rms

In real world, the load is often composed of both resistive
components and reactive components. Thus, the power is also
composed of real power element and reactive power element. The
power that contains both elements is called “complex power (S)” and
its magnitude is “apparent power (|S|)”. This apparent power is
calculated from product of voltage and current. So, its unit is Volt-
Ampere (VA).

rms rms S = V I (11)

Fig. 3 Example of complex power and its P-Q components

Since only the real power represents energy transfer and there is no
net energy transfer via the reactive power, it is normal practice to
minimize Q and maximize P with the same amount of S. Power delivery
with large Q means huge loss and it is never preferred. Thus, it is
necessary to measure quality of power transferring with “power factor
(pf)” which is calculated from equation (12).

pf = cosφ (12) From the above equation, the power factor varies

between 0 and 1. It is to say that the higher the power factor, the
better quality of power transmission.

28. Experiments

4.1 Average voltage measurement

1) Set waveform generator to sine wave with voltage of X VPP and DC
offset of X/2 V, where X is last digit of your ID (if it is 0, set the X to
10). Set frequency to 1kHz.
2) Connect the signal to the oscilloscope and measure average value.
3) Adjust multi-meter to DC voltage mode and measure the voltage.
4) Change waveform to symmetry triangle wave and then repeat step
2) to 3).
5) Change waveform to pulse with duty cycle of 50% and then repeat
2) and 3).
6) Change waveform to pulse with duty cycle of 75% and then repeat
2) and 3).
7) Calculate %Error and discuss for the results.
Note: Be careful for digit of significance.
Input X Oscillosco Multi-meter
waveform pe
Vavg % Error (based to

Sine wave

Triangle wave

Square wave D
= 50%

Square wave D
= 75%
Discussion area

4.2 RMS voltage measurement
1) Set waveform generator to sine wave with voltage of X VPP and DC
offset of X/2 V, where X is last digit of your ID (if it is 0, set the X to
10). Set frequency to 1kHz.
2) Connect the signal to the oscilloscope and measure RMS value.
3) Adjust multi-meter to AC voltage mode and measure the voltage.
4) Change waveform to symmetry triangle wave and then repeat step
2) to 3).
5) Change waveform to pulse with duty cycle of 50% and then repeat
2) and 3).
6) Change waveform to pulse with duty cycle of 75% and then repeat
2) and 3).
7) Calculate %Error and discuss for the results.
Note: Be careful for digit of significance.
Input X Oscillosco Multi-meter
waveform pe
Vrms % Error (based to

Sine wave

Triangle wave

Square wave D
= 50%

Square wave D
= 75%
Discussion area

4.3 AC Power

Fig.4 Circuit for AC power experiment

1) Connect the circuit in the Fig. 4 by choosing L = 2.2mH, C = 10nF
and resistance which equals to last digit of your ID in unit of 100 ohms.

2) Set waveform generator to sine wave with frequency of 10kHz and
10VPP amplitude without DC offset.
3) Use multimeter in AC voltage mode to measure RMS voltage
across the waveform generator. 4) Use multimeter in AC current
mode to measure RMS current through the circuit. 5) Calculate
apparent power (S).
6) Use multimeter in AC voltage mode to measure RMS
voltage across the resistor. 7) Calculate real power (P)
and then calculate power factor (pf).
8) Use oscilloscope measure phase difference between source
voltage and the voltage across resistor and then determine cosine
value of the measured phase difference.
9) Also, observe the waveform and determine whether the power
factor is leading or lagging. 10) Calculate reactive power (Q) and
then draw power triangle.
11) Discuss the results.

R = ________Ω, C = 10 nF L = 2.2 mH
Vrms, source = _________ V, Irms = ___________ A, S = _________ VA,
Vrms, resistor = _________ V, P = ____________ W, pf. = _________ leading /
lagging Phase difference between source and resistor voltage
(∆θv - ∆θi) = ____________, Q = _________ VAR
Power triangle (Phasor diagram of AC Power) :

Discussion area

Experimental results
1) Average voltage measurement
Input X Oscillosco Multi-meter
waveform pe
Vavg % Error (based to

Sine wave

Triangle wave

Square wave D
= 50%
Square wave D
= 75%

Discussion area

2) RMS voltage measurement

Input X Oscillosco Multi-meter
waveform pe
Vrms % Error (based to

Sine wave

Triangle wave

Square wave D
= 50%

Square wave D
= 75%

Discussion area

3) AC Power measurement (C = 10 nF, L = 2.2 mH)

R = ________Ω, Vrms, source = _________ V, Irms = ___________ A,
S = _________ VA, Vrms, resistor = _________ V, P = ____________ W,
pf. = _________ leading / lagging, ∆θv - ∆θi = ____________, Q = _________ VAR
Power triangle (phasor Discussion:
diagram) :



SEMESTER : 1/2566
COURSE : EEN-203 Electric Circuits Laboratory
EXPERIMENT 8 : Three phase network

29. Objectives

29.1 To understand various types of three-phase network connection; Y-

Δ, Δ-Y.
29.2 To understand behavior of unbalanced load in three-phase

30. Group Members


Name_____________________________________ID_______________________ 30.2

Name_____________________________________ID_______________________ 30.3

Name_____________________________________ID_______________________ 31.

Basic Information

3.1 Three-phase voltage source from waveform generator

In order to create three-phase voltage sources, we use two waveform
generators in synced mode. Use BSC cable to connect from “Sync Out”
of a waveform generator to “In 10MHz” of the other waveform
generator. With this syncing function, it is possible to set 120-degree
phase difference for three voltage sources.
Fig.1 shows normal balanced three-phase voltages. These voltages
have equal phase difference. Thus, phase difference of each phase
must be 120 degrees in order to cover 360 degrees of sinusoidal cycle.


Fig.1 Balanced three-phase voltages

3.2 Connection of three-phase network

There are two types of connection; Y-connection, and Δ-connection.
Both voltage sources and loads have these two types of connection as
Fig.2 shows various types of three-phase network connection.
Fig.2 Three-phase network connection

3.3 Unbalanced load of three-phase network

If load of each phase is the same load, we called it as “balanced
load”. On the contrary, we called “unbalanced load” if the load in each
phase is different. Fig.3 shows an example of unbalanced three-phase


Fig.3 An example of unbalanced three-phase load

32. Experiments
4.1 Balanced load connection
1) Connect circuit in Fig.2(a) and use last digital of your ID as
resistive load of the three-phase network in kilo-ohms unit.
2) Set voltage source as sinusoidal signal with amplitude of 311V
without offset and frequency of 50Hz. Also, set starting phase of each
source to be different for 120 degree each.
3) Measure RMS voltage across each pairs of three lines.
4) Measure RMS current through each resistor.
5) Measure RMS voltage across each resistor.
6) Change the circuit connection from Fig.2(a) to Fig.2(b).
7) Repeat step 3) to 5).
8) Discuss the results.

R = _________ Ω

Circuit RMS Voltage RMS Line Current RMS Voltage across

topology load

Vab Vac Vbc Ia Ib Ic Va Vb Vc

Fig. 2(a)

Fig. 2(b)

Discussion area

4.2 Unbalanced load connection
1) Connect circuit in Fig.2(a) and use circuit in Fig.3 as load of three-
phase network by using last digital of your ID as resistive load in kilo-
ohms unit, L = 2.2mH, and C = 10nF.
2) Set voltage source as sinusoidal signal with amplitude of 311V
without offset and frequency of 50Hz. Also, set starting phase of each
source to be different for 120 degree each.
3) Measure RMS voltage across each pairs of three lines.
4) Measure RMS current through load of each phase.
5) Measure RMS voltage across each resistor.
6) Change the circuit connection from Fig.2(a) to Fig.2(b).
7) Repeat step 3) to 5).
8) Discuss the results.

R = _________ Ω

Circuit RMS Voltage RMS Line Current RMS Voltage across

topology load

Vab Vac Vbc Ia Ib Ic Va Vb Vc

Fig. 2(a)

Fig. 2(b)

Discussion area

Experimental results
1) Average voltage measurement

R = _________ Ω
Circuit RMS Voltage RMS Line Current RMS Voltage across
topology load

Vab Vac Vbc Ia Ib Ic Va Vb Vc

Fig. 2(a)

Fig. 2(b)

Discussion area

2) RMS voltage measurement

R = _________ Ω, L = 2.2mH, C = 10nF

Circuit RMS Voltage RMS Line Current RMS Voltage across

topology load

Vab Vac Vbc Ia Ib Ic Va Vb Vc

Fig. 2(a)

Fig. 2(b)

Discussion area

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