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A finite element model to predict sound

attenuation in lined and parallel-baffle
rectangular ducts
a a
Davide Borelli & Corrado Schenone
Department of Mechanical Engineering , Università degli Studi di
Genova , Italy
Published online: 11 Jun 2012.

To cite this article: Davide Borelli & Corrado Schenone (2012) A finite element model to predict
sound attenuation in lined and parallel-baffle rectangular ducts, HVAC&R Research, 18:3, 390-405

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A finite element model to predict sound attenuation in
lined and parallel-baffle rectangular ducts
Davide Borelli and Corrado Schenone∗
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Università degli Studi di Genova, Italy

Corresponding author e-mail:

The present article describes a Finite Element Model (FEM) model for the analysis of sound attenuation
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in lined and parallel-baffle rectangular ducts. By means of the numerical model it was possible to predict
insertion losses in a frequency range up to 8000 Hz. The model was validated by comparing numerical
results with experimental data obtained in accordance to EN ISO 11691 and EN ISO 7235 standards.
For the lined ducts both lining thickness and physical properties of lining were varied during validation;
the comparison indicates a good accuracy of the numerical model for all different tested conditions.
The results of the validation for parallel-baffle rectangular ducts show that also the behaviour of these
dissipative/reactive silencers, with their internal-reflections and energy dissipation phenomena, can be
predicted quite well by the FEM model on the whole frequency range. Overall comparisons suggest that
FEM modelling can be an accurate and inexpensive way to predict sound attenuation in lined ducts and
parallel-baffle mufflers.

Introduction is made to dissipation of acoustic energy into heat

by lining the air ducts with acoustically absorptive
The problem of reducing noise propagation along materials. Ducts are generally rectangular and are
air ducts is an increasingly topical subject in the lined at one, two or, less frequently, at all four walls.
HVAC sector, both because of the increased expec- Large fans often have parallel-baffle mufflers made
tation for acoustic comfort and also as a result of up of an acoustically absorptive material covered
the consequent regulations. This leads to the need with thin, perforated metallic or plastic sheets for
to widen the knowledge about air ducts silencing protection against flow. Normally fibreglass-type,
and, in particular, to develop appropriate computa- highly porous materials are used for the lining.
tional tools. From the experimental point of view, the Euro-
In general, mufflers should have adequate in- pean Standards EN ISO 7235:2009 (EN ISO 2009a)
sertion loss over the frequency range of interest, and EN ISO 11691:2009 (EN ISO 2009b) and the
minimum flow restriction, moderate size and cost, American Standard ASTM E477-06a (ASTM 2006)
high durability, good quality of the exhaust sound, set the laboratory measurement procedures for de-
performance should not deteriorate with time, the termining the insertion loss, in frequency bands,
flow generated noise should be sufficiently low, and of ducted silencers and air-terminal units with
should be easy to manufacture and to maintain. In and without airflow. From the theoretical point of
many air conditioning and ventilation systems resort view, in the past, analytical methods (Cremer 1953;

Received April 26, 2011; accepted December 13, 2011

Davide Borelli, PhD, is Postdoctoral Researcher. Corrado Schenone, PhD, is Associate Professor.

HVAC&R Research, 18(3):390–405, 2012. Copyright 
C 2012 ASHRAE.

ISSN: 1078-9669 print / 1938-5587 online

DOI: 10.1080/10789669.2012.641804

Ingard 1955; Kurze 1969) were used in order to the- method—EFEM) or BEM (high frequency bound-
oretically evaluate sound attenuation and to avoid ary element method—HFBEM) have become quite
expensive and time consuming experiments. Ac- popular (Langley and Bremner 1999; Vlahopoulos
cording to these approaches, the cross dimensions and Zhao 1999; Shorter and Langley 2005).
are small enough to ensure that only the plane waves All these computational methods have been ap-
propagate; the duct is assumed to be uniform in cross plied specifically to model sound propagation in
section and the flow Mach number is assumed to be lined ducts, including boundary element method
small enough and constant across the section of the (Juhl 2000), finite element method (Astley and
duct. Unfortunately, although in many applications Cummings 1987; Christiansen and Krenk 1988),
higher modes can be ignored, there are situations statistical analysis (Zlavog and Eversman 2005) and,
in practice where assumptions made in analytical recently, hybrid technique (Buske et al. 2010). In
theory are violated. Besides, comparisons with ex- particular, FEM and BEM have been used more con-
perimental data revealed that such predictions were veniently in lined ducts and applied in a very general
not always so accurate as design requires (Bartolini way. Moreover, in recent years, some commercial
Downloaded by [Dicle University] at 14:52 06 November 2014

et al. 2002) and the complexity of the analytical software, user friendly, has been introduced to the
approach tends to limit its application to the com- market, giving many engineers the opportunity to
mon design practice. On the contrary, a large diffu- approach numerical design without a specific skill
sion of adequate design methods is now necessary in computational acoustics. The strength of these
to fulfil the ever rising needs of acoustic comfort tools and their limited cost have made it possible for
in so many situations involving AC and ventilation a growing number of engineers their use in acoustics
plants. and, particularly, in calculating noise propagation in
Computer simulations of sound propagation in- ducts.
side air ducts can help the choice of the acous- The general applicability of computational meth-
tical properties of linings or mufflers and their ods in commercial codes, which makes them avail-
geometrical design, giving great advantages over able to the industrial users, makes more and more
experiments or analytical methods in terms of relevant the issue to assess the adequacy and reliabil-
reducing costs and obtaining accurate results in a ity of such an approach. This result can be achieved
faster way. Furthermore, numerical methods permit by testing the accuracy of the simulations and their
to solve acoustic problems for complicated geome- effectiveness in guiding the project. For this pur-
tries, when analytical methods, including Fourier pose, in this research, the sound propagation along
series approach, become impractical to use. Appli- air-ducts lined with sound absorbing material and
cations range from those of a more traditional kind, parallel-baffle mufflers was modelized by means of
as the control of noise emitted by the induction and a commercial FEM software. Mineral wool, the ma-
exhaust ducts of boilers or power plants, to sectors terial used normally for the lining because of its
such as air conditioning and ventilation plants. good sound-absorbing properties, with an acoustic
Various numerical discretization techniques for behaviour typical of porous materials (Bies 1988),
acoustic propagation in dissipative ducts were intro- was chosen as sound absorbing material and its
duced since the Sixties (Gladwell 1965; Zienkiewicz acoustical impedance was calculated by means of
1971) and, in particular, for acoustic propagation the Delany-Bazley correlation (Delany and Bazley
in mufflers at the half way of Seventies by Young 1970).
and Crocker (Young and Crocker 1975; Young and A number of methods, at times really sophisti-
Crocker 1976). Since then, numerical techniques, cated, have been developed in last decades for the
such as finite element (Marburg and Nolte 2008; Ih- prediction of the acoustical properties of porous me-
lenburg 1998) and boundary element (Kirkup 1998; dia (Attenborough 1982; Kidner and Hansen 2008):
Ciskowski and Brebbia 1991) method for low and analytical (Zwikker and Kosten 1949; Morse and
mid frequencies acoustical problems and statisti- Bolt 1944; Berryman 1979; Berryman 1980; Biot
cal method (Lyon and DeJong 1995) for high fre- 1956a; Biot 1956b; Allard and Atalla 2009) and
quency problems, have encountered a rising suc- numerical (Kang and Bolton 1995; Panneton and
cess. A great number of successful applications in Atalla 1997; Tanneau et al. 2006) models were intro-
this field can be counted up to now. In recent years, duced in order to explain the behaviour of such ma-
some hybrid methods combining Statistical Energy terials by considering their different structures (Per-
Analysis (SEA) and FEM (energy finite element rot et al. 2004; Voronina 1998), shape (Becot et al.
392 VOLUME 18, NUMBER 3, JUNE 2012

2008; Turo and Umnova 2010) and frames (Rossetti inhomogeneous Helmholtz equation:
et al. 2003) and their application in the different
fields. These studies have not been specifically con-  
1 ω2
sidered in the present article, with the intent to limit ∇ · − (∇ p − q) − p = Q, (3)
the interest to a well-consolidated and basic method ρ0 ρ0 cs2
like the above mentioned Delany-Bazley model.
This semi-empirical model was subsequently de- where p = p(x,ω). This formulation makes possible
veloped by other Authors (Dunn and Davern 1986; to compute frequency response using the paramet-
Qunli 1988; Miki 1990a; Miki 1990b), but in the ric solver to sweep over a frequency range using a
present study the original formulation has been harmonic load, specifying the angular frequency ω
adopted and utilized, because this empirical model through the frequency f .
often proved to be adequate for most practical ap- For spaces such as rectangular lined ducts, a
plications of porous materials for sound absorption. plane wave only would propagate (with all higher
To validate the FEM model accuracy, the nu- modes, even if present, being cut-off) if a frequency
Downloaded by [Dicle University] at 14:52 06 November 2014

merical results were compared with data measured is small enough so that:
by using an experimental set-up based on standards
EN ISO 11691 and EN ISO 7235; the apparatus was
used to measure the insertion loss in straight ducts cs
f < , (4)
with square cross section lined with mineral wool. 2h
The finite element model was finally utilized to pre-
dict the sound attenuation along lined and parallel- where h is the larger of the two transverse dimen-
baffle rectangular ducts till to high-frequency, where sions of the rectangular duct (Munjal 1987). For the
FEM becomes critical, also analyzing the effect of geometries used in this article to validate the model,
density and thickness of the lining material on the this condition is satisfied for frequencies up to about
sound propagation inside lined ducts 600 Hz.
The absorption mechanism of mineral wool is
based on the viscous effects in the air contained in-
Numerical modelling side the interconnecting pores which separate the
fibres; the solid structure can generally be regarded
Governing equations as ideally rigid and stationary, and the acoustic ab-
sorption as produced by the viscosity of the air,
In a lossless medium, sound waves are governed
which is subjected to a process of alternate com-
by the following equation:
pression and rarefaction as a sound wave passes
  through it (Zwikker and Kosten 1949; Attenbor-
1 ∂2 p 1
+ ∇ · − (∇ p − q) = Q, (1) ough 1993). To model the sound damping by means
ρ0 cs2 ∂t 2 ρ0 of the rock-wool set inside the simmetrical side
pockets of the simulated lined duct, the Delany-
where p is the acoustic pressure (whose SI unit is Bazley model for porous media (Delany and Bazley
Pa), ρ 0 (kg/m3) is the density, cs (m/s) is the speed 1970) has been used: in this way, we have that the
of sound and q (N/m3) and Q (1/s2) are respectively speed of sound and the density are frequency de-
the dipole source and the monopole source, both op- pendant complex quantities, denoted by ρ c and cc
tional. The combination ρ 0 cs 2 is called the adiabatic respectively:
bulk modulus, commonly denoted K (Pa).
A special case is a time-harmonic wave, for
which the pressure varies with time as: Z c kc ω
ρc = cc = .
ω kc
p (x, t) = p (x) eiωt , (2)
The Helmholtz equation becomes:
where ω = 2π f (rad/s) is the angular frequency, with
f (Hz) denoting the frequency. Assuming the same  
harmonic time dependence for the source terms, 1 ω2
∇ · − (∇ p − q) − p = Q, (5)
the wave equation for acoustic waves reduces to an ρc ρc cc2

and, according to the model of Delany-Bazley, we r the Delany-Bazley damping type has been intro-
have: duced to the subdomains where the lining is.
ω ρ0 f −C2 ρ0 f −C4 The matched boundary condition is particu-
kc = 1 + C1 −iC3
cs Rf Rf larly useful for modeling acoustic waves in ducts;
such condition belongs to the class of nonreflect-
(6) ing boundary conditions (NRBCs) (Givoli and Neta
  −C6  −C8  2004) and it is a reformulation of the Higdon condi-
ρ0 f ρ0 f
Z c = ρ0 cs 1 + C5 −iC7 . tions for plane waves (Higdon 1994). It allows two
Rf Rf modes with wave numbers k 1 and k 2 to leave the
(7) model domain with minimal reflections, according
to the following Equation 9:
The flow resistivity Rf to be introduced in Equa-  
tions 6 and 7 is calculated as a function of apparent 1
− n · − (∇ p − q)
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density ρ rw and mean fiber diameter drw of mineral ρc

wool (Bies and Hansen 1980):   
i ω
+ k1 k2 p + cTc p
w K +
Rf = . (8) ρc (k1 + k2 )
In Equations 6 and 7 Ci are coefficients specific i ω
+ k 1 k 2 pi + cTcpi
for the used material; in Equation 8 K is an empir- = +n· ∇ pi
ical coefficient equal to 3.18∗ 10−9 in SI units and ρc (k1 + k2 ) ρc
8.75∗ 10−7 in I-P units (Bies 1988). Equation 8 is (9)
a semi-empirical correlation for various classes of
fibrous materials; it derives from Nichols’ equation where n is the wave-direction vector, T refers to the
(Nichols 1947) and it was tested for different sam- Laplace operator in the tangential plane at one given
ple thicknesses and densities. By using Equation point r = (x,y,z) on the boundary, and pi represents
8, flow resistivity may be estimated based upon a an incident pressure field of an optional incoming
knowledge of fibre diameter and bulk density alone. plane wave with wave vector k and amplitude p0
Its validity range largely exceeds the range of den- according to:
sity analyzed in the present article.
pi = p0 e−i(k·r) . (10)
Numerical solution
To numerically solve Equation 2, and to deter- If properly set up, the matched boundary con-
mine the sound attenuation inside the lined duct the dition allows the modelization of both the entrance
time-harmonic analysis model type has been set in a and the ending sections of the duct. In particular, the
commercial FEM software. The elements are of the broadband loudspeaker at the entrance section is in-
Lagrange-quadratic type, and boundary and subdo- tegrated specifying an incoming plane wave with
main conditions have been set as follows: wavenumber k 1 = k 2 = ω/cc , while the 1/3 octave
band analysis is provided by the parametric solver
r the sound-hard boundary condition has been used which solves the problem for the desired frequen-
to model rigid surfaces; cies. The ending section of the duct is simply mod-
r the matched boundary condition has been used elized without inserting in the matched boundary
in the entrance section of the duct to specify the condition the optional incident pressure field previ-
acoustic pressure at the boundary; ously described.
r the matched boundary condition has been used The continuity condition, applied to the inte-
as an appropriate approximation for the ending rior boundaries, represents a situation where the
section of the duct. interior boundary has no effect on the acoustic
r the continuity condition has been used to mod- pressure field, so that we have the continuity of
elize the interface between the lining and the duct; the normal acceleration, represented by means of
394 VOLUME 18, NUMBER 3, JUNE 2012

which allows it to accelerate the convergence of

the base iterative method by correcting, from time
to time, the solution globally by solving a coarse
problem. In this way, it was possible to obtain
correct results for frequencies less or equal to 2000
Hz; from then on, the software was not able to give
any results giving errors due to lack of RAM, or it
continued endlessly in the iterating steps to solve the
problem without coming to converge. The problem
was completely resolved with the PARallel sparse
Figure 1. Example of brick mesh used for a lining thickness of DIrect SOlver (PARDISO) (Schenk and Gärtner
50 mm (1.97 in.) (color figure available online). 2004; Schenk and Gärtner 2006), available with an
updated version of the FEM commercial software,
Equation 11: which made it possible to analyze frequencies
Downloaded by [Dicle University] at 14:52 06 November 2014

up to 8000 Hz in a much faster way than using

    traditional solvers. A frequency upper limit of
1 1
n − (∇ p − q) − − (∇ p − q) = 0, 8000 Hz is a noticeable achievement, since usually
ρ0 1 ρ0 2 the most common softwares and solvers for FEM
models allow to solve the numerical problem
where the subscrips 1 and 2 refer to the two sides of up to definitely lower frequencies, relegating to
the considered boundary. other specifically developed methods, such as SEA
The lining is modelled by applying the Delany- (Statistical Energy Analysis), the analysis of fre-
Bazley damping properties to the elements of the quencies above FEM’s limit of predictability (Soize
subdomains representing the volume of the lining et al. 1992; Rabbiolo et al. 2004; Łodygowski and
itself. Sumelka 2006; Troclet et al. 2009).
The mesh used for the simulations is a brick mesh For example, Figure 2 shows the calculated pres-
with cuboid shaped elements (Figure 1), and the sure distribution for a lining thickness of 50 mm
number of Lagrangian elements per wavelenght has (1.97 in.) and a frequency of 400 Hz and sug-
been kept between six to ten in order to obtain the gests that the model correctly simulates the phys-
desired accuracy (Marburg 2002; Marburg 2008; ical behaviour of a lined duct with losses at the
Ihlenburg and Babuška 1995; Ihlenburg and boundaries, so that the wavefront near the side
Babuška 1997; Perrey-Debain et al. 2004). The walls is bent toward them. It can be noticed that
hardware configuration used to run the simulations the wavefronts are planar in the free duct, whereas
was a PC with a 2.80 GHz Intel core i7 860 they’re deformed in the lined portion of the duct; the
CPU (64 bit, quad-core with Hyper-Threading colours are less intense downstream the lining, and
Technology) equipped with 8 GB of RAM. The that indicates an abatement of the sound pressure
operating system chosen was Fatdog64, a Linux values.
distribution with very low footprint that allows
the FEM solver to have the highest amount of free
memory available for the high RAM consuming
computations (Thompson 2006). Experimental set-up
The model was solved at first by using one of the
most commonly employed algorithms for matrices An experimental apparatus, compliant with the
arising from finite element formulations for the EN ISO 11691 and EN ISO 7235 standards, was
Helmholtz equation (Von Erstoff et al. 2008); such used to assess the insertion loss in straight ducts
solvers are commonly used with preconditioners with a square cross section (300 × 300 mm, 11.81
that intend to improve the overall conditioning of × 11.81 in.). The apparatus comprised the follow-
the system matrix to obtain a good performance ing elements (Figure 3): a loudspeaker, test ducts,
of the solver itself. The chosen solver has been a muffler or a substitution duct, a transition ele-
the Generalized Minimal RESidual algorithm for ment and a reverberation room. Width and height
solving nonsymmetric linear systems, GMRES of the duct were set by considering significant tech-
(Saad and Schultz 1986); the preconditioner used in nical dimensions, which are typical cross section
the simulations was the Geometric Multigrid one, dimensions used in manufacturing, as well as the

Figure 2. Calculated pressure distribution: (a) isometric view; (b) x-y plane; (c) x-y plane detail (color figure available online).

need to limit the overall length of the experimen- standard EN ISO 11691. The actual compliance of
tal apparatus, which is dependent on cross-section the reverberating room with the requirements de-
dimensions. fined by standard EN ISO 3743-1:2010 (EN ISO
The loudspeaker was fitted inside a duct 1.70 2010) and EN ISO 3743-2:2009 (EN ISO 2009c)
m (5.58 ft) long, made of 20 mm (0.79 in.) thick was tested by means of specific experiments on the
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chipboard panels, and enclosed in a sealed cabinet whole frequency range that has been analyzed dur-
filled with mineral wool. The ducts and the tran- ing the present study.
sition element were made up by 1 mm (0.04 in.) In order to limit flanking transmissions as far
thick galvanised steel sheets. The length of the test as possible, particular steps were taken. With re-
duct was set to be at least half of the wavelength gard to transmission paths through solid media, rub-
corresponding to the minimum frequency in the test ber washers were inserted between the flanges; to
range and not less than four times the duct cross- limit transmission through air, the entire test section
section diagonal. The substitution duct, which was was enclosed in sound-proofing panels made of ex-
designed and built in the same way as the test ducts, panded polyurethane with a 1 mm thick lead sheath
was used in the measurement procedure to define a inserted in between them.
reference condition. The muffler consisted in a duct equipped with
The transition element, which enables the ap- two replaceable symmetrical side pockets of vari-
paratus to be connected to the reverberation room, ous thickness (Figure 4) or, alternatively, in a paral-
must have a low reflection coefficient and dissipative lel baffled duct. Sound transparent layers were used
losses close to zero; moreover, it must not produce for confining the lining materials: this way, it was
any self generated noise that might influence mea- possible to vary both the thickness of the lining
surements in the test room. The transition element and the absorbing material, and therefore to ana-
constructed for the present apparatus is shaped like lyze the effect that thickness and absorbing material
a truncated pyramid with an internal angle of 30◦ have on insertion loss, that is, on the effectiveness
between the walls, terminating in the reverberation of the dissipative muffler. The facing was made up
room. of a perforated metal sheet, with a percent open
The reverberating room forms the termination area of 50%. Both literature (Bies 1988; Munjal and
of the experimental apparatus, in accordance with Thawani 1997) and experimental tests, performed

Figure 3. Experimental setup: (a) sketch; (b) picture (color figure available online).
396 VOLUME 18, NUMBER 3, JUNE 2012
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Figure 4. Substitution duct with replaceable symmetrical side pockets.

by a standing wave tube, indicated that this kind sound pressure level inside the reverberation room,
of facing does not modify the acoustical behav- which constituted the reference environment for the
ior of the sound absorbing material. The panels of measurements.
mineral wool had the same thickness of the side To evaluate the spectral insertion loss (IL) pro-
pockets, so that the porous material was not com- vided by the muffler under examination, measure-
pressed and stayed in contact with the perforated ments were taken by alternatively mounting on the
sheet. experimental set-up either the muffler itself or the
The sound source consisted of a random noise substitution duct. The difference for each one-third
generator, an amplifier and a loudspeaker; the power octave band, in decibels, between the mean sound
of the sound produced had to be sufficient to ensure pressure level inside the reverberation room before
that the sound pressure level in the reverberation (SPL1 ) and after (SPL2 ) the insertion of the dissi-
room is at least 10 dB greater than the background pative muffler along the test duct returned insertion
noise. loss values:

Experimental procedure IL = SPL1 −SPL2 . (12)

A pink noise was generated at the closed end of It must be noted that the standard EN ISO 7235
the channel by means of a broad-band loudspeaker; defines the insertion loss of the test object as “the
then the generated signal was picked up by micro- reduction in the level of the sound power in the
phones positioned in three different points inside duct behind the test object due to the insertion of
the reverberation room, according to EN ISO stan- the test object into the duct in place of a substi-
dards. By means of a sound analyzer and its data tution duct,” whereas the transmission loss of an
analysis software, the signal was post-processed to air terminal unit is defined as “the difference be-
determine the one third octave band spectrum of the tween the levels of the sound powers incident on and

To verify the behavior of the experimental setup,

insertion loss was determined for a commercial si-
lencer, the SQ-A-110-600 made by the FCR com-
pany (Figure 5); this has a 0.3 × 0.3 m (0.98 × 0.98
ft) cross section, a length of 0.6 m (1.97 ft) and a
single 0.2 m (0.66 ft) wide sound-absorbing baffle
lined with mineral wool. Measured insertion loss
was then compared with the producer’s catalog data
(FCR 2000) in the range 125-8000 Hz, for octave
band: comparison between experimental data and
catalogue values revealed very good agreement, as
shown in Figure 6.

Model validation for lined ducts

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Figure 5. FCR silencer model SQ-A-110-600 (color figure avail-

able online). To validate the accuracy of the numerical model
the experimental and simulated IL curves were com-
transmitted through the test object”; nevertheless, pared along the whole frequency range. Both lining
for tests according to standard EN ISO 7235, the thickness and physical properties of lining were var-
measured insertion loss of a silencer equals its trans- ied during validation, to determine the accuracy of
mission loss, as reported in the paragraph 3.1, note the model and its limits. Of course, the flow velocity
2 of the above mentioned standard. It is therefore was set to zero, as during the experiments.
allowed to model only the lined duct excluding the
reverberating room, since the FEM model evalu- Effects of lining thickness
ates the transmission loss while the experimental
set-up measures the insertion loss, but, for the rea- Insertion loss was both measured and calculated
son mentioned above, these two quantities can be for four different lined ducts characterised by a
considered equal. So the article, in general, refers thickness of the absorbing lining, t, equal to 25, 50,
to insertion loss, because this is the physical quan- 100, and 150 mm (0.98, 1.97, 3.94, and 5.90 in.).
tity measured in the present experiments; the calcu- Insertion loss was determined for the lined duct de-
lated value of transmission loss is then assimilated scribed before when lined with bulk mineral wool
to IL in the following, because their values actually (density 50 kg/m3, 3.125 lb/ft3) and was measured in
coincide. the range 250–4000 Hz, for one-third octave band.

Figure 6. Comparison between experimental and producer data for silencer model SQ-A-110-600.
398 VOLUME 18, NUMBER 3, JUNE 2012
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Figure 7. Comparison between experimental and simulated data for different lining thickness: (a) 25 mm (0.98 in.), (b) 50 mm (1.97
in.), (c) 100 mm (3.94 in.), and (d) 150 mm (5.90 in.).

Figure 7 reports the comparison between experi- mean error, ε:

mental and calculated data for each lining thickness
and, in general, indicates a good accordance. The N
1 pr edict.value − ex p.value
well-known effect of lining thickness on IL, that IL ε= %.
curves become more broad band for thicker linings, N i=1
ex p.value
is described correctly by the finite element model.
Besides, the numerical model properly predicts the Figure 8 presents comparison between measured
specific effect of the lining thickness on IL curves: and predicted insertion loss for the various lining
for lining thicknesses greater than 50 mm (1.97 in.) thicknesses; the dotted lines indicate a difference be-
a substantial independence from the thickness of the tween predicted and experimental values of ±30%.
lining is indicated; on the contrary, for small lining The absolute mean error for all four thicknesses re-
thickness, attenuation curves show a selective be- sults equal to 1.4 dB, while ε and λ in reference to
havior, with a peak in the insertion loss close to the the whole data set of the analyzed events are respec-
frequency of 1000 Hz and depending on t. For lining tively equal to 25% and 67%.
thickness of 25 and 50 mm (0.98 and 1.97 in.) the
finite element model identifies with good precision Effects of physical properties of lining
the frequency whereby the maximum attenuation is
achieved and predicts IL on the whole range with To validate the model other experiments and sim-
a mean absolute error of 1.0 dB, which is a very ulations were carried out, by changing the density
small value if compared with the standard accuracy of the sound absorbent material, which was set to be
of predictive models (Marburg and Nolte 2008). equal alternatively to 50, 70, and 100 kg/m3 (3.125,
For experimental data presented in this study, the 4.375, and 6.250 lb/ft3). The aim was to test the ca-
accuracy of predictive model has been evaluated ac- pability of the numerical model to correctly predict
cording to two criteria: the fraction of data predicted the effect of physical properties of lining material
to within ±30%, called λ, and the percent absolute on sound attenuation.
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Figure 8. Comparison between measured and predicted insertion loss for different lining thickness ( t = 0.98 in.; • t = 1.97 in.;
 t = 3.94 in.; t = 5.90 in.).

In Figure 9 simulated and experimental IL curves the density of sound absorbing material on insertion
for lining thickness of 50 mm (1.97 in.) and differ- losses. For both simulated and experimental curves,
ent mineral wool density are reported. Both exper- the sound attenuation presents its peak at 1000 Hz
imental and calculated diagram show a progressive for a density of 50 kg/m3 (3.125 lb/ft3); at higher
shift of the insertion loss peak towards higher fre- frequencies the sound attenuation appears to rise,
quencies at increasing density, with a simultaneous even if by very little, when the density of the min-
lowering of the peak itself. Besides, the model in- eral wool increases. This behaviour, described by
dicates that the mineral wool density influences the the experimental data, is well interpreted by the nu-
performance of the lined duct about to the frequency merical model. On the contrary, whereas numerical
of 1000 Hz, whereas for frequencies below 500 Hz model predicts that IL regularly varies at the differ-
and over 1250 Hz the insertion loss is slightly af- ent frequencies in relationship with the lining mate-
fected by it. Both diagrams confirm this effect of rial’s density, experimental data show substantially

Figure 9. Effect of the density (• ρ = 3.125 lb/ft3;  ρ = 4.375 lb/ft3;  ρ = 6.250 lb/ft3) of the mineral wool for a lining thickness
of 50 mm (1.97 in.): a) simulated and b) experimental insertion loss.
400 VOLUME 18, NUMBER 3, JUNE 2012
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Figure 10. Comparison between measured and predicted insertion loss for different lining density ( ρ = 3.125 lb/ft3; • ρ = 4.375
lb/ft3;  ρ = 6.250 lb/ft3).

overlapped curves for 70 and 100 kg/m3 (4.375 and solute values corresponding to the same percent
6.250 lb/ft3) and a separated curve for the lower error.
density. This opens the possibility to get a correct design
Figure 10 represents the comparison between and to optimize the lined ducts in function of the
measured and predicted insertion loss for all tested needed behaviour; of course, the FEM model must
densities of sound-absorbing material. In this case be properly set-up and optimized, because of its high
the absolute mean error results to be 1.9 dB, ε is computational cost (Allard and Atalla 2009).
equal to 19% and λ to 82%; as before, the values
of ε and λ are referred to the whole data set of the
analyzed events. Model validation for
All of the comparative studies point out that the parallel-baffle ducts
model is able to effectively predict the sound attenu-
ation in lined ducts as the geometry of the lining and Whereas lined ducts are a kind of mufflers which
the physical properties of the sound-absorbing ma- are purely dissipative, since the cross section of the
terial change. This happens for an extremely large duct itself is completely free from any obstacle or
frequency range, up to values of 4000 Hz. Greater restriction, parallel-baffle ducts operate as dissipa-
absolute differences were observed at frequencies tive/reactive silencers, since the front part of the
close to 1000 Hz, when IL values are higher and baffles reflects sound waves back to the source and
the accuracy of the experimental apparatus is re- sound attenuation is a consequence of internal re-
duced because of the combining actions of the flank- flections, too.
ing transmission and the break out phenomenon, In order to validate the accuracy of the finite ele-
whose effects became more relevant while IL rises. ment model for this configuration, a simulation was
This means that the comparison of measured and firstly implemented for the above mentioned FCR
calculated value suffers from the uncertainty in silencer SQ-A-110-600; the frontal and rear metal
experiments and, obviously, from the higher ab- sheets of the baffles were simulated as a sound hard
Downloaded by [Dicle University] at 14:52 06 November 2014

Figure 11. Comparison between experimental and simulated data for silencer model FCR SQ-A-110-600.

boundary, while all the other boundary conditions with two baffles inside with frontal cross section of
were set as described the Numerical Solution sec- 300 × 50 mm (11.81 × 1.97 in.); the mineral wool
tion. Figure 11 shows the comparison between ex- inside the baffles had a density of 20 kg/m3 (1.25
perimental and simulated data in octave band from lb/ft3) and to calculate its flow resistivity Rf , a modi-
125 Hz to 8000 Hz. The accuracy of the model fied version of the Equation 8, recommended by the
is substantially assessed: the plot of both curves is producer of the mineral wool, was introduced in the
similar and the value of the absolute mean error is model (Rockwool 2005):
2.9 dB. As for lined ducts, the maximum difference
between experimental and calculated value is ob- R f = 95.35 · ρr1.37
w . (13)
served close to the peak of insertion loss, when the
model again overestimates the measured IL. The average deviation between experimental val-
For a further validation of the model, another ues and values calculated with the Equation 13 is
parallel-baffle duct was tested, whose geometry is equal to 11.7% upon a range of density from 40
shown in Figure 12. In respect of the previous si- to 180 kg/m3 (from 2.5 to 11.25 lb/ft3) (Rockwool
lencer, the free flow area was larger and the sound 2005). Such precision is less than the reproducibil-
reflection less relevant, thus determining different ity of the experimental measurement of the flow
acoustical conditions and dissipative/reactive bal- resistivity (between 12.5% and 16.5%) evaluated
ancing. The parallel-baffle duct had a inner square during an Inter-Laboratory Test between different
cross section of 300 × 300 mm (11.81 × 11.81 in.), European laboratories (Garai and Pompoli 2003).

Figure 12. Tested silencer: (a) sketch; (b) picture (color figure available online).
402 VOLUME 18, NUMBER 3, JUNE 2012
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Figure 13. Comparison between experimental and simulated data for the silencer shown in Figure 12.

In Figure 13 experimental and simulated IL six to ten in order to obtain the desired precision.
curves from 125 Hz to 8000 Hz are shown. Also the Equations were solved using the PARDISO solver,
behavior of this dissipative/reactive silencer, with its which made it possible to analyze frequencies up to
internal-reflections and energy dissipation phenom- 8000 Hz in a much faster way than using traditional
ena, seems to be very well predicted by the FEM solvers.
model on the whole frequency range: the maximum The accuracy of the numerical model was vali-
absolute error is lower than 0.6 dB. This result con- dated by means of an experimental setup compliant
firms that the model is able to predict sound attenu- with standards EN ISO 11691 and EN ISO 7235.
ation for different geometry and number of parallel To verify the behavior of the experimental setup,
baffles, therefore introducing the possibility to ana- insertion loss was determined for a commercial si-
lyze the performance of the silencer during the de- lencer: the comparison between measured data and
sign and, moreover, to optimize its geometry and the producer values revealed a very good agreement.
physical properties of the sound absorbing material Experimental and calculated insertion losses
in relation to the expected insertion loss. were then compared both for the lined ducts and
The overall values of ε and λ for the parallel the parallel-baffle ducts along the whole frequency
baffled ducts considered is respectively equal to 15% range. For the lined ducts both lining thickness and
and 93%, while the fraction of data predicted to physical properties of lining were varied during val-
within ±20% is 64% in the simulated frequency idation. The comparison indicates a good accuracy
range. of the numerical model for all different tested condi-
tions: the percent absolute mean error for all thick-
Conclusions nesses was equal to 25% and the fraction of data
predicted to within ±30% was 67%; for the various
A finite element model for the analysis of sound densities of sound-absorbing material, ε and λ re-
attenuation in lined and parallel-baffle rectangular sulted respectively equal to 19% and 82%. Results
ducts was implemented, that is able to operate up for parallel-baffle rectangular ducts suggest that also
to high frequency and to take into account differ- the behaviour of this dissipative/reactive silencers,
ent physical properties of sound absorbing material with its internal-reflections and energy dissipation
and various geometries of baffles. The finite element phenomena, can be very well predicted by the fi-
model, worked out by means of a commercial soft- nite element model on the whole frequency range:
ware, was based on a time-harmonic analysis and the absolute mean error for both mufflers tested was
the elements were of the Lagrange-quadratic type. lower than 1.7 dB.
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with cuboid shaped elements, and the number of La- plemented by means of present commercial soft-
grangian elements per wavelenght was kept between ware are able to predict quite well the behaviour of

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