The Spectator [SCRIPT]

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Chapter 0
[EXT. Nowhere – Night]

*Fade-in from black*

IMG: Two figures stare out to the distance from a grassy hill,
a town illuminates beyond them.
SFX: Wind
A/N: Character name and sprite not shown

[???A]: How long do you think it’ll be from now?

[???B]: Not long, I’m sure.
*Fade-in to black*

[INT. Vincent and Bhavesh’s Apartment – Morning]

*Fade-in from black*
IMG: A rising sun behind an old window.
BGM: Calm
A/N: Character name and sprite not shown
....You stare at the sun as it rises.
Good morning.
It rises as it usually does.
[Vincent]: Hey, are you ready yet? We have to go.
Select a response you resonate with most.

[Bhavesh]: ...I’m coming. Do you have the car keys?
[Vincent]: Yeah. Do you want to drive?
[Bhavesh]: Sure thing. Hand it over and let’s go.
➔Stay silent

[Vincent]: ...Hey, you alright?

[Bhavesh]: It’s fine. I’m fine, just give me a moment.
[Vincent]: Sure. I’ll be in the car, I’ll drive.
[Bhavesh]: Alright, thank you.
➔Stay silent

You say nothing as he walks towards you. You watch the sun
rise together in silence, side by side.
[Vincent]: You know, we don’t have to go today. We can take
the day off for once. Go somewhere
[Vincent, cont’d]: Somewhere far. Maybe the beach, or
wherever the car takes us.

[Bhavesh]: I don’t see why not. Today is going to be
rough, I’ll admit. Besides, don’t you think we deserve a
Your partner nods and the both of you continue to watch the
sunrise. You have all the time in the world now. Maybe
forever, even.

[Bhavesh]: It’s alright. I think I’ll manage today. Will
You be alright? Today isn’t easy for you either, we both know
[Vincent]: I’ll be fine if you’re fine. Come on then, I’ll
[Bhavesh]: Alright, thank you.
*Fade-in to black*
[INT. Car – Morning]
*Fade-in from black*
IMG: A view of traffic from inside a car, depending on who’s
driving, it switches to who the arms steering belong to.
BGM: Upbeat
SFX: Cars and Crowds
A/N: Character name and sprite not shown
[Bhavesh]: So. Anything new for us today? Any leads on the
Giordanos’ case?
[Vincent]: Ms. Alethea contacted last night. Said she has the
recording. She’s willing to hand it over if we keep her name
out of it and give her a bit of cash. I’ve seen it, it has all
the proof we need. What do you think?
[Bhavesh]: We can get that done for her, easy. How much ‘bit
of cash’ are we talking about?
[Vincent]: $300.
[Bhavesh]: ...Well, if it helps close the case. I’ll contact
her when we get to the office.
[Bhavesh, cont’d]: What’s next, then? I can pretty much guess
Mrs. Giordano would want a lawyer, if she doesn’t have one
[Vincent]: I’ll contact Goodman. Joy Goodman. He’s unorthodox,
but he gets the job done.
[Bhavesh]: And since when have we been orthodox?
[Vincent]: Touche.
[Bhavesh]: Anyway, with that settled, I think we’ve got this
all wrapped up nicely.
[Bhavesh, cont’d]: How is Vivian, by the way?
[Vincent]: Good, we plan on meeting this evening. Want to come
[Bhavesh]: Not this time. I think I’ll be going to Salima’s
tonight, see my sister as well. See how she’s doing.
[Vincent]: Tell her I said hi.
[Bhavesh]: And the same to you as well.
[Bhavesh, cont’d]: So. Music?
Select the music player to listen to songs or select the
steering wheel to refuse.
➔ Music player

[Vincent]: Sure. How about Seraphina?
[Bhavesh]: Good choice.
➔ Steering wheel

[Vincent]: I think I’ll pass for now.
[Bhavesh]: No worries, the car’s not going anywhere.
*Fade-in to black*
[INT. Office – Morning]
*Fade-in from black*
IMG: An empty office, with two desks, shelves, and evidence
BGM: Calm
A/N: Character name and sprite not shown
You arrive at your office, the same as it had been yesterday.
The same as it had always been.
Nothing has changed.
Not the papers stacked neatly by your desk
Not the mugs that have yet to be washed
Not the frames hung up of memories, collecting dust
There is no difference in anything but time
It is monotonous, but it is Home.
You work as you usually do, the clicking of the keyboard and
the ruffling of files fill in the silence.
It is Home.
SFX: Door Opening, Crowds
And the clicking of the door disturbs it.
Disturbs the quiet as sounds from the outside seep in,
[Nur]: ...Hello? I was told that I could find a private
investigation agency here?
The door closes again.
[Bhavesh]: Hello! Yes, that’s us. Welcome to Watcher’s PI.
What can we do for you, ma’am? Please, take a seat.
It is nothing but the mundane.
You smile.
You smile a genial smile, calm and pleasant.
As if the woman standing in front of you had no terrible
reason for coming here.
Your smile is bliss as much as it is forced ignorance.
It is Home.
[Nur]: I’m here to look for a missing person.
She sits on one of the chairs provided, weary but determined.
With purpose.
You’ve taken many cases like this before, you know how a lot
of these end.
You don’t speak, you keep your hands clasped behind your back.
You let her continue.
[Nur, cont’d]: I was hoping you could help find my husband?
He’s been missing for weeks and I just know the police have
given up. I’m taking matters into my own hands, but I need
[Bhavesh]: Of course. We understand, ma’am.
No, you don’t.
You will never understand.
The smile etched on your face simply grows wider.
[Bhavesh, cont’d]: To who do we owe the pleasure of working
[Nur]: Nur. My name is Nur Hidayat.
[Bhavesh]: Well, Mrs. Hidayat, allow me to introduce myself
and my partner here.
*Fade-in to black*
*Fade-in from black*
IMG: A cutscene, Vincent and Bhavesh’s office. In the image,
we can now fully see Vincent, Bhavesh, and Nur. Bhavesh holds
out a hand to Nur.
BGM: Calm
A/N: Character name and sprite not shown
[Bhavesh]: My name is Bhavesh Mulani, and this is my partner,
Vincent Winata.
[Vincent]: Hello, ma’am.
[Bhavesh]: Thank you for choosing our services. We’re here to
help you to the best of our abilities.
[Nur]: Thank you, Mr. Mulani.
*Fade-in to black*
*Fade-in from black*
IMG: An empty office, with two desks, shelves, and evidence
BGM: Calm
A/N: Character name and sprite are all shown now
[Bhavesh]: Would you like any drinks before we start? We have
tea and coffee, regular water too if you prefer.
[Nur]: Just water would be nice, thank you.
Your partner readily gets the drink while you get your forms
and notes. He’s not one for talking to clients, this is how it
usually goes. A routine.
[Bhavesh]: We can start with details about your husband. His
name, what he looks like, his last contacts, where he was last
seen, where we could look, and the like.
She nods as she opens her handbag, taking out a small brown
envelope. Inside contains pictures of her husband which she
handles with great care. You, in turn, handle them with as
much care as she gives them to you.
*Fade-in to black*
*Fade-in from black*
IMG: A photograph of a man in his 30s, with lightly tanned
skin, dark eyes, dark hair, and a moustache. He is smiling
BGM: Calm
A/N: Character name and sprite not shown
[Nur]: My husband’s name is Aaban Hidayat. He’s been missing
for around two weeks now.
You nod, studying the photograph in your hand for a moment
before putting it down next to your notes.
*Fade-in to black*
*Fade-in from black*
IMG: An empty office, with two desks, shelves, and evidence
BGM: Calm
A/N: Character name and sprite are all shown now
➔ Who

[Bhavesh]: Do you maybe have an idea of the last people your
husband could have been with or spoken to?
[Nur]: Yes, actually. His friends. They were the last with
him before he disappeared.
[Bhavesh]: And do you think any of them could have done it?
[Nur]: No, I don’t think so. The police said they all had
solid alibis. I know them well too, I trust them.
[Bhavesh]: Still, they could have seen where he last went
after. Do you have their names and contacts? Would it be
alright to ask for them?
[Nur]: ...Of course, sir.

*You’ve received ‘list of contacts’. It is now in your


➔ What

[Bhavesh]: What do you think could have happened to him?
Maybe someone he got involved with? Or-
[Nur]: No. My husband is no one extraordinary, Mr. Mulani.
He’s a family man who works a 9 to 5 at a green company on
weekdays and a soup kitchen on weekends. He’s a good man.
[Bhavesh]: I didn’t mean to offend, ma’am. Just ruling out
all the possibilities.
[Nur]: Well, you can cross that off your list now. He’s a
good man, I would have known if he was involved in anything.
[Bhavesh]: He’s a good man, yes.
Blind faith. Blind trust.
➔ When

[Bhavesh]: When did you last see him?
[Nur]: It was two weeks ago, Saturday evening. Around 7PM,
the police checked the security cameras outside our apartment.
Both of us were heading out.
[Nur, cont’d]: He didn’t come back.
[Bhavesh]: ...Do you remember what he last wore when he went
[Nur]: Yes. It was a white collared shirt and brown jacket.
[Nur, cont’d]: It was either the white or black one, and I
found the black one still folded in our wardrobe. He never
goes anywhere without the jacket.
You stare up from your notes for a moment, looking at her.
She stares back at you, her eyes bloodshot but steel.
You don’t apologise.
Apologising won’t bring her husband back.
You stare back down.
➔ Where

[Bhavesh]: Where was he going, last you’ve seen him?
[Nur]: He was going for a night out with his friends at a
nearby bar, it’s called Wilson’s Pint. I wasn’t home either, I
brought our kids out for dinner.
[Bhavesh]: Did his friends say when they last saw him?
[Nur]: They said that they thought he left when everyone did
too. His car is still parked at the bar.
[Bhavesh]: And no one saw him leave or stay?
[Nur]: Like I said, they all left, and they thought he left
[Bhavesh]: And you trust his friends?
[Nur]: I’ve known them for years, my husband’s known them
for longer.
[Bhavesh]: And you trust them?
[Nur]: I trust them enough to know they wouldn’t do anything
to him.
She says it strongly, as if the strength of her words would
reassure her.
She wants to trust that they weren’t involved.
Trust that she knows them well enough.
Unlike her, you do not.
The only man you trust is your partner.
You’d have to question them later.
➔ Why

[Bhavesh]: Do you think there’s a reason as to why he could
be missing?
[Nur]: No, I don’t. That’s for you to find out, isn’t it,
Mr. Mulani?
[Bhavesh]: Yes, my partner and I. But we do need to know if
there was a possible motive or not. See if that could connect
to a reason or explanation for his disappearance. Anything at
[Nur]: I’m sorry, sir. But the answer is still no, I don’t
see a reason why anyone would. We’re not rich, we’re not
people of power, we’re just a family.
[Bhavesh]: That’s alright, ma’am. We can figure this out as
we go.
➔ How

[Bhavesh]: How was he when you last saw him?
[Nur]: He wasn’t acting out of the usual if that’s what
you’re asking, Mr. Mulani.
[Nur, cont’d]: He was cheerful, happy. That’s how he usually
[Bhavesh]: I see. Did he bring or leave anything behind?
[Nur]: No. Nothing out of the ordinary. He brought the
clothes he wore, his wallet, and his phone.
[Bhavesh]: Have the police tried tracking his phone?
[Nur]: Oh, believe me, they did. They found it near the
waters, leaving for Rokan.
[Bhavesh]: Near the station?
[Nur]: Yes. On the tracks, before the sea.
[Bhavesh]: And do you think the people who possibly took him
could have taken him to Rokan?
[Nur]: The police searched for him there. Nothing turned up,
not one person saw him.
[Nur, cont’d]: But that would be impossible, wouldn’t it?
The only way to Rokan would be by train or boat. And I don’t
think my husband is anyone so important that they would bring
him by private transportation.
[Bhavesh]: I suppose not, ma’am.
You finish writing and let the ink of your pen rest on the
Beside you, your partner puts his pen down as well, having
silently been listening.
He looks at you in acknowledgment not for more than a few
seconds, at the woman sitting in front of you, then back
again. Waiting.
[Bhavesh]: Right! I think that’s all for now. We should start
by investigating his residence. You said you live in an
apartment, ma’am?
[Nur]: Yes, it’s us and our kids.
[Bhavesh]: Would it be alright to search with them there?
[Nur]: Oh, don’t worry. They’re with my brother and his kids
at the moment.
[Nur, cont’d]: I didn’t want them coming home after the police
did their own investigation. It just feels wrong without Aaban
there... You can look around as much as you want.
[Bhavesh]: Alright then, ma’am.
[Bhavesh, cont’d]: Did you come here by car?
[Nur]: Yes, I did. I presume you and Mr. Winata also go by
[Bhavesh]: That’s right, yes.
[Nur]: We can meet by the parking lot exit and I can lead us
to my apartment then.
[Bhavesh]: Of course. We’ll see you then, ma’am.
She nods once and stands from her seat, leaving briskly with
the click of her heels and the door.
Once again, you are alone with your partner.
[Bhavesh]: So. What do you think, Vin?
[Vincent]: Seems like the usual missing persons. I hope we
find her husband before anything happens to him.
[Bhavesh]: I hope so too. She deserves her husband back safe
and sound, their kids deserve their father back safe and
[Bhavesh, cont’d]: If anything, I hope we find a body to bury,
at least.
[Vincent]: Bav...
[Bhavesh]: Come on, let’s pack up. We don’t want to keep her
[Vincent]: ...Alright.
Your partner looks at you hesitantly, but he eventually
follows in getting ready to leave.
He trusts that you’d tell him if anything was wrong.
But not today, are you?
You’re not a burden today.
*Fade-in to black*

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