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Surface and Coatings Technology, 64 (1994 ) 75-80 75

Concept of microsmoothing in the electropolishing process

Tadeusz Hryniewicz
Technical University of Kos zalin, Raclawicka 15-17, PL75-620 Koszalin (Poland)

(Received March 5,1993; accepted in final form October 6.1993)


Electropolishing of metals and numerous alloys can provide smooth, bright and reflective surfaces that exhibit superior corrosion
resistance compared with untreated materials. These features are achieved mainly after electropolishing pure metals and single-phase
alloys. Earlier researchers have indicated that, in comparison with other treatments (mechanical polishing, chemical etching), electro-
polishing produces a much thinner surface layer with changed and specific properties. This implies a difference in the solid surface
chemistry which is valuable from the viewpoint of the technical usefulness of such surfaces.
Experimental investigations carried out on various metals and alloys have proved that both electrochemical and hydrodynami c
conditions are responsible for the positive results obtained in the process. The aim of the present work is to provide a new concept of
electropolishing covering transport phenomena such as diffusion and adsorption as wellas the hydrodynamic conditions.

1. Introduction 2. Theoretical analysis

A lot of previous investigations on electropolishing Beginning from the early work of Faust [lJ and
have been carried out in the relatively simple and well- others [3, 9J , Kojima [4], Hryniewicz et al. [10],
known system of copper-phosphoric acid solution. In Landolt [l1J and many others all focused their efforts
this electrochemical system the classical form of the on only the diffusional phenomena as playing the main
polarization curve has been defined . This curve includes part in the electropolishing process. Moreover, studies
a region of low polarization, giving anodic etching, a by Kirchheim et al. [7] seemed to conclude the diffu-
plateau of high polarization where polishing occurs, and sional theory of electropolishing and, although some of
a more depolarized zone of oxygen evolution at higher their solutions happened to be misleading, surprisingly
potentials [1-6]. Many other works, both theoretical the conclusions drawn there were right.
and experimental, have generally considered only the To analyse the close-to-anode phenomena, let us
diffusional aspect of the process. The diffusional consider the case with a rotating disc electrode (RDE).
approach led to formulation of the diffusion equations "Sticky" layer formation on the anode surface under
[7J and then to their solution [8 , 9J , taking into account natural convection is presented in Fig.2. Taking into
diffusion, natural and forced convection, and solid film account diffusion, convection and the solid film forma-
formation during the process . tion during electropolishing, the concentration c at the
The phenomena accompanying the process of electro- anode surface changes with consecutive lapses of time t
polishing are quite complex. The set of factors affecting as follows:
the process and the experimental results are presented
in Fig. 1 [9].
The purpose of the present work is to reveal a new
concept of electropolishing followed by an outline of the
x L (limn) siu{mnxl<5) exp(- t/'r:m)
theory of the process . The new concept of microsmooth-
ing is developed taking into account all the elementary
stages and acts, as well as the cyclic kinetics of the 'r m =c? Jm2n2D
process, the phenomena observed in the experiment.
with the current density i given by
Some significant conclusions of practical importance
are derived. 2
i =-io(tslt)o.5
Parameters in the formulae are presented in Figs. 2 and

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SSDI 0257-8972(93)02218 -2
76 T. Hryniewicz / Concept of microsmoothing in electropolishing

Y, Change of surface
x, Composition and type

roughness parameters, Ra,Rz セ of bath, pH m
Y2 Variance of profile slope
セM x" Dynamic viscosity

{standard deviation cr)

Y3 Surface gloss
Y4 Change of microhardness

"0 ...e
5" ...

x12 Bath density
x'3 Conductivity V セ

l1> セ


n' '0 :0
x2 Voltage (U) Q. 1l
Ya Change of stress state s, '"
iil 0 0 <E---
or c-;

.!2: g:
Ya Change of shape
Y7 Change of workpiece dimensions
jA - .... --


<E--- x3 Current Intensity (I)
x4 ECPtime



m ::J x g Intensity of ウエゥイョセ or n:j
o :r Cii I-- electrolyte flow ve ocity
'" I-- Xs
z g. *

Heating or cooling セ

セ Gl OJ
<:to Distance A - C /I
"'0 0
I+- x7
セN :=!
0 :0
" 0
セ r--
e o
I-- 0, Workpiece - anode
セ o

;::;:' m
!!' CIl
'<: I-- °2 Cathode 0

Ya Increase of electrolyte

Yg Change of electrolyte properties

セ セ

Os Geometry of electrolyzer
°4 Electrolyte tank capacity V '--

Y,o Decrease of workpiece mass r-
K' Local changes of temperature 0

11:2 Convection a-
K:, Progressive contamination
of electrolyte セ "'o"

Fig. 1, Visual presentation of the parameters, interferences and final results of electropolishing [9].

.... l[
.... , .... l:
, Nセ
8 C!!.:'
" '0

.... c: Ql
o l:
' ..... t......".i:JO o
... .... セ
... ... ;3
.... z'"
.... , -, x=o

'.... x=os
.... セ L
" I,
Distancefrom anode x

Fig. 2. Schematic of sticky layer formation and change in concen- Distance from anode x
tration during electropolishing under natural convection for consecu- Fig. 3. Sticky layer formation during electropolishing under forced
tive moments 1,,=0,11,12 , ... , I-->CO. convection.

3. However, some more factors should be taken into

account for microsmoothing and brightening to occur. and brightening is the variable thickness of the effective
Also the number of factors affecting the process is diffusional layer ON [9]. Interrelation of factors affecting
increased when forced convection is considered (Fig. 3). the process of electropolishing shows adsorption as one
As is shown below, this is of great importance when the of the essential physical properties, which additionally
initial stage of electropolishing is started with a new changes with time. Thus the theory of electropolishing
solution, where the amount of dissolved ions is grow- should cover the mechanism of adsorption and/or chemi-
ing rapidly. sorption for the process. Coming out of the diffusion
In accordance with the diffusional concept of electro- and adsorption theory of electropolishing, the way of
polishing to date, the main reason for microsmoothing controlling the process may be rendered more efficient.
T. Hryniewicz / Concept of microsmoothing in electropolishing 77

3. Experimental details
The experiments on electropolishing were carried out
on both (i) a stationary electrode with natural and 110
forced convection [3J and (ii) an RDE system [9, 10]. E
セ 90
The materials used for samples were: metals (copper, セ
aluminium, pure iron, Armco iron) and alloys (brass, Nセ 70
carbon steels, low alloy steels, stainless steels). "c
セ 50
All the experiments were carried out in solutions of

orthophosphoric and sulphuric acids, with the addition 8 30
of Cr03 for carbon and low alloy steels and/or lactic
acid for electropolishing stainless steels.
The main part of the experiments were concerned o 1 357 9
Voltage applied (V)
with various kinds of ferrous alloys and so are the results
and conclusions presented here. Fig. 4. Change of impedance during electropolishing of steels in freshly
prepared solution: section a, decrease in the initial stage (zero to
The experiments with the RDE were carried out under 4 A h dm -3); section b, monotonic increase. Curves obtained with
potentiostatic and/or galvanostatic control. The active increasing contamination of the H 3P04-H2S04 aqueous solution were
anode surface area was 2.834 cnr', the samples being as follows: curve 1, at zero; curve 2, at about 4 A h dm - 3; curve 3, at
round in shape. All the experiments were repeated three about 50 A h dm -3; curve 4, at about 240 A h dm -3.
times. The cathode was made from a round stainless
steel sheet fitted into the bottom of a beaker with a deterioration in the surface quality at about 200 to
surface 45 times larger than the anode area. 240 A h dm- 3 .
The samples were ground with a 240-grit wet-grinding The first stage of the process (Fig.4, section a) is
paper before a run and then rinsed with running water characteristic of an uneven dissolution and in fact cannot
and dried in air to obtain, generally, a single value of be recognized as proper electropolishing (Fig. 5). In
initial roughness. Microscopic observations of the anode Fig. 5 projections are visible in the centre of the sample
surfaces under magnifications of 6 x and 40 x were surface. These appeared in the initial stage of electro-
performed after washing and drying. polishing with the freshly prepared electrolyte solution
and occurred on different materials [9, 10]. After
some period of "working out" of the solution (about
4. Results and discussion 4 A h dm -3) such spots no longer appeared and instead
some spirals were visible on the surface (Fig. 6).
Some examples of results of the investigations carried In the second stage of treatment (section b in Fig. 4),
out are presented in this section. A typical anodic the observed irregularities of dissolution vanished and
polarization curve was obtained for copper with quite a bright and specular surfaces were obtained.
long plateau region and, as this is classical in shape, it Potentiostatic polarization Curves obtained for carbon
is not presented here. For all steels treated under electro- steels electropolished in phosphoric-sulphuric-chromic
polishing conditions these plateaux were much shorter, aqueous solution for two temperatures, 343 and 363 K,
and dependent on the type of steel used; there were cases are presented in Fig. 7. Here the increasing electrolyte
where this plateau could be hardly noticed, e.g. for tool contamination is shown to decrease the extent of barely
steels H13 and 01 [9, 10]. This might be the reason occurring plateau. The effect of this is a decrease in
why Faust [IJ stated that there is no plateau for steels current efficiency and a monotonic increase of the imped-
at all. However, some more observations worthy of note ance up to the value corresponding to curve 4 in Fig. 4,
were made during the electropolishing of steels. at which the process of electropolishing is distorted.
Changes of impedance (Fig. 4) measured during elec- The effect of rotation speed and overpotential on the
tropolishing of both stainless steels and cast steels [10, surface finish during electropolishing using the RDE
12J and carbon steels and low alloy steels show that system is presented in Fig. 8. A spatial graph shows the
three stages of dissolution may be distinguished. Dur- areas of a good and bright finish, depending on the
ing continuous electropolishing of steels in the phos- rotation speed and voltage applied.
phoric-sulphuric aqueous solutions the impedance It is often repeated that to produce satisfactory electro-
decreased in the initial stage, up to about 4 A h dm - 3 polishing results the current density at each point of the
(section a, curves 1 and 2 in Fig. 4), and then monotoni- electropolished surface should be at least on the plateau
cally increased until a full saturation of the electrolyte of the polarization curve. In practice, however, a higher
solution with metal ions was reached (section b, curves voltage than that derived from the polarization curve
3 and 4 in Fig. 4). There was a corresponding sharp must usually be applied. A further conclusion resulting
78 T. Hryniewicz ! Concept of microsmoothing in electropolishing

Fig. 5. Spot in the specimen centre after electropolishing with the RDE system [10J (magnification, 6 x) (aqueous phosphoric-sulphuric-chromic
solution, 341 K, 500 rev min -1: (a) 1028 carbon steel, 3 V, 10 min; (b) 4141 low alloy steel, 2 V, 5 min (potentiostatic control).


0> 50

4 5
ESe E (V)

Fig. 6. Micrograph of the sample surface obtained after electropol-

ishing on the RDE system (magnification, 40 x). The electrolyte was
as in Fig. 4; other parameters were 339 K and 1500 rev min -1; the Fig. 8. Dependence of surface reflectivity on the rotation speed OJ and
applied potential E in electropolishing of 1040 carbon steel with the
material was pure iron (99.91% purity) [10J.
RDE system [10].

20 r----------:-----..
from this study is that, even at a very high rotation
speed (high Reynolds number), electropolishing condi-
tions can be found. This finding may mean that it is
sufficient to generate a thin solid film on a surface,
conditioning the process, with a very thin stagnant layer
(or maybe none at all), for electropolishing to occur.

o 1 2
£SHE (V) 5. Effect of adsorption
Fig. 7. Polarization curves for a carbon steel electropolished in the
electrolyte as in Fig. 4 at 343 K (curve 1) and 363 K (curve 2). Arrows The effects of surface-active agents [2, 9, 13, 14] are
indicate increasing saturation. very promising. These substances usually serve to
T. Hryniewicz / Concept of microsmoothing in electropolishing 79

improve microsmoothing through an increase in activa- supersaturated solution will be formed in the vicinity.
tion energy of the electrode under dissolution (Fig. 9). In consequence, a part of these ions will move into the
By analogy to electrolytic plating one may assume roughness recesses, masking them and considerably
that the action of surface-active substances proceeds in inhibiting the rate of their dissolution.
several elementary stages [9,13]. Such a substance must The surface-active agent sometimes added to the
first diffuse to the surface of the electrode or anode and solution in a very similar way, although with a greater
then take part in the process of electro-oxidation. intensity, will behave. It will inhibit the metal dissolution,
Without going deeply into the details of these elementary leading in consequence to smoothing the "edges" of
acts one may state that the substance itself may undergo roughness. However, bearing in mind the fact that the
electro-oxidation and be incorporated in microrecesses electropolishing solution itself has a high viscosity [2J,
of the anode surface, which causes an increase in the the amount of the surface-active agent has to be chosen
activation energy. very carefully, and in many cases it is even superfluous.
It is known [13] that adsorption of such organic The products of the anode dissolution play that role
substances takes place over a determined range of poten- instead. The adsorbed particles on the metal surface
tials, dependent on the point of zero charge: anions may significantly prolong and/or limit the process of
undergo adsorption mainly on surfaces of positive electropolishing under a given voltage. This also
charge, and cations undergo adsorption close to the decreases the anode efficiency.
potentials of zero charge [14]. However, the adsorption
of neutral particles and organic ions is not possible on
a surface with a large charge. 7. Outline of the diffusion and adsorption theory of
The problem is [14], however, that one cannot make microsmoothing in the process of electropolishing
use of these, because the surface of metals and alloys, in
particular of polycrystalline ones, has various lattice It appears that the hitherto existing views of the solely
defects, microcracks etc., and its surface energy is not diffusional character of electropolishing resulting from
uniform over the whole geometrical surface. Moreover, the variable thickness ON of the effective diffusion layer
there are crystallite phase boundaries and, inevitably in [2, 13J need to be supplemented. Not to negate or deny
practice, contaminations, often situated just at the grain the essential influence of the variable thickness ON on
boundaries. the surface profile, one should take into account the
contribution of adsorption in the mechanism of the
process. This mechanism may rely on the following
6. Mechanism of electropolishing elementary acts: (1) establishing the primary current
distribution according to the diagram of current lines
The mechanism of the process of electropolishing may and equipotential lines [15]; (2) in the case where no
be described as follows. Under the influence of the use of surface-active substances is made, accumulating
applied voltage an essential part of the electric charge the dissolved metal ions in the vicinity of the surface,
will accumulate on the points of projections of the directing them to the microrecesses and then masking
surface roughness. From the very beginning the "edges" those places on the anode; (3) in the case where surface-
will be undergoing a dissolution. The accumulating ions active substances are used, adsorption of the substance
coming from the dissolved metal will face a barrier in particles together with the dissolved ions of the polished
the form of a stagnant layer adjacent to the anode. A metal in the microrecesses; (4) directing the current lines
to the microelevations on account of the partial masking
f'136 of microrecesses.
o The mechanism presented embraces a considerable
セ 102
simplification and does not take into account the cyclic
kinetics which can be outlined in the following way.

sc 68 In the microrecesses both the surface-active substance

o and the ions of the dissolved metal are subject to a
> partial oxidation and change their position due to
セ 34 diffusion, whereas the new ions and the surface-active
substance are transported all the time in accordance
o 1 2 3 4 5 with the diffusion laws. Some confirmation of the cyclic
Concentration of surface-ectlve agent (g dm ) character of the process is the potential oscillation during
Fig. 9. Effect of carboxymethylocellulosis addition on the activation microsmoothing, i.e. after some tens of seconds of elec-
energy during electropolishing of a carbon steel in hSpoNMRsPTセ tropolishing.
H 20 solution, according to ref. 2. Finally it should be mentioned that a big rate of
80 T. Hryniewicz / Concept q{microsmoothing in electropolishing

adsorption is not a necessary attribute of microsmooth- may be useful for practical purposes: for the selection
ing. A very high affinity of the surface-active agents for and use of surface-active agents, the adsorption charac-
the substrate may result in filling the anode surface teristics in the practical range of current densities have
within a broader range of current density and causing to be respected; and a reasonable moderation must be
more difficult desorption which may, in turn, disturb the observed when intensifying the electropolishing pro-
cyclic mechanism and disadvantageously affect the cess-too high a current density may cause a decrease
microsmoothing. in the microfinish as there is no preferential adsorption.

8. Conclusions References

Based on the investigations carried out, the following 1 C. 1. Faust, Electropolishing, in A. K. Graham (ed.), Electroplating
conclusions may be drawn: Engineering Handbook, Reinhold, Princeton, NJ, 1971.
(1) The process of electropolishing may be well 2 S. Ja. Griliches, Elektrochimiceskoe i Chimiceskoe Polil"Ouanie, 2nd
described by an open model (Table 1) for a group edn., Masinostroenie, Leningradskoe otdelenie, Leningrad, 1987.
analysis of factors affecting it. 3 T. Hryniewicz, Wybrane zagadnienia polerowania elektrolitycz-
nego, Ph.D. Thesis, Institute of Machine Building Technology,
(2) Change of impedance indicates three stages which Wroc!aw Polytechnic, Wroc!aw, 1978.
may be distinguished in the whole process after the new 4 K. Kojima, A study of the mechanism of electropolishing of copper,
solution is prepared: the first one with a quick metal Ph.D. Thesis, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of
removal rate and disturbances in the dissolution which California, Berkeley, CA, 1972.
cannot be considered as electropolishing; the second 5 V. I. Lainer, Elektrolitiiieskaja Polirooka i Traolenie Metallo»,
Masgiz, Moscow, 1947.
stage with appropriate electropolishing; and the third 6 P. Neufeld and T. Zervas, Surf Technol., 8 (1979) 129-135.
one pointing to rejection of the solution. For steels 7 R. Kirchheim, K. Maier and G. Tolg, J. Electrochem. Soc., 128(5)
treated in the phosphorus-sulphuric and/or chromic (1981) 1027-1034.
solutions the stages last about 4 A h dm -3 and 8 T. Hryniewicz and Z. Hryniewicz, J. Electrochem. Soc.; 136(12)
240 A h dm -3 consecutively. (1989) 3767-3769.
9 T. Hryniewicz, Fizykochemiczne i technologiczne podstawy pro-
(3) The meaning of polarization curves, although cesu elektropolerowania stali, Monography 26, Wyzsza Szkola
essential in a search for the anodic film formation in Inzynierska, Koszalin, 1989.
electropolishing, cannot be overestimated. The presence 10 T. Hryniewicz, R. H. Muller and C. W. Tobias, A study of
of a current plateau, associated with the anodic film, is electropolishing of ferrous alloys using rotating disk electrodes,
not a sufficient criterion for microsmoothing to occur Materials and Molecular Research Division, Lawrence Berkeley
Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 1981.
but it is rather a necessary condition for the mass- 11 D. Landolt, Electrochim. Acta, 32(1) (1987) 1-11.
transport-controlled reaction rate. In consequence, the 12 M. Cichowicz, B. Nowicki and T. Szkopek, Mechanik, 9 (1988)
plateau region in electropolishing steels is not the range 431-434.
of "the best electropolishing" in contrast to what is 13 T. gak, Mikrowygladzanie przy osadzaniu pow10k organicznych,
stated in numerous references on electropolishing. Wyd. Katalog. i Cennik6w, Instytut Mechaniki Precyzyjnej,
Warsaw, 1969.
(4) Apart from diffusion, the concept of electropol- 14 T. Hryniewicz, W. Skubala, A. Kopec and W. Witkowski, Int.
ishing must comply with the changing adsorption-chem- Mater., 44(3) (1988) 65-69.
isorption during the process. The following conclusions 15 T. Hryniewicz, Surf Technol., 8 (1979) 37-48.

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